Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]
Potentially offensive, lame, poorly executed, lacking in imagination, effort or charm. I wish anet had just stuck to a frikking fake trailer or something because THIS is pure crap. I’ve seen indi games on steam make a better effort.
I agree very poorly executed. I just hope they handle it and don’t do something so foolish again in the future! Thanks for reading and commenting
A wise man once said only a fool seeks to take offense where none was meant.
This was just horrible. It made playing not fun, and it felt like anet laughing at its kitten customers. You ppl should fire whoever thought of this. Not funny stupid kitten, but also not fun.
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…
“Lighten up, Francis”, Sergeant Hulka, Stripes
This was just horrible. It made playing not fun, and it felt like anet laughing at its kitten customers. You ppl should fire whoever thought of this. Not funny stupid kitten, but also not fun.
100% with you on that! Thanks for reading and commenting
you mean the zephyrites crash ? . . . that was sad
“We fly on high into the sky…
And sing, “Alas, alas..”
This event is a tribute to all those that were lost while flying, RIP IN PEACE.
Okay, I too find this joke annoying. Know what I did to remedy that issue? I logged off.
Woah, big shocker.
Yeah, it’s annoying to me. I don’t want to play the game while I’m running around and acting like a plane. That’s my opinion, and I think I am entitled to it, but I don’t feel the desire to end the fun everyone else is having. I mean, come on. Some people LOVE this. That’s fine, and I don’t think less of them for having a different sense of entertainment than myself.
Grow up, log off, and watch a freaking movie, or something. Go hang out with your friends. That’s what I plan on doing.
Whenever someone prefaces their MMO forum rant with some indication of actual professional expertise or experience in game design, I always picture an unemployed guy who made a Final Fantasy rip-off with RPGMaker 2000 that none of his friends actually bothered to play through.
~ There is no balance team. ~
Why do you think this was done out of malice? Maybe they wanted to give tribute to all those who lost their lives in the skies with this show?
Anet has didn’t very much bother to control this ‘event’.
Dungeons like Arah are a mess, animations are delayed and hits often come from out of nowhere (Lupi does melee range snipes and can do a few of them in a row, sniping about 3 ppl and his hits land faster than his animations).
People’s proper character movements are now harder to manage than ever.
Oh and thank you for the science kitten ed voices in my head.
Nyyyeeewwwwww Vrrrrrrruuuuwwww
Yeah, I got my log in reward won’t be back on GW2 until this stupid gimic is over. most utterly PATHETIC april fools joke I have ever seen from a major developer. For a company the size of Arenanet to not have a problem with releasing something this badly made raises serious issues in my mind regarding the sanity of their management.
If only they had added an opt out function many many people would be playing today. But it was not only offensive to many many people, but it also caused a health risk. Alot of people have only been able to play for a short amount of time as the screen flickering caused headaches and migraines. And I hate to think what it might be doing to the epileptic crowd.
In my opinion this tasteless joke could have been better received if they had simply given the customers/player base a chance to opt out.
Man you people all salty over no SAB (ha!) sure are grasping straws over this airplane april fools joke, aren’t ya? Seriously, if you don’t like it don’t play for a day or ten – you will not be missed. It was a funny april fools joke – trying to draw parallels to real life events just because you don’t like something is pretty ridiculous.
As I said, I don’t think this was a bad idea. For every role player this may have offended, there is a player who is currently running around LA giggling their butt off at how funny this is to them. Why does one section of the player population matter more than another?
GW2 is a continuation of GW1, which made a big deal of its April Fools events every year. The first year was a gender swap. The next year, everyone was a stick figure. The next year, everyone was Gwen-chan. And so on, and so on. So, making a big deal out of a game playing a prank, even one that removes a choice of participating, seems odd to me when they have a history of doing just that.
As for the recent airline tragedy, I do not see the comparison here. These are cartoon character running around like children, pretending to be an airplane, making ridiculous sounds. My first thought when I saw this stuff in game was not “Omg, plane crash”. Heck, the plane crash wasn’t even in the top 10 things I first thought of. I realize other people may make a connection at other times. I also realize that some people are more sensitive to things. However, there is no correlation whatsoever between the April Fool’s Day prank and that awful plane crash.
People obviously have a right to feel how they feel and to even feel offended. But I think it’s completely ridiculous to be truly offended about a very benign (and very temporary) April Fool’s joke.
Enjoy this event x 100.
Never heard of it. So if this was a tribute towards raising airplane-crash-awareness then that’s pretty kind of Anet, cuz now I know.
But it’s probably just a coincidence.
Kudos my beloved Anet, for surprising and loving us. SAB woulda been butter dough.
All this is is that random animation bug when your character gets stuck in an animation, server wide and with stupid mouth noises. thanks Anet, just what I wanted, A BLOODY BUG! Let me know when it’s over, I won’t be playing until then.
Whenever someone prefaces their MMO forum rant with some indication of actual professional expertise or experience in game design, I always picture an unemployed guy who made a Final Fantasy rip-off with RPGMaker 2000 that none of his friends actually bothered to play through.
Not really sure how this is constructive. If you don’t agree you don’t need to post or read what I say. The fact is your comment is just full of hate and has no point of view to make it relevant. You’re just making yourself look childish. Give me a comment with something constructive and I will 100% listen to what you have to say. Otherwise go hate somewhere else please.
They should totally return everyone’s subscription money for today’s inconv- huh? What’s that? We don’t pay a subscription? Oh! Weird.
If they gave people the option to turn the broken sound and animations, no problem. But they didn’t… so we are stuck with glitchy game play. Not funny.
If only they had added an opt out function many many people would be playing today. But it was not only offensive to many many people, but it also caused a health risk. Alot of people have only been able to play for a short amount of time as the screen flickering caused headaches and migraines. And I hate to think what it might be doing to the epileptic crowd.
You can turn off the sepia and flickering effect by turning off post-processing. Just FYI. I turned it off myself because it was giving me a headache.
Jeez…seriously? That’s a pretty low threshold for ruining your experience.
Things only get weirder from here on in…best buckle up.
I’m pretty confident the people who have ACTUALLY had a family tragedy in the last week have more pressing affairs to attend to than playing an MMO and storming around an online game forum spraying righteous indignation like foam from a rabid dog’s mouth.
Obsessing on the trivial, much?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Man you people all salty over no SAB (ha!) sure are grasping straws over this airplane april fools joke, aren’t ya? Seriously, if you don’t like it don’t play for a day or ten – you will not be missed. It was a funny april fools joke – trying to draw parallels to real life events just because you don’t like something is pretty ridiculous.
People with attitude like azurrei should really immediately be permanent banned from any online game and everyone will be happy for it.
I don’t think many people really understand the idea of April Fools’ Day. Maybe they’ve never played pranks before? Or maybe they’ve only had them played on them and they’re bitter?
Anet status:
April Fools’ = success
I laughed about it. No fun allowed I guess?
What makes this worse, is releasing SAB minipets a few hours earlier, letting everyone think this meant SAB was coming back, and then dumping this fail on the servers instead. That’s not a prank, that’s bloody developer trolling.
I’m pretty sure no one who thought of this joke was considering any sort of link to the recent plane crash. Or any plane crash in history. There were quite a few. I feel like people who make these kinds of links are just looking for things to be upset about. If anything, given the Sepia tones, the oldschool aviator cap, and the noises, I was thinking it was a reference to WWII era bombers. Not tragic plane accidents.
Was it poorly timed? Maybe. I can see that I suppose, but even if that German plane didnt crash just a few days ago, SOMEONE would have just linked it to another crash that made headlines. Literally any crash involving an international flight..
It’s a joke. It was made to make people smile. You have to really reach out to find something to be mad about with this one, but apparently people are willing to reach. I hope you don’t see everything else in this world with such a negative perspective. There are a lot of bad things out there, and it can be pretty depressing if those are all you can focus on. Try to just see the good in it. The smiling faces as your happy little character runs around trying to be an airplane.
As for the Sepia, at least you can turn it off. But the only legitimate complaint I see out of the whole thing is the fact that you can’t opt out of the arm/wing thing.
If only they had added an opt out function many many people would be playing today. But it was not only offensive to many many people, but it also caused a health risk. Alot of people have only been able to play for a short amount of time as the screen flickering caused headaches and migraines. And I hate to think what it might be doing to the epileptic crowd.
You can turn off the sepia and flickering effect by turning off post-processing. Just FYI. I turned it off myself because it was giving me a headache.
Yes i am aware. but not everyone knows this, and most just stopped playing. None of my guild or my friends ever check the forums cause of their usual toxicity so how is the majority of the player base supposed to know?
Bumping this for others to see.
Anyone who thinks this is offensive needs a large, large, large, large, large dose of reality.
Literally getting offended just for the sake of getting offended. What a joke.
The real April Fools joke is you clowns being perpetually kitten on the forums.
If only they had added an opt out function many many people would be playing today. But it was not only offensive to many many people, but it also caused a health risk. Alot of people have only been able to play for a short amount of time as the screen flickering caused headaches and migraines. And I hate to think what it might be doing to the epileptic crowd.
You can turn off the sepia and flickering effect by turning off post-processing. Just FYI. I turned it off myself because it was giving me a headache.
Yes i am aware. but not everyone knows this, and most just stopped playing. None of my guild or my friends ever check the forums cause of their usual toxicity so how is the majority of the player base supposed to know?
Well, it came up in map chat every five minutes when I was doing the world boss train earlier tonight. So, odds are, most people who read map chat or who are in an active guild found about that fix fairly quickly (assuming they stayed online long enough).
I can’t believe people are upset about this. It’s for one day and it’s hilarious. Get the stick out of your kitten.
I have no doubt we could turn it back around in short moments out of pure spite and player numbers. I understand the idea of the ‘joke’, but not when it’s making my game experience wretched. Heh, Anet finally imported something worse than G.Gray and her favorite sentence she likes to say other than keeping the community docile “Spoilers…Spoil…Things…”
Honestly, I would accept their apology for forcing that annoyance of an event on the players out of pure respect to their communicative skills with their players.
As I said, I don’t think this was a bad idea. For every role player this may have offended, there is a player who is currently running around LA giggling their butt off at how funny this is to them. Why does one section of the player population matter more than another?
GW2 is a continuation of GW1, which made a big deal of its April Fools events every year. The first year was a gender swap. The next year, everyone was a stick figure. The next year, everyone was Gwen-chan. And so on, and so on. So, making a big deal out of a game playing a prank, even one that removes a choice of participating, seems odd to me when they have a history of doing just that.
As for the recent airline tragedy, I do not see the comparison here. These are cartoon character running around like children, pretending to be an airplane, making ridiculous sounds. My first thought when I saw this stuff in game was not “Omg, plane crash”. Heck, the plane crash wasn’t even in the top 10 things I first thought of. I realize other people may make a connection at other times. I also realize that some people are more sensitive to things. However, there is no correlation whatsoever between the April Fool’s Day prank and that awful plane crash.
People obviously have a right to feel how they feel and to even feel offended. But I think it’s completely ridiculous to be truly offended about a very benign (and very temporary) April Fool’s joke.
Well as you said in your statement why can’t everyone be equal that is exactly the issue. I am not so upset with the fact that the comparison is being made to a tragedy but more with the poor execution of the in-game mechanic. It isn’t treating players equally to say it is okay that this is happening because players are having fun and some other players aren’t. That essentially says the happiness of one group outweighs the happiness of the other. If one group is unhappy that isn’t right if everyone is truly equal. That is one of the beautiful things about video games we are all, at base, equal to each other.
For the second point even if they have done this in the past it doesn’t make it right. As I said my bigger issue is the lack of design insight for the event. If those other events aren’t optional that is poorly executed, in my opinion, as well. Players should have the freedom of choice in how they experience their game. Something shouldn’t hinder you ability to happily use the product. This would all be hilarious and I would find it even more funny if it was just optional!
As for the connections to tragedy, my bigger issue is just that ANet should have foreseen that something like this could happen and they could have avoided it! They just made a huge mistake ignoring something that could effect their public appearance.
Thanks for commenting and reading I appreciate it
I’m a game designer too (or am I posing) and I thing it’s wonderful what they have done!
(I’m glad I clarified my qualifications in order to comment i a way that will show my opinion is superior to other, unqualified posters. I may be a game designer, a wonderful dresser, and an all around nice guy, really I may be, and I have certificates to prove it!)
Yes I thought about this point you are making and I realized I would rather not give my personal credentials out just to prove who I am seeing how this is just a post on a forum for an event that occurred in a game. Just giving my opinion, if you want to believe me or not that is entirely your decision.
Thanks for responding
So please tell us, what games have you designed? You say you don’t want to give out credentials, but you have no problem trying to act superior by claiming to be something. If you aren’t willing to back it up, then it’s meaningless and should be taken as the troll comment it likely is.
Yak’s Bend – Expletus
If only they had added an opt out function many many people would be playing today. But it was not only offensive to many many people, but it also caused a health risk. Alot of people have only been able to play for a short amount of time as the screen flickering caused headaches and migraines. And I hate to think what it might be doing to the epileptic crowd.
You can turn off the sepia and flickering effect by turning off post-processing. Just FYI. I turned it off myself because it was giving me a headache.
THANK YOU. This crap was giving me a headache, and your tip helped immensely. I don’t have a problem with the prank itself, it’s just for one day after all, but I wouldn’t be able to play for more than half an hour were it not for this “fix”.
~ There is no balance team. ~
I can’t believe people are upset about this. It’s for one day and it’s hilarious. Get the stick out of your kitten.
People have a right to their opinions. If you don’t like it don’t read it! You could even make a post about your opinion of it if you wanted to!
If only they had added an opt out function many many people would be playing today. But it was not only offensive to many many people, but it also caused a health risk. Alot of people have only been able to play for a short amount of time as the screen flickering caused headaches and migraines. And I hate to think what it might be doing to the epileptic crowd.
You can turn off the sepia and flickering effect by turning off post-processing. Just FYI. I turned it off myself because it was giving me a headache.
Yes i am aware. but not everyone knows this, and most just stopped playing. None of my guild or my friends ever check the forums cause of their usual toxicity so how is the majority of the player base supposed to know?
Well, it came up in map chat every five minutes when I was doing the world boss train earlier tonight. So, odds are, most people who read map chat or who are in an active guild found about that fix fairly quickly (assuming they stayed online long enough).
I don’t know what map you were on but I went into wvw thinking a different map might disable it. When that didn’t work I did enquire on map chat. No one knew and I just got trolled. So I tried Eotm and the HotM. Map was full of trolls. All the real nasty people seem to be out today. In anycase I played for about 30mins trying to find a way to disable it before giving up. Most of my friends didn’t even last that long. I came to the forums disgruntled about not being able to play on my one day off this week. Now that i know i can disable the sepia effect and the sounds I still don’t want to play. I am a more then a little peeved at Anet for not just having an opt out function.
I don’t think many people really understand the idea of April Fools’ Day. Maybe they’ve never played pranks before? Or maybe they’ve only had them played on them and they’re bitter?
Anet status:
April Fools’ = success
I laughed about it. No fun allowed I guess?
Maybe you don’t get the simple fact April fools day jokes dont last all f’ing day. We over it, we now just want to play the game in its working state, wtf is wrong with you people that you can’t get that.
It should be optional, simple as that.
Then everyone is happy.
It should be optional, simple as that.
Then everyone is happy.
That bolded part never really seems to work out as well as you would think.
Matryoshka.1607, I think maybe its you who doesn’t understand April Fools. It’s an opportunity to pull a gag on someone, a gag that ends after an appropriate amount of time. You don’t keep at them for 24 hours. You make the joke, then you end it. Once it’s time is up, then you just start annoying people if you keep going.
It makes me think if ANET have free time to waste…… If there’s an option to turn it off, I won’t give a f### about it, but like you said, force something into your costumers is ridiculous…
(edited by Surlan.6018)
Please turn off the drooling christ pose so I can play my game with the graphics down and the sound off. Maybe for easter you could make everything into eggs. Everything . PC’s NPC’s Loot, Trees, everything. Mandatory 24 hours.
That bolded part never really seems to work out as well as you would think.
I’d like to thank Anet for this year’s April Fools Day. This has been so much fun! I ran about my friends laughing like a kid. The sepia and sound effects (especially the Ragtime music on death) were perfect! Thank you!
(edited by Laith Gordanach.3157)
Usually I don’t post on the forums, but seeing as this thread goes along with what I was thinking. Why not.
This was a funny prank! I agree with that. Should it have been imbued permanently in all areas and on all toons? Probably not. I didn’t log on like “I’m hardcore and never smile at anything”, I like to have funsies :P. However I didn’t really…laugh? I mean I guess it was cute for the first five or so minutes. Then I kept looking at my buff bar thinking “Ha…good one! When does this wear off? I’d really like to get back to playing my way”. Then all the 9/11 jokes started coming…and I just wanted to log off. I know an off switch wouldn’t fix what people say, but at least I could just ignore them and move on. Instead I’m forced to think about that day, based off one comment, because I can’t disable it. “It’s 9/11 re-enactment day, we do extra damage to towers in WvW”. I’m so glad people file that under the “I can say whatever I want” category. Either way, I’m mainly on posting because I’d rather share my ideals among like minded players than actually play today. shrug