Remember, remember, 15th of November
Legendary weapons
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I wish I could of indefinitely postponed my payment for HoT.
Don’t worry, we’ll all have plenty of opportunity to postpone payments for the next expansion. It’s going to be very interesting when they start announcing the features of the next expansion. I hope they are prepared for the level of skepticism they have earned.
Don’t worry, we’ll all have plenty of opportunity to postpone payments for the next expansion. It’s going to be very interesting when they start announcing the features of the next expansion. I hope they are prepared for the level of skepticism they have earned.
Honestly, I think they will lose more from disenchanted Casuals who don’t enjoy the level of intensity of the New Zones and Content, then they ever will lose from postponing Legendary weapons.
I mean really, if a large percent of the players were doing the legendary Journeys they would have continued development, but I get the vibe that simply put, the people doing Legendary stuff were simply not enough to justify the resources.
Don’t worry, we’ll all have plenty of opportunity to postpone payments for the next expansion. It’s going to be very interesting when they start announcing the features of the next expansion. I hope they are prepared for the level of skepticism they have earned.
Honestly, I think they will lose more from disenchanted Casuals who don’t enjoy the level of intensity of the New Zones and Content, then they ever will lose from postponing Legendary weapons.
I mean really, if a large percent of the players were doing the legendary Journeys they would have continued development, but I get the vibe that simply put, the people doing Legendary stuff were simply not enough to justify the resources.
I played almost everyday since release and quit with the announcement. More for the broken promise than the lack of legendaries but I defo would have done new ones if they were weapon I used a lot.
How bout cutting the 200k prize money for pvp tourists that no one cares about and using the money to bring us what we paid for?
I love that you made the new short bow and pistol which I’ve already crafted. I am in the process of crafting the axe which was also a good choice to me. I would have liked you to have designed more weapons. However, I understand you have to make the game fair for everyone. I do know it’s hard for everyone to craft legendaries. My questions is however when you are developing more story content please look at including more uses for the short bow and rifle and any other weapons that are only used by just two classes. I would like to at least see more of my hard work pay off in this case. I did buy HoTS for the propose of being able to use my weapons a little more. Thank you!
I haven’t went through every page, but, I’m going to throw in my two cents…
I feel you should continue with whatever you promised with your expansion. Changing direction after advertising it is a bitter pill to swallow for most. It will haunt your games for years —customers won’t forget; customers are relentless.
Currently, World of Warcraft is suffering from making this mistake with Warlords of Draenor. People are upset that they had so much planned, yet so much was left out. Customers are having trouble trusting Blizzard with their next expansion: Legion.
When you take this route, you ultimately hurt yourself more than help yourself. Do NOT skimp on what is advertised for your game/expansion. It will bite you, it will follow you wherever you go…
Don’t worry, we’ll all have plenty of opportunity to postpone payments for the next expansion. It’s going to be very interesting when they start announcing the features of the next expansion. I hope they are prepared for the level of skepticism they have earned.
Honestly, I think they will lose more from disenchanted Casuals who don’t enjoy the level of intensity of the New Zones and Content, then they ever will lose from postponing Legendary weapons.
I mean really, if a large percent of the players were doing the legendary Journeys they would have continued development, but I get the vibe that simply put, the people doing Legendary stuff were simply not enough to justify the resources.
I played almost everyday since release and quit with the announcement. More for the broken promise than the lack of legendaries but I defo would have done new ones if they were weapon I used a lot.
How bout cutting the 200k prize money for pvp tourists that no one cares about and using the money to bring us what we paid for?
Not trying to be rude when I say this, but as long as you are around posting, you ain’t quit yet.
On top of that, 200K won’t complete the Legendary Weapons, they have 3 devs working on them, and they do around 2 every 4 months, which is only 6 annually, and I wager they make around 40 – 60K a year, so at best, you could get 8 for that 200K, a far drop from the whole set.
Now, think about that, 200,000 dollars gets maybe 8 legendary journeys built, more likely 6, they need some way to have an ROI on that, and given HoT Sales were by comparison, dismal. There is a better then good chance, they would need to put out another expansion to even get the funds to kick start that stuff again.
With that put out, they could just make the legendary weapons, scrap the whole journey part, and just have the Precursors drop from any chest, make them unbound, (so they could be sold on the TP) to save a ton of money on development.
Personally that is the way I would go… if faced with this kind problem.
this is because all people demanded there be quests to create precursors. They can’t make new ones because they have to make quests for the new legendary precursors. Hope everyone’s happy now that we have no new legendaries.
And still buying precursors outright is cheaper/less time then doing the quests, so nobody does the quests anyways and its preventing the creation of new ones. They could of left the quests completely out and just put a cap on how much money you can list precursors at on the TP and achieved the same thing.
GGWP community and devs.
I think it was more people wanting a Fixed Way to get a precursor as opposed to depending on RNGeuse. I can get behind that idea, of a fixed crafting method, but really, they didn’t have to make these 4 tiers of long drawn out special quests and collections to make that happen. By doing that, they overshot their workload, and literally shot themselves in the foot in the process.
But… It’s never too late to change things, and make Version 3 a more streamlined simple to manufacture method of crafting.
Folks, just let it go. It’s a game! Not worth stressing over.
Well, I actually like the legendary journeys, and I wouldn’t be interested in new legendaries without the collections. Chuka and Champawat was extremely well done, and I wish the others had that same level of quality to them.
At the same time, they’ve already said that the legendary journey system wasn’t sustainable. I’m sad that the development effort that went into it isn’t being appreciated.
I think the quest are more important than the Legendary themselves. The first bunch of Legendaries, without any lore to back up them, were just (tacky) skins without any story, basically mere jokes. The new ones at least added real content and challenges…
If they were not going to add journeys to the rest of legendaries, I truly prefer they never launch them.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
As I see it, just putting the legendary Weapons in the game, and making the precursor a random drop would shut up all the people Fussing about not getting their Legendary Weapons and that’s good enough for me. In fact, make all the Precursors random drops, so that players that don’t care about collections and story can still get them.
As I see it, just putting the legendary Weapons in the game, and making the precursor a random drop would shut up all the people Fussing about not getting their Legendary Weapons and that’s good enough for me. In fact, make all the Precursors random drops, so that players that don’t care about collections and story can still get them.
Exactly right and they fulfill their promises of the expansion. It’s a simple solution to a not so very difficult problem.
How is it that the development team has no resources to finish off the second batch of legendary weapon skins yet has the ability to release an entire new set of weapon skins and gliders in the gemstore every couple of weeks?
Am I the only one who finds this a bit odd?
New legendary weapons need:
- model
- effects
- footfalls
- aura
- thematic collections for the precursor and one of the gifts for the Gift of [weapon name]
- optional background story (Chuka and Champawat)
Black Lion Skins need:
- model
- optional effects
Gliders need:
- model
- optional effects
The effort for new legendary weapons is much higher than just weapon skins or gliders.
Ceana Mera | Mesmer
Indra Nebelklinge | Revenant
Anet too busy developing another expansion to fulfill the promises of this expansion.
The effort for new legendary weapons is much higher than just weapon skins or gliders.
I refuse to believe that anyone actually believes this statement.
Sure a legendary does indeed require more effort than a gemstore skin to create…. there is no disputing that. …but saying the effort is much higher is an awfully generous statement.
Look at the rate at which gemstore weapon/glider skins are released… the sheer amount of them…. and then tell me honestly that it would take that much more effort to add footprints.
The only thing I can agree with as far as effort required is concerned is the precursor collection. …but it can’t be that hard to copy and paste one of the other precursor collection structures, and alter the requirements/quests.
Probably a one-man job if he gives it his full attention for a day…. but lets be generous and give him a week.
The effort for new legendary weapons is much higher than just weapon skins or gliders.
I refuse to believe that anyone actually believes this statement.
Sure a legendary does indeed require more effort than a gemstore skin to create…. there is no disputing that. …but saying the effort is much higher is an awfully generous statement.
Look at the rate at which gemstore weapon/glider skins are released… the sheer amount of them…. and then tell me honestly that it would take that much more effort to add footprints.
The only thing I can agree with as far as effort required is concerned is the precursor collection. …but it can’t be that hard to copy and paste one of the other precursor collection structures, and alter the requirements/quests.
Probably a one-man job if he gives it his full attention for a day…. but lets be generous and give him a week.
I actually believe that designing the scavenger hunt part was the biggest problem in legendary creation. While model designing is relatively easy, getting all those events to work was probably too hard for designers. A shame really and it won’t pass as an excuse to me, BUT comparing legendaries and gemstore skins doesn’t really work here.
I refuse to believe that anyone actually believes this statement.
Sure a legendary does indeed require more effort than a gemstore skin to create…. there is no disputing that.
So which one is it..
…but saying the effort is much higher is an awfully generous statement.
I take it you have no idea how much work those two things take. One is months of putting together a concept, mocking up art, fixing clipping, deciding on the quest, the mats, the lore…
The other is reskinning an existing glider mesh.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
I refuse to believe that anyone actually believes this statement.
Sure a legendary does indeed require more effort than a gemstore skin to create…. there is no disputing that.
So which one is it..
…but saying the effort is much higher is an awfully generous statement.
I take it you have no idea how much work those two things take. One is months of putting together a concept, mocking up art, fixing clipping, deciding on the quest, the mats, the lore…
The other is reskinning an existing glider mesh.
You can’t take every single one of my statements out of context and reply to them individually. It doesn’t work like that, friend.
Also, I’m comparing the amount of effort required to keep gemstore skins pumped out every couple weeks vs the effort required to create the new legendaries.
They don’t seem to have any trouble with the “putting together a concept, mocking up art, fixing clipping,” as i said…. only the precursor thing requires additional effort.
The effort for new legendary weapons is much higher than just weapon skins or gliders.
I refuse to believe that anyone actually believes this statement.
Sure a legendary does indeed require more effort than a gemstore skin to create…. there is no disputing that. …but saying the effort is much higher is an awfully generous statement.
Look at the rate at which gemstore weapon/glider skins are released… the sheer amount of them…. and then tell me honestly that it would take that much more effort to add footprints.
The only thing I can agree with as far as effort required is concerned is the precursor collection. …but it can’t be that hard to copy and paste one of the other precursor collection structures, and alter the requirements/quests.
Probably a one-man job if he gives it his full attention for a day…. but lets be generous and give him a week.
The gem store skins are made by artists and pretty much just artists. The legendary weapons need a team of people. A single person can make the skins relatively quickly. Not the same for designing a legendary journey and testing it.
It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, but it’s true. Black lion skins take artist time, not developer time.
You can’t take every single one of my statements out of context
I didn’t.. they’re all literally right next to each other in the same post you made.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
You can’t take every single one of my statements out of context
I didn’t.. they’re all literally right next to each other in the same post you made.
the word ‘but’ is a conjugation, and separating the statements joined by the word undermines the statement as a whole.
So my question is why can’t they release the new legendary weapons with just one precursor that can drop from mobs in HOT, like the original Central Tyrea set. And then add in the full crafting journey bit later? That way they would at least be in the game.
Can Engi please have more than one viable skill set in PVE? Turrets maybe?
So my question is why can’t they release the new legendary weapons with just one precursor that can drop from mobs in HOT, like the original Central Tyrea set. And then add in the full crafting journey bit later? That way they would at least be in the game.
They realized that dropping precursors and buying the whole legendary was a mistake.
The last collection rewards an item needed for the weapon specific gift. Precursor drop alone does nothing. You couldn’t complete it.
Ceana Mera | Mesmer
Indra Nebelklinge | Revenant
Anet too busy developing another expansion to fulfill the promises of this expansion.
Strikingly well said.
And yet the six Developers working on the Legendary Journeys aren’t working on the expansion.
Bah, there goes that theory. =(
Good luck.
It’s funny to see people think the work on the legendary is just about the skin and fail to realise how much improvment we saw on Chuka, collection wise.
And yet the six Developers working on the Legendary Journeys aren’t working on the expansion.
Bah, there goes that theory. =(
Good luck.
So next theory up to bat then. Even you must admit that to the general onlooker, the optics of shiny new Gem Store items seemingly appearing all the time with the relative lack of attention given to anything else does not look good. We hear reasons they can’t do things yet constantly see a steady stream of gem store items ready to go.
You can compare a gemstore skin with a precursor, but not a gemstore skin with a precursor collection.
There are so many aspects to these including new items, events, tying things to npcs, making sure events and collections connect, new crafting recipes, bug testing, new npc dialogues etc etc etc. All requires work and potentially cross dept.
Look at the shortbow. The first collection is a full new quest across tyria, interacting with many old npcs, with new dialogues. Plus storytelling and adding in the Tigers, their footprints, their prey, their ghosts. That probably took up a lot of time for a small team, all the while having to do a dozen more weapons.
I am disappointed these are delayed, but I can see why and I can absolutely see why the separate gemstore team can churn out more frequent releases. Not to mention, the gemstore will generate far more revenue for development than legendaries will.
the word ‘but’ is a conjugation, and separating the statements joined by the word undermines the statement as a whole.
Well it’s not.. it’s a conjunction and I’m not sure why you’d want to undermine your whole statement but carry on.
You don’t understand why they can’t make more legendaries when they can clearly make more gemstore items?
One takes a long time, one doesn’t. One costs them lots of money and one makes them lots of money.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
They probably have a pool of dozens of gemstore skins created well in advance to be released in a steady stream. Wasn’t the Nevermore skin datamined years ago?
We hear reasons they can’t do things yet constantly see a steady stream of gem store items ready to go.
My local dairy farmer has a stream of milk yet it takes years to grow new cows.
Once you’ve got a mesh it’s a lot easier to throw some textures on it than it is to create something from scratch. If that mesh is popular – like the glider, you’re going to have one guy make ten designs for you. Getting a whole new outfit designed with all the relevant meetings and discussions.. takes longer. Getting a whole new legendary collection up and running takes longer still.
And in the meantime you want to make money and you have these ten glider skins some guy made for you last week.. of course they’re going to appear on the gem store.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
We hear reasons they can’t do things yet constantly see a steady stream of gem store items ready to go.
My local dairy farmer has a stream of milk yet it takes years to grow new cows.
Once you’ve got a mesh it’s a lot easier to throw some textures on it than it is to create something from scratch. If that mesh is popular – like the glider, you’re going to have one guy make ten designs for you. Getting a whole new outfit designed with all the relevant meetings and discussions.. takes longer. Getting a whole new legendary collection up and running takes longer still.And in the meantime you want to make money and you have these ten glider skins some guy made for you last week.. of course they’re going to appear on the gem store.
That’s kinda the short game though. Are they in such dire straights that they can’t afford to play the long game and build goodwill with actual content updates? Especially ones promised to buyers. I may come across as angry but I’m not, pretty happy with the game honestly… these are just questions I have and probably many others.
Not really weighted to the side of pitchfork storming, just questions on their own. Is it out of bounds to ask them?
New legendary weapons need:
- model
- effects
- footfalls
- aura
- thematic collections for the precursor and one of the gifts for the Gift of [weapon name]
- optional background story (Chuka and Champawat)Black Lion Skins need:
- model
- optional effectsGliders need:
- model
- optional effectsThe effort for new legendary weapons is much higher than just weapon skins or gliders.
You’ll be hard pressed to convince me that cancelling content people paid for ALREADY in favour of churning out more cash shop content is due to some supposed discrepancy in effort required.
New legendary weapons need:
- model
- effects
- footfalls
- aura
- thematic collections for the precursor and one of the gifts for the Gift of [weapon name]
- optional background story (Chuka and Champawat)Black Lion Skins need:
- model
- optional effectsGliders need:
- model
- optional effectsThe effort for new legendary weapons is much higher than just weapon skins or gliders.
You’ll be hard pressed to convince me that cancelling content people paid for ALREADY in favour of churning out more cash shop content is due to some supposed discrepancy in effort required.
Because the Guys on the Leg Weapon Team are now working for Black Lion Skins
Do you really think that? Black Lion Skins aren’t new.
The Guys on the Leg Weapon Team have been moved to the Living World section and are now adding small Events every two Weeks.
What Miellyn did was comparing the work needed for a Legendary Weapon with its Precursor Collection, with Creating Black Lion Skins or Glider Skins and Creating the Skins alone isn’t that much of Work for Anet.
Getting the Collection right is much more Work since everythin in the Collection must tie in to the theme of the Legendary, be tested etc etc. The Collection is the Thing that needs Time.
New legendary weapons need:
- model
- effects
- footfalls
- aura
- thematic collections for the precursor and one of the gifts for the Gift of [weapon name]
- optional background story (Chuka and Champawat)Black Lion Skins need:
- model
- optional effectsGliders need:
- model
- optional effectsThe effort for new legendary weapons is much higher than just weapon skins or gliders.
You’ll be hard pressed to convince me that cancelling content people paid for ALREADY in favour of churning out more cash shop content is due to some supposed discrepancy in effort required.
But whether you’re convinced or not doesn’t change the fact that artists aren’t necessarily developers. For all you know, these designs have been sitting around for months already done.
As opposed to legendaries which were being built as they went.
Simple example:
I’m going to draw a sword right here, will take me 5 seconds.
There! We have a new weapon. Now implement it into the game. Cool? Good.
Now the lore behind this sword: (skip if too long, just so you know I myself didnt read it)
Excalibur or Caliburn is the legendary sword of King Arthur, sometimes attributed with magical powers or associated with the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain. Sometimes Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone (the proof of Arthur’s lineage) are said to be the same weapon, but in most versions they are considered separate. The sword was associated with the Arthurian legend very early. In Welsh, the sword is called Caledfwlch; in Cornish, the sword is called Calesvol; in Breton, the sword is called Kaledvoulc’h; in Latin, the sword is called Caliburnus.
The name Excalibur ultimately comes from the ancestor of Welsh Caledfwlch (and Breton Kaledvoulc’h, Middle Cornish Calesvol) which is a compound of caled “hard” and bwlch “breach, cleft”.1 Caledfwlch appears in several early Welsh works, including the poem Preiddeu Annwfn (though it is not directly named – but only alluded to – here) and the prose tale Culhwch and Olwen, a work associated with the Mabinogion and written perhaps around 1100. The name was later used in Welsh adaptations of foreign material such as the Bruts (chronicles), which were based on Geoffrey of Monmouth. It is often considered to be related to the phonetically similar Caladbolg, a sword borne by several figures from Irish mythology, although a borrowing of Caledfwlch from Irish Caladbolg has been considered unlikely by Rachel Bromwich and D. Simon Evans. They suggest instead that both names “may have similarly arisen at a very early date as generic names for a sword”; this sword then became exclusively the property of Arthur in the British tradition.12
Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his Historia Regum Britanniae (The History of the Kings of Britain, c. 1136), Latinised the name of Arthur’s sword as Caliburnus (potentially influenced by the Medieval Latin spelling calibs of Classical Latin chalybs, from Greek chályps ? “steel”) and states that it was forged in the Isle of Avalon. Most Celticists consider Geoffrey’s Caliburnus to be derivative of a lost Old Welsh text in which bwlch had not yet been lenited to fwlch.341 In Old French sources this then became Escalibor, Excalibor and finally the familiar Excalibur.
Geoffrey Gaimar, in his Old French L’Estoire des Engles (1134-1140), mentions Arthur and his sword: “this Constantine was the nephew of Arthur, who had the sword Caliburc” (“Cil Costentin li niès Artur, Ki out l’espée Caliburc”).56
In Wace’s Roman de Brut (c. 1150-1155), an Old French translation and versification of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae, the sword is called Calabrum, Callibourc, Chalabrun, and Calabrun (with alternate spellings such as Chalabrum, Calibore, Callibor, Caliborne, Calliborc, and Escaliborc, found in various manuscripts of the Brut).7
In Chrétien de Troyes’ late 12th century Old French Perceval, Gawain carries the sword Escalibor and it is stated, “for at his belt hung Excalibor, the finest sword that there was, which sliced through iron as through wood”8 (“Qu’il avoit cainte Escalibor, la meillor espee qui fust, qu’ele trenche fer come fust”9). This statement was probably picked up by the author of the Estoire Merlin, or Vulgate Merlin, where the author (who was fond of fanciful folk etymologies) asserts that Escalibor “is a Hebrew name which means in French ‘cuts iron, steel, and wood’”10 (“c’est non Ebrieu qui dist en franchois trenche fer & achier et fust”; note that the word for “steel” here, achier, also means “blade” or “sword” and comes from medieval Latin aciarium, a derivative of acies “sharp”, so there is no direct connection with Latin chalybs in this etymology). It is from this fanciful etymological musing that Thomas Malory got the notion that Excalibur meant “cut steel”11 (“‘the name of it,’ said the lady, ‘is Excalibur, that is as moche to say, as Cut stele’”).
Now the quest to actually obtain the sword: (Skip if too long)
Excalibur is an extremely powerful sword. If you managed to get the Rat Tail in the Land of Summoned Monsters and have access to both the Underworld and Overworld, then you’re in good shape. First and foremost, locate where your original airship is (ours was last left near Eblan, and yours is probably there as well). Your Hovercraft must also be acquired using the Hook on the original airship, and should be waiting near the cave west of Eblan. Once you have the Hovercraft attached to the airship, fly to the town of Mythril, which is located in the middle of the archipelago on the eastern side of the planet (head west from Eblan for a few seconds, then northward and you should run into it).
Drop the Hovercraft on the small island with the town, and then land the airship. Jump into the Hovercraft and head southward and eastward over the stones in the water to a small island holding a small cave. Within, you will find two Mini miners – one of them will give you Adamantite if you give him the Rat Tail you acquired in the Land of Summoned Monsters. Grab it, then head back to the airship via the Hovercraft, and then return to your Falcon.
Head back to the island where Agart is so you can re-access the Underworld with the Falcon. Once down there, head to the southeast corner of the Underworld and land your craft. Enter Kokkol’s Smithy and head to the second floor. Talk to the sleeping Smithy to make a menu appear… select the Adamantite and he will suddenly be awakened and run downstairs to work on a new sword for you (you’ll lose the Mythgraven Sword at this point). You will be able to obtain Excalibur once your set your first step on the moon. Once you’ve visited the moon, come back and he’ll cough up Excalibur, one of the strongest weapons in the game!
Now test that the quest is actually bug free
Honestly, just reading the lore and the quest(let alone creating/making/implementing/bugtesting it) is much longer than just drawing the sword. I hope you get the point. Gemstore weapons have no lore, no quest, no bugtesting, it is just art. Those who like the art buy it.
(edited by Turtle Dragon.9241)
Simple example:
I’m going to draw a sword right here, will take me 5 seconds.o=(ccc>=>=>
There! We have a new weapon. Now implement it into the game. Cool? Good.Now the lore behind this sword: (skip if too long, just so you know I myself didnt read it)
Excalibur or Caliburn is the legendary sword of King Arthur, sometimes attributed with magical powers or associated with the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain. Sometimes Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone (the proof of Arthur’s lineage) are said to be the same weapon, but in most versions they are considered separate. The sword was associated with the Arthurian legend very early. In Welsh, the sword is called Caledfwlch; in Cornish, the sword is called Calesvol; in Breton, the sword is called Kaledvoulc’h; in Latin, the sword is called Caliburnus.
The name Excalibur ultimately comes from the ancestor of Welsh Caledfwlch (and Breton Kaledvoulc’h, Middle Cornish Calesvol) which is a compound of caled “hard” and bwlch “breach, cleft”.1 Caledfwlch appears in several early Welsh works, including the poem Preiddeu Annwfn (though it is not directly named – but only alluded to – here) and the prose tale Culhwch and Olwen, a work associated with the Mabinogion and written perhaps around 1100. The name was later used in Welsh adaptations of foreign material such as the Bruts (chronicles), which were based on Geoffrey of Monmouth. It is often considered to be related to the phonetically similar Caladbolg, a sword borne by several figures from Irish mythology, although a borrowing of Caledfwlch from Irish Caladbolg has been considered unlikely by Rachel Bromwich and D. Simon Evans. They suggest instead that both names “may have similarly arisen at a very early date as generic names for a sword”; this sword then became exclusively the property of Arthur in the British tradition.12
Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his Historia Regum Britanniae (The History of the Kings of Britain, c. 1136), Latinised the name of Arthur’s sword as Caliburnus (potentially influenced by the Medieval Latin spelling calibs of Classical Latin chalybs, from Greek chályps ? “steel”) and states that it was forged in the Isle of Avalon. Most Celticists consider Geoffrey’s Caliburnus to be derivative of a lost Old Welsh text in which bwlch had not yet been lenited to fwlch.341 In Old French sources this then became Escalibor, Excalibor and finally the familiar Excalibur.
Geoffrey Gaimar, in his Old French L’Estoire des Engles (1134-1140), mentions Arthur and his sword: “this Constantine was the nephew of Arthur, who had the sword Caliburc” (“Cil Costentin li niès Artur, Ki out l’espée Caliburc”).56
In Wace’s Roman de Brut (c. 1150-1155), an Old French translation and versification of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae, the sword is called Calabrum, Callibourc, Chalabrun, and Calabrun (with alternate spellings such as Chalabrum, Calibore, Callibor, Caliborne, Calliborc, and Escaliborc, found in various manuscripts of the Brut).7
In Chrétien de Troyes’ late 12th century Old French Perceval, Gawain carries the sword Escalibor and it is stated, “for at his belt hung Excalibor, the finest sword that there was, which sliced through iron as through wood”8 (“Qu’il avoit cainte Escalibor, la meillor espee qui fust, qu’ele trenche fer come fust”9). This statement was probably picked up by the author of the Estoire Merlin, or Vulgate Merlin, where the author (who was fond of fanciful folk etymologies) asserts that Escalibor “is a Hebrew name which means in French ‘cuts iron, steel, and wood’”10 (“c’est non Ebrieu qui dist en franchois trenche fer & achier et fust”; note that the word for “steel” here, achier, also means “blade” or “sword” and comes from medieval Latin aciarium, a derivative of acies “sharp”, so there is no direct connection with Latin chalybs in this etymology). It is from this fanciful etymological musing that Thomas Malory got the notion that Excalibur meant “cut steel”11 (“‘the name of it,’ said the lady, ‘is Excalibur, that is as moche to say, as Cut stele’”).Now the quest to actually obtain the sword: (Skip if too long)
Excalibur is an extremely powerful sword. If you managed to get the Rat Tail in the Land of Summoned Monsters and have access to both the Underworld and Overworld, then you’re in good shape. First and foremost, locate where your original airship is (ours was last left near Eblan, and yours is probably there as well). Your Hovercraft must also be acquired using the Hook on the original airship, and should be waiting near the cave west of Eblan. Once you have the Hovercraft attached to the airship, fly to the town of Mythril, which is located in the middle of the archipelago on the eastern side of the planet (head west from Eblan for a few seconds, then northward and you should run into it).
Drop the Hovercraft on the small island with the town, and then land the airship. Jump into the Hovercraft and head southward and eastward over the stones in the water to a small island holding a small cave. Within, you will find two Mini miners – one of them will give you Adamantite if you give him the Rat Tail you acquired in the Land of Summoned Monsters. Grab it, then head back to the airship via the Hovercraft, and then return to your Falcon.
Head back to the island where Agart is so you can re-access the Underworld with the Falcon. Once down there, head to the southeast corner of the Underworld and land your craft. Enter Kokkol’s Smithy and head to the second floor. Talk to the sleeping Smithy to make a menu appear… select the Adamantite and he will suddenly be awakened and run downstairs to work on a new sword for you (you’ll lose the Mythgraven Sword at this point). You will be able to obtain Excalibur once your set your first step on the moon. Once you’ve visited the moon, come back and he’ll cough up Excalibur, one of the strongest weapons in the game!Now test that the quest is actually bug free
Honestly, just reading the lore and the quest(let alone creating/making/implementing/bugtesting it) is much longer than just drawing the sword. I hope you get the point. Gemstore weapons have no lore, no quest, no bugtesting, it is just art. Those who like the art buy it.
God, you are so impressive.
Hmm no lol, this is just a copy paste of wikiing “Excalibur” and the guide how to get Excalibur in FF4…
I was just trying to make a point on how creating lore and quests for an object takes much more work than simply drawing and adding special effects for said object lol…
the word ‘but’ is a conjugation, and separating the statements joined by the word undermines the statement as a whole.
Well it’s not.. it’s a conjunction and I’m not sure why you’d want to undermine your whole statement but carry on.
You don’t understand why they can’t make more legendaries when they can clearly make more gemstore items?
One takes a long time, one doesn’t. One costs them lots of money and one makes them lots of money.
If by “costs them a lot of money” you mean, they actually have to pay someone to work on something… and for “a long time” you mean about a week, then sure.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head with the fact that gemstore items earn them money…. which is why they neglect everything but their source of income.
…but the way I see it, they were obligated to deliver what was promised all the way up until they got paid to deliver the content…. and now that they have been paid, they have no incentive to deliver said content.
New legendary weapons need:
- model
- effects
- footfalls
- aura
- thematic collections for the precursor and one of the gifts for the Gift of [weapon name]
- optional background story (Chuka and Champawat)Black Lion Skins need:
- model
- optional effectsGliders need:
- model
- optional effectsThe effort for new legendary weapons is much higher than just weapon skins or gliders.
You’ll be hard pressed to convince me that cancelling content people paid for ALREADY in favour of churning out more cash shop content is due to some supposed discrepancy in effort required.
But whether you’re convinced or not doesn’t change the fact that artists aren’t necessarily developers. For all you know, these designs have been sitting around for months already done.
As opposed to legendaries which were being built as they went.
So you are telling me that you believe your own statement to be true that gemstore items’ designs could have been sitting for months…. yet you refuse to believe that legendaries could also have designs sitting around for months?
(Anet has had weapon design competitions since the GW1 days after all).
Concept art exists and has existed for years.
…and it most certainly does not take LESS effort to 3d model an entire set of gemstore skins than it does to 3d model one legendary weapon.
Your argument holds no water.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
forum bug?
I believe the point is: The art takes less time and less effort, and could have been created previously. The Journey, on the other hand, takes more time and effort, is created by a whole team of Devs, and would not have been ‘sitting around’ for years.
I believe the point is: The art takes less time and less effort, and could have been created previously. The Journey, on the other hand, takes more time and effort, is created by a whole team of Devs, and would not have been ‘sitting around’ for years.
The first legendary in the set of new legendaries may have required a whole dev team, sure.
…but 90% of the effort involved in creating a new one would be simply copy-pasting and altering table information.
(adding scav hunt items to loot tables, adding precursor volumes to vendor, dressing it all up to appear as a new collection etc.)
Creating the precursor journey concept for the first time certainly could have put an entire dev team to work dilligently. Adding a new precursor to the already implemented system would take minimal effort.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
So says you.
As was stated in one of the Guild Chat videos, non-ArenaNet Dev players often claim something is easy; the truth may be quite different. /shrug
So says you.
As was stated in one of the Guild Chat videos, non-ArenaNet Dev players often claim something is easy; the truth may be quite different. /shrug
Then they shouldn’t have taken money for content they were incapable of creating.
So says you.
As was stated in one of the Guild Chat videos, non-ArenaNet Dev players often claim something is easy; the truth may be quite different. /shrug
Then they shouldn’t have taken money for content they were incapable of creating.
While I agree with this statement 100%
We must also change our ways as consumers and stop paying for unfinished projects, kickstarters, betas, prereleases etc.
The gaming industry capitalizes on this so much in today’s age, that they are rarely ever penalized for failing to deliver on a promise simply because they already have our money.
So says you.
As was stated in one of the Guild Chat videos, non-ArenaNet Dev players often claim something is easy; the truth may be quite different. /shrug
Then they shouldn’t have taken money for content they were incapable of creating.
Oh, that’s for sure. Even if TheBlackLeech is completely wrong about the effort needed (or not needed) for precursor collections, the fact is that they got paid for it already. If they literally couldn’t continue on the current course, they should have tried to think of alternate ways of delivering. Saying “sorry, you’ll get nothing because it turned out too hard for us” should never have even been considered as an option.
Remember, remember, 15th of November