Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Dye Changes Feedback/Questions
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Any chance we can get clarification about type of unidentified dyes which we’ll receive as compensation for dyes unlocked multiple times on a given account?
I.e. will they be account bound, or otherwise limited in the kind of dye that they can produce — or will they be the kind of unidentified dye that can be used for the Gift of Color and can produce any of the standard colors?
Simple question for your brain trust Anet…. Where are we going to be able to get dyes now? After this patch you’re removing unid dyes from the loot table which I’m very much against, but how is a player supposed to unlock new dyes post Nerf? Laurels? Or do we use Black Lion Keys? Or god forbid the TP. Keep unid dyes as part of the loot table for gathering at least… Thanks, I know you really couldn’t care less about feedback.
Oh and to your economist’s final post on a dead thread in which he stated that flippers of dyes lost on average 5g each…. Cherry picking is easy. What were the gains of the top 1 tenth of 1% of flippers? That number was huge…
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
(edited by Aidenwolf.5964)
Any chance we can get clarification about type of unidentified dyes which we’ll receive as compensation for dyes unlocked multiple times on a given account?
I.e. will they be account bound, or otherwise limited in the kind of dye that they can produce — or will they be the kind of unidentified dye that can be used for the Gift of Color and can produce any of the standard colors?
I don’t expect them to create a new type of unidentified dye just for that one occasion, so it’s most likely they will be normal unids – the same that can be used for the Gift.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Yes. We just received verification from Dev that we will be reducing the amount of unidentified dyes needed to 100.
Man, I wish you could’ve communicated this in the dye blog post. I wasted an extra 150 unidentified dyes in the time between the blog post and your forum post.
@Arenanet: Could you kindly offer some examples of unlocks for dyes, please?
@Arenanet: Could you kindly offer some examples of unlocks for dyes, please?
How you will get dyes to unlock after the patch?
1: Buy on tp.
2: Get as rewards.
3: Buy from gemstore.
4: Craft them yourself.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Maybe this is a question already asked for, but I will do it anyway.
As a chef and crafting enthusiast – unidentified dyes were never really something interesting as the materials for those was stuff always pricey or next to impossible to find. They were also, incredibly, not involved too much in the spike at the TP.
For example I found myself, after several alts of experience, only with 80% of the ingredients to make just one rare blue unidentified dye when I tried to craft one for my new necro.
1. Will the materials involved in crafting dyes have the same drop rate that they have now?
2. Will the recipes remain the same or there is the intention to make also specific colors available to craft?
thanks! i’ll take the java
public class GiveSwaggerCaffeine{
public static void main(String [] args){
Swagger swagger = System.getSwagger();
swagger.setCaffeine(swagger.getCaffeine + 9000);
System.out.println(“Here Swagger, take this caffeine by way of Java”);
}//end main
}//end class GiveSwaggerCaffeine
Main: Asuran Engineer — Alt 80’s Ra-T-M-G-El-N-W-En-En-Re-Ra
Doctorate in Applied Jumping
(edited by Piogre.2164)
thanks! i’ll take the java
public class GiveSwaggerCaffeine{
public static void main(String [] args){
Swagger swagger = System.getSwagger();
swagger.setCaffeine(swagger.getCaffeine + 9000);
System.out.println(“Here Swagger, take this caffeine by way of Java”);}//end main
}//end class GiveSwaggerCaffeine
LMAO good one !! XD
The article says: “When you unlock a dye after the feature pack is released, all characters on your account will have unlimited access to that color.”
Didn’t see anything on: "already existing dyes on one character will be account bound.
“Each dye that one of your characters currently has unlocked will become available to every character on your account when you log in with that character. This means that if Character A has Green Dye unlocked, it will not be available to the rest of your characters until you log in with Character A. Once you do that, any character may use the dye.”
Okay, so I got a celestial in a drop in WvW this morning, should I sell, unlock or hold this dye? They are at 30 gold, at least when I checked this morning….that would buy a lot of colors I don’t currently have for free UNID’ds on the 15th…..sell or hold??
Okay, so I got a celestial in a drop in WvW this morning, should I sell, unlock or hold this dye? They are at 30 gold, at least when I checked this morning….that would buy a lot of colors I don’t currently have for free UNID’ds on the 15th…..sell or hold??
I’d say sell. I mean, do you really need Celestial right now?
Later, when one dye is all anyone needs for their whole account, the price may go down. Depends on how hard UDyes become to get.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Okay, so I got a celestial in a drop in WvW this morning, should I sell, unlock or hold this dye? They are at 30 gold, at least when I checked this morning….that would buy a lot of colors I don’t currently have for free UNID’ds on the 15th…..sell or hold??
Celestial price was at 23-27g 1 week ago, then the price spiked to +50g but the next day the price dropped to +40g. Now you say it cost 30g.
Now tell me, what should you do? I sold 1 for 46g a few day ago.
And remember, the price fluctuated between 19-27g when you needed 1 dye for each character. Now most people already unlock it and they no longer need to buy more so the answer is clear to me.
Okay, so I got a celestial in a drop in WvW this morning, should I sell, unlock or hold this dye? They are at 30 gold, at least when I checked this morning….that would buy a lot of colors I don’t currently have for free UNID’ds on the 15th…..sell or hold??
If you don’t need the money just use it if you haven’t unlocked it. Who knows when you’ll get another for free.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I’m going to make a positive post and see what happens. I have lots of alts with lots of duplicate dyes, some of which were only available through gem store purchase. I am very disappointed that I will be receiving a low-value item (unidentified dye) to compensate for this. I would be very happy if instead all duplicate dyes returned an unopened, tradable dye of the same type. That way, each player would receive back the same value they had put into their dyes.
I understand if this is impossible, but it would seem much fairer than the announced solution.
The price of dyes is going to skyrocket, they say it will help the economy and make them more accessible, all this does is inflate the price of dye making it impossible to get new ones without coughing up a lot of dough. Please don’t remove them as drops, it’s more fun to hunt them down in the world instead of spending gold.
Okay, so I got a celestial in a drop in WvW this morning, should I sell, unlock or hold this dye? They are at 30 gold, at least when I checked this morning….that would buy a lot of colors I don’t currently have for free UNID’ds on the 15th…..sell or hold??
Celestial price was at 23-27g 1 week ago, then the price spiked to +50g but the next day the price dropped to +40g. Now you say it cost 30g.
Now tell me, what should you do? I sold 1 for 46g a few day ago.
And remember, the price fluctuated between 19-27g when you needed 1 dye for each character. Now most people already unlock it and they no longer need to buy more so the answer is clear to me.
Yeah, I agree so I did and by the time I did it had dropped another 2 gold. The market, effectively, is gone…..thanks for the feedback to all.
Will Unlock Dyes Before April 15th be Account Bound? The post Anet made is unclear about existing dyes that have been unlocked on one character only. Say I have one character that unlocked Red Dye. Will that Red Dye be accessible to all my characters after April the 15th?
Yes and any duplicate dyes you have across your account (ie: having the same red dye on 2 different toons) will yield you an extra free unidentified dye per.
Thank you for your help
I am really excited about the new changes in the upcoming April 15th update. I am happy to see that dyes are going to be account bound and shared across all characters. It makes sense to remove the random drop of unidentified dyes with this change but I don’t think it should be done.
My reason is this: As you level up in the game as a new player you get new gear here and there and at first your excited about this. Until you realize that all the gear you’re getting looks the same. It’s all just a clone of what you already have with a different name and when you do get a new looking piece of armor… it’s not really all that imaginative. So the excitement diminishes. Then you get an unidentified dye! And the excitement is back.
Granted you don’t always get a very cool dye and it might even look similar to what you already have but it’s still exciting. Removing this kinda feels like removing the only exciting loot you get leveling up. That and it’s going to make it much more rare for a new player to get new dyes. The drop rate isn’t that high to begin with, lower that rate, sure, but removing the drop completely I think hurts the new player.
I have to agree with this. Removing dye drops completely takes that one exciting drop (besides the ultra-rare exotic from mobs) or special surprise from gathering right out of the game.
I, for one, will surely miss that. =(
I have to agree with this. Removing dye drops completely takes that one exciting drop (besides the ultra-rare exotic from mobs) or special surprise from gathering right out of the game.
I, for one, will surely miss that. =(
Yep, not sure why they necessarily have to stop dropping completely..
I will miss the Dyes too.. Because me and friends use to play “Dye Lotto”.. we each buy 50+ Unidentified Dyes from the TP, open em all up and compare what we got.. Now that fun is gone =/
I will miss the Dyes too.. Because me and friends use to play “Dye Lotto”.. we each buy 50+ Unidentified Dyes from the TP, open em all up and compare what we got.. Now that fun is gone =/
you can still do that…
Dyes will still be craftable… and harvestable, and buyable with laurels, and given as rewards, the only thing they are remving is the RNG drops from the open world.
With the change to transmutation stones, they’ll probably end up removing them from map completion. Now you’ll get… unidentified dyes.
With the change to transmutation stones, they’ll probably end up removing them from map completion. Now you’ll get… unidentified dyes.
Most likely the mute stones will just be converted to transmutation charges.
There was really no reason for dyes to be removed as mob drops. They didn’t drop all that often and wouldn’t have adversely affected the economy, anyway.
I agree, removing them completely as mob drops makes no sense. It would be fine making them rarer, but not removing them completely. Or else, just give other functions to dyes, maybe in crafting recipes (food coloring for ascended cooking, for example).
I will miss them. I remember my first one
I will miss the Dyes too.. Because me and friends use to play “Dye Lotto”.. we each buy 50+ Unidentified Dyes from the TP, open em all up and compare what we got.. Now that fun is gone =/
you can still do that…
Dyes will still be craftable… and harvestable, and buyable with laurels, and given as rewards, the only thing they are remving is the RNG drops from the open world.
I am not wasting Laurels on Dyes, Laurels take days to collect lol, as for harvesting, i use the best tools and have gathering booster + guild buff.. never get a dye.. I dont need Dyes, i have all i need, its purely just a fun thing me and guild mates liked to do,
quite often,
I have a friend that, when he was brand new to the game (Lvl 20), had Spark drop from a spider hatchling at the Queensdale apple orchard! How’s that for exciting drops while leveling? lol. I’ve played since launch running 5+ dungeon paths a day and still haven’t got a Pre drop.
I will miss the Dyes too.. Because me and friends use to play “Dye Lotto”.. we each buy 50+ Unidentified Dyes from the TP, open em all up and compare what we got.. Now that fun is gone =/
you can still do that…
Dyes will still be craftable… and harvestable, and buyable with laurels, and given as rewards, the only thing they are remving is the RNG drops from the open world.
I am not wasting Laurels on Dyes, Laurels take days to collect lol, as for harvesting, i use the best tools and have gathering booster + guild buff.. never get a dye..
I dont need Dyes, i have all i need, its purely just a fun thing me and guild mates liked to do,
quite often,
Dyes are pretty much the only useful items you can get with laurels once you’ve already outfitted your chars with ascended trink/acc. I mean, what else would you spend them on? T6 mats? Pff, have fun with that lol. You can sell the 10 dyes and buy more mats with the money you get.
Just to put into perspective. 4 months ago I got 20 dyes with 10 laurels. I got Abyss Dye, Celestial Dye, and Midnight Fire Dye. I made quite a bit of money selling those. So it is definitely not a waste if you use laurels for dyes.
I also cashed in all of my laurels after they announced the dye changes. Had roughly 120 laurels, which got me 240 dyes. I’ve made 40g so far only selling the blue dyes. With 50+ more waiting to sell, and another 100+ Masterwork/Rare dyes I’m holding onto until after the patch (some of them awesome—although no Abyss or Celestials this time). I’m hoping to make at least 300g from the rest of these dyes. Meaning I would be potentially making ~3g/laurel. I’d be pretty happy with that considering I don’t have any other use for laurels. I’d be even more happy if I blow passed my expectations. I would finally be able to afford my precursor from TP!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I will miss the Dyes too.. Because me and friends use to play “Dye Lotto”.. we each buy 50+ Unidentified Dyes from the TP, open em all up and compare what we got.. Now that fun is gone =/
you can still do that…
Dyes will still be craftable… and harvestable, and buyable with laurels, and given as rewards, the only thing they are remving is the RNG drops from the open world.
I am not wasting Laurels on Dyes, Laurels take days to collect lol, as for harvesting, i use the best tools and have gathering booster + guild buff.. never get a dye..
I dont need Dyes, i have all i need, its purely just a fun thing me and guild mates liked to do,
quite often,
Dyes are pretty much the only useful items you can get with laurels once you’ve already outfitted your chars with ascended trink/acc. I mean, what else would you spend them on? T6 mats? Pff, have fun with that lol. You can sell the 10 dyes and buy more mats with the money you get.
Just to put into perspective. 4 months ago I got 20 dyes with 10 laurels. I got Abyss Dye, Celestial Dye, and Midnight Fire Dye. I made quite a bit of money selling those. So it is definitely not a waste if you use laurels for dyes.
I also cashed in all of my laurels after they announced the dye changes. Had roughly 120 laurels, which got me 240 dyes. I’ve made 40g so far only selling the blue dyes. With 50+ more waiting to sell, and another 100+ Masterwork/Rare dyes I’m holding onto until after the patch (some of them awesome—although no Abyss or Celestials this time). I’m hoping to make at least 300g from the rest of these dyes. Meaning I would be potentially making ~3g/laurel. I’d be pretty happy with that considering I don’t have any other use for laurels. I’d be even more happy if I blow passed my expectations. I would finally be able to afford my precursor from TP!
Well i dont need Gold else i wouldnt waste it on Dye Lotto, haha and already have my legendary weapon i wanted, i did the dye thing purely for Fun with my guildies, Im saving laurels for the cat tonic at the moment, (91 laurels atm) after that i see what you are saying and agree, (i have bought dyes with laurels in the past, just because i realllly love opening dyes, its fun to see what you will get out) , i just keep my laurels in the off chance Anet add something new to the laurel vendor, lol oh that slim hope alot of us cling too
I have a friend that, when he was brand new to the game (Lvl 20), had Spark drop from a spider hatchling at the Queensdale apple orchard! How’s that for exciting drops while leveling? lol. I’ve played since launch running 5+ dungeon paths a day and still haven’t got a Pre drop.
Lucky duck ! someone i know got 2 drop from COF, Path 1 Mobs (not in the same day ofc..) ! Luckers
Well i dont need Gold else i wouldnt waste it on Dye Lotto, haha and already have my legendary weapon i wanted, i did the dye thing purely for Fun with my guildies, Im saving laurels for the cat tonic at the moment, (91 laurels atm) after that i see what you are saying and agree, (i have bought dyes with laurels in the past, just because i realllly love opening dyes, its fun to see what you will get out) , i just keep my laurels in the off chance Anet add something new to the laurel vendor, lol
oh that slim hope alot of us cling too
Yea, from this point on I’m just gonna save them up in case something new gets added like you said. Dunno about that cat tonic though lol, that’s all you.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Some of my guildies and I were counting up the number of unid we will get after the patch. I came up with 471. The highest number was just over 800. I think unids will plummet at first, then come back up
I will miss the Dyes too.. Because me and friends use to play “Dye Lotto”.. we each buy 50+ Unidentified Dyes from the TP, open em all up and compare what we got.. Now that fun is gone =/
you can still do that…
Dyes will still be craftable… and harvestable, and buyable with laurels, and given as rewards, the only thing they are remving is the RNG drops from the open world.
I am not wasting Laurels on Dyes, Laurels take days to collect lol, as for harvesting, i use the best tools and have gathering booster + guild buff.. never get a dye..
I dont need Dyes, i have all i need, its purely just a fun thing me and guild mates liked to do,
quite often,
I got the cat tonic and the wolf mini. I got some T6 mats when I was working on my legendary and I got some guild influence for my storage guild. And I don’t care one bit about ascended stuff. I’m still contemplating to use all of my laurels for dyes (I already used some but left a stash of 100)
250 Unid dyes that no longer drop from mobs, for an already ultimately confusing legendary to craft.. Ugh..
Guess I could just try to farm the 2500g somehow.. even though mobs don’t really drop anything.. eh.. hmm..
250 Unid dyes that no longer drop from mobs, for an already ultimately confusing legendary to craft.. Ugh..
Guess I could just try to farm the 2500g somehow.. even though mobs don’t really drop anything.. eh.. hmm..
If you are talking about bifrost, the requirement is supposed to decrease to 100 unid dyes.
I’m glad dyes are being made account-bound. Been hoping for this since Beta.
I vote for re-thinking the world drops of unidentified dyes, though. I still, to this day, get very excited when I get one. Just for the fun of opening it, seeing what’s inside, and hoping to get one I don’t have yet. If I do have it, I offer it up to guildies. Adds a little to the magic of the game.
Maybe unidentified dyes could become salvageable? Break down into mats that chefs can use to craft dyes? That might help with the possible economy issue.
I’ve actually had 4 dyes drop in the last few days while dungeoning and leveling an alt. They’ve felt extra precious. It’d be nice if they had a chance of being the specialty dyes, but as it is I have no need to open them since I’ve assembled all regular dyes spread across all my characters. I’m just reluctant to sell off this dying breed, especially given the vague chance the returned ones on the 15th will be account bound unless I can stack them with a tradeable one (as has happened with some skins).
There is no reason to remove the dyes from RNG. The overall price of dyes both uni and specific have skyrocketed. Customization is my favorite part of this game, this just ruins a lot of my fun. At least lower the cost to make them
Wasn’t there mention of the chinese market only being able to open dyes with a tool from the gem store? are they doing that with us too? so you can have a pile of unid’s but have to use the store to buy the tool that “unlocks”.
Wasn’t there mention of the chinese market only being able to open dyes with a tool from the gem store? are they doing that with us too? so you can have a pile of unid’s but have to use the store to buy the tool that “unlocks”.
They realized that trying to introduce that in here would bring out too many pitchforks and torches. That’s why they decided to just sell dyes directly from the gemshop, without the need for any intermediate.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
They’ve been selling dye in the gem store since launch.
Logged on forum to check for anet answers.
And what, not a single answer.
I don’t care that they don’t care, and they sure don’t care that we don’t care about the fact that they don’t care.
But still, even a single answer like:
- ,, Go to hell ppl, we won’t do any of the things You write, so stop crying"
Just a single answer like that would be something.
Simple question for your brain trust Anet…. Where are we going to be able to get dyes now? After this patch you’re removing unid dyes from the loot table which I’m very much against, but how is a player supposed to unlock new dyes post Nerf? Laurels? Or do we use Black Lion Keys? Or god forbid the TP. Keep unid dyes as part of the loot table for gathering at least… Thanks, I know you really couldn’t care less about feedback.
Oh and to your economist’s final post on a dead thread in which he stated that flippers of dyes lost on average 5g each…. Cherry picking is easy. What were the gains of the top 1 tenth of 1% of flippers? That number was huge…
How is presenting the average result of an act Cherry Picking? If you were flipping dyes you were likely losing money. If you weren’t, then good for you, but it doesn’t change that the general result was a loss.
I thought they said they were vastly reducing the drop rate, not removing it entirely. Laurels is still a good way to get them, and the price on the TP will be going WAY down when it starts getting flooded with all the repeats. Next year, though, might be a different question, so we’ll have to see.
This is off topic and i apologize, but i cant find any answers anywhere. what happens to the people who grinded for 250 unid dyes, finished the gift of the bifrost, and now they hear the announcement of only needing 100 dyes instead of 250. did they just got screwed out 150 dyes?