Dye Changes Feedback/Questions
There was a time when the dye system was very different and at that time dye unlocks were account based, but we have since changed the dyes system and we really feel that character based is the right way to go and the system we have now is the best one for the game.
Customized dye should be something that denotes your characters progress, like better looking, more elaborate gear. As you spend more time on your character, they grow and gain access to more customization options. If we make dyes account based, this progression will only happen on one character. We wanted character customization to remain tied to the character but we felt that one-time-use dyes discouraged players from customizing as often as they would like, that is how we arrived at the current system.
There are 400 dyes in the game, we do not think of dyes as something that a character should unlock all of, it is not meant to be a collection feature. Each character should have a unique palette and we have made enough colors to make this possible. Dyes come from world drops, rewards, crafting, the Mystic Forge, and the Gem Store and we expect that over the life of a character you will collect a lot of them.
you may have deleted the posts but the internet always has copies
why are you removing character progression? (again) and what you described as the best dye system for the game?
people literally begged you to keep the account bound system when you announced character bound, the time to listen to that feedback was then, during beta before the game launched you told them that character bound was part of your vision for the game, where is that vision now?
im getting pretty tired of complete reversals on design. does anyone there know what they are actually doing? the development increasingly looks like an incompetent mess to me.
Anet, thank you for the FAQ sheet on the dyes. I believed it would work this way but the language was a bit ambiguous and I appreciate you clearing up the matter.
Yak’s Bend – Expletus
There was a time when the dye system was very different and at that time dye unlocks were account based, but we have since changed the dyes system and we really feel that character based is the right way to go and the system we have now is the best one for the game.
Customized dye should be something that denotes your characters progress, like better looking, more elaborate gear. As you spend more time on your character, they grow and gain access to more customization options. If we make dyes account based, this progression will only happen on one character. We wanted character customization to remain tied to the character but we felt that one-time-use dyes discouraged players from customizing as often as they would like, that is how we arrived at the current system.
There are 400 dyes in the game, we do not think of dyes as something that a character should unlock all of, it is not meant to be a collection feature. Each character should have a unique palette and we have made enough colors to make this possible. Dyes come from world drops, rewards, crafting, the Mystic Forge, and the Gem Store and we expect that over the life of a character you will collect a lot of them.
you may have deleted the posts but the internet always has copies
why are you removing character progression? (again) and what you described as the best dye system for the game?
people literally begged you to keep the account bound system when you announced character bound, the time to listen to that feedback was then, during beta before the game launched you told them that character bound was part of your vision for the game, where is that vision now?
im getting pretty tired of complete reversals on design. does anyone there know what they are actually doing? the development increasingly looks like an incompetent mess to me.
This is literally the best post in this thread. Haha, and so truthful. Go watch the manifesto if you want serious design flip-flops. Simple fact being ANET no longer has the resources to develop AAA games so instead we end up with changes to the dye system as “new features”.
A question I had (sorry if it was asked already but I’m short in time and can’t read so many pages of answers) : dyes we unlocked on characters we deleted, even a while ago, will be available anyway, or they are lost?
You have to log in with a character so that the dyes on that character become account bound, so I think it won’t work on deleted characters.
There was a time when the dye system was very different and at that time dye unlocks were account based, but we have since changed the dyes system and we really feel that character based is the right way to go and the system we have now is the best one for the game.
Customized dye should be something that denotes your characters progress, like better looking, more elaborate gear. As you spend more time on your character, they grow and gain access to more customization options. If we make dyes account based, this progression will only happen on one character. We wanted character customization to remain tied to the character but we felt that one-time-use dyes discouraged players from customizing as often as they would like, that is how we arrived at the current system.
There are 400 dyes in the game, we do not think of dyes as something that a character should unlock all of, it is not meant to be a collection feature. Each character should have a unique palette and we have made enough colors to make this possible. Dyes come from world drops, rewards, crafting, the Mystic Forge, and the Gem Store and we expect that over the life of a character you will collect a lot of them.
you may have deleted the posts but the internet always has copies
why are you removing character progression? (again) and what you described as the best dye system for the game?
people literally begged you to keep the account bound system when you announced character bound, the time to listen to that feedback was then, during beta before the game launched you told them that character bound was part of your vision for the game, where is that vision now?
im getting pretty tired of complete reversals on design. does anyone there know what they are actually doing? the development increasingly looks like an incompetent mess to me.
What if Morpheus told you Guild Wars 2 is still in beta?
A question I had (sorry if it was asked already but I’m short in time and can’t read so many pages of answers) : dyes we unlocked on characters we deleted, even a while ago, will be available anyway, or they are lost?
You have to log in with a character so that the dyes on that character become account bound, so I think it won’t work on deleted characters.
Thanks a lot
glad to see I’m not the only one who has a problem with this, the new dye system is an awesome idea but the fact that old school players that have spent a lot on same colour dyes for different character just get an “unidentified dye” to compensate for the idk hundreds of gold they’ve spent on the dyes like me spending 210g on celestial and abyss dyes which isn’t much compared to what others are losing, but it took me hours and hours to farm enough gold to afford that while new players can now just spent less than half of that and get it account wide. Maybe ANet could consider just making the current dyes account wide maybe?
that’d be nice
Nobody made you do that, you wanted something and you spend the time and effort to get it, you have it and you keep it and you get something in return for it even. Also, given that dyes wont drop anymore on a regular basis those unidentified dyes will skyrocket in value for people who want a Bitfrost, for instance.
I don’t want to end up making a mistake by spending/not spending my laurel’s on dyes, will the trade in of laurel’s for dyes be changing in any way?
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
So it took Anet 1.5 years to realise that Nexons influence on dye packs via cash shop was a bad idea?
Maybe in four years we’ll get meaningful content instead of tweaks to how the game should have originally been.
There was a time when the dye system was very different and at that time dye unlocks were account based, but we have since changed the dyes system and we really feel that character based is the right way to go and the system we have now is the best one for the game.
Customized dye should be something that denotes your characters progress, like better looking, more elaborate gear. As you spend more time on your character, they grow and gain access to more customization options. If we make dyes account based, this progression will only happen on one character. We wanted character customization to remain tied to the character but we felt that one-time-use dyes discouraged players from customizing as often as they would like, that is how we arrived at the current system.
There are 400 dyes in the game, we do not think of dyes as something that a character should unlock all of, it is not meant to be a collection feature. Each character should have a unique palette and we have made enough colors to make this possible. Dyes come from world drops, rewards, crafting, the Mystic Forge, and the Gem Store and we expect that over the life of a character you will collect a lot of them.
you may have deleted the posts but the internet always has copies
why are you removing character progression? (again) and what you described as the best dye system for the game?
people literally begged you to keep the account bound system when you announced character bound, the time to listen to that feedback was then, during beta before the game launched you told them that character bound was part of your vision for the game, where is that vision now?
im getting pretty tired of complete reversals on design. does anyone there know what they are actually doing? the development increasingly looks like an incompetent mess to me.
This is literally the best post in this thread. Haha, and so truthful. Go watch the manifesto if you want serious design flip-flops. Simple fact being ANET no longer has the resources to develop AAA games so instead we end up with changes to the dye system as “new features”.
The account based system was in beta and this was changed before the game was released. Like all games, things get seen over time and things that were considered best at one point may not be best now.
The fact is GW2 is a AAA title, Anet’s games are all AAA. This is a change to a COSMETIC feature. As for flip flops, very little in the way has changed from the manifesto. If you want to see flip flops, I suggest you go look at the game done by the company many of Anet’s employees used to work at several years ago.
Yak’s Bend – Expletus
I still don’t really understand the whole unid dye situation. It was kinda confusing.
With the removal of Dye’s from the random drop table will there be any change to the requirement of 250 dyes for the Gift of Color?
Yes. We just received verification from Dev that we will be reducing the amount of unidentified dyes needed to 100.
How can people get unidentified dyes after the patch? Laurels and gem store? The only Mystic Forge recipe I can see on the wiki is an sPvP recipe (requiring glory), are there other recipes or are they adding new ones do you know?
That could be a relatively simple change to the current 4 identified dye =1random identified dye recipe. Instead of giving back a random identified dye it could give back an unidentified dye. It would be mostly the same now except each dye requires 2 extra clicks and all dyes become equally valuable for gambling purposes.
To be honest, I really agree with the idea of giving one Unidentified Dye for each character that have the same dye as another, but, I really think that the dye should come with a relative rarity …
I mean, I have 7 character lv.80 and 1 lv.30, I have Abyss dye in almost all of them, I dont think its fair that I might get a lot of Fine or Masterwork dyes while some people that knew about the chinese server, and bought lot of 50c Fine dyes, get a major chance in getting rare dyes …
In other words: PLEASE make the Unidentified Dyes that will be given in this way RARITY BOUND, I mean, if you got a RARE dye in another character, you get a Unidentified Dye that contains a RARE dye, and the same occurs to masterwork and fine, that way people that invested a lot in rare dyes will not feel so displeased about this update, ty.
So! I have only one character with Abyss/Celestial/Illumination already unlocked. Those are the only colors I care to have.
I also have unused Abyss/Celestial/Illumination in my bank for a future character I’m planning to make after the upcoming patch.
Now, if what some people say is true, I can safely sell my unused dyes now since those colors will automatically unlock for any new character after log-in with my current character right?
There was a time when the dye system was very different and at that time dye unlocks were account based, but we have since changed the dyes system and we really feel that character based is the right way to go and the system we have now is the best one for the game.
Customized dye should be something that denotes your characters progress, like better looking, more elaborate gear. As you spend more time on your character, they grow and gain access to more customization options. If we make dyes account based, this progression will only happen on one character. We wanted character customization to remain tied to the character but we felt that one-time-use dyes discouraged players from customizing as often as they would like, that is how we arrived at the current system.
There are 400 dyes in the game, we do not think of dyes as something that a character should unlock all of, it is not meant to be a collection feature. Each character should have a unique palette and we have made enough colors to make this possible. Dyes come from world drops, rewards, crafting, the Mystic Forge, and the Gem Store and we expect that over the life of a character you will collect a lot of them.
you may have deleted the posts but the internet always has copies
why are you removing character progression? (again) and what you described as the best dye system for the game?
people literally begged you to keep the account bound system when you announced character bound, the time to listen to that feedback was then, during beta before the game launched you told them that character bound was part of your vision for the game, where is that vision now?
im getting pretty tired of complete reversals on design. does anyone there know what they are actually doing? the development increasingly looks like an incompetent mess to me.
This is literally the best post in this thread. Haha, and so truthful. Go watch the manifesto if you want serious design flip-flops. Simple fact being ANET no longer has the resources to develop AAA games so instead we end up with changes to the dye system as “new features”.
So in your opinion its better to make a mistake and then just stick with it forever rather than realize it was a mistake and correct it? ANet realized they were wrong and are correcting it. Do you also demand that when people change the way something works in real life that they also compensate you fully for past purchases? Did you demand Valve give you your money back for TF2 when they made it free to play? I love the way many people on this forum get bent out of shape when something doesnt go 100% their way but when you benefit from a change, like the new wardrobe with a legendary, people are AMAZINGLY ok with it. Lots of growing up to do on these forums for sure.
Think of all the unidentified dyes you are getting as an average value of all the dyes you have purchased. You gain value on the commons/masterworks and lose value on the rare dyes.
I have 3 character with Celestial, 3 with Abyss, 3 with Midnight Ice, 3 with Flare, and a couple other rare repeats not even I care about. Is it a little bit of a loss to not get exact copies of my duplicates? Sure. But weighed against all my other alts gaining access to those colors, I’ll take the hit with a smile. A big smile, since my “Dye Main” had very nearly every color there is outside of the gemestore exclusives, and that means after logging that character in, every other character I log in will be showered with unidentified dyes.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
There was a time when the dye system was very different and at that time dye unlocks were account based, but we have since changed the dyes system and we really feel that character based is the right way to go and the system we have now is the best one for the game.
Customized dye should be something that denotes your characters progress, like better looking, more elaborate gear. As you spend more time on your character, they grow and gain access to more customization options. If we make dyes account based, this progression will only happen on one character. We wanted character customization to remain tied to the character but we felt that one-time-use dyes discouraged players from customizing as often as they would like, that is how we arrived at the current system.
There are 400 dyes in the game, we do not think of dyes as something that a character should unlock all of, it is not meant to be a collection feature. Each character should have a unique palette and we have made enough colors to make this possible. Dyes come from world drops, rewards, crafting, the Mystic Forge, and the Gem Store and we expect that over the life of a character you will collect a lot of them.
you may have deleted the posts but the internet always has copies
why are you removing character progression? (again) and what you described as the best dye system for the game?
people literally begged you to keep the account bound system when you announced character bound, the time to listen to that feedback was then, during beta before the game launched you told them that character bound was part of your vision for the game, where is that vision now?
im getting pretty tired of complete reversals on design. does anyone there know what they are actually doing? the development increasingly looks like an incompetent mess to me.
This is literally the best post in this thread. Haha, and so truthful. Go watch the manifesto if you want serious design flip-flops. Simple fact being ANET no longer has the resources to develop AAA games so instead we end up with changes to the dye system as “new features”.
The account based system was in beta and this was changed before the game was released. Like all games, things get seen over time and things that were considered best at one point may not be best now.
The fact is GW2 is a AAA title, Anet’s games are all AAA. This is a change to a COSMETIC feature. As for flip flops, very little in the way has changed from the manifesto. If you want to see flip flops, I suggest you go look at the game done by the company many of Anet’s employees used to work at several years ago.
You lost 100% credibility when you said “very little in the way has changed from the manifesto.” Either you have not seen the manifesto, or you haven’t played Guild Wars 2. Since you managed to log-in to a forum, smack some keys together and form a sentence, I am going to assume you have played the game and not seen the manifesto. I recommend taking a watch of it, it will elaborate much more on what we speak of.
=/ WHY is this lowered when 250 Silver Doubloons are still needed for Juggernaut, yet are MUCH MUCH harder to get and MORE costly?? =/
There was a time when the dye system was very different and at that time dye unlocks were account based, but we have since changed the dyes system and we really feel that character based is the right way to go and the system we have now is the best one for the game.
Customized dye should be something that denotes your characters progress, like better looking, more elaborate gear. As you spend more time on your character, they grow and gain access to more customization options. If we make dyes account based, this progression will only happen on one character. We wanted character customization to remain tied to the character but we felt that one-time-use dyes discouraged players from customizing as often as they would like, that is how we arrived at the current system.
There are 400 dyes in the game, we do not think of dyes as something that a character should unlock all of, it is not meant to be a collection feature. Each character should have a unique palette and we have made enough colors to make this possible. Dyes come from world drops, rewards, crafting, the Mystic Forge, and the Gem Store and we expect that over the life of a character you will collect a lot of them.
you may have deleted the posts but the internet always has copies
why are you removing character progression? (again) and what you described as the best dye system for the game?
people literally begged you to keep the account bound system when you announced character bound, the time to listen to that feedback was then, during beta before the game launched you told them that character bound was part of your vision for the game, where is that vision now?
im getting pretty tired of complete reversals on design. does anyone there know what they are actually doing? the development increasingly looks like an incompetent mess to me.
This is literally the best post in this thread. Haha, and so truthful. Go watch the manifesto if you want serious design flip-flops. Simple fact being ANET no longer has the resources to develop AAA games so instead we end up with changes to the dye system as “new features”.
So in your opinion its better to make a mistake and then just stick with it forever rather than realize it was a mistake and correct it? ANet realized they were wrong and are correcting it. Do you also demand that when people change the way something works in real life that they also compensate you fully for past purchases? Did you demand Valve give you your money back for TF2 when they made it free to play? I love the way many people on this forum get bent out of shape when something doesnt go 100% their way but when you benefit from a change, like the new wardrobe with a legendary, people are AMAZINGLY ok with it. Lots of growing up to do on these forums for sure.
Think of all the unidentified dyes you are getting as an average value of all the dyes you have purchased. You gain value on the commons/masterworks and lose value on the rare dyes.
No, I think Shadow Blade is asking for some level of consistency in design philosophy. I think that’s a simple request.
Whatever it was that diverted them from that manifesto, they seem to be going back toward it. I don’t mind them reversing course like this when the changes are overall positive.
Tarnished Coast
I am extremely disappointed to hear that dyes won’t be loot drops anymore! This is not an exaggeration; getting dyes was one of the most fun things for me about GW2. I can’t explain it, but something about getting one and then opening it was very exciting. Kind of like getting a wrapped present and then getting to open it. It doesn’t matter whether the dye was common or rare, or even if it was a duplicate. It didn’t matter that dyes were rare drops. I just had fun getting them as loot and opening them. It only mattered that they were a possibility. And at least 3 of my guildmates feel the same; we can’t be the only ones.
If we can only get dyes from the forge, the tp, and “events” in the future it will really make gameplay a lot sadder of an experience for me. I don’t mind if you reduce the drop-rate further, but please, Anet, allow the drops to continue.
I did like that too… oh, well. I don’t understand why that can’t keep the drops and make them account bound. So that way they don’t have any economic value and are just a fun means of getting new colors.
Dyes barely ever drop as it is. What’s wrong with leaving them in the game?
True… I don’t really understand why it’s going away, to be honest. They mentioned something about the economic value of them plummeting. But why can they not still be a means of unlocking dyes? So what the value changed? Now you get a dye for cheaper. It’s not like the lousy ones were expensive, and the high end ones were rare anyways. They’ll drop in price, but I don’t think it matters that much…?
But Anet does have a whole team probably on the markets and number crunching with information we don’t have.
Yes, that icon is a blue-pink-yellow bundle of joy and excitement. When I see one drop, my stomach makes a happy jolt
Luarls. Don’t forget you can spend laurals. 5 for 10 dyes. Every 5 days of diligently doing your dailies will get you 10 dyes, every monthly will get you 20 dyes.
Better then the drop rate so far as I can tell.
From https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/dyes-in-the-new-account-wardrobe/
“you will be able to preview dye colors on your equipped armor by simply selecting a color and moving your mouse over the armor dye channels”
Wouldn’t it be more convenient to do the reverse of that and let us select one or multiple armor channels and let us move our mouse over the various colors so that we can quickly compare colors for the selected parts?
Having all the dyes in the game (‘cept those new Enameled ones, oh boy) and trying to compare them all can be rough y’know? lol jk, pls don’t hate me haha
(edited by Arnekun.6170)
Hm… Good point.
That would indeed be more convenient, but it would also be more work to implement since there’s no actual way (in the current interface) to select a dye “channel”. It would require changing the dye interface to somehow let you pick a certain channel and set it to active or whatever.
Selecting a dye, though, that’s easy enough because that’s how it already functions.
That would indeed be more convenient, but it would also be more work to implement since there’s no actual way (in the current interface) to select a dye “channel”. It would require changing the dye interface to somehow let you pick a certain channel and set it to active or whatever.
Selecting a dye, though, that’s easy enough because that’s how it already functions.
That’s true. Hopefully they can consider it as an option for a future update though.
Honestly, instead of giving an unidentified dye for each duplicate they should just give you that specific dye back as item you can sell. ESPECIALLY for people who bought more than one of the expensive dyes like Pyre and other limited event dyes.
Honestly, instead of giving an unidentified dye for each duplicate they should just give you that specific dye back as item you can sell. ESPECIALLY for people who bought more than one of the expensive dyes like Pyre and other limited event dyes.
I agree 100%, but if that’s not possible for technical reasons they should at least give you one unidentified one from that set of the same rarity.
If nothing changes players (like me) will be greatly rewarded for having unlocked a ton of common dyes. I think I have 1-2 rare dyes that’ll overlap, but a TON of commons.
Players that have multiple gem shop dyes and abyss on multiple characters will be out quite a bit of gold/RL $.
That’s really not fair and not how they should treat their customers.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
There was a time when the dye system was very different and at that time dye unlocks were account based, but we have since changed the dyes system and we really feel that character based is the right way to go and the system we have now is the best one for the game.
Customized dye should be something that denotes your characters progress, like better looking, more elaborate gear. As you spend more time on your character, they grow and gain access to more customization options. If we make dyes account based, this progression will only happen on one character. We wanted character customization to remain tied to the character but we felt that one-time-use dyes discouraged players from customizing as often as they would like, that is how we arrived at the current system.
There are 400 dyes in the game, we do not think of dyes as something that a character should unlock all of, it is not meant to be a collection feature. Each character should have a unique palette and we have made enough colors to make this possible. Dyes come from world drops, rewards, crafting, the Mystic Forge, and the Gem Store and we expect that over the life of a character you will collect a lot of them.
you may have deleted the posts but the internet always has copies
why are you removing character progression? (again) and what you described as the best dye system for the game?
people literally begged you to keep the account bound system when you announced character bound, the time to listen to that feedback was then, during beta before the game launched you told them that character bound was part of your vision for the game, where is that vision now?
im getting pretty tired of complete reversals on design. does anyone there know what they are actually doing? the development increasingly looks like an incompetent mess to me.
This is literally the best post in this thread. Haha, and so truthful. Go watch the manifesto if you want serious design flip-flops. Simple fact being ANET no longer has the resources to develop AAA games so instead we end up with changes to the dye system as “new features”.
So in your opinion its better to make a mistake and then just stick with it forever rather than realize it was a mistake and correct it? ANet realized they were wrong and are correcting it. Do you also demand that when people change the way something works in real life that they also compensate you fully for past purchases? Did you demand Valve give you your money back for TF2 when they made it free to play? I love the way many people on this forum get bent out of shape when something doesnt go 100% their way but when you benefit from a change, like the new wardrobe with a legendary, people are AMAZINGLY ok with it. Lots of growing up to do on these forums for sure.
Think of all the unidentified dyes you are getting as an average value of all the dyes you have purchased. You gain value on the commons/masterworks and lose value on the rare dyes.
No, I think Shadow Blade is asking for some level of consistency in design philosophy. I think that’s a simple request.
I’m glad that ArenaNet is willing to change direction to make the game more player-friendly, and I think this attitude is counterproductive. If you want them to admit that they were wrong, the fact that it’s being changed is it. If you want them to hold fast to decisions just for the sake of standing by them, that would result in an inability to respond to player feedback.
Will dyes still be something you can find gathering herbs?
There should be some more sources of dyes rather than laurels anyway.
No. Dyes will no longer be found as loot. They can still be obtained from Laurels, the Mystic Forge, the gem store, and crafted through Cooking.
Honestly, instead of giving an unidentified dye for each duplicate they should just give you that specific dye back as item you can sell. ESPECIALLY for people who bought more than one of the expensive dyes like Pyre and other limited event dyes.
I agree 100%, but if that’s not possible for technical reasons they should at least give you one unidentified one from that set of the same rarity.
If nothing changes players (like me) will be greatly rewarded for having unlocked a ton of common dyes. I think I have 1-2 rare dyes that’ll overlap, but a TON of commons.
Players that have multiple gem shop dyes and abyss on multiple characters will be out quite a bit of gold/RL $.
That’s really not fair and not how they should treat their customers.
I have multiple expensive dyes on multiple characters (Pyre, Flare, Abyss, Celestial, Vincent, Divinity, etc) and if all of my characters get access to it, I would gladly sacrifice not getting another copy to sell for the sake of the greater of good of other players. I enjoyed having it on the characters their on, but having access to it on all characters would be icing on the cake. I really don’t mind taking a hit on having purchased many of these dyes including the real $$ I spent in obtaining some of them.
But that’s just me, I’m sure other people have different thoughts.
How can people get unidentified dyes after the patch? Laurels and gem store? The only Mystic Forge recipe I can see on the wiki is an sPvP recipe (requiring glory), are there other recipes or are they adding new ones do you know?
Second this. For current Mystic Forge you need 1 Arcane Orb, 10 Arcane Powder, 1 Arcane Sliver, 1 Consumable Token. But we cant acquire them already because of recent Glory removal (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/March-18th-Glory-change-FAQ/first).
And one thing more: Unidentified Dyes from PVP-craft through Mystic Forge cant be used for crafting Gift of Colors (they account bound and has other ID).
So it took Anet 1.5 years to realise that Nexons influence on dye packs via cash shop was a bad idea?
You realize, that the new system is way worse than the old one?
Yes. We just received verification from Dev that we will be reducing the amount of unidentified dyes needed to 100.
How can people get unidentified dyes after the patch? Laurels and gem store?
Pretty much this. They also have a chance to drop from BLT chests, which i suspect will remain (since the keys come mostly from gemshop). Crafting does not produce unid dyes that can be used for Gift of Color recipe.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Fairly happy with it; I have a tendency to randomly delete characters so it will be nice not to have to buy their dyes all over again when I decide I don’t like that my humans nostril is slightly larger than his pupil and he must die.
It will be nice not to have to go to the Heart of the Mists whenever I want to play dress-up, or buy the same armor multiple times because I wanted a hat.
I’m curious how it changes the prices on Unidentified Dyes. They’re skyrocketing in price currently, so I imagine people are anticipating them being more valuable (by the way, 5 laurels gets you 10 dyes. Just saying, I’m roughly 100 gold richer as of today.)
Yea I loved getting the dyes drop for me an getting the thrill of wondering what i may get. I think this is a bit harsh on those folks who want to make bifrost and need 250unidentifed dyes to make the gift of colour. I just finished mine and thank god i did, cause collecting 250 dyes now is hard enuff without them dropping even less or not at all.
Yes, that icon is a blue-pink-yellow bundle of joy and excitement. When I see one drop, my stomach makes a happy jolt
Yea I loved getting the dyes drop for me an getting the thrill of wondering what i may get. I think this is a bit harsh on those folks who want to make bifrost and need 250unidentifed dyes to make the gift of colour. I just finished mine and thank god i did, cause collecting 250 dyes now is hard enuff without them dropping even less or not at all.
You’ll only need 100 unid dyes after the patch.
Yea I loved getting the dyes drop for me an getting the thrill of wondering what i may get. I think this is a bit harsh on those folks who want to make bifrost and need 250unidentifed dyes to make the gift of colour. I just finished mine and thank god i did, cause collecting 250 dyes now is hard enuff without them dropping even less or not at all.
It’s 100 dyes now for the Gift of Color.
I, too, enjoyed dye drops very much. I wish they would still drop. It’s always fun and exciting to think, ‘Oooo! This might be a special, rare dye drop!’.
I’m okay with removing Unidentified Dye drops from mobs. But i think dye drops from using Harvesting Sickles should stay. Perhaps you can do something like halve(or more) the chance of getting them from Plant Nodes, but the one thing that made Harvesting those plants(and the reason why some people bought the Infinite Sickles) was that you could get a dye from them.
Anyway, at least the Laurel Vendor should keep providing Dyes in exchange of Laurels.
With the new dye system comming up, will the dye prices on the tp rise or wil they drop?
Just wondering if I should buy some dyes now or later..
for example, black dye was 17g yesterday, but now it’s 13 again. What should I expect?
There was a time when I would, ever so often, just buy 5 dyes and open them to cheer myself up.
Sadly their price became so ludicrous that I couldn’t do that anymore.
I still got joy from the rare occasions on which one dropped, but that was so infrequent that their removal from the loot table is probably a blessing.
They were a good thing that was ruined by RNG and I do mean that because I remember the day that they dropped more commonly because of an error and then the drop rate was nerfed to “never-ever” in response.
True… I don’t really understand why it’s going away, to be honest. They mentioned something about the economic value of them plummeting. But why can they not still be a means of unlocking dyes? So what the value changed? Now you get a dye for cheaper. It’s not like the lousy ones were expensive, and the high end ones were rare anyways. They’ll drop in price, but I don’t think it matters that much…?
- They’re not interested in how you experience the game. The current model of developing games (especially MMOs) is all about metrics. They see you like the dyes and they want to get your money for it. In order to make that happen there has to be some changes in the system, which they communicated in advance.
Well guess there will be a giant jump in prices, given so many people trying to stock up on dyes. But the prices might be pushed down by people trying to cash in on the dye change and undercutting each other.
I just had one drop from a blueberry bush and got my little rush of pleasure. I’m going to miss that but I wonder how long it will be before I forget that even used to happen.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
(edited by zenleto.6179)