Feedback/Questions: MegaServer
mega server is only ok if you pretend all other players are NPC’c- very vocal NPC’s
people don’t even res any more
they will run over your corpse because why not? it is not like they are ever going to see you again
seriously, give us our communities back- we made them- it took two years.
you took it away in one patch.
I asked before if and so how megaservers work in ESO because I have been weary about that since they announced that. Nobody answered that but I did found it out myself: It doesn’t work.
I asked before if and so how megaservers work in ESO because I have been weary about that since they announced that. Nobody answered that but I did found it out myself: It doesn’t work.
How they and ArenaNet made mega servers a different and unrelated.
I asked before if and so how megaservers work in ESO because I have been weary about that since they announced that. Nobody answered that but I did found it out myself: It doesn’t work.How they and ArenaNet made mega servers a different and unrelated.
Yes and no. Part of the problems are the same because part of the implementation is similar. However ESO also made your instance based on your quest, GW2 did not. That is the biggest difference and causes even more problems for ESO.
i think pve-wise it’s a decent idea, however, for wvw players, or at least myself, server identity is something i liked to have. i’m not sure i’m fond of helping players who led a 50 man zerg against my keep
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
the feature pack wasnt fully tested, wasnt well implemented , is unfinished and they cant change anything about it because they are focusing on a release in a different country -.-.
please dont think I dont value the inovations and positive changes made to the game, i just think that the lack of feedback, communication and bad implementation ruins alot of it.
- the bring the wardrobe system + dyes-> they get rid of town clothes (despite the wardrobe being the PERFECT thing for them), they partiale remove charaktaristics (charm, honor …)
- they unlock all skins you have on !-> they dont give any kind of option to retrospectivly unlock skins (like for pple who have the title “the emporer” or have done the living world metas) and have tones of skins thar are immpossible to get.
-they convert transmutation stones and crystals into charges-> they do it in a compleatly unfair rate making it realy unfair for newer players -> should have been 2 stones = 1 charge and 1 crystal = 2 charges.-> when you store a skin you dont gain a transmutation charge.
-They implement the megaserver system to rase the genaral map population-> algorithms dont work gild missions become nearly impassible -> european servers get multilingual megaservers (french, german , english and no coordination possible)-> RP is literaly killed-> now way to chose a mega server (like gw 1 with numbered servers, or by naming them and designating an RP overflow)-> mega servers Hardcap prematurely if many ppl guest on to them at the same time ( this is bad for coordinated worldbosses like the worm).
-Boss times are changed to make them more “accessable”-> Mega bosses are killed for groups trying to find out how they work ( we did the 3 headed worm evry 2 hours for almost 2 weeks before we got world first kill, this wont be possible for future bosses)-> Massive down times where no bosses spawn-> because of the timing many pple cant even try Karka , teq or the worm because they are to early and there is no second spaw ( prime time karke for europe is at 6pm CET that is 5pm in britain and even earlyer in winter time -.-).
-To not “harm” the coordinated megaboss attempts Guild may spawn world bosses-> the spawn is to expensive for any world boss guild ( because they normaly arent full rep and split up over multiple servers)-> there is no reliable way for the guild spawinig to get its members on the right mega server-> if you wanted to spawn a worldboss onece evryday of the week you would need about 3 guilds and each would only be able to get 50 plle onto the map-> to be able to “test” new World bosses yoz would want to spawn it multible times but the cooldown is to long and you can only stack 3.-> smaler guilds have no acces to these extra spawns-> there are no rewards for spawning the world bosses -.-
Amber Wurm is best Wurm <3
-They patched a language option in for europe-> it was automaticaly aktivated for evryone so if you are trying to coordinate anything on a european sever everyone who hase the game in a different language than you cant hear you-> worldboss coordination killed-> I cant help players who are asking for help in mapchat because they may have the game in a different language…
-WvW points were merged- when you level up on a low level charakter you can only open the chest you get, on them ( no way to open it on a lv 80 chara for better loot)-> as your level rises it takes more and more time to level up so it is actualy making it hamfull to level your chakters by wvw! + no combensation -.-
-> Trait changes + new grand master traits implemented-> traits are now only accessable from lv 30 ( this cap is way to high) and you gater different traits throghout the world by clearing certain objectives or you can buy them at a vendor (sond nice right? just wait -.-)-> traits are placed in a way that they are nearly impossible to attain in some cases and to easy in others, you are forced to clear all maps to get then instead of for instance the normal path a charakter would go while leveling-> traits are not placed correctly in comparison to there level ( speedy kits form engy (2 trait point /lv 35) requires that you have frostgorgesound , a lv 80 area at 100%-> new players have no Idea how they work or where to find them ( because a new player to mmo doesnt know that dulfy has all the answers)-> traits are way to expensive-> you cant earn all the base traits without doing wvw and pve ( no everyone wants to do both they should be able to do that)-> traits should be availiable from lv 10 and should be placed in a way that they can be acclaimed by some one just going throgh the world and descovering it starting from there staring zone ( all 0-10 zones have all the lv 10 traits hiden around them / all lv 11-20 the traits for there levels and so on.)
- PVP has been updated to make it more userfriendly-> yes it is and I enjoy it-< dongeon tracks were introduced to make it possible to gain equip from pvp-> there arent enogh arenas for the ammount of ppl in pvp
-devs asked for feed back about the new patch -> devs proceded to ignore the forums (I know some might read thing but if they dont respond or do anything about the issues being named its as good as if thay didnt -.-)-> no responces were given exept for that they have better things to do , namly the release in china ( this isnt quite the wording but the wrote that they cant respond to the forum issues because they are working on the upcoming release in china).
The game has been changed to make in easyer for casual players ( which isnt all bad), established non casual communitys were ignored ( RP, Mega world boss and so on), qualty of life changes where made in a way that caused many new problems, good inovations were spoiled by bad implementaion and testing.
i beleve the game has changed and I also believe it has the foundation now to get better but only if arenanet realy invests some time into treaking the current update and learns from mistakes , so that they arent made in the future.
+I would like a new ballencing in WvW to stop the extream night raids. for european servers this can be realy unfair (as specialy for german ones) since some servers hire guilds from NA to do the night zergs. It would be nice if the main castles and towers would not count for the tic at night to balence the difference between servers nocturnal activities ..
Amber Wurm is best Wurm <3
Oh and I forgot its nearly impossible to do any cind of advertising for WvW because Im not on a server with my ppl anyway… pls implement a server chat!
Amber Wurm is best Wurm <3
I already posted on here earlier about this I am so fed up. I havn’t got to do the Big Wurm Boss since mega server came out with my guild. We cordinate it with other guilds so we get on TS and we usually beat it. But now with MS I and others can’t get in with our guilds we sit and spam join for half hour and still cant get in. MS is not community friendly you can try and do it on the server you land on but they wont get into the TS so you can plan out things. They dont care!! and I have noticed ppl dont rez either like some others are saying as well. HELP ANET / GW OR WHOEVER FIX THIS PLEASE
Regarding the guild influence/recruiting issue, I think what they are planning on doing is to make it so that eventually all guild influence is stored in the same pool, regardless of what home world your members are on.
They probably also think that this will totally fix the issue and will be an ideal situation for all guilds.
While I am sure that some people will like it, basically it is just another step to try and undo the entire server system and transform the community into one massive blob where everyone is a winner. Also another step that will further undermine the efforts of those who play this game primarily for WvW.
I have honestly never been one to complain about anything before, but I really, really don’t like the direction that this game seems to be headed at the moment.
It is frightening how a company can kill its own game. I hope this game will see a better future than SWG.
mega server is only ok if you pretend all other players are NPC’c- very vocal NPC’s
people don’t even res any more
they will run over your corpse because why not? it is not like they are ever going to see you againseriously, give us our communities back- we made them- it took two years.
you took it away in one patch.
That’s just not true, it’s generalisation over a few incidents. I’ve been ressed at several boss attempts (those elite shades at Behe can hit hard when you run around doing portals compared to the main zerg just remaining behind to bash at Behe). Anyhow, people ress, and those who don’t aren’t a result of megaserver being introduced, they’re just egoistic kittens (pardon the expression).
I agree, mega servers need work to ensure communities better can join up (whether we’re talking guild, group of guilds or players from same world), but despite this page reaching 40 pages, I’ve seen a lot of positive comments in-game.
I seriously hope the megaservers are introduced so as to overcome Anet’s previous concern that adding new zones would spread the player base too thinly, while now you group people up and don’t have that problem and this caters for adding more zones / expansions to the game. And give the megaservers a chance to be further honed and tweaked in upcoming weeks/patches, they’ve only been around 3 weeks and people complaining over Triple Trouble not being possible to do anymore must be doing something wrong. TxS still do it on a regular basis.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I am no longer interested in logging in anymore. I don’t know what else to say. This really really sucks.
mega server is only ok if you pretend all other players are NPC’c- very vocal NPC’s
people don’t even res any more
they will run over your corpse because why not? it is not like they are ever going to see you againseriously, give us our communities back- we made them- it took two years.
you took it away in one patch.
I know! I was late for work today because megaservers put everyone on the same kitten train! Everything is megaserver’s fault!
I am no longer interested in logging in anymore. I don’t know what else to say. This really really sucks.
Can you give me all your gold then?
(edited by Vesuvius.9874)
Well, Dondarrion, they certainly won’t have to fear that new zones will be underpopulated. Instead; they will be overpopulated, that is no way better from my point of view. It will be a nightmare to do anything especially if they follow the zerg style contents of previous living story chapters in season 2.
The megaserver system was supposed to be introduced slowly, yet the whole world map got megaservered under a week. So much for fine tuning…
And won’t expect new patches until they are finished with the China release and everything runs smoothly there.
(edited by Seraphina.6859)
. And give the megaservers a chance to be further honed and tweaked in upcoming weeks/patches, they’ve only been around 3 weeks and people complaining over Triple Trouble not being possible to do anymore must be doing something wrong. TxS still do it on a regular basis.
What makes you think megaserver will be " honed and tweaked in upcoming weeks/patches"?? There is nothing to indicate this will be the case, only some vague mention of “in the future”, and we all know what that means …
Given the state of the game since launch, if/when Anet ever gets around to fixing megaserver issues, it will be in the time frame of many months, if not years, and most certainly not in weeks.
As for the Wurm, yes TxS still does it, but not without having to deal with many difficulties on a daily basis. We have already lost members, with some quitting the game entirely because of this, and many others are getting very fed up.
mega server is only ok if you pretend all other players are NPC’c- very vocal NPC’s
people don’t even res any more
they will run over your corpse because why not? it is not like they are ever going to see you againseriously, give us our communities back- we made them- it took two years.
you took it away in one patch.I know! I was late for work today because megaservers put everyone on the same kitten train! Everything is megaserver’s fault!
I am no longer interested in logging in anymore. I don’t know what else to say. This really really sucks.
Can you give me all your gold then?
So lets take your work analogy -why don’t we.
yes the mega sever made you late because it put everyone on the same train
- not only that
at each stop, it randomly changed all the passengers and in some cases the actual stop because now the station was no longer open.
- no one on the train spoke the same language and your neighbor, who got on with you went missing.
there are so many people on the train you can’t see the train let alone the stop
halfway through your journey you disembarked from the train, only to find- when you get back on that it is now a different train.
by the time you got to work – you seriously thought about taking the long way in the car next time.
So lets take your work analogy -why don’t we.
yes the mega sever made you late because it put everyone on the same train
- not only that
at each stop, it randomly changed all the passengers and in some cases the actual stop because now the station was no longer open.- no one on the train spoke the same language and your neighbor, who got on with you went missing.
there are so many people on the train you can’t see the train let alone the stop
halfway through your journey you disembarked from the train, only to find- when you get back on that it is now a different train.
by the time you got to work – you seriously thought about taking the long way in the car next time.
Very good explanation but I was waiting for the part where you explained how suddenly people have stopped rezzing because of megaservers… maybe that part of the post ended up on a different server? O_O! Aaaaargh curse you megaservers!!
Very good explanation
but I was waiting for the part where you explained how suddenly people have stopped rezzing because of megaservers… maybe that part of the post ended up on a different server? O_O! Aaaaargh curse you megaservers!!
I couldn’t help but laugh at that. So thank you.
One could easily say that megaservers have produced the perfect environment to breed and nurture apathy. Goodbye to the communities we cherished, hello to this new future of GW2.
Why doesn’t Anet just give every map’s megaserver a number and an option to access it, kinda like how districts worked for city maps in GW1. District 1,2,3 etc… That would literally eliminate the problems people are having with guild recruiting, by allowing people to search for guild recruits in every maps district, instead of cutting them off from over 3/4 of the potential recruits for that are already on their home server. It would also help out guild missions by allowing your guild to say missions taking place in say Snowden drifts district 3, so people wouldn’t have to be taxied in anymore… it would solve ALOT of the problems actually. Seems irrational analyzing it now if they wouldn’t do something like that, unless they have a better solution. Either way things just can’t stay where they are now, already heard of so many people quitting over this megaserver, unarguably a large majority of players are furious and over the game because of it. Guess it’s anets move now whether they do something or ignore it. It’s their games future though cause there’s definitely some awesome new games coming out such as Bless if they don’t fix it; although I’d rather stick with GW2 considering all the time I’ve already put into it, but we’ll see. Megaserver isn’t worth sticking around just because of past time and money though.
Lady Cynn (Leader)
Gate of Madness
Very good explanation
but I was waiting for the part where you explained how suddenly people have stopped rezzing because of megaservers… maybe that part of the post ended up on a different server? O_O! Aaaaargh curse you megaservers!!
I couldn’t help but laugh at that. So thank you.
Why doesn’t Anet just give every map’s megaserver a number and an option to access it, kinda like how districts worked for city maps in GW1. District 1,2,3 etc… That would literally eliminate the problems people are having with guild recruiting, by allowing people to search for guild recruits in every maps district, instead of cutting them off from over 3/4 of the potential recruits for that are already on their home server.
Excellent idea. This should also solve RPing issues (not that I care about RPers but when this can solve that problem as well, why not?).
mega server is only ok if you pretend all other players are NPC’c- very vocal NPC’s
people don’t even res any more
they will run over your corpse because why not? it is not like they are ever going to see you againseriously, give us our communities back- we made them- it took two years.
you took it away in one patch.I know! I was late for work today because megaservers put everyone on the same kitten train! Everything is megaserver’s fault!
I am no longer interested in logging in anymore. I don’t know what else to say. This really really sucks.
Can you give me all your gold then?
There’s no need to be so incredibly unpleasant about other people leaving feedback.
mega server is only ok if you pretend all other players are NPC’c- very vocal NPC’s
people don’t even res any more
they will run over your corpse because why not? it is not like they are ever going to see you againseriously, give us our communities back- we made them- it took two years.
you took it away in one patch.I know! I was late for work today because megaservers put everyone on the same kitten train! Everything is megaserver’s fault!
I am no longer interested in logging in anymore. I don’t know what else to say. This really really sucks.
Can you give me all your gold then?
There’s no need to be so incredibly unpleasant about other people leaving feedback.
I’m confused… what part of that seemed so “incredibly unpleasant” to you… ?
So lets take your work analogy -why don’t we.
yes the mega sever made you late because it put everyone on the same train
- not only that
at each stop, it randomly changed all the passengers and in some cases the actual stop because now the station was no longer open.- no one on the train spoke the same language and your neighbor, who got on with you went missing.
there are so many people on the train you can’t see the train let alone the stop
halfway through your journey you disembarked from the train, only to find- when you get back on that it is now a different train.
by the time you got to work – you seriously thought about taking the long way in the car next time.
Very good explanation
but I was waiting for the part where you explained how suddenly people have stopped rezzing because of megaservers… maybe that part of the post ended up on a different server? O_O! Aaaaargh curse you megaservers!!
I can answer this since I’ve seen several people post on the matter.
It isn’t apathy that causes people not to res. It is because people at events are now seen as competition instead of allies. When there are so many people dpsing a boss that you sometimes don’t get loot because you don’t tag for enough, you see the other people as obstacles in the way to getting loot. Ergo, when they down at the event, you don’t want to res them because a) it takes away from your dps time and b) it means they will start dpsing making you have to dps more to get your loot. Also a dead person doesn’t waste as much processing power on your computer as a live one running around spaming effects ;-)
From what I’ve seen people don’t res during events anymore. If someone dies, they leave you until then end, and then will res you. The megaserver overpopulation has bred this attitude not because of apathy, but because of competition for loot.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
(edited by eleshazar.6902)
I can answer this since I’ve seen several people post on the matter.
It isn’t apathy that causes people not to res. It is because people at events are now seen as competition instead of allies. When there are so many people dpsing a boss that you sometimes don’t get loot because you don’t tag for enough, you see the other people as obstacles in the way to getting loot. Ergo, when they down at the event, you don’t want to res them because a) it takes away from your dps time and b) it means they will start dpsing making you have to dps more to get your loot. Also a dead person doesn’t waste as much processing power on your computer as a live one running around spaming effects ;-)
From what I’ve seen people don’t res during events anymore. If someone dies, they leave you until then end, and then will res you. The megaserver overpopulation has bred this attitude not because of apathy, but because of competition for loot.
That’s a really interesting viewpoint. That would mean that prior to megaservers, people rezzed because there wasn’t enough DPS to down the target to get loot. Rezzing people meant there would be more DPS to go around and that would increase the chances of getting loot.
If all of this is true, it just means that people have always been self-serving in their behaviour, both before and after megaservers. Therefore, complaining about other people’s behaviour still doesn’t make sense :P moot point lol!
It is true:) but we don’t need a system that encourages this behaviour to the detriment of others.:)
It isn’t apathy that causes people not to res. It is because people at events are now seen as competition instead of allies. When there are so many people dpsing a boss that you sometimes don’t get loot because you don’t tag for enough, you see the other people as obstacles in the way to getting loot. Ergo, when they down at the event, you don’t want to res them because a) it takes away from your dps time and b) it means they will start dpsing making you have to dps more to get your loot. Also a dead person doesn’t waste as much processing power on your computer as a live one running around spaming effects ;-)
From what I’ve seen people don’t res during events anymore. If someone dies, they leave you until then end, and then will res you. The megaserver overpopulation has bred this attitude not because of apathy, but because of competition for loot.
I was guilty of this the other night, during Mk II. >.>
After a run where I was the nice guy, rez’ing folks who got downed by the lightning floor, I didn’t get any loot. None. Nothin’. I was quite put out, to say the least. <.<
So, next run, I didn’t heal anyone. There’s two reasons.
1 – To keep dps on the boss (so I’ll get my loot).
2 – Not to be a kitten about it, but the waypoint is all of 10 seconds away. It takes longer for me to rez someone than it would take for them to get up, pay the waypoint cost, and jog back into the fray.
And it’s sad the game’s gone this way. I remember a time where 25 v champ meant something, and to be the one who would run around and heal the group after a near-wipe meant something. It was actually pretty epic to see my friend frantically dodging around with two other people, while 20 others had their little help-me flags out. He eventually helped the legion get back up and finish the champ. That magic is quite gone, now. :\
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
What adds insult to injury is that there is a significant chance of crashing or disconnecting even if you manage to get on a boss map. Once that happens you will lose credit for the work you did and won’t be able to try again for 8 hours. Instability + poor megaserver algorithms + boss schedule = a perfect storm of player abuse.
(edited by shogei.8015)
Doing Guildmissions is now a horror! You run up to the missions only to find 3 other guilds there aswell, And if its one of the ones were only one guild can take credit for it at the time, It causes alot of waiting around. Which scales up the event for the guild doing it and incase the other guilds dont feel like helping out the guild thats doing it is screwed. And imagine waiting for a mission for 30minutes only to have another guild run up and press F first. Forcing you to wait another 30 minutes. This is not “Facillitating friendly play” As Anet wanted to call it. Please do something about this, I really enjoy the game, but this (Being a person that leads missions everyweek) is killing me.
Doing Guildmissions is now a horror! You run up to the missions only to find 3 other guilds there aswell, And if its one of the ones were only one guild can take credit for it at the time, It causes alot of waiting around. Which scales up the event for the guild doing it and incase the other guilds dont feel like helping out the guild thats doing it is screwed. And imagine waiting for a mission for 30minutes only to have another guild run up and press F first. Forcing you to wait another 30 minutes. This is not “Facillitating friendly play” As Anet wanted to call it. Please do something about this, I really enjoy the game, but this (Being a person that leads missions everyweek) is killing me.
Yup, i’ve stopped doing them, i dont need the commendations, but i just used to do them for fun. Well it aint fun anymore :P.
Not only is the whole guild scattered, i never see them, since even divinity’s reach/grove/rata sum/etc, got megaservered. The unique feel of being on “my” server is gone..
Temples got screwed to. Bosses are killed the moment they spawn, so finding a temple that is up, is a pain.
Most people tell me, well go do wvw, u’ll get plenty of dragonite from keeps. Lucky me, i’m stuck on whiteside ridge, we rarely take keeps. I’m more of a pve gamer, so having to do wvw to get some dragonite, aint fun, and feels like a grind.
World bosses often only give 5 dragonite, jormag/shatterer etc spawn a few times a day now, which destroyed the pve grind for dragonite.
I really like gw2, and never had the feeling i had to grind for something. But megaserver changed my mind. Dragonite is just a pain to get now, if u are a pve gamer like me.
Problem is this:
They’ve done the megaserver without adapting the game to it.
They needed to add larger scale events and more events, more bosses, instanced guild missions, farming areas for different T6 mats scattered around the world map (Orr and Malchor used to be great areas to farm).
Now the TP has huge inflation because of the lack of content and slowing down of boss runs.
Megaserver is awesome, love it. I actually see other people now and get to do events. The game feels like an MMO now and not a single player MMO.
I’m quite torn actually. On one hand, I’m glad to see so much activity. There are always people there to do the random events.
However, as an RPer, and I know other RPer’s would agree, we’ve become even more of a prime target for the PvP/PvE exclusive tryhards being trolls just because we play the game differently.
Instead, imo, there should have been three servers, one for each playstyle. RP, PvE, and PvP
Opinions are like kittens – everyone has one. Here’s mine.
Positives about megaservers:
- Lots of folks in maps make them feel more alive.
- You can usually get help if you need it.
- Meet a huge variety of different people.
- Maps sometimes feel anarchic with different groups running to different objectives.
- As often as not (especially EU server) people just ignore you or can’t read your typing.
- You see someone, then may never see them again. There’s no community.
- Orr needs to be un-nerfed. It is just too easy now.
- The challenge has gone. Last night an EU group completed Temple of Balthazar without losing ANY Pact Morale! I don’t even think we got one defeated player, and this was with hardly any instructions in chat (none except my own attempts to advise) and no coordination. We just walked the entire event.
- As Morrigan said at the top of the page (and I am sure others have said before) – hardly anyone resses anymore. A few days back I was lambasted in Caledon because 4 people downed at Jungle Wurm and I asked if noone resses anymore. Noone should down at a 1-15 world event except maybe Fire Elemental because those little wisps are kittens. Noone. And if you speak up about it, you get abuse.
(edited by GuzziHero.2467)
You forgot the drawback of “Guilds and parties are scattered to pieces across servers”
Ah, that too but I’m not in any guilds so it didn’t occur to me
Yeah Megaserver its good system, but we still wait new patches, allow players to earn guild awards regardless of the server, and temple timers
I can answer this since I’ve seen several people post on the matter.
It isn’t apathy that causes people not to res. It is because people at events are now seen as competition instead of allies. When there are so many people dpsing a boss that you sometimes don’t get loot because you don’t tag for enough, you see the other people as obstacles in the way to getting loot. Ergo, when they down at the event, you don’t want to res them because a) it takes away from your dps time and b) it means they will start dpsing making you have to dps more to get your loot. Also a dead person doesn’t waste as much processing power on your computer as a live one running around spaming effects ;-)
From what I’ve seen people don’t res during events anymore. If someone dies, they leave you until then end, and then will res you. The megaserver overpopulation has bred this attitude not because of apathy, but because of competition for loot.
That’s a really interesting viewpoint. That would mean that prior to megaservers, people rezzed because there wasn’t enough DPS to down the target to get loot. Rezzing people meant there would be more DPS to go around and that would increase the chances of getting loot.
If all of this is true, it just means that people have always been self-serving in their behaviour, both before and after megaservers. Therefore, complaining about other people’s behaviour still doesn’t make sense :P moot point lol!
No. reread the post you quoted. Before the megaserver the bosses took longer, and you could easily tag them for loot. In fact, you could do other things (like ressing dead/downed) and you still had a reasonable chance of tagging, unless you went really crazy with out-of-fight activities. Now you have a problem with tagging even if all you do is dps – so of course you don’t want to stop dpsing even for a second, as this practically guarantees you won’t tag.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I don’t think the psychology is that deep. I just think that the spirit is not in the players to help others now.
You call out in map chat that you need/are offering help with something and nothing returns, even when you have friends unable to get into your instance because it is full.
I don’t think the psychology is that deep. I just think that the spirit is not in the players to help others now.
You call out in map chat that you need/are offering help with something and nothing returns, even when you have friends unable to get into your instance because it is full.
Agreed. There is no community and no caring. Just a ton of apathetic and mindless groups running from one boss to the next.
This is still a major problem for many servers. I know that for Maguuma, we used our major cities to recruit new people to WvW. We hold training sessions for our new people, along with training sessions for new commanders. We now can no longer advertise this and recruit new people because of these changes. Its almost impossible to recruit to guilds, too. Cant we just go back to our major cities not being in megaserver?
Megaserver has ruined all sense of community we once had on our servers.
Talk for you and for your server only.
I hardly call community being alone in an empty city.
It is hard to have a mixed server system without problems or some types of conflicts. Hence, it is easier to have all one type.
I don’t find any issues at all with the megaservers at all – it is nice empty areas brimming with people. There is always good and bad to everything and you can’t please everyone. On my server, TC, the sense of community has not diminished at all.
It is hard to have a mixed server system without problems or some types of conflicts. Hence, it is easier to have all one type.
I don’t find any issues at all with the megaservers at all – it is nice empty areas brimming with people. There is always good and bad to everything and you can’t please everyone. On my server, TC, the sense of community has not diminished at all.
Honestly curious here. You say that you dont find any issues at all with the megaserver system, but also say there is good and bad in everything. What would you consider to be the bad in the megaserver system and, assuming that bad means adversely affecting the gam and/or players in some way, why dont you consider it to be an issue, at all ?
It is hard to have a mixed server system without problems or some types of conflicts. Hence, it is easier to have all one type.
I don’t find any issues at all with the megaservers at all – it is nice empty areas brimming with people. There is always good and bad to everything and you can’t please everyone. On my server, TC, the sense of community has not diminished at all.
I think he mean that stuff that would be good for some will be bad for others and becauseof that there is no way to please everyone…..
about topic and my opinion on that – I don’t feel anything like bad because of that – for my experience its like “no one cared about wvw earlier at cities and only city with people was LA – still on one cares about wvw at cities – just there are folks out there”
and also that eliminated possibility of very sad situations like we’ve seen before when at LA where very bad arguments when one of WvW guilds that once left our server sent back a squad to “farm a little at wvw and recruit new players” which was actually stealing our potential wvw fighters for them – and ruining our wvw experience because they were ignoring everyone in field – and some of them was also abusing folks that were normally there – and there were many very bad arguments in cities with them – and with megaserver such people cannot perfomr such things so its on + for me….
Honestly curious here. You say that you dont find any issues at all with the megaserver system, but also say there is good and bad in everything. What would you consider to be the bad in the megaserver system and, assuming that bad means adversely affecting the gam and/or players in some way, why dont you consider it to be an issue, at all ?
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
What would you consider to be the bad in the megaserver system
That 90% of the events don’t even scale for those amounts of players and have become idiotic races to get the loot from the poor mobs that evaporate on spawn?
William S. Burroughs
with megaserver there is a chance that you will meet players with the same name, how this will affect the system? for example whisper.
My number one issue with this whole thing is that it completely destroyed any sense of community for me. Server solidarity has always been important to me. It makes or breaks whether I want to play a game. I was extremely attached to the community of Tarnished Coast, even if it was quiet outside of a few cities. I knew who most people were and when they’d be on. We had trivia in map chat for prizes. People were proud to be from TC even if they didn’t roleplay (which I don’t.)
Now, it’s gone. There is no server pride because there isn’t really a server. TC as a concept is pretty much dead for me. Yes, there are tons of people all over running around and stuff, but it’s usually not anyone I recognize. Map chat is either incoherent blathering or eerily dead for the amount of people in the zone. If any “map chat events” such as trivia happen anymore, I don’t see it because it’s never in the same shard as me. I have a feeling, though, that people simply no longer try.
In the end, this is breaking my will to log in and do things. In the past I could sit around in LA and talk to people from the server if I didn’t feel like doing anything else. Now it’s all business. The only pocket of a community from TC that I have left is my guild, and people aren’t logging in as much now for various reasons. I log in, do my daily, and usually log back out. It’s sad. I hate to admit it, but at this point I’m strongly considering switching back to a game that still has defined servers that I am familiar with. Community is everything in an MMO, and this patch pretty much killed it.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
with megaserver there is a chance that you will meet players with the same name, how this will affect the system? for example whisper.
No two people in the game can have the same name. It’s been like that since release.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!