Feedback/Questions: MegaServer
I agree with Golgathoth.3967, the megaserver change has damaged our server community/identity (if your server didn’t have a community to begin with you were missing something important in this game). The only means a server has to identify itself now is WvW.
IMHO it has also ‘encouraged’ the tendency of players to be a mindless zerg/karma train, as if most world bosses weren’t susceptible to that treatment anyway (albeit one or two bosses need a modicum of preparation/organisation). I am left to ponder whether this is the sort of player Anet encourages and if it is their intent to foster this mode of play style. I don’t know if it’s my imagination, however, it would appear that this behavior is increasing in WvW also as a result (just an observation no real proof of a correlation).
Anet should at least have left ONE server based PvE map that is a central gathering place for players on a server, such as Lions Arch used to be.
Im a bit of a noob here… You are all moaning that you cant farm like you used to but doesnt that mean that there is less supply and more demand? Meaning that for the ore you do sell you get more for it? :s fairly sure this is basic economics… unless people just farm the nodes for the laugh.
Yes but in the end only the goldfarmers will profit of this. While normal player need much more time now and effort to gather the ressources the goldsellers will get more gold for the same work because the bots will simply run every node on the map. Prices may rise a little bit but then will remain steady.
That’s okay, nothing in this game has actually been effective against gold farmers since the start, the double RNG, the gambling when you open a bag, the chests that don’t contain anything but blues, the DR on loot. This is just another system to keep the players from making a profit.
Anet should at least have left ONE server based PvE map that is a central gathering place for players on a server, such as Lions Arch used to be.
All he wrote and THIS in particular
Whiteside Ridge
I see an other rather ANOYING problem to. Now that mega-server is in live i got 3-4 gold seller whisper /hour. And i see almost in every lev80 map bots running around and farming. Before mega-server thingie we was low populated and i don’t faced such problems…
I’m sure this has been brought up before, but one thing I do wish they would make happen is bring back Lions Arch, and make that exclusive to the server. Until Lions Arch is back, make that happen in a racial city (or any other map for that matter).
I appreciate that mid-level zones are so much more populated now. I even like how, as a poor WvWer, I can hop on a World Boss event and get some easy gold at my leisure. However, there really needs to be some sort of place for each servers’ community to muster, be it for WvW or just being able to see the same people everyday.
I personally don’t see a reason for any city to be part of Skynet. There’s no content there, they serve as “hubs”. Even the personal story stuff are instanced, there’s no need for 500+ players to be parked on the same area. The areas themselves are ten times smaller than the rest of the world, and gathering said players together simply causes lag, and frequent crashes. And i won’t mention the serious impact it has on medium end and low end PC users…
(edited by Asacledhae.2650)
This was all forseeable: Lack of community killed EoTM and made it a karma train. Anet didn’t learn from this and now lack of community is a problem in PvE as well.
Why is the megaserver not simply a guest-able option, in addition to the traditional servers?
Why not establish a few megaservers you volunteer to join if you wish, and keep basic server identity for those who want to play guild content, prepare for the harder world bosses, and, y’know… explore the game?
The megaservers ostensibly exist for open-world PvE. However, to dictate that the “right” way to PvE is to join (or try to avoid) a massive 100-man zerg, that vaporizes everything in its wake from one end of the map to the other, runs completely counter to the emphasis on exploration and discovery that forms a core element of the early game.
So many of these recent major changes, intended to make the game “more fun” for new players, seem to cater more and more to people who have been playing for over a year, have the resources (skill points and gold for traits, mats and gold for ascended crafting) to participate in content that encourages players to treat every map like a farm: end-game content.
Some of my fondest memories as a new player was in discovering hidden nooks and crannies as I explored at my own pace, largely alone, where running into other players doing the same thing resulted in a genuinely unique and socially rewarding experience (especially in Orr). Being on a low-pop server, or a server with fewer PvE-ers, facilitated that experience. It’s a whole less thrilling when everywhere you turn there’s people mining, farming, doing guild missions, and generally making the world feel utterly tamed and canvassed rather than a land of adventure.
Megaservers have significant pros and cons. Many cons can be eliminated by bringing back the old guest system and pairing it, simultaneously, with megaservers.
@Arena Net, can you please give us Districts like in Guild Wars when we had districts for guilds and communites to meet up in. We had it in Guild Wars we need it in Guild Wars 2 !
Guild – Darkhaven Elite
Day 31….
My fellow survivors and I are still adrift on some forsaken ocean, forgotten in the wake of the Megaserver apocalypse. Morale is low. Many of us didn’t make it this long, leaping overboard with broken spirit and hoping the fates would see to give them a better life in the great beyond.
Our supplies have dwindled and soon we’ll have to draw straws to see who will be eaten for the others to survive.
With nary a devpost in sight to offer us hope I fear we will not last long.
I’m certain the captain has been lying about how much fresh water is left. I don’t think I’m going to make it.
@Arena Net, can you please give us Districts like in Guild Wars when we had districts for guilds and communites to meet up in. We had it in Guild Wars we need it in Guild Wars 2 !
I am rather sure they would have already done that if it was so easy.
But we have to keep in mind that the server systems are completely different between the two games and districts might very well not be possible at this time.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Of all the Mega maps Curse Shore is the worst I have Dc’ed from it 10 plus times, it’s the most unstable map right now..
@Arena Net, can you please give us Districts like in Guild Wars when we had districts for guilds and communites to meet up in. We had it in Guild Wars we need it in Guild Wars 2 !
I am rather sure they would have already done that if it was so easy.
But we have to keep in mind that the server systems are completely different between the two games and districts might very well not be possible at this time.
Oh, how is things going with Living Story S2?
Since you quite clearly seems to be fully aware about how their systems work one would have to assume that you are actually working at ArenaNet.
Oh, how is things going with Living Story S2?
Since you quite clearly seems to be fully aware about how their systems work one would have to assume that you are actually working at ArenaNet.
You don’t have to be part of the company in order to understand that the systems are different.
Or are you really suggesting that a game that is fully instanced with no player to player interaction in the vast majority of maps is identical to a system where more or less every single map is shared among everyone?
(Cute of you to find a week (or something) old post by me and re-posting it here though )
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Hello all,
Iv really enjoyed the new faces I see everyday since the megaserver system, Anet is really heading in the right direction So thanks for making this a better and better game.
However, I was wondering if Anet has put some consideration into scaling events since there are more people in the world – I find the content to be very easy when there are 5+ people doing an event/content.
Day 31….
My fellow survivors and I are still adrift on some forsaken ocean, forgotten in the wake of the Megaserver apocalypse. Morale is low. Many of us didn’t make it this long, leaping overboard with broken spirit and hoping the fates would see to give them a better life in the great beyond.
With nary a devpost in sight to offer us hope I fear we will not last long.
Day 31… Megaserver nightmare continues.
It’s been a while since I visited a Temple. It seems like the 6 gods have forsaken us on this overflow-ocean. At last, Malchor has truly been “left alone”.
We lost many when we encountered the Kraken Wurm monster. As we rushed to face the challenge that might give us hope in these dark megaserver times, by some invisible hand our friends were torn from our side and we ended up in different realities. Brothers and sisters in arms scattered across unknown dimensions, cursed by the hardcap-bug never to be joined with their loved ones. Scenes of chaos still haunt my sleep.
Last week we spotted the dry land. My heart leapt with the hope of seeing firm server-land again, my dehydrated lips dreamt about kissing the solid ground… But as our guild-raft approached, there was a queue at the shore and the Blue-tagged natives refused to accept the PvE refugees.
[DV] – megaboss community
(edited by hedix.1986)
As an avid PvE’r myself I enjoy seeing more people out and about in the world. I will say this however being in queensdale for more than 10 minutes just makes me laugh at all of the crazy, over the top gamers who blow their stack when someone kills a boss outside of the “train”. For someone who has been away from the game for a very long time I didn’t even know what this “train” was, I realize now why its there and some adjustments need to be made.
My understanding is that these trains happen because the events are on a set timer thus making it easy to bounce from one to another. Why not “shuffle” the order of the events every day or every couple of hours? Just for example purposes lets say there are 8 boss events, the game picks only 4 of them to be active for 12 hour timeframe, activating at 3 hour intervals. This would allow us PvE people to enjoy bosses, would bring large groups together, but place a large enough time gap between events to help eliminate the train.
I think the megaserver rollout was for the better, however it needs some tweaking. I personally do not like the set in stone schedule for events, because I always miss the big ones due to what time I play.
I personally do not like the set in stone schedule for events, because I always miss the big ones due to what time I play.
They could put a dent in a few problems if they would have simultaneous rotations, instead of THE ONE TRUE SCHEDULE. Then, everyone would get a chance to run boss events, and the player base would be split up between multiple world bosses.
Works even better if light bosses like Ulgoth spawn at the same time as megabosses like Tequatl, so that players have their choice of difficulty or flavor of combat.
Personally, I hated it before when bosses would just show up whenever, or I had to reference a (frequently incorrect) API-tracker on a third-party site to find boss encounters for dragonite. The concept of the schedule is a good one, the execution is not (like many things that came down the pipe from ANet of late ( looking at you, traits)).
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Or you know, just keep what is supposed to be a dynamic occurance dynamic instead of forcing everything into a schedule. Like the Ulgoth event chain. Even if it was killed, in 30 minutes the pre-event started again, and you were right on track, doing the last quarter of the entire chain and finishing with a good boss-fight. Not the underwhelming pause the chain abruptly ends with these days. There should have been more chains implemented like that, instead we get megaserver schedule abominations.
Or you know, just keep what is supposed to be a dynamic occurance dynamic instead of forcing everything into a schedule. Like the Ulgoth event chain. Even if it was killed, in 30 minutes the pre-event started again, and you were right on track, doing the last quarter of the entire chain and finishing with a good boss-fight. Not the underwhelming pause the chain abruptly ends with these days. There should have been more chains implemented like that, instead we get megaserver schedule abominations.
I mostly agree with that, too. The schedule is too restricted to be useful, but most of the bosses didn’t have event chains as a signal to know they were starting.
They ended up overtuning in the wrong direction, so now 50-80 people show up to pound on the ONE boss that happens to be up at any given time. People even advertise the next boss waypoint after kills. …They’re making a boss train. Hee. =p
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
One of the issues with the Megaserver is guild missions/bounties…we are finding that during those events not all of the guildies are getting into the same megaserver, resulting in having to taxi people to the megaserver with the bulk of the guild in it and sometimes too full to get in. Prior to the change, we could just guest to our guild’s main server and we almost always ended up together where we needed to be (notwithstanding the occasional nightmare of a major event causing an overflow to occur preventing some guildies from getting into the main).
Honestly with the mega servers now I wouldn’t mind some serious MEGA events. Why not have the actions and outcomes of one area spill into another area? I remember reading an article before the game came out describing undead attacking a village, then the village falls and if you didn’t do anything they would keep marching on ect.
Why not create event chains that affect several areas at once? It would involve people of wide level ranges, create a broader content area instead of farming the same chain over and over, and also add some immersion to the world.
Lets say some centaurs start attacking in kessex hills. You don’t beat them back? they take a small stronghold with some veteran and champ mobs. They hold it for a while? they start sending raiding parties to attack villagers and neighboring areas. Hell if it got bad enough maybe we could see some NPC vs NPC battles happen. They wanted to make a living world, I think its time they step up their game and make some “world” sized changes for once.
It would be nice to get that WvW feel (towers, camps, castles) in PvE with certain areas having capture able hard points for NPC’s and players. Most of the time out in the world it feels like nothing is happening, just the same old stuff. I want to see people running in fear from a horde of enemies approaching, villages on fire from a large raid, things like that.
Personally I have mixed feelings about it.
To expand, many people like to worldboss hop, so I joined the giant zergball that was bossing.
Wow. You barely get a hit in on the boss, and it’s dead.
This is good, and bad.
*It gets you the rewards quickly – you farm those bags like no tomorrow.
*Good for those really difficult bosses like tequila. (tech – quat – til? ter cha toil? tech-weasel? whatever. that really lame one. i hate that one.)
*Bad in that if you’re not literally on top of the boss, or champ, you aren’t going to get credit for the kill.
Oh sure, you can use a ranged guy, but if your shots miss, in that giant mess of graphics and explosions, you can barely see the numbers above the boss – the screen gets really busy. I don’t care how good you are at playing – its confusing.
Much less even able to realize you’ve got any loot in the area because 2-3 hundred pairs of feet and bodies are blocking your view. (anyone else running in circles and spamming f?)
Not to mention that just because you can see a lot of the people around you, doesn’t mean there’s not another 300 that aren’t showing up on your screen – there’s performance issues with it as well.
I feel as though the boss fights were more fun despite having to struggle a little bit. Now it’s just hit 1… look for a stack of fields, blast. wait for next field stack, blast at the ready. (Was on my warrior while this was going on.)
Sure, everyone gets like 26 stacks of might, and completely healed to full, and the boss melts.. but where’d the fun go?
To me, its like PvE is now WvW, except without the fun of stomping some other server’s weak zerg-blob that’s bad at zerging, with less frequent and often less valuable looting chances. (if you’re not in an 80 zone) I’m not really happy about that.. PvE was more fun with less people. Im kind of unhappy saying that too.
(I like the new population, but.. theres a few drawbacks.)
I went to PvE as a little break from WvW from time to time, slow the pace down a bit, and enjoy the game’s fun bosses. Now we have a giant zerg hitting every boss. I’m not so sure how I enjoy that. Feels boring.
I’ll be taking breaks from WvW by logging off from here on out, its kind of the only thing I really like about gw2 anymore =/
I’d like to get a sense of the ideas people have on MegaServer and its effects on PvE in general.
WoodenPatatoes also added some feedback:
In many video’s you hear him making negative remarks about elements of the game but this is the first time I really hear him mad. I do know the feeling.
Day 31… Megaserver nightmare continues.
inb4 Scarlet’s behind Megaservers
This cannot be upvoted enough. Tragic but true.
how have world bosses been affected since megaserver has been introduced?
Well to give my opinion, I feel that ANET have helped the community look a lot more populated with the introduction of megaservers. This system does have its merits. But with the introduction of megaservers came one huge problem- what to do with world bosses. The guild activation was introduced so that bosses can be activated when an entire guild is on a map. Has this solved the issue? No.
Disconnect and youre out of the map permanently if the map player cap is full. Dont want to spend 1-2hrs waiting in a single map youre out. Dont have a large guild and want to join another in their run? Good-luck trying to get into the same server. AFK players taking up spaces on the map youre on? Tough luck. Nothing has changed since before megaservers came in.
To me this feels like ANET wanting to be different for the sake of being different. This is great to see in a lot of circumstances- a company thinking on its feet and coming up with new ways to solve a problem. The issue here is that it has not solved the problem. I still, to this day, have not killed the Wurm. Why? Because waiting/queuing 1/2/3hrs on one map is not fun. I play games for fun. I would love to try the Wurm on a regular basis but all the messing around wastes my time.
Id love to ask why ANET are so insistent on not letting guilds open instanced bosses. The argument so far has been ‘well we cant fragment the community’…. im sorry but why is there a LFG tool in GW2? Use it to advertise free spaces as there are very few guilds that will reach the map cap limit without a few spaces here and there. If ANET can introduce such a complicated system as a megaserver, why isnt there a function to rejoin the map you were on after DC and a system to kick afk’ers more swiftly on certain maps?
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
Honestly, I play GW2 in a less efficient, level-everything-and-get-all-the-things way than your average player, so I haven’t experienced the kind of trouble people are talking about with the megaservers. I won’t pretend to know much about that.
I just wanted to drop by and say thanks. One of the biggest disappointments I’ve found in nearly every MMO I’ve ever played has been how strangely empty maps tend to be, despite the term “massively multiplayer.” It’s horrible to get stuck working through quests on an empty map, calling out to an empty map chat, and just trying to grind through until the next populated map.
It’s so, so nice to see people on the maps again. I finally feel like it’s worthwhile to run around Orr! There are people in the intermediate maps, not just starter zones and endzones. Every time I see a stranger on the map, whether or not I am inclined at the moment to say hello, I just feel a glow of happiness that I’m not alone. I know the megaserver has a lot of flaws, but I trust those will be worked out in time. It’s a new system, and even good changes have always been met with some opposition in the beginning. Keep it up, Anet!
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
Please feel free to take part on my survey to the Megaservers.
(Old thread has been closed by a Mod)
WoodenPatatoes also added some feedback:
In many video’s you hear him making negative remarks about elements of the game but this is the first time I really hear him mad. I do know the feeling.
Educational video to say the least, i really hope A-net sees it.
Either way, more people in instances or not, i’m really sick and tired being tossed around like a rag-doll wherever Skynet decides to throw me. So give us manual instance selection already, or better yet, bring back our old servers!
It’s really frustrating to have to think twice before i log in and play the game. And if i actually do log in, to log out minutes later disgusted by either the chat, inappropriate PMs, or massive lag/crashes due to zerg swarming my screen, and frying my GPU.
I’ll be more specific about it. Yesterday, i logged in (was a tad late) to wipe off some stress from a really hard day at work, only to be harassed by an idiot, following me around, and PMing me about wanting to screenshot my character…..without her armor. I eventually blocked the guy, but it was enough to irritate me even more than i already was, ending in rage quitting.
I am in this game since the beta, and i never experienced such a thing on my server. So of course, i want my server back. I want my fun back, i want my decent community back! Enough is enough…
While I love megaservers and what they mean for the future of the game, the biggest issue, imo, continues to be the difficulty associated with keeping guilds together when moving between maps. It simply isnt happening.
We need to be able to right click to join on the same server with people in our guild/friends list – not just with those we are partied with.
They also need to do something about what happens when 2 guilds end up on the same map to do the same challenge, rush or puzzle at the same time. It is a confusing situation and, in its current state, makes guild missions much less fun.
I’m out. There are a ton of threads about all my concerns with the megaservers, so I won’t make another. But I will post in the feedback thread. I’ve given a lot of support to this game, and it’s still a favorite of mine. But this megaserver stuff, man…
- I can’t roleplay anymore. That whole world is just…gone. The old roleplay servers had their own atmospheres, entirely different from any other server. The immersion was fantastic: just happening upon players going about their own roleplay scenarios, and occasionally taking part in them myself. It was great, and it’s just dead now. One or two chance encounters does not replace an entire world dedicated to active immersion. I know it. Most of the roleplay community I’ve come in contact with knows it. The people posting on the forums know it. It’s sad, and it makes me sad. I’ve watched a lot of people trickle away from the game since the megaservers, and this is one good reason.
- Boss schedules suck. A lot. Now, instead of reliable timers and guesting allowing me to experience whatever content I want at the time, my (now limited) play time is restricted to whatever bosses happen to spawn at that time. What little challenge could be found in guesting to low population servers to do these events with fewer people is now also gone, swallowed by the zerg.
- Temples. Not only are the temples generally pact-controlled most of the time, but I also have no way of knowing which ones are waiting to pop short of parking my character in the map and sitting there, waiting. It sucks, and there’s only so many things to do in those maps before I get bored. Not to mention, it also sucks having to lose out on most of the game world because I can’t just check my map anymore. The Orr statues aren’t even indicators anymore, and I’m just not willing to spend all my time in a single map, or two maps, because I enjoy the temple events and because they’re the only good, reliable way to earn dragonite.
So I…can’t roleplay anymore. The atmosphere I enjoyed is gone… The temple events I enjoyed are a chore to find… I tried, but I can’t think of a good reason to log in anymore. I tried today even, and after a few minutes waypointing around to places like the fire shaman and Orr (all temples controlled, surprise), I just logged out.
Don’t get me wrong; I love seeing populated maps. But for me, the tradeoff just wasn’t worth it. The big events make this game, and being restricted in so many ways from experiencing them just…well, you get the idea. I’ll check back later. For now, Dark Souls II or something. Back to Borderlands II, or even look for a new MMO.
bold- I can’t roleplay anymore. bold
Noooo! Don’t go! I’m only now being able to find roleplayers, and I want to meet people! I was stuck on the wrong server because all my friends were there, and the megaserver has made it easier to find people, at least for me. I hope you stay through the adjustments! I’m sure things will stable out over time!
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
I’m also gradually leaving this game behind, searching through new ones. 60k gems and a year later we’re both leaving, with my gf. The most enjoyable events in the game turned into mindless farm spots due to messed up map caps and lack of scaling. And not a word from anet to make us believe it’s going to get any better. Good game, goodbye.
William S. Burroughs
Noooo! Don’t go! I’m only now being able to find roleplayers, and I want to meet people! I was stuck on the wrong server because all my friends were there, and the megaserver has made it easier to find people, at least for me. I hope you stay through the adjustments! I’m sure things will stable out over time!
lol, don’t worry too much. Like you said, I’m sure things will stable out eventually. It’s just that, for now, I don’t have fun logging in anymore. And did you try guesting, before the megaservers? I was on Devona’s Rest because of my friends, like you. But I very often guested to Tarnished Coast when they weren’t online, because of the roleplay environment. I mean, not that it much matters now… I am glad you’ve found people, though. Unfortunately, for me and for many others, our experiences since the megaservers have been just the opposite.
Noooo! Don’t go! I’m only now being able to find roleplayers, and I want to meet people! I was stuck on the wrong server because all my friends were there, and the megaserver has made it easier to find people, at least for me. I hope you stay through the adjustments! I’m sure things will stable out over time!
lol, don’t worry too much. Like you said, I’m sure things will stable out eventually. It’s just that, for now, I don’t have fun logging in anymore. And did you try guesting, before the megaservers? I was on Devona’s Rest because of my friends, like you. But I very often guested to Tarnished Coast when they weren’t online, because of the roleplay environment. I mean, not that it much matters now… I am glad you’ve found people, though. Unfortunately, for me and for many others, our experiences since the megaservers have been just the opposite.
I more or less didn’t know where to guest, or anyone on those servers. I’m extremely shy. I’ve just started RPing in game and that’s because I ran around looking for emotes and tracking down their speakers, stalked said speakers for a few weeks in terror of butting in, and eventually got contact by one of them. I’m a part of FMD now and the megaserver is what made it happen.
I don’t know. I hope we don’t lose too many people before this gets straightened out.
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
bold- I can’t roleplay anymore. bold
-CrawlerNoooo! Don’t go! I’m only now being able to find roleplayers, and I want to meet people! I was stuck on the wrong server because all my friends were there, and the megaserver has made it easier to find people, at least for me. I hope you stay through the adjustments! I’m sure things will stable out over time!
One month with a broken game isn’t exactly healthy, my friend. A-net needs to reconsider their priorities, as my entire guild did what Crawler did. They left. People will continue to leave, if this silence from A-net continues.
Eventually, you’ll have the chance to play a “stable” game and see the same people again and again…..simply cause you’ll be the only ones left, and Skynet won’t have to make multiple instances. But if that happens, get ready for another Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, Lineage and City of Heroes incident…
bold- I can’t roleplay anymore. bold
-CrawlerNoooo! Don’t go! I’m only now being able to find roleplayers, and I want to meet people! I was stuck on the wrong server because all my friends were there, and the megaserver has made it easier to find people, at least for me. I hope you stay through the adjustments! I’m sure things will stable out over time!
One month with a broken game isn’t exactly healthy, my friend. A-net needs to reconsider their priorities, as my entire guild did what Crawler did. They left. People will continue to leave, if this silence from A-net continues.
Eventually, you’ll have the chance to play a “stable” game and see the same people again and again…..simply cause you’ll be the only ones left, and Skynet won’t have to make multiple instances. But if that happens, get ready for another Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, Lineage and City of Heroes incident…
I know it’s not healthy. I just hope people are willing to stick it through. I don’t want to have to leave Tyria. I want people to stick around. ;_;
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
I know it’s not healthy. I just hope people are willing to stick it through. I don’t want to have to leave Tyria. I want people to stick around. ;_;
We’re on the same boat, you and i… All my friends except two, have gone thanks to the megaserver. I still play, i don’t want to leave the game, as i like it… But incidents and what i’ve experienced lately simply push me away…
There are days when i stay idle, glaring at the patcher debating with myself whether to log in or not.. I know that if i don’t, i won’t have to experience things like i mention above, and in the other megaserver thread. Eventually, instead of pressing “Play”, i just close it, and go somewhere else…
I know it’s not healthy. I just hope people are willing to stick it through. I don’t want to have to leave Tyria. I want people to stick around. ;_;
We’re on the same boat, you and i… All my friends except two, have gone thanks to the megaserver. I still play, i don’t want to leave the game, as i like it… But incidents and what i’ve experienced lately simply push me away…
There are days when i stay idle, glaring at the patcher debating with myself whether to log in or not.. I know that if i don’t, i won’t have to experience things like i mention above, and in the other megaserver thread. Eventually, instead of pressing “Play”, i just close it, and go somewhere else…
What race do you RP? Last I heard, Formidae Labs (FMD) is recruiting. Could work if you’re an asura. And a few friends and I are trying to start working with sylvari RP. We want to experiment and figure out some good conventions for sylvari culture and behavior, so maybe we can pull together people who want more interesting, thoughtful sylvari RP.
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
Well, it’s not like I’m just disappearing into the void. If and when things take a turn for the better, I’ll be back. Most likely, anyway. I will admit, though, that the lack of communication from the guys upstairs doesn’t help any. I understand they’re busy. Still, it just serves to make you feel like your concerns don’t really matter to them when a thread with almost a thousand replies, most of which involving people leaving, only got one official response, and even then only early in its lifetime. Other threads regarding the temple events and limitations of set-in-stone, uncircumventable major (not really) random events haven’t gotten any responses that I’ve noticed. It’s not really a great feeling, you know? The silence.
What race do you RP? Last I heard, Formidae Labs (FMD) is recruiting. Could work if you’re an asura. And a few friends and I are trying to start working with sylvari RP. We want to experiment and figure out some good conventions for sylvari culture and behavior, so maybe we can pull together people who want more interesting, thoughtful sylvari RP.
My “main” chars are humans, but i RP almost with any race (Charr not included – being an oversized cat was never my thing). Would love to meet up and RP with you if that’s the case. Not sure if Skynet mashes up EU and US servers together though. As for a guild? It’s not in my immediate plans, i’ll wait for a dramatic announcement by A-net about ditching (or fixing) Skynet first.
If that day ever comes, that is…
Well, it’s not like I’m just disappearing into the void. If and when things take a turn for the better, I’ll be back. Most likely, anyway. I will admit, though, that the lack of communication from the guys upstairs doesn’t help any. I understand they’re busy. Still, it just serves to make you feel like your concerns don’t really matter to them when a thread with almost a thousand replies, most of which involving people leaving, only got one official response, and even then only early in its lifetime. Other threads regarding the temple events and limitations of set-in-stone, uncircumventable major (not really) random events haven’t gotten any responses that I’ve noticed. It’s not really a great feeling, you know? The silence.
As I’ve mentioned before, Anet has a lot of things to deal with, a lot of people who want different things out of the game. It’s hard for them to talk to everyone, and even when they do, players have a demonstrated history of jumping on them and being extremely hostile when they don’t get what they want. And not everyone can get what they want—it’s just not possible. As with many companies, Anet used to be more communicative, but who wants to talk with fans who do nothing but criticize? I’m not saying it’s you or me or anyone in this thread—it’s just a general pattern that has to be extremely discouraging for a game dev.
What race do you RP? Last I heard, Formidae Labs (FMD) is recruiting. Could work if you’re an asura. And a few friends and I are trying to start working with sylvari RP. We want to experiment and figure out some good conventions for sylvari culture and behavior, so maybe we can pull together people who want more interesting, thoughtful sylvari RP.
My “main” chars are humans, but i RP almost with any race (Charr not included – being an oversized cat was never my thing). Would love to meet up and RP with you if that’s the case. Not sure if Skynet mashes up EU and US servers together though. As for a guild? It’s not in my immediate plans, i’ll wait for a dramatic announcement by A-net about ditching (or fixing) Skynet first.
If that day ever comes, that is…
Feel free to friend me and I’ll introduce you to some friends! I’d log in and friend you right now, but I’m in the hospital and their internet blocks most things. :P I should get home next week.
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
The only thing that is going to cause the Megaserver situation to ‘stabilize’ is if either
1) Anet makes broad, sweeping changes to the way megaserver is currently implemented (which doesn’t seem to be happening)
2) People leave the game and populations start to stabilize (which is already happening)
Problem is, it is a lot of the most loyal and active players (WvW and RP communities) and good people who are getting frustrated and leaving.
Oh well, I guess they have China now at least.
I’m also gradually leaving this game behind, searching through new ones. 60k gems and a year later we’re both leaving, with my gf. The most enjoyable events in the game turned into mindless farm spots due to messed up map caps and lack of scaling. And not a word from anet to make us believe it’s going to get any better. Good game, goodbye.
So first you pump in 60k on gems to support the kitten cash-shop focus that is a huge part of much of downfall of this game (not mega-servers by the way, they are not related to the cash-shop) and then you leave us with the mess.
I do hope this is a lessen and you will never ever spend any cash in any cash-shop anymore. Just pay for good content by buying games and expansions. No more cash-shop.
As I’ve mentioned before, Anet has a lot of things to deal with, a lot of people who want different things out of the game. It’s hard for them to talk to everyone, and even when they do, players have a demonstrated history of jumping on them and being extremely hostile when they don’t get what they want. And not everyone can get what they want—it’s just not possible. As with many companies, Anet used to be more communicative, but who wants to talk with fans who do nothing but criticize? I’m not saying it’s you or me or anyone in this thread—it’s just a general pattern that has to be extremely discouraging for a game dev.
I can understand that, and I do sympathize. But at the same time, I’m led to think of games like Path of Exile, with smaller staffs and more frequent communication. I’m also hesitant to consider how much they want to talk with fans, when it seems like it ought to be somebody’s designated task to do that, at least as a form of placation, whether they actually want to or not. Especially with something on the scale of Guild Wars 2 and the megaserver revamp.
It’s maybe a little selfish, I know, but I feel like it ought to be standard practice, whether or not it actually is. And I’m even led to wonder if it really is an issue of player hostility affecting the frequency of communication or if it’s just a matter of, with as big a success as the game has become, it simply isn’t deemed as necessary as it once was.
(edited by crawlerxp.1536)
So first you pump in 60k on gems to support the kitten cash-shop focus that is a huge part of much of downfall of this game (not mega-servers by the way, they are not related to the cash-shop) and then you leave us with the mess.
I do hope this is a lessen and you will never ever spend any cash in any cash-shop anymore. Just pay for good content by buying games and expansions. No more cash-shop.
I really don’t think this is the time or the place to get into a cash-shop debate. There are threads for that; this isn’t one. There also isn’t any need for that level of hostility or binary posturing. This is a feedback thread related to the megaservers. Try to keep it on-topic, constructive, and non-confrontational.
So first you pump in 60k on gems to support the kitten cash-shop focus that is a huge part of much of downfall of this game (not mega-servers by the way, they are not related to the cash-shop) and then you leave us with the mess.
I do hope this is a lessen and you will never ever spend any cash in any cash-shop anymore. Just pay for good content by buying games and expansions. No more cash-shop.
I really don’t think this is the time or the place to get into a cash-shop debate. There are threads for that; this isn’t one. There also isn’t any need for that level of hostility or binary posturing. This is a feedback thread related to the megaservers. Try to keep it on-topic, constructive, and non-confrontational.
No hostility at all. He did bring up the 60k gems so I did feel the need to react on that.
I sincerely hope it is a good lesson. Don’t push money in a game for ingame items because you can never know what they might do. (including mega-servers) Buy the content itself instead.
(edited by Devata.6589)
I work in gaming and I do love to throw money at games I like. In a way, I perceive it as supporting my own industry. I imagined this cash will go into making the game even better. Made a mistake. They’ve taken a megadump on my trust. My bad.
William S. Burroughs
I work in gaming and I do love to throw money at games I like. In a way, I perceive it as supporting my own industry.
I imagined this cash will go into making the game even better. Made a mistake. They’ve taken a megadump on my trust. My bad.
Well usually games also have something as collectors editions. That is also a nice way to throw in some extra money. (My preferred way, only then be careful with per-order stuff. The next thing them seem to be using to fool people into spending money on a bad game / content that is hyped / marketed very well. You don’t want to support bad behavior in the industry you like so much.)
However crawlerxp is right about the fact that it go’s to much off-topic so lets leave it with that.
I do wonder what ArenaNet is going to do about all the complains.
There are just to many to ignore.
I still think an auto-guesting system with grouped server plus the option to manually guest between those servers is the best solution.
(edited by Devata.6589)