Remember, remember, 15th of November
Guild Alliances on Upcoming Patch
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I know how much time and effort agent and chiwii et al put into these events even just scouting for empty servers. This seems like a workaround already before we even changed to megaservers. Now it’s EVEN harder to arrange I can’t see us doing wurm again any time soon. And I’m under the presumption that already we are part of the lower amount of guilds able to complete this boss. So god knows how anybody’s going to do this in an instance full of pugs.
I’ve pretty much consigned myself to not seeing wurm being killed again any time soon. Hopefully a dev will report ok kills in the first month of the new patch and see that 3 kills = why even bother creating the content to start with
my proposed solution
1 guild instance a day. Available to all guilds with x players online and representing. No other restrictions. ‘Create wurm raid’ ok. Pop up appears to everybody repping. Yes join (same as story or PVP prompt). Wurm spawns after 15 mins.
You won’t get too many people creating instances a day overloading the server (I’m presuming that’s the reason for gating the spawn feature away currently). Since you have to have x people online and repping it means you won’t have every guild doing it for a laugh then insta wiping.
Sincerely Nikki.
For the record, my guild has nearly completed researching the new guild perk and should have the first 3 built and ready to trigger early next week.
The price is steep, but not unreasonable.
That is your opinion, and not a fact …
For a multi-server guild like TxS, it is currently impossible for us to build this consumable. That is a fact, and there is nothing positive about it.
It is very much not impossible for you, however, to talk to your members and reach out to other guilds willing to help. Yes, you are a multiserver guild, but you are also made up of members who are part of many established guilds – most of whom would probably jump at the opportunity to become more involved. I guarantee there are plenty out there willing.
Use the opportunity to make a stronger and larger environment in the game for killing Tequatl – it just takes a little open mindedness and willingness to adapt to change.
Please do not patronize us anymore. Your posts are really at this point just asinine and nearly troll-esque in nature.
Other participants in this thread have provided valid and constructive arguments against everything you have posted, not one which you have replied to nor provided a rebuttal towards.
This is a valid concern by a good portion of the community, one which I might add was thought long and hard upon. We have considered all viable options and none of them are sustainable in the long-term nor healthy for the game and its communities.
(edited by Lyralei.5920)
I’ve pretty much consigned myself to not seeing wurm being killed again any time soon. Hopefully a dev will report ok kills in the first month of the new patch and see that 3 kills = why even bother creating the content to start with
Well, we did manage to kill it last evening, even with the randoms around ..;p
We can continue killing it until Bloodtide becomes a mega map,
Once that hits, then yeah, no more Wurm ..
Just read some of the other threads dealing with guild missions and trying todo normal DE’s with friends/guildies in mega maps.
2 days in and this is turning into the disaster many predicted.
As a TxS member i want to thank the alliance leaders for theyr effort and awsome job, i spent the best time in game with you! I do hope that we’ll find a solution, but until then with the new timers i almost surely won’t be able to do tequatl, karka queen or the 3 headed wurm anymore. TxS alliance allowed me to do these bosses in a very organized and coordinated way with a healty community, and that’s the pve i like (no ignorant zerker dungeons or meaningless champ trains). If the goal is to make tequatl and the 3 headed wurm only a dps matter, for players that are just there when the event is starting but that dont’t want to be on ts or listen to commanders in my opinion you are offroad! (and i fear that’s where we are headed). Don’t take me for an elitist player… on the contrary i am a very casual player… until I applied for TxS i wasn’t be able to do tequatl, even when i joined them i could be online everytime, but when i was, i knew there was a spot for me too… and representing the guild during the event, being on ts and listening to a commander are things that a casual player can surely do! Communities as TxS are actually good for casual players and healty for the game!
I hope this thread won’t be ignored and a thank to the supporting replies we got
Thanks a lot to our TXS commanders for both organizing all those successful kills and posting their concerns in a nice manner here.
I can only back the concerns brought up.
Without a serious possibility to get all the people into the same map for organized attempts at difficult world bosses, this will be a huge issue.
In addition, there’s nothing worse then waiting for hours after an attempt at such events has failed.
Imagine a new difficult boss coming in. With such spawn times we can attempt him only once a day. That’s neither fun nor an interesting challenge where you get to learn from your mistakes and try again. Its simply frustrating and by the time you can try again, you have entirely different people and have to explain everything all over again.
Another thing that just happened: One of our commanders disconnected close before tequatl died. There was no way he could join the map again afterwards because it was capped. With the current spawn times, this instantly means no chance at tequatl loot for the entire day.
(edited by Grax.9204)
Yup that happened just now for us, one of our Commanders DC´ed and had no change to get in again thanks to hardcap. So no loot for him for today.
With the old Timer system he would just do another run two hours later and everything would be fine. This is now impossible.
Now imagine how a simple participant/member will be discouraged from doing that stuff anymore if that happens to him/her even once.
(edited by Thareen.5471)
Bump !. CJ ima still waiting for you to swing your sword here .
We did wurm yesterday, with a lot of non-txs members with us. We are adapting and are trying to accept (not by our choice) the changes that we will never have a map for just our members. We were lucky yesterday as we had some non-txs members who are willing to participate the best they can and follow our orders (ok, not all of them, and some died due to not knowing when to dodge etc), but that also require us keep writing in say chat to ensure they follow commanders (more difficulties if half the map is non-guildies) . We also had to try write it in their language to ensure that they won’t ruin the events (it is tricky especially at Amber wurm requires coordination etc). So, we ARE trying but I don’t know for how long this will last. All this issues raised was our concern and we really hope that Arenet will take it into consideration.
Like mentioned above, if one disconnected, it is hard to get back in and resume position. If this happen over and over to a player, I don’t blame them for not wanting to waste time anymore. On top of that, a lot of us disconnected (at wurm) as well as not getting the side chest after event is done. All this bugged issues, not getting back in etc will eventually drive players to stop doing Teq or Wurm or in general, pve events.
On a positive note, I am glad to see that the GW2 community are trying our best to raise our concerns, which means a big portion of us do care a lot about pve and how it effect our daily gaming experience. At the end of the day, we play GW2 is for fun, spending time with people you want to spend time with while able to complete a harder content of world bosses. I had many of our members telling us that is because of our TxS community exist, and is why they are still playing GW2. With that reason alone, We as leaders or commanders, willing to stand up and raise our concern time over time.
Piken Square
I am the Wurm, I am the Wurm ~ [TxS] Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU) Leader
Good job arenanet. Today I got another email from (not anymore) our member that due to the new spawn times he/she won’t be able to participate in the events and thus making room in the guild by leaving.
This is literally the first time in my long mmo experience where someone leaves the guild (not the game) because of a patch. Just… wow.
I’m als from TxS and with these new spawn times i havnt done a single teq, because we people in eu mostly can’t join on 18:30. we have to go for dinner with the family’s. I have also tried the early and late teq but my guild doesn’t do those times. so i am forced in a megaserver were every player is from french, german or worse ( not what was promised in the patch). Its impossible to play with those people. No ts, no prep, no consumables. It is because i can make wurm just in time, that i am staying in TxS. Otherwise i would have left the guild long ago.
I agree with the sentiment that something has to be done about the way these bosses are handled, and the times at which they spawn.
I disagree (as I’m sure Anet will) with the idea that guilds should be able to create private server shards, as I’m sure they want to work towards a more open community, instead of creating closed ones. While private shards may provide a solution, I don’t think they’re part of Anet’s vision for GW2. But hey, it’s not my job to come up with these solutions.
But what they don’t seem to be aware of is that, as a direct consequence of the boss activation system, guilds will start to become more exclusive. They will require a certain amount of representation and dedication to the guild, which will exclude a large number of people who aren’t willing / able of providing that.
My main concerns with this update (as far as world bosses are concerned) are the boss times and the way Anet expects communities to handle these. Also, there are many problems with language barriers on EU megaservers now. There are people who cannot (or will not) communicate in English, and you can’t possibly run a coordinated wurm attempt when half of the people don’t speak the same language (although that’s another issue entirely, one that shouldn’t be happening in the first place, since Anet said we would be put in megaservers corresponding to our language).
In addition, every time we’re doing wurm, there’s a handful of people doing world completion or just running around. With the megaserver, we’re expecting more of those as well.
All in all, Anet seems to have made the mistake of just forgetting about a number of different communities while coming up with this patch. Since it hit, all I’ve been hearing is complaints from world boss slaying communities, roleplayers, people from non-english servers, etc. And while Anet might not care much about the latter two, I’m pretty sure they created world bosses for a reason.
[DV] Leader, OpenCommunity admin
I can’t do anything else than to agree with both Chiiwii and agentciq. I believe the changes done to the game hasn’t improved it for hardcore guilds like TxS.
I understand that Anet never wanted Gw2 to be a hardcore game, but I’d be cool if you wouldn’t partially destroy the few chances at hardcore gaming you’ve given us.
I just don’t understand why the three mega bosses can’t be added to the rotation in a few more time slots. How would it hurt anything to do that?
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
So something that hurts the almighty TTS guild and others like it HAS TO BE FIXED NAOW, but when all of the smaller guilds/servers had problems with guild missions and “fixed” world bosses we had to just deal with it?
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
All the megaboss guilds are doomed due to that patch. Not just the Cross-Server ones, the Serverspecific ones too.
Also all the Guilds doing guild missions with more than 20 Members participating will have the same problem. Especially if they come from different servers like in my own guild. We also want that to be fixed.
So basicly we all want the same thing. No need to call dibs on it.
One good thing, in about three weeks will be the release of an new game i can look forward too.
Also all the Guilds doing guild missions with more than 20 Members participating will have the same problem. Especially if they come from different servers like in my own guild. We also want that to be fixed.
So basicly we all want the same thing. No need to call dibs on it.Offtopic:
One good thing, in about three weeks will be the release of an new game i can look forward too.
This is completely wrong…it’s not like the megaserver puts you in the same zone as with the other members by first priority or anything… And please leave if something so good for the rest of the game can make you ragequit.
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
Once again i can another community concern ‘going under the rug’ (thief class and war class redesign/rework, same bugs/lags/crashes…)
oh well!
While it lasts……….
OP, Thanks for exposing the concerns.
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
This is completely wrong…it’s not like the megaserver puts you in the same zone as with the other members by first priority or anything… And please leave if something so good for the rest of the game can make you ragequit.
Well it doesn’t put you in the same shard with your guild or your server as first priority. Case in point our last bounty mission when all 3 full parties got into 5 different version of the map. This sytem doesn’t even take in account parties sometimes.
This is completely wrong…it’s not like the megaserver puts you in the same zone as with the other members by first priority or anything…
Well, it doesn’t. Quite often even being in the same party doesn’t help.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
This is completely wrong…it’s not like the megaserver puts you in the same zone as with the other members by first priority or anything… And please leave if something so good for the rest of the game can make you ragequit.
15 of us tried to do a guild bounty today in lornas pass (bookworm) in 3 partys of 5, all same guild, all same home server……..
1 party of 5 got put on a different megaserver to the other two.
This megaserver thing is a nightmare for small guilds as well as large guilds trying to do gms as well as bountys
I think you can stop convincing him, looks like a fanboy to me. We tried the Megaserver thing with different situations. It does not work for parties, for guilds (especially if they are cross server and with different languages). It just does not work like promised. Their solution they tried to sell as a fix today/yesterday is also unusable for those mentioned guilds or even parties.
And the ragequit comment of was totally out of line. Almost everyone i know in this game just hates the update, the only person that likes it playes about one hour everyday and is still low level. There are some positive aspects, like the traits, skins and ascended items but the overall thing especially with the megaserver just sucks.
I just want to add my two cents worth to this discussion. The main problems I have seen being talked about are not enough spawns, can’t get enough people in the maps and and the spawn timers.
The problem with spawns I think might be able to solved by decreasing the the amount of time between spawns to at least 4 hours instead of 8 hours.
For the second problem I think if you have 10k people you could easily fill up a megaserver map of 350 people or whatever since the megaserver system automatically slots you in with members of your guild above random people.
The problem with the spawn timers I think we could fix if we had it on more of a rotation of which bosses were triggered at one time maybe you could halve the time between major world bosses like teq and wurm and put it into a more rotational schedule so that they would eventually change times have teq spawn every couple hours for a day then change the times it would spawn the next day with another boss. Have wurm go off at 2oclock and 6 oclock and so on for a day the have teq go off on those times the next day and a different world boss off on those times the day after that. It would not be perfect but it would have at least a couple days where the times were right for a large guild.
I also like the idea of maybe having influence and merits being accessible through all servers but maybe keep the actual upgrades seperate.
The megaserver does not put you in with your guildmates by any priority at all, it is random. Also a normal PvE Map can fit only ~150 players.
We tested this often enough in the past and the new tests on the megaserver were just a huge desaster. Even when the guildmates come from the same server and use the same client language it does not work at all.
This is seriously depressing…. I’m not liking this direction anet chose at all.
Since Sparkfly Fen and Bloodtide Coast got also integrated to the megaserver system we now know for sure that they just ignored the concernes of our Community.
Just like the totally ignored RP Community. Or the other bigger Guilds, Alliances and similar Communities.
Thank you for that Anet. You just destroyed the last thing that was holding me in this game.
[This comment was heavily self censored]
15 Charrs salute Thareen with a +1
[DV] – megaboss community
We can’t organize a map full of coordinated players because the megaserver constantly moves randoms in.
We need a large amount of coordinated players to complete tequatl/ wurm.
We try to communicate with those random people, trying to teach them what needs to be done.
We CAN’T chat with those random people should their client run on a different language, because the new filter blocks us out of their map chat by default.
Seriously, please. At least let us know that you’re aware of our problems. The current silence from Arenanet is unbearable.
Why is it even possible to create guilds with more than, lets say 80 people, as long as you’re not even given the tools to move all those people to the same spot so they can do stuff together?
Why is difficult content created for 100+ people while there’s nothing available to coordinate them all?
I like the idea of a megaserver for solo or small group open world PvE content. Having all those people around is cool. But for large scale, difficult events like tequatl/wurm or stuff where you’d want to gather all your freinds together (guild missions), it’s horrible
(edited by Grax.9204)
I understand ANet probably can’t do a statement a la “we will make it better” but having atleast an acknowledge of which they are reading the complains & feedback here, would be more than welcome. This would also make the player feel less ignored.
Feedback/Questions: Megaserver
22’000 Views
Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW
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Megaservers and RP
40’000 Views
Save our spawns!<3 GW2community (censored →closed)
Guild Alliances on Upcoming Patch
Those numbers should not and can not be ignored !
[MM] Midnight Mayhem
[TxS] Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)
(edited by nOxe.6293)
you can scrap the “save our spawn” they closed it lol
It was indeed interesting yesterday, to get everone onto the same map. Was definitely easier and less stressfull before.
[MM] Midnight Mayhem
[TxS] Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)
The censorship and the lack of any clear communication is just appalling.
We had big issues at the Wurm yesterday. [DV] got into the same map as [Wurms] and then had to switch to another overflow so we can run in English and we lost a bunch of people in the process, time as well. And ofc, a bunch of people were asking for help with POIs in that new overflow.
[DV] – megaboss community
TxS managed to successfully do Teq and Wurm last evening. It took a lot of effort to get everyone who wanted to do these events in the same mega map. Those who arrived late,were out-of-luck once the mega map we created filled with randoms.
It reminded me of when the events were first introduced, when everyone was flooding the maps for attempts.
Once all the idiots who were claiming Teq and Wurm will be easier to do with mega maps realise that mega maps makes these events more difficult, they will soon give up and leave these events alone.
>.> or just remove overflows as far they are good for load balancement server side it kinda kills the game(IMO reason why LS system failed hard).
Seamless/instanced zones everyone can see each other, and start adding more maps with ls and more world bosses(with random timespawn due events).
TxS (EU) and TTS (NA) really need either a proper raid instances or a way to spawn the bosses easier.Why?I will tell why.
I’m from TxS and we don’t have nor the influence neither the merits to buy the consumable to spawn Tequatl,Worm or Karka.
When we try to gather all our 120+ people in the same mega server map we need a lot of tries to succeed and find an empty map.
(edited by moiraine.2753)
I haven’t played in a couple of weeks because, well the only thing left for me was doing Teq and Wurms.
I laugh so, so hard at how simplistic a resolution to the whole mega server issue.
Districts. Remember those Anet? You had those in another game that didn’t have issues.
Whats that? EU players playing with NA players!!! Wow!!! That technology must be new and groundbreaking!!!
GW1 did instanced districts of zones and it worked, it worked very well.
Why is Anet so reluctant to look at the successes of the past and implement them into the here and now?
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
I haven’t played in a couple of weeks because, well the only thing left for me was doing Teq and Wurms.
I laugh so, so hard at how simplistic a resolution to the whole mega server issue.
Districts. Remember those Anet? You had those in another game that didn’t have issues.
Whats that? EU players playing with NA players!!! Wow!!! That technology must be new and groundbreaking!!!
GW1 did instanced districts of zones and it worked, it worked very well.
Why is Anet so reluctant to look at the successes of the past and implement them into the here and now?
Because they want to reinvent the wheel and it just isn’t working…
To make a long story short. You want raid dungeons. And no, that should not cost gems.
I am a leader of a big general guild. We also had problems when doing guild-mission. Have not yet done a world boss, might do that this weekend. But yeah I think raid dungeons would solve that problem.
The mega-server does not yet work great. The way to fix that imho is if people can give priority to selection. Selected server should normally be first, guild second, friends 3th and so on. But you should be able to mix that up. It would not solve it completely but it could reduce many of the problems. I already was doubtful about this mechanism when ESO came up with the idea.
The idea is great and as a solo casual player it is great but as soon as it get more complex (guilds, friends, RP community, and so on)it will become very hard to get it to work correctly.
I haven’t played in a couple of weeks because, well the only thing left for me was doing Teq and Wurms.
I laugh so, so hard at how simplistic a resolution to the whole mega server issue.
Districts. Remember those Anet? You had those in another game that didn’t have issues.
Whats that? EU players playing with NA players!!! Wow!!! That technology must be new and groundbreaking!!!
GW1 did instanced districts of zones and it worked, it worked very well.
Why is Anet so reluctant to look at the successes of the past and implement them into the here and now?Because they want to reinvent the wheel and it just isn’t working…
Well district is just a whole map as instance. It’s one of the reason I never liked GW1. It was not a open world where you would run into other people. So I don’t think that would be a great idea for GW2. But if it comes to specific content that you need to do with a big organized group (like we are talking about here) then create a instance for that specific content. That’s also a wheel already invented and it’s known by the name raid instances.
(edited by Devata.6589)
I agree with you on 100%
Also when there is a raid instance the controll over the group is a lot better.Now with the mega server and before its introduction there is no way to stop pugs or people inviting their friends to join TxS raids.Right now the controll over Maps is awfull.
On top of that the old home servers were a bit better because we could port to them earlier 150 people and practice.WIth the current mega server we have to wait almost to the start of the event so we are certain that we have a map that is fully ours and filled with our members.Even yesterday we had a lot of pugs.
Heck, I would buy an expansion that offers proper instanced raid system for megabosses. If all Anet is worried about is the money.
Cause it seems like the non-expansion features/LS isn’t really cutting it, neither for them not for us.
[DV] – megaboss community
Heck, I would buy an expansion that offers proper instanced raid system for megabosses. If all Anet is worried about is the money.
Cause it seems like the non-expansion features/LS isn’t really cutting it, neither for them not for us.
Yes and Yes.I won’t mind at all if it’s a part of the expansion.I just want to have full controll over my map where are the 150 people being ported to.No strangers stalking the raid.
Heck, I would buy an expansion that offers proper instanced raid system for megabosses. If all Anet is worried about is the money.
Cause it seems like the non-expansion features/LS isn’t really cutting it, neither for them not for us.
Yeah I agree. Expansion based model for the win. Get rid off all the cash-shop grabbing. It are mainly things that should be in the game and are now being taken away from the game-play anyway just so they can make money on it.
Instead ad real new content (expansions) and then I am willing to pay for it.
Oke it’s a little less easy cash-grab. But they get the money.. also in the long-run (what is not the case with cash-grab) and we get the quality product many of us want.
Also i’m really curious.Why i can’t invite 80 people in my group and too see them.After all Teuatl and Worm are for 80 people aren’t they?So why i can’t make groups like in the other MMOs?There you can see everyone that is in your raid it doesn’t matter is it 10/20/25/40/72 people.Everyone is shown.
Also i’m really curious.Why i can’t invite 80 people in my group and too see them.After all Teuatl and Worm are for 80 people aren’t they?So why i can’t make groups like in the other MMOs?There you can see everyone that is in your raid it doesn’t matter is it 10/20/25/40/72 people.Everyone is shown.
GW2 wanted to do it different to be different. So the main reason why you can’t is because in those other games you.
Sorry to be so negative but most problems with GW2 I relate to 3 core problems.
1 Focus on the cash-shop,
2 being different for the sake of being different (and being stubborn with agreeing something does not work (worked better in other games) ),
3 Quick and dirty programming style. (easy way out).
One more time yesterday the Worm failed because the randoms who were with our raid group at Cobalt couldnt kill it.People even tell in Say/Map chat what has to be done.But that is not helping at all.We explain more than enough.But Pugs either don’t know the tactick or are there only for achievement or just don’t care.
The Mega server is really screwing 120+ people that before were killing the Worm every day.
TxS members spent time learn the fight.Every one of us know the tactick and then we wipe only because there isn’t a proper instance for us.Every our member is pulling his/her weight and then some uncontrollable individuals show up and screw with our raid…I’m speachless.
(edited by moiraine.2753)