Guild Missions [merged]

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gestankfaust.4216


Let’s just face the prime facts here, they are really more than enough people against this patch to warrant postponing the patch until a later date pending further investigation into how guild missions can be deployed in a better fashion. I personally haven’t logged in since Saturday ever since this was announced because for me, personally this is a total deal breaker – and from what I can gather talking to other people, a lot of other people will mostly quit too, some probably tomorrow, and others probably within the next week judging on how this plays out if they decide to push ahead.

The signs are already apparent that this is irrevocably destroying many small and casual guilds and the patch hasn’t even gone live yet. I think this really is the last chance for anet, do the right thing here – put pride aside.

What people are totally not getting the idea of what a small guild really is. This is purely because of the huge population imbalances on servers. Some servers are highly active, and others are dead – so many people here are only seeing one side of the issue, and lets face it – there are many issues this patch is bringing up.

Wait wha?!

You are speaking as if you know…and you do not. Facts are…we are waiting for it to happen. Not fearing it

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Given the outcry that you’re referencing, Tsukasa, it’d be more likely to call for it being outright canceled. But even if it is delayed, you start a bad precedent where the company stops being able to call the shots on when (or if) something gets released.

You might say it’s a good thing, but the power to stop or delay a patch by posting angrily can be abused and over-exercised real easy on every change from that point onward. I don’t really feel good about playing a game where the developers’ game changes are essentially held hostage by public opinion.

Mostly because I’ve found I am never really aligned with it.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darth.4329


This honestly throws small and or newer guilds under the bus. There is no way to deny this…

It might be a good idea perhaps, if we all played in a perfect world where guilds were actually composed of like minded adults with the capacity and desire to think large scale and about things outside of their own personal wants and needs in the immediate future. But 99% of us Don’t. These guilds are choked full of preteens/teens and college kids, most of which Don’t generally look at the large scale view, Don’t generally think long term and don’t generally value dedication or loyalties because this is a video game.
With that, such players will drop guild and move to one who has already got the upgrades.
Smaller guilds or guilds without this higher end upgrade (art of war 5) which is “Irrelevant” to pve entirely, Will lose members.

Riddleguy explains that Anet says "- “Arenanet said we could join and help with other guilds guild missions, so for smaller guild they can probobly get them done with help from people who join in and help outside the guild i imagine if a guild is short on people.”-

What good does it do my guild to help the other guilds? Should I do this for a warm, fuzzy feeling inside? Should I watch my guildies gradually leave or stop representing? Non repping guildies are pointless to keep. They take off and do events and give influence to someone else’s guild while you or I help them with quests or explain how to WvW, dungeon, craft , ect, ect. Why should you or I place the time and effort into a player who is going to help another guild?

Smaller guilds should just pug the guild events? Anyone who pugs a lot knows what a massive headache it can be. Why would I want to put my remaining guild members in that situation?.

While the small guilds that care and help each other suffer through this…
Larger guilds with the “mass invite” mentality and chaotic guild relations will swallow up the straggler guilds. Players are forced to leave their closed circuit play style for the dramatic mess that is almost every large group of kids smothered in the anonymity of the internet, if they want to see the new content.

I just can’t see anyone having a sound mind, capable of critical thought or an IQ above room temperature justifying the above scenario which is the current reality. UNLESS the entire thing is financially motivated at which point, it all makes perfect sense

Although I am very excited to experience the new content, until I see a Post from Anet that has been thought out and explains the above is not the case at hand here and this will be fixed before release….
I will continue to feel that this is either a poorly “executed/integrated”idea, or just a fund raiser event wrapped up in the twist of new content. I just don’t see any other way to look at it, with what we have been given for information so far.

This is a great game. Please don’t ruin it with corporate thinking placed this far out on the front line whereas its clearly visible.

I’m not taking shots at Anet here either. I’m just stating whats I see from my 10+ years in MMO gaming and running guilds.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Let’s just face the prime facts here, they are really more than enough people against this patch to warrant postponing the patch until a later date pending further investigation into how guild missions can be deployed in a better fashion. I personally haven’t logged in since Saturday ever since this was announced because for me, personally this is a total deal breaker – and from what I can gather talking to other people, a lot of other people will mostly quit too, some probably tomorrow, and others probably within the next week judging on how this plays out if they decide to push ahead.

There is no reason to postpone the patch or delay it. Guild Missions can be deployed as announced, I doubt there is time now to change anything. What can be done is make the changes to the system after it is released (adding “lower” tier Guild Missions). Postponing the patch doesn’t make any sense.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


There is no reason to postpone the patch or delay it. Guild Missions can be deployed as announced, I doubt there is time now to change anything. What can be done is make the changes to the system after it is released (adding “lower” tier Guild Missions). Postponing the patch doesn’t make any sense.

meaning, to add one more point to the “we say it will be fixed eventually, but don’t want to bother doing it” list.
Why everything they roll out needs to be seriously flawed, with fixes promised but never actually arriving?

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


There is no reason to postpone the patch or delay it. Guild Missions can be deployed as announced, I doubt there is time now to change anything. What can be done is make the changes to the system after it is released (adding “lower” tier Guild Missions). Postponing the patch doesn’t make any sense.

meaning, to add one more point to the “we say it will be fixed eventually, but don’t want to bother doing it” list.
Why everything they roll out needs to be seriously flawed, with fixes promised but never actually arriving?

Something is “seriously flawed” when it affects the vast majority of players in the game. Guild Missions, and more specifically being on the Art of War line, doesn’t affect the vast majority of players and in fact it’s completely optional content.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spekingur.1062


I always expected this to have it’s own influence track. I have not seen any mention as to why it has to be part of other influence track. Having its own influence track seems to make the most sense. It could even be linked to other influence tracks (needing unlocks there to be able to unlock in the guild mission specific one). Blending or fusion influence tracks together like this seems confusing – especially if that’s how it will be done in future additions to influence tracks. Having it’s own influence track will also make every guild feel like they can take part.

So a simple question, why do guild missions and their related items not have their own influence track?

(edited by Spekingur.1062)

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xhyros.1340


Is there enough space in the open world for all the guilds to throw up these missions at the same time? If small guilds had easy access to these, there would probably be some queue to getting your guild mission started. How is overflow going to affect this? If word gets out that a guild mission is going on on X map, and everyone wants to go see/take part in it, making that map go overflow, what happens to the late coming guildies that didn’t make it in time?

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


It seems the chief concern stems from the answer to this thread:

    “Each guild mission type becomes available through an upgrade that is researched in the guild tech tree. The first one is Guild Bounties, which does require Art of War level 5.”
    The concern is that small guilds have not invested any influence into this track because they most likely are not WvW oriented.
  • The current work around is that this small guild spend 78g (assuming NOTHING is placed in AoW) and 16 days while the AoW rank 5 continues to cue.
    I’m assuming that the conflict is this:
  • Is this a reasonable barrier between small guilds doing what larger guilds are inherently able to do.

Without reading through pages of this thread this post initially caught my eye as
we are a small Guild that had Art of War lvl 4 o SBI some time ago, prior to transferring to Kainang due to Sbi population issues and lack of interest in WvW. We were not able to transfer our influence with us which seemed crazy. Also more than half our guild is either split across servers due to long standing Gw1 friendships or don’t play anymore due to dissatisfaction. So we now only have a handful of active players on the same server and at varying times given some of us are internationals. It’s hard to have enough in guild on at the same time. Some of us have to work.
So suggestions would be:
*Allow Guilds to transfer their accomplishments retrospectively since charging now for server transfers.

  • Bring back Gw1 Guild Alliances. There are so many small guilds out there.
[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

(edited by Siliconmana.3816)

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Is there enough space in the open world for all the guilds to throw up these missions at the same time? If small guilds had easy access to these, there would probably be some queue to getting your guild mission started. How is overflow going to affect this? If word gets out that a guild mission is going on on X map, and everyone wants to go see/take part in it, making that map go overflow, what happens to the late coming guildies that didn’t make it in time?

That’s a really good question and maybe the answer to the “Gating content to larger guilds” question.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Yeah my guild just blew a lot of gold and 30k influence to get to art of war 5, and we still need to wait a week to train it up.

Not happy.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Don’t know if ANet addressed this but I too have a small small guild of personal friends I know irl. I hope we can join in on another guild’s events and vice versa. That would tighten our community.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: badger.9321


Are there really that many guilds that have been there since launch that have not unlocked all the tracks? The guild I am in unlocked them months ago and that was just using influence that we gained from just playing the game.

I really do not see what the big fuss is about personally. At worst all that will happen is some small guilds who decided themselves not to have everything unlocked will just need to wait slightly longer to play guild missions. They can do this by playing the game normally.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


My guilds been around since the game launched, but we also have standards and rules when it comes to recruiting and keeping people. One of which is based on loyalty(which the multi-guild system clearly destroys). So my guild currently only has about 12-15 active people throughout any given day. So yes there are probably plenty of other guilds that have not maxed out everything yet. My guild has personally got politics and economy level 4, architecture level 3 and are working on AoW 3(because we rarely do WvW).

But the point you’re missing here badger is that small guilds are going to get screwed here. It’s already hard enough as it is to pull in new members to smaller guilds in this game because every kid out there wants everything handed to them without having to help achieve it. Now if you’re not a huge guild with disposable members filling up your influence reserves, not only are you not going to be able to use the usual guild perks often, but now you won’t be able to get the missions kicked off anywhere near the time it takes huge guilds to do.

Now add the fact that the in guild rewards for said missions are going to be lower travel costs, making more money, etc. People are going to be splitting off from the smaller guilds in favor of making easy money and spending less of it.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


50k influence just to unlock them? Are you kitten serious?

If that information is correct, small guilds are almost guaranteed to be screwed out of guild missions.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957

50k influence to unlock? Really?

and that ascended, I never seen that before, are that earring? please don’t tell me guild commendation is the only way to get those ascended thing.

Way to go making the problem worse by tying it to ascended eq acquisition.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297

50k influence to unlock? Really?

and that ascended, I never seen that before, are that earring? please don’t tell me guild commendation is the only way to get those ascended thing.

50K influence is honestly not a big deal… but this information right here validates my original concern. Small guilds that don’t already have access to this tier of AoW are now left scrambling to catch up… why? Because now ascended gear is attached to the kitten new reward system… what does that mean? Guilds that don’t have access to earning the new currency for their members are going to bleed players to big guilds who do… it has already begun.

Good job Anet… the comparisons I was making to the laurels were spot on in more ways than one. Players who cannot start earning the currency immediately will feel as though they are getting behind the curve and will leave their guilds to find one that can give them access to it. This also creates a very prohibitive barrier to new guilds entering the market.

Not only that… but higher tier content appears to earn “better” rewards… not just “more” rewards… further making guild membership in a smaller guild unappealing.

I would like to express my displeasure in the harshest of strong terms.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806 this is a link to Lis Cardy’s preview of this stuff over at Massively. The rewards look great, but she echoes the same sentiment as here, albeit in a less caustic fashion as some of the people here.

ArenaNet has implemented something that could really build community from the get go and put it behind a tiered wall of Influence. I am gonna go light on the superlatives and say that it left me scratching my head as to why.

My prediction? A bunch of people that haven’t played in a while will download the patch and see that they can’t do this stuff straight away with their guild and not research that they can do this with other guilds that are larger and play more and they are immediately going to log off again until the next patch. That part is on ArenaNet. If there was an immediate tier of this stuff to do, it would get people excited about the game again. The other part is on those players. If they can’t be bothered to figure out how it all works, then this isn’t the experience they were looking for to begin with.

Overall, I think this is a wonderful addition to the game. I am just a tad disgruntled with how it was implemented at the entry level because the bar is so high. It goes against original design philosophy.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738

50k influence to unlock? Really?

and that ascended, I never seen that before, are that earring? please don’t tell me guild commendation is the only way to get those ascended thing.

Don’t you get the commendations by doing the event though? You don’t have to be in the guild that started it to get rewarded for participating.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297

50k influence to unlock? Really?

and that ascended, I never seen that before, are that earring? please don’t tell me guild commendation is the only way to get those ascended thing.

Don’t you get the commendations by doing the event though? You don’t have to be in the guild that started it to get rewarded for participating.

No… the only people who get the currency are members of the guild who activated the event. Everyone else that participates just gets regular open world rewards.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Yeah my guild just blew a lot of gold and 30k influence to get to art of war 5, and we still need to wait a week to train it up.

Not happy.

Just curious, but why weren’t you training it up prior to the announcement of guild missions? Or if you were, how much of a priority was it for you?

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pencapchew.5432


Colin in an interview said that the guild missions are more tailored for larger guilds. He said that there is plenty to do for smaller guilds and this patch is throwing a bone to larger guilds to give them ( us ) something to do other than WvW.

You can read it here:

This seems to be the direction Anet wants to take. I for one am neither here nor there with it.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


By “plenty to do for smaller guilds” he means the normal content in the game that you don’t need a guild to do. Good job screwing the smaller guilds on GUILD content.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

It’s official. Anet really, really, really hates their small guilds.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mwerevu.4013


This will absolutely spell the death of small guilds.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


I’m actually glad the barrier for entry is so high, it means that the countryside won’t be littered with guild missions being spammed by every single small guild in existence.

I’m in a pretty small guild and we’re looking forward to enjoying this new content in a month or two. Until then, we have even more reason to play together and a common goal to strive for. Thanks Anet, and I mean it sincerely.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


I’m glad that your small guild looks at it that way lettuce; unfortunately though this is going to make it so the larger guilds get larger and the smaller guilds have even more trouble pulling in new people.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


I’m glad that your small guild looks at it that way lettuce; unfortunately though this is going to make it so the larger guilds get larger and the smaller guilds have even more trouble pulling in new people.

None of our players are planning on jumping ship to other guilds. We’ve all become firm friends in the time we’ve been playing. It’s likely that many other small guilds feel the same way. You make your statement with such absolute-ness, but it’s likely not representative of a good chunk of players.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


I’m part of a small guild, and we have a pretty firm member base of our active people. I’m not saying everyone is going to leave. But I can assure you there will be those that do in almost every small guild to achieve easier results.

The bigger issue here is going to be trying to recruit new people when a large guild has all the perks people want.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Also….this is what Colin actually said in that interview

Colin: Our hope would be that will dynamically come out of this emergent game-play. Like the bounties have different tiers so there’s a small tier that small guilds can do, so where it’s say, three bosses in three zones. Ten or fifteen people can do that as a small guild. You can pick which tier you want to kick off on based on how many people you have online. But maybe one of the things that will come out of that is, “well, our guild’s going to do a tier 3 bounty and it takes a lot more people to do, so let’s get three guilds together and our guild will kick one off and you help us do ours and then we’ll help you do yours,” so each of the three guilds all work together to accomplish it. I think that kind of emergent game-play will hopefully come out of that, for sure. We don’t really know what to expect just because it’s so hard to test internally to see what guilds are going to do when this goes live. So some of this is – we’re going to put it out and we’re just going to see how guilds interact with it and what they do. That’ll help us determine what other features and additions […].

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Yeah my guild just blew a lot of gold and 30k influence to get to art of war 5, and we still need to wait a week to train it up.

Not happy.

Just curious, but why weren’t you training it up prior to the announcement of guild missions? Or if you were, how much of a priority was it for you?

Blacklight, most of us are totally wanting the guild missions. Especially us PvE guilds. The issue is they put it in Art of War at Tier 5 which was exclusively WvW track until 4 or 5 days ago. Those of us that don’t like WvW were not leveling it up. Why would we if we don’t do WvW? So now we are having to scramble to unlock a track we had zero interest in til now. I hope that clears it up for you. Do you see the disconnect for some of the players here? Why should PvE guilds have to unlock Art of War stuff to do PvE stuff? The reasons that Izzy gave weren’t really thought out well either. ArenaNet is basically telling the PvE only guilds that they are giving guilds that do everything a headstart to PvE access simply by way of them liking content that PvE guilds don’t like. It makes no sense. If it was really the way that Mr. Cartwright was explaining and they wanted it to be challenging for EVERYONE to get, they would have made a whole new tier for Guild Missions.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zullal.2061


Yeah my guild just blew a lot of gold and 30k influence to get to art of war 5, and we still need to wait a week to train it up.

Not happy.

Just curious, but why weren’t you training it up prior to the announcement of guild missions? Or if you were, how much of a priority was it for you?

Blacklight, most of us are totally wanting the guild missions. Especially us PvE guilds. The issue is they put it in Art of War at Tier 5 which was exclusively WvW track until 4 or 5 days ago. Those of us that don’t like WvW were not leveling it up. Why would we if we don’t do WvW? So now we are having to scramble to unlock a track we had zero interest in til now. I hope that clears it up for you. Do you see the disconnect for some of the players here? Why should PvE guilds have to unlock Art of War stuff to do PvE stuff? The reasons that Izzy gave weren’t really thought out well either. ArenaNet is basically telling the PvE only guilds that they are giving guilds that do everything a headstart to PvE access simply by way of them liking content that PvE guilds don’t like. It makes no sense. If it was really the way that Mr. Cartwright was explaining and they wanted it to be challenging for EVERYONE to get, they would have made a whole new tier for Guild Missions.

Im on a total agreement, just open a new tier= fair play for all guild’s. As it stand WWW guild’s and large one’s in some aspect have a real unfair advantage.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proxy.7963


Also….this is what Colin actually said in that interview

Colin: […] But maybe one of the things that will come out of that is, “well, our guild’s going to do a tier 3 bounty and it takes a lot more people to do, so let’s get three guilds together and our guild will kick one off and you help us do ours and then we’ll help you do yours,” so each of the three guilds all work together to accomplish it. I think that kind of emergent game-play will hopefully come out of that, for sure […]

Honestly, I really hope that this is what people are going to end up doing, because initial feedback suggests a much more mercenary attitude to this, ie; ‘Only a bigger guild can get me what I want/what other people want’. The prospect of having smaller guilds work towards getting access to these missions seems to be putting a lot of people off, and that opinion’s based on observing attitudes towards the investment required, not necessarily any upset with the ‘manifesto’ (I swear that word’s going to take on a whole new connotation for the rest of my life because of this game).

It seems that the immediate reaction to this from members of smaller guilds is that their guilds will struggle to achieve these or even fall apart rather than the missions representing an opportunity for community building and stronger links between them all based on contribution and group effort. But I feel that smaller, tighter guilds might actually benefit from this more as a system, as communication between members will be absolutely vital for many of the missions described – not only in ensuring that they’re completed, but even timed so that folks can actually take part. Larger guilds could struggle to meet everyone’s expectations and desires, and we may see them fracture based on friends finding it more efficient to go after these rewards by themselves (based on rewards being gained from participation, not necessarily just being a member of the guild). As such, we might see homogenisation of guilds towards a a more efficient medium number of members in similar circumstances when it comes to time investment, communication methods and overall desires.

I’m a member of a smaller guild, and I also happen to be in a different time zone to the majority of the guild. I’m also fairly open to the idea of missing out on a majority of missions based on that alone – it’s no-one’s fault, and it was never going to be an efficient choice of mine. But even then, I’m not swept up in the misery just yet – I’m curious to see how this system will shape guilds for the future.

Behold: Opinions!

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pencapchew.5432


Also….this is what Colin actually said in that interview

Colin: Our hope would be that will dynamically come out of this emergent game-play. Like the bounties have different tiers so there’s a small tier that small guilds can do, so where it’s say, three bosses in three zones. Ten or fifteen people can do that as a small guild. You can pick which tier you want to kick off on based on how many people you have online. But maybe one of the things that will come out of that is, “well, our guild’s going to do a tier 3 bounty and it takes a lot more people to do, so let’s get three guilds together and our guild will kick one off and you help us do ours and then we’ll help you do yours,” so each of the three guilds all work together to accomplish it. I think that kind of emergent game-play will hopefully come out of that, for sure. We don’t really know what to expect just because it’s so hard to test internally to see what guilds are going to do when this goes live. So some of this is – we’re going to put it out and we’re just going to see how guilds interact with it and what they do. That’ll help us determine what other features and additions […].

Thanks for adding that. There is a lot of truth to it.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Yeah my guild just blew a lot of gold and 30k influence to get to art of war 5, and we still need to wait a week to train it up.

Not happy.

Just curious, but why weren’t you training it up prior to the announcement of guild missions? Or if you were, how much of a priority was it for you?

Blacklight, most of us are totally wanting the guild missions. Especially us PvE guilds. The issue is they put it in Art of War at Tier 5 which was exclusively WvW track until 4 or 5 days ago. Those of us that don’t like WvW were not leveling it up. Why would we if we don’t do WvW? So now we are having to scramble to unlock a track we had zero interest in til now. I hope that clears it up for you. Do you see the disconnect for some of the players here? Why should PvE guilds have to unlock Art of War stuff to do PvE stuff? The reasons that Izzy gave weren’t really thought out well either. ArenaNet is basically telling the PvE only guilds that they are giving guilds that do everything a headstart to PvE access simply by way of them liking content that PvE guilds don’t like. It makes no sense. If it was really the way that Mr. Cartwright was explaining and they wanted it to be challenging for EVERYONE to get, they would have made a whole new tier for Guild Missions.

Look at my post history in this thread. I’m vehemently opposed to this guild mission system as it’s been described, for precisely the reasons you stated. I was curious if cesmode was in a similar situation.

(edited by Blacklight.2871)

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


I feel like this is going to be really bad for smaller guilds and the game in general.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Yeah my guild just blew a lot of gold and 30k influence to get to art of war 5, and we still need to wait a week to train it up.

Not happy.

Just curious, but why weren’t you training it up prior to the announcement of guild missions? Or if you were, how much of a priority was it for you?

Blacklight, most of us are totally wanting the guild missions. Especially us PvE guilds. The issue is they put it in Art of War at Tier 5 which was exclusively WvW track until 4 or 5 days ago. Those of us that don’t like WvW were not leveling it up. Why would we if we don’t do WvW? So now we are having to scramble to unlock a track we had zero interest in til now. I hope that clears it up for you. Do you see the disconnect for some of the players here? Why should PvE guilds have to unlock Art of War stuff to do PvE stuff? The reasons that Izzy gave weren’t really thought out well either. ArenaNet is basically telling the PvE only guilds that they are giving guilds that do everything a headstart to PvE access simply by way of them liking content that PvE guilds don’t like. It makes no sense. If it was really the way that Mr. Cartwright was explaining and they wanted it to be challenging for EVERYONE to get, they would have made a whole new tier for Guild Missions.

Look at my post history in this thread. I’m vehemently opposed to this guild mission system as it’s been described, for precisely the reasons you stated. I was curious if cesmode was in a similar situation.

The thing about why he wasn’t training it up is what i was responding to. threw me off a bit.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


If I could direct your attention here. Maybe we can start working on a solution to the problem people seem to have.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

After reading this and Lis Cardy’s piece at Massively(I posted that link in a a previous post) I still say I am really excited about this, but not about how the unlocks work. It’s way too cost prohibitive and all the concerns about the sheer amount of Influence needed to unlock this stuff are totally justified. More so, given the fact that WvW guilds are given a massive headstart in terms of Influence needed. Yeah, the merits do gate some of that, but I am of the opinion still after having a more well formed opinion that Art of War was a real mistake to use for PvE content.

I am all about having to work for something. That isn’t the problem. My problem lies with guilds that like WvW as well as PvE having a big advantage because they already have a ton of Influence spent in Art of War. The “Challenge” is there for some, but not all.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Nice job anet. I already had to grind pve which I hate for ascended gear to be on an even playing field already, and now you’ve made it literally impossible for me to be equal unless I leave my guild and join another. Bravo developers, you guys are doing great.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


And….76 views later, no response.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Nice job anet. I already had to grind pve which I hate for ascended gear to be on an even playing field already, and now you’ve made it literally impossible for me to be equal unless I leave my guild and join another. Bravo developers, you guys are doing great.

You’re . . . not on an even playing field with me?

I only this month got my Exotic armor set from the Cathedral of Glorious Victory, most of my trinkets are Rare or lower, but I have a 78 Exotic bow, and one Ascended amulet I purchased with Laurels.

I am a ranger.

If you’re not another ranger you are already beyond me :P

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Borikitty.1302


And….76 views later, no response.

They won’t do jack until AFTER all the small guilds who weren’t built on RL MMO players who banded together from other guilds in other MMO’s fall apart. Those small ones (like mine) with the experience of over 15-20 years of seeing other MMO’s do similar things to their demise know the wind that’s coming with today’s patch. Seems Arenanet is going to have their 2nd fall out. Seems the Karka event they didn’t learn from enough. Now this can cause other casual players to leave the game entirely when they all they are is commodity for large guilds. If Arenanet was thinking this was going to bring the community together they obviously they failed in actually researching the past couple decades of player behaviour when “uber lootz” is involved. The Karka event is going to look like a joke next to what’s going to happen to the players after this. It’s like no other MMO has ever done this before .. right? For those us old enough to know.. this is the same as all other MMO’s. No matter what Arenanet tries to say otherwise. Just sit back and watch the implosion.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Yeah….I’ve got about 15 years of experience with online gaming. My current guild has been together and fluctuating in size for about 8 years. I’m just trying to nick this one in the bud before a major backlash. I love this game and I’d much prefer to have those of us who want to see it continue to grow into something amazing work together to weather the storm than to have everything fly out the window.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sowin.5187


And they added Precursors to the drop table for Guild Missions . . .

an even bigger carrot to entice people to join larger guilds.

/hangs a sign on the wall -

“Achieve your dream of becoming a Guild Leader!

Small guild for sale . . . bring your influence! AoW tree is available for you to decorate to suit your taste, bring your friends to fill all of the vacant positions. This guild is located in an ideal position to raise a family. There is little to no traffic because it is located at the end of a dead end street."

Negotiable price of 2g 52s (does not include a butler) or will trade for a small stack of porous bones.

/mumbles “I am sure someone will undercut me by 1c before I finish hanging this sign up.”

(edited by Sowin.5187)

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

And they added Precursors to the drop table for Guild Missions . . .

an even bigger carrot to entice people to join larger guilds.

Or, alternatively, a carrot to entice people to work on their smaller guilds rather than take the easy way out.

Also, Precursors are supposedly available out of any loot draw which can drop Exotics.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyndarth.8702


(Re-posting from another thread, because this seems like the correct place to put it.)

Two characters with 100% map, hundreds hours of play, and this is my first post ever because it’s the first time I’ve been arbitrarily locked out of content because of my MMO play style.

There goes my intimate guild of real-life friends. Yes, I’ve read all the arguments about how you can buy influence and if everyone spends a full day farming for money, you can buy your way into some of the guild missions, but that assumes that everyone in the guild has a high level of game dedication. Though we’ve got about 20 people in the guild, we probably only have 3 who are on at least every-other-day and I’m probably the only one logged in daily. We can organize group play with enough advanced notice. We had 10 people at my house for a weekend-long LAN party for the Karka event. It was awesome. But this totally screws those of us who are very committed to the game, but also committed to our close group of friends who we prefer to play with.

Yes, being in multiple guilds and swapping your “representing” flag and hoping the bigger guild doesn’t kick you out for it is viable, but we shouldn’t have to jump through those kinds of hoops just to participate in these kinds of activities.

I’m happy joining PUGs for dungeons, but my preference for having a guild that is all close friends effectively walls me off from this content.

The only viable solution I see is to grant rewards for participation regardless of whether you are part of the guild that spawned the event.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sowin.5187


And they added Precursors to the drop table for Guild Missions . . .

an even bigger carrot to entice people to join larger guilds.

Or, alternatively, a carrot to entice people to work on their smaller guilds rather than take the easy way out.

Also, Precursors are supposedly available out of any loot draw which can drop Exotics.

I appreciate the response Tobias. I was being facetious and I have no intentions of giving up my guild. But you have to admit it does add a layer of difficulty in recruiting when a large guild can zerg an event, get the rewards, allowing people to move on to something else.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Influence costs should be based on the size of the guilds, representation and active members, this is the only way to ensure fairness. Some people enjoy being in smaller tight knit guilds and as such shouldn’t be punished for it.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


And it’s hard to ignore the fact that raids were specifically left out of this game because of their exclusionary mechanics. The tough content is restricted to small groups, which are easily maintained — OK, try to keep up here — by SMALL GUILDS. See the magic?

Pretty bad example to use to support your point.

Not sure how many ways this needs to be said (smoke signals and hieroglypics are next) — small guilds don’t want EVERYTHING, they just don’t want to be shut out of EVERYTHING.

That’s the way the system appears to be designed now. And not only that, this system actively compro,mises their ability to grow by making membership unattractive to many a possible recruit. This system throws everything into the laps of the larger guilds and not only excludes many small guilds from even STARTING the new content for weeks or months, but inhibits their prospects of further growth. And it’s not just a matter of getting new people on board but even keeping the ones you have.

This isn’t difficult to grasp. Consolidating the community into a handful of mega-guilds is NOT a good idea. Not sure why so many can’t wrap their grey matter around it.

How the hell is the system blocking you from getting the content eventually? Its not like you get nothing.
- Small guilds can still plan and manage their influence, unlocking the content down the road (yes ok it will take some time but i know my smaller guild has accepted this to be fair)
- You can get personal rewards from completing another guilds mission (ok so you dont progress your own guild but at least you dont miss out on rare/exotic/precursor drop chances)

Maybe i didnt word it right but i fail to see how people are struggling to grasp this aswell. Small guilds can still have a chance to complete the content, but admittedly it will be harder for them than larger guilds. THAT is the sacrifice that small guilds must learn to accept. I used the raiding example because it shows how a smaller guild in another mmo would accept a loss in content because of the way these kind of games work. Say you make a new guild in another mmo right now, you decide you would prefer a small, casual community. You accept straight away that hardcore content is out of reach.

You appear to give a good reason as to why small guilds will struggle to survive, yet you fail to see the reasoning behind small casual guilds anyway. They are usually good friends who like playing with eachother. End of. That alone should keep members from leaving the guild, which throws your argument out the window.

The system doesnt exclude smaller guilds completely, it just gives them a harder challenge than larger guilds. Considering the natural advantages and disadvantages between the two types of guild, I do not see how its a massive issue.

Ok ill try and use a different tact here… How, from a designers point of view, do you implement guild content for a larger group size than normal (so many requests for this before the announcement of guild missions its a joke), without (in some way, shape or form) making it easier for larger guilds to unlock, activate and play through?? Bearing in mind of course that the system DOES need some type of gating, because without it the mission content will be infinitely boring after a week.

I really doubt that once the patch drops the community is gonna go mega guild crazy. Doomsday prophecies on point again. Also, im not sure how it is in other servers but from most of the guilds i know, they allow people to rep more than one guild, aslong as they participate in guild activities now and again. Your guild not like this? Find a better and more understanding one. Simple.