Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If Anet can’t understand what you’re staying, it can’t be fixed. If they lose customers because customers can’t communicate properly their concerns then I’d say it’s the customers problem first and foremost.

If a company loses customers because it can’t understand its customers… it’s the customers problem? Yes, you’re right: that’s something you’d say.

I suppose if a company lost enough improperly communicating customers to bring about the dissolution of the company, the former employees of that company would surely agree that their lack of employment was the customer’s problem, too.

And speaking of properly communicating, spellcheckers don’t generally check for context. That’s what proofreading is for.

The table is a fable.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


You folks need to google what a treadmill is. Until they set precedence for repeatedly replacing the current-best tier there is no treadmill. Keyword here being repeatedly.

I can see ascended being outdone in 2016 after ascended armor finished the Ascended tier in 2014/15. And at that point someone could call it a (really slow) treadmill.

But for now, this one tread does not constitue a mill, and one tread (exotic -> ascended) is all we’ve had and will have for the forseeable future.

P.S. I’d quit if this turns treadmill – it just isnt one for now unless you want to go to extreme logic leaps to justify your conviction, or just like to complain.

Maybe it’s a treadmill, maybe it isn’t. To be honest, it doesn’t matter into what pigeon hole you want to put Ascended.

It most definitely is a timegated grind for gear that has higher stats. And I loved Guild Wars because Guild Wars didn’t have that.

And that’s what’s kitten ing people off. They bought this game expecting to not have to grind tier gear, and yet here it is.

Nobody that I’ve seen, prior to the announcement of Ascended gear last November, got on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else and asked, “ArenaNet, can we please have tiers of gear to grind for in Guild Wars 2?”

Rather, people were glad to finally have a game without that garbage.

…and suddenly, without warning, tier gear grind got thrown into a game that didn’t have it when we bought it.

No people got on here and complained that there was nothing to do post 80 lol.

Will that same people continue complaining tomorrow when today they get their ascended weapons?

Will that same people continue complaining when they get their full ascended set before the end of the year?

Will those who got their legendaries now complain that their legendary was updated in stats so they AGAIN dont have anything to do?

That depends on Anet, the complaint that there was nothing to do didn’t have anything to do with gear specifically. your just making the assumption it does.

Anet needs to actually release some solid content along with ascended (not reliant on ascended) for people to have something to do. Grinding for gear is not really something to do. Its a goal to work towards yes, but there is much more value in designing new maps for exploration, new dungeons and things of that nature.

however Anet has gotten into this utterly kittened habit of short term content. That right there really kitten es me off more than the whole gear thing which im indifferent towards anyways.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

You folks need to google what a treadmill is. Until they set precedence for repeatedly replacing the current-best tier there is no treadmill. Keyword here being repeatedly.

I can see ascended being outdone in 2016 after ascended armor finished the Ascended tier in 2014/15. And at that point someone could call it a (really slow) treadmill.

But for now, this one tread does not constitue a mill, and one tread (exotic -> ascended) is all we’ve had and will have for the forseeable future.

P.S. I’d quit if this turns treadmill – it just isnt one for now unless you want to go to extreme logic leaps to justify your conviction, or just like to complain.

Maybe it’s a treadmill, maybe it isn’t. To be honest, it doesn’t matter into what pigeon hole you want to put Ascended.

It most definitely is a timegated grind for gear that has higher stats. And I loved Guild Wars because Guild Wars didn’t have that.

And that’s what’s kitten ing people off. They bought this game expecting to not have to grind tier gear, and yet here it is.

Nobody that I’ve seen, prior to the announcement of Ascended gear last November, got on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else and asked, “ArenaNet, can we please have tiers of gear to grind for in Guild Wars 2?”

Rather, people were glad to finally have a game without that garbage.

…and suddenly, without warning, tier gear grind got thrown into a game that didn’t have it when we bought it.

No people got on here and complained that there was nothing to do post 80 lol.

Will that same people continue complaining tomorrow when today they get their ascended weapons?

Will that same people continue complaining when they get their full ascended set before the end of the year?

Will those who got their legendaries now complain that their legendary was updated in stats so they AGAIN dont have anything to do?

That depends on Anet, the complaint that there was nothing to do didn’t have anything to do with gear specifically. your just making the assumption it does.

Anet needs to actually release some solid content along with ascended (not reliant on ascended) for people to have something to do. Grinding for gear is not really something to do. Its a goal to work towards yes, but there is much more value in designing new maps for exploration, new dungeons and things of that nature.

however Anet has gotten into this utterly kittened habit of short term content. That right there really kitten es me off more than the whole gear thing which im indifferent towards anyways.

I’d agree but I have faith that ANET is using the Living story as a platform to launch major continent expansion… look at all the current possibilities we have and where the living story has taken us… I could EASILY see Sea of Sorrows or Crystal Desert playing major roles in updates. This story is a tangled web with Scarlet pulling only one of the many strings….

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


Again this topic?It came once when ascended was introduced and what happened later?It is NOT what people thought it would be.
People should stop complaining for nothing.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


I’d agree but I have faith that ANET is using the Living story as a platform to launch major continent expansion… look at all the current possibilities we have and where the living story has taken us… I could EASILY see Sea of Sorrows or Crystal Desert playing major roles in updates. This story is a tangled web with Scarlet pulling only one of the many strings….

Well, they did say they are using the biweekly updates to replace expansions, but I don’t know how much of a major update it would be.

My guess is that in about a year there will be a cantha update together with a level cap increase. Now, how many zones will we need to get from 80 to 90…? Do we need 1, or two or three? Don’t think it will need more than that. So I don’t know if the continent expansion will be that major.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MikaHR.1978


You folks need to google what a treadmill is. Until they set precedence for repeatedly replacing the current-best tier there is no treadmill. Keyword here being repeatedly.

I can see ascended being outdone in 2016 after ascended armor finished the Ascended tier in 2014/15. And at that point someone could call it a (really slow) treadmill.

But for now, this one tread does not constitue a mill, and one tread (exotic -> ascended) is all we’ve had and will have for the forseeable future.

P.S. I’d quit if this turns treadmill – it just isnt one for now unless you want to go to extreme logic leaps to justify your conviction, or just like to complain.

Maybe it’s a treadmill, maybe it isn’t. To be honest, it doesn’t matter into what pigeon hole you want to put Ascended.

It most definitely is a timegated grind for gear that has higher stats. And I loved Guild Wars because Guild Wars didn’t have that.

And that’s what’s kitten ing people off. They bought this game expecting to not have to grind tier gear, and yet here it is.

Nobody that I’ve seen, prior to the announcement of Ascended gear last November, got on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else and asked, “ArenaNet, can we please have tiers of gear to grind for in Guild Wars 2?”

Rather, people were glad to finally have a game without that garbage.

…and suddenly, without warning, tier gear grind got thrown into a game that didn’t have it when we bought it.

No people got on here and complained that there was nothing to do post 80 lol.

Will that same people continue complaining tomorrow when today they get their ascended weapons?

Will that same people continue complaining when they get their full ascended set before the end of the year?

Will those who got their legendaries now complain that their legendary was updated in stats so they AGAIN dont have anything to do?

That depends on Anet, the complaint that there was nothing to do didn’t have anything to do with gear specifically. your just making the assumption it does.

Anet needs to actually release some solid content along with ascended (not reliant on ascended) for people to have something to do. Grinding for gear is not really something to do. Its a goal to work towards yes, but there is much more value in designing new maps for exploration, new dungeons and things of that nature.

however Anet has gotten into this utterly kittened habit of short term content. That right there really kitten es me off more than the whole gear thing which im indifferent towards anyways.

You dodged the question.

But thats allright, we all know answer to those exact questions.

ANet caved in to those same people merely 2 months after launch. How long will it take to cave in after ascended is done? 2-3 months again? Or, more probably, they are planning it all along.

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

(edited by MikaHR.1978)

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


You folks need to google what a treadmill is. Until they set precedence for repeatedly replacing the current-best tier there is no treadmill. Keyword here being repeatedly.

I can see ascended being outdone in 2016 after ascended armor finished the Ascended tier in 2014/15. And at that point someone could call it a (really slow) treadmill.

But for now, this one tread does not constitue a mill, and one tread (exotic -> ascended) is all we’ve had and will have for the forseeable future.

P.S. I’d quit if this turns treadmill – it just isnt one for now unless you want to go to extreme logic leaps to justify your conviction, or just like to complain.

Maybe it’s a treadmill, maybe it isn’t. To be honest, it doesn’t matter into what pigeon hole you want to put Ascended.

It most definitely is a timegated grind for gear that has higher stats. And I loved Guild Wars because Guild Wars didn’t have that.

And that’s what’s kitten ing people off. They bought this game expecting to not have to grind tier gear, and yet here it is.

Nobody that I’ve seen, prior to the announcement of Ascended gear last November, got on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else and asked, “ArenaNet, can we please have tiers of gear to grind for in Guild Wars 2?”

Rather, people were glad to finally have a game without that garbage.

…and suddenly, without warning, tier gear grind got thrown into a game that didn’t have it when we bought it.

No people got on here and complained that there was nothing to do post 80 lol.

Will that same people continue complaining tomorrow when today they get their ascended weapons?

Will that same people continue complaining when they get their full ascended set before the end of the year?

Will those who got their legendaries now complain that their legendary was updated in stats so they AGAIN dont have anything to do?

I, for one, am not getting an Ascended set. I’m not even going to play any more, starting with this patch. Unless ArenaNet unequivocally come out and say that there will never be any more gear tiers. Ever.

Otherwise, this game is not for me.

So I really don’t see your point.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

You folks need to google what a treadmill is. Until they set precedence for repeatedly replacing the current-best tier there is no treadmill. Keyword here being repeatedly.

I can see ascended being outdone in 2016 after ascended armor finished the Ascended tier in 2014/15. And at that point someone could call it a (really slow) treadmill.

But for now, this one tread does not constitue a mill, and one tread (exotic -> ascended) is all we’ve had and will have for the forseeable future.

P.S. I’d quit if this turns treadmill – it just isnt one for now unless you want to go to extreme logic leaps to justify your conviction, or just like to complain.

Maybe it’s a treadmill, maybe it isn’t. To be honest, it doesn’t matter into what pigeon hole you want to put Ascended.

It most definitely is a timegated grind for gear that has higher stats. And I loved Guild Wars because Guild Wars didn’t have that.

And that’s what’s kitten ing people off. They bought this game expecting to not have to grind tier gear, and yet here it is.

Nobody that I’ve seen, prior to the announcement of Ascended gear last November, got on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else and asked, “ArenaNet, can we please have tiers of gear to grind for in Guild Wars 2?”

Rather, people were glad to finally have a game without that garbage.

…and suddenly, without warning, tier gear grind got thrown into a game that didn’t have it when we bought it.

No people got on here and complained that there was nothing to do post 80 lol.

Will that same people continue complaining tomorrow when today they get their ascended weapons?

Will that same people continue complaining when they get their full ascended set before the end of the year?

Will those who got their legendaries now complain that their legendary was updated in stats so they AGAIN dont have anything to do?

I, for one, am not getting an Ascended set. I’m not even going to play any more, starting with this patch. Unless ArenaNet unequivocally come out and say that there will never be any more gear tiers. Ever.

Otherwise, this game is not for me.

So I really don’t see your point.

So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


You folks need to google what a treadmill is. Until they set precedence for repeatedly replacing the current-best tier there is no treadmill. Keyword here being repeatedly.

I can see ascended being outdone in 2016 after ascended armor finished the Ascended tier in 2014/15. And at that point someone could call it a (really slow) treadmill.

But for now, this one tread does not constitue a mill, and one tread (exotic -> ascended) is all we’ve had and will have for the forseeable future.

P.S. I’d quit if this turns treadmill – it just isnt one for now unless you want to go to extreme logic leaps to justify your conviction, or just like to complain.

Maybe it’s a treadmill, maybe it isn’t. To be honest, it doesn’t matter into what pigeon hole you want to put Ascended.

It most definitely is a timegated grind for gear that has higher stats. And I loved Guild Wars because Guild Wars didn’t have that.

And that’s what’s kitten ing people off. They bought this game expecting to not have to grind tier gear, and yet here it is.

Nobody that I’ve seen, prior to the announcement of Ascended gear last November, got on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else and asked, “ArenaNet, can we please have tiers of gear to grind for in Guild Wars 2?”

Rather, people were glad to finally have a game without that garbage.

…and suddenly, without warning, tier gear grind got thrown into a game that didn’t have it when we bought it.

No people got on here and complained that there was nothing to do post 80 lol.

Will that same people continue complaining tomorrow when today they get their ascended weapons?

Will that same people continue complaining when they get their full ascended set before the end of the year?

Will those who got their legendaries now complain that their legendary was updated in stats so they AGAIN dont have anything to do?

I, for one, am not getting an Ascended set. I’m not even going to play any more, starting with this patch. Unless ArenaNet unequivocally come out and say that there will never be any more gear tiers. Ever.

Otherwise, this game is not for me.

So I really don’t see your point.

So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

It’s happening in a few hours, mate. Pay attention.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

If you’re in a bus that is slowly headed for a ravine, would you get off the bus or stay in because falling into the ravine hasn’t happened yet?

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

You folks need to google what a treadmill is. Until they set precedence for repeatedly replacing the current-best tier there is no treadmill. Keyword here being repeatedly.

I can see ascended being outdone in 2016 after ascended armor finished the Ascended tier in 2014/15. And at that point someone could call it a (really slow) treadmill.

But for now, this one tread does not constitue a mill, and one tread (exotic -> ascended) is all we’ve had and will have for the forseeable future.

P.S. I’d quit if this turns treadmill – it just isnt one for now unless you want to go to extreme logic leaps to justify your conviction, or just like to complain.

Maybe it’s a treadmill, maybe it isn’t. To be honest, it doesn’t matter into what pigeon hole you want to put Ascended.

It most definitely is a timegated grind for gear that has higher stats. And I loved Guild Wars because Guild Wars didn’t have that.

And that’s what’s kitten ing people off. They bought this game expecting to not have to grind tier gear, and yet here it is.

Nobody that I’ve seen, prior to the announcement of Ascended gear last November, got on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else and asked, “ArenaNet, can we please have tiers of gear to grind for in Guild Wars 2?”

Rather, people were glad to finally have a game without that garbage.

…and suddenly, without warning, tier gear grind got thrown into a game that didn’t have it when we bought it.

No people got on here and complained that there was nothing to do post 80 lol.

Will that same people continue complaining tomorrow when today they get their ascended weapons?

Will that same people continue complaining when they get their full ascended set before the end of the year?

Will those who got their legendaries now complain that their legendary was updated in stats so they AGAIN dont have anything to do?

I, for one, am not getting an Ascended set. I’m not even going to play any more, starting with this patch. Unless ArenaNet unequivocally come out and say that there will never be any more gear tiers. Ever.

Otherwise, this game is not for me.

So I really don’t see your point.

So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

It’s happening in a few hours, mate. Pay attention.

ahhh see you comment was misleading. Given the fact we all know Ascended is coming… logic dictates that your comment refers to tiers beyond ascended…

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MikaHR.1978


You folks need to google what a treadmill is. Until they set precedence for repeatedly replacing the current-best tier there is no treadmill. Keyword here being repeatedly.

I can see ascended being outdone in 2016 after ascended armor finished the Ascended tier in 2014/15. And at that point someone could call it a (really slow) treadmill.

But for now, this one tread does not constitue a mill, and one tread (exotic -> ascended) is all we’ve had and will have for the forseeable future.

P.S. I’d quit if this turns treadmill – it just isnt one for now unless you want to go to extreme logic leaps to justify your conviction, or just like to complain.

Maybe it’s a treadmill, maybe it isn’t. To be honest, it doesn’t matter into what pigeon hole you want to put Ascended.

It most definitely is a timegated grind for gear that has higher stats. And I loved Guild Wars because Guild Wars didn’t have that.

And that’s what’s kitten ing people off. They bought this game expecting to not have to grind tier gear, and yet here it is.

Nobody that I’ve seen, prior to the announcement of Ascended gear last November, got on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else and asked, “ArenaNet, can we please have tiers of gear to grind for in Guild Wars 2?”

Rather, people were glad to finally have a game without that garbage.

…and suddenly, without warning, tier gear grind got thrown into a game that didn’t have it when we bought it.

No people got on here and complained that there was nothing to do post 80 lol.

Will that same people continue complaining tomorrow when today they get their ascended weapons?

Will that same people continue complaining when they get their full ascended set before the end of the year?

Will those who got their legendaries now complain that their legendary was updated in stats so they AGAIN dont have anything to do?

I, for one, am not getting an Ascended set. I’m not even going to play any more, starting with this patch. Unless ArenaNet unequivocally come out and say that there will never be any more gear tiers. Ever.

Otherwise, this game is not for me.

So I really don’t see your point.

So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

Yes, if there was a firm “its so and so” lot of people might even digest whole ascended nonsense, not without a grudge, but knowing that you will do something you dont like just to be shoved more of something you dont like somewhere down the line….its pretty valid reason to quit.

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

If you’re in a bus that is slowly headed for a ravine, would you get off the bus or stay in because falling into the ravine hasn’t happened yet?

Ok so what ravine… again NO ONE on these forums has been able to point out a single bit of content (other than fractals) that requires you to use Ascended… ALL content can be completed with exotics and even rares… so please tell me again how Ascended affects every day game play?

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

If you’re in a bus that is slowly headed for a ravine, would you get off the bus or stay in because falling into the ravine hasn’t happened yet?

Ok so what ravine… again NO ONE on these forums has been able to point out a single bit of content (other than fractals) that requires you to use Ascended… ALL content can be completed with exotics and even rares… so please tell me again how Ascended affects every day game play?


Some of us like our competitive play to be… what’s the word? Competitive?

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

If you’re in a bus that is slowly headed for a ravine, would you get off the bus or stay in because falling into the ravine hasn’t happened yet?

Ok so what ravine… again NO ONE on these forums has been able to point out a single bit of content (other than fractals) that requires you to use Ascended… ALL content can be completed with exotics and even rares… so please tell me again how Ascended affects every day game play?

It doesn’t. We’re just griping for the sake of it.

And if you won’t buy that, try reading some of the posts around here and you might just work it out.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

If you’re in a bus that is slowly headed for a ravine, would you get off the bus or stay in because falling into the ravine hasn’t happened yet?

Ok so what ravine… again NO ONE on these forums has been able to point out a single bit of content (other than fractals) that requires you to use Ascended… ALL content can be completed with exotics and even rares… so please tell me again how Ascended affects every day game play?


Some of us like our competitive play to be… what’s the word? Competitive?

Pssssssst… I am guessing you didn’t read Dulfy’s notes or watch the livestream… it’s ok… the mats will drop in WvW too…

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronee.9465


When Ascended Accessories and Backpiece was announced, the community was in rage.

And the usual replies:
1) The stats are so minimal.
2) You could do to any content with only Exotics
3) Ascended stats are only for FoTM for the Agony Resistance (AR)
4) Skill is better than Gear (By always assuming all those with Ascended are Noobs and those without are Pros)
5) Legendaries are only for skins. (O really? Not anymore). Oops sry wrong topic for this one. My bad.
6) Play the game for fun fun fuuuuun!
lol bet you people remember all those.

Moving Forward to the present…..

The upcoming Ascended Weapons and in the near future Ascended Gears gonna be introduced to the game.
Now compare Full Exotics & Full Ascended (Accessories/Backpiece/Weapons/GEARS).
I bet the stats are not so minimal no more isn’t it?

History WILL repeat itself.
Cause it doesnt matter if all these Ascended threads gonna hit a thousand page, they will still implement it. We should know by now. Once they announced it…
They WILL do it!

This IS GuildWars 2.
So stop trying to visualise this game as GuildWars. Cause it is NOT The Legend we once knew.
Now start Grinding!! lol!

(edited by Jabronee.9465)

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

If you’re in a bus that is slowly headed for a ravine, would you get off the bus or stay in because falling into the ravine hasn’t happened yet?

Ok so what ravine… again NO ONE on these forums has been able to point out a single bit of content (other than fractals) that requires you to use Ascended… ALL content can be completed with exotics and even rares… so please tell me again how Ascended affects every day game play?


Some of us like our competitive play to be… what’s the word? Competitive?

Pssssssst… I am guessing you didn’t read Dulfy’s notes or watch the livestream… it’s ok… the mats will drop in WvW too…

Heh yeah, just like rares. It’s pretty common knowledge that playing WvW is like swimming in uncle scrooge’s money bin. And besides that, crafting wasn’t required of me before today. Starting today it will be, so now I’ve got to try to level crafting from nothing in a market full of people trying to level up crafting. Either way, it sounds like I’m grinding for a future fun reward, and not having fun. So, when did you buy GW2, and under which pretenses?

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoodllZ.8376


This always shows up, “Legendary Armor”. I don’t think that Anet will make an entire kit of legendary armor, maybe a back piece but a six piece armor set, no way.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

So… you are quitting over something that hasn’t happened yet… makes sense to me!

If you’re in a bus that is slowly headed for a ravine, would you get off the bus or stay in because falling into the ravine hasn’t happened yet?

Ok so what ravine… again NO ONE on these forums has been able to point out a single bit of content (other than fractals) that requires you to use Ascended… ALL content can be completed with exotics and even rares… so please tell me again how Ascended affects every day game play?


Some of us like our competitive play to be… what’s the word? Competitive?

Pssssssst… I am guessing you didn’t read Dulfy’s notes or watch the livestream… it’s ok… the mats will drop in WvW too…

Heh yeah, just like rares. It’s pretty common knowledge that playing WvW is like swimming in uncle scrooge’s money bin. And besides that, crafting wasn’t required of me before today. Starting today it will be, so now I’ve got to try to level crafting from nothing in a market full of people trying to level up crafting. Either way, it sounds like I’m grinding for a future fun reward, and not having fun. So, when did you buy GW2, and under which pretenses?

provided you have enough gold a craft can be mastered in an hour…

I being an MMO veteran going all the way back to Ultima Online, saw this game as something that was aesthetically pleasing and as something that would suit the “collector” in me. I bought the game the weekend after launch.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronee.9465


This always shows up, “Legendary Armor”. I don’t think that Anet will make an entire kit of legendary armor, maybe a back piece but a six piece armor set, no way.

Yes way. It should be implemented at Launch just like Ascended

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Your idea of a stat cap is only half the sttory. Yes, people who have Legendaries need not worry. Their gear is always bumped up to match the current high stats of a new tier of gear.
This assumes that Legendary is the end goal for everyone, which it is not. Some of us find Legendaries ugly and not worth it. It was of no loss to not get them, however as they shared the same stats with exotic.
The gear treadmill excludes Legendaries. Anyone in full exotics is forced to upgrade with no in-game reason given to even do so, except to avoid being excluded from elitist groups that will develop and to avoid having a certain percentage disadvantage in PvP and WvW (regardless if its 5%, 11% or 20%, its still a disadvantage).
So what happens if they add a new tier beyond Ascended? Once again, Legendary owners are safe as they get bumped up. Anyone who doesn’t like Legendaries, however, are forced yet again to upgrade their once endgame set to a new level.
Not only would this be a gear treadmill, but its one that doesnt even affect everyone equally. If you want to keep up with Jones’, you have to either 1)get a Legendary that you don’t like or 2)suck it up and keep upgrading all your characters like every other treadmill MMO out there or 3)hope this game ends the treadmill with Ascended while keeping an eye out on new MMO’s that might actually break the tired mold of MMORPGS.
It doesn’t matter how gradual it is or that they’ve found a way to let some people bypass the treadmill with Legendary, its still a treadmill. As I’ve said before, I played 5 characters all pretty equally and got them all outfitted in full exotic and as much Ascended orns as I could and was free to do whatever I wanted as they were ready for it (even with multiple sets of gear for different needs in different dungeons and situations – yes to even run in elitist groups) Now the thought of all of them suddenly being in ‘transition’ gear and having to outfit them all in new gear (and even worse, behind time-gating) really kills my desire to play this game anymore, especially that I don’t trust that in a years time they won’t do this again.
Call it a treadmill, escalator, elevator, whatever you want…the end result is still a tired MMO ‘tradition’ that manages only to lump GW2 in with the majority of others.
In one way GW2 is worse than other MMO’s in this aspect. Other MMO’s hide their treadmills behind some new dungeon or area in an expansion. Lame as that content may or not be, its at least an attempt to sugar-coat it. ANET is adding nothing that even needs this (higher fractals is BS, since its not new content and they could make Ascended on par with exotic + infusion slot for that). Its a new tier that serves no purpose other than to fuel a treadmill.
A tired MMO gear-driven endgame with a new gradual-paced face that only affects people without Legendaries? Yes.
Innovative? No.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


provided you have enough gold a craft can be mastered in an hour…

I being an MMO veteran going all the way back to Ultima Online, saw this game as something that was aesthetically pleasing and as something that would suit the “collector” in me. I bought the game the weekend after launch.

Were you shocked to find the game seemed to have no vertical progression past level cap, or did you know that going in?

I have 41g in my wallet right this minute, and over half of that came from doing the invasion meta achievement for a tonic that it turned out I can’t use in WvW. It was mind numbing. Also, I have some delusion about affording a commander pin some day.

So, if you’re a collector anyway, why do you need arbitrary number increases? This game was full of stuff to collect that didn’t affect stats or competitiveness. Minis, dyes, skins, achievements, titles… It sounds like you’re capable of setting your own goals, why do you feel you need ANet to do it for you?

And in response to the statement that the stats are tiny, so why bother? on that other thread having the exact same conversation as this one: Yes, the stat increase is small, but the name of the game in WvW is small things adding up to big things. Any one player can’t carry enough supply to build anything, but players working together can get siege up in no time. Any one tower isn’t enough to change the score by much, but the aggregate of your holdings across all maps determine your score added per tick. One tick isn’t much compared to the overall score, but the overall score is built tick by tick.

One guy’s subpar stats might not be enough to change the course of battle, but the army with better equipment statnds a much better chance than the army with subpar equipment. The devil is in the details, as they say.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


A tired MMO gear-driven endgame with a new gradual-paced face that only affects people without Legendaries? Yes.
Innovative? No.

This guy knows.

I’m off to bed.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


A tired MMO gear-driven endgame with a new gradual-paced face that only affects people without Legendaries? Yes.
Innovative? No.

This guy knows.

I’m off to bed.

Yes he knows. You agree with him, so he knows.

The other people who have different opinions don’t know.

Frankly, I think neither one of you know, you know? lol

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


A tired MMO gear-driven endgame with a new gradual-paced face that only affects people without Legendaries? Yes.
Innovative? No.

This guy knows.

I’m off to bed.

Yes he knows. You agree with him, so he knows.

The other people who have different opinions don’t know.

Frankly, I think neither one of you know, you know? lol

Because they disagree with you. Such is the cycle of life on the Internet.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I’m not rubbing anyone’s noses in anything. I’m saying, stop bringing up stuff that turns off minds. That’s it. If the grind it too much, complain about that. The grind. If you don’t like vertical progression at all, complain about that. But stay away from the turn off words that don’t really communicate and can be misunderstood.

The more people on the same page, the more likely Anet will get the message. We’re not on the same page here.

I’m not pro vertical progression, you know, but I don’t have anything against time gating.

Look at the results of many of your interventions in threads. You’re not clarifying what people are saying for them. You’re generating lengthy arguments about the meaning of a word or a phrase.

If someone posts in anger about gear treadmills, and you can see what they are really upset about, you could say, “It seems to me that you’re really angry about time gating (or grind, or whatever).” If you’re correct, chances are they’ll reply with a yes. If you can’t tell what they’re angry about, you could ask something like, “Gear progression involves a lot of things. Are you angry about time-gating, about grind, about losing your BiS status without a compelling game-play requirement for better gear, etc.?” people are going to respond more positively to that kind of approach than to being told they’re wrong. That just raises their hackles and causes them to dig into their position.

If your intent is to get people to communicate clearly, then facilitate that end. If your intent is to argue about the meaning of words, then carry on.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MikaHR.1978


A tired MMO gear-driven endgame with a new gradual-paced face that only affects people without Legendaries? Yes.
Innovative? No.

This guy knows.

I’m off to bed.

Yes he knows. You agree with him, so he knows.

The other people who have different opinions don’t know.

Frankly, I think neither one of you know, you know? lol

Truth hurts rofl

Your thread should be renamed to

“Guild Wars 2 and the Grind escalator”

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Isn’t it about time we call the “back-on-topic-brake”?

Lets face the facts:

  • An unknown percentage of players is fine with ascended.
  • An unknown percentage of players considers it the step towards even more grinding.
  • Group 1 disagrees with Group 2 and Group 2 disagrees with Group 1
  • Group 1 is satisfied with Guild Wars 2 and will continue playing until they are bored.
  • Group 2 has the feeling Anet lied to it’s customers (them) and is untrue to their earlier adopted viewpoints.
  • Both groups have arguments for their position, based on their opinions and preferences. Both are correct in liking/disliking grinding.
  • One thing that is undeniably true from Group 2’s viewpoint is that ArenaNet made Guild Wars 2 more grindy than it was in the beginning.

One way or another, Arenanet will loose part of it’s playerbase to this.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

(edited by Sirendor.1394)

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Isn’t it about time we call the “back-on-topic-brake”?

Lets face the facts:

  • An unknown percentage of players is fine with ascended.
  • An unknown percentage of players considers it the step towards even more grinding.
  • Group 1 disagrees with Group 2 and Group 2 disagrees with Group 1
  • Group 1 is satisfied with Guild Wars 2 and will continue playing until they are bored.
  • Group 2 has the feeling Anet lied to it’s customers (them) and is untrue to their earlier adopted viewpoints.
  • Both groups have arguments for their position, based on their opinions and preferences. Both are correct in liking/disliking grinding.
  • One thing that is undeniably true from Group 2’s viewpoint is that ArenaNet made Guild Wars 2 more grindy than it was in the beginning.

One way or another, Arenanet will loose part of it’s playerbase to this.

But you also can’t stay how much of their playerbase they’d lose if they didn’t do something like this.

Maybe they lose 10%, but maybe that would have lost 15% of they hadn’t done this. No one knows.

Saying they’re going to lose part of their playbase only has meaning if you know the alternatives.

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Isn’t it about time we call the “back-on-topic-brake”?

Lets face the facts:

  • An unknown percentage of players is fine with ascended.
  • An unknown percentage of players considers it the step towards even more grinding.
  • Group 1 disagrees with Group 2 and Group 2 disagrees with Group 1
  • Group 1 is satisfied with Guild Wars 2 and will continue playing until they are bored.
  • Group 2 has the feeling Anet lied to it’s customers (them) and is untrue to their earlier adopted viewpoints.
  • Both groups have arguments for their position, based on their opinions and preferences. Both are correct in liking/disliking grinding.
  • One thing that is undeniably true from Group 2’s viewpoint is that ArenaNet made Guild Wars 2 more grindy than it was in the beginning.

One way or another, Arenanet will loose part of it’s playerbase to this.

But you also can’t stay how much of their playerbase they’d lose if they didn’t do something like this.

Maybe they lose 10%, but maybe that would have lost 15% of they hadn’t done this. No one knows.

Saying they’re going to lose part of their playbase only has meaning if you know the alternatives.

Sure, but I daresay that the ones who leave are experienced players, while the players they may win by this are people who didn’t try the game yet. It doesn’t stimulate a long duration relationship between the gamer and the developers, thus making the game instable. Of course I don’t know if that will be the case, but it is one of the most plausible outcomes.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Guild Wars 2 and the Gear Escalator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stx.4857


I see so many people saying that once you get all your ascended items you are done.

Uh, we don’t know if they will ever add another tier of gear with better stats than ascended. Considering what has happened so far, I would say that will happen.

So its either an escalator or a never ending escalator, which is worse than a treadmill honestly.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief