Purity of Purpose
List of 150+ QoL Features
Purity of Purpose
Laundry lists like these serve no purpose.
Surely you jest
Love it!! However one that was missed was being able to view you mat collection WITHOUT having to go to a crafting station. You don’t need to be able to have access, but being able to view it would be awesome. I don’t like having to use a bank access item, travel to a crafting station, or access the hero menu, go down to crafting, and then search/scroll down to what ever I am looking for to find out how much I have and how much more I need. Being able to access if from the inventory screen would be awesome.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Ability to favorite certain items on the TP for quick viewing.
I’m not sure how I feel about it. There are buy orders if you have a maximum of N gold to spare on a certain item. Looks a bit more like a flipping feature (but well, the undercut feature is by a margin a speculation feature too). But I do see some reason for it – like tracking and selling of daily crafted T7 materials.
Valid points.
Trait templates: I personally think that the best way is per-character-account-wide. That means: basic 2 slots per character; each trait slot you unlock with gems gives you an account-wide +1 to template slots (plus 1 per character). This can however work in the similar manner to bag unlocks (unlock per character only), but in that case the price of trait slots should be respectively affected.
NPCs near supplies: I believe this should be addressed globally, as no matter how many NPCs you move, there always will be more NPCs to move (say hello to people shuffling around Mystic Forge and crafting station for a place that doesn’t trigger NPCs). A list to cycle through Interacts can solve it more or less, though an option to assign talking to NPCs to lowest priority could be nice too.
Commander abilities: nice links! A commander channel looks like an average solution as yes, it filters out trolls but only with a 100g censorship. Generals – I think there should be a balance in additional features so that it gives each commander more personal value rather than a “comeon give mea general why can’t you!!1” from random people; yet I still see sense in it for large guild raids, especially when I see people saying “I do not have a tag on this character”. Edit: added as 140.
To the ArenaNet apologists, this list would not take years to implement if they simply put the will behind it to make it happen. Quit defending poor decision making, inefficient resource allocation, and half-finished implementation. The argument that the “code is so complex, OhMerGawd there’s too many levels of dependency, blah, blah, blah” doesn’t wash.
Any programmer worth their salt knows their code and develops and documents in such a way that they’re aware of the interdependencies such that they shouldn’t be breaking anything whenever they introduce something new or make an edit here or an edit there (or thoroughly test it in advance of release in case they did break something). Anything less than that and all I can do is shake my head and bite my tongue at the risk of being infracted for calling out the state of the game’s code.
There’s stuff I programmed 10 years ago that I can see in my mind’s eye right now without even having to open the file where I can tell you that if a change was made to X portion of the code, then that would cause a conflict in Y portion of the code, and we’d have to do Z to correct it. I don’t expect programmers to do more than that, but I also don’t expect anything less, either. If I can do it, they should be able to, as well; that’s part of what they’re being paid to do.
I like to see someone who shares the same view of coding requirments. Again, it’s a company doing business and not a students’ summer project. Either do your job good and get cash, or make excuses and don’t be surprised at gold-to-gem conversions.
You forgot duels and mounts.
And GvG, guild halls and player housing :p
May I suggest the addition of a crosshair/reticle for your suggested freelook toggle?
Third-party mods that risk tagging the user as a hacker are already doing this, so it would be wise to accommodate this in-game.
How exactly is it supposed to work? Just a crosshair in the center of the screen which automaticaly aims anything under it or aims nothing if there’s nothing? That’s basically a very narrow auto-aiming cone I think. Or a more visible constantly floating crosshair?
Yes, there’s a bindable about face key in controls. Never found a use for it though so I can’t really comment on how well it works.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Added 132. Option to toggle displaying of other players’ titles in options and/or as a bindable key (useful in zergs where you would like to see player allocation but titles make it a mess). I actually remembered I wanted to include this one myself.
Walking without falling: may be useful for roleplaying, but I can see it abused in combat a lot (EoTM) and possibly during exploration. I do not see a workaround here – even OoC only limit is not unexploitable.
Added 133. Option to choose between press-key-to-toggle-walking-mode or hold-key-to-walk.
Added 134. “Nourishment slots”: stacks of food from this slot are automatically consumed when expired (not likely as conflicts with Metabolic Primer from gemstore). “Minipet slots”: mini from this slot always follows you around the world without needing to click it from inventory (can be simply replaced by minis persisting through zones and restarts).
Added 135. Undockable chat panels to have different relocatable chat panels with chosen info.
Dang, one more:
Sort out the scaling of text when switching to compact UI mode!
This is particularly noticeable when opening the BLTC window, where text looks like it is defaulting to badly scaled bitmap fonts instead of smoothly scaling Truetype/Opentype typefaces.
Not sure if it is a game issue and not an OS issue. BLTC is, as far as I know, a stylized in-game pseudo-browser called Awesomium, so it may inerit some system settings.
There is a lot of great things there that really should be implemented ASAP, but you know, if you weren’t a mouse-kind-of player you would have at least 1/3 less of the headache caused by these 125 issues.
The thing is… I’m a key-kind-of player. I use WASD for walking and have almost everything I can bound onto keys (and not the default ones). Even for work, I use another set of 18 custom keyboard keys – thanks Logitech! – for frequent commands. Still, that doesn’t stop me from thinking about people who prefer to play with a mouse while lying on a sofa with a notebook.
I didn’t see this one if it’s there but
:Allowing characters to swap an armor piece with another even if the inventory is full
That’s actually a part of a wider problem. The game isn’t able to “swap” items – it takes 2 steps: 1) put item A in inventory, 2) equip item B from inventory. That also happens when trying to forge, craft, salvage with full inventory.
Added 136. Making the game handle “swap” actions when inventory is full (e.g. swapping gear; current behaviour takes 2 steps – 1. put new item, 2. remove old item – and it leads to problems with equipping, salvaging, crafting etc.).
Love it!! However one that was missed was being able to view you mat collection WITHOUT having to go to a crafting station. You don’t need to be able to have access, but being able to view it would be awesome.
Not sure if ANet wants us to be able to do it, but it still is a feature that I’d be happy to see. Added as 137.
Some more suggestions from me:
138. Being able to see in chat log when mutual friends advertise in LFG. Can be accompanied by an untickable “Broadcast my LFG advertisements to mutual friends” option in settings.
139. Option to retain character rotation when waypointing.
How exactly is it supposed to work? Just a crosshair in the center of the screen which automaticaly aims anything under it or aims nothing if there’s nothing? That’s basically a very narrow auto-aiming cone I think. Or a more visible constantly floating crosshair?
Pretty much.
Here’s a video of “Combat Mode” in action, although this is an old video, so it has probably changed significantly.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Pretty much.
Here’s a video of “Combat Mode” in action, although this is an old video, so it has probably changed significantly.
A video is worth a thousand words Listed as 141.
But OP. That’s not content and I don’t want it so it shouldn’t be included in the patch. Or ever. No. I don’t want it.
But OP. That’s not content and I don’t want it so it shouldn’t be included in the patch. Or ever. No. I don’t want it.
April 15 is not a content patch. It’s a feature patch.
But OP. That’s not content and I don’t want it so it shouldn’t be included in the patch. Or ever. No. I don’t want it.
April 15 is not a content patch. It’s a feature patch.
I know, but all those ranters on the forums apparently don’t <3.
Add: persistent cursor so we don’t lose it mid combat and end up dying because we can’t mouse turn to evade/run away.
I know, but all those ranters on the forums apparently don’t <3.
I thought that might sarcasm after I re-read it a couple of times, but meh, you never know :P
Add: persistent cursor so we don’t lose it mid combat and end up dying because we can’t mouse turn to evade/run away.
I believe you’re talking about #8 and #9.
Add: persistent cursor so we don’t lose it mid combat and end up dying because we can’t mouse turn to evade/run away.
I believe you’re talking about #8 and #9.
Nope. I lose the cursor (the arrow) constantly during combat. When I then need to move, it is sometimes tucked up the corner or something, costing me valuable time while I re-find it to move.
Theres quite some good options in there but it’s hard to discuss over so many separate things.
It’ll be nice if you could categorize them or something.
+1 one—I like alot of the suggestions and many should have been there since day 1.
And yes , losing the cursor in a busy battle needs to be addressed.
Nope. I lose the cursor (the arrow) constantly during combat. When I then need to move, it is sometimes tucked up the corner or something, costing me valuable time while I re-find it to move.
Ah, I see now – I also lose cursor every now and then because I’m running a very high resolution. Hm… I think it can be achieved in the following way:
- Option “Reset mouse cursor to screen center after not using it for a certain time: [Never/Long/Normal/Short]”
Paired with option to display a highly visible cursor, does it look like a viable solution?
Theres quite some good options in there but it’s hard to discuss over so many separate things.
It’ll be nice if you could categorize them or something.
My original intent was to categorise them, but it made keeping them clearly numbered in 5001 character forum posts not that simple. So I went with a medium solution of some categorising in “my” 125 suggestion and consecutive numbering for the new ones. If anyone cares enough to rework everything into a better googledocs file – gl, hf
Meanwhile, added 142. Fix to “no reward chest if disconnected during but before event end” issue as I think it deserves a separate mention.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
I thought you’re just exaggerating that 125 number.
I know right, and from the few my brain could take in by using the power of glancing a lot of them couple be grouped together under the same points.
I really don’t see one of the community reps looking at a list of 125 points and say: “Jip I’m so going to summarise this and give it to the dev team”.
Ability to hide damage indicators. (Even if i could see through the particle effects, i cant see through the stacks of damage numbers.)
Ability to hide engineer kit backpacks.
Force damage indicators to the middle of the screen.
It’s weird when you hit a big hit box / high target and your numbers appear somewhere in the ionosphere or behind you, as can happen with Shadow Behemoth.
I think these are (very nearly) all great ideas, and they it would be nice if they were in the game as soon as possible. There really is no reason to not put them in the game, except the time and resources it takes Arenanet.
I have a few improvements:
40. It only requires one extra press of the “F” key, and most people, at least me, are used to this.
120. Could be better: I would opt for being able to right click an “automatically cast at target location”-skill like Dragon’s Tooth to toggle it between that mode and ground targeted mode.
Ability to hide engineer kit backpacks.
Not sure if it can be done for PvP and WvW, but should be ok for PvE. Added as 143.
Ability to hide damage indicators. (Even if i could see through the particle effects, i cant see through the stacks of damage numbers.)
Force damage indicators to the middle of the screen.
It’s weird when you hit a big hit box / high target and your numbers appear somewhere in the ionosphere or behind you, as can happen with Shadow Behemoth.
Combined into 144. And 145.
I really don’t see one of the community reps looking at a list of 125 points and say: “Jip I’m so going to summarise this and give it to the dev team”.
If you believe that all the work should be done for them by players, than I believe that players should get their salary instead.
There’s nothing difficult in categorising 125 items for people used to working with data, especially since most of them have already been categorised within the list itself. And if it is… then well, fast food chains always have vacancies for burger flippers.
40. It only requires one extra press of the “F” key, and most people, at least me, are used to this.
But it still is not nice when you get your recipe list reset because of it and have to search for it once again.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
I think number 48 is already in the game.. that aoe loot everything button they added. I have mine set to “C” and “F” is the original one, so I don’t have an issue looting with that.
Pretty much.
Here’s a video of “Combat Mode” in action, although this is an old video, so it has probably changed significantly.A video is worth a thousand words
Listed as 141.
That is already 90% implemented. The game “soft-targets” anything in the middle of the screen. There’s actually a (unbound) keybind to lock the soft target.
An option like “Always use soft targeting for skills that require a target if no target is locked” would essentially give you the Combat Mode targeting functionality.
Look forward to feature patch 2015!
I think number 48 is already in the game.. that aoe loot everything button they added. I have mine set to “C” and “F” is the original one, so I don’t have an issue looting with that.
No, I’m talking about automatic on-kill looting instead of press-to-loot.
That is already 90% implemented. The game “soft-targets” anything in the middle of the screen. There’s actually a (unbound) keybind to lock the soft target.
An option like “Always use soft targeting for skills that require a target if no target is locked” would essentially give you the Combat Mode targeting functionality.
So it makes it even easier to implement:
- make a “Usual/Combat mode” dropdown option,
- tie a set of targeting options to Combat mode,
- make cursor reset to center for AoE casting,
- draw a crosshair.
I just remembered another feature and forgot it again… hm.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
- make a “Usual/Combat mode” dropdown option,
- tie a set of targeting options to Combat mode,
- make cursor reset to center for AoE casting,
- draw a crosshair.
Personally I wouldn’t even need 3 and 4, but yeah, it’s kinda already in the game, we’d only need Arenanet to actually wrap it into a neat Settings option. Low-hanging fruit.
Personally I wouldn’t even need 3 and 4, but yeah, it’s kinda already in the game, we’d only need Arenanet to actually wrap it into a neat Settings option. Low-hanging fruit.
Since people can do the first 2 but still ask for 3 and 4 and even go as far as writing AHK scripts for it to work, I believe they need it:) Well, tastes differ.
Since people can do the first 2.
Well, it doesn’t quite work yet, that’s the problem You still need an extra button to use the soft targeting for a skill. The option would remove that and automatically use the soft target (if you don’t have a hard-locked target already).
AoE cursor maybe depends on class? With staff Ele I use so many AoEs that I prefer the freedom to place them independently of where I look.
Crosshair is kinda unneccessary, as the game does already highlight your soft target. So you already have visual feedback on what you’re targeting, and it’s kinda more elegant than a mark on your screen. (also works better with 3D and VR. You know, future proofing etc )
(edited by Naqaj.6219)
(also works better with 3D and VR. You know, future proofing etc
Ehem… But let’s start with DX11 and SLI support, please. And probably loading the multi-core CPU to the full 100% before dropping FpS, and making it use GPU resources through CUDA.
Added 146. Ability to vertically rescale Bank/Collection, Merchant etc. windows (playing on high resolution but having to scroll-scroll-scroll small windows is no fun).
Added 147. Bring focus onto TP window when clicking “sell/buy more on TP” from inventory/bank/collection/crafting window.
Nope. I lose the cursor (the arrow) constantly during combat. When I then need to move, it is sometimes tucked up the corner or something, costing me valuable time while I re-find it to move.
Ah, I see now – I also lose cursor every now and then because I’m running a very high resolution. Hm… I think it can be achieved in the following way:
Yeah, pretty much. Actually if I could toggle bind viewpoint to the mouse, and left click to reveal cursor (release to select), that would be pretty much ideal.
Yeah, pretty much. Actually if I could toggle bind viewpoint to the mouse, and left click to reveal cursor (release to select), that would be pretty much ideal.
Hm… I’m afraid I don’t get it. Could you list what each binding in your scenario does and how it works step by step?
Yeah, pretty much. Actually if I could toggle bind viewpoint to the mouse, and left click to reveal cursor (release to select), that would be pretty much ideal.
Hm… I’m afraid I don’t get it. Could you list what each binding in your scenario does and how it works step by step?
Well, camera would be bound to mouse movement, as with most FPS/TPS games rather than MMO. However, this would preclude the use of the cursor for clicking items/menus. Leftclick is currently used only for running. In the system I would personally prefer, leftclick would reveal cursor for use (adjustable to be either toggle or hold on-stay on, and rightclick (or releasing leftclick on a menu/object) would select/open/perform that function.
I listed up my additions to the list and suggestions which I agree.
- Option to turn on highly-visible outline of your character in zerg.
- Different icons for dead and downed player. It is a waste of skill when I think I am AoEing downed players instead they are dead players in WvW.
- OOC weapon swap for ele and engi.
- Queue system for joining on hard-capped map. Useful for Teq/Wurm assault. I don’t think mega server support this.
- Improved party kick system.
11. Option to turn on highly-visible cursor for aiming in zergs large-scale LS events.
19. Option to make buff/condition icons larger.
44. “Equip as secondary ring/accessory” right-click option for trinkets similar to “Equip in off-hand” weapon option.
56. Ability to “Use all” on stacks of items; auto-stops if out of space.
57. Ability to “Buy X amount” from vendors through right-click or similar to crafting arrows+input method.
50. Option to disable talking to NPCs in combat (there’s nothing worse than having an NPC dialogue pop up over mobs and target info while trying to spot a Subjugator in the middle of a zerg).
60. Filter armour by weight on TP.
61. Separate category for backpieces on TP, proper category for food on TP.
67. Trait templates – 2 free slots (WvW/PvE, PvE/dungeons), extendable through gemstore. “No ETA on templates” is official.
76. “Favourites” list in crafting.
81. Ability to salvage ascended gear (especially rings).
82. New ways to spend fractal relics and ascended materials.
84. Ability to put exotic sigils/runes and ascended gear (especially rings) into Mystic Forge.
91. Trackable “Dungeon paths/world bosses/fractal tiers already run today”.
92. Trackable dungeon paths in Dungeon Master achievement.
97. Option to make commander tag visible only to its guild.
98. Option to change commander tag colors (“Go to red commander for main zerg, yellow for north turret defence, green for south turret defence!”).
108. Ability to read multiple guild channels (possibly without being able to say anything).
121. Fixes to “stuck in combat for no apparent reason”.
124. Fixes to dungeon exploits.
126. New default order for reviving interaction: downed players first; then dead players; then dead NPCs.
Personally I was very disappointed that trait/gear template is not included in April patch. To me template should be higher priority then wardrobe because I will be using template daily.
(edited by soistheman.7208)
I’d like a “compact” option for bank/guild banks (the latter with the proper permissions attached), like there is on the bag dropdown menu.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
I never use the “merge bags” option because then I can’t tell where my “normal bags” end and “invisible bags” begin I would use a compact layout if it created individual sections for the different bag types.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I never use the “merge bags” option because then I can’t tell where my “normal bags” end and “invisible bags” begin
I would use a compact layout if it created individual sections for the different bag types.
I don’t mean merge bags, I mean “compact” which smushes everything together. Including items that are stackable.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
i do like most on your list
but even though i am pretty sure anet got their own list already..
however there will proble be a few points that they will add to it now..
there is just not enough time to add it to this page since it will hit in 10days
especially all your suggestions to make options to play the game this or that way sound promising ( and some of them easy to achieve as well )
anyway thanks for your effort
this made my day
lets just hope that some of these features will find their way into the game
Number 2 making thieves even easier to play? Lmao.
Not only do they have perma evade perma blind perma dodge and perma stealth, but now they need the game to use their shadow steps for them.
Some of the suggestions are good.
Many of the suggestions promote laziness in combat.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in every MMO.
Stop failing at PvE, start fixing PvP/WvW. Thank you.
- Option to turn on highly-visible outline of your character in zerg. What purpose should it serve? I can understand why we need to see the target, but all character skills are in the UI, not your character model.
- Different icons for dead and downed player. Very much yes. For PvE as well. Added as 148. Different icons for dead and downed players and NPCs; preferably identically to the way minimap shows them – skull/downed icon (too many times in mass events you can’t see whether you’ll be ressing dead or downed until you start, and it’s to easy to start ressing dead when you actually had a downed player who is always a higher priority). 149. More vivid color for downed player icon (often difficul to tell NPCs and players apart when post-processing is set to high and it significantly alters screen colors).
- OOC weapon swap for ele and engi. This has been discussed on forums, and after playing ele for some time, I can say that giving an OoC swap to engi and ele would have to be balanced by a third slot for other professions, which in turn…
- Queue system for joining on hard-capped map. They will not add it simply because they’re rolling MegaServers out to solve the harcapped map problem itself. Will this ruin Teq/Wurm raids for many guilds who’re not tough enough? Sure, and it’s being discussed a lot in the MegaServer thread – infortunately, only by players.
- Improved party kick system. What specifically? Kick on opener leave problem? More votes to kick?
Well, camera would be bound to mouse movement, as with most FPS/TPS games rather than MMO. However, this would preclude the use of the cursor for clicking items/menus. Leftclick is currently used only for running. In the system I would personally prefer, leftclick would reveal cursor for use (adjustable to be either toggle or hold on-stay on, and rightclick (or releasing leftclick on a menu/object) would select/open/perform that function.
I think I can’t see it working with left mouse – both left and right clicks are used for interaction with the UI. Leftclick can also used for casting targeted skills and casting skills by moving mouse and clicking skill buttons. Which more or less leads us to feature 25. Option to change “hold right key for camera” into “click right key to toggle camera usage” (I’m running with right key pressed 90% of time). I will however list 150. Option to rebind right button camera mode to another button (with toggleable/holdable option, as in feature 25).
I’d like a “compact” option for bank/guild banks (the latter with the proper permissions attached), like there is on the bag dropdown menu.
Yes, I thought I had that one but missed it. Listed as 151. “Compact” function for Bank and Guild Bank (with proper permissions) similar to inventory.
I never use the “merge bags” option because then I can’t tell where my “normal bags” end and “invisible bags” begin
I would use a compact layout if it created individual sections for the different bag types.
I don’t mean merge bags, I mean “compact” which smushes everything together. Including items that are stackable.
He’s talking about another in-game feature “bags shown/hidden” which merges all bag slots into a single non-separated array of bagslots.
Added 152. “Bags shown (slim mode)” in inventory which shows bags as a table but keeps their names in slot-sized placeholders (will help to save space by eliminating half-empty rows in “Bags shown” mode). May be a replacement of feature 29.
Many of the suggestions promote laziness in combat.
What some people call “laziness” I call “quality of life”. Are you using airplanes, cars and TV remote controls? Laaazy, you should walk more! :P
Number 2 making thieves even easier to play? Lmao.
Because, really, only warriors should be made easier to play. Screw eles, mesmers, engis, thieves and any other non-heavy classes who have to actively use ground-targeted skills to compensate for lower passive survivability.
Also added:
153. Option to display world map at 90% opacity (useful for many cases when you get attacked by a random mob who walked/spawned next to you, and you have to close map, kill mob and then search for the waypoint again).
154. Warning when buying a 2nd identical accessory/ring on a character who has the same unique trinket equipped, so that the player sees he will not be able to use it (case reported too often in the game and forums). Additionally: an in-game explanation of what “unique” is. Alternatively: removal of “unique” mechanic.
155. “Type in item name” confirmation box on deletion/salvaging/mysticforging of all precursors and expensive named exotics.
I was just going to highlight a few to copy, before I know it I had most of the first post highlighted. Lots of good ideas, I especially like the TP ones like undercut by 1 copper automatically :P
I never use the “merge bags” option because then I can’t tell where my “normal bags” end and “invisible bags” begin
I would use a compact layout if it created individual sections for the different bag types.
I don’t mean merge bags, I mean “compact” which smushes everything together. Including items that are stackable.
I know. I wasn’t replying to you specifically.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
kitten … it went over 125 and it’s amazing! Hope Anet is checking this and keeping it mind
156. “Unsalvageable” in description of karma/vendor gear.
157. Option to turn off contour highlighting and target ring highlighting in no-UI mode (ruins screenshots if a mob/NPC is in the center of the screen and gets highlighted, and makes it difficult to make screenshots with a mini as it often relocates and receives an outline).
158. On death on any WvW map, the map view is brought up with no way to exit it other than to return to a spawn point (addresses corpse spying).
dual build system attached to a wardrobe switching feature that allows players to use more than 1 set of armor/weapons for different purposes in PVE.
ui buttons for summoning using items in bags.
(1 mini, 1 for consumeables. 1 for new wardrobe system to switch sets/specs for different builds)
10% of this will enter feature patch 2015
3% more will enter feature patch 2016
Expect tons of living story (mostly bs), with a trickle miniature fixes to burning bugs.
Good list, really, but its just not in the dev’s tunnel-vision.
158. On death on any WvW map, the map view is brought up with no way to exit it other than to return to a spawn point (addresses corpse spying).
Added. Makes sense for me from a “fair play” point of view, though I’m not into WvW and it will most probably enrage those who’re constantly corpse-spying at the moment. But aren’t enemies/allies near you displayed on the map as dots anyway?
dual build system attached to a wardrobe switching feature that allows players to use more than 1 set of armor/weapons for different purposes in PVE.
ui buttons for summoning using items in bags.
(1 mini, 1 for consumeables. 1 for new wardrobe system to switch sets/specs for different builds)
The 1st one is addressed by features 43. Ability to tie armor sets together for 1-click switching. and 28. Ability to pin a bag/several items from it to be always visible – especially useful for nourishments, consumables, weapons, minis. If you imply storing armour sets in the wardrobe, I would say it contradicts with ANet’s pay-for-more-bag-slots model and is unlikely to be ever implemented.
2nd one is addressed by feature 28.
This is a nice post +1
In 6 months 1/10 of this list will be done and 200gb of temporary content too.
158. On death on any WvW map, the map view is brought up with no way to exit it other than to return to a spawn point (addresses corpse spying).
Added. Makes sense for me from a “fair play” point of view, though I’m not into WvW and it will most probably enrage those who’re constantly corpse-spying at the moment. But aren’t enemies/allies near you displayed on the map as dots anyway?
On the mini map and full screen-sized world map you can see allied players as green dots. You can not see enemies as dots on either map.
Of greater concern in WvW, though, is seeing enemies in main screen-mode while a corpse. There’s no way for the opponent to block your view and you are free to communicate to your allies the location of the enemy that pass within range of your body.
A player could, for example, be killed inside of a enemy fortification and report to allies the troop movements of an entire army within line of sight. On paper, this may sound very limited in its utility. However, knowing the relative numbers, location, and heading of an enemy force – even just a brief glimpse as they run past a corpse spy – is invaluable intel that provides an undue and likely unintended advantage.
(edited by Kraag Deadsoul.2789)