Lost Shores Feedback Thread

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blade Syphon.4325

Blade Syphon.4325

I’m not going to re-type out the massive wall ‘o text I had in the last thread, so I’ll just summaraize:

Day 1 – Marred with bugs that have been present in other Dynamic Events since day 1, lag that Anet should have prepared for, poor communication between GMs and Players when they tried to come in and “Fix” the broken bits.

Day 2 – A total fiasco that ended with many not seeing the starting events that lead to Southsun Cove. There is also a painfully large lack of content to do on Southsun Shore now that the event is over, and the mob balancing there is ridiculously bad. I doubt many are going to spend much time here when they can have a much easier time farming mats for their Ascended and Legendary gear in Orr or the FoM.

Day 3 – Terrible pacing and overly-long segments of the Dynamic Event to simply “pad” for time made for one of the most un-enjoyable experiences I, and many, have had in this game. Couple that with the DC issues, the horrible lag, and the lack of fun from the event and you have one of the most unforgettably awful events to “Grace” an MMO in a very long time.

The short of it is: Guild Wars 2 needs a Public Test Server so players can test this content and give feed back and report bugs before it goes live. There is no reason this mess should have reached the live servers in the state it was at launch.

One Time Events like this also need to stop if this is what the future of them is going to be. The events would be fine occasionally to mark the launch of a new expansion or what not, as long as these events lasted for a week or two with repeating Dynamic Events so those that are unable to attend (for whatever reason) on one day can still participate on another without missing out on anything.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warobaz.9543


I had exactly the same problem. Game crashed when I was near the steam wall, unable to log back in for 10 minutes (trying non stop). When I finally logged in, I ended on another overflow server where the event was already finished, unable to join my party (server full). Then I could join them… After the battle! So no chest, no final fight, no super interesting (°o°) cinematic, no nothing, just a feeling that I wasted my time tonight. I like cats too much to fill the end of my post with swear words, but I’m deeply dissappointed. Why so many server issues 3 months after the game launch? I don’t feel like playing again. What’s the point?

Norn to be Alive [NtbA]

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scyte.2801


So I got kicked out of the game during the event, and wasnt able to log back in for over an hour. Obviously lost my chance at any reward and no overflow that hasn’t completed the event yet.

This has happened to a ton of other people as well, so I demand a compensation for those that were excluded out of their rewards because of server issues.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cpt Shakesbeard.8305

Cpt Shakesbeard.8305

Your one-time event policy is just seriously stupid. I don’t get your excuses for making it like that it’s just wrong. Technical problems are always making is almost unplayable. Work on this please.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mabuse.2879


I’ll just repeat my previous summary from memory then.

My experience of this event was:
1. Mail spam telling me to go to places where nothing was happening.
2. A big island full of evenly-spaced out mobs where nothing was happening.
3. Finally, mindless attrition punctuated by sudden mindless deaths.
If that’s gameplay, I’m a banana.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfstyle.1382


well it was ok but just b4 the boss was about to die i crashed,when i came back on i was in the lava:( i saw all the people at the chest and as i went towards it,it vanished
so after over 2 hours and all the hard work i got kitten all im very disappointed with this

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jianrai.7253


I wish I could look through the old feedback thread but here’s a summary from what I remember…

Some positive feedback from those who got precursors.
Negative feedback from basically everyone else.

The first two days of the event, there wasn’t enough guidance on what we were supposed to do. Bugs and glitches stopped lots of people from finishing the quest lines.

The last day of the event, so many players were on that the lag was pretty much gamebreaking. The fighting itself was incredibly monotonous, with OP bosses that just kept on respawning and respawning and respawning…

Then a pretty sizable – and I mean REALLY SIZABLE – portion of the players got DC’d during the last phase and were unable to log back in (some even got DC’d during the final movie sequence! What is that, seriously?), or otherwise died and were unable to loot the final chest because they were too far away…

Pros were that (out of those who actually did receive the loot) was that some of the loot as very good. The art direction during the event was great.

Though I’m really hoping for at least some sort of compensation. A lot of people -aren’t- happy right now.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chronosbr.5463


it is not fun hearing people getting them in mass ammounts while you are one of the unlucky ones getting none.

It’s not fun to know that a lot of trial accounts got them…

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: badend.4182


Oh, look, another one of the lucky few.

And even if you DID get the loot, the amount of lag, culling, and crashing was inexcusable, in addition to the fact that the event was hours of repetitive whittling away at potentially infinitely respawning NPCs.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThatDudeJon.2597


Most definitely. It was definitely fun and epic and lol bodies falling everywhere haha. I actually had huge lag spikes however I understand that since my laptop is very low on specs and I knew I wasn’t going to be the only one doing the event, it is an “MMO” after all right? epic tho =P

Member of [Death Corps]

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beric.3702


To start, I love Guild Wars 2. It is overall a great game and very fun to play. I am however dissapointed by the Lost Shores event, despite being one of the lucky ones who actually got to loot the chest in the end. As everyone know this event took place over 3 days, a weekend. I was not willing to call out of work for the 3 days so I created a mental schedule which would allow me to complete the event entirely. I was very dissapointed when on day one bugs prevented me from doing any of the event. Even more dissapointing these errors persisted into day two and did not get a fixed until 4pm. The escort quests I took part in on the new lost shores zone bugged midway through causing them to be nothing more than time sinks. I know I do not have to mention the fact that the larger monsters did not drop a thing. I did manage to kill the ancient karka without dying, though it did take over 3 hours on the overflow server I was on and I, in the end, had to have my girlfriend complete the event for me being I had to head into work. I know for those who read this you’ll conclude that I was one of the lucky ones, which I am being I did recieve my reward. My complaint does not stem from the dissapointment of not recieving loot, it comes from the unpleasant nature of the event. At no point could I relax and enjoy what the new content had to offer being I had a corrupt timer floating above my head. The event made me feel tense, but not because LA was being invaded by giant crabs. It was tense because I spent the event wondering if it would ever work, or if I was missing one of the brief bug free moments when I was not signed on. I am honestly suprised that I managed to complete anything and what I did managed to do seemed to have no order or reason being it was cut with a bunch of bugs; bugs that became more notable than the actual event. The most fun time I had was telling “Noll” jokes with others who were waiting to progress. I hope arenanet is able to cordinate these events being they are one of their key promises to the players. This event leaves me with doubts being it was the first non-holiday event and it provides a good idea of how future events will unfold.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Wait, how are you the majority?

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drake Brimstone.3706

Drake Brimstone.3706

Figures, I skipped the event today because I was so dissapointed in Yesterdays little problem with Overflows not even getting the event.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RolandDeschain.8761


worked event for almost three hours got booted and made report then when finale finally comes i die get stuck in a southseas loading screen then booted again..when finally relogged no loot no nothing.. after all the work…some redress I believe is necessary for those players this happened too..at least the 20 slot bags…

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unidentified.8329


How famous i must be so i can tell people my experience in event is majority opinion?

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lynx.1352


You missed lag and four letter words being spewed in abundance for hours on end until I crashed.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien, President of Anet

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BringerofDeath.1098


I did a mini dynamic event and then I started the final phase of the weekend event. I was playing for 2 hours and then i died and tried to waypoint and was stuck on the loading screen for 30-45 minutes. When i tried to log out and log back in the event was already over and I didn’t get anything. Can you please explain why it did this and compensate me for trying to be part of the event. Thank you.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus.2710


How in heck can you call it “immersive” when you get DC’d every few minutes and sent to a different overflow server when you log back in?? Read the forums and you’ll see that happened to a huge percentage of the players, and that your experience represents such a small percentage of the total to be inconsequential.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: solvarn.7012


My feedback is that I am super pissed that I dconned after spending that much time doing this crap and come back to nothing.

Really crappy and I hope you do something about it.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


dito. same here

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrossFire.8037


" I had 0 problems with lag despite the full overflow, I got great loot from the chest, and it didn’t bug out like everything else."

Your view would be different if you got disconnected at the final battle or experienced problems. JUST because you had zero problems, doesn’t mean everyone else did.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swift.1485


I agree with much of the sentiment, a great concept, a beautiful zone; Terrible implementation. The enemies were insanely powerful, spawned on top of you for instant mass death, there was so much lag you couldnt even do anything. And then a large portion of ppl got kicked right at the end and missed the EXTREMELY valuable chest, that they worked for hours to get. Very disappointing.

PS i love the fractals.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sorry.6741


Its a shame the feedback thread was deleted. A lot of valuable feedback was there for you guys at arenanet to avoid alienating so many of your consumers. Now you have to hope and pray people will iterate their misgivings about this event yet again, or you’ll just keep going with the same problems you have this time around.

Maybe the most important issue is: You cant have limited one time events when you are unable to provide a lagfree/disconnect free, gaming environment during those load times. – It is unforgiving to most people who spend upwards of 3 hours doing todays end events, to be disconnected or lag out and stand in lava, when they then have the chest despawn before they can get back to the event. Alot of people were unable to res due to insane load times, and depended on others to res them. And yet others ended up in other overflows than they had disconnected from, and lost all contribution – and in some cases, the events were finished in those overflows.

So buttomline is: Have the gaming environment fit your event, and dont fit an event type like todays end event onto a laggy, unstabile gaming environment.

In the future Arenanet might consider; mailing rewards based on contribution, and eliminating the risk of players missing the chest, due to disconnects or lag issues of some kind. – Maybe it would also be preferable to not have these locale focused events untill you are able to provide an overflow technique that distributes people in such a way as to eliminate server side lag.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glaize.8407


I too spent 3 hours on this event with disconnections every 10 mins, but still i got through it and yet not a single piece of loot through out the entire event, SERIOUSLY upset!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Thirteen X.4210

Lucky Thirteen X.4210

Logged back on to see if I could still get a reward.

…Jumped to my death afterwards

Sorry but I LOLed. Hard. For me, I fell off a cliff on the way to the event when the champion forced us all onto a bridge and tried to get back too late.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


You missed lag and four letter words being spewed in abundance for hours on end until I crashed.

I was there, the whole event, trying to cope with all the misery. .

Lag, deaths, bugged npc’s, op monsters….

Baruch Bay.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryenoh.4529


Funny thing is you wont see any overflow till Christmas event.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


I think the biggest issue here is how stupidly powerful the karka were. Then again, that made it all the more satisfying to finally beat them.

I do agree that there were many things Anet could have done better. I hope they learned a lot from this and are able to do another, much better event like this in the future.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soutalgon.3827


I missed out on the chest finale due to the game being laggy/buggy and learned that I missed out on a 20 slot bag, precursor chances, and exotics

Please make more overflow servers for events and make the cap per map a ton smaller please?

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague B.4235

Plague B.4235

Well, all in all I’m sure it might have been a fun event. I work retail and this is the holiday season, I had to work all weekend and any time I had available to play was hindered by bugged/stuck events. I logged in as soon as I got home today to find it is all over. I tried so hard to participate in this event but was left having no fun what so ever. Good luck on your next events, I find I will be less likely to plan on participating in any events in the future. I will abide my time with something I can enjoy instead of frustration for the hours I am able to play.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mak.9027


some things really didn’t work this time, globally the quality of the event was not in par with the game, not even with the Halloween event (by far).
Here is what I think didn’t work:

1.1 was unclear where to go
1.2 npcs were lacking interaction and information
1.3 the event was starting at the same time as the mail, once you were in the place the event had finished
1.4 I saw far too many questions in /map, was clear nobody did know what to do and where

2.1 Missing connecting chains, once part of the event finished in one place, another part was starting somewhere else, no event bringing players through them. I saw lots of players lost in the middle of the map with no clue where to go
2.2 Impossible to follow the storyboard, you know something is happening cause some other player found something (hint: catapult), when that piece ends, you are again lost.
2.3 If you lose the zerg, you may well leave. I lost the zerg at the final event to try reviving a guildie, I died cause that area was so full of mobs to be impossible without the zerg. I couldn’t come back cause when I released at a waypoint the client crashed.

3.1 Culling everywhere!
3.2 Unbalanced, first phase I was barely able to hit any karka cause they had barely any life, last phase they were lasting too much.
3.3 Login servers unreliable under heavy load, lost the chest cause my client crashed and I couldn’t login back
3.4 Need shards with limited number of players, with so many you can’t even enjoy the good parts of the event

The global sensation I got is that the event was lacking testing and quality, it could have been epic, it has been just an event as many others, with more bugs though.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Im going back to gw1 at least its stable. I am so disappointed with this weekends event. I was hoping mega meta and all i found was a lagged server with monsters that could wipe 60 people in 1.1 mili second.. Really ??

Defensive Tactical Commander
Server : Dragonbrand

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804


How famous i must be so i can tell people my experience in event is majority opinion?

Well he apparently is the Last Scotsman.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfstyle.1382


im sure it was very satisifing for those of you you who got the chest a lot of us did not though and its very anoying after putting in 2+ hours of hard fighting:(

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


Ok I am going to short hand this one… since forums threads keep getting locked or lost.

I did the event for two hours.

Then we got tons and tons of lag.

We struggle on with the lag and start getting disconnected.

I get kicked from the game and I can’t get back on.

I keep fighting with the login server and finally get back on.

I get back in game and I am in an overflow where the event is over.

I log out and in many times trying to find an overflow where it is not over.

I can not find one.

I miss out on the end of the event and the loot.



Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


What are you talking about. On my server the event cannot be finished
NPCs are bugged
Way to go

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


Event fail did everything until today had to work during the day and got on at about 6 and saw guildies posting exotics and precursors was like cool where did u get it then found out it was a 1 time shot thanks a lot so uhm guess i’m gone again i’d sooner tell ppl to send there money to wow or APB maybe dcuo anywhere but here. Assist us like you did in gw1 and stop bending us over and feeding us crap to attempt to keep us.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katz.5143


The content and story were great. Loved all three phases. The battle at the end. The new level 80 area. Haven’t tried the dungeon yet but I’ve heard its fun.

Didn’t like:
The timing of it. Please don’t have things in that short of a time frame again. It just stresses people and puts too much pressure on everyone (including you all). The bugs and disconnects at critical times caused a lot of stress on folks too.

Suggestion: Debug then run the entire event again. Its worth doing right.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

(edited by Katz.5143)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Damolious.2183


Aye tho he left us for dead, we had a pritty much full wipe, near the first bit of our Karka adventure… alas this guy rezed himself… Tho not to rez everyone else he had other things on his mind…

Watch the video:

kittening hillarious made my night.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Personally – great idea, terrible execution. Just like SO many other aspects of the game it was riddled with issues, bugs and disconnects and in my opinion they should NEVER have released it in that state

Simply unacceptable for a “big” comany to be SO poor when it comes to the simple things like TESTING content before releasing it or even anticipating more network usage and doing something about it. The servers they use are simply AWFUL

for such a “big” event to be riddled with bugs, issues, disconnects and other problems is just unacceptable if i was the head of the people that made the conent i was be appealed as to how it turned out.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rafe Mathews.2308

Rafe Mathews.2308

The hype made me excited, but I would’ve been happier with a kick to the groin and a falcon punch to the face.

I hope/pray that Wintersday will be better than this experience and certain professions will receive some much needed love, else I don’t see any reason for me to stick around. Out of 12 IRL friends I joined this game with originally, I’m the only one still playing and after this event and most recent patch it’s blatantly obvious as to why…

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MTheoryFreak.3758


I am very dissapointed. Real world responsibilities prohibited me from participating. It seems from all the negative feedback I have read, that I really didn’t miss much. Still, I would have liked to have had the opportunity to find out for myself and draw my own conclusions. It would be nice if you all at least showed some caring with the situation. Instead, I read “due to a glitch in our forum software” (how convenient) we decided to trash all of your comments. Do better next time or I will as I was told by a troll earlier go pay 15 dollars a month elsewhere.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Basically, everything that could go wrong, went wrong. From my experience:

We have only a few hours to do each event. During that time, they were riddled with bugs, lag, dc’s, and about anything else you could think of. Making most of the event impossible.

For the first event, I couldn’t even play it. It was non-stop bugs, making it unplayable (not to mention the lag). By the time the fixes were applied, I had a few minutes to get everything done before the next phase started. Which obviously wasn’t going to happen. I started on it, and as soon as I went to drop off the soggy bag, phase 2 started. Also take into account there was no reward for doing any of this.

For the second phase, it was just a mess. Resetting mobs, lag, invulnerable mobs, bugged events/mobs/npcs, etc. Couldn’t even get it done at all. And again, no reward for doing any of this.

Third phase arrives. Again bugs, lag, dc’s, etc. But there is an actual reward at the end this time. So after hours of dealing with all of this, you get dc’d at the end and get no reward. Pointless.

Honestly, it was just a disaster overall. Was already having second thoughts about this game after hearing about this patch, and after this event, it pretty much made up my mind.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wote.3627


As someone who got screwed out of some of the loot (and possibly credit for the quest itself—I wasn’t paying attention to be honest), had problems with my friends getting booted throughout, and got killed multiple times by things that I didn’t even see…

That was still awesome. Yes, a lot of problems. But given the sheer amount of stuff happening, that went about as well as I’d expect. And, hopefully, ANet got enough data to make the next time they try something like this even more awesome and less glitchy.

The Tyria Wildlife Fund: Having absolutely nothing to do with the Cyborg Moa Incident since 1325 AE.

… Yes, we know that it happened in 1326 AE. We had that little to do with it. We swear.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Hope ArenaNet realizes this event was a massive flop for so many people and hopefully learn something for future events. It sucks hearing about the final chest dropping precursors which is the last thing I need for my legendary….yet I cannot get to the chest at all. Guess its back to farming gold…or going back to WoW…still haven’t decided.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ATMAvatar.5749


No no what they need is what Aion had, the shift F12 which turns all players and everything they do invisible to you which cuts down the lag a lot for events and you can see yourself in the times you need to be able too such as these puzzles.

This. The jumping puzzle wasn’t terribly hard – it’s just frustrating as an asura getting blocked-out by giant norn and charr. That was precisely the frustration with Mad King Tower, and it will continue to be a frustration with any jumping puzzle that attracts lots of people.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: andry.9583


best event yet? Got a precursor, man?

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anubbyss.3805


I’m have to disagree on the part of the Lost Shores “story” at least. I’ve enjoyed the dungeon immensely and many other storylines within the game a lot but the whole Lost Shores “story” wasn’t very well implemented imo.

It was interesting at first as we learn the Consortium people are working on some kind of crazy secret project and somehow linked to the karka but from there we get absolutely nothing else in the terms of story. Sure we go to the island the karka came from where the Consortium were supposedly doing something, but then what? We go retake the island from the karka but yeah.. What exactly are the karka? Where did they come from? What do they want? Who are these Consortium people? What was this project they were working on? Whats their connection to the karka? We have the beginning of a story here that is interesting but it seems to simply end with that beginning :x

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draco Aurum.7520

Draco Aurum.7520


No, just no. This whole event has been a fiasco, and after the Ranger “fix” patch on Thursday it comes as no surprise to me at how poorly it was planned out and implemented.
My faith in Anet has disappeared and my interest in this game is rapidly declining.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ley.8973


Great concept, lousy execution. The event was seriously undermanned on some overflow servers, resulting in “reinforcement” phases taking literally hours to complete.

Also, there seems to be something else wrong with overflow servers – they don’t seem to remember your progress, thus effectively breaking the event for you if you disconnect for any reason. Seems that after reconnecting, you get thrown into nearest free overflow… which is, naturally, the one where the event already ended. As a result, you miss on ending, you miss on loot, you even miss on exp points.