Lost Shores Feedback Thread

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiba.2768


my experience:

so i’ve been saving up for a precursor for about 4 weeks now. i finally had enough to put up a buy order for the chosen before work today(5am). i come home, elated to see someone sold it to me. curious, i checked the tp prices, only to see they are selling for 65g now. so i paid double for it because of the event giving out a ton of these precursors. if i had waited a day longer, i could have gotten one for half the price. in fact, i could have gotten all 100 icy runestones with my leftover coin.

now, it’s just pure chance and bad luck that this happened to me. i am not asking for any recompense. but please consider in the future the impact of having so many high priced items drop for a 1-time event that not everyone could attend. i missed it by 3 hours and thus, ended up paying about an extra 2 weeks of my playtime spent grinding for gold.

it’s a strange feeling to be both happy and disappointed at the same time. granted, i paid what i expected to pay, but the afterthought leaves a bitter taste.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shuggie.8354


Jeez, I gotta stop reading these forums. The more I hear about the loot from that chest, the more I can feel the rage rising.
2 1/2 hours of inta-gibs only to DC just before the end… YARRRRRGH!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unidentified.8329


How famous i must be so i can tell people my experience in event is majority opinion?

Well he apparently is the Last Scotsman.

Well… If that is case… Then I need to get rid of all other Chinese so i can be last one and speaks about my opinions as majority…

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Okay, I’ll say it again.

A one time event that gives out tons of exotic loot, a 20 slot bag, an exotic divnity like earring you (to my knowledge) can’t get anywhere else, legendary precursors, and tons of other awesome stuff shouldn’t be a ONE TIME WORLD EVENT.

It would have been better if:
a. It didn’t give out insane rewards.
b. It still gave out insane rewards, but you had a large shared instance that you could queue up for. You and X hundred people would be able to do the instance from it’s launch time to the end of the event. You know, the event that’s still “ongoing” but whose final stage is already over. >.<

That way all your non-neet players wouldn’t be so upset.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryknow.6045


Anet, you guys have made this weekend truely awesome. I have to admit both events have been super stressful due to lag or hard content! but its been rewarding and it really made me smile to have seen an encounter for like 3 and a half hours solid. Brings me back to like 2002 from the ffxi days in sky.
Okay it was laggy at times, but… hey for a 2 month old game to have already opened us a new area.


Just wanted to let you know that the ideas you guys are having are not only immense, but how grateful some of your fans are without making another wow~core game. ^__^b

Thank you.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

1) Karka are only OP if all the players decide to zerg or melee without a proper plan. This isn’t a hack and slash button mashing game. Gotta learn to evade or use Ranged weapons.

2) The loot scaled down to the true level of your character. Thus, if you went in with a lv 62 character, that’s what you’re gonna get from the chest.

3) This was a great event. Got my Monthly done. Got some epic Exotics from end chest. Had fun doing it.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.1236


I find your positive feedback and snubbing towards those who had a problem during this event funny, Scottsman, because your ONLY other post on these forums is you complaining about the clocktower halloween event not working for you as intended. Your quote, if you forgot it:

No Speed Buffs
14 hours of strait trying
1 Success

I have never been so angry, depressed, unemotional, frustrated, or hated charr so much in my life.."

So because you don’t have a problem -this- event it was fine? You can’t recall what it felt like to be one of the people who did have problems with an event?

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MoikPEI.8729


Phase 1.
I like listening to the NPCs on a regular day. The Asura and Human arguing over whether or not to close the port was the kind of thing I enjoy.
I was unable to fully participate in the battles and NPC chains due to bugs. I ended up having taken four hours off work to kill six karka and talk to three NPCs.
Getting letters was helpful. I was happy for it (though I didn’t get spammed).

Phase 2.
Skipped it entirely because of how Phase 1 went.

Phase 3.
Similar bugginess to what was happening in Phase 1 kept me from enjoying the bulk of Phase 3. I qualified for maybe 20 kills. I mainly did a crazy amount of reviving. Every time I threw down a warbanner I would earn 5k xp instantly.

The phases for things like opening geysers and making rocks fall were cool.

My overflow zerg finished the boss before the mainserver one did. I mentioned to a buddy there that the loot was going to be epic, he asked for links, and I showed my pile of exotics. I mentioned that one was a precursor worth 40g. I was expecting he’d get similar. He didn’t. And now I feel kinda guilty about having inadvertently rubbed his nose in it. I’m the one who just started playing after release. He’s the GW1 fanboy who was in on headstart.

TL;DR – My Votes
Do make more NPC stuff to listen to.
Do make more environment interaction along the event path.
Don’t make events merciliessly time sensitive.
Don’t make events that encourage high player density.
Don’t make the widest possible gap in potential rewards.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Science.6709


If people are going to put in the work of a long event like this, only to dc or die at the end, you can’t just reply “oh well.”

I died in the cave at the end and apparently nobody could see me to rez. By the time I reaspawned, the Champ was dead and chest was gone.

WoW mailed stuff to us in situations like this. Here you go homey—this got lost in the twisting nether!

A one time event, OK, I get it. It’s kind of messed up, but I get it. But I actually participated, as did many who completely wasted their time.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


What fantasy land do you live in?

Fight was a lag filled mess of invisible mobs, disconnects, and 3 hours of mindless keyboard mashing.

To top it off, some people who did the event 3 times got nothing, while others managed to milk the overflow system to get multiple chests.

And lets not forget the people who weren’t able to even join in.

So no, Anet did not do a good thing. They need to drop this rubbish idea of one time only events and never pick it up again. The Halloween event was not as bad since it didn’t really award you anything, but giving out exotics bags etcetera is unacceptable.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: riddleguy.9738


I enjoyed some of the lost shores stuff like the trailblazing DE’s and new dungeon.

Heres what i didnt enjoy:
-the lackluster commendations rewards. the gathering tools rewards weren’t worth it being we can more easily buy from vendors and i dont want to save up for a lion key.

-the bugged npcs for the scavenger hunts. Next time, try to at Least account for the possibility of bugs like this so we dont have to wait until the next phase to finish. But preferabbly no bugs at all.

-how frustratingly difficult it was to just get to the finale.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mellotron.7598


Missed the event. Nuff said.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malpercio.2436


I’ll keep it short and simple. Everything was amazing. The lag in the very first event was a bit bad but tolerable(it’s the first of it’s kind, invading an active city with tons of npcs etc etc).

For the second event, some overflow servers were not working properly and were not updating correctly.

And for the last event, it was amazing and very fun, except when we had to fight reinforcements for nearly an hr combined between the 2 waves. The other parts were very creative and fun. The loot was great, bringing down the price of precursors!

As for the new map itself, it too is great. the jumping puzzle is not too challenging but enough of one where you wont breeze through it. Im curious to see how the island will fair once the population evens out again and leaves. Some of the mobs there make me miss orr lol. But other than that, you guys did an outstanding job and i look forward to any new content!!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I liked the story better the first time we did it on Claw Island.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GregT.4702



  • The ideas were good. Every stage, when you explain to another person what was intended to happen, sounds like a good idea.
  • The art direction was mostly good. Which is to say that the Fractals of the Mists is gorgeous, and the new weapon and armour skins are pretty. Southsun itself and the Karka were a bit dull and generic but still fine.
  • The quests on the hylek/quaggan/largos scavenger hunt were fun when they worked.
  • The bits of the final boss fight that weren’t reinforcement waves were really fun when there was no lag, and if this had worked as intended it would have been great.
  • Fractals of the Mists seems fun.
  • New jumping puzzles are well designed, and I like that there’s both a hard one and an easy one.
  • Phase 3 event rewards were good, although I would have liked something unique to the event to remember it by.
  • The scavenger hunts were clearer this time round than they were at Halloween and I was able to work out where to go without having to use the wiki.
  • Rewards, drops and progress were largely account bound so I didn’t feel pressure to re-run the content on my alts.


  • Bugs and server issues. And I want to be clear, this just drowns out everything else. Doesn’t matter if every other aspect of your event was pure genius, these bugs and server issues were a dealbreaker. Almost every aspect of the event was beset by bugs. Most stuff like this has some annoying bugs that affect some players; that’s par for the course for an MMO. THIS event, though, had progress-blocking bugs in almost every piece of event content, and they affected almost all players. Canach, Noll and the Largos all bugged to the point where many people missed completing these altogether. The Phase 2 cutscene didn’t trigger in overflows. The Phase 1 and Phase 3 karka battles suffered from lag rendering them unplayable. The boss battle had disconnects and login issues. The game engine had difficulty prioritising showing important information (such as enemies) in large fights.
  • Karka were boring. They were visually uninteresting, had no particular personality, and their fight mechanics focused on prolonging the fight in monotonous ways and scoring one-hit kills with their rolling attack. They were fine in small doses but by the time we were a third of the way into the final boss battle I was sick of them.
  • Phase 1 event rewards were terrible.
  • Consortium Chests, and their drop rates, were lame. Just sell us the minis and skins directly next time, please, or make them frequent drops during the event. (I never had an interesting drop during the entire event so the rates can’t have been very high.)
  • Communication about the event was good in phase 1 but then vanished. There were no meaningful dev posts on the forums about phase 2 or 3 at all. There was little to no communication about the bugs or when they would be fixed, and certainly nothing at all for players who don’t visit the forums. Many players in game didn’t realise things were bugged at all and thought they were doing things wrong. Information on where phase 3 would start and how long it would run for was vague. The devs were obviously aware of the many, many issues with this event – a simple post saying “We feel your pain” would have gone a long way to making us feel less ignored.
  • No closure on phase 2. Because there were no scavenger hunts etc in phase 2 it was difficult to feel like you’d “finished” it.
  • Once again it was difficult to get into the same overflow as my friends. Being unable to play with your friends in an MMO is a killer; this should be a top priority to fix.
  • Difficulty tuning and scaling on the final boss fight was borked. Reinforcement waves took way too long to kill. Intensely dull.
  • Southsun is a little bit unsatisfying. Because there’s no quest hearts there’s not really a focus to exploring the island, and no sense of completion or closure to your exploration. There’s not a point where you’re “done”, or any meaningful progress towards such a point.

(edited by GregT.4702)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyrusticae.7245


This was a terrible idea allowing so many precursors to pop out, those of us who got jack are NOT happy :/

Seriously, terrible, awful, awful idea. Ugh.

Level the rewards out next time, because this kinda crap is not gonna fly.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurama.1257


After 3 hours of an unrelenting laggy event, and a repair cost soo steep the game isn’t even worth playing anymore, I was disconnected at the climax of the final boss, but into an alternative overflow then when I finally got back to mine it had finished and I missed the loot chest or whatever. They clearly have evidence of event participation and they know where we were in the last 3 hours, I encourage you all to NEVER let this down. If you feel equally cheated by Arena net then persist this, we have done nothing wrong and NEED compensation. What type of mmo doesn’t listen to it’s fans? Ones that have failed in the past. I am not letting this down and neither should any of you. This is ridiculous.

The Lost shores was by far the worst additional content we have ever seen for a game and was a pathetic and complete failure. I know a lot of people have already decided to quit and boycott the gem store but I want Anet to know and understand how unreasonable and inconsiderate they are being. They are turning this game into all the other mmos before it that have failed miserably.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


Arenanet knows what they did wrong with this event, which, sadly in this case represents the majority of the major and minor elements that made up the entire weekend event. (I’d be surprised if 30% of all the elements would be rated “acceptable”, with too much of the rest being “broken” or “just plain horrible”).

I won’t pile on.

However, for the love of all that is good in the Universe, please, please do what ever you need to do at the staffing level to make sure no future monthly events ever peg higher than a 10% unacceptable rate. Hire more programmers, reshuffle your game designers, set up and make full use of a Public Test Server, do “All Calls” to have every single Arenanet Employee swarm your internal servers for multiple tests and simulations of events to weed out bugs before going live, etc… What ever it takes to ensure that we never have a fiasco like this weekend ever again.

Oh yeah, weekends are actually a horrible idea. Week long+ events are better, so that everyone can participate. No event chains that get disabled after a day, even though they couldn’t be completed by most players due to bugs. No one time, non-repeating events.

Also might want to reconsider events with massive swarms of mobs. The servers just couldn’t handle it. It didn’t seem that the number of players had any effect on server lag, it only kicked in when there were tons of mobs spawning at once in a small area. If the servers can’t handle it, don’t do it.

Ok, so maybe I couldn’t resist adding some of my own criticism. You still know that this event was a complete mess with out me and a thousand other people telling you what went wrong. The key thing is that you do what ever you need to do to ensure that this type of mess never happens again.

Nothing in this event was so special that it would have been “ruiined” by spoilers. I really hope you will set up a public test server and fully test future events in their entirety, multiple times, before unleashing them on the world.

Oh, one last thing, if you ever do another free trial, please don’t schedule it during a monthly event. Not only does it seem that the trial window put constraints on your event timing, but after this weekend, I find myself praying that most trail players ignored this mess of an event and just played the game. I can’t imagine any better way to ensure that a trial player will never return than to thrust them into a disaster like this weekend’s event. I’m just glad that the friend that finally checked the game out this weekend did indeed take a pass on the event and had a great time playing in good ’ole Queensland!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackmon.1903


This one time event for me was more of a disappointment than fun especially with the 3rd phase giving people awesome loot, while the ones who couldn’t attend or got dc at the last minute, got nothing. This is not what you should be doing. It only created lots of negativity.

I’d be more than happy if these 1 time events just disappear. A simple event that keeps reoccuring every few hours would have made this more successful and more fun. Less lag, less disappointment, and a lot more people would have been able to particitpate and this drama wouldn’t have happened.

The Halloween event was a big success because no one felt that they were left out by not being able to participate. There was no one time event in there that gave attendees huge rewards for attending.

The big back lash for this 3rd event was the loot that you could have gotten. If people would have just gotten exp and karma, those who have got dc at the end won’t be as mad and most of those who couldn’t participate would be just fine with it.

But as of now, those people and the most of the ones who couldn’t attend are upset because they missed the chance to get awesome loot. Basically, awesome loot in a one time event is bad. I hope it never happens again..

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yolo Dingo.7921

Yolo Dingo.7921

There is little satisfaction in knowing that I wasn’t the only one. Anet, you now see that so many of us have had the same exact issue. GW2 is a remarkable game and I love every minute that I have wasted away playing. However, I truly regret every moment I ever spent on this event. It’s been nothing but headache from the start. If it hasn’t been the lag , it’s been the constant disconnects. Anet, you have said from the beginning that you wanted to create a game that everyone can love and enjoy the hard work and effort you good people have put into this beautiful environment. Don’t go back on your original goal now that the game is out! All of these good people, including myself, want a swift response and resolution. As consumers of your product, we deserve a response and compensation for the time and effort put into this event. So many of us only want what what we feel is owed to us due to this event’s shortcomings. For me, my situation is the same: I got disconnected at the end of the Ancient Karka event. I reconnected and was placed in an overflow where the event was already completed. After all that time spent fighting the Ancient Karka, I got nothing for the work that other people profited from. It wasn’t just me out there fighting, but I did my part and I feel that I, and everyone else this happened to, deserves our fair share. Anet, this situation is so unfair to so many of us that spent our time on repair, resurrection, dealing with lag, and so on. Please, Anet, if not for all this, respond to us simply out of respect. Let us know, if nothing else, that you recognize there was an issue. Hopefully, a resolution will come in the form of compensation of some sort.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CarzorStelatis.5396


The event can be summed up in one word: fail. You made millions of dollars from people buying this game, and the showpiece event was unplayable because you didn’t spend enough of those dollars on sufficient server capacity to enable all of your paying customers to play the game they paid for. PLEASE learn how to run an MMO before the Wintersday event.

(edited by CarzorStelatis.5396)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravnis.5476


I sent my Invite a Friend to my girlfriend in the hopes of tearing her away from another MMO. This event and this weekend she had to play ranked upon one of her lowest points in any MMO ever. The bugs this event had, not even in the final event but in the quest lines and etc. led her straight away from this game.

Her exact quote, “Worst MMO experience I’ve ever had. let me know when the game is a free download and I may think of trying it again.”

Sadly, this is the type of experience this event gave people who were potential customers. I am more than a little frustrated by the event in it’s entirety and the impact it had on the chances of drawing in new players.

Ravnis : lvl 80 Warrior
Rink Inc: Level 80 Engineer
IoJ noob extraordinaire.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avellia.1873


reposting this in the official thread as I had created it in a separate thread….

Wall of text follows. Apologies in advance, some comments in no particular order which I’d love Anet to consider.

Game optimization is a lot of work and I don’t envy the devs here, but if the engine has issues with putting 200 people in one spot why not use the event mechanics to cater for it.
Instead of a zerg on the Ancient Karka, what if groups needed to attack and hold 8 defence turrets along the path simultaneously while another group with pact support were used as bait to lure it to the hive. Groups would need to control the points and then secure the next ones (leapfrogging turret to turret) as the creature moved along. It would increase the challenge / coordination of the event and would distribute the player base more evenly across the map.

Generally Anet do a good job of talking to their player base. That said we had a few problems this time around.

While twitter is a great medium for getting a message out fast, this isn’t the appropriate use for it. (ie stand near the lighthouse 10 min before event starts). Not everyone has facebook/twitter. You have an in-game mail engine, please use it for this. eg mail from Whispers Agent “PSST. I heard a rumour that you might want to be near…”

Start times.
You wont please everyone, in a world wide game, unfortunate fact. A timer on your website (hh:mm:ss) to help would simplify figuring out what time the event occurred. Again, an ingame mail say an hour before saying where and when would be good here.

One off events
With regard to the one off cutscenes, how about an asura reporter who chases around after big events, films it with an ethereal thingamabob and lets players review it for a few days afterward.
Gives people who can’t make it to the event a chance to see it and appreciate the effort of the artists who create them.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DebugAMP.3290


Guild Wars 1: Events that repeat every 4 hours…. good
Guild Wars 2: One shot events…. bad

I think it’s been pretty apparent from the Beta Weekend close events, to Halloween, and especially now, that the servers cant handle one shot events. At least with the guild wars 1 model the load was distributed as people picked the times that best worked with their schedules.

The worst part of this is the impact to the game as a whole as a result of this event that people will never be able to experience again. I honestly can’t think of any good reason to do one shot events of this magnitude.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kevlon.2341


I thought the event was fine. I didnt particularly enjoy the final event but the loot and possibility of precursor made it really exciting. I hope they don’t listen to all the people kittening because they didn’t get a precursor. Its all luck and everyone had the same chances

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digidomo.1739


I felt the event was pretty tedious although the chest at the end was worth it. I was kicking myself for not being 80 due to precursors being handed out. (free 200g anyone?)

Disconnected once early on but managed to relaunch and be right where i was when d/c’d.

Only major gripe with the event itself was the reinforcement sections were way too long. Took us about 1 1/2 hours to get through that part. If i never see a Karka again it will be too soon.

Looking forward to the next one off event!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avellia.1873


Disconnection issues
There are many who participated in todays event who missed out on seeing it to completion when the server disconnected them and they were thrown into an overflow which had already completed it (myself included). While I hate to use the word ‘entitled’, I do think that players who made the effort to participate in the event but who did not receive any items due to server issues which they could not do anything about shouldn’t be disadvantaged from those who were able to complete the event without d/c’ing.
Not jumping up and down about this, but it would be a nice gesture on Anets part. They have the logs, they know who was there.

Bugged NPC’s
I understand the desire to keep things secret to keep the surprises, but there was a lot of frustration on the state of the bugged NPCs, blocking key chains. I’m sure some thought will be put into preventing a repeat for Decembers event. Moving on…

New Commendation system
At the moment it doesn’t seem to be worthwhile to bother with this, not a lot of value here. Maybe I’m missing something.

The Lost Shores themselves
Aside from the karka shells and the new herb, what will draw us back to this zone tomorrow and the days following. The mobs are harder than Orr, there are only a couple of waypoints and events. Other than shell/herb farming, what makes this a zone that 80’s will return to?

* Fractals of the Mists*
Excellent dungeon, and alone makes this weekend worthwhile. That said you need to be very careful with the level thing so that we don’t get the waves of elitism that plague other MMO’s (refer to the evils of misused gearscore…). Resetting the level on a weekly/fortnightly basis would probably help this, otherwise it gets painful for newer 80’s.

Daily / Monthly Achievements

I do like some of the changes, but would it be asking to much to move the WvWvW monthly achievement to the PVP one. I am prefer to PVE and so this means that I usually end up at 75% complete each month. I went into WvW for map completion (a pain, but I am Ok with this), but I’m not going to do it on a regular basis (my 2c anyway).

Refer a friend
I applaud the intent here, though as implemented it has two drawbacks.
1. Limited time only ie this weekend which doesn’t give some the opportunity to try it.
2. As Kirk said “you are not exactly seeing us at our best.” Anyone coming into the game only in the last two days would have got a very skewed view of the state of the game which would have been very different to if they had logged in last week.


I don’t doubt there is some disappointment with the way this event turned out, both internally and externally, especially after the high standard set by halloween. We don’t need to slam Anet, they are perfectly aware of what the issues were here and we shall see how those lessons have been learned in December.

Overall, the event was a thumbs up for me, though not to the same standard as Octobers. I don’t doubt they will be reviewing the weekends results over the next few days.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSaint.8072


the old topic is gone for a forum bug….. I’m tired of writing too…. but I will rewrite here:

I just spent whole night on the final event of lost shores … was not fun because of lag… the last 5 mins of the event all “raid” died, we went back to nearest waypoint but i got my client stuck on loading screen… lost last part and chest…. then I was unable to log in because of log-in server problems…
Now you will come here to say “sorry, we can do nothing”… well… I just want to know why in 2012 game designers (or whoever do this thing) obstinate to create events that group the whole player base of an MMO on the same pixel of a same city/region … just to see frame slowing .. lag or server crash…..

Was not just too easy spread the event around the world at the same time and forcing players to spread in the world ?

Disappointed (to say less ).

All Life end in Death, and Death…is only the beginning…

(edited by TheSaint.8072)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vzur.7123


The events were extremely monotonous, with the 3rd one being extra boring and tedious, due to lasting so long. Same mobs over and over and over, some having insane amounts of health and the ability to one shot everyone, making it feel more like a death-rush zergathon, rather than anything I’d call difficult or exciting. Plus, none of them dropping loot or anything, which just added insult to injury. I actually bailed out before the end, because I just couldn’t stand it anymore.

Now we’re left with this new zone.. and it’s kinda pathetic. Are you guys sure you’re done with it? It seems like its got less content than any other zone in the game, so why even bother adding it, yet?

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unidentified.8329


There was a story? I missed most of phase 1 (due to bugs), there wasn’t much story for me. The story I did find didn’t make much sense without the first part.



Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fade.5983


First of all, it was a great Guild Wars 2 weekend. The new dungeon is very nice and is a great challenge. Also the way how you introduce The Lost Shores was great.

But the way how the events proceeded to introduce the phases where in my opinion not so good. The events where very laggy. I don’t think the servers can handle one-time events at this time. The last event started good for me, it started with no (less) lag for me. But after 2 hours of doing the event I got a dc, and was unable to reconnect to the server. When I connected again the event was finished. I missed the rewards trough the dc.

I hope you can find a solution for all the players who have the same problem with the rewards, and maybe you can review the system of one-time events.
Last but not least I want to thank you for all the work you’ve put into this weekend!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: byjiang.1260


FotM – the only good thing of the patch

Ascended gear – A badly designed gear treadmill, nuf said
Karka events – Boring, no lore, not challenging but annoying
New map – Prettier than Orr, but that’s about it. No real content except JPs.

Overall a very poorly conducted patch. Will be moving on to other games.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlippantSausage.6395


Phase one NPCs were bugged hard. At least 3 that I saw were completely non-functional, and most of the time people had no idea where they were supposed to be.

Phase two was just really boring. The new zone is as empty as my characters wallet is now. Just annoyingly tough monsters (reef drake stacks confusion too much) and nothing else. Events were also a little slow.

Phase three was just awful, with large numbers of players getting disconnected before getting a reward. There were also a bunch of other issues like bad lag and invisible mobs. And having other players brag about the sweet loot they got is really painful to someone who got dced.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drake Brimstone.3706

Drake Brimstone.3706

Well, here is my feedback.

Phase 1: Friday… I had to work, working gets me money so I can pay rent and utilities so I can play games.

Phase 2: I was there… too bad the Event in LA wasn’t on my Overflow server. I Did get in on the “Discovery” part of the new zone, but it wasn’t much more then a giant zerg running round the zone.

Phase 3: Decided it wasn’t worth logging in for. Then I found out they gave out massive loot.

To Sum it up: Big Dissapointment

How to make “One Time” events better: Run them like Personal Story quests. Only give the “big” rewards to those completing it the first time, but give something to those helping others who hadn’t done it. Leave these available for a while so people can start them when they actualy have time.

True, this means some people will have spoilers and might not enjoy it “As Much” as if they didn’t know what was going to happen, but guess what? If they didn’t get to attend then they didn’t enjoy it at all!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calvery.5872


Stayed in zone all morning up to event and started it at very beginning through Ancient almost dying and got frozen in place could move about 1200 range and would reset me to same location. After about 5 minutes of this i couldnt /stuck i had to go to char. screen to fix i thought. i was put in a overflow that hadn’t even cleared bottom of hive so i started over….wound up buggin out again after dying got stuck at load screen and had to Ctrl,Alt,Del out restarted the game and logged in to see event was completed in the overflow i was put in. Very upsetting after doing the event from start twice and got nothing for the near 3 hours invested in just the event.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


This event was just a Class A example of how N O T to implement and pull off a one time event. I’m going to put the game on hold for a bit, both from school, but mostly tha tthe event and the new patch have pulled the game in a direction that ANet said clearly in their Manifest, that they clearly have move away from.

The big steaming pile of fish dung that were presented to the players tonight was beyond whta I have come to understand as a professional game company, to be replaced with a scruffy amateurish band of brainless chickens. I really expected more from them, with all of the huff and puff that have been put into the event PR, that they had a notion of server balance during stress, had a better understanig of what game mechanics they implemented and had done at least a better job of testing them within the game content. Seems like I was wrong in thinking that ANet were a bunch of pros when it came to running a game of this magnitude.

Yes, I’m sitting here with a bitter taste in my mouth, waiting for either a straightforward apology from Mike B’Brian and leading staff for this gigantic fail, and/or a roll back/compensation for having put in the time to in the end having missed out on the final loot.

Question is if they now will step up to do the right thing, orgo the same way as some other companies have done before….time will tell.

But for now, I’m taking a step back and see what will happen, The ball is in their end, they lost it..question is how they’re going to pick it up after this horrible fumble and continue…

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: troy.4039


i agree with them slowly killing the game. i LOVE GW and GW2, i think the 2 events that they have had like this were a failure =/
i would rather them work hard at keepign the game running smoothly with less going on, than a whole lot of nothing happening.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xolo.3580


I’d like to thank the guys from Anet for a fun event.
Yes, there were many technical issues, which also affected me (was in overflow where phase 2 didn’t happen), but all in all I had fun. Phase 3 went on for quite some time on my server (Kodash), especially driving the Ancient crab back to its lair felt a bit tedious in the middle. I also think it’s a bit problematic to have mobs do big area damage indicated by the standard thin red circles on the ground. It’s very easy to overlook those when there is so much going on.

Thanks again for the new content, and I’m sure most of the negative comments you read here resulted from players experiencing bugs and technical problems.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BurningLobster.1953


Were it not for the fact that due to a disconnect/crash/whatever I was unable to join the overflow server I was previously on, I would have been willing to call this a reasonable event.

The lag was stunning in places, yes… but even that is something I can find forgivable. Personally, once I saw what the rewards were via guild chat, I was actually getting happy about seeing the event through rather than feeling like a nap would be more thrilling. Being teased with the EPIC reward (the named items can cost up to 200G on my server) only to be denied due to a server hiccup or glitch or whatever… that turned this from “alright” into “Hmm, I might want to uninstall.”

Honestly, please consider some way of giving out some rewards to those of us who were nearly finished (flagged for getting the Ancient Karaka into the cave) or I might just consider my time in Tyria at it’s logical end-point.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torres.2890


Logged back on to see if I could still get a reward.

…Jumped to my death afterwards

Sorry but I LOLed. Hard. For me, I fell off a cliff on the way to the event when the champion forced us all onto a bridge and tried to get back too late.

Yeah..this thread pretty much sums up how I feel about the Lost Shores event…

Baruch Bay.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rathamon.6945


How about having it give us loot we can use as far as weapons and armor. I got alot of stuff that was for other classes. The only thing I could use what the chest with the 20 slot bag and amulet (which you have to be level 80 to use and I am level 57).

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jarainee.8097


I loved the overall feel for the event, though for those who participated and failed to get the chest (stuck loading screen, DC, chest despawning infront of them, etc.) should be mailed a chest with the same drop rates and all.

Or if that’s too much, maybe just a special little item? Maybe a (modified) mini Karka? (that would be very nice) mailed to every user who participated, but could not loot the chest?

And that was my two cents.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Damolious.2183


Going to make a full video of all 3 events to boost guild wars 2 fanbase showing all pieces of this grand event in highlight. Alas you have to commend players like this, kittening make events funny

Yes Its there first major event, but they gave people Legendary precursers in there chests (not me) but for that, I cannot complain. It was a Epic 1 time event boss and hey pulled it off, yes there was buggs but they did there kitten.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kevlon.2341


lol ^ ^ bet if you got a precursor you would be saying differently lets be real. You want the rewards but no one else to have it. People who got the precursors got lucky this time around, maybe one day it’ll be your turn

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


my experience:

so i’ve been saving up for a precursor for about 4 weeks now. i finally had enough to put up a buy order for the chosen before work today(5am). i come home, elated to see someone sold it to me. curious, i checked the tp prices, only to see they are selling for 65g now. so i paid double for it because of the event giving out a ton of these precursors. if i had waited a day longer, i could have gotten one for half the price. in fact, i could have gotten all 100 icy runestones with my leftover coin.

now, it’s just pure chance and bad luck that this happened to me. i am not asking for any recompense. but please consider in the future the impact of having so many high priced items drop for a 1-time event that not everyone could attend. i missed it by 3 hours and thus, ended up paying about an extra 2 weeks of my playtime spent grinding for gold.

it’s a strange feeling to be both happy and disappointed at the same time. granted, i paid what i expected to pay, but the afterthought leaves a bitter taste.

haha have to point out that you said grind anet told us there would be no grind or at least it wouldnt feel like it hahahahaha you guys fail at your work prices = way to high for anything that are neccessary for an actual equiped character and i’m not saying the legendary crap thats just godly awsome(looks) although personally i think EVERY cosmetic should b able to b bought via black lion ex. cultural armor and rare weapons that are just there for its skin none of the cultural armor is gotten for its stats it sucks its purely a cosmetic item that u want us to spend at least $1,300 in gems to get now and when i was trying to get it $3,200 to get it

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xfraze.1704


Overall, I’d say that I enjoyed the event. That being said, I did have some issues:

The lag was horrible initially. I was chilling at Canach’s Folly with a bunch of other players with no issue and then as soon as the event started, the lag started. I got DC’d, lost my place in the event, logged back in only to die, and then had to run back.

Eventually, the lag got better, but it was still present.

The other issue I have is the time for the event. Luckily, I don’t start my new job until later on this month, but if I had been at work, I totally would have missed the event. The whole concept of 1 time only events sounds really cool, but for people who miss out on them it sucks. All I can say in regards to this is thanks for not giving people an achievement for killing the karka boss. I would feel pretty bad for people who couldn’t make it.

Bugged quest chains was another issue.

Another problem I have is with the lore. Even though I did almost all of the quests and read almost all the text, I still don’t quite understand what the Karka are and where they came from. I have even less understanding of the consortium and the fractals of mist dungeon. In the FotM, am I looking at past events? Or am I playing in current events. I honestly have no idea what’s going on.

Thanks for the event, it was fun. Hopefully you guys can have things running a lot more smoothly next time.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: neon.4863


Okay, let’s see.

I think the event was pretty good in theory. If everything had worked properly, if nobody had gotten disconnected, if everyone had been able to attend, if the TP hadn’t made gem spending on chests useless, if everyone had gotten good rares from the chest and so forth – it would have been a fun, epic event like advertised, at least for me. There was fun stuff to do, there was loot to be had, zerging and even dying with everyone was fun.

But sadly, not everything worked perfectly. Plenty of disconnects, plenty of bugs, wasted gems on chests, and so forth. I’m just going to go over what I think could be improved:

Consortium Chest

When you make an item available for both gems and forging, please take care to make it so that it’s not more advantageous, in-game money-wise, to forge it than buy it. As it is, the contents of the chest are worth too little, which means we can buy the materials for chests off the TP for less gems than if we buy chests individually or in bulk. This gives people (like me) who got chests for gems directly a bad taste in their mouths. I wasted a lot of potential in-game cash (and some real money too) because of this. Exchanging gems for gold should get me fewer chests than exchanging gems for chests.


It’s pretty clear that your servers can’t handle massive amounts of players just yet. Please don’t have once in a lifetime events until this issue is minimized. When people disconnect or crash or lag, they’re frustrated because they know they’ve permanently missed their chance. It’d still suck to get disconnected and have to redo something, but at least you can redo it. In a once only event, this is impossible.

Also, if you must have one-time-only events, please consider better ways to hand out loot rewards. A chest that can despawn isn’t a good way – if you die the chest could be gone by the time you come back. If you disconnect you won’t get anything. Mailing items to players or having players talk to an NPC are solutions that would not punish people who got disconnected or died.


Better quality checking seems to be obviously in order. Have a public test server, perhaps? Or buff your quality check team. The Halloween event had some bugs, but this event was nearly unplayable because almost everything broke.


Have loot drops be fixed, or get the RNG to group loot based on TP value and give everyone rewards that are worth roughly the same (say one expensive, one so-so, one cheap). Some people getting legendary precursors and some people getting exotics worth a couple of silver may have done the TP good – precursor prices have dropped – but is unfair on an individual level. Everyone should be given rewards with the same value, not fully random rewards within a rarity tier. Save those for normal gameplay.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nethykins.7986


Simply put:

You created an event that outpaced your systems and software. Not to say “you guys should have know better!” but there are some key things you should have realised as basic common-sense. Like:

- If your servers and systems can not handle a key part of your game, WvWvW…and player culling/draw distances are an issue…DO NOT create a server-wide event that relies on killing very strong mobs that one-shot you and include the mobs as part of the draw distance cull. (That is the one point that confuses me the most…how about adding enemy priority on draw distances?)

- Don’t tell people to get their friends to join you on a trial weekend. The servers are already ram packed. This will only compound the issue.

- Don’t make one-time events on something where epic lag and loot are involved. There will always be a chunk of people that will miss out. As you can probably see, you’re having to do damage control from the end of the event, instead of being lavished with praise from your playerbase.

The only thing I can add is that it obviously looks like it was a good idea on paper, but from a player’s perspective, minimal testing, minimal planning, minimal thoughts of pre-determined issues and game limitation are something that stuck out like a sore thumb.
I can only image coming off the Halloween event high, you rested on your laurels for this.

(edited by nethykins.7986)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jatari Thundercloud.3794

Jatari Thundercloud.3794

at the end my armor broke beyond broke which broke my bank and now im really broke.. no loot just more broke..

Defensive Tactical Commander
Server : Dragonbrand

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurow.6973


The easiest solution to this would be for ANet to reward everyone that was online for the last 5 hours with a “Ancient Karka Shell”, and a “Ancient Karka Shell Box”. This way, no one will feel left out and ripped off. Since these 2 items are account bound, and since there’s already people running around with multiples of these, it should not affect the economy in any shape or form…while at the same time, ease the frustration of players who missed out on it because of a multiple reasons.