Lost Shores Feedback Thread
-Fractal dungeon, really enjoyed it
-Lost Shore zone is nice looking but nothing to do there.
-Really liked the Owaina (sp) event/npc, will she always stay there or will she be rescued?
-Can not think of any other reasons.
-Lag, I dunno why spawning bunch of pixels with X amount of players that you didnt see thise comeing.
-Bugged NPCS/Events, seriously do you not test this before deploying it? Like 4-5 servers last events was bugged, not to mention the phase 1 quest chain npc bugged out.
-Last event was ok, but the reinforcement parts took way too long.
-Time of the events, I suggest do small event friday, big events saturday, simmer it down on sundays. People do have a life outside the game.
-Lost Shore zone, nothing to do here beside the last event and 2 jump puzzels. No hearts, no karma venders (armor/weapons/trinkets, etc dont have to be exotic just like any other heart karma vender), some events but nothing that really makes a difference.
-Loot at the very end IMO should have just been the neck boa piece and the bag, should have just left exotics out in general because now you got half a player base that got 4-10g from it vs some that made 100+ not to mention that some them was on trial accounts. Suggestion would be make “special” end loot that boa that comes from the chest and/or mob.
-I was hopeing for new skins but I dont like playing the RNG game with the chest in the gem store, now if the skins was on the store directly that be a whole different story, again boa.
-I thought the whole karka thing was suppose to change Tyria in some way, as I was lead from the teaser trailer. The only thing I’m seeing is a destroyed ship, a broken lighthouse, an island filled with crabs, and a fractual dungeon???
My 2 cents, I liked Halloween event and stuff that came with it, even though there was some bugs I was like ok just a bug they didnt catch, but this time there was several bug/stales in events. So after this shindig, gonna give it one more shop hopefully winter event wont fail.
(edited by Belthasar.7509)
I was able to participate, but was really tired today at work. And the stuff I got is rather useless(I like the Ancient Karka Chest, but that’s all). It’s a little disheartening and disappointing that so many people got precursors and the rest of us got almost useless stuff(why do I always get armor for the other classes?! ARGH!).
Some of us got a reward for like…1g and the others got a reward for over 300g. If you raised the chance for so many people to get a precursor then you should’ve given the other people at least something equally nice or at the very least armor usable by our own characters! Giving a guardian light armor is outrageous <_<
So, juding by the headline the OP rather wants no one-time events because you can potentinally miss them? Talking about logic. The single phases should have been longer, though.
Thank you, Anet, for trying something different then all the other MMOs!
It was awesome!
If… you got to see it because you lived in the right time zone. Or did not get kicked due to server lag. I bet the % of customers that got to see it was very low.
It’s the problem of pure democracy. Majority rules. It’s the reason any good democracy has safeguards to protect minorities. You can’t simply go with the 51%, because 49% get screwed.
It bears repeating that the point of highest average concurrency in a given week does not necessarily equal the point in the week when most people could make time to enjoy a special event. The greatest amount of people are typically online noon Pacific Time on Sunday. That doesn’t mean those same people couldn’t make another time when even more players would also be able to enjoy them.
ANet has decided that it is more important for a large number of players to get to enjoy a couple hour event instead of a larger number of players being able to enjoy a 24 hour event. Unfortunate, but there will likely never be resolution between the players who can make it on noon Pacific Time on Sundays and love the idea of an extremely limited event and the players who feel like they are getting only a portion of the game they paid for.
Why is everyone complaining about The Lost Shores event? I more than understand frustration caused by lag or disconnect problems and issues with looting. Perfectly good reason to complain. Also, constructive criticism about the actual event will be helpful in assuring quality for future events. Constructive criticism = good.
But I’m hearing so much rage about one-time events and how unfair they are. Before the event was over people were raging about the event The one-time events will happen again, so what if real-life got in the way? You realize you can go do a dungeon and get the same quality of loot for the time spent in the one-time event, right?
I have work. I missed the first two events. A few of my good friends missed the Sunday one. Guess what we did that night? We got on and did fractals. No one complained. No one raged. We all missed events and we’re OK with that and excited about possible future ones.
One-time events are NOT unfair. They are NOT mandatory. They do NOT give loot that you can’t get elsewhere. They do NOT give an achievement. They are NOT responsible for your choosing real life over a game.
just wanted to drop my appreciation here, I had a load of fun this weekend, I must have run back and forth a million times between the karkas and the repair NPC, and I ended up running around butt nekkid for most of the event anyway (ran out of gold) but darn if I wasn’t enjoying it^^ (the event, not the exhibitionism…)
thanks everyone for resurrecting me every time, and a “you’re welcome” to all of you who thanked me for repaying the favor (or doing the favor) and I hope we’ll all have such a splendid time again!^^
I enjoy the one-time events. In fact, they have brought me back to GW2 multiple times after falling out of it. They just need to be executed a little better.
Really, and people who think that they just shouldn’t happen period are stupid. Don’t play them. Go do a dungeon instead if you want the same monotony that exists in EVERY OTHER MMO. Seriously, you’ll get about the same reward for the time spent.
I think it’s funny that before even one-time events are over people are jumping on the forums flaming them. Some players just want anything to complain about, especially when it takes them out of their comfort zone from years of other-MMO playing.
I appreciate that Anet is making the game feel alive and bringing players together with these one-time events.
You are missing the whole point of the argument. Some people can’t play the event even if they wanted to. So I guess you are implying that it’s the players fault that they happen to live in the wrong time zone and/or randomly get booted from the event. If cannot be executed properly, don’t do it at all.
20-slot bags and Precursors?
I think I have a right to complain if I played a nigh-unplayable event with lag, culling, and disconnects for almost three hours and got nothing for it when someone lucky who popped in for 5 minutes and only tagged one thing got rewarded.
I have some complaints about the event, even if I’d give it an overall positive feedback.
Events during phase 1. The bugs spoiled the fun of some of the investigation mission. I couldn’t complete the event even if I followed the forum guidelines. Anyway, rewards for those missions weren’t particularly interesting so I gave up.
Missed all the cutscenes and all the “one-time” events during phase 1 and 2, so I won’t comment about them.
Phase 3: liked the event. It took nearly 3 hours on the overflow server where I ended up to, luckily with some guildmates but not all. Mind, that was fun because we were all in TS and so we could share the experience, but the “full overflow” prevented to group together 15 guildmates that ended on 3 different overflow servers. My main complaints about this was mainly the exaggerate lag I suffered during the event. I don’t care about the fact that I was steamrolled multiple times by veteran karkas, that their venom spit killed me instantly most of the times. I don’t care that I looted the final chest in my underpants (with all my armor completely broken). My greatest complaint is that the whole lag affair spoiled really much of the fun. I had trouble moving, I had trouble seeing mobs coming at me, I was injured and killed sometimes by unseen enemies, I tried to spam my aoes in the dark, so that I could tag some monster, gaining experience and some loot.
I do not own a nuclear furnace for a computer (I play on a notebook) and experienced in PvE even more lag than I usually experience during large zerg in WvW. Yes, that wasn’t fun.
About the rewards, one of my guildmates dropped a precursor, I dropped 2 exotics and 2 rares. I partly agree with some of the complaints that the RNG lottery could have been smoothed a bit.
In the end, if ANet plans more events like these, I say “good”, but please, try to split people around the map and not cluster hundreds of them together.
Unless this was necessary to understand better how to tune zerg performance, in this case, hope the event helped.
Oscura Simmetria – Gunnar’s Hold
[Phastidio, Thief]
Hello everyone.
Just a quick reminder: try to stay on topic and avoid personal battles or off-topic posting as this does not bring anything meaningful to the other people writing in it.
Dat feedback…
Why does your experience invalidate everyone else’s experience?
So complaining has reached a new level. I’m sure if they put in better loot people who missed out would have raged hard. I’m sure if they did not let people who jumped in late because they were busy with RL and only caught the end not get loot them people would have raged hard.
People rage no matter what. It’s a carousel of rage that goes round and round and no matter what happens people will think they’re entitled to only what they want.
Don`t stop conplaining – stop crying!
You missed the chance? Your own fault.
You had jobs to do? Then quit your job and do what counts, get exotics in this event/game. Its a GAME, guys.
edit: just to be fair – if you are one of the poor guys getting disconnected in the last minutes of this event and werent able to reconnect – ask kindly for a chance to repeat it here. But dont be like a child, thats embarrassing
(edited by dissection.9482)
People can make their opinions known… yours is not the only valid one. Arenanet will decide to make changes or not, but it should be important to them to receive feedback rather than squelch their consumers voices.
Due to work scheduling I missed out on pretty much all of the one time events. If I were being charged a monthly fee to play I’d be pretty steamed, but (as has already been pointed out here and elsewhere) the overall value of this game far exceeds the $60 price point. Guild Wars 2 is the only MMO that I’ve stuck with and keep coming back to, which is a testament to Anet’s commitment to story and detail, not to mention visuals that blow all the others out of the water. Still a fan despite the hiccups from this past event… it can only get better from here, right?
Essentially, it boils down to: Anet know one time events are hard for everyone to attend, risky, and overburden servers. They are, in one word, risky. Yet, they insist on these risky events that many feel don’t warrant the effort needed to create them.
Also, many of us interpreted the manifesto and pre-game announcements as an indication that the game would avoid random rich drops, moving instead to a token system. This principle is not really being implemented.
Here’s the problem with the “there’s enough content without the events so you’re getting your money’s worth anyway” argument:
It’s an MMO.
Meaning the game progresses without you, it’s extremely competitive by nature, and people are comfortable with being elitist jerks.
Meaning those who didn’t receive pre-cursors yesterday, for whatever reason, are one step closer to being laughed at, insulted, and kicked from every dungeon group they get in, just for not having the right gear.
This does not follow Anet’s original presentation of ideas for this game.
Yep, never complained anything ingame til now. This one-time event occurs 4-5am on a monday morning for me. Naturally i missed out not knowing that I would be rewarded with a 20 slot bag and chance at legendary. No offense, a one-time event that benefits only SOME of your playerbase. Good job there.
So complaining has reached a new level. I’m sure if they put in better loot people who missed out would have raged hard. I’m sure if they did not let people who jumped in late because they were busy with RL and only caught the end not get loot them people would have raged hard.
People rage no matter what. It’s a carousel of rage that goes round and round and no matter what happens people will think they’re entitled to only what they want.
and people who were at the event and got dc multiple times? stop complaning? really? so ppl who did the event up to 4 times and got dc every single time before making it to the end have no right to complain?………….get ur head out of your bum. k
also ps the event did give loot tht is unattainable elsewhere. hmm the 20slot specific bag and the amulet. that is a mini Triforge pendant…..k….
(edited by Ulquiorra.6903)
Owyn—-Read the OP before posting. I stated very clearly in the original post that “it is important for Anet to receive feedback about the event for quality purposes.” No one is arguing that. I stated that complaining INSTEAD about the unfairness of one-time events and how they should be dropped from the game is ridiculous.
and people who were at the event and got dc multiple times? stop complaning? really? so ppl who did the event up to 4 times and got dc every single time have no right to complain?………….get ur head out of your bum. k
also ps the event did give loot tht is unattainable elsewhere. hmm the 20slot specific badge and the amulet. that is a mini Triforge pendant…..k….
WOW. Seriously people read the OP. I said that I understand people who complain from DC issues. WTF.
Also, many of us interpreted the manifesto and pre-game announcements as an indication that the game would avoid random rich drops, moving instead to a token system. This principle is not really being implemented.
What does this even mean? I’ve followed GW2 before it released and I have no idea what you’re talking about. Do you mean random rich drops that you can get doing a dungeon? Or killing a champion who’s guarding a chest?
Due to work scheduling I missed out on pretty much all of the one time events. If I were being charged a monthly fee to play I’d be pretty steamed, but (as has already been pointed out here and elsewhere) the overall value of this game far exceeds the $60 price point. Guild Wars 2 is the only MMO that I’ve stuck with and keep coming back to, which is a testament to Anet’s commitment to story and detail, not to mention visuals that blow all the others out of the water. Still a fan despite the hiccups from this past event… it can only get better from here, right?
I love the game and because I decided to attend a early sunday social event I missed it…
I’m thinking how much more I’d enjoy the game if I had a chance at experiencing the event as well.
That’s all this is, it’s people that enjoy the game and are saying… “Hey Anet, you can probably do it a bit better if you do this or that…”
My view.
1. The concept of a one-time event is flawed because:
(i) there won’t be any single time that would satisfy everyone
(ii) game servers may not be able to handle the increased crowd
There are other design models that could’ve been used instead. It was Anet’s decision; the player base can’t force them to go one way or the other, but that doesn’t mean that we forfeit our right to disagree. I also don’t believe that covers the entire scope of the issue here.
2. “Face a brand-new species, earn unique rewards, gather new crafting resources, learn new recipes, and much more! Lost Shores will change the face of Tyria—don’t miss it!”
a. I guess that it is possible to get one of those exclusive rewards with 1000 Karka Shells, but the drop rate is too low for me to pursue it; I’d rather spend my time doing something else.
b. I don’t believe that the 20-slot bag can be obtained elsewhere. Although other bags exist, I don’t believe that any stance would justify Person A and Person B both participating in the event, but Person A not receiving the reward because of a disconnect and Person B gloating about it.
3. The new content is nice e.g. Fractals. Many of the people who participated in, or tried to participate in, the one-time events also explored the new content. I don’t believe that’s an issue here.
4. Adding precursors into the game creates imbalance in the game and its economy. I think that’s been examined enough.
5. A company is not defined solely by its game. A game is not defined solely by its content. Its content is not defined solely by a single event. An event is not defined solely by its process or its rewards. I feel like you’re throwing a huge blanket statement over this situation. I hope we can be constructive about this. Constructive criticism = good.
6. Also, there’s the issue of the supposed exploits – exploits are when a player uses a fault or loophole in a game’s design, in a way that was not intended to be possible, for personal gain. I hope that Anet will be a flip-flop on what’s allowed and what isn’t in this event and any that follow.
(edited by Icas.3860)
Yep, never complained anything ingame til now. This one-time event occurs 4-5am on a monday morning for me. Naturally i missed out not knowing that I would be rewarded with a 20 slot bag and chance at legendary. No offense, a one-time event that benefits only SOME of your playerbase. Good job there.
Thats crappy, I agree.
Additionally, if it is technically possible – how about solving this lag problems by letting the event happen at different times in different timezones? I dont know how the overflow servers really work but i guess if you structure them by timezones and start events at different times that would not only solve the “unfairness” problem but some others as well next time?
Obvious plant is obvious?
People are complaining because they were unable to attend an event. They are complaining because they were not even given a reasonable opportunity to attend an event. They are complaining because they attended an event four hours and got nothing out of it. They are complaining because others attended the same event and got everything.
There needs to be a stop to these stop Fanboy/Obvious Anet Employee posts. It is distracting us from explaining to Arena that these sort of shenanigans are not acceptable and if they continue to do this everyone will leave for the next new shiny game, and will take all their shiny dollars with them.
It’s not just a handful of people that got screwed. It is a big enough problem that will affect the popularity of the game. Just because you were lucky enough to make the time, not get dced, and got a good loot doesn’t mean jack to anyone else because that was supposed to happen to EVERYONE.
It’s sad .. 90% of the people complaining about the event do not even accually care about the event it’s all about loot … ANET gave this guy something shiney and I want it too. I did the event .. did not care if I got a reward, I just wanted to experence the event. I got a few exotics nothing special and the guy beside me got a precursor. Do you know what I was compelled to do? I congratulated him. I said wow dude grats. I did not feel compelled to complain that I got maybe 2 or 3g worth of drops while he got 100s … I was just happy that ANET does these special epic events to introduce new FREE content to us. I don’t know maybe it’s just me but I had a ton of fun (even which all the lag) and that’s what really mattered. I’m sorry for the 10% of people who accually wanted to do the event that could not, but not for the people who are complaining about loot.
(i) there won’t be any single time that would satisfy everyone
There wont be a GAME that satisfies anyone. You just have to separete useful, constructive feedback from huge amounts of nonsense and players that cant lose
Obvious plant is obvious?
People are complaining because they were unable to attend an event. They are complaining because they were not even given a reasonable opportunity to attend an event. They are complaining because they attended an event four hours and got nothing out of it. They are complaining because others attended the same event and got everything.
There needs to be a stop to these stop Fanboy/Obvious Anet Employee posts. It is distracting us from explaining to Arena that these sort of shenanigans are not acceptable and if they continue to do this everyone will leave for the next new shiny game, and will take all their shiny dollars with them.
quoted for truth.
to anet/op if you are going to make your event cater to a specific type of people in a specific region then don’t sell copies to other nations that don’t fit the description. its not like the people complaining just bought a copy of a korean mmo that isnt even issued where they live then go and complain they had to be up at 1am to do the event.
Now i think most of the complaints are justified for a few reasons. If the person wasn’t here, that is their own fault, and i will agree with OP that they shouldn’t be kittening.
However if the person played it to the end and got disconnected (I got bluescreen of death right after opening the chest. NO idea why, i have never gotten it before and my comptuer is new haha) and from what I hear some unlucky people got disconnected right before it ended and didnt get credit. I say all the power to them that they should complain. The event was 2.5 hours for me and I’d be pissed if i didn’t get a reward.
Another complaint is justified is some people getting rewards that are worth 100+ gold and others getting some that are worth 2 gold. It is unfair and unreasonable. It takes all the power out of the players hand when it comes to rewards and this leads to frustration. Consider this video. We are all the monkeys. Everyone in the event did the same exact actions, except some got grapes while other got cucumbers.
Extremely dissapointed as well with how this weekend turned out. The so called “free” content was basically one day of all the events being bugged out, and the last part of it being blocked to a lot of people like me who have other responsibilities. And yes we are paying customers since we did pay to play the game. I had nothing but good things to say about Anet until now, but now I’m not so sure I should convince my RAF people who were interested in the game to actually buy it if Anet keeps blocking people out of content.
There needs to be a stop to these stop Fanboy/Obvious Anet Employee posts. It is distracting us from explaining to Arena that these sort of shenanigans are not acceptable and if they continue to do this everyone will leave for the next new shiny game, and will take all their shiny dollars with them.
So, basically people who agree with you are the mass opinion of players. The people who disagree with you must be Anet fanboy or employees? kitten LOGIC and the fact that people have different opinions from you.
People are not even reading my OP and are apparently just copy/pasting how much they hate the event from other threads. I’ve stated numerous times that there are issues in the event that need to be addressed and I realize this (D/C issues, lag). I am posting about the people who think one-time events are “unfair” because they are ONE TIME. I disagree that one-time events should be thrown out simply because people complain that they are one-time.
(edited by coffeeisyum.5297)
The event itself is very nice, but execution is bad. If they don’t have the capacity to house the players doing one time at the same time, they should forget about one time event.
IMO, one time event itself is a very limiting decision which will ALWAYS be criticized.
to anet/op if you are going to make your event cater to a specific type of people in a specific region then don’t sell copies to other nations that don’t fit the description. its not like the people complaining just bought a copy of a korean mmo that isnt even issued where they live then go and complain they had to be up at 1am to do the event.
to Anet:
As long as people quarrel about not being able to take part in a one time event you are essentially doing everything right with it. Obviously it turned out to be not as bad in the end because suddenly everybody wants to be part of it…
But, the timezones really is a thing to think about next time. Making the event available at different times for every individual timezone and structuring overflows accordingly, probably will be a bit of work, but it may also remove a lot of the problems with lags. I dont know anything about the technical side behind this, just a guess out of common sense…
I was able to participate, but was really tired today at work. And the stuff I got is rather useless(I like the Ancient Karka Chest, but that’s all). It’s a little disheartening and disappointing that so many people got precursors and the rest of us got almost useless stuff(why do I always get armor for the other classes?! ARGH!).
Some of us got a reward for like…1g and the others got a reward for over 300g. If you raised the chance for so many people to get a precursor then you should’ve given the other people at least something equally nice or at the very least armor usable by our own characters! Giving a guardian light armor is outrageous <_<
Oh and you forgot to mention that many people were unable to even complete the event – but that doesn’t make the concept wrong – The problem was the execution.
Aside from the bugs and technical issues, which are inexcusable 99% of the other complaints relating to these events could simply be fixed by:
1: starting them at different, more convenient times on different servers, based on the location of the player base on that server.
2: Only allowing 1 character per account to claim the event reward.
3: Making the reward the same for every player
Quite what the thinking behind assigning random rewards was, I have no idea, It is always going to be divisive.
[double post somehow, sorry.]
to anet/op if you are going to make your event cater to a specific type of people in a specific region then don’t sell copies to other nations that don’t fit the description. its not like the people complaining just bought a copy of a korean mmo that isnt even issued where they live then go and complain they had to be up at 1am to do the event.
to Anet:
As long as people quarrel about not being able to take part in a one time event you are essentially doing everything right with it.Obviously it turned out to be not as bad in the end because suddenly everybody wants to be part of it…
But, the timezones really is a thing to think about next time. Making the event available at different times for every individual timezone and structuring overflows accordingly, probably will be a bit of work, but it may also remove a lot of the problems with lags. I dont know anything about the technical side behind this, just a guess out of common sense…
people already raised this issue since before anyone knew precurosrs would be available. it has been an issue in every single event they have that is one time. ur 2nd paragraph tots +1 imo
“The spectacular one-time world event is now live! Unravel a monstrous mystery and defend Tyria from a formidable new threat – the karka! You’ll face brand-new creatures, earn cool new rewards, discover a brand-new island map, explore the new Fractals of the Mists dungeon, and more! This weekend event, which culminates in an epic showdown at 12:00 PM Noon PST on November 18, lasts until 10:00 PM PST on November 18.”
Even though I missed the main event, I spent much of my time explaining this entry to people in the game. They thought the showdown was to start at Noon AND LAST until 10pm pst I had to explain that it didn’t mean the main event was to last 10 hours. I can understand their frustrations at the misinterpretation of the event times.
Personally, IRL took me away from the event. Should I get compensation for missing the event? Nope. I had to make a choice and I did. But with the statement above, I could have had 10 hours to “fight” this epic battle. 10 hours would have allowed me the option of attending the event. I could see why many people misunderstood and feel cheated of the event, and the loot from that event.
The best solution would have been a clearer statement that the main fight was X,Y Z and is part of the whole event. You make it for this fight at X,Y Z and you can experience the final battle. The whole Lost Shores event continues until 10 PM PST to allow you to complete minor events, such as commendation badges, etc.
Just my thoughts
So complaining has reached a new level. I’m sure if they put in better loot people who missed out would have raged hard. I’m sure if they did not let people who jumped in late because they were busy with RL and only caught the end not get loot them people would have raged hard.
People rage no matter what. It’s a carousel of rage that goes round and round and no matter what happens people will think they’re entitled to only what they want.
2: Only allowing 1 character per account to claim the event reward.
This. Restrict those, who already did the event, from getting reward and launch event once more.
This is the feedback thread, so I give feedback
Good job on the Fractals. Thank you.
I love the idea of one-of events. The Lost Shores event, not so much.
The way Lost Shores was implemented was so unenjoyable that I found something else to do on Sunday instead of doing the final act – and from what I’ve heard from guildies I made the right choice. The lag, the broken quest lines on day one (Noll), cut-scenes and battles glitching out, the having to arrange your outside life around the narrow event timeslot window and the zerging in days one and two were just not fun. On day two I never saw either the cut scene nor the (presumed) fight in LA as it went straight from standing around watching the trebuchet being built to “go visit the ship” for the next step.
I see folks complaining about the range of rewards for the third day’s event. Even knowing there was a chance of a big reward wouldn’t have made me want to do the event. I was already that frustrated with how the event was being handled. I enjoyed the Mad King event, and assumed that was going to be the standard for special world events.
As a suggestion, have a flag to show if an account has already done the event. If it hasn’t, you’re in a pre-event shard until there’s a big enough population to trigger the event. Once you’ve done the event and are flagged, you’re in a post-event shard. Once sufficient time (a day, two days) has passed, the pre-event shards are removed and everybody is in the post-event shards. If you’re disconnected before finishing the event and getting the rewards (if any), the flag isn’t set and you can repeat the event as long as there are pre-event shards.
A second suggestion is to have a GM present during one-time events with the ability to nudge it back on track if something goes kitten-shaped.
Adding my feedback here as requested in other topics:
1. I think ANet needs to rethink the “one time event” stuff. While it’s great that ANet wants to create great and unique events for players, there needs to be a way for everyone to experience it. Simply picking a peak time does not work as you still exclude/anger a great number of players who paid for the game and want to see the events as well. It’s also unrealistic to expect players to get up for an event that runs from 2am – 5am for them.
2. Related a little to the last sentence above — the final event was entirely too long. Again, I understand ANet is trying to create something epic, but it’s unrealistic to expect players to be able to hang around for 3 hours straight for a one time thing. Additionally, some elements were so drawn out (the two reinforcements waves) that players got frustrated and simply went afk. Half the event was probably the two reinforcement waves alone.
3. These sort of content patches need better testing. While public beta testing does allow spoilers to get leaked, it still allows us to be more confident that events are happening as expected.
Edit: For what it’s worth, the Halloween event’s handling/delivery was SIGNIFCANTLY better.
80 Warrior
I spent 2 hrs last night on a “1 hr” event, before I had to go. Boss was still at half health, so I figured it would take over 1 more hour(it took 1½hr more according to my guildies). Staying up that late is not an option since I have meetings at work every Monday.
Now I log on, and I’m shocked that such good rewards were given at the end of the event. I did all other events/quests during the weekend and got diddly squat of loot. I did as much as possible on phase 3, but so far no reward.
Today I feel very disheartened, can’t be bothered to log in Talked to a few other guildies who also have work and had to leave around the same time in the event… they feel the same way…
I have played MMO’s for 8+ years, this is the first time I have ever complained (on forums). Handing out 20 slot bags & some people reporting 2 precursors is not something you can get everywhere else, just the rune alone for that bag is 10g’s. So your opening statement is full of fail.
I showed up for all three events, spent coutless time and in-game resources to travel around to find all events broken, bugged, or a lag fest.
Still stuck around having faith in this game, 2hrs 45 mins of a wipe fest, still there, dc’d at the last of the explosives, logged back in to some random overflow, to find out i just missed the chest, with everyone linking exoctics, rares, & precursors. I am pissed. So again explain to me why I should not complain. This should be interesting.
It is about the loot, I’ll openly admit that.
Allow me to say this, I woke up early Saturday morning (4.00am) for the Phase 1 one-time event. This one i could attend, it is a saturday afterall. After enduring some 40minutes of lag and 30 second skill delays I was rewarded with nothing but 1 single event completion.
I thought to myself, so this is what these one-time events are like? not worth the effort.
Come Monday morning I cant attend regardless but wasnt fussed because well there had been some precedent and i wasnt impressed.
Of course the next day i learn that this event had rewards fitting of a one-time event. Rewards i was seemingly blocked out of because of my time-zone. This game is truly meant to be global. Why not have it looping for a day? With the reward accessible only once?
The fact is I MISSED OUT. Through no fault of my own. I dont see why i need to sacrifice more than Joe Everyday over in the US or Europe to attend the event. The game is meant to cater to everyone equally.
It appears Anet dropped the ball on this event — badly.
Even though some people like one-time things, even more people like to play at their own pace and not missing out stuff.
You can have one-time events each player can do whenever and with whoever they like by making them like personal story quests: Instances you can do just once.
Remember War in Kryta and Winds of Change?
I freaking loved those! Despite their bugs and broken things here and there, most people loved them, and many of those broken things got fixed eventually, so people could do them with other characters once fixed.
They were both ‘world changing’ things, and Winds of Change even wiped the Afflicted, putting other creatures instead. But no one missed anything, and everyone was (and still is) able to complete the stuff.
I’ll be as constructive as I can in this, so bear with me.
The Event was amazing, for the sake of the Lore alone I really enjoyed what the team provided me as a gamer. The Karka were challenging, but when everyone focused they went down quickly enough.
In regards to the assault phases, I will say this: It was in fact laggy with the amount of people in one single area. Creatures were invisible until they were right on top of you and you by then were invisible barrel rolled. (Funny to me and my kid cause we’d mock each other when one of us still lived)
Items: I can understand the frustration of most. When you are fighting mobs of Karka which take a bit of time to defeat there should be something to show for it, so loot drops are nice. When you kill tons of karka and not one has a drop of anything on it, it becomes a “Why do I bother? I can just run by everything”
The End Event Loot: I’ve heard precursors dropped, and that’s awesome for those who got it. Heck, I was excited when the first day of head start I got an Abyss dye, so I imagine those players squee’d a little bit. The loot was nice in my opinion, very rewarding considering the amount of time it took to complete the event. 2 Exotics, 2 Rares and the 20 Slot bag and accessory. The bag and accessory alone made me happy, and the exotics I couldnt use, BUT my husband had something I could use, and I had something he could use, so it was a great trade off.
On the issue of Timzone constraint, here’s an idea for the Team to consider. We have American and EU servers yes? Perhaps, hold the “One time event” In the EU servers in the afternoons for them, and the same for the American Servers, then Lock the Servers for that weekend the Event is being held so players can’t transfer jump to get double the rewards. Just an idea
All in all I give it an 8 out of 10. I loved the lore, I loved the goals, the rewards were worthwhile in regards to the challenge. The negatives being the Lag/Invisible creatures.
So thank you Arena Net Team, and I can’t wait for the next event in December.
(edited by ClanTzimisce.1269)
/signed. Unfair to those at work/school/etc.
I loved the Lost Shores Event!
*I enjoyed being able to do an open world event and not have to see everyone spam LFG event.
*Yes there was lag, I would see red circles on the ground but no Karkas, I died, my screen locked up @ loading screen when I took a waypoint after we wiped. But I got back in and kept going.
*The event was long, it did say multi hour event but didn’t know if that meant multi 1 hr events or not.
*I did not like the champion and veteran Karkas instantly coming back to life and having to kill them again, that probably would of made the event go faster.
*Oh and the Karka Hatchlings attaching themselves to us omg that was so creepy!!(but very memorable)
*Anet did give everyone a 2 weeks notice to make plans for this event if this was something you didn’t want to miss.
I’m looking forward to more One Time events! Thank you for doing so much for us Anet
(edited by Ashskyra.8076)