Marriner's Horn

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


as we all know a new instrument has been released in the store. So I thought, why not to share music done in numbers for the horn? This is so far what I managed to create:
444 1221 66 55 4 1 444 1221 66 55 4 old mcdonald had a farm
1155665 4433221 5544332(X2) twincle twincle little star
31 3431 3431 21 231 3431 3451 21 8 5 7875 7875 65 wintersday
11214 3 11215 4 11 86432 88756 5 happy birthday
5654345 234 34 5 5654345 2 5 3 1 london bridge is falling down.

Anyone else managed to read sheet music and recreate songs with the horn? If so, please share the number combinations, so we could all play it
other songs mentioned further down in the topic:
metal gear solid theme: 654 45465 456 28645 0(0 changes the octave to a higher one) 234 34542 123 43212
Guild Wars 2 start up theme: 234543 2 23 1 1 2 (not complete)

Amazing grace: (long drawn out notes) (1464654211446465 (end on 1 the first time, then repeat the whole first section and end on (8)X2 6 (1) (end on 8 the second time around) 4
So essentially:
14646542114464651 (8) 1 (8) 6 1 (8) 4

1 5 432 8 5 432 85 4342 1 5 432 8 5 432 85 4342 Star Wars ^^

114, 146, 146 146 146, 468, 641, 114


1235321 35 6875 3(HOLD)432 (Then keep repeating and change to how you want the ending, you’ll hear when you start playing)

Star Spangled Banner

[] = low octave
() = high octave
dashes indicate holds

3 1[ 468]4- 654[ 678-] 116-543- 23441[ 64] x2

(112355- 432344- 43- 21)7- 678345- 144 43222576544-323- 114-5678- 345-65-4-

For sequence 144 43222576544-323-, the 323 at the end was just for fun. holding 3 after the last 4 also works.

Working on the Dragonbash song:
(0) 21(9)75 (0) 21(9)75 (0) 21(9)75 567(0)2 (0) 21(9)75 (0) 21(9)75 (0) 21(9)75 6575

Is where I’m at so far… Though I think I may just have messed the pitch up, at least it’s the starting point.

Higher pitch version has (0) 5431 5431 5431 1235 as a starting point, I think…

Request: “Gerudo Valley” theme

(9) 6(0)234 (9) 6(0)234 (9) 6(0)234 (9) 6(0)234 (9) 5(0)123 (9) 5(0)123 4543
That seems to repeat once, then the more elaborate part starts… But at least the chorus is here, too sleepy for the rest.

Auld Lang Syne

You Raise Me Up (Josh Groban)

Lullaby (you know, that classical piece that makes you want to sleep)

Jurassic Park
Then repeat it one octave higher. Or something like that, I dunno.
Edit: The ‘(’ and ‘)’ brackets somehow disappeared. Just press ‘Quote this post’ if you want to copy-and-paste it.

Game of Thrones! (YES WE CAN)

(6 2 456 2 453) 6
(5 1 435 1 432 )

6 5 6 3 4 123
6 5 6 3 [4 876]

(): high octave
[]: low octave

The Sunny Glade song from Super Adventure Box

123565 321365 123565 8765 6-78765 4-56543 6-78765 43432187
[](or blue numbers, I guess?)- Low Octave

Epic Sax Guy:
2234 6- 666566 666566 86-54 (repeat forever)

Regarding the Indiana Jones theme:

indiana jones
Only middle and higher oct are used atm
(0= higher 9=lower)
34501923456704 (working on it)

Ok, as promised here is the full version of Indiana Jones’ theme The Raider March :
I’ll use the same typo than Nudysta for clarity sake so
<>low octave
() middle
[]high (the forums translate it in blue)
~ indicates a longer note
(3458~234~ 567)[4~](678)23
(3458~)[234~](55) 32 (55) 32 (55) [4321~]

Regarding the Imperial March:

found the beginning of darth vader’s theme : 9888-6-021-96-021… Need the rest ! HALP this song is epic !

What about 6 6 6 3 76 3 76 -0- 3 3 3 4 -9- 76 3 76?
Sounds a bit off to me at 3 3 3 4 -9- 76 3 76 but dunno why. Also not sure if the notes are right was just trying to catch the melody.

Using this as the current imperial march. Sounds quite alike:
33 1 531 53 3334 imperial march

(edited by Mirta.5029)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ugh so that’s the new annoying noise I’ve been hearing. As if the bells and the tunneling thing aren’t horrible enough:(

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Ugh so that’s the new annoying noise I’ve been hearing. As if the bells and the tunneling thing aren’t horrible enough:(

I absolutely love it ^^ though finding melodies that don’t sound just like noise is really hard.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I love hearing a good musician in town

Welcome to my world –

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


going to leave this for other musicians:
metal gear solid theme: 654 45465 456 28645 0(0 changes the octave to a higher one) 234 34542 123 43212
Guild Wars 2 start up theme: 234543 2 23 1 1 2 (not complete)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavve.8205


Oh god everyone is doing it now in Lions Arch. Never give players items that can be used to make annoying sounds. It will and has been abused

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Oh god everyone is doing it now in Lions Arch. Never give players items that can be used to make annoying sounds. It will and has been abused

give those people notes to music then and they’ll actually play it instead of making noises

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


I wonder if I can figure out how to play the theme from Kraid’s Lair in the original Metroid game.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I wonder if I can figure out how to play the theme from Kraid’s Lair in the original Metroid game.

tell us if you do.

Now to everyone searching for more songs. The Amazing Grace:

(long drawn out notes) (1464654211446465 (end on 1 the first time, then repeat the whole first section and end on (8)X2 6 (1) (end on 8 the second time around) 4
So essentially:
14646542114464651 (8) 1 (8) 6 1 (8) 4

(edited by Mirta.5029)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaMunky.6302


Oh god everyone is doing it now in Lions Arch. Never give players items that can be used to make annoying sounds. It will and has been abused

I would pay for an in-game vuvuzela. How epic would that be? So epic.


Dear lord, what have I done? – Matthew Medina, Gw2 Content Designer

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


Wish we could play music on these things with MIDI or ABC like in LOTRO. Maybe someday, then i’ll buy them all. :P

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grebo.8573


indiana jones

Only middle and higher oct are used atm
(0= higher 9=lower)

34501923456704 (working on it)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


1 5 432 8 5 432 85 4342 1 5 432 8 5 432 85 4342 Star Wars ^^

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Oh god everyone is doing it now in Lions Arch. Never give players items that can be used to make annoying sounds. It will and has been abused

I would pay for an in-game vuvuzela. How epic would that be? So epic.


Omg please no! They are the bane…. and then they sell them to kids too——

Gunnar’s Hold

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaMunky.6302


Oh god everyone is doing it now in Lions Arch. Never give players items that can be used to make annoying sounds. It will and has been abused

I would pay for an in-game vuvuzela. How epic would that be? So epic.


Omg please no! They are the bane…. and then they sell them to kids too——


Dear lord, what have I done? – Matthew Medina, Gw2 Content Designer

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nar.8327


Request: “Gerudo Valley” theme

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: normyp.8671


Jupiter the planet (the classical song) In progress, do not use yet.

87658 23235 356— 678587

(edited by normyp.8671)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

Oh great…now we are gonna get those annoying people spamming the highest pitch over and over and over and over til I just have to leave the area lol.

Anet can we get spam suppression on that please? lol.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ndrangles.5183


114, 146, 146 146 146, 468, 641, 114

it works well with the clunky trumpets since it’s a slow song with long notes. i tried to do the cavalry charge, but the trumpets aren’t nearly fast enough for that.

Song For Someone You Hate, to be played in the highest octave:


Majyyks [Os] – NSP

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Oh god everyone is doing it now in Lions Arch. Never give players items that can be used to make annoying sounds. It will and has been abused

I would pay for an in-game vuvuzela. How epic would that be? So epic.


That’s the stupid tunneling thing, close enough anyhow…

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: normyp.8671



1235321 35 6875 3(HOLD)432 (Then keep repeating and change to how you want the ending, you’ll hear when you start playing)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I haven’t been in game to see the item yet, but I expect this is what it’s like:

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sean.8921


Star Spangled Banner * EDIT 3 *

[] = low octave
() = high octave
dashes indicate holds
" = see below

Star Spangled Banner

[ 86468]4- 654[678-] 1"16-543- 234"41[ 64] x2

7"7"7"8(2"2-) 87678"8- 87-654- 345[678-] 144 432"2"2576544-3- 114-5678- 346-65-4-

The quotes indicate a method to rapidly press the same note without mistakingly extending the same note already being played. You can press esc to play a same, fresh note.

Captain Charrmandre (SoR) Occasional streamnanigans @

(edited by Sean.8921)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vexx.3169


Working on the Dragonbash song:

(0) 21(9)75 (0) 21(9)75 (0) 21(9)75 567(0)2 (0) 21(9)75 (0) 21(9)75 (0) 21(9)75 6575

Is where I’m at so far… Though I think I may just have messed the pitch up, at least it’s the starting point.

Higher pitch version has (0) 5431 5431 5431 1235 as a starting point, I think…

Master Vexx – Captain of The Proxy Blades

(edited by Vexx.3169)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vexx.3169


Request: “Gerudo Valley” theme

Working on it…

(9) 6(0)234 (9) 6(0)234 (9) 6(0)234 (9) 6(0)234 (9) 5(0)123 (9) 5(0)123 4543
That seems to repeat once, then the more elaborate part starts… But at least the chorus is here, too sleepy for the rest.

Master Vexx – Captain of The Proxy Blades

(edited by Vexx.3169)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


Auld Lang Syne

You Raise Me Up (Josh Groban)

Lullaby (you know, that classical piece that makes you want to sleep)

Jurassic Park
Then repeat it one octave higher. Or something like that, I dunno.

Edit: The ‘(’ and ‘)’ brackets somehow disappeared. Just press ‘Quote this post’ if you want to copy-and-paste it.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


Great thread. First instrument I bought in GW2 and I didn’t realize it would be so much fun.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jason.3504


I’m searching for Darth Vader’s theme… But i find this hard to get… Anyone got the combination? The beginning seems to be (9)88(0)1… That’s all i get :´(

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


List of songs:

Since it uses similar mechanics to the bell. Don’t see why it won’t work.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jason.3504


found the beginning of darth vader’s theme : 9888-6-021-96-021… Need the rest ! HALP this song is epic !

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Martin.6381


All of the internets to the person that can put this in to notes for me

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


All of the internets to the person that can put this in to notes for me

Epic Sax Guy:

2234 6- 666566 666566 86-54 (repeat forever)

List of songs:

Since it uses similar mechanics to the bell. Don’t see why it won’t work.

For the reddit choir bell page above, you need to subtract 1 from everything, because it also uses a major scale but starts on the 2nd note. So a #2 on the horn becomes #1 on the bell, and a higher-octave #1 becomes #7 .etc But everything else should be the same like he said.

Edit: Is it just me or are some of the songs on reddit incorrect?

(edited by Sunflowers.1729)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grebo.8573


can somebody make this work?

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


These are classy…

knowing my luck all I’m going to be hearing on my server is the Trololol song and rap music

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TROWA.8901


Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killing Joke.4371

Killing Joke.4371

Somebody figure out some The Cure melodies and I’ll love them long time.

We aren’t contractually tied down to rationality!


Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


Request fear not this night for horn

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Howell Qagan.9752

Howell Qagan.9752

found the beginning of darth vader’s theme : 9888-6-021-96-021… Need the rest ! HALP this song is epic !

What about 6 6 6 3 76 3 76 -0- 3 3 3 4 -9- 76 3 76?
Sounds a bit off to me at 3 3 3 4 -9- 76 3 76 but dunno why. Also not sure if the notes are right was just trying to catch the melody (I’m not a musician).

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


What about 6 6 6 3 76 3 76 -0- 3 3 3 4 -9- 76 3 76?
Sounds a bit off to me at 3 3 3 4 -9- 76 3 76 but dunno why. Also not sure if the notes are right was just trying to catch the melody (I’m not a musician).

the closest I got to it by doing
9 666376376 0 3334
The 3334 part sounds perfect in middle octave, however the other part sounds off.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minos.3450


I’ve got the beggining of Indiana Jones theme but can’t get the last part when two notes are getting played at the same time.

3458-234- 567(0)5-(9)678(0)23(9) 3458-(0)234-(9) 55 …

- stands for -hold- and () stands for a octave change.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Using this as the current imperial march. Sounds quite alike:
33 1 531 53 3334 imperial march

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellafelon.5376


The Sunny Glade song from Super Adventure Box

123565 321365 123565 8765 6-78765 4-56543 6-78765 43432187
[](or blue numbers, I guess?)- Low Octave

(edited by Hellafelon.5376)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cercie.1025


They keys don’t feel as responsive as they should be. If you play something too fast the note may not even register.

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Edit: Is it just me or are some of the songs on reddit incorrect?

choir bell scale is different from horn scale

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bleach.9074


Request: Rains of Castamere


Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ranko.2678


Ranko Hibiki/Ryouga Hibiki

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: klarkc.3754


Game of Thrones! (YES WE CAN)

(6 2 456 2 453) 6
(5 1 435 1 432 )

6 5 6 3 4 123
6 5 6 3 [4 876]

(): high octave
[]: low octave

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Had to write this from sheet music to numbers for my boyfriend. A masters level trumpet composition if you will. Sonic the Hedgehog Marble Zone
-9- 678 -0- 2665665665652 -9- 8
-0- 45 3 3 55455455456
32 2 2 -9- 678 -0- 2 665665665652 -9- 8
-0- 453 3 3 56 4 6
65 5 5 5
fast bit (really don’t recommend trying): -0- 1 -9- 75 864 753 864 -0- 1 -9- 75 864 753
-9- 678 -0- 2665665665652 -9- 8
-0- 45 3 3 55455455456
32 2 2 -9- 678 -0- 2 665665665652 -9- 8
-0- 453 3 3 56 4 6
65 5 5 5
fast bit (really don’t recommend trying): -0- 1 -9- 75 864 753 864 -0- 1 -9- 75 864 753
I accept suggestions of how to perfect it.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

Marriner's Horn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolfast.6289


Can anyone translate this into numbers for the horn?