Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Marriner's Horn
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Has anyone come up with the notes for the Encounters of the Third kind? You know that Song the aliens play?
No one?
“To get the spaceships’ attention prior to their arrival at Devil’s Tower, the five notes the scientists play are G, A, F, (octave lower) F, C. When they arrive at the tower and are attempting communication, the notes they play are B flat, C, A flat, (octave lower) A flat, E flat.”
I failed music and have no idea how to convert that into do, re, mi, etc
Back To The Futur (main theme) – Not finished :p
Middle :
Bis in superior,
then (in superior) :
And the next part is too hard for me xD
(edited by Watanka.5923)
Hymn of Fayth – FFX
2435-54562-6756-54562 223344-31122
We all need to get a band together and play this:
Or at least this:
Has anyone come up with the notes for the Encounters of the Third kind? You know that Song the aliens play?
No one?
“To get the spaceships’ attention prior to their arrival at Devil’s Tower, the five notes the scientists play are G, A, F, (octave lower) F, C. When they arrive at the tower and are attempting communication, the notes they play are B flat, C, A flat, (octave lower) A flat, E flat.”
I failed music and have no idea how to convert that into do, re, mi, etc
On the flute is 231915 (where 9 drops from high octave to low octave. sustain notes to taste)
Song of Storms (legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time, Majora’s Mask)
() = upper octave
24(2) 24(2) (343431)6 62456 62453
24(2) 24(2) (343431)6 6245662
My Zelda Collection:
Lost Woods:
467 467 467(32)78753 2325
467 467 467(32)78(3)75 6523
234 567 873 234 567 (123)
234 567 873
21324354657687(24) (23)
Song of Storms:
24(2) 24(2) (343431)6 62 456 62 453
24(2) 24(2) (343431)6 62 456 6 2
Song of Time:
(2) 2 4 6 2 4 6875 4562 13 2
Nocturne of Shadows:
7 6 6276 4
Bolero of fire:
42 42 64 64
Requiem of Spirit:
3 536 5 3
Serenade of Water:
2 4 66 7
Minuet of Forest:
2(2)7 676
Prelude of Light:
(2)6 (2)67(2)
Eponas Song:
(2)76 (2)76 (2)76 76
never blinking “specialist”,
Its great that you’re trying not to sound so bad but it only goes so far. everytime i hear the horn i just leave the area entirely or play with the sound off. the flute is definitely an improvement, its not as harsh sounding as the marriners vuvuzuela
Could anyone do Double Trouble Theme? My musical hearing is not that good to make notes just by hearing and couldn’t find any sheets. (Edit: If anyone manages to get hold of a midi file, please link it too, can make notes from them! Thanks.
Edit2: title is What’s Goin’ on in Brazil)
(edited by Howell Qagan.9752)
Rains of Castamere (Red Wedding) from Game of Thrones played on the horn with corresponding notes in description. This can also be played on the flute as well with the same notes.
wooohooo! +1 for being able to turn down the volume on these instruments
This topic is pretty useful and deserves to live on and expand.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
I’m far from being a military-enthusiast, but I thought it to be quite fitting for this instrument: “Marines’ Hymn”
1 3 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 3 kitten 4 2 1
1 3 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 3 kitten 4 2 1
8 7 6 4 6 8 5 6 5
8 7 6 4 6 8 5
1 3 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 3 kitten 4 2 1
Quite an easy one too.
Check the Audio subforum, guys, there are threads with songs for the various instruments as well as an agreed upon notation system.