Megaservers and RP
You seem to forget the language-filter that they added a few days back.
Of course you’re only reading german. Because the client only shows you german. And even if you disabled the filter, it doesn’t quite seem to work in showing you different languages.
So yeah, sorry, but that doesn’t show anything.
As mentioned several times before, I did NEVER use that stupid option. Turning it off for good was the first thing I did after the so called hotfix. So I can indeed read any other languages. And it works perfectly for any map. (Only that most people seem to ignore me because they don’t know about that stupid option)
DR AND Gendarran had only the server’s language in the chat, as it should have been in the first place.
Sparkfly Fen, Blazeridge Steps and many other maps did have a mixture of languages and people though. I bet they’re testing something, and they’re starting in DR and Gendarran.
It’d still be better if they would even consider to leave a word about what they’re doing exactly. Enabling the Megaserver on specific maps while not updating the official list seems a lot uncaring.
@Aeolus: Guilds will be cross-server before the end of this year, it was in the blog posts, in case you did overread it. So it doesn’t matter anymore. Soon the influence, the buffs and whatever else of a guild on the server it was created will be working for members from whatever server else that join. Guilds will no longer belong to a specific server, just as we are losing our homeservers one by one.
How this is, or will be working out in WvW? God knows… xD Prepare for the next wave of frustrated players. WvW’ers it will be this time, like many other times before. And I bet they’ll be just as much ignored as we are right now.
(edited by kuscheldrow.6415)
How this is, or will be working out in WvW? God knows… xD Prepare for the next wave of frustrated players. WvW’ers it will be this time, like many other times before. And I bet they’ll be just as much ignored as we are right now.
I think they said they will never make WvW cross servers and that it will stay like it is now.
It’d still be better if they would even consider to leave a word about what they’re doing exactly. Enabling the Megaserver on specific maps while not updating the official list seems a lot uncaring.
They updated the main page with the brand new and shiny hotstuff they added on the gem store, though… Hotstuff or not, i ain’t touching anything until our problems are heard (probably in mid 2230, on February the 30th, we’ll get a valid reply).
Uncaring? It’s more like “i don’t give a <@#$!?>” about you and your worries if you ask me. I read above that a GM PMed someone about a “fix” giving priority to the home servers and such, they’re working on. My question on this, is WHY didn’t they test it first, make sure it’s working, and THEN release it alongside the megaserver?
This whole fiasco sadly verifies my worst speculation : That A-net uses us as lab rats, and observing in silence from a distance to see if we’ll get to the “cheese” or not. I wouldn’t want to alarm them, but there’s a timer in all this.. And if the rat gets angry, it’ll simply stop chasing the cheese, and devour anything else in it’s way.
Ah, nice my post was deletet, and I got a warning.
So someone really is reading this.
Let’s get back to topic guys.
Or they’re going to delete this topic because of “reasons”.
DR Megaserver seems to work different.
More people from our home-server…
…if i take a look at the grove and the 4 different languages in which rp’s beeing held i’m kinda…well.
And for me personally Open-PVE! is now senseless.
There are 2784956 people from 2489756 different nations and everyone is brabbeling and brabbeleing…..
(edited by bibakilla.4903)
So I’ve been periodically checking in on the state of Divinity’s Reach (Tarnished Coast) and all day I’ve been pretty surprised and encouraged by what I’ve been seeing.
It’s now about 6pm PST and people are RPing in /m /s & /e…and I haven’t seen any overt chat or emote spamming/trolling. I still recognize most of the guilds. So I don’t know if this is just happening with the NA Divinity’s Reach map or what, but it’s still feeling like the old TC (which is a relief).
If anyone is having a radically different experience in DR it might be helpful to know what server you’re on. I still can’t find any official confirmation that they’re doing anything different for DR but I guess we’ll know eventually.
I “think”, they’re testing a new system in DR, that gives priority to home server players instead of randomly placing people around so far…
But it’s a rumour, not sure if it’s true or false, but we’ll know soon enough, i suppose…
I “think”, they’re testing a new system in DR, that gives priority to home server players instead of randomly placing people around so far…
But it’s a rumour, not sure if it’s true or false, but we’ll know soon enough, i suppose…
It’s true. I was sent a tell by a dev when DR got the megaserver. And in my experience, and that of my friends for the last two days, it’s working. shrug
To be honest, there may be bugs they are currently ironing out with the way the megaserver was randomizing people. I, for one, don’t believe that your own party being divided on different maps was ever intended. Also, the way they advertised it and what was happening on screen was different (playing with your friends and with people who speak your language, for example), which is clearly evidence of something not being right, rather than intentional neglect on ANet’s part.
I think all constructive feedback will at least be considered. Just don’t ask for something illogical/impractical, like “rolling back” the megaserver, for instance. Improving the megaserver is the next logical step, rather than undoing it.
No open RP in Divinitys anymore.
Really looking for a new game to play now, the RP was all I had left to keep me interested.
This absolutely needs more attention. I myself am not a roleplayer, but I can see all the problems around me. Roleplayers are alienated and surrounded by people that aren’t interested in them at best and that are hostile at worst, and regular players are interrupted by roleplayers in what used to be a strictly PvE space.
I log on using character A and see mel. But I have done mel already on this character. I relog on with character B. What do I get? Twilight zone. The temple has no activity whatsoever. This is irritating.
Honestly, I don’t want things to take ‘’priority over another’’ for me. the megaserver is stupid, because it’s automatic. They say it’s ‘’smart and makes smart decisions and takes priority’’.
We don’t need any of that kitten, we don’t need more automatic kitten. Give us an option if anything ‘’Yes, please, put all my characters into an megaserver’’ or ‘’No, keep my characters out from the megaserver and let me do things manually.’’
Since the megaservers have been enabled, time after time I’m finding myself sorted into maps with no sign of folks from my home server, my admittedly small guilds, or friends-of-friends, or folks and guilds I’ve become familiar with to any degree in the past. Even been having multiple instances of being put into different maps from current party members, with nothing happening when one of us tries to join the other. I play on Tarnished Coast for the community, atmosphere, amusement over immersion from widespread roleplay, friendly folks. Have hardly seen hide nor hair of that community for days, now, be it in cities or out in maps in the world. It’s frustrating. It’s extremely frustrating, and it’s quite hard to even make acquaintances when no longer running into folks interested in puttering around the same places or hitting the same events anymore. While some maps are certainly more lively, hostile attitudes and no longer being able to consistently, casually run into folks who were playing for much the same reasons I had been is rather quickly wearing away at my interest in the game. (edit: Nice to be able to have people become familiar, and to be able to see those familiar tags, y’know? Rather than eternally cycling through new names.)
(edited by Zelinath.3584)
Server communities…
[DV] – megaboss community
I am not a RPer but I fully support the role playing community. There should be an option to let them group together.
You can block trolls to quiet down your chat window but you can’t remove them from the game world. They are incredibly disruptive, and ignoring the giant norn jumping up and down on top of you only works for so long.
There’s a thought, the GW client could stop rendering ignored players and their effects.
Since the megaservers have been enabled, time after time I’m finding myself sorted into maps with no sign of folks from my home server, my admittedly small guilds, or friends-of-friends, or folks and guilds I’ve become familiar with to any degree in the past. Even been having multiple instances of being put into different maps from current party members, with nothing happening when one of us tries to join the other. I play on Tarnished Coast for the community, atmosphere, amusement over immersion from widespread roleplay, friendly folks. Have hardly seen hide nor hair of that community for days, now, be it in cities or out in maps in the world. It’s frustrating. It’s extremely frustrating, and it’s quite hard to even make acquaintances when no longer running into folks interested in puttering around the same places or hitting the same events anymore. While some maps are certainly more lively, hostile attitudes and no longer being able to consistently, casually run into folks who were playing for much the same reasons I had been is rather quickly wearing away at my interest in the game. (edit: Nice to be able to have people become familiar, and to be able to see those familiar tags, y’know? Rather than eternally cycling through new names.)
Yep, I’m not a roleplayer but atm it feels like the cosy little pub I used to visit regularly got replaced by a mega-disco where I don’t know a single person. I got to admit that I feel a little lost.
I’m on Tarnished Coast. I always chose roleplay servers (official or unofficial) for every MMO I’ve played. I like seeing roleplay in cities and out in the world, and I want the option to attend events. I enjoy artists, musicians and writers shareing work related to the game and their characters. The community tends to be friendly, helpful, respectful and inclusive, and you’ll see well-developed characters wearing creative armor sets who have names based on lore. I wouldn’t go anywhere else.
Guild up? Really, that’s it? It’s that or nothing? My work hours dictate that I play casually. My time-zone is the worst for playing in North America. I’m also an altoholic, so I level lots of low level characters. RP guilds have a specific focus and ask that guild members meet the guild’s needs. I don’t want to waste their time when I know I can’t meet them. It’s as far-fetched as removing the ability to come across any PVP and telling someone like me to join a hardcore PVP guild to find it. What guild leader is going to welcome a tidal wave of casual players applying to their highly specalized, close-knit team?
And joining a guild doesn’t even seem to be working to keep people together — so what chance do I have? Since the megaserver hit I don’t see any guilds that I recognize. I don’t see roleplay. The sense of community is gone. I know where I am, but I feel lost. Like I’ve landed on an alternate reality where everything looks the same but everyone is a stranger. It feels like I’ve just been kicked from my community/server. I don’t feel anger, I feel sad and resigned.
If there was a RP tag/flag/checkbox that helped the megaserver sort players, I would use it all the time so I could re-join the community I chose to be on. There’s a core of serious and vocal roleplayers, but surrounding that core is a vast, quieter group of semi-roleplayers who consider outselves part of the RP community. And we aren’t all on TC or Piken. So take the percentage of the player base that you assume make up the RPers, and double, triple, quadruple it — we’re a much bigger group than you imagine. And we’re all being affected by this.
Hallo alle miteinander,
Vorweg: Ja, dies ist nur eine “Wasserstandsmeldung”, um euch zu zeigen, dass wir nach wie vor euer Feedback lesen und nach wie vor an dem Megaserver-System arbeiten. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle auf ein paar Punkte eingehen:
- Die Sprachfilterfunktion die wir am Freitag mit einem Hotfix eingeführt haben, ist eine kurzfristige Übergangslösung um die größten Anfeindungen von Spielern untereinander zu reduzieren. WICHTIG: Wenn euch ein Spieler beleidigt, meldet diesen Spieler bitte mit der ingame Funktion (Namen im Chat rechtsklicken und entsprechende Option wählen) – Guild Wars 2 möchte ein freundliches Zusammenspiel fördern – Beleidigungen haben dort keinen Platz. Bitte berücksichtigt aber, dass zwischen Meldung und einer eventuellen Handlung eines GMs mehrere Tage verstreichen können.
- Insbesondere auf das Feedback von großen Gilden und Serverorganisationen nehmen wir größte Rücksicht. Es ist nicht in unserem Interesse euch mit dem Megaserver-System das organisieren großangelegter (oder zeitlich kritischer) Events und Missionen unmöglich zu machen. Wie genau eine eventuelle Lösung des Problems aussieht, kann ich euch allerdings momentan noch nicht nennen.
- Wir untersuchen derzeit detailliert das Megaserver-System in Hinblick auf Rollenspieler. Geringfügige Anpassungen am Algorithmus – insbesondere in Städten – wurden bereits vorgenommen, um das “Heimatgefühl” nicht gänzlich verschwinden zu lassen. Aber auch hier sind die Arbeiten noch nicht abgeschlossen.
- Die Infrastruktur von Guild Wars 2 ist grundlegend unterschiedlich zu Guild Wars 1 – auch in Hinblick auf die Hardware. Das Megaserver-System reduziert in keiner Weise die vorhandene Server-Hardware, durch das wegfallen einiger Karten (die auf Null-Last gelaufen sind) wird die Serverlast nun auf stärker bevölkerte Karten umgeschichtet. Es handelt sich hier also nicht um den Versteckten versuch Serverkosten zu sparen – die im Jahresetat übrigens im unteren Prozentsatz rangieren.
- Wir werden die Zeiten für Weltbosse – insbesondere der drei Großen: Tequatl, Wurm und Karka Königin – nochmals überarbeiten, um für europäische Spieler ein besseres Zeitfenster anbieten zu können.
- Wir werden die maximale Spielerzahl pro Karte genau im Auge behalten und gegebenenfalls Anpassungen daran vornehmen, wieviele Spieler vom Megaserver-System auf die selbe Karte gesteckt werden.
- Die Entwickler arbeiten momentan aktiv an weiteren Verbesserungen des Megaserver-Systems – und wir nehmen euer Feedback beständig weiter auf. Insbesondere das europäische Feedback, da hier der Sonderfall mit den unterschiedlichen Sprachen auftritt. Postet also bitte weiter – wir hören zu.
Beste Grüße
und herzlichen Dank für eure rege Beteiligung an der Community.
We just got an official Response in the German forums.
To save Google translations, in Short:
They are still monitoring the Megaserver and keeping an eye on map population. They are tewaking the algorythm and are still on it to keep the feeling of a ‘home-comunity’, especially in cities.
They are also working on the language problem, and the ‘hotfix’ is indeed just a temporary filler to stop harassment between different nations and players.
They will REWORK the spawntimes of the 3 huge bosses for Europe, so that European players will have a better chance to participate.
ANd here goes the best: They are WELL AWARE of us RPers and try keep us in mind while tweaking the megaserver’s algorythm, so that we can be together again, PLUS they are aware of the problem with guild missions and stuff and might have a solution they won’t talk about for now.
Isn’t that GREAT?! ,
Oh yeah and… the megaserver is NOT the consequence of financial savings, they still need the same amount of servers, but just want the maps to be more vivid. And they’re still listening to us, and we shall feel free to go on discussing and adding feedback, which is very apreciated and so on.
For the Piken Square roleplayers, I’ve made a new guild, Wandering Roleplayers [RP].
It’s an OOC guild for random roleplayers, wandering minstrels, people that really want to be around RPers, and anyone else really that roleplays, so that we can all try and get on the same map, in the same instance, at the same time. Also, I’m hoping it will serve as a way of finding out where the roleplayers are, so we can join them in their instance.
They said “guild up”. So, that’s what I’m doing sigh.
Hopefully this will only be a temporary measure until ArenaNet can sort out the megaserver so that we can all be sorted by home server, guild, and friend list.
I’m not a roleplayer, but as a writer and someone who has their own headcanon for every character I can totally sympathise with you guys. This system sucks. I might join you in solidarity :P
They are still monitoring the Megaserver and keeping an eye on map population. They are tewaking the algorythm and are still on it to keep the feeling of a ‘home-comunity’, especially in cities.
Well, easy. No need to tweaking an algorythm or whatsoever. They remove cities from megaserver and the problem is solved.
I’ve the feeling Anet always seeks the most complicated path to solve the simplest problem.
Aelius Brightmane (Charr, Zerk Grenade Engineer, 80) |
Tilaw Stainsoul (Charr, Zerk Staff Elementalist, 80) | Evi Shadowstep (Charr, Zerk Ranger 80) |
Still have never had troubles finding anyone with the new system being tested, and I don’t guild up. Haven’t tested BC yet though, just DR. RP all day ebry day. I’d be interested to hear the specifics of what problems other people are continuing to have. Are others really not seeing any improvements? Because when I enter DR, it seems identical to “old TC” DR apart from that very initial login the instant the megaserver was turned on, before the new sorting system was put into effect. All the RPers seem to be in that instance, and no more trolls than usual (those that we’ve had are in TC guilds).
Not trying to be contrary, because I know how annoying that is, I’d just like to know specifics of problems people are having — when they happened, what home server, what exactly the story is of the problems, etc.
While I’m sure everyone appreciates the effort you made to tell us, this doesn’t help us at all. Some of it sounds good, but there’s plenty of solutions they’re readily ignoring that have been offered up. Disabling mega servers in cities, boss zones, tweaking the spawn times (like it seems they’re doing, no more bosses at 10:15 pm hopefully) and implementing something for guild missions would help.
I’m not sure how long Anet needs to see people repeating the same suggestions over and over until it sinks in.
(edited by pixiedancer.1526)
I am amazed at gullibility sometimes.
How is any algorithm going to put roleplayers together in the absence of any data indicating it?
No rp flag, no rp title, no rp annotation of any form. SMH
I am amazed at gullibility sometimes.
How is any algorithm going to put roleplayers together in the absence of any data indicating it?
No rp flag, no rp title, no rp annotation of any form. SMH
Server id/name flag?
They are still monitoring the Megaserver and keeping an eye on map population. They are tewaking the algorythm and are still on it to keep the feeling of a ‘home-comunity’, especially in cities.
Well, easy. No need to tweaking an algorythm or whatsoever. They remove cities from megaserver and the problem is solved.
I’ve the feeling Anet always seeks the most complicated path to solve the simplest problem.
Except the best solutions are not always the best ones.
(This comment does not necessarily reflect my views on if cities should or should not be part of the MegaServer System I am honestly still undecided on that matter. I just felt that comment was needed. )
I am amazed at gullibility sometimes.
How is any algorithm going to put roleplayers together in the absence of any data indicating it?
No rp flag, no rp title, no rp annotation of any form. SMH
Server id/name flag?
Except that RP server is an unofficial status. Hear me out. IF they are insistent on pursuing a complicated algorithmic sorting system over common sense, having some sort of RP indicator on an account could make the system a tad bit more acceptable for the RP communities.. and could possibly enhance cross server RP communities in the highly probable absence of actual home server communities. Particularly if an RP tag had a higher sorting weight.
Everquest2 has had a “Roleplayer” tag since launch. Its not new, nor is it rocket science. ANET needs to get over its “not invented here” syndrome.
We just got an official Response in the German forums.
To save Google translations, in Short:They are still monitoring the Megaserver and keeping an eye on map population. They are tewaking the algorythm and are still on it to keep the feeling of a ‘home-comunity’, especially in cities.
They are also working on the language problem, and the ‘hotfix’ is indeed just a temporary filler to stop harassment between different nations and players.
They will REWORK the spawntimes of the 3 huge bosses for Europe, so that European players will have a better chance to participate.
ANd here goes the best: They are WELL AWARE of us RPers and try keep us in mind while tweaking the megaserver’s algorythm, so that we can be together again, PLUS they are aware of the problem with guild missions and stuff and might have a solution they won’t talk about for now.
Isn’t that GREAT?! ,
Oh yeah and… the megaserver is NOT the consequence of financial savings, they still need the same amount of servers, but just want the maps to be more vivid. And they’re still listening to us, and we shall feel free to go on discussing and adding feedback, which is very apreciated and so on.
Thank you for the update kuscheldrow, I think this is very encouraging.
I really do think it’s important for anyone that had formed an impression of the megaserver prior to Divinity’s Reach being taken into the fold to spend some time in DR and objectively report your impressions. I know it’s really hard to qualify what (if anything) has changed but try to note guilds you recognize and the general nature of the chat & emotes.
If we are going to be constructive and help ArenaNet to dial in the right algorithms to protect our communities in the new megaserver system we need to be objective and reevaluate as changes are made.
I’m on TC and was on for most of the day & evening yesterday and DR seemed the same as it always was. If anyone is having a radically different experience than what they are used to in Divinity’s Reach please post your impressions and server name.
We’re all in this together in order to stay together.
Thank you for the update kuscheldrow, I think this is very encouraging.
I really do think it’s important for anyone that had formed an impression of the megaserver prior to Divinity’s Reach being taken into the fold to spend some time in DR and objectively report your impressions. I know it’s really hard to qualify what (if anything) has changed but try to note guilds you recognize and the general nature of the chat & emotes.
If we are going to be constructive and help ArenaNet to dial in the right algorithms to protect our communities in the new megaserver system we need to be objective and reevaluate as changes are made.
I’m on TC and was on for most of the day & evening yesterday and DR seemed the same as it always was. If anyone is having a radically different experience than what they are used to in Divinity’s Reach please post your impressions and server name.
We’re all in this together in order to stay together.
I see one or two people from my old server (I’m on EU) but for the most part they’re heavily outweighed by people from other servers, I don’t think it’ll affect TC so bad because it’s always populated regardless of time. I have friends who play there from the EU because they can find RP any time or day or did prior the patch, they’ve all gone on hiatus until this thing is sorted.
While this might be working for you, (/tinfoil hat) I think the general consensus is it isn’t working for everyone else. DR doesn’t seem so bad in my own experience, but there’s hardly anyone I recognize and forget about it at peak hours. We’re spotting people in map chat from the servers we’re fighting in WvWvW.
The grove and other cities are for the most part, filled with french / german players and you’ll get trolled for RPing there. I’m not sure what miracles you’re working, but the certainly aren’t working for me.
I don’t see much point in being positive and friendly, it’s been two weeks and Anet’s been content to not bother to reply at all. Positive and friendly was a week ago. Like the Teofa said, if Everquest 2 can do simple solutions (10 years ago) Anet can.
(Disabling it in major cities, boss zones, adding tags for language, RP.)
(edited by pixiedancer.1526)
Thanks pixiedancer, unfortunately that’s kind of what I expected. I heard someone say that only Divinity’s Reach in NA is testing the new algorithm to try to give the home server more priority.
I still see every other city a chaotic mess of trolling / skill spamming that I very rarely saw on TC before. DR seems to be the exception right now as I don’t see any difference.
So I’m hoping ArenaNet has found the sweet spot with the weighting/prioritizing of home servers with DR (NA) and after some verification and more testing implement it for the rest.
Thanks pixiedancer, unfortunately that’s kind of what I expected. I heard someone say that only Divinity’s Reach in NA is testing the new algorithm to try to give the home server more priority.
I still see every other city a chaotic mess of trolling / skill spamming that I very rarely saw on TC before. DR seems to be the exception right now as I don’t see any difference.
So I’m hoping ArenaNet has found the sweet spot with the weighting/prioritizing of home servers with DR (NA) and after some verification and more testing implement it for the rest.
No problem, just thought I’d rant a little. I just wish they would disable it in major cities at least, there’s always guesting if people want to visit friends and stuff.
Thanks pixiedancer, unfortunately that’s kind of what I expected. I heard someone say that only Divinity’s Reach in NA is testing the new algorithm to try to give the home server more priority.
I still see every other city a chaotic mess of trolling / skill spamming that I very rarely saw on TC before. DR seems to be the exception right now as I don’t see any difference.
So I’m hoping ArenaNet has found the sweet spot with the weighting/prioritizing of home servers with DR (NA) and after some verification and more testing implement it for the rest.
Keep in mind though that for the other cities even Tarnished Coast’s population may not be enough to keep the shard full to the point that the algorithm decides that it does not need to dump more people there. So you may still have other servers joining you.
Remember: Report those that break the Rules of Conduct then block them.
Alright, I’ll bite. This has been my experience when zoning into DR in the past few days. I’m from Tarnished Coast, btw.
I still don’t get placed with my guild mates. I’m really not sure what the issue is, as most of them get placed together. I’m beginning to think that because I’m still a member of some inactive guilds (still all TC), that it’s somehow influencing my placement. Maybe leaving them will make it better. So that’s still an issue for me, but for the sake of argument I’ll describe the server I see after getting ferried over to my guild mates (since they seem to be placed better).
I’ve been seeing more TC guilds than there’s been since the update. I’m not seeing ALL of them and a lot of the tags I recognize aren’t in as full force as I’m used to seeing. In talking with a few, they’ve mentioned that some of them still aren’t getting placed together. I suppose if those members wanted to RP at the time they could be ferried across. It’s just odd not seeing the full roster that I’m used to seeing. What I still see a significant amount of are what I’d call “filler” players. And these are basically just unrecognized guild tags that aren’t doing anything specific (not RPing, usually just doing typical town activities like crafting and TP). I’ll get to that later though.
Map chat has degraded heavily on the maturity front. Even excluding the typical RP trolling (which admittedly has become less common in the past few days, but still way more than I’ve ever seen before the update), arguments constantly break down about gameplay mechanics, builds, or even just real world events. And god forbid when someone from the WvW matchup comes in and starts talking trash. That brews up some real kittenstorms. Honestly it’s to the point that I just turn off map chat now. I never had to do that before, even in LA. It’s something I can live with, but it’s definitely not an area that’s been IMPROVED with the patch. And like I’ve mentioned many times, simply having something be “not as bad” still isn’t much justification for the megaservers in my eyes.
As far as RPing goes, typical spots are a lot more populated. But the additional population is rarely other RPers. More commonly just folks sitting around watching or spamming skills. I personally haven’t seen a particular increase in the amount of RP in general, despite the maps being full of significantly more players. I guess for some that’s cool. It feels cluttered to me. I guess that’s because I’m from a high population server, so my cities were never truely ghost towns. But for me, the increased amount of players isn’t really providing any benefit.
Which leads me back to the suggestion of the RP tag. I really really wish we could get that implemented. Like I said, I see more RP guilds than before, but not all. It seems that the server is at least trying to sort now, but it gets overpopulated with players that aren’t necessarily RPers. But is that a bad thing, to have non-RPers with us? No, certainly not. There are plenty of people that just like to enjoy the atmosphere, and I think it’s great to have those people around too. BUT there are undoubtedly people who just honestly don’t give a kitten. Who are just there to craft/TP and get out. They couldn’t care either way about what’s going on in the city around them. Those are the people that I would like to filter out in favor of people who are actually trying to get in. And I think an RP tag would solve that. People who want to RP could use it to get paired together. People who just want to see RP can use it so they can get paired with them and keep the same atmosphere. And people who don’t care either way could keep it off and would not be factored in, thus they wouldn’t take up space on the instance that could be filled with people who actually want to be there.
(edited by VoiceOfUnreason.5976)
Just a question: what is with the Vigil Keep? My favourite hub Lions Arch is a Mega-Server and still in ruins and the Vigil Keep is not a city but a part of gendarran fields.
And to clarify, I’m talking about DR in relation to the other cities, which are comparatively far more scattered and “diverse” (for lack of a better word).
For the Piken Square roleplayers, I’ve made a new guild, Wandering Roleplayers [RP].
It’s an OOC guild for random roleplayers, wandering minstrels, people that really want to be around RPers, and anyone else really that roleplays, so that we can all try and get on the same map, in the same instance, at the same time. Also, I’m hoping it will serve as a way of finding out where the roleplayers are, so we can join them in their instance.
They said “guild up”. So, that’s what I’m doing sigh.
Hopefully this will only be a temporary measure until ArenaNet can sort out the megaserver so that we can all be sorted by home server, guild, and friend list.
I’m not a roleplayer, but as a writer and someone who has their own headcanon for every character I can totally sympathise with you guys. This system sucks. I might join you in solidarity :P
You’re more than welcome to join us if you want lol. We’re mostly Piken Square, but there are a few from other servers now as well. So far I’ve got 80+ members (in under 24 hours!), and sometimes we can get in to the same instance, other times we’ve had to team up and join others in their instances. We’re having to rely on someone getting in to an instance with at least some roleplay, and then those that want to join in, trying to get there.
One of the things that bothers me is that we’ve no way of knowing if there are more roleplayers in another instance, if people haven’t got them on their friend list/guild etc. I’ve a feeling some roleplayers have given up trying due to all of this, and it’s especially difficult for random roleplayers that thrive upon chance meetings and overheard conversations, who might not be a member of any guild.
As far as I’m aware there’s no way for ArenaNet to know if a guild is a roleplay guild, or if any of it’s members roleplay when outside of their guild. I still say that some kind of tag or tick box option, is needed.
Well the funny thing is… guesting or not guesting, the megaserver seems to put me into the DR copy with all the Drakkar-Lake(GER) roleplayers in it automatically. O.o
And thus, while I am from Riverside. (I did play on DL when I started GW2 back on headstart)
I wonder WHY it does it? Yes, I am a roleplayer, and yes, I aprechiate it. but why? Does the system actually recognize using a lot of text <text> or even the usage of /em, or am I just lucky today?
I really like where it seems to go now, if only the system was enabled for every map soon. Besides that, no matter how good this might / or will work in the future, I am still with all of those, who want cities to be excluded from the megaserver.
I love to RP, and now (at least in DR) I can buuut… I’m a member of 2 comunities, 2 very different comunities, with the RPers from Drakkar, and the PvEers/WvWers from Riverside. I DO miss them. I even miss the trolls and flamers that used to upset everyone, because they were OURs! It still feels like something very important is gone, The anchor that kept me where I belonged is now gone, I feel seperated, yet even homesick in some kind of way…
I wonder why this has been underestimated that much. Merges are usually hard too, it takes time until 2 comunities grow together, and some individuals never will BUT, with a merge you do not lose anything, you just gain. And with the megaserver you lose a lot in order to gain, but WHAT is gained loses its value due to what you lose.
That’s why we need our cities serverbased. Just leave us the cities. What are we fighting for in WvW? For a changing color and a name, that will soon lose its meaning to us? For a few points and buffs you could easily live without? (and usually did before, while guesting)
If it’s not for financial reasons it cannot hurt so much that you have to take our homes awy from us. Our servers ARE important to us, to have a place you can return to, where you meet the peope you usually do, even the one’s that kill your nerves. A place where you can just be seperated from all the hussle outside.
Well… sniffs
I miss my good old Riverside. I miss it so badly.
andddd the threads slipping down the pages with a warning against bumping so the ignore factors working as intended.
Heck, I also feel bad for people who absolutely hate being on Roleplay servers and having to walk around seeing people emoting everywhere. There are bound to be a ton of players that just want to escape the roleplaying realms and they have NO WAY OUT either!!!!
Just give us all a way to get where we need to go! Help us decide what to if we end up somewhere we don’t want to be.
20 days and 15 pages since the last official comment. That’s really depressing. It’d be nice for someone to at least give a token “We’re working on the problem”.
Some very rational solutions have been proposed, many of which seem like they fit right in with the technical concepts of the megaserver.
My Charr warband guild has gained one new member entirely as a result of the megaserver (IE: from another server), which is very cool… and a great example of how it CAN work, with a little fine-tuning.
They did give a official comment. To the people in Europe who are more severely effected by the systems not working.
Here is the relevant translated part for RPers that you may have missed.
We are currently investigating in detail the Mega Server system in terms of role players. Minor adjustments to the algorithm – especially in cities – have already been made in order not to leave the “home feeling” completely disappear. But even here the work is not yet complete.
20 days and 15 pages since the last official comment. That’s really depressing. It’d be nice for someone to at least give a token “We’re working on the problem”.
Some very rational solutions have been proposed, many of which seem like they fit right in with the technical concepts of the megaserver.
My Charr warband guild has gained one new member entirely as a result of the megaserver (IE: from another server), which is very cool… and a great example of how it CAN work, with a little fine-tuning.
They did give a official comment. To the people in Europe who are more severely effected by the systems not working.
Here is the relevant translated part for RPers that you may have missed.
We are currently investigating in detail the Mega Server system in terms of role players. Minor adjustments to the algorithm – especially in cities – have already been made in order not to leave the “home feeling” completely disappear. But even here the work is not yet complete.
See now this is what I don’t understand, mega servers don’t need to be in major cities so disabling them would fix the problem of losing the home community, people can guest if they really want to see idlers from another server or RP. They could add tags for sorting like EQ2 did and that was ten years ago, hgnn.
Saying that, there goes WvW pride.
(edited by pixiedancer.1526)
20 days and 15 pages since the last official comment. That’s really depressing. It’d be nice for someone to at least give a token “We’re working on the problem”.
Some very rational solutions have been proposed, many of which seem like they fit right in with the technical concepts of the megaserver.
My Charr warband guild has gained one new member entirely as a result of the megaserver (IE: from another server), which is very cool… and a great example of how it CAN work, with a little fine-tuning.
They did give a official comment. To the people in Europe who are more severely effected by the systems not working.
Here is the relevant translated part for RPers that you may have missed.
We are currently investigating in detail the Mega Server system in terms of role players. Minor adjustments to the algorithm – especially in cities – have already been made in order not to leave the “home feeling” completely disappear. But even here the work is not yet complete.
See now this is what I don’t understand, mega servers don’t need to be in major cities so disabling them would fix the problem of losing the home community, people can guest if they really want to see idlers from another server or RP. They could add tags for sorting like EQ2 did and that was ten years ago, hgnn.
Saying that, there goes WvW pride.
But they actually do. Quite simply they need to be included because it does not achieve the main goal to re-distribute server load and fill in the empty zones with players. A lot of cities are empty or extremely low population except for RP players most players only enter cities to craft and do the personal story. They can now use those resources that were allocated for empty and low population maps to more population maps.
There are better solutions to keep the communication on server communities with the mega-server. For example map wide home server channels.
I shall copy and paste another quote from the link I gave translated by google translate that gives further information on additional reasons why MegaServers were done.
The infrastructure of Guild Wars 2 is fundamentally different from Guild Wars 1 – also in terms of the hardware. The Mega Server system reduces in any way the existing server hardware through which eliminated some cards (which have gone to zero-load), the server load now shifted to more populated cards. It is not so here at the Hidden attempt to save server costs – which, incidentally, are ranked in the annual budget in the lower percentage.
I am getting non-offensive posts in this thread infracted, so I hope at least this one will go through:
It makes no sense for Anet to play the unseeing in this case. The megaserver is a complete desaster and the complaints will keep coming. if they won’t get tended to, this game will die – It’s not even a question at that point.
Of course we could debate wether or not a B2P-Game can truely ‘die’ or not but that’s besides the point.
I have seen not a single soul, except the few extreme outliners, that like this change. In fact, most people hate it. And you have to remember this: Very few people visit these forums. Even fewer post in them.
And every single piece of feedback. Every_single_one that I heard from InGame. Be it my guild, my friends or the general chat. Everything was negative and there where a lot of threats of “leaving the game”.
Just answer us for the love of god – make things right.
People keep saying it’s a complete disaster, but tons of people love it. What it is is a complete disaster for a small percentage of the population. However, I’ve even met RPers who like it.
What Anet needs to do is implement an RP channel. That would solve tons of stuff.
But they actually do. Quite simply they need to be included because it does not achieve the main goal to re-distribute server load and fill in the empty zones with players. A lot of cities are empty or extremely low population except for RP players most players only enter cities to craft and do the personal story. They can now use those resources that were allocated for empty and low population maps to more population maps.
Well, I never tought that Lions Arch was empty. So first they get rid of the main-hub to have an excuse to merge all the cities because they are so empty?
But they actually do. Quite simply they need to be included because it does not achieve the main goal to re-distribute server load and fill in the empty zones with players. A lot of cities are empty or extremely low population except for RP players most players only enter cities to craft and do the personal story. They can now use those resources that were allocated for empty and low population maps to more population maps.
Well, I never tought that Lions Arch was empty. So first they get rid of the main-hub to have an excuse to merge all the cities because they are so empty?
If we ever do get Lions Arch back. I would say that is the one map that should be kept server specific. However…. I think that if they get the algorithm right it will basically be just that server anyways. Them destroying LA is unrelated to the MegaServer.
If that’s the case a lot of roleplayers are going to go elsewhere then I guess, if $$$ is all that matters. I don’t really get why something as old EQ2 can handle it but GW2 can’t, even other solutions like tags that’ve existed for 10 kittening years. That would actually prioritize who you bump into not just random, and no, adding EVERY single player and guilding every single player will never happen.
Jesus, whats the point in server community or WvW if we don’t even have a hub to interact not just RP especially when the server you’re fighting is in the same hub. Seems like a lame cop out.
(edited by pixiedancer.1526)
If that’s the case a lot of roleplayers are going to go elsewhere then I guess, if $$$ is all that matters. I don’t really get why something as old EQ2 can handle it but GW2 can’t, even other solutions like tags that’ve existed for 10 kittening years. That would actually prioritize who you bump into not just random, and no, adding EVERY single player and guilding every single player will never happen.
Jesus, whats the point in server community, WvW if we don’t even have a hub to interact not just RP. Seems like a lame cop out.
Who is to say they don’t add a RP flag. After all they did say. Having a RP flag is well within the realm of possibilities. It is not about money it is about having populated maps. Proper resource usage in the cloud is only secondary.
We are currently investigating in detail the Mega Server system in terms of role players. Minor adjustments to the algorithm – especially in cities – have already been made in order not to leave the “home feeling” completely disappear. But even here the work is not yet complete.
If that’s the case a lot of roleplayers are going to go elsewhere then I guess, if $$$ is all that matters. I don’t really get why something as old EQ2 can handle it but GW2 can’t, even other solutions like tags that’ve existed for 10 kittening years. That would actually prioritize who you bump into not just random, and no, adding EVERY single player and guilding every single player will never happen.
Jesus, whats the point in server community, WvW if we don’t even have a hub to interact not just RP. Seems like a lame cop out.
Who is to say they don’t add a RP flag. After all they did say. Having a RP flag is well within the realm of possibilities. It is not about money it is about having populated maps. Proper resource usage in the cloud is only secondary.
We are currently investigating in detail the Mega Server system in terms of role players. Minor adjustments to the algorithm – especially in cities – have already been made in order not to leave the “home feeling” completely disappear. But even here the work is not yet complete.
There’s nothing I can really say without putting on my tinfoil hat or being negative, so I’ll just thanks for making the effort to engage with my post.
All I know is if major cities don’t become server hubs my guild, most of my friends and I have to start looking for another game that’s all so it’s hard not to get frustrated about it. Especially when we’ve spent a lot of money, time etc. We got screwed pretty hard with this update and avoiding megaservers in general are why we came to GW2. We wanted a proper community. (originally from WoW.)
Add that to the fact that over 2 weeks none of the threads have had any legitimate feedback from devs it drains the soul, we feel like we’ve been collectively kittened on.
(Edited to adjust my meaning.)
(edited by pixiedancer.1526)
A chat channel is no substitute for a physical home server location you can reliably log into by choice. Cities have no good reason to be Megaservers except to give an illusion of population.
Regarding just Cities, in my opinion there is absolutely no “pro” argument remotely strong enough to justify the considerable damage done to all server communities, RP included.