Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Guild Missions [merged]
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
And they still don’t react on it. I get the feeling that they are trolling us and are currently laughing at the thread. I certainly don’t get the feeling that they care and want to communicate.
I don’t think it’s that.
At this point in time, it would be almost impossible for them to respond to this thread without it blowing up in their faces. It’s a PR and marketing disaster just waiting to happen, so from that point of view, it probably seems that the most sensible thing to do is ignore it and hope it goes away.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets locked soon with the excuse that the discussion seems to have run its course and that nothing constructive is being discussed any more (even though it really is at the moment).
A few pages back I posted a way how they could respond without the thread blowing up in their faces. Here:
I think most of us don’t expect them to come up with a solution right away. What we do expect is some sort of life sign. A simple “Hey guys, we’re actively reading all your suggestions and concerns and we are working on a way to fix this and explain our point of view in a blog post later. When we are done we’ll present you with the new solution and see what you guys think of it.”
This would cool down everyone and would ease the conversation. But, this would involve communication, and from past experience I conclude that they just don’t give a kitten.
Gwens Avengers
But that supposes that they believe there’s actually a problem to begin with.
What if they honestly think everything is fine with this update and that this thread is a way to keep the vocal minority corralled?
In all likelihood, if they were to respond at all, they would go out of their way to avoid saying anything that could be construed as an admission of culpability.
The most likely response would simply be “Just to let you know, we are reading this thread and noting your concerns”.
This tells people that the thread is being read, yet allows the developer an “Out”, in that they are not offering an opinion one way or another. “Your Concerns” allows them to infer that the community’s perceptions are not necessarily ones the development team should be concerned with.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Anet finaly introduced something that make a guild a guild!!
need influence? do dungeon and event with your guild mate!
stop crying!!
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
But that supposes that they believe there’s actually a problem to begin with.
What if they honestly think everything is fine with this update and that this thread is a way to keep the vocal minority corralled?
In all likelihood, if they were to respond at all, they would go out of their way to avoid saying anything that could be construed as an admission of culpability.The most likely response would simply be “Just to let you know, we are reading this thread and noting your concerns”.
This tells people that the thread is being read, yet allows the developer an “Out”, in that they are not offering an opinion one way or another. “Your Concerns” allows them to infer that the community’s perceptions are not necessarily ones the development team should be concerned with.
At least it would be a response.
Gwens Avengers
Anet finaly introduced something that make a guild a guild!!
need influence? do dungeon and event with your guild mate!
stop crying!!
I need 30k influence and have 6 members to earn it with. Do you know of some way for us to accomplish that in a reasonable amount of time that doesn’t involve us changing guilds? Because like you said, the content gives something for guilds to do and our guild is the guild we want to do the content with.
Sea of Sorrows
Kasaeva just pass on guild missions. With 6 people you wont be able to finish even Bounty tier 1.
It is imposible short time to do it if you dont have 15+ guildies. So each one can find and stick to one NPC.
Kasaeva just pass on guild missions. With 6 people you wont be able to finish even Bounty tier 1.
It is imposible short time to do it if you dont have 15+ guildies. So each one can find and stick to one NPC.
I know. That was kind of my point and the point of many people here. Hence the long discussions here about the state of guild missions.
Sea of Sorrows
A Guild of 6 members isn’t a guild though…
A Guild of 6 members isn’t a guild though…
Why not? They call Destiny’s Edge a guild and they only have 5 members. A guild is a group of people who play together. 6 makes a group.
Sea of Sorrows
Me and guildies (13 people) tried to run 4 tier 1 bounties.
But we were unable to do them. Time limit was so tight for us. With 13 people we managed to find them, but in the middle of fight with second champion, it just wrote Bounty has failed.
So guild decides Anet dont want us to do guild missions (you need bounty for Merits for unlock other missions) so we stop doing Guild Missions.
And now with fear we are looking for WvW March update. We hope there will be something like Commander icon only for guild 100+ members. Or WvW daily- get 100+ guildies to attack dolyak
Anet seriously need to look on guild missions.
A Guild of 6 members isn’t a guild though…
Nope, 6 members are guild, 100 members are Order of Tyria.
I tried searching the thread but I didn’t have much result. I also didn’t read the whole thread. I have a question though, is the difficulty of the mob determined by the number of people attempting to kill it kind of like how events work with spawning champions and vets instead of normal NPC’s if too many people are there?
I only ask because many of these bounty hunt NPC’s seem quite difficult for the 15-20 people we send out to kill them. I don’t see us being able to do the higher tiers of hunts without more players. But if the NPC is only difficult because we brought so many and if we brought 5 or so, their health would be much lower it’s an entirely different matter.
Very good job with a lot of the events that I’ve seen. Glad to see some fights with actual thought required as opposed to the scripted boss encounters we’ve seen so far.
in 6 is impossible find and kill 2 champion (bounty tier 1), but i think is impossible content at same time big and small guild
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
I would like to hear 1 WORD from about this post, i mean they open a post to put our concerns and feedback tu not a single answer ?
Is this a joke or something?
To me the major issues are the crazy requeriments to small guilds and the time limit to bounty missiones, at least in T1. If at least you could begind with other easier missions to small guild like Races or Search Points who yes give less point but at least you can do missions…but no, vertical progression and you begin with awful design mission.
I just really love the old daily bounty hunter mission in GW1. you could go with your guild, plannifing with calm no rush, only fun, but now is run run run, you search the boss——>time limit——>fail.
Is really need camp all the bosses before the start ? Is the intended plan that have to do this missions ?
I would delete the Time limit, and if you want to big guild, add it in the high tiers.
T1 – 5-10 Players No Time Limit
T2- 10-20 Players 15 Minutes Limit
T3 – 20-30 Players 10 Minute Limit
A Guild of 6 members isn’t a guild though…
Nope, 6 members are guild, 100 members are Order of Tyria.
And 500 are what?
Well with difficulty of champions.
Because they are champions and have many nasty skills, they are really tough for group of 5. Group of 10 can get them down pretty quickly because of AoE limit. Like that one in frostgorge is pulling 5 people to himself. Like Kholer in AC was.
If you are only 5, you have a problem, there is no light around boss to notice he will do this pull.
But with 10 people, 5 is downed and 5 can ress them. And he has only more vitality, not doing more damage. Pretty big damage of course. Even if there is only one guild members, champion can kill him with 2 blows.
My feedback on guild missions:
You introduced the content that requires UNLOCK. This is going 10 years backwards in MMO design. And that unlock is done in the worst possible way I can imagine. You can actually buy it for real money. Or do something I would rather not do -> joining big guild.
I still hope I’ll be able to participate in these events that are started by other guilds and actually earn the same rewards, but from what I read on the wiki, it is not the case.
So here goes another crappy design: rewarding players for doing the same content differently. Absurd situations where players help guild find the NPC for guild bounty and get much lower reward for actually making it much easier for the guild to do their mission…
Mmorpgs have always been like this even GW1 you had to do some level of prep work to get to new content. Do you have a small guild are you a leader of one what do you call a small guild i think your in an inactive guild or a relativity new one. Small guilds are not the problem its the inactive guild and inactive members who only play 3 days out of a month just to see updates. It dose take time to build up the prep work for these events but every thing good comes in time and the level of these events should not be just simply handed to inactive players. At best players like this would become frustrated with the level of team work that is need for these events that an inactive guild cant hope to do.
They need to add in a way to see ppl last time played for both in game and out of game. I think we may have ppl who are not all they seem to be.
Vanilla WoW was like this where you had attunements for instances. What kind of content in GW1 resembles that? I don’t know of any. I hope you see the difference in unlocking the content and leveling your character or simply walking into some place?
There is huge difference between providing group content, that is too hard for small number of players and thus not accessible to small guilds, and by placing a fixed lock. I’m not against working together as a guild towards something, the only problem is when that something is a game content.
Design error. And very basic one.
Our moderately sized guild tried to run a T1 bounty yesterday. Killed one of the targets (and those participating got the reward and commendation) but another larger guild killed the other target before any of our guild could get to him so we failed the bounty and got no guild merits.
Is it the case that ANYONE in the zone can kill the target once the bounty is activated, but that the guild only gets the credit if (at least one?) guild member is involved in that kill. With so many bounties ongoing this seems a significant issue, that wil only get worse as more guilds attempt L2 and 3 bounties.
It would also be good to know how quickly the bounties respawn once killed – is this immediate?
The new missions are fun, but a little more information about the mechanics would be appreciated, as well as some way of stopping others “stealing” the kill or for the activating guild to get guild merits in any case.
And 500 are what?
Time limit is good thing for bounty, but for T1 should be increased. Maybe 30 minutes will be too long for it. But what the hell? Its the very first mission you can get and you need to run it repeatelly to get merits to unlock other missions.
So increase time limit to 30 minutes,please.
A Guild of 6 members isn’t a guild though…
Nope, 6 members are guild, 100 members are Order of Tyria.
And 500 are what?
To you a guild is simple a big group of people ? Then my server is a guild.
Im in a small guild, and we are a small guild of people who meet and play four 7-8 years togheter, shared fun, met each other and speaking almost every day and not only while we are playing GW2 means more be a “Guild” than a guild of 100-500 Players who are there to use the “guild chat” like a LFG chat to do dungeons etc…but what dont give a poo for other players if they dont win anything.
But think that is not, and is curius after reapat repeat and repeat in the story mode with a 5 Member guilds ( ex.6 ), share bounds, be friends , trust in each other. etc…. SLAP in the face, go a big guild nobody cares about this, pick recomendations now !!!
(edited by GonzoNeo.4965)
Guild bounty missions have already gotten boring, now we know what todo we can finish tier 3 of these missions within 5-8 minutes. Can you add harder tiers for higher rewards? tier 3 is far to easy once you learn to track down all of the bosses.
I have a huge guild, 500 people, on a normal mission event over 70 players from just my guild will try to attend but a large group of those players dont get credit for taking part since so many of us are attacking the bosses at once they end up missing out.
Its impossible to run guild missions daily since they cost 2200 to rush each and their will be 5 of them so any fix for this?
Not sure what you mean by both guilds took the time to find the npc. 2 guilds will not get the same npc if they activate at the same time.
Actually, they can and do get the same targets. I have seen a 3-guild pileup on the same mob already with everyone screaming for others to stop stealing their bounty.
Nope, 6 members are guild, 100 members are Order of Tyria.
And 500 are what?
A mob.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I was part of a medium (180+ member) guild. We had all tiers at V except I believe economy was at IV. So I logged on yesterday to find out I wasn’t in the guild any longer. I rep’ed them constantly, joined WvW regularly, gave tons of influence and… huh?
I found out that the guild leader had kicked 80 people from this guild and have yet to find out why. The only reason I was given was: “Because the guild leader is a kitten.” I can only assume it has to do with guild missions as they were arguing over ‘when’ the last time I checked.
Anyway the beauty of this is that all 80 people that were kicked immediately reformed a new guild and though none of us were rolling in gold everyone donated to get back on our feet. I saw some really amazing acts of kindness after we all banded back together.
I have not made the kind of gold to donate more than 2g but others had and were doing so. It’s sad that we won’t be seeing the missions for awhile but I have hope that it will come with time. Strangely the kicked members were some of the most active. When I joined the new guild we had 38members online, so maybe we’ll get back faster.
The atmosphere in some guilds is turning a bit nasty due to the missions.
There are so many checks and balances that could mitigate the issues listed in this thread and give smaller guilds something to strive for. True alliances for small guilds, small commendation reward (1) for participation of non-guild members, bounties that reward the guild starting the mission if its killed by others before the initiating guild reaches it, and so on.
I do hope that Anet takes notice.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Guild bounty totaly discriminate smaller guilds. For example guild with 10 members have almost no change make 1st tier and other 2nd and 3rd tier are absolutely impossible for smaller guilds. I thought that Anet respect smaller guilds but this their step bury all smaller guilds. Anet should respect that there are small “family” guilds which are satisfied and dont want have 500+ members. Anet just force small guilds to dismiss and join massive big consumerist guilds which are able to do guild bounties but communication is total chaos and there is no narrow circle of friends who recognize together. Totaly dont understand this step of Anet bury small guilds.
I have example. One leader still pm me and try to convince our small guild to join them. I joined them for half of day and what I saw? I saw big guild with 100+ members which want took every player only to do mission. This guild had no spirit, it was pure guild mission-based guild. If I asked for help, nobody respond. If I wanted to find party for some dungeon, nobody respond. Communication? 3-4 words on guild chat per 3 hours. TS3? Empty. It was total chaos.This is exactly what you want Anet? Big consumerist guilds where nobody communicate, nobody help and only exist to make Guild missions?
(edited by Runcore.5107)
OK coming from a 5-10 member online during primetime guild.
I don’t mind only being able to do tier1-2. We worked around the influence cost, it actually gives you some incentive to do open world events/wvw together in small groups and makes influence feel like a valuable resource again.
My biggest problem is:
If you want to get commendations faster you need to join several guilds. Being forced to joining other guilds to get ascended gear many weeks faster is pure wrong. Some of our members guested with bigger guilds on the server and we added a new guild mission guest to our own rank system…
Remove the 2 commendation each event per week per account ‘PER GUILD’ and leave it as just per week per account.
If i do guild missions with my own guild for reward i shouldn’t get duplicate chests for each guested guild i join..
To you a guild is simple a big group of people ? Then my server is a guild.
Im in a small guild, and we are a small guild of people who meet and play four 7-8 years togheter, shared fun, met each other and speaking almost every day and not only while we are playing GW2 means more be a “Guild” than a guild of 100-500 Players who are there to use the “guild chat” like a LFG chat to do dungeons etc…but what dont give a poo for other players if they dont win anything.
But think that is not, and is curius after reapat repeat and repeat in the story mode with a 5 Member guilds ( ex.6 ), share bounds, be friends , trust in each other. etc…. SLAP in the face, go a big guild nobody cares about this, pick recomendations now !!!
I’ve been in both big guilds and small guilds in the past on various games. There were times when I joined a guild with friends and we continued being friends and playing together even when we joined a big community, and maybe make some more friends in the process.
Even in my Guild Wars 2 guild we have people that used to play together in other games and still play together, I also play with my friends I made in other games, or know in real life, but I also made some new ones as well, I don’t understand why joining a big guild will ruin a community or make your life miserable in any way.
In fact, you can join a big guild with your friends and continue doing exactly what you do now, but maybe make some new friends in the process, get to know more people. Joining a big guild doesn’t destroy your identity as a group of friends.
I’d like to put in my 2copper as well here
I love these guild missions. We did a couple of runs now with the Guild bounties. There just the right amount of challenge! And helping other guilds is fun as well
We’re busy building economy lvl 5, going on to 6 and going for the next type of mission. After that we are out of influence.
The good thing about being out of influence is the new tactics of how to get it. Ppl are gathering guild parties for dungeons. We’re using the influence upgrades more etc. The guild is becoming more active with the day.
I love this new vibe on saving for something usefull And not being able to rush trouhg all the new things in just one week. This way we’ll have something to look forward to every other week!
I really hope someday all the complainers here are going to see the fun in this. And I hope ppl in smaller guilds will go over their save boundries and join other fantasty guilds to coop in the missions.
Yes you can join big guild but why? They just make minor part of game, advertised as for guilds even small, uncompletable, not unplayable, for those small guilds.
There is no restriction to start guild mission. But there is just hard limit for it, that smalle guilds cant do.
Yes you can even buy gems/gold to buy influence, so you can easily acces Bounty.
So you can play it, but you cannot finish it. And it is mostly not by fault of players.
Many guild managed to fight second boss, but failed due the limi limit. Hey event when bounty time limit is off, you can still fight and kill him after time limit.
So maybe just stop the mission clock if NPC is in fight. You will still have 6 minutes to beat him as it is his quest time limit.
The only content in GW you had to “prep” for was War in Kryta/Guild Wars Beyond. However, all you needed to have done is completed the prophecies story (not even all the missions, just a few to get to the end mission, IIRC) and have EoTN (and depending on how you got there, some of it done, too). But since it came in so late into the game (5 years into it, I believe or later), that wasn’t a real problem because most people had done the full storyline and all of EoTN on at least one character.
You also had infused gear if you went through Prophecies properly so that wasn’t a problem. But that came 5 years into the game, when GW2 was fully announced and everything to entice you to stay in GW until GW2 started. Guild Wars Beyond and the HoM were the only things that kept people in GW as there is just not that much you can do in that game.
The problem is that ArenaNet was given the false impression that people don’t have enough to strive for. They have plenty. And they also didn’t get that no matter how tough they make content to unlock or whatever, people will run through it. You can buy whatever you want to in this game with real $ so they’ll get rushers no matter what. They seem to have forgotten human nature. People want things ASAP, people don’t want content to be a “long-term goal” particularly something they advertised as being able to play once the update came out. Which they did. They did not say “you will have to work very hard to unlock this new content and we’re going to force you to invest in other lines to get to particular missions.”
Another flaw: It is only 6 months into the game!!!! Just because people haven’t invested in other lines, doesn’t mean they won’t! It only means that they might be trying to get something (ie vaultbox) in one line first, then go to others. Add this content once every guild has spent their influence in every line to get all the upgrades. Not just 6 months into it. More like years down the road when even small guilds are established. But now that they’ve given it to us, they should drastically reduce the requirement for it and basically say “hey, we’re giving easy-to-obtain free content so that guilds can work together more and have more fun activities to do!”
It fails as long-term progression because for small guilds it’s absurdly beyond reach and for large guilds, they already have it. Thus a Great Divide. They should also just take out the bounty idea period. It just won’t work in the persistent world. Human nature is not nice. If they want a bounty, they need it instanced or done in a much better way. Perhaps directing to an exact location with a ridiculous boss that takes 15 minutes itself to kill so people there can’t kill it before the guild gets there.
My 2 cents.
I am not in a large guild and so will never experience this new content.
This could be fixed if Anet lower the bar to entry.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.
My main problem is that the whole quest seems very poorly thought out, functionally. When I heard about bounty hunt type missions for guilds, my thought was that, you would get X targets, then your guild would go out hunting for those and kill them, a fun little activity that would bring the guild together for something to do.
I did not realize that we would have to scout out every possible target in advance, use a weird dialogue mechanic that stops a npc from pathing to keep them by a waypoint, so that the whole guild has an opportunity to come kill it for credit, while also hoping that no other guilds, (who are also camping the same NPCs) get them as their target. All so we can beat the timer.
honestly, add another 20-30 mins on the timer and have it be real bounty hunt for guilds who cant field 60+ people.
(edited by Dantos.1065)
So last night a few of us noticed under the ranks tab in guild that only guild leaders have permissions to active missions content (however it appears us officers can activate the built upgrade) this is a big problem as our 2 ‘guild leaders’ have both been deployed in the army and won’t have internet for at least a month. Does anybody know if, like the ranks tab says, only the guild leader/highest rank can activate missions? Or can us officers who have been left in charge do it? (Obviously we don’t want to accidentally using the upgrade before people are ready)
If it is only the highest rank this is a massive issue and I’m sure we wouldn’t be the only ones with this problem
The guild leader can adjust it There’s a new box to check for the missions so officers would be able to activate the missions. The guild leader can adjust it There’s a new box to check for the missions so officers would be able to activate the missions. Oops realized your GL are not active. The GL would have to give the permissions.
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
IMO, marketing isn’t their strength and they’re good engineers… but this content just plain seems rushed out the door with little to no thought put into it. The content seems so poorly done it’s as if they didn’t test it.
It is really not P2W.
Because to have ascended you need to do guild missions for more time.(bounty) or be succesfull in other types. (i can only do bounty, so i dont know when you get commendations in puzzle and other)
Guild bounty missions have already gotten boring, now we know what todo we can finish tier 3 of these missions within 5-8 minutes. Can you add harder tiers for higher rewards? tier 3 is far to easy once you learn to track down all of the bosses.
I have a huge guild, 500 people, on a normal mission event over 70 players from just my guild will try to attend but a large group of those players dont get credit for taking part since so many of us are attacking the bosses at once they end up missing out.
Its impossible to run guild missions daily since they cost 2200 to rush each and their will be 5 of them so any fix for this?
Question, if you have such a large guild then the influence costs would be minimal in comparison to the influence you gain ever day? If players are that bored then run them every other day. Plus there will be lots more to do once everything gets unlocked.
It’s your own preconceived notions about large groups and your inability or unwillingness to join that is the problem.
A little bit of research into joining a guild will go a long way. I did before launch and am currently in a wonderful and helpful guild full of great people. We finished bounty tier 3 earlier this evening and had a great time.I’m sure if I had joined just any random guild spamming chat with recruitments, yes I suppose i’d be rolling the dice. A little effort and research goes a long ways. But in the end, it’s a YOU problem that is not enabling anyone from joining a good larger guild.
What is this venom for small guilds?
I have had experience dealing with/being in large guilds to know they are not for me. I fail to understand how a small guild wanting to see game content takes anything away or hurts you (large guilds) in anyway.
There seems to be this odd, childish…glee in doing something someone else can’t. Like a small child enjoying taking away something from someone else.
Simply because someone else can get a “shiny” does not make yours any less special.
People in small guilds are NOT saying “We can’t do this so NO ONE should.” We are simply asking that these things be accessible to all play styles…as Anet advertised. We are not trying to take anything away from anyone. We want to work just as everyone else. We are just asking for the chance.
It takes a stunning lack of empathy to not understand that people get different things out of playing. Some people are more extravert (outwardly social) and others are more reserved. Some of us have dealt enough with large guilds to know it doesn’t work for our play style. It is remarkably self focused to assume everyone enjoys the same thing.
It’s meant to be larger scale content meant for more people.
It’s not big guild versus small guild. It’s just easier for larger guilds to co-ordinate people.
There’s nothing stopping any small guild from recruiting other small guilds to help them with the content in exchange for the help in return when they can unlock the content.
Will it be harder to co-ordinate? Probably. But not impossible. You’re basically asking for handouts at the moment because your guild is too small. Why should 100/200/300 person guilds suffer through painfully easy content simply to make 5 person guilds feel relevant. If it remains your choice to remain in extremely small groups for larger group content, I feel like you should have to give a little.
You can even get the rewards for the content without doing the content through laurels and ectos, it’ll just take a little longer.
The complaints are rather ridiculous to be honest and it reeks of entitlement.
It’s an MMO.
Oh kitten, that’s rich. It’s ridiculous because you disagree with it. It reeks of entitlement because you aren’t currently left wanting. No surprise though. Your attitude is quickly becoming a hallmark of this “community”.
Welcome to WoW2. The supercilious have climbed the ladder and are feverishly trying to pull it up after them.
Here’s a wild suggestion for the developers at anet. I’m not sure if it’s even doable, but it would help small and even medium guilds complete their missions. It might also help solve the issue of other guilds swooping in and killing a target before guild members who activated the event even have a chance to hit the boss.
When a guild activates a bounty, why not have it appear in the window the way other events do where you’re near them. They would only appear in the window of the guild who activated the bounty. Something like “Bounty Hunt! Prisoner 1411 was last seen swimming south in Bloodfin Lake” and “Poobado was last spotted near Wizard’s Fief” would pop up in every active member’s screen. Yes, members would still have to map and find them, but even a small guild of 6-7 players online could do it, and they would have a chance to get to the boss before some other guild swooped in and killed them, because there wouldn’t be any reason for a guild to sit and watch that particular boss.
Just a suggestion.
We have a medium sized guild and we did the 2 tier boss bounty twice and everyone loved it . Yet, it did require some coordination and we had at least 30 players each time. I’d hate to see so many GW 2 lovin players be locked out of many of these missions.
Here’s a wild suggestion for the developers at anet. I’m not sure if it’s even doable, but it would help small and even medium guilds complete their missions. It might also help solve the issue of other guilds swooping in and killing a target before guild members who activated the event even have a chance to hit the boss.
When a guild activates a bounty, why not have it appear in the window the way other events do where you’re near them. They would only appear in the window of the guild who activated the bounty. Something like “Bounty Hunt! Prisoner 1411 was last seen swimming south in Bloodfin Lake” and “Poobado was last spotted near Wizard’s Fief” would pop up in every active member’s screen. Yes, members would still have to map and find them, but even a small guild of 6-7 players online could do it, and they would have a chance to get to the boss before some other guild swooped in and killed them, because there wouldn’t be any reason for a guild to sit and watch that particular boss.
Just a suggestion.
We have a medium sized guild and we did the 2 tier boss bounty twice and everyone loved it
. Yet, it did require some coordination and we had at least 30 players each time. I’d hate to see so many GW 2 lovin players be locked out of many of these missions.
This sounds like a good idea to me. Love the guild missions, but having to babysit every single boss before the mission is boring, disproportionately difficult for mid sized guilds – and it feels contrived. An event pane or more precise information about the bounty’s location would make them much more fun – focusing the activity more on the fight while still leaving some of the hunt in (without making it impossible for smaller groups).
Support this poster’s idea alot.
My small guild was really hurt by this. Some folks mentioned “I guess there’s no reason to join a small guild anymore.” I haven’t seen them log in since. This was a damaging move for smaller guilds – like families and close friends.
Guild bounty missions have already gotten boring, now we know what todo we can finish tier 3 of these missions within 5-8 minutes. Can you add harder tiers for higher rewards? tier 3 is far to easy once you learn to track down all of the bosses.
I have a huge guild, 500 people, on a normal mission event over 70 players from just my guild will try to attend but a large group of those players dont get credit for taking part since so many of us are attacking the bosses at once they end up missing out.
Its impossible to run guild missions daily since they cost 2200 to rush each and their will be 5 of them so any fix for this?
Question, if you have such a large guild then the influence costs would be minimal in comparison to the influence you gain ever day? If players are that bored then run them every other day. Plus there will be lots more to do once everything gets unlocked.
The guild earns something like 25k in influence a day. 5 missions x 2200 is pretty much half of that influence spent already.
Then we have magic find and karma upgrades to turn on and then 25k for around 5 wvw upgrades.
Fact is even in a large guild having 2 slots for upgrading kills a decent chance of not having to waste alot of influence rushing.
I should have 4 slots at least at this guild size :/
To put it into perspective, to earn enough for 1 rushed mission you need 5 guild members to do 22 dungeons or 110? members to do 1 dungeon to earn enough for one guild mission.
Here’s a wild suggestion for the developers at anet. I’m not sure if it’s even doable, but it would help small and even medium guilds complete their missions. It might also help solve the issue of other guilds swooping in and killing a target before guild members who activated the event even have a chance to hit the boss.
When a guild activates a bounty, why not have it appear in the window the way other events do where you’re near them. They would only appear in the window of the guild who activated the bounty. Something like “Bounty Hunt! Prisoner 1411 was last seen swimming south in Bloodfin Lake” and “Poobado was last spotted near Wizard’s Fief” would pop up in every active member’s screen. Yes, members would still have to map and find them, but even a small guild of 6-7 players online could do it, and they would have a chance to get to the boss before some other guild swooped in and killed them, because there wouldn’t be any reason for a guild to sit and watch that particular boss.
Just a suggestion.
We have a medium sized guild and we did the 2 tier boss bounty twice and everyone loved it
. Yet, it did require some coordination and we had at least 30 players each time. I’d hate to see so many GW 2 lovin players be locked out of many of these missions.
The only problem with this is guilds are not just randomly targetting these bosses—you can’t attack them unless you are on a mission to kill them. These other guilds have these bosses as targets as well. Therefore this doesn’t actually get rid of the problem of other guilds killing your target.
Other than that, I would say, based on what I’m hearing from others here who’ve tried the missions, either ditch the timer or go with this idea.
Sea of Sorrows
Is it the case that ANYONE in the zone can kill the target once the bounty is activated, but that the guild only gets the credit if (at least one?) guild member is involved in that kill. With so many bounties ongoing this seems a significant issue, that wil only get worse as more guilds attempt L2 and 3 bounties.
It would also be good to know how quickly the bounties respawn once killed – is this immediate?
Anyone can talk to the NPC’s but only people in the guild with the active bounty on that NPC gets the option to turn them hostile. So in a case where 2 guilds popped bounties and ended up with the same one, either could set it hostile. I wonder if at least 1 person from each guild hit the NPC, if both would get credit for the kill?
We found bounties to respawn what seemed nearly immediately although their location along their path is random so you’ll have to track them down again. We were able to do 2 back to back.
I absolutely agrre with DemiGod.A guild spends a lot of time to earn 1st influence and 2nd guild merits.This will take either a lot of time to earn the influence or a lot of gold to buy it.Both ways require much guild effort.
Next thing is when a guild decides to do guild mission.There must be co-ordinated big group of people.They have to be at a specific specific time logged.You must have some voice chat like TS or Vent.Then groups are made assignments are given.When something is found people have to wait for the whole guild-raid to gather.(last time my guild had 40 people online in Saturday and Sunday).Thyis takes time too because it is not easy to get 40+ people fast at one spot.Not everyone has the best computer.
When a guild is putting so much effort in something they must be rewarded.Why some random person who was by accident in the right place in the right time to receive the same reward as the guild?He invested none of the guild’s effort even to do the mission,so why should he receice any reward at all?He doesn’t desrve it.He only was there when the mob was killed and that is the easiest part.
If you ask me the guild missions are fine as they are.
Completely do NOT agree with giving random guilds gold to get a commendation, that is NOT what this is about. What happened to Loyalty, Friendship, and working as a team? What about the Zerg Guilds who are already going out of their way to ensure other guilds do NOT get the kills they also need? Why cant it be done in a manner to ensure EVERY guild participating gets the items too? They are putting in the work, I don’t think people feel they should have things thrown at them for free … Most of us who came to Guild Wars do NOT mind putting in the effort, but at present its not fair.
Take a 10 man guild trying to down a mob … Zerg Guild A comes along and stands about dancing … the NPC Health scales up … and the small guild cannot get it down … they wipe, because of Zerg Guild A who then laugh and take it for themselves … HOW is that fair?
One possible Answer is make it Instanced. Then ONLY the guild participating does the kill and it impacts no one else. Make it a random area, where you get an option to teleport there when you start the event up. Just stop this senseless nastiness before it goes out of all proportion.
The game started well, with a lot of people actually helping others, and the friendliness was one thing which drew a lot of people here already. The lack of Elitism … the camaraderie … how many have already left in the past week because of this patch – since this patch the lag is through the roof, people are biting each other’s heads off, and small guilds are being told to “go play in the traffic” … just do the same old content again and again and again and again and … you get my drift, because only Big Guilds are allowed to do things.
We, a small guild had everything opened fully over two months ago … with only 5 people active, so it is possible. We did instances that the elites said we could never do because we were not the “Ideal Group”.
How about also allowing the Mission to be selected on the top right like your Daily Challenges, etc? Or as suggested, an Event.
Stormjayde – 80 Necro; Myste Dawn – 80 Ranger; Mysterayne – 80 Engi
Aurora Glade EU Server
(edited by Myste.3291)
There was another thread that seems to have disappeared now that discussed rewards from guild missions and bounties. I can’t get confirmation now because of this but it appears that while the commendations at an account level reset weekly, it is still PER GUILD. Meaning a player can receive weekly rewards for every guild they are in that participates in an event. Can anyone else confirm this? Huge bug/issue/whatever you want to call it that needs to be fixed. There was an image that again has disappeared of a player with 18 commentations because of this. Thought yall might want to know…
IMO, marketing isn’t their strength and they’re good engineers… but this content just plain seems rushed out the door with little to no thought put into it. The content seems so poorly done it’s as if they didn’t test it.
Agreed and every event they have released has been a clusterkitten. I won’t be able to eat a candy corn at Halloween ever again and the karka event was baaaaaad too.
Firefox’s 2copper:
I believe the smaller guilds have to stop complaining and honestly the leadership has to stop being so bloody prideful. If you accept the idea of banding together and merging with other guilds, you could ALOT accomplish more. What is the point of asking for free gold and a solution to smaller guilds. I am completely pro:guild pride, however you can’t completely overlook the fact that you can’t do EVERYTHING alone. If you wish to play with your group of friends, consider moving as a group into another guild. No one says you have to disband your guild, but if you care ever so much for a name(guild), then roll with a bigger guild and slowly save up gold to buy influence for your other guild? This game was meant to bring people together,it’s not like you go around fighting your server in WvWvW. When you finally think about it, this game is about making friends and working together,isolating yourself in a small guild where you only play with your own group, just reflect on that before you go ranting about how “unfair” it is for smaller guilds. Guild Missions were meant for Organized and guilds with a fair amount of Teamwork and dedication.
Jade Quarry (Commander)
Strike Force
I have one more question – When the Mission starts, are you supposed to run blind through 15 different zones, to find where your mob is … or is it supposed to say “Your NPC is somewhere in whichever place” ?
From looking it up on Dulfy’s site?
You get a riddle about where your quarry was last seen or what they do. Such as a pirate “seen hiding amongst ale casks” which translates to “he’s in a barrel somewhere in a region with pirates”. Another specifically calls out “he’s with the karka” and there’s NO mistaking where you can find him then.
We didn’t get anything at all
… just a timer.
Really? Well, maybe your bounty was the one that lingers invisible in that place where your character goes when you use a leap or pop back & suddenly find yourself embedded in invisible terrain! (thanks to my mesmer, thief, & guardian, who tend to get lodged in terrain rather frequently)
Which one did you get?
I have to admit – I LOVE tracking things down. It’s like Easter. I should hire myself out as a thief to go scouting. (in the sense that they could say, ‘you can do it,’ & I’d probably pay them…) But it might be nice to have something more to go on than “Name… Go!”
Thank you for responding … we wandered about like lost blind people for 9 minutes, with no clue as to where we needed to be, and one of the guys found the Shaman in Fireheart Rise, then 2 people did not have the WP … so we got toasted :/
Stormjayde – 80 Necro; Myste Dawn – 80 Ranger; Mysterayne – 80 Engi
Aurora Glade EU Server
i completly dont like this guild missions unlock sistem… since it is excluding small guilds to complete them in few/medium time. For our guild is not easy to make 50k influence, it will require A LOT of time and golds to buy inf at mercant…. but for big guilds is really easy to achieve…
really thanks and gg ANET for this.
I’m a little confused by the commendation system. We can only get 2 commendations from each guild mission type per week? That means each week a guild will only do 1 of each mission type? This is very difficult if we do not share schedules or we are not organized…
Also, how does the 1week timer work? Does it reset on monday or do I have to memorize when I slay a bounty?