New trait system Good or bad?
can you (devs) just show all 5 trait lines, it’s so bad that i can only see 3 at a time.
I actually like it. Sure, there is a lack of choice but IMO it improved GW2 for me. The trait lines are more balanced now. And I still have plenty build options. Maybe not the same options as pre-patch, but there are others.
You did lose your old build. And most likely because it was OP. Anet removed the option to exploit the trait system, and gave you some other options instead. So if you want to quit because Anet prevents you to exploit the system, reconsider the thought.
AC for example is fun now! I remember doing fast runs with PUGs that were extremely boring just a week ago. But now AC is harder, and even if you zerk through it, it requires a lot more attention. For example, I never lost an essence collector in P3. Yesterday I did. It immediatly stimulated us to actually defend the machinery, instead of just doing the usual pattern, and spam attacks.
Anet did well IMO. Do not think that “the grass is greener on the other side of the fence”. Because we always seem to think that way, while it’s not always true.
Exploit what system? You mean choosing the trait we want using the old system is considering exploiting if we don’t follow the Meta? You know some people can figure out the most optimal combination of traits, weapons, armor, runes and sigil right? And that is call exploiting the system? What are you on actually?
Don’t get me wrong, I actually like the new system better, but the choices is limited. Which of course doesn’t bother me much as I only concentrated on one thing I want to do during battle. See huge numbers during a battle. So, as with the old system or the new system I will just choose those traits that increase dmg to attacks. And that’s it. It’s a very narrow minded traiting style, but that just me. :P
But seriously, can you give an example of how people are exploiting the old system?
New trait system Good or bad?
It’s a fix that was not needed – it sucks more then a black whole.
This isn’t bad – its a disaster to me… few my toons are worthless and changing their builds wont change anything because i have double-classes (except engi and necro)
The game is very different now from how it was before.
Generally speaking, everyone is more powerful (meaning no one really is). There is, however, much less build diversity.
Overall I’m happy, though I perfectly understand why many people are not.
But here’s my Wammo, so heal me maybe?
Generally speaking, everyone is more powerful (meaning no one really is). There is, however, much less build diversity.
From what I’ve been hearing more precisely, everyone is more powerful along certain directions. Meaning, instead of “no one really is”, everyone actually is . . . just differently so.
Well on my ele I now have 2 builds that are just as much fun to play. It is a lot easier to change the builds as well. Old way I had to skip over a bunch of useless traits and also take screenshots so I would remember my traits. Now I’m finding that even after testing some builds, pretty much most traits just boiled down to personal preferences and even changing one trait the build can still be a good build. Also finding more builds to play with instead of the old way where you picked your traits and never looked at them again.
I’d say its GOOD
Eh, I’m 50/50 on it.
I’ve been gone from GW2 for awhile now, and just came back yesterday. On all my 80s, it wasn’t so bad cause I have everything unlocked and I can change my specializations on the fly.
But when I checked my few low levels, I was not happy. They are stuck with stuff they never used in the first place. Like my Warrior. Level 22, has ALWAYS used a Greatsword. They never used any other weapon, and I even set up her build to use the Greatsword. I come back to find out, they set her all to Defense. Sword and Shield. I have never used that EVER, and now she is stuck with the Defense specialization and all her traits are for defense. For 22 levels I have used nothing but Greatsword, so why the heck is she Defense now? And I can’t even change it either.
So while I don’t mind it on my 80’s, I hate what it did to my lower level characters. It completely ruined them.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
I personally love it. Reasons provided are:
1. While sheer multitude of players choices have gone down, available viable builds have gone up. Availability of builds over sheer quantity always wins me over. So far while there have been some powerful builds in PvP, choices are still there, and they synergize much more effectively.
2. Better balance of specialization layouts. I have never been a fan of the speed boost traits, simply because they varied so wildly between classes. Rangers got speed boost with a skill, Warriors only if a melee weapon is equipped, Guardians, never, engineers if they slotted 4 traits in a very specialized line. The rebuilt traits, and the combination of abilities given make the speed boosts a bit more equal across the board. The speed boosts are simply an example though. Giving cool down reduction for focusing on a type skill makes far more sense than simply putting 2 trait points into a tree and leaving it as it is.
3. Ease of use is also great for me, plus for new players, there is a satisfaction of unlocking traits via the wheel. This gives a much better graphical representation and appreciation of unlocking them as you adventure.
I much prefer the current specialization system over the older, and I have been playing GW since the release of Prophecies.
Downsides yes.
Overall? AWESOME. Its revitalized the game for me. Several classes feel different enough to play all over again.
I like the layout and that I can see all traits when trying to make a build – I don’t have to click to the left and see what the trait does. Not so sure if I’m that happy about not being able to see the other lines while trying to figure out a build – it isn’t too bad but not really optimal in my book.
And I also like that I have a wvw and pve build.
That being said – 3 options aren’t plenty, so I can see where the concerns are coming from, but what’s even worse is that a lot of these traits are that bad that no one would ever take them, so it’s basically one build per weaponset per class and that is even more limited variety.
I personally find the new system is bad, simply because it limits way too much the build diversity, it has certain things inside of it, that absolutely don’t belong into it, like Fall Damage Traits and Revive Traits, which are both things, which should be changed into being part of a Combat related Mastery of some neutral Masteries, that everyone should have, regardless if you own HoT, or not (including the neutral Masteries for Legendary Crafting/ Fractals of the Mists)
The Core Specializations should get increased from 3 to to 5 Options.
The Minor Traits need to be integrated, they shouldn’t be fix given effects. With integratign the Minior traits into the chooseable options, you have basically for all CSpecialization Tiers a 4th option, so Anet should add to all Specializations just 1 Option more, whats easily done by readding alot of the Traits, that anet simply removed and bringing them back.
ANet totally butchered the whole Thief Gameplay for example, basucally turned all defensive builds into weird Pseudo Glass Cannon Builds by switching all our stats upside down, removing all our Boon Durations and Condi Durations, what is another thing that needs to get fixed and theres also an easy way to do that by improving Gear and integratign Boon and Condi Duration Bonus Effects into the Gear that we equip and how we improve our gear…
A simple Example for Thief Deadly Arts, how I think the new System should get tweaked, to provide more build Diversity and how to bring back lost Stat Effects back to the Game for increased Build Diversity:
Instead of Minor Specializations,we get them integrated into the Specializations and receive now a new Specialization Tier, that comes after Grand Master.
After my proposed chances, we start with Adept Specialization,s then come Master Specializations, then Grandmaster Specializations and we end our Character Progression with Sage Specializations.
Deadly Arts
>>Adept Specializations:<<
- Serpen’t Touch = Steal inflicts Torment and gain life when stealing. Your Attacks have a chance to Poison Enemies.
- Dagger Training = Auto Attack Speed increased by 12,5% per wielded Dagger and your Deadly Blossom has a chance to Stun enemies and costs 1 Initiative lesser, if you wield two Daggers.
- Trapper’s Respite = Drop a Needle Trap, when using a Healing Skill. ICD now 15s. Traps deal now increased Damage.
- Ricochet = Pistol Shots have a chance to bounce off from targets. Trick Shot bounces now 1 time more. Increases Range from Shortbows and Pistols from 900 to 1200 while under the Effect of a Boon.
- Executioner = Deal 20% more damage, if your enemy has lesser than 50% Health. Increases your Critical Hit Rate by + 10%
>>Master Specializations:<<
- Lotus Poison = You weaken foes, when you poison them. ICD now 5s.
- Deadly Trapper = Traps recharge 20% faster, Gain Might when using Traps. Traps deal Vulnerability now
- Panic Strike = Immobilize foes, that are below 50% Health. Fear them, if they have more than 50% ICD xx Seconds
- Revealed Training = Increases Power by + 200, while you are revealed. Gain Protection when you get revealed for 4 Seconds of Duration.
- Neurotoxin = Using Venoms against Foes, lets them have Hallucinations, disabling for them while they have Hallucinations their Friendly Fire, so that they can damage also their allies with their attacks.
>>Grandmaster Specialization:<<
- Exposed Weakness = Deal more Damage, so more Conditions an Enemy has.
- Improvisation = Use Stolen items twice. Recharges the last Cooldown Skill that you have used after having used twice your Stolen Skill.
- Potent Poison = Increases Poison Damage and Duration. Adds a Charge more to Venoms
- No Risk No Fun = You can’t dodge roll anymore, but your damage is increased by 20% as long as you have Endurance. Attack costs endurance now. Vigor Efficiency is 25% increased.
- Furious Fighter = Fury Efficiency and Duration is increased by 50%
- Toxic Blades = Your Auto Attack Chain will give you now with your final hit also a randomous Venom Effect, while wielding Daggers or Swords. ICD 20 Seconds. Venoms recharge 20% faster
- Deadly Riposte = Adds a chance to block Melee Attacks and to perform a dazing Counter Attack, that is 50% stronger than the Attack, that would have hit you, while your health is below 50%
- Blood Bath = Your Attacks have a chance to deal Bleedings. Bleedings on you are 50% less efficient.
- Cruel Murderer = Your Criticals have a Chance to inflict Torment. Gain 10% Life of your Max Health when you kill something.
- Mark of Death = Your next Target that you Attack with Heart Seeker, will be marked with a Mark of Death. Allies will deal addtional damage based 10% of your Power against that marked target. If the market target dies within xx Seconds, then you will receive for some time all Boons, like using that Stolen Item Skill Glob of Ectoplasm
With Next Post, I describe how Anet should solve the Boon Duration Cindi Duration Issue
can you (devs) just show all 5 trait lines, it’s so bad that i can only see 3 at a time.
Look to the left in your Build window, click the Traits icon at the top. Boom, all 5 lines are there, nicely organized with the minors vertical down the left and three rows for the three tiers next to the minors.
I like the aesthetic and the use of the new UI. As a non-theorycrafter who never got very deeply into stat distribution beyond keeping them all roughly equal with an emphasis on the one most useful to the profession, I don’t feel any more limited than before. I’ll need someone to hold my hand through making any more specialized trait/gear builds
My one disappointment is that fall damage reduction traits are still part of the trait choices, and to me they are important enough that where the trait is dictates an entire line choice for me. Though at least my support Guardian no longer needs to swap between fall damage and vulnerability on immobilize for dungeons as those got separated.
The unlocking part of the new system is on the Very Good side, btw. So much better than the messed up world-event unlock system we’ve been fighting for so long.
I don’t think it’s the most intuitive system for new players, but otherwise it suits my needs just fine. I do hope that we don’t see this scale of trait redesign ever again or at least any time soon.
How Anet should solve the lost boon Duration/Condi Duration Issue:
Both Stats should get inctegrated into our Gear. But not as part of the Stats itself, but more liek some kind of “Bonus Effect” for equipping rarer and more valuable Equipment and also as some kind of Bonus for using a full set of Runes, instead of using multiple different Runes.
Your Gear is Fine Quality = Each Piece of Equipment/Accessoires will give you either 1% more Boon Duration or Condi Duration, based on if, if your Equipment is either “Blessed” , or “Cursed”
Your Gear is Master Quality = Each Piece of Eqquipment/ Accessoire will give you 1,5% longer Boon or Condi Duration based on it, if its blessed or cursed equipment.
Your Gear/Accessoires is Exotic Quality = 2%
Your Ggear/Accessoir is Ascended/Legendary Quality = 2,5%.
Example: You can have 6 Trinkets and 6 Gear Items (Head, Shoulder, Hands, Legs, Torso, Feet) = 12* 2,5 = Max Boon or Condi Duration of +30%
Do you use now also a complete full Set of Superior Runes, then you will receive an Extra Bonus of 20% on either Boons or Condi Duration, based on it, how many parts of your Equipment are blessed or cursed. If you have more blessed items equipped, then its a Boon Bonus. Have you more Cursed items equipped, then its a Condi Bonus, Are you even with 6 blessed and 6 cursed items, then you get 10% Bonus on both.
What decides, if my equipment is either blessed or cursed?
You decide this by Crafting. If you craft a Crystal of Luck to your equipment (through crafting Essences of Luck into one).
And if you craft a Crystal of Doom to your equipment (through crafting “Soul Shards” into one) which you may receive from enemy kills as loot, then you can decide by this method, if your equipment becomes either blessed or cursed by throwign your equipment together with either a Crystal of Luck or a Crystal of Doom together with Spirit Stones (made from Spirit Shards by Miyani) and Globs of Ectoplasm into the Mystic Forge, where Zomorros turns them into blessed or cursed equipment/acessoires. which will be then also a new state for your Equipment that you can read from its description.
Also the text color of your items equipped will change.
Blessed Items will be shown then in a Pale Brown Text Color.
Cursed Items will be shown then in a Dark Purple Text Color (Legendary Text Color will be made a bit brighter then or changed into a Light Green)
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
The trait overhaul has completely revitalized the game for me.
I used to run an Engineer with traits in four lines, but now I get the functionality I was getting before in three (of course, it helps that it was a WvWvW Condi Roamer build). Overall, it’s easier for me to select traits when I can just mouse over them, rather than have to click several traits to see if they work with my build.
Furthermore, they removed some terribly useless traits and merged others to make them stronger.
I see that most of the QQ comes from people having to make hard choices when it comes to their traits… well boo freakin’ hoo—decisions in games should have consequences. It’s not like it’s hard to change your build if it isn’t working out.
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist
It’s a ridiculous idea to reduce the lines to 3. For example, to have the one and only warrior trait that applies to bows, you are stuck with the shout traits. So if you were a banner user, you pretty much have to give up bows and use rifle.
It’s not an improvement in choice, you are now forced into certain combinations.
Also the banner area increasing trait was removed. Why?
The trait overhaul has completely revitalized the game for me.
I used to run an Engineer with traits in four lines, but now I get the functionality I was getting before in three (of course, it helps that it was a WvWvW Condi Roamer build). Overall, it’s easier for me to select traits when I can just mouse over them, rather than have to click several traits to see if they work with my build.
Furthermore, they removed some terribly useless traits and merged others to make them stronger.
I see that most of the QQ comes from people having to make hard choices when it comes to their traits… well boo freakin’ hoo—decisions in games should have consequences. It’s not like it’s hard to change your build if it isn’t working out.
First, +1 to you.
The system itself is a solid solution. It provides clarity for players, better design space for the developers, and allows for more lateral growth (more specializations).
I do feel the railroading of Adept/Master/Grandmaster hurts build diversity a bit, but at the same time, it does force choices. Games need to make choices matter if upper-level gameplay is going to matter.
The content of the system still needs a bit of work, but that’s all balancing and making sure the compressed traits are still getting sufficient use.
I do find having multiple ‘builds’ end up re-using several options, but I’m also exploring new combinations (like a Blind mesmer I hope to try out soon). Do the warrior nerfs suck? Yup. Not happy about losing chunks of my support build (banner cooldown/radius, boon duration = 0…), but I’m eager to see how I can make up for the differences.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I think we will have to see when the classes have been rebalanced. Right now it feels like we are testers for a HoT system. Some classes benefit much more from the armor stats than others. Conceptually it is nice.
It may work, but the diversity is lost with only 3 trait lines available. This will hurt even more with the new spec. I think I would prefer an Hybrid system.
(edited by Xillllix.3485)
Just logged in after the new changes and spent a fair few hours with it. Initial impression.
Ìt sucks. Hard.
Can’t believe they made yet another nerf to build freedom. As a GW1 fan this was always one of the games biggest selling points, yeah I know it’s GW2 and all that…let it go…different game, etc, etc and yet with every change to the trait system since GW2’s release all they seem to do is create more and more constraints on any form of customization or build variation.
I was so stoked to hear about the expansion and was looking forward to coming back to this game but this change has pretty much soured all my excitement.
This game now feels like an arcade fighter in regards to the blandness of the cookie cutter flow chart build system. What a generic snooze fest.
can you (devs) just show all 5 trait lines, it’s so bad that i can only see 3 at a time.
You can see all five if you select the trait tab on the far left column- it’s just in that column.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
I think I would prefer it if the 5 lines had different colours. Wouldn’t help colourblind people, I know.
But I ran with 2 defensive traitlines (defense is a joke right now anyway) and didn’t notice until I wondered why I had the perks of both traitlines.
It’s all just tiny blood red icons that mean nothing to me.
The traits are not the only problem, since the system doesn’t give bonus stats (Power, Precision etcs) we are now relying on armours (Some of us, crafted Ascended) SO IT IS AN EXPENSIVE INVESTMENT. But now, these armours are unfit for battle because, characters are not getting any boost from the trait system making it weaker or less effective. There’s a way to change the stats, you say? Well, we don’t want to grind for it, we grind enough just to get the armours. This mechanic add more work for to the players and rather restrictive.
Just want to say it is very easy to change the ascended stats it only costs ~5 gold and 10 spirit shards per piece (which should be easily obtainable if the person was willing to spend hundreds of gold on a very small stats increase).
5 gold and 10 shards to do something which previously was free? And only if you’ve laid out the resources for ascended armor?
That’s not a good deal at all!
It previously wasn’t free because you couldn’t change the stats at all. Five gold (x6 armor pieces + weapons) is very likely an extremely negligible sum to those who have ascended armor/weapons. I would have been incredibly angry if there was no way to convert the armor, but since it is so easy to do I don’t see a problem. Newer people who were in exotics and have less gold will have a far more difficult time however.
I disagree regarding stats – the cost was nominal, and after a point, became free. It was actually a really REALLY nice feature. It’s been that way for quite some time.
I have very little Ascended, 6 characters at level 80, all of whom I have in Exotic, some with multiple sets to suit particular builds. These changes are not friendly to that, and at first exposure, considerably reduce the quality and enjoyment of my play.
Not what I’d hoped for reading the initial press. Not what I expected, either.
But what you said is still false. The cost for changing exotic stats hasn’t changed at all, only changed ascended stats which could never be done before.
I wasn’t clear enough. I wasn’t speaking of changing armor.
Previously we could change stats through careful crafting of builds and selection of traits. That could and did have significant impact on stats; at least it did for my builds. That’s no longer the case.
While I like that trait choices no longer dictate some of my stats and that stat desires no longer limit my choices, I would have preferred preserving player choice of stats to replace those formerly on trait lines be done through a stat choice interface, rather than placing even more emphasis on gear.
Class balance is a delicate thing, now it got all thrown out of the window and we are starting again. Basically it’s like having a new game, totally unbalanced, but with no new content.
Bad because it led to them killing Maim the Dissilusioned…
Bad because it led to them killing Maim the Dissilusioned…
It’s a Master trait now. >_>
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
What is not so nice is fact that build diversity for some classes took a major hit where there is clear cut winners in the specialization areas. ie thief acrobatics; no one is gonna trait that since it’s pure garbage. Only redeeming feature of that particular line pre-patch was the stat increase for choosing lines but that is now entirely gone. I liked being able to go say 5/6/0/0/2 type builds. Now it’s 6/6/6. No choice to mix and match and that sucks. Also removal of stats from traits means we are now all gear now, just like wow; not really a fan of that.
I gotta spend 900g and 4 months of waiting to gear up my other char but I don’t think I will bother; stick with the one I did ascend and ignore the other I guess.
Lastly, on the plus side I do like that my one char that is geared gained min 30% extra dmg this patch and I am doing some absurb DPS which is nice but that will more than likely get nerfed lol.
(edited by fixit.7189)
I liked being able to go say 5/6/0/0/2 type builds. Now it’s 6/6/6. No choice to mix and match and that sucks.
Sorry but your trait example isn’t really a good one (not being mean) seeing as you used 3 trait lines before and now can use 3 trait lines again. If it was the old way you would just run 6/6/0/0/6. Seeing the difference? You actually get more out of your build this way.
I will wait until Elite Specializations drop, before passing judgement (whatever that’s worth.). In the end, elites were a big reason they did all this.
I liked being able to go say 5/6/0/0/2 type builds. Now it’s 6/6/6. No choice to mix and match and that sucks.
Sorry but your trait example isn’t really a good one (not being mean) seeing as you used 3 trait lines before and now can use 3 trait lines again. If it was the old way you would just run 6/6/0/0/6. Seeing the difference? You actually get more out of your build this way.
Yes certainly an attraction where dps was increased substantially but on other hand there is some trait lines that no one will spec now like say thief acrobatics. Not that people specced into that line pre-patch anyways but now there is no reason at all with stat removal. Now, gear determines every thing thus I feel there is less of a choice now.
W/e, I will adapt and hope this elite thing opens more variety…
I like the new trait system. That being said, some traits and some merges are…confusing and not really in their right place. BUT, this leads to making a decision, which in itself is good.
Instead of just selecting traits for your class, you now have to make some difficult choices. In itself it makes players think more about how they want to play their chars.
All gear is being upscaled in stats to compensate for the stats taken from the trait system.
The only area where this causes any issues is with builds that relied on the trait stats while not using equipment that complimented those stats
And that is as should be imo. As an example, i take my elementalist. Built for pure damage with full berserkers, i found out he has now less HP but way more power. If i want to keep my hp high, then i need to rethink my gearchoice and will definately lose out on power. Which is as should be.
The only ones that are having trouble with the new gearsystem and traits are those that went with “off-beat” builds. But for all the rest, you have what you went for.
If you went for a zerk meta, then your dmg output will still be high, but you will no longer depend on stats from traits, you will have the freedom to choose what traits you want without having to think about the added stats they used to give you.
Traitchoice is no longer bound by statchoice.
Personally, i love it. And all those who now complain about their ascended gear, i’m sorry, but you have to get a grip. Instead of whining about what you had, try thinking about what you’re going to have.
Sure, there are some bugs and unbalance here and there, but those will eventually be ironed out.
Those that propose new traitchanges, wake up, it’s not going to happen unless it’s something really minor (tweaking), and those that really do not like anything , well, there’s always another game to play.
Now is just the time to testrun everything, and instead of whining over what you had, help improve what we have.
It’s kind of a wash. I don’t think it’s strictly better or worse than the old system. On the one hand, it does feel like options are reduced. On the other hand, in some ways options are improved because stats are no longer tied to traits, and traits are made more significant.
I also think it’ll feel a bit better when we start getting elite specializations.
The new system is “OK”, a better system could have been done where we didn’t lose as much versatility. Specially considering there is no more scale between adept/master/grandmaster, it’s all or nothing.
The new balance is terrible, it’s worse than how it was in the beta period before launch:
Instakill with Engi grenades, 16k burning ticks on a single guardian. It’s worth a triple facepalm.
Bad because it led to them killing Maim the Dissilusioned…
It’s a Master trait now. >>
I know, and also nerfed back to 1 stack which is bad.
It’s a huge step forward in user friendliness.
- Traits not needing PvE unlocks through quests >good<
- stats separated from traits >good<
- pick 3 full trait lines >some what good<
- new trait skills >debatable<
a level 20 gw1 55 monk would destroy a gw2 level 80 warrior
so just wake me up when you think the new skills and traits are to your liking, then i can play benny hill music while i dodge and hit buttons that light up in pvp …zzzzzzz
(edited by Ricky.4706)
a level 20 gw1 55 monk would destroy a gw2 level 80 warrior just wake me up when you think the new skills and traits are to your liking, then i can play benny hill music while i dodge and hit buttons that light up in pvp …zzzzzzz
the 55hp monk couldnt do any dmg to the warrior
“destroy” is definitly the totally wrong word here!
none of the 2 would win….
or would you be so stupid to attack the 55hp monk if you know you cant hurt him? :P
at least the warrior could relax while the monk would have to keep his enchantments up all the time^^
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
(edited by Orangensaft.7139)
i think it’s beautiful you support gw2, it is after all a great “adventure” game! – but you also know that the first thing the new genre of players, whom have no clue of the mechanics, would jump in face first swinging. But i think it’s nice you believe they know pvp like the gw1 players knew pvp.
if you give us all the traits back, it would make our toons usable again. the way it is currently set up the traits we either earned or bought are useless and our toons were built around our traits and skills. you also took away our individuality across the board. that is one thing that made guild wars special. in guild wars 1 it was us against Anet, a different game every update. personal choices meant a lot. for some players developing their toons takes a long time, and losing anything really bothers them. with the current trait set we are restricted to certain builds and lose alot. for instance i cant run into a fort in the silverwaiste and rez the npc anymore. that helped the entire map now that my spirits don.t move with me its almost impossible. the new trait system took away so much from the game.
i say they should make a gw1 “Reloaded” version, take GW1 – update the bank/vault, add jumping, and camera views, nothing else…..and connect a portal to gw2 – no items or anything go back and forth, you are just in an alternate dimensions or something. gw2 is just starting to get way too dumbed down, and that’s ok….for adventuring.
The new Trait system is bad. We have lost significant flexibility in developing our characters by narrowly forcing us into three trait lines versus five, and by limiting our choices within those three. My Ranger and Guardian builds each had traits spread across four trait lines. My Ranger alone was fully stocked with traits to choose from, but now I find many are grayed out. One of my Ranger’s elite skills has been taken away. The claim is made that the build I am “offered” is a close representation of the one I had? Not even close! I never had any traits in the Nature Magic line, but suddenly that’s one of my chosen three? And to correct this I now have to spend so-called hero points to reclaim what I already had? This character had fully completed GW2, but it’s like I now have to deal with a reset to an earlier phase. How is any of this new approach good for well established characters? I should not have to invest anything to use what I already had. I should not have to be shoe-horned into builds that look like everyone else’s.
new trait system is just trash every big update we get less and less stuff to pick from and soon every one in the game will have the same skills i want guild wars 1 back so i can take the time to make my build not use the same trash build every one in the game will have to use because they got rid of all of our choices in other words i hate this new trait system
New Trait system.Very bad reminds me of the update in World of Warcraft Cataclysm,what killed the hybrid builds and diversity in builds.You now have to choose of bad and very bad traits.And the promise of build diversity they where talking is gone,was hoping to see a list of free choice to make hybrid builds.And what i get?A sily straight line forward of traits and stuff what i don’t even want to use.Whats btw 50% of traits….
that is what concerns me, it looks more and more like anet is abandoning what anet started to be to imitate what wow is.
While I do like that the traits has become more streamline and simplier but at the same time it has wreak a couple of my character builds when it come to PVP. Also there are some traits that I missed like ricochet from the Thief and having more range on my rifle and turrent with my Engi.
Seems fine to me. Feels like power creep in certain cases. Not very happy with some trait tiers like master tier deadly arts for thief where it is less about choosing the one I like the most and more about choosing the one I hate the least.
Hate a new one! Significantly less combinations, only 3 choices per option (!) so the most time it is choosing which one from all 3 bad choices is not so bad if you need one trait line because there is one usefull elite…
Unusable build for ranger now, the most important traits disapeared without alternatives :-( Old system was much more beter.
I hate the new system because:
1) It nuked a lot of the PvE builds I previously enjoyed playing.
2) Build diversity is practically non-existent now. 27 options per trait line now compared to the -what?- 594 options I had before? Choose from 3 lines instead of 5?
3) Only “meta” builds are viable now. “Fun,” niche builds may not have been optimal, but they were at least viable; now they’re neither.
4) They made worse the why-do-I-have-to-take-this-ENTIRE-trait-line-for-the-one-trait-I-want syndrome. Why can’t they better optimize the trait lines? I mean, is it so hard to put all the thief steal-related abilities, the mesmer shatter-related abilities, etc. into one trait line? It feels like they just pulled traits out of a hat when deciding which line they should go into.
5) And if you want two traits in the same tier of the same trait line, well, tough luck; you can’t have both now. Sorry.
6) Finally, the worst of all: they got rid of a lot of traits that were awesome.
I am glad, however, that they divorced stats from trait lines; that was a needed change. And once I got used to the UI, I started liking it better than the old one.