Omnomberry pie: long overdue change
How is it possible that GC warriors can suddenly become unviable w/o lifesteal food when this entire time I’ve been melee’ing stuff on my thief W/O any food….? How can my thief who is squishier, manage to survive but a warrior who is naturally tankier than me cannot…?
The difference in medium/heavy armor is less then 5% in damage reduction is why.
Warriors naturally have higher base HP than thieves, but fact remains…I melee, warrior melee, why can’t warrior survive but thief can…?
And you run what? Knight gear? Well I run Berserker gear…
Knight’s gear is a curse, the person with the lowest vitality/highest toughness gets attacked first.
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
I agree with him…there should be risk.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
Right, there is ONE build that works… what could be the problem?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
OK, having used a Warrior with both a “heal-shout” and a “zerker” build, I have to say you are delusional if you think “heal-shout” is putting out more sustained DPS than a skilled zerker warrior. And actually if everything you claim were true, is seems like “the problem” would be that they nerfed the wrong build… LOL
I’d say the did nerf the wrong build. But that would be admitting a build was nerfed, which it wasn’t. A consumeable that allowed a gimmick to exist got nerfed. Not an entire build. A Good Zerker can still do work post patch, they just aren’t as durable.
For the record, Soliders gear + runes is blatantly broken for warrior combined with shout heal.
That isnt to say there aren’t more broken things. Running a Killshot warrior is equally as broken. 1200 range snare followed up by a 20k+ crit ? Yep balanced.
Running a shouts heal condi warrior with Sword / Axe + Shamans Gear … Equally as comical and Just as broken. Always heal never die, watch your target burn / bleed constantly.
But its okay everyone keep thinking there’s only 1 viable build, and arena net just nerfed your only options!
Ohwait…. they didn’t.
Yes, because everyone wants to play cookiee cutter shout warrior.
I thought we had traits for a reason… perhaps for other playstyles… Guess not!
Hows that different from everyone playing a cookie cutter full zerker warrior with crit food lol…
Hows that different from everyone playing a cookie cutter full zerker warrior with crit food lol…
Right? The only difference is that he likes one build and not the other, because it’s easier to stand still and faceroll mobs.
Adapt or perish.
Darxio – Thief Commander
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
This was a great change and a good step toward profession balancing. I’ve stated a number of times on this forum of my regret in choosing a necro over a warrior. The main reason being is that a warrior turned out to be so much more powerful and has a much greater loot potential when farming mobs than my condition damage necro. I chose the necro purely for appearance as it is the least ugly of the Asura females. That is honestly why I’m a necro. At the time I bought GW2, it was touted by ANet that the professions, overall, were equally balanced. Well, how different that became.
As Hrouda implies, the short of it is that there should be no build possible that allows anyone to stand there and get hacked on without any chance of risk. This is lazy and if these things allowed warriors to do that, they were a serious crutch. At worst I’d almost consider an exploit that made warriors extremely overpowered.
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
This was a great change and a good step toward profession balancing. I’ve stated a number of times on this forum of my regret in choosing a necro over a warrior. The main reason being is that a warrior turned out to be so much more powerful and has a much greater loot potential when farming mobs than my condition damage necro. I chose the necro purely for appearance as it is the least ugly of the Asura females. That is honestly why I’m a necro.
At the time I bought GW2, it was touted by ANet that the professions, overall, were equally balanced. Well, how different that became.
As Hrouda implies, the short of it is that there should be no build possible that allows anyone to stand there and get hacked on without any chance of risk. This is lazy and if these things allowed warriors to do that, they were a serious crutch. At worst I’d almost consider an exploit that made warriors extremely overpowered.
Now Warrior is one of the worst classes in PvE, WvWvW, SPVP. There is really nothing special or fun about them, they don’t have many boons and they’re fun stuff is limited and clunky, they don’t have any cool traits or skills you can really abuse like other classes and they are just “ok.”
Every other class does things better, except damage… but we can’t really pull that kind of damage anymore without being in melee. Melee + Dungeon = Death.
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
This was a great change and a good step toward profession balancing. I’ve stated a number of times on this forum of my regret in choosing a necro over a warrior. The main reason being is that a warrior turned out to be so much more powerful and has a much greater loot potential when farming mobs than my condition damage necro. I chose the necro purely for appearance as it is the least ugly of the Asura females. That is honestly why I’m a necro.
At the time I bought GW2, it was touted by ANet that the professions, overall, were equally balanced. Well, how different that became.
As Hrouda implies, the short of it is that there should be no build possible that allows anyone to stand there and get hacked on without any chance of risk. This is lazy and if these things allowed warriors to do that, they were a serious crutch. At worst I’d almost consider an exploit that made warriors extremely overpowered.
Now Warrior is one of the worst classes in PvE, WvWvW, SPVP. There is really nothing special or fun about them, they don’t have many boons and they’re fun stuff is limited and clunky, they don’t have any cool traits or skills you can really abuse like other classes and they are just “ok.”
Every other class does things better, except damage… but we can’t really pull that kind of damage anymore without being in melee. Melee + Dungeon = Death.
Learn to play, holy kitten….
Now Warrior is one of the worst classes in PvE, WvWvW, SPVP. There is really nothing special or fun about them, they don’t have many boons and they’re fun stuff is limited and clunky, they don’t have any cool traits or skills you can really abuse like other classes and they are just “ok.”
Every other class does things better, except damage… but we can’t really pull that kind of damage anymore without being in melee. Melee + Dungeon = Death.
So, if you can’t be invincible it’s not viable? C’Mon!! For dungeons, you’re supposed to have other kinds of support. As a necro, I don’t do great damage either, and I’m not very tough, especially in dungeons where so many things have resistance to conditions and my marks don’t damage static objects. I have potions to mitigate some of the damage, but I’m still pretty squishy. I have to dodge my kitten and run constantly since bosses and most the of non-regular dungeon mobs mean insta-death…and it doesn’t have to be melee to one-shot me.
But like a guardian, I have things that are good at keeping others, like you, alive. Or I could change my build and be more of a tank and do pulling (I would need new armor for this though). There are other ways to be viable, just some research needs to be done. It’s could be as simple as looking at the build of your dungeon team.
People are complaining because they used to be shooting up with drugs that are no longer available? Hmm. Yeah that actually makes sense. :P
Never needed to be kept alive with heroic pie myself, but I guess if ones very existence or meaning existed within a fruit pastry then they really would have mental issues on top of the addiction issues to start with.
It was an exploit. Now these players will have to l2p. Sound familiar?
So basically an indirect warrior nerf. About time actually.
Thief nerf too. Kinda
It was an exploit. Now these players will have to l2p. Sound familiar?
For those upset about the changes I made to Food items that life steal on crit, and the spy kit, here’s some words:
Spy Kits: permanent stealth at the cost of karma isn’t good. It’s practically exploitative since it’s a pay-karma-to-win scenario, and it needed to change. We test all of our dungeon content without the use of external items to make sure it is all capable of being completed. This has led though, to a recent surge in players using items from the open world in dungeons to trivialize content or outright break bosses designed to present a specific challenge to a five man group.Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
Read the Dev post. I’m pretty sure closing an exploit doesn’t need a meeting and group consensus. For the Dev to “…go through all the checks and balances and [discuss] the changes with leads…” means he was not fixing an exploit, but making changes to a skill that was working.
What they have decided is that now, this is imbalanced. What I find perplexing is that given the extended development time of this game plus the fact we are now 6+ months into release they have only now realised how a skill that works according to their tooltip actually works.
The pie nerf proves that ArenaNet is taking bribes from big cake.
You know what ? Thank you for nerfing those foods, 99.99% of all players I see run some DPS build and used to abuse those foods.
I’m sorry guys but DPS being the only viable build is just kitten I run a Knight’s Tanky build and also play a melee mesmer, so this effects me too but I think it’s for the better of the game. Sigils and on crit effect in general were a bad idea to begin with. You cannot give that much freedom to DPS builds while neglecting everything else.
It was an exploit. Now these players will have to l2p. Sound familiar?
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
This was a great change and a good step toward profession balancing. I’ve stated a number of times on this forum of my regret in choosing a necro over a warrior. The main reason being is that a warrior turned out to be so much more powerful and has a much greater loot potential when farming mobs than my condition damage necro. I chose the necro purely for appearance as it is the least ugly of the Asura females. That is honestly why I’m a necro.
At the time I bought GW2, it was touted by ANet that the professions, overall, were equally balanced. Well, how different that became.
As Hrouda implies, the short of it is that there should be no build possible that allows anyone to stand there and get hacked on without any chance of risk. This is lazy and if these things allowed warriors to do that, they were a serious crutch. At worst I’d almost consider an exploit that made warriors extremely overpowered.
Now Warrior is one of the worst classes in PvE, WvWvW, SPVP. There is really nothing special or fun about them, they don’t have many boons and they’re fun stuff is limited and clunky, they don’t have any cool traits or skills you can really abuse like other classes and they are just “ok.”
Every other class does things better, except damage… but we can’t really pull that kind of damage anymore without being in melee. Melee + Dungeon = Death.
I have no idea what you’re doing wrong, but you’re definitely doing it wrong, whatever it is.
Resident Thief
The pie nerf proves that ArenaNet is taking bribes from big cake.
Haha, dont think anyone actually got that.
It was a good fix simply for how ridiculously effective the heal on crit food was, allowing builds that did high damage to be a lot more survivable than they should be.
That said, build diversity in this game needs a lot of work. People in full berserker are going to die alot, working as intended. However professions definitely need more than 1-2 options per prof to both do some damage and not die to a strong wind. Not necessarily fully berserker damage, but something suitable.
With many professions it’s a lot worse than just that. There may be only 1-2 builds per prof that are viable PERIOD, in the majority of everyday situations. Which is ridiculous. I know there’s always going to be that one setup that’s a little bit better and I can live with that, but right now it’s not even the same ballpark.
Consider WoW (before this new expansion which I admitted haven’t played, though I know it simplified talents). I THOUGHT that was about as cookie cutter as you could get regarding talent choices and having a set list for 80%+ of your talents you absolutely had to pick up. However you could goof around with your talents and still be viable there much moreso than this game.
Too many trait choices for professions across the board are effects that should be baseline to the professions themselves. Some are past the 10 point mark in the trait lines too, making it even worse. They need to go through and look at all the traits 95%+ of players take because they’re essential to the profession (And all 8 professions have traits like this), and start making those baseline to the profession. Then we can start actually having more builds and choices.
(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)
Warriors have no business complaining about anything PVE related.
Being able to go full glass cannon without consequences was bad for the game.
Well, time for me to throw my necro vamp build in the trash since they refuse to let it scale with healing power. The pie was the only way I could make it work, now I might as well not even be using the pie anymore. I now have zero ways to make that build more viable. Ninja nerfs fml.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Well, time for me to throw my necro vamp build in the trash since they refuse to let it scale with healing power. The pie was the only way I could make it work, now I might as well not even be using the pie anymore. I now have zero ways to make that build more viable. Ninja nerfs fml.
Yep! Now your forced to have Minions! Enjoy!
Warriors have no business complaining about anything PVE related.
Being able to go full glass cannon without consequences was bad for the game.
From what I’ve read you’ve no idea what your talking about, you can’t stand in AOEs and just live through it with food, especially in HARD content.
I’m sure he just meant CoF+Old AC, which anyone can STILL stand in and not care.
Would be nice to know what the internal cooldown is now.
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
Would be nice to know what the internal cooldown is now.
1 second.
Which is funny, because none of the pies really matter that much anymore besides the stats, because of the cooldown, it doesn’t matter if its 30% or 66%.
Wow, I play a warrior and I never relied on health steal food. Strangely this change hasn’t affected my ability to handle dungeons in the least. If you play a GC then yes there needs to be risks for you. Sorry to say, that’s the definition of a GLASS CANNON. Adapt, is the only thing I can say. Sorry you enjoyed something for so long that was truly broken but I can only say it wasn’t right you could stand there and out heal while simply doing max damage. That’s broken.
Wow, I play a warrior and I never relied on health steal food. Strangely this change hasn’t affected my ability to handle dungeons in the least. If you play a GC then yes there needs to be risks for you. Sorry to say, that’s the definition of a GLASS CANNON. Adapt, is the only thing I can say. Sorry you enjoyed something for so long that was truly broken but I can only say it wasn’t right you could stand there and out heal while simply doing max damage. That’s broken.
I’m sorry, but that statement is very very incorrect.
You have to dodge like everyone else, or you would get oneshotted by most AOEs.
Unless your talking about OLD AC + COF, which in that case, Guardians can still stand there and do the same thing as before.
AOEs in fractals and hard dungeons destroyed you.
I think that this was a great change. Dps classes getting full heals never made sense.
What bothers me is this: this removed a lot of Warrior survivability. Where is our increased tankyness to compensate? Even Warriors who do not go all ’zerker are relying on Pies/Ghosts to survive.
Or dodging, but I see your point, except that I don’t.
What they have decided is that now, this is imbalanced. What I find perplexing is that given the extended development time of this game plus the fact we are now 6+ months into release they have only now realised how a skill that works according to their tooltip actually works.
Problems often go unnoticed or unaddressed until they’ve become more widespread. This is not exclusive to the gaming world.
Well, time for me to throw my necro vamp build in the trash since they refuse to let it scale with healing power. The pie was the only way I could make it work, now I might as well not even be using the pie anymore. I now have zero ways to make that build more viable. Ninja nerfs fml.
Well after being level 80 for many months now I’m not going to do something as drastic as throwing out mine. I will be redoing a few traits and switch to using scepter/dagger just like every other necro out there. Way to make us have “many viable choices” when as a necro you have only two right now (MM and condi). The MM (minion master) must rely on a buggy AI so it doesn’t really count and your bleed stack at 25 so the condi necro isn’t really useful with others bleed builds in the party either. So instead of taking away the instant heal of some classes you have in essance nerfed the living kitten out of one of the only builds us necros have for party play.
In the future maybe think this out more as these nerfs have consequences far beyond the “instant heal” of some classes. If you had given a boost to vitality/healing to certain professions along with this chance it would have be warranted as we would be at status quo, but now… what a waste of the corrupted daggers I made…
Well, time for me to throw my necro vamp build in the trash since they refuse to let it scale with healing power. The pie was the only way I could make it work, now I might as well not even be using the pie anymore. I now have zero ways to make that build more viable. Ninja nerfs fml.
Well after being level 80 for many months now I’m not going to do something as drastic as throwing out mine. I will be redoing a few traits and switch to using scepter/dagger just like every other necro out there. Way to make us have “many viable choices” when as a necro you have only two right now (MM and condi). The MM (minion master) must rely on a buggy AI so it doesn’t really count and your bleed stack at 25 so the condi necro isn’t really useful with others bleed builds in the party either. So instead of taking away the instant heal of some classes you have in essance nerfed the living kitten out of one of the only builds us necros have for party play.
In the future maybe think this out more as these nerfs have consequences far beyond the “instant heal” of some classes. If you had given a boost to vitality/healing to certain professions along with this chance it would have be warranted as we would be at status quo, but now… what a waste of the corrupted daggers I made…
Yep! Have fun being like everyone else.
Warriors actually had one of our heals nerfed on top of this.
In the future maybe think this out more as these nerfs have consequences far beyond the “instant heal” of some classes. If you had given a boost to vitality/healing to certain professions along with this chance it would have be warranted as we would be at status quo, but now… what a waste of the corrupted daggers I made…
Yes, cosmetic items are so expensive and yet directly tied to your build. Casually nerfing things to the ground can cause a major loss. Just imagine if you were using legendary weapons.
I could spend a lot of resources to beautify/ascend my Altruistic Healing Guardian build, but I guess since it is now a leader in tanky DPS that also has great support, it will get the next nerf. After all, it is support with damage? NERF IT! Do I really want to bother with this?
In the future maybe think this out more as these nerfs have consequences far beyond the “instant heal” of some classes. If you had given a boost to vitality/healing to certain professions along with this chance it would have be warranted as we would be at status quo, but now… what a waste of the corrupted daggers I made…
Yes, cosmetic items are so expensive and yet directly tied to your build. Casually nerfing things to the ground can cause a major loss. Just imagine if you were using legendary weapons.
I could spend a lot of resources to beautify/ascend my Altruistic Healing Guardian build, but I guess since it is now a leader in tanky DPS that also has great support, it will get the next nerf. After all, it is support with damage? NERF IT! Do I really want to bother with this?
Hammer Altruistic Guardian ftw.
[quote=1530607;Krogan Battlemaster.9634:
If you are having problems staying alive as a Warrior, then you fail. I can main tank, pull groups of mobs, etc. without any food on me what so ever. I do use food in dungeons, if I can remember to bring it. But it’s in no way “required” and I can do my job as main tank as well if not more than a guardian can. [/quote]
What’s your technique? Since the food nerf, I find that when I tank a large mobs I eventually get knocked down. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower.
What’s your technique? Since the food nerf, I find that when I tank a large mobs I eventually get knocked down. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower. [/quote]
That is nice, but that is your play-style, some of us choose to use and abuse every aspect the game has to offer and not with to detriment our group by not, we got nerfed while you did not.
The new food is entirely useless, if many people didn’t have a problem with it there wouldn’t be so many posts about it everywhere, couple that with the fact a lot of people don’t even use these forums.
It was an exploit. Now these players will have to l2p. Sound familiar?
Using something exactly as it is intended is not an exploit. Also, anyone with no clue how to play will still pretty much die as always, even with the food.
Warriors complaining about the lack of build diversity…hahahaha.
How could you possibly thing this wasn’t due for a nerf if so many people can’t live without it?
Going full glass clannon that heals like a champ…sounds fair!
People are actually complaining about having to put points in the HEALTH tree to get more HEALTH. Amazing.
Love the nerf
[sYn] Borlis Pass
In the future maybe think this out more as these nerfs have consequences far beyond the “instant heal” of some classes. If you had given a boost to vitality/healing to certain professions along with this chance it would have be warranted as we would be at status quo, but now… what a waste of the corrupted daggers I made…
Yes, cosmetic items are so expensive and yet directly tied to your build. Casually nerfing things to the ground can cause a major loss. Just imagine if you were using legendary weapons.
I could spend a lot of resources to beautify/ascend my Altruistic Healing Guardian build, but I guess since it is now a leader in tanky DPS that also has great support, it will get the next nerf. After all, it is support with damage? NERF IT! Do I really want to bother with this?
Hammer Altruistic Guardian ftw.
Until the next patch…
lol a food change and its the end of the world.
Amazing that some people are suprised by this “nerf”.
And I just love the people that claim they have little staying power on warriors. Maybe its time to rework those all out dps specs and go for a more balanced approach. A full dps build should not have massive staying power.
I felt full dps on a warrior was squishy, so I changed traits. Now with a balanced amount of armor, damage, crit, crit damage and passive regen things are very smooth. Healing around 1000 health over a period of 3 seconds is pretty nice.
Adrenal health 360 each 3 sec, healing signet 200 each sec, thats 960 during 3 seconds without adding in any healing power, WvW bonuses, consumables or runes.
Combat is dynamic, you cant expect to be pure melee. When you need to gain distance, dodge, weapon swap and use gun or LB. With the right spec you will have more or less infinite endurance aswell.
A thing that was obviously imbalanced gets fixed and people go about like its the end of the world.
Amazing that some people are suprised by this “nerf”.
And I just love the people that claim they have little staying power on warriors. Maybe its time to rework those all out dps specs and go for a more balanced approach. A full dps build should not have massive staying power.
I felt full dps on a warrior was squishy, so I changed traits. Now with a balanced amount of armor, damage, crit, crit damage and passive regen things are very smooth. Healing around 1000 health over a period of 3 seconds is pretty nice.
Adrenal health 360 each 3 sec, healing signet 200 each sec, thats 960 during 3 seconds without adding in any healing power, WvW bonuses, consumables or runes.
Combat is dynamic, you cant expect to be pure melee. When you need to gain distance, dodge, weapon swap and use gun or LB. With the right spec you will have more or less infinite endurance aswell.
A thing that was obviously imbalanced gets fixed and people go about like its the end of the world.
But it’s not only the warriors that were affected. For example many builds (mine included) relied upon the food buffs not having a timer to supplement the healing we should have gotten off our class traits. So therefore this change is not as cut and dried as you might expect.
I’m all for nerfing the instant heal aoe’s, however for some of us non-cleave single target melee classes this change basically neuters us. ANet said they wanted all classes to be viable in all roles but now i am forced to either die quickly even with dodging/kiting or pigeonholed into being ranged; not much of a choice there.
I did feel that my little warrior could heal himself awfully well when ‘full with pie,’ so I’m not surprised that there came the ‘Infamous Pie Nerf of ’13.’ I was disheartened to see that everyone basically had to be berserker/dps, and not use any defense or shouts, etc. (I liked my asuran’s polite shouts – it was the prime reason to make a male Asura)
I hope this means they’re edging us out of pure dps, all the time. That was boring – it really was.
I fully expect that people already high in fractals, with perfect gear, can get by as full dps – but it’s nice to have another option. I have to admit – I like our groups best when the warrior has some defense, and he was awfully good, despite what I’ve read, at keeping our fragile little thief alive.
A thing that was obviously imbalanced gets fixed and people go about like its the end of the world.
I love how people stating this ruins their build = saying it is the end of the world. Straw man more please.
As for imbalanced, the entire game is so poorly balanced I can’t tell what effective thing will be the next to go.
I did feel that my little warrior could heal himself awfully well when ‘full with pie,’ so I’m not surprised that there came the ‘Infamous Pie Nerf of ’13.’ I was disheartened to see that everyone basically had to be berserker/dps, and not use any defense or shouts, etc. (I liked my asuran’s polite shouts – it was the prime reason to make a male Asura)
What? Warriors and guardians use shouts all the time…
I hope this means they’re edging us out of pure dps, all the time. That was boring – it really was.
Maybe they could cut down boss health pools then. I tell you what is really boring – barely being able to notice the health bar going down on a very easy boss.
I did feel that my little warrior could heal himself awfully well when ‘full with pie,’ so I’m not surprised that there came the ‘Infamous Pie Nerf of ’13.’ I was disheartened to see that everyone basically had to be berserker/dps, and not use any defense or shouts, etc. (I liked my asuran’s polite shouts – it was the prime reason to make a male Asura)
What? Warriors and guardians use shouts all the time…
I hope this means they’re edging us out of pure dps, all the time. That was boring – it really was.
Maybe they could cut down boss health pools then. I tell you what is really boring – barely being able to notice the health bar going down on a very easy boss.
I tell ya what sucks, having to re-roll on a character I have 700+ hours logged on :/
As Hrouda implies, the short of it is that there should be no build possible that allows anyone to stand there and get hacked on without any chance of risk.
If only the game actually accounted for that. Just now i finished a personal story mission that played out inside a narrow cave stuffed with risen grub. Movement? Yea right, up or down the tunnel only. With the end result that i would trip the leash limit on the grubs fairly quickly, resetting the fight to square one. Never mind that the grubs put down lingering AOE.
Movement is all well and good, WHEN YOU ARE ACTUALLY GIVEN ROOM TO MOVE!
As for imbalanced, the entire game is so poorly balanced I can’t tell what effective thing will be the next to go.
The thing is that the game is balanced for SPVP, but there everyone is 80s in exotic. PVE is a very different beast, and it shows.
As Hrouda implies, the short of it is that there should be no build possible that allows anyone to stand there and get hacked on without any chance of risk.
If only the game actually accounted for that. Just now i finished a personal story mission that played out inside a narrow cave stuffed with risen grub. Movement? Yea right, up or down the tunnel only. With the end result that i would trip the leash limit on the grubs fairly quickly, resetting the fight to square one. Never mind that the grubs put down lingering AOE.
Movement is all well and good, WHEN YOU ARE ACTUALLY GIVEN ROOM TO MOVE!
Omnomberry Pie users, especially ones without toughness in hard zones and fractals, HAVE to move from aoes… or they get one shotted, and downed quicker then anyone else, the food helped, but… it wasn’t an immunity button though… you could still get bursted down quickly by aoes that you didn’t avoid.