Do not click this link!
(edited by Death Reincarnated.3570)
Went to Malchor’s Leap yesterday to get some wood and stone. Suddenly 7 events popped up in the zone. I thought, might as well do the daily. I was rummaging through areas I haven’t been to in a while. Ended up with 7 greens, over 10 crystals from mining, few bags that gave powerfull blood and 1 ancient bone, 4 cloth, 9 blues and 0 yellow/orange. After finishing my daily it went downhill.
This (DR) is too rnadom just to be omitted by changing zones. Things like events, solo/group tackling, players in zone and perhaps other aspects, IMO, are part of this DR system.
ANet, why can’t you specify what triggers DR? Are you afraid the general player population will try to exploit it? If this potential exploit is in line with playing the game as you intended us to do so (i.e. go out into the world and explore) then it would not harm the economy.
To be honest, I’m starting to feel like I am being bullied by this particular aspect of your game design. Your decision to implement DR is ruining my game experience. This is not why I, and presumigly many others, bought the game for.
Do others feel bullied by this? Do the players feel this is ruining their game experience?
(edited by Death Reincarnated.3570)
I have noticed I have started to play less lately and have had to change guild as I was effectively in a one man guild of 36 active MMO playing friends who are all " Taking a break" until things improve.
I’m in the same boat. There are only two of us left playing in my guild of about 20 and I’m the only one putting in any real time, and only in WvW. We’re both essentially working for map completion and he’s been spending most of his time in Fallout: New Vegas. The other guy is a little bit ahead of me for map completion, but not much. We’re both essentially waiting for our world to change to a color other than green. He needs a few points in the red zone and I need most of the blue zone plus a couple red point.
I really can’t be bothered to look for another guild since after I get map completion, I plan to take a LONG break from the game. If I take 6 or 8 months off, perhaps ArenaNet will have gotten a clue and fixed the game by then. OR…perhaps it will end up like TOR or D3 and lose a huge portion of their player base in the first year or so, mostly due to mismanagement, although TOR had other underlying issues.
A game without reward and fraught with disappointment, is truly doomed to a bleak future…deservedly so.
ANet, why can’t you specify what triggers DR? Are you afraid the general player population will try to exploit it? If this potential exploit is in line with playing the game as you intended us to do so (i.e. go out into the world and explore) then it would not harm the economy.
Do others feel bullied by this? Do the players feel this is ruining their game experience?
The in-game economy is already corrupt and completely screwed, there is little they could do that would harm it worse than it is now, in fact, I think it actually functioned better when we were run amok with bots. Not that I see many with my limited play, but, I wouldn’t bother to report them if I did. I don’t feel bullied, but YES it has completely and utterly ruined the PvE game experience for me!!! I can’t even be bothered to look at the new content because I know the rewards are going to suck.
(edited by Leamas.5803)
Alright, so the masochist in me has been whispering in my ear for some time and I’m finally biting. As we speak I am downloading all the updates I’ve missed since I stopped playing quite a while ago. I was an avid farmer that made all my money purely from farming Orr. I have over 150 MF and am going to hop on and do some farming for a few hours. I want to see how much DR and (I’d type and/or if I even thought there was a chance it was just DR – yeah right) crappy RNG affect me right off the bat. If there was any DR on my account it should be gone by now, right Anet?
Be back in a few painfully boring playtime hours.
(Not to undermine your completely valid post – but “bullkittens” sound really interesting. If there weren’t so many other problems with the game, I’d suggest they create a “bullkitten” mob in-game. Again, sorry and I don’t mean to undermine your post.)
[Mod: I understand this is off-topic, so if you have to delete the post that’s fine with me. Please just don’t mute me — I just thought this would be a clever way to refer to the forums in-game.
There’s a whole race of bullkittens you can play. They’re already in game!
Thanks, Oba…. Arenanet.
I farm fotm for god/loot. I normally come out with lots of bags and some rare, but as of late I barely get any rare. I never keep track, but I do notice I am not making what I am use to in fotm.
I normally report bot when I see them, but now I choose not to and hope it will drive some of those price in the market down…lol.
Well after updating and not playing in almost 2 months if not longer, I played for about three hours. Didn’t get a single rare / exotic. Never saw one of these new chests. And I got nothing but blues/greens from big event chests.
I didn’t even get a lot of crafting mats either.
Back to looking for something else to do then.
6 Minute grind 1
6 Minute Grind 2
Didn’t post todays but almost 1 yellow per event in orr. More Unidentified dyes than normal acrossed all characters. Not that I’m complaining, just noticed.
Also I’m maybe 75% sure that a loot chests dropped junk. But I can’t say for sure. Overall good day as usual.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Geotherma, proving how lucky you are is no solution to those of us who are not.
However, it is pertinent to the topic for me, as I have never seen such strange loot behavior.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Do others feel bullied by this? Do the players feel this is ruining their game experience?
It is ruining my game experience because I spent 6 years playing dungeon focused games came to GW2 to get away from all that and RNG bags for mats and tiny secondary loot boxes are not my idea of a good loot solution for the problems facing legit players affected by DR!
Hope this will help.
I bought the CE and was able to start playing 3 days before launch. what I did was creating all my charrs in one day to get the names that I wanted .
during that time killing lvl 1 NPCs 90% of em droped somthing no gear but lots of crafing mats.
last month I bought a charr slot with gem and guess what not even a single lvl 1 NPC droped somthing for me . and I killed alot of em in hope to get the crafting mats.
Geotherma, proving how lucky you are is no solution to those of us who are not.
However, it is pertinent to the topic for me, as I have never seen such strange loot behavior.
I wasn’t proving my luck, I just posted the video of a typical grind. There may be helpful info in the video, its unbiased and just shows the event. I do notice veterans a lot of the time can drop nothing, which is disappointing. But this video reflects my typical day every day. But may have relevant stuff to see. Like I said just posting to show what happens when I grind.
I don’t understand why you can get the same loot from the Frozen Maw (which takes very little time) as you do from Claw of Jormag. Makes no sense to me.
I don’t understand why you can get the same loot from the Frozen Maw (which takes very little time) as you do from Claw of Jormag. Makes no sense to me.
I agree. I think veterans need a 100% chance to drop “something”. Doesn’t have to be an exotic, just something. And champions at very least a Masterwork guarantee. As for maw, I’m ok with greens or a rare. But Claw of Jormag and the other dragons, they should at least drop 1 rare item 100%. The rest is ok, but at least make the hour or so it takes for some of them be worth it… Otherwise your going to have a server sized zerg at Maw.
This is really weird and almost too good to be true interms of it happening on a daily basis…
Just had two rares drop in 5 minutes and plenty of bags, whites and blues (also about 1/4 of trophies). I’m certain this is pertained to what zone/area you are in, what zone/area you have been to before, and player numbers in the area/zone. If the loot is distributed world wide then these factors definitely are part of the DR game.
Will update again when I can.
Please shoot me, but..
After seeing almost nothing but crappy drops after 14 nov, now after the latest patch Im actually getting useful stuff from drops more often. Im hoping this is not just some anomaly but an actual increase. Guess time will tell.
6 Minute grind 1 Minute Grind 2’t post todays but almost 1 yellow per event in orr. More Unidentified dyes than normal acrossed all characters. Not that I’m complaining, just noticed.
Also I’m maybe 75% sure that a loot chests dropped junk. But I can’t say for sure. Overall good day as usual.
I wonder if the speed at which you’re looting affects the drops. Myself, as a necro, range/AOE is my chosen means of imposing damage. While I have tons of life (31000+ at level 80), I’m pretty squishy and don’t usually get right in the mob so I typically collect the drops after the whole mob is down, not as soon as they drop. I wonder if the chance of good drops diminishes slowly the longer they lay on the ground. I also noticed that for most of the videos you were typically under 1/2 life. I wonder if this perceived risk perhaps affects returns. Something like the more danger you’re in the more likely you are to have good drops. I know this stuff is really reaching, but we’re typically at a loss to really explain how this stuff works since ANet is very closed mouth about the details. You’d think it was a CIA secret!!!
6 Minute grind 1 Minute Grind 2’t post todays but almost 1 yellow per event in orr. More Unidentified dyes than normal acrossed all characters. Not that I’m complaining, just noticed.
Also I’m maybe 75% sure that a loot chests dropped junk. But I can’t say for sure. Overall good day as usual.
I wonder if the speed at which you’re looting affects the drops. Myself, as a necro, range/AOE is my chosen means of imposing damage. While I have tons of life (31000+ at level 80), I’m pretty squishy and don’t usually get right in the mob so I typically collect the drops after the whole mob is down, not as soon as they drop. I wonder if the chance of good drops diminishes slowly the longer they lay on the ground. I also noticed that for most of the videos you were typically under 1/2 life. I wonder if this perceived risk perhaps affects returns. Something like the more danger you’re in the more likely you are to have good drops. I know this stuff is really reaching, but we’re typically at a loss to really explain how this stuff works since ANet is very closed mouth about the details. You’d think it was a CIA secret!!!
Hehe yes the CIA secretness :P Also, the 1/2 life is do to my non caring about “skill” and more about just spamming kills lol I’m probably a terrible example of a warrior, but this was just a few vids of the daily stuff i do. I will make some more sooner or later, but again I seem to notice far more Unid. Dyes lately for some reason. That about it so far, but maybe very observant people can gather more info than I from the vids. I prefer vids because they are unbiased, you can see “somewhat clearly-sorry for the LQ” exactly whats dropping and how its gotten.
I did the Plinx run today. Again. I ended up with two porous bones. Now, I’m a necro so I get that I may not get much from the trash along the way, can’t compete with the burst and dps of guardians ans warriors. I can live with that.
What I can’t live with anymore is that I have NEVER gotten a single drop from the Champion Abomination, EVER. Not even a scrap of silk. And I can do a lot of damage. It just seems like the game doesn’t care, it’s burst or nothing.
Right now I’m doing events purely for the dailies, even loaded up with MF I get frak all.
I did the Plinx run today. Again. I ended up with two porous bones. Now, I’m a necro so I get that I may not get much from the trash along the way, can’t compete with the burst and dps of guardians ans warriors. I can live with that.
What I can’t live with anymore is that I have NEVER gotten a single drop from the Champion Abomination, EVER. Not even a scrap of silk. And I can do a lot of damage. It just seems like the game doesn’t care, it’s burst or nothing.
Right now I’m doing events purely for the dailies, even loaded up with MF I get frak all.
Same. In fact I sold/salvaged most of the MF gear I had. I didn’t find it made any difference whatsoever. Currently, I’m running full exotic carrion/necromancer armor, exotic carrion/corruption weapons with exotic trinkets all built to match, traits blood and corruption are maxed out, again to maximize weapon effectiveness. Then I use minions to add direct damage while conditions are working away. So, I can hold my own damage-wise and in a crowd can probably cause more overall damage than warriors, just don’t have the burst damage. However….I hear they plan to nerf AOE right across the board…their solution to people complaining about AOE spamming in WvW. Mostly it seems like it’s lazy warriors who want to stand in an AOE rings and not die, but ArenaNet is listening to them. That will make necromancers and elementalists essentially useless, harm other classes and make melee classes way over-powered, which they essentially are now. In any case…I digress in to another issue. Back on topic, I’ve done that champion abomination probably 8 times now and it’s only dropped twice, blues both times if I remember right. In the 8 or so times I’ve fought it I’ve never recovered the waypoint/repair expenses incurred the first time I fought this thing…when it locked agro on me every time I approached…didn’t even get a chance to attack it.
Anet doesn’t care, however thanks to all the history stuff that Anet did do right, checking out my guild history shows a trend Anet will eventually see in the gem store.
Pre- 1/28 and 1/28 – 45 members logging in pretty much every day.
2/3 – 12 members logged in.
I’m sure my guild isn’t the only one showing this trend, so stick that in your X-files Anet.
Do others feel bullied by this? Do the players feel this is ruining their game experience?
I think thats actually the pertinent question with all of this.
Previously, I said roughly what my drop rates are. Apparently, I am in the “unlucky” group, and perhaps even in the top tier of that (what an accomplishment! ). In 1k hours, I can literally remember each individual instance a rare has dropped for me. I cant remember more than four in 1,000 hours of playtime. Lets just say I am forgetting a couple and make it 10 total. That seems to be the drop rate that some see in ONE farming session! I actually had to be convinced after a while that exotics drop from enemies, I truly believed they were only crafted. I still have never received one as a drop (though obviously I have for map completion).
While the RNG is, obviously, random.. there should be some kind of consistency that starts to display after a while. It might not be a bad idea to implement this check and balance type system.
Regarding your question though (sorry it took so long to get there, haha): It actually doesnt bother me. I dont particularly care other than it takes me forever to make money. With 4 level 80s and 1k hours, you would think I would have started to collect at least some gold, but only one of my characters even has full exotics. I thought more did, but when I checked, only one :\ I have maybe 2g combined between all characters. I sell everything I can on the TP (even if it only gains me 1c more than a vendor) and sell everything else. I do zero crafting, so all of that gets sold as well.
I stopped farming because of the results. I just felt like I was wasting time, and I enjoy just playing the game.
That being said, it is blatantly obvious it is an issue to some. My guild tag [ONE] has sadly become very applicable as I am the only one logging in anymore. It may not solely be attributed to loot, but there is definitely an issue with player exodus (as in all new MMOs). It just seems a bit worse here than the other MMOs I have played.
It truly is a bit insulting that an ArenaNet representative would imply that I am just some tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist because I have only received a handful of rare drops in 1,000 hours of playtime.
edit: You can only imagine how I view legendaries with how consistently bad my drop rate is. I laughed out loud when I looked at the requirements. I have received one corrupted lodestone in my playtime, and not much else that is pertinent.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
I’m sure my guild isn’t the only one showing this trend, so stick that in your X-files Anet.
I’m sure lots are showing this trend. GW2 is an MMO that unlike other MMOs was advertised as a relaxed, no-grind game. The big attraction for me, as one who is not traditionally an MMO player, was the ArenaNet promise of no grinding and that, more or less, might have been the case up until it all changed in November. There’s some dispute about whether it was the Nov 15th patch or the unidentified dye patch that caused it, but I first really noticed it during the Lost Shores event. Before that day in Nov, one typically made enough in drops to keep yourself in level-appropriate gear. I even upgraded to the premium edition and bought the player’s guide to help support ANet, how foolish I was. After Nov 15…well, good luck with staying in level appropriate anything. Even when you do get drops, most of the time they’re not usable by your class.
I would wager, they will lose a lot of their players who, like myself, come from a non-MMO background. This comprised probably 15 out of the ~20 that was in my guild. Sometimes, one can’t help but feel sucked in or duped.
(edited by Leamas.5803)
6 Minute grind 1
I watched this one. And I thought the loot seemed to be ok.
Then I looked at your reward for the event (gold medal; ~ 5000 xp; 113 karma; 56 c) and that indicates you have DR active for farming events in Orr?
Does that also affect your loot?
My loot is sometimes quite similar, but I have NO active DR showing. I got full reward (gold medal; ~17k xp; 378 karma; 1s xx c), but similar loot?
So my question is: If I have event DR active, does that also affect how much loot I get and which quality?
6 Minute grind 1 watched this one. And I thought the loot seemed to be ok.
Then I looked at your reward for the event (gold medal; ~ 5000 xp; 113 karma; 56 c) and that indicates you have DR active for farming events in Orr?
Does that also affect your loot?My loot is sometimes quite similar, but I have NO active DR showing. I got full reward (gold medal; ~17k xp; 378 karma; 1s xx c), but similar loot?
So my question is: If I have event DR active, does that also affect how much loot I get and which quality?
That’s what I’m not sure about really. That’s why I posted unbiased videos. I need to make more to see, but sometimes there’s other variables, usually my fault lol like not hitting my aoe, or thinking im clicking a skill when I’m not. I’m trying to be consistent tho, but that’s why I haven’t made another vid yet, because it wasn’t a normal run. Someone above said somethen about unid. dye nerf? Unless I read wrong, i actually get almost 1 of those per run lately, which for me is different. I’ll keep trying to upload average vids, because when i have guild buffs, banners, boosts etc, its not a consistent grinding situation. I’m trying to stick with what I normally roll with.
I would be very interested in a vid about a normal run when you are NOT affected by the DR.
Maybe that’s possible?
It’s a game. I feel I should be rewarded fairly for playing on a consistent basis. When you enjoy something by nature you are going to do more of it and we will all have more time than usual to play sometimes be it a boring summer vacation to an off week to simply having no life for a while. In no life times man you are punished enough. Should you get rewarded less from having more time to play?
I say no. Let people have fun. Make them welcome in your game. The more grindy and less rewarding you make things by DRI the more likely people are to make bots to do the dirty work anyway and thus the more likely regular people are to be dissapointed…
I mean what is DRI if anything but an attempt to turn some one off playing a while by taking away the rewards? THIS ISN’T KOREA!
Do I feel bullied by it? IDK man but it (the idea of it) makes you feel “unwanted” sometimes just for playing something you like in game rather than something you don’t. Or for logging in too long.
Games can be like crack man and I am a gaming addict so don’t beat me no more. lol
6 Minute grind 1 watched this one. And I thought the loot seemed to be ok.
Then I looked at your reward for the event (gold medal; ~ 5000 xp; 113 karma; 56 c) and that indicates you have DR active for farming events in Orr?
Does that also affect your loot?My loot is sometimes quite similar, but I have NO active DR showing. I got full reward (gold medal; ~17k xp; 378 karma; 1s xx c), but similar loot?
So my question is: If I have event DR active, does that also affect how much loot I get and which quality?
That’s what I’m not sure about really. That’s why I posted unbiased videos. I need to make more to see, but sometimes there’s other variables, usually my fault lol like not hitting my aoe, or thinking im clicking a skill when I’m not. I’m trying to be consistent tho, but that’s why I haven’t made another vid yet, because it wasn’t a normal run. Someone above said somethen about unid. dye nerf? Unless I read wrong, i actually get almost 1 of those per run lately, which for me is different. I’ll keep trying to upload average vids, because when i have guild buffs, banners, boosts etc, its not a consistent grinding situation. I’m trying to stick with what I normally roll with.
They introduced a bug, and quickly fixed it, in early November where some people were getting many dyes in a run, I think I saw as many as 5 or 6 per run and I don’t usually play for more than a couple hours at time.
I would be very interested in a vid about a normal run when you are NOT affected by the DR.
Maybe that’s possible?
You want me to just run around and do the events a few times? I could do that, so that its consistent. I’m just trying to give unbiased info the best i can heh.
I just want to see how much and which quality your loot has when you are not affected by the event DR.
It could be that you are getting less (quality) loot due to your active event DR. If that is the case, you have possibly more and better quality loot, if you don’t have the event DR active.
That would mean, I am getting as much loot as you, but with no DR active while you have it active (which in my opinion logically would decrease the loot too).
I just want to see how much and which quality your loot has when you are not affected by the event DR.
It could be that you are getting less (quality) loot due to your active event DR. If that is the case, you have possibly more and better quality loot, if you don’t have the event DR active.
That would mean, I am getting as much loot as you, but with no DR active while you have it active (which in my opinion logically would decrease the loot too).
Makes sense. I believe the most recent one I made has no dr, I’m uploading in better quality so people can actually see the loot. Keep in mind fraps lags me a bit lol so my actual killing may not be as good as it could be. You might notice that I’m almost 100% sure not 1 of the vets dropped an item. Will take me a while to upload though.
I can confirm today on the shelter way point in orr, a loot chest dropped only 2 porous bones. I accidentally grabbed it before realizing I should have took a pic or videoed it. But watched it, w.o any other loot around.
Run 3 Doesn’t include the edit above.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Thanks for uploading the videos, these are really the only concrete evidence of loot results that I can think of. Hopefully more people decide to upload, especially those who are having issues.
Geotherma, what software are you using to capture? I’ll see if I can do some, it’ll give me a reason to actually play PvE for a while…AND actually look forward to bad drops. LOL
(edited by Leamas.5803)
Geotherma, what software are you using to capture? I’ll see if I can do some, it’ll give me a reason to actually play PvE for a while…AND actually look forward to bad drops. LOL
I use Fraps, I have a licensed copy so its full length unfortunately not free. However Enjin app has a video recorder. I think there are other free ones, or ones that just force you to have their logo for free.
Geotherma, what software are you using to capture? I’ll see if I can do some, it’ll give me a reason to actually play PvE for a while…AND actually look forward to bad drops. LOL
I use Fraps, I have a licensed copy so its full length unfortunately not free. However Enjin app has a video recorder. I think there are other free ones, or ones that just force you to have their logo for free.
I’m OK with a logo, I’ll check Enjin out. Thanks.
I just bought Fraps, $37 isn’t bad for a forever license. Enjin wasn’t really what I was looking for and all the “free” options I looked at either weren’t really “free” or crippled in some annoying way.
(edited by Leamas.5803)
You should try to charge Anet for the license. :-D
Just joking.. ^^
Geotherma, what software are you using to capture? I’ll see if I can do some, it’ll give me a reason to actually play PvE for a while…AND actually look forward to bad drops. LOL
I use Fraps, I have a licensed copy so its full length unfortunately not free. However Enjin app has a video recorder. I think there are other free ones, or ones that just force you to have their logo for free.
I’m OK with a logo, I’ll check Enjin out. Thanks.
I just bought Fraps, $37 isn’t bad for a forever license. Enjin wasn’t really what I was looking for and all the “free” options I looked at either weren’t really “free” or crippled in some annoying way.
heh yea. The enjin app is really cool with features, but fraps is great. Only downfall is that it has 0 compression so it takes a ton of space. I have like 2tb so no biggy but for some it kinda sucks. Glad others are helping get statistics.
Well, miracle of miracles, I actually had a good run…reminiscent of pre-Nov patch days. 3..yes, THREE!! rares AND and an unidentified dye, and even one of the rares I will actually use…underwater stuff, which I am grossly lacking. Vets still drop little or nothing though. The game must have known I was recording.
I recorded 3 events, Defense of Penitent, Defense of Jofast, Defense of Shelter’s Gate. I also recorded a clip of the wooden chest and opening it…one of the rares, dropped from a regular non-event wraith. I received two wooden chests this evening, this one an one from a spider, from which I appear to have gotten spider legs.
First rare I received I was solo non-event (Trident), second was also solo during the Jofast event (Trident), 3rd was in a party during Shelter’s Gate (Armor). Both second and third rares were berserker stuff. This happens to me almost every time I get multiple rares in a short period…they tend to be of the same type. In fact I think it’s happened every time I’ve had multiples drop. I’ve had it happen where they even had the same upgrade.
See, this makes me want to play again, though I fear it won’t last. I’ll post videos tomorrow.
Anet doesn’t care, however thanks to all the history stuff that Anet did do right, checking out my guild history shows a trend Anet will eventually see in the gem store.
Pre- 1/28 and 1/28 – 45 members logging in pretty much every day.
2/3 – 12 members logged in.
I’m sure my guild isn’t the only one showing this trend, so stick that in your X-files Anet.
Wait.. where is last log in dates/times..? I’ve never seen in Guild UI.
Wait.. where is last log in dates/times..? I’ve never seen in Guild UI.
Some people have been asking for evidence of how I play to prove I get bad drops. So here is a video of me doing an event today.
Now to be clear, prior to doing this event I was on a different character in the shiver peaks, levelling it up. This character has not been played in the last 24 hours. I did not kill or do any events with this character prior to this one. There is NO DR on the event as you can see by the event reward.
Also note that culling issues made me miss a group a couple of times.
It looks like during the editing process I missed 1 fine so add it to the count.
(edited by wildcode.5403)
Well, over the last week(im not kidding, it took me a week) i have read over this entire thread. I feel there is more than enough evidence that has been provided by the players to prove that the loot/drop rate/DR/RNG/whatever you want to call it is seriously messed up for some players.
So what is going to be done about it?
This is the order which they were recorded. Elapsed in-game time is probably about 1.5 hours. I partially did Penitent/Shelter’s Gate several times before just waiting around for the event to start. I did an escort event somewhere in between as well. That started from Jofast’s Camp, but must of hit “9” instead of “F9”, so it didn’t record. Nothing really of note…drops similar to the Penitent video. Video quality isn’t great, but it is what it is.
None of these had DR active. I didn’t have enough time to play to force DR to kick in. The drops are neither game-breaking nor jaw-dropping and aren’t at the level they were before November, but they are reasonable. Will they stay like this? I doubt it, but it’s nice to actually see good drops for a change. I only have +3MF.
Protect Penitent Camp
While I did get two T6 mats from moldy bags (Ancient bone, armored scale), this is more what my usual drops are like. Little or nothing for loot and what does drop is usually useless.
Sample Wooden Chest Drop
This is the first of two wooden chest drops last night, the only two I’ve ever seen…not sure if the second is in the video or not. Both dropped within 20 feet of each other just outside Shelter’s Gate Camp. First from a wraith (Rare trident), second from a spider (Spider legs).
Protect Jofast / Shelter’s Gate Camps
Both events provided decent drops. I’m sure the game knew I was auditing its drops and recording a video. These are seriously some of the consistently best drops I’ve had since things went to hell in November. I can’t help but wonder if last night’s “maintenance” had something to do with it since we know they can adjust such things on the fly. If I have time, I’ll have to go try a dragon (Claw) tonight to see if drops have improved boss chests well, but somehow I doubt it since it’s supposed to be a different reward system. Loot preview at the end is the result of both events. There is a 3-4 minute lull between events in this video. Shelter’s Gate event starts at time 7:10
Also in between these videos somewhere, I tried the maintain control of the Arah waypoint event…twice…and promptly died…twice as there were only two of us doing it. It’s a great event if you have enough people…it’s a cluster-kitten otherwise. LOL
Notice, veterans still drop little or nothing. Between event and non-event veterans I probably tagged 20+. Same result as in videos…little or nothing…everything good came from regular mobs. No champions/bosses in these events.
(edited by Leamas.5803)
While waiting for tequatl i decided to farm nearest event (kraits attacking a lab), i did not farm for long time (no sence). After 3 minutes of event i just realized i looted 5 porous bones total On last two seconds i looted 3 blues and some crap. I remembered about video recording ideas here and decided to spend another hour of my stupid life.
Today: pve daily, some dragons, another pach of 100 yellow daggers wasted in MF, two emo angry leavers from 20 lvl fractals, two fractal dailies… So no intentional farm at all.
Defend the supply of energy from krait
Magic Find – 114%
9 junk
3 salvagable
11 T5 mats
0 T6 mats
2 white items
0 blue items
1 green item
0 yellows
0 exotics
Panitent waypoint
Magic Find – 120%
26 junk
7 salvageble
6 T5 mats
0 T6 mats
15 heavy moldy bags
6 white items
8 blue items
3 green items
1 unidentified dye
0 yellows
0 exotics
From selling loot (except crafting materials) i earned 16 silver 28 copper .
Shelter gate
Magic Find – 120%
22 junk
3 salvageble
10 T5 mats
1 T6 mat (bone)
7 heavy Moldy bags
4 white items
0 blue items
1 green item
0 yellows
0 trololo exotics
Money earned 6 silver 41 copper
Further evidence that MF is useless…perhaps even counter productive.
For separate post…
About Aion (another NCSoft game). If i remember right, they had a system against bots based on reports. More reports player receive – less loot he has.
May be DR in GW2 works in same way. Just imagine – people report bots and must check everyone to not ban innocent players. To prolong their lives they want to increase the list of suspicious persons. So what should they do? Easy! Just report every nickname they see around.
May be don’t ban innocent players after verification but DR system still has reports counts and continues collecting them. It explains why people suffer from it over time.
While trying to farm again (i am naive stupid etc i know) i asked people about theirs income, they usually say 4-5 gold / hour. While i have ~50 silver from same work.
I once again remember september – october, after one event in orr i had almost no empty slots in my inventory. I had 1-2 yellows almost from every event. Now only 1 in a hour. But continues say about x-files. I am not upset any more. I am angry. It is plain stupid ignoring us for 3 months! Building strange tools to prove they dont even know what. They can’t say what to expect from drop! Even if they will collect enough data, they will not know what is right, what is right for most of us.
I remember their “scripts” distributing compensations for karka event. I remember their scripts distributing Tixx gifts. I look at situation with wooden boxes (with uncommon loot) and think – they must fire someone. Give him his money and say – GO AWAY, YOU ARE FAIL!
Because i dont know what to expect from their scripts. Even if they publish their results here and say “our system works just fine” i will not trust them. And i will not trust them any more.
I am very tired of this. It is shame.
(edited by ezd.6359)
Further evidence that MF is useless…perhaps even counter productive.
It was not useless before. I had noticeably more blue / greens than trash / whites (it is hard to tell about rares/exotics but if ask others i had more per hour). May be about two times more. I used this set for months and was very happy! Now i think to salvage it. God, it is completely useless NOW.
Further evidence that MF is useless…perhaps even counter productive.
It was not useless before. I had noticeably more blue / greens than trash / whites (it is hard to tell about rares/exotics but if ask others i had more per hour). May be about two times more. I used this set for months and was very happy! Now i think to salvage it. God, it is completely useless NOW.
See, I wonder if the drop rate has been reduced so much that more damage is more effective at improving drops than more magic find. I’ve long had this theory.
I do have strange drop rate since I’ve started to play Guild Wars ONE beta.
Its nearly 8 years of worthless craps.
Until the last big update, I had very pathetic drop rate.
Now its “okay”. I don’t know what changed. While I have MF buffs, I get the worst drops.
Anyway, guildmates and friends having rares often, while I don’t even have drop most of the time. Not for even solo-killing a Veteran Giant.
Many times, Dungeon bosses has no loot for me, while I did a lot of damage and didn’t died.
I’m living on Green, YaY.
and collecting stacks of 12c skulls.
I farm every once in awhile w/ full MF gear. Ever since the Jan 28th patch, I’ve gotten significantly rare+ drops. I would say 80% less. I don’t say in one area for too long either.
Getting plenty of greens though, thanks for that.
In one instance I farmed Orr with the gem magic booster & the laurel magic booster for one hour (80% extra than normal). I received 3 greens, the rest blue & below.
All I have today is, I kind of stumbled over the Champion Reef Shark in Southsun. After a long, iffy, “go go heal cooldown” kind of battle, I managed to solo it.
And watched with crushing disappointment, again, that for what I considered an accomplishment for my noob self, I got.. nothing. Literally, nothing.
I won’t ever fight it again. Is that the intention?
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Maybe they should add a an DR gui thing on the main screen to let you know when to leave an area or something like that ?
Like they did with the daily, last update.
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