Stat Combos
healing power/vitality/toughness
SoR lifer
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
Ferocity, condition damage, Boon duration.
Useless Emblazoned Coat of the Useless!
Power, vitality, precision.
Quick q, Izzy, are Boon/Condi Duration actually on the table?
I’m just testing the waters so I love to hear ideas.
Oh cool.
With that in mind
Boon Duration
For regen/sigils/traits which heal
Condi Duration
Condition Damage
For being as imbalanced condi glass cannon as possible
All combinations of Healing Power, Toughness and Vitality.
Why not just allow ALL possible combos? (of three, one major, two minor)
You could implement something like “gems” to insert on equipment. Example: 1 major Vitality gem, 1 minor Power gem, and 1 minor Condition Damage gem.
Also, why some existing combos are missing on PvP?, like Knight, Dire, etc.
About combos I want, well, I remember a conflict I had between Carrion and Rabid, both gives major Condition Damage, but if you also want Power, you are forced to have Vitality, when Toughness is more effective, so if you use the one with Toughness, you get Precision and not Power; Solution? Condition Damage, Power, Toughness.
Condi, power, precision. Basically what rampager should be. With this you open up the possibility of 1 condi spec being included in optimized pve groups.
Even Power, prec, condi damage could work nicely.
I second this. Would love to have this kind of combination for my necro.
Major/Minor/Minor :
Power/Precision/Boon Duration
Not really a stat combo but,
Traveler runes except with condi damage instead of +all stats
How about a new stat that adds resistance to conditions
I’d like to see more items with a combination of Healing Power (major) and 2 offensive stats. Like Healing Power / Ferocity / Precision. Or Healing Power / Power / Ferocity. Something that allows you to get a lot of healing power but also doesn’t completely deminish your offense in return.
I’d also like to see a variation of Rampager’s with Condition Damage major and the other 2 stats (Power and Precision) as minors.
And now that the whole Ferocity change is going forward, a few combos with Ferocity as a major stat are a given as well.
Whatever new stat combos do get added, I’d like to request that you don’t make them as difficult to create as Zealot’s (and to a somewhat lesser degree Celestial). Stat combos should not be “luxury items” that only the wealthy can afford. Requiring players to purchase multiple limited-time recipes for every single item they want to craft with that stat combination is an unnecessary barrier to creating such items. And even beyond the initial cost of the recipes, the components themselves are also rather costly since the supply of Watchwork Sprockets has dropped off with the end of the LS season and thus the prices have gone up. Last I checked, Zealot’s gear costs over 3x the price of any “normal” stat combination just due to the price of the Watchwork Sprockets.
Condition Dmg (Major) / Power (Minor) / Toughness (Minor) – Alchemist’s
Power (Major) / Condition Dmg (Minor) / Toughness (Minor) – Dragoon’s
Power (Major) / Condition Dmg (Minor) / Condition Duration (Minor) – Striker’s
Condition Dmg (Major)/Condition Duration (Minor)/Power (Minor) – Seeker’s
Condition Dmg (Major)/Condition Duration (Minor)/Toughness (Minor) – Reaper’s
(edited by dubeach.7014)
I’m in the same camp as people that want Condition Duration and Boon Duration to be stats you can get with armor. Well, there is givers armor, but it’s laughable bad.
6%, yeah, I’m going to give up hundreds of stat points for 6% longer boon duration, sure.
If that figure was more around 30% on armor alone, ok, now you have my attention.
Because either way, your capped at 100%.
Other variations could be:
Major – Power
Minor – Toughness
Minor – Boon Duration (20-30%)
Major – Healing Power
Minor – Boon Duration
Minor – Precision
Condition duration is in the same lot, thou you do have Giver weapons.
(which for some reason is only 10% even on two handed weapons?)
Major – Condition Damage
Minor – Condition Duration
Minor – Precision
Major – Toughness
Minor – Power
Minor – Condition Duration
I would just like the option not to always have to rely on food and buffs just to get decent condition/boon duration, when I don’t want to go into that trait line.
Also, having an option where Condition duration isn’t tied to Condition Damage, or even Precision, for thou’s odd builds that don’t use damaging conditions, but rather center around control.
Same goes for Boon duration in relation to Healing Power. While they do go together well, that shouldn’t be the only option.
I think it’s pretty meaningless to create more stat combos as the existing stats system have a lot to improve into more customization.
Condition damage/Condition duration/Boon Duration
Personally I’d like to see Ferocity, Power, Precision
This combo makes no sense. At any point, one would always prefer power / and or precision over ferocity. This combo won’t achieve anything except lower your damage potential.
Power, Precision, Vitality
Ascended Magi trinkets; Keeper’s trinket’s, Valkyrie trinkets (berserker+valkyrie doesn’t give enough health).
Precision, Power, Toughness on armor.
Toughness, Vitality, and Healing Power.
I also think it would be great if there was some way for us to come up with our own stat combinations. Like, for instance, if a set of gloves had 150 total stat points you could allocate however you liked. That would really open up more diversity, with people trying different combinations of stats.
More healing power focus options and definitely more boon duration options.
Primary: Power
Secondary: Healing Power & Boon Duration
Mixing boon duration with crits would make on crit boon effects more fun and useful too.
Warden stats!
Vitality (Major), Toughness (Minor), Healing Power (Minor).
I had no time to go over all that has been suggested.
But i would love to see:
1) (Power)/Healing/Toughness
2) (Power)/Healing/Precision
3) (Power)/Healing/Ferocity
My power/vampiric necro would love to see any of these
Power / Precision / Vitality
Please DO NOT add armor sets with 3 defensive stats (i.e. Toughness / Vitality / Healing Power), bunkers are already very strong in PvP settings and such a stat combo would make them ridiculous.
Power, Condition Damage, Vitality
With the change in crit damage, we should get more gear with Ferocity as main stat.
The bolded is the primary stat bonus focus. Most really are just variants of Knight’s, Rampager’s, and Cleric’s. They are favorable stat combinations I would like to hybrid mix more.
Power/Toughness/Healing Power
Power/Precision/Condition Damage
Power/Precision/Condition Damage
precision / ferocity / toughness (i dont think i care which is the main stat)
condi damage / condi duration / precision
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Quick q, Izzy, are Boon/Condi Duration actually on the table?
I’m just testing the waters so I love to hear ideas.
It had better be on the table… since they’re both on armor/weapons already in the game.
Seriously though, boon duration aka “Concentration” and condition duration aka “Expertise” are on gear now and desperately need to be given the same sort of pass that critical damage aka “Prowess” received. Only without changing the name to Ferocity just to mess up the personality system . You guys completely control the mechanical namespace and still stomped on your own toes…
Thanks for all the responses!
So, there’s about 0% chance you couldn’t generate every single combination offered here in less than 60 seconds in your head – the data being gathered is actually about where player’s attention is directed. Were you expecting anything other than the obvious echoes of the DPS-uber-alles meta and a few people frustrated the other roles have no value in the current content-design paradigm?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
(edited by Nike.2631)
Why would you waste more development resources on stat combos that won’t be used?
In PvE Berzerker is the supreme option, even post nerf.
In PvP people will either use condi/prec/toughness or condi/vit/toughness. Power specs will use valkyrie or knights, PVT for warriors and guardians and eles.
Nobody uses clerics. Nobody uses rabid. Nobody uses shamans (besides duel sec BM rangers). Nobody uses magi.
Why are you creating more stats instead of balancing them.
Power, Vitality, Precision.
Why is there no exotic version of this stat combination? It’s common up until level 70+ and then it disappears. I would have found this to be a useful set on my Elementalist until I got comfortable enough to fights in Berserker gear. Knights gear is not a terrible alternative, though it’s not perfect.
Condition Damage, Precision and Power would be another good addition.
(edited by Nokaru.7831)
Power, Percision, Vitality
This, it is in pvp, Barbarian (but barb is Vit 1st) I would love to see power/Prec/Vit
Quick q, Izzy, are Boon/Condi Duration actually on the table?
I’m just testing the waters so I love to hear ideas.
1&2 stat combos: Probably wouldn’t do this we started off with a lot of items centered around 1 stat and it really created some insane min maxing that made the game play unfun.
Thanks for all the responses!
We’re not talking about condition duration/boon duration only, just those two stats, at all, in any way, being added to armor. Condition Damage/condition duration/boon duration would be a good example, or condition damage/condition duration/ toughness, boon duration/healing/power. Heck ANY combination of stats that includes condition duration and/or boon duration really! Options are non-existant for this build type.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Before adding any new stat combos… the devs should focus on making every stat combo craft-able by each crafting profession from the get go, and in every craft level not just ascended. This will not be using laurels, guild commendations, LS rewards that don’t exist anymore or the mystic forge.
Dire, Magi’s, Sentinel’s, both Giver’s types, Settler’s, Cavalier’s, Soldier’s, Shaman’s, Zealot’s, Valkyrie, the unnamed Vitality/Power/Healing Power, and the unnamed Precision/Power/Toughness sets for starters.
I’d like to see a set or two focused on conditions that are more offensive than tank.
Cond Dmg (major) , cond. Duration, tough
boon duration, cond dmg, cond duration
How about a new stat that adds resistance to conditions
That’s what I meant by (Negative) Condition Duration in page 3. We already have it on rune combos (ie. Melandru) so it should be possible.
I like to view MMOs through the lazy eye of a Systems Admin, and the critical eye of a
Project Manager. You’ve been warned. ;-)
+% damage (deal)
-% damage (recive)
+% healing (not healing power – cuz it sux)
Different bonuses, like 5% of your healings are shared with others or something. Kinda like runes who are already inside the weapon. For example a weapon with:
- Power
- Ferocity
- +1% crit chance for 5 sec (not affected by boon dura) when an enemy is hit.
or - Condition Damage
- Condition Duration
- heal yourself for 1% of the condition damage you deal
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TOUGHNESS/Power/Condition Damage
I feel there needs to be more sets with toughness or vitality as the primary attribute, and I think there should be more options for hybrid condi builds. This is speaking from a WvW perspective.
condition dmg/precision/condition duration. We need a zerk equivivalent condi spec
Boon duration/healing power/toughness
Healing power/vitality/toughness
(Major) Power
(Minor) Precision
(Minor) Toughness
Primary: Vitality
Secondary: Toughness
Secondary: Healing power
I would use some of this right now.
One questions first:
Is it considered in the foreseeable future to change boonduration/conditionduration similar to critical damage resp. ferocity, i.e. make it more balanced over all items? (10% condition duration on one-handed AND twohanded weapons seems odd, boon duration has the same problema s critical damage, values are so small that imho there is no real balance)
If that is the case, add the respective gear for those stat combinations :-)
Besides that, POWER/toughnes/precision or TOUGHNESS/power/vitality stats would be awesome.
All stat combos for everything and I would love to see what you’re doing with Legendary and other items where I can change the stats at will (out of combat of course) for ALL items.
Can do it with the update for traits, why not the rest of my stuff? Hook us up with a truly custom experience.
A NEW stat! It’s called Volatility. It makes your conditions tick FASTER
!!! BRING IT!!
COND DMG / Power / Precision
VITALITY / Toughness / Healing Power or Boon Duration
COND DMG / Precision / Cond Duration
COND DMG / Vitality / Precision
Some stat combos with 4 stats distributed instead of 3
Note: total stat count should still be equal to 3-stat combos.This benefits professions that rely on more stats the most, like the elementalist or the guardian, who generally want to have healing power or vitality in addition to their other specializations. This is especially important when moving those combos to pvp’s amulets, and even more so now that jewels are being removed.
- (Main) Power – (very minor) Toughness, Vitality, Healing Power;
- (Main) Power – (very minor) Precision, Toughness, Healing Power;
- (Main) Power – (very minor) Precision, Toughness, Vitality;
More stat combos that enhance support or control builds
Note: unfortunately, there are not many stats that support those roles…
- (Main) Healing Power – (Minor) Boon Duration, Toughness;
- (Main) Healing Power – (Minor) Boon Duration, Precision;
- (Main) Boon Duration – (Minor) Any;
- (Main) Condition Duration – (Minor) Any;
As someone with an elementalist as the main, I really like this!
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
Healing power (main)
Pure stats, only Power, or only Condition Damage.
That would make someone either too tanky or too squishy, the reason why armors have minor traits is to make sure they are more balanced… And that you don’t melt like ice cream or become a god and never die due to like 5,000 toughness :I