Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]
I’m a long term supporter of Mounts, but one thing iwll I say here about them..
At the current state of GW2, Mounts will absolutely not save this game – at all!!!
This game has way too many other problems right no, than that the addition of of mounts would change the game in any positive way – and alot of these problems are thigns, which should have been adressed by anet already years ago, but got ingored by them all the time and become only more and more of bigger problems.
This game has already such a big pile of problems that to fix them all for take years by the pace of which Anet delivers big changes to the game.
The Top 10 of this that need to receive immediately dire attention first to get finally fixed in this game to brign the game back onto its right path are following things:
The game is basicaly since june 23rd totally out of control in regard of balance and Anet has nothign better to do, than to let us wait over a freaking HALF YEAR, until we will see finally again some bigger balance changes after that they forced us first to endure a long PvP seasson with all this absurdly terrible game balance around that has 2 death nerfed (Warrior/Thief) classes and 7 total overbuffed powercreepers.
The overall Game Balance is lacking right now at so many points and doing something on balance only every 3 months is non acceptable. Game Balance needs to be the overarching top 1 process that needs to be constantly running and with constantly I mean, that there needs to be balance changes every 1-2 months, not first every quarter of a year.
2) Reimplementation of Living World Season 1 under the game Design of Season 2 with own Achievements for repeating the Story Segments. Heart of thorns is out now,, so this should be now on their radar to get fixed now ASAP to make this game finally complete
3) Fixing World vs World ASAP and giving WvW finally a Reward System that is actually REWADING, and that on a equal basis to playing PvP/PvE.
From what has been heard so far, they seem to work already in the background on a bigger WvW Redesign/Overhaul.
I just hope for it, that they make also some significant changes to the new Desert Maps, so that they become more fun to play.
It was absolutely no – NOOOOO good decision by Anet to make for Desert Map absolutely no Open Beta and implementing it then into the game without getting actually enough feedback. its no miracle then, that the whole implemtnation iof the new maps totally FLOPPED, because the maps are crap and absolutely no fun at all to play on, because of the maps being way tooo big (should be like 25% smaller), way too movement stopping by its maze design, they don’t integrated gliding, in a map, where gliding would have been by the design perfect and alot of fun…
They still waste so much potential for horizontal WvW Progression by implementing something useful like class based WvW traits to give all classes in WvW actually some ROLES.
We still have sauch a ridiculous senseless rank system with 10000 ranks in a game mode, that actualyl provides only wvw character progression for roughly 1400 ranks of 10000 only, and if you have maxed out everythign, you collect tons of useless rankpoints with that you cant do anything … when there is so much potential for more useful WvW traitlines that could improve WvW significantly while giving the player the feeling of more progression.
4) Fixing PvP and overall Game Balance, by finally making for all Skills/Traits in this Game specific PVP VERSIONS, so that they finally stop ruining this ghame for many players, because they nerfed something to death for PvEers for example, because the skill change was originsally inteded to change something for PvP or WvW.
When will Anet finally realize, that they peep off everytime with these overall changes alot of players (to the point that they permanently quit the game even), when this would be so easily preventable by just making for all Game Modes, especially PvP in this case their own Skill/Trait effects to make it themself easier to balance the game modes for actually only the game modes alone, without having to fear any backlash from annoyed players that got their builds destroyed, because Anet had to chance again something without thinking even for a single second about it, what these changes might mean for consequences for other game modes ….
5) Less GRIND, Less RNG, Less sensless CLICKING FESTS
Since 3 years is Anet now paying over all, what they do make all diferent than the tons of other 0815 mmorpgs out there, how innovative they are and so on and since all this time they constantly do exactly alot of the same bullcrap mistakes in their game design, like said all other games – brief said, thigns and mechanics, that annoy players to hell – mainly grind, ridiculous RNG mechanics andpointless clicking fests – lately again 10000 alcoholic drinks where easily 2500-5000 would have been more than enough to turn wintersday not into a stupid grindfest over a title and a new skin, with other new rewards walled behind rng mechanics or crafting crind that requires again alot of luck either for the rng wall or grindign gold to buy all the stuff from greedy players that abuse this situation to make absurd profit from you whioch stands absolutely in no relation anymore…
The game has already so many things that should get reduced in their grind, rng or crazy clicking mania, it would be too much to list everythign up here now …
6) Adding finally all the announced content, that should have been in the game already from Release Date on – things like POLYMOK, BAR BRAWLS, bringing back as minigame activity ASPECT ARENA back and implement the Laberinthine Cliffs as a normal permanent explorable map also..the zephirites are basically destroyed since season 2, so there needs to be an other way to get to tha map, bringing back also MOA RACING and please, improved as an actual minigame activity, not as a stupid boring money betting mechanic wholse only purpose it is to be a money sink …
Brinking back SUPER ADVENTURE BOX and completing it with the missing worlds and letting it then stay also as permanent content once it is complete.
7) Revamping the complete Dungeon System, so that it receives at least again a unique reason for why players WANT TO PLAY THEM, if not for the gold reward, then should dungeons provide other unique rewards, that players should be able to earn only by playing the dungeons and not with PvP reward tracks, which are a reason, why dungeons are in the bad state as they are now, as alot more players would play them still, if it wouldnt be much easier to get all the dungeon skins ect. by playing pvp, which is now even more rewarding than dungeosn self…
8.) Revamping, rebalancing and improving the whole Underwater Combat System, so that it actually feels again like a valuable part of the game and not like one of this games many unwanted step child systems, that got permanently shafted and neglected, because of ANet having permanently alot of othe things in their focus – mainly living story, gemstore and e-sport, while practically ignoring mostly all the rest of the game over the last years.
9) Undoing all of the silly Visual Noise Changes, by making it a personal choice option for everyone in the graphic settings to decide personalyl for yourself, if you want to have the graphics reduced or not, and if yes, by how intensive it should be reduced and what exactly should get redcued for you/all around you in your display.
This should have been the very first thing, that should have been added very first, before ruining the game for many players with all this sudden visual noise nonsense by crippling the game graphics down to stone age level
10) More Continuity in the game Content finally !! Also Ascended Equipment must become finally again more alternative character friendly, the silly time gating needs to get removed finally. Ascended stuff is already integrated good enough in this game. There is absolutely no need anymore for all this silyl time gating.
It needs to be removed to stabilize again more the econmoy around the way too expensive ascended equipment.
The game needs more way to earn ascneded items, other than only raids, fractals, craftign or super duper rarely as loot from wvw rank rewards or boss loot chests from world bosses full of asia grinder RNG with chances lower than basically 0,00001% to get what you want to slow down the player progression in this game down into oblivion with the pure and solely intent to drive the player insane either or to force them to spent real money for gems in order to speed up the progress if possible by using huge amounts of gold …but not in all cases this is possible.
If they remove the time gatign, prices would fall a bit, but not so much, that ascended stuff would become over night super cheap, but the game would instantly make again alot more fun, if you dont get slowed down every day in making the thigns you want.
How can it be, that still until today there doesnt still yet exist not finally Jeweler 500 and Chef 500 too??? Its really ridiculous. how long does Job Level 500 already exist by now? 2 years? and you still havent managed to finally bring Jeweler and Chef on par with all the other crafting jobs Anet. Then it gets topped by Scribe, which gets also imple,mented with its incomplete Job Level 400 and is an absolutel horrible grind design which should work like all other crafting jobs too, but should be in fact only learnable simply, if you own HoT. Point No, instead they make it a guild bounded terirble 5000 gold grind rolleyes
If these 10 things woudl get fixed finally, then this game would be again on the right path and only then and first then theres time to speak about something like mounts, which would become 100% sure a gemstore only item then anyways and surely not be any game saver at all. Moneywise for Anet surely yes, for them they’d be a blessing.. but for players they are just only an optional quality of life item that doesn’t improve this game essentially at any of the core points, which need direly improvements and that QUICKLY.
I’m a long term supporter of Mounts, but one thing iwll I say here about them..
At the current state of GW2, Mounts will absolutely not save this game – at all!!!
This game has way too many other problems right no, than that the addition of of mounts would change the game in any positive way – and alot of these problems are thigns, which should have been adressed by anet already years ago, but got ingored by them all the time and become only more and more of bigger problems.
This game has already such a big pile of problems that to fix them all for take years by the pace of which Anet delivers big changes to the game.
The Top 10 of this that need to receive immediately dire attention first to get finally fixed in this game to brign the game back onto its right path are following things:
The game is basicaly since june 23rd totally out of control in regard of balance and Anet has nothign better to do, than to let us wait over a freaking HALF YEAR, until we will see finally again some bigger balance changes after that they forced us first to endure a long PvP seasson with all this absurdly terrible game balance around that has 2 death nerfed (Warrior/Thief) classes and 7 total overbuffed powercreepers.
The overall Game Balance is lacking right now at so many points and doing something on balance only every 3 months is non acceptable. Game Balance needs to be the overarching top 1 process that needs to be constantly running and with constantly I mean, that there needs to be balance changes every 1-2 months, not first every quarter of a year.2) Reimplementation of Living World Season 1 under the game Design of Season 2 with own Achievements for repeating the Story Segments. Heart of thorns is out now,, so this should be now on their radar to get fixed now ASAP to make this game finally complete
3) Fixing World vs World ASAP and giving WvW finally a Reward System that is actually REWADING, and that on a equal basis to playing PvP/PvE.
From what has been heard so far, they seem to work already in the background on a bigger WvW Redesign/Overhaul.
I just hope for it, that they make also some significant changes to the new Desert Maps, so that they become more fun to play.
It was absolutely no – NOOOOO good decision by Anet to make for Desert Map absolutely no Open Beta and implementing it then into the game without getting actually enough feedback. its no miracle then, that the whole implemtnation iof the new maps totally FLOPPED, because the maps are crap and absolutely no fun at all to play on, because of the maps being way tooo big (should be like 25% smaller), way too movement stopping by its maze design, they don’t integrated gliding, in a map, where gliding would have been by the design perfect and alot of fun…
They still waste so much potential for horizontal WvW Progression by implementing something useful like class based WvW traits to give all classes in WvW actually some ROLES.
We still have sauch a ridiculous senseless rank system with 10000 ranks in a game mode, that actualyl provides only wvw character progression for roughly 1400 ranks of 10000 only, and if you have maxed out everythign, you collect tons of useless rankpoints with that you cant do anything … when there is so much potential for more useful WvW traitlines that could improve WvW significantly while giving the player the feeling of more progression.4) Fixing PvP and overall Game Balance, by finally making for all Skills/Traits in this Game specific PVP VERSIONS, so that they finally stop ruining this ghame for many players, because they nerfed something to death for PvEers for example, because the skill change was originsally inteded to change something for PvP or WvW.
When will Anet finally realize, that they peep off everytime with these overall changes alot of players (to the point that they permanently quit the game even), when this would be so easily preventable by just making for all Game Modes, especially PvP in this case their own Skill/Trait effects to make it themself easier to balance the game modes for actually only the game modes alone, without having to fear any backlash from annoyed players that got their builds destroyed, because Anet had to chance again something without thinking even for a single second about it, what these changes might mean for consequences for other game modes ….5) Less GRIND, Less RNG, Less sensless CLICKING FESTS
Since 3 years is Anet now paying over all, what they do make all diferent than the tons of other 0815 mmorpgs out there, how innovative they are and so on and since all this time they constantly do exactly alot of the same bullcrap mistakes in their game design, like said all other games – brief said, thigns and mechanics, that annoy players to hell – mainly grind, ridiculous RNG mechanics andpointless clicking fests – lately again 10000 alcoholic drinks where easily 2500-5000 would have been more than enough to turn wintersday not into a stupid grindfest over a title and a new skin, with other new rewards walled behind rng mechanics or crafting crind that requires again alot of luck either for the rng wall or grindign gold to buy all the stuff from greedy players that abuse this situation to make absurd profit from you whioch stands absolutely in no relation anymore…
The game has already so many things that should get reduced in their grind, rng or crazy clicking mania, it would be too much to list everythign up here now …6) Adding finally all the announced content, that should have been in the game already from Release Date on – things like POLYMOK, BAR BRAWLS, bringing back as minigame activity ASPECT ARENA back and implement the Laberinthine Cliffs as a normal permanent explorable map also..the zephirites are basically destroyed since season 2, so there needs to be an other way to get to tha map, bringing back also MOA RACING and please, improved as an actual minigame activity, not as a stupid boring money betting mechanic wholse only purpose it is to be a money sink …
Brinking back SUPER ADVENTURE BOX and completing it with the missing worlds and letting it then stay also as permanent content once it is complete.7) Revamping the complete Dungeon System, so that it receives at least again a unique reason for why players WANT TO PLAY THEM, if not for the gold reward, then should dungeons provide other unique rewards, that players should be able to earn only by playing the dungeons and not with PvP reward tracks, which are a reason, why dungeons are in the bad state as they are now, as alot more players would play them still, if it wouldnt be much easier to get all the dungeon skins ect. by playing pvp, which is now even more rewarding than dungeosn self…
8.) Revamping, rebalancing and improving the whole Underwater Combat System, so that it actually feels again like a valuable part of the game and not like one of this games many unwanted step child systems, that got permanently shafted and neglected, because of ANet having permanently alot of othe things in their focus – mainly living story, gemstore and e-sport, while practically ignoring mostly all the rest of the game over the last years.
9) Undoing all of the silly Visual Noise Changes, by making it a personal choice option for everyone in the graphic settings to decide personalyl for yourself, if you want to have the graphics reduced or not, and if yes, by how intensive it should be reduced and what exactly should get redcued for you/all around you in your display.
This should have been the very first thing, that should have been added very first, before ruining the game for many players with all this sudden visual noise nonsense by crippling the game graphics down to stone age level10) More Continuity in the game Content finally !! Also Ascended Equipment must become finally again more alternative character friendly, the silly time gating needs to get removed finally. Ascended stuff is already integrated good enough in this game. There is absolutely no need anymore for all this silyl time gating.
It needs to be removed to stabilize again more the econmoy around the way too expensive ascended equipment.
The game needs more way to earn ascneded items, other than only raids, fractals, craftign or super duper rarely as loot from wvw rank rewards or boss loot chests from world bosses full of asia grinder RNG with chances lower than basically 0,00001% to get what you want to slow down the player progression in this game down into oblivion with the pure and solely intent to drive the player insane either or to force them to spent real money for gems in order to speed up the progress if possible by using huge amounts of gold …but not in all cases this is possible.
If they remove the time gatign, prices would fall a bit, but not so much, that ascended stuff would become over night super cheap, but the game would instantly make again alot more fun, if you dont get slowed down every day in making the thigns you want.How can it be, that still until today there doesnt still yet exist not finally Jeweler 500 and Chef 500 too??? Its really ridiculous. how long does Job Level 500 already exist by now? 2 years? and you still havent managed to finally bring Jeweler and Chef on par with all the other crafting jobs Anet. Then it gets topped by Scribe, which gets also imple,mented with its incomplete Job Level 400 and is an absolutel horrible grind design which should work like all other crafting jobs too, but should be in fact only learnable simply, if you own HoT. Point No, instead they make it a guild bounded terirble 5000 gold grind rolleyes
If these 10 things woudl get fixed finally, then this game would be again on the right path and only then and first then theres time to speak about something like mounts, which would become 100% sure a gemstore only item then anyways and surely not be any game saver at all. Moneywise for Anet surely yes, for them they’d be a blessing.. but for players they are just only an optional quality of life item that doesn’t improve this game essentially at any of the core points, which need direly improvements and that QUICKLY.
Some of these suggestions are good. But some of them are not. It is what YOU want, but not necessarily a fix.
But ALL of them need time and effort to achieve. ANET can’t magically make it happen.
That’s where mounts come in. The extra income and extra excitement will finally give ANET the time and resources to pull it off.
Think not how ANET can help you, think rather how you can help ANET address these problems.
Mounts is the way to do it. Let’s support ANET by buying mounts at 1700 gems each every month. This is a wonderful idea.
So answer the question any and every game designer is gonna ask: what to you intend to replace all the traits, signets, and runes you just obsoleted with?
Speed exists in this game, it has considerable value, and it’s achievable at considerable cost. How do you see mounts fitting into that other than as a pure gimme that wrecks a considerable number of systems?
I already dealt with this. A cavalry knight on horseback can still use his/her skills. We should be able to use our skills/sigils/traits etc, on our mounts as well.
We will just be on our mounts with a 15% speed buff that can be overridden with a greater buff if it is to surpass 15%.
Edit: Also, they even spent a considerable amount of time developing a costume brawl battle system and you’re telling me they can’t figure out how to put a mount animation under our feet? Magic carpet, broom, etc says otherwise. No, the mechanisms are all there already. They’ve just chosen not to do it.
I’m trying to say that we should choose to do it now because it’s good for the community and income. It’s a win-win.
(edited by Soleil.1304)
This mount battle system would be so much better than… wait for it… UNDERWATER BATTLE! Yes, I said it. It had to be said.
And how exactly this will save the game from….ehmm…mind you, from what?
uhm when you can run from LA to Orr in 15 minutes I dont see the point nor do I want to look at them, it adds nothing to the game, and this game needs to be saved from its whining playerbase for the most part.
uhm when you can run from LA to Orr in 15 minutes I dont see the point nor do I want to look at them, it adds nothing to the game, and this game needs to be saved from its whining playerbase for the most part.
Read OP. Movement speed was never the goal.
Mounts won’t save it, not listening to the fan boys will save it if not well look at the ghost town maps already. Crafting is horrible, crafting ascended is just nasty the worst I have seen in any mmo. The fan boys will say its fine and more people will leave and the ghost town gets worse. Diminishing returns is just stupid in this game and the rng we won’t even go there. This game is a lost cause unless Anet address the peoples concerns that are leaving instead of the fan boys.
I honestly don’t care if mounts are in game. I wouldn’t spend any money on them in the gem shop but if ANET gives me a free standard mount, I would use it. It’s a free
speedbuff which allows me to skip contend in open pve. cool thing. And if I see someone struggling with enemies I wouldn’t stop and assist him because if he is not smart enough to use his mount to skip them then it’s not my problem if he dies. I would just ride past him and I would smile while doing it. Maybe I would rotate the camera so that I can watch his noobass getting whipped while riding peacefully towards the sunset.
Just kidding. I won’t let anyone die. Not on my watch. But if mounts exist and support this kind of selfish playstyle then… who knows…
Regarding lorefriendliness I have to admit that I’m not very familiar with Guild Wars lore but as far as I know Charr are carnivores. Wouldn’t it be lorefriedly if your Charr dies (because of stomach explosion) everytime he eats something not entirely made of meat? Only because something is lorefriendly doesn’t mean that it would be healthy for the game.
I don’t know why GW2 needs salvation but even if it does, I doubt that mounts would do the trick. Of course people would buy mounts if they are purchaseable over the shop. People buy everything. If ANET would add a mini BDSM Faren for Valentinesday to their gem store which slapps your kitten from time to time and call you his worthless slave, people would buy it. kitten , even I would buy it.
Maybe ANET can implement mounts in their next expension as a gameplayelement only available on the expansion maps. If the new content is designed for mounts, why not? But right now Tyria is not made for mounts. I don’t see any benefits at all, whether from the gameplay nor from the economic perspective.
This mount battle system would be so much better than… wait for it… UNDERWATER BATTLE! Yes, I said it. It had to be said.
I’ve played a game that introduced mounted combat. Believe me, it was a mess, and I never ever want to go there again.
Take an immediate waypoint or ride a beast? OP, you sure these aren’t Freudian desires?
Crystal Desert
This mount battle system would be so much better than… wait for it… UNDERWATER BATTLE! Yes, I said it. It had to be said.
I’ve played a game that introduced mounted combat. Believe me, it was a mess, and I never ever want to go there again.
not the same game, not the same developer.
Take an immediate waypoint or ride a beast? OP, you sure these aren’t Freudian desires?
as I said before, stop with the either/or. We want both and neither one obsoletes the other. They are mutually exclusive.
Not that my opinion makes any difference but I vote no to mounts. I find it nice that I can go to the vendor or TB and not have them hidden by people not dismounting.
Maybe I’m just getting cranky in my old age but not being ‘mount twerked’ while trying to sell my inventory junk is awesome.
Have you tried the Wintersday Jumping Puzzle? Charr and Norn already clutter up everything and you can’t see yourself nor the trade npc in the cities either.
Sorry, but I can’t accept your reasoning.
I’d use a Norn mount for my Asura.
No to mounts. No, they won’t ‘save’ the game. Why? I don’t care for the reasons posted for wanting them.
Posting so the Devs can see.
How would people feel about portable waypoints?
These are one off items that could be purchased from the online shop foe gems and could be deployed anywhere, but not in any instanced areas.
You could only carry 1 at a time.
They would last for 5 minutes and would appear on the map allow anyone to port there.
Similar in scope to portable Trading Post vendors which already exist.
How would people feel about portable waypoints?
Sort of like the warp to friends consumables? Agreed, they are great and another thing that makes mounts even less relevant in this game.
I wonder what the opportunity costs would be to create new animations for almost every skill in the game so that they would work for mounted combat?
Seems likely to have a pretty significant resource cost.
What would we not get because resources were allocated to this idea?
There are other things that I would rather see ANet focus on. I am not opposed, in principle, to the idea of mounts in GW2, or even of mounted combat, but I’d rather see other things first.
Not even going to bother reading through the first few pages.
Mounts are pointless in this game.
And just like glider skins no doubt they’d only be available in the cash shop for probably $25 EACH.
But money isn’t the point, the actual point is the following:
- Waypoints
- Asura Gates
- Teleport to Friend
- The what-feels-like-a-million-other-instant-teleport-to-this-location teleport scrolls in the game
- UI instant access to areas such as PvP & WvW
- 33% Swiftness Boon
- Skills such as Superspeed (50% “swiftness”)
Although cosmetically speaking, sure riding a horse would be interesting but the point is moot when we have all these MUCH MORE VIABLE options already available.
When it took me almost 3 hours to run across just one map in Star Wars Galaxies,
and then we got mounts, I thought it was great. Then came bikes and speeders, then space ships and travel between planets, then fighters and yachts, and eventually I could travel from the ground in my single man ship up thru the sky, dock, leave, and head right back down, doing strafing runs, and you know what?
Each time the Galaxy got smaller and smaller. The fights, the battles, the significant achievements of the past shrunk to insignificance as I zipped past overhead. The game lasted 8 years. That’s a lot to zip over.
If I thought the developers would stop at one speed upgrade, I’d go for it but it seems like the kind of thing that would quickly take up residence in the gem shop and get faster with each dollar.
I understand your enthusiasm and applaud your efforts despite the opposition. I thought it would be a good thing too. Now, I think I am against even having a glider in the core world.
Why wasn’t this merged a long time ago?
Why wasn’t this merged a long time ago?
I suspect the moderators working over the holidays don’t have permission to move threads, only to delete them and issue infractions.
You are right, OP. The horse has made things more uncomplicated, no doubt about it. After the horse, came the steam engine, then fossil engines, now solar engines.
If you are like me, you see a a pattern in this. In case that you don´t see it, here it comes:
A teleportation device make a mount obsolete if teleportation devices are readily available. And if it does not make it obsolete in every sense, it makes it something that is used by people who explore the wildnerness to set up teleportation circles or where said teleport does not work for whatever reason.
Of course you could argue that a reasonable humanoid would still employ horses for day to day activity like patrolling within the reach of said teleportation devices for rapid responde, or to help with farming. But for all things heroic, I simply don´t see much use for it.
I just tried to rationalize a world without mounts again. Nope, still convinced that intelligent beings would have mounts.
Keep your arguments coming guys, I’m still firmly convinced that a new exciting system “mounts” would be good for the community, make perfect sense for an intelligent and diverse world, and would help the Anet disposable income base to further develop the game.
Don’t try to defend what is already, open up your minds to new possibilities. Only old rotting people accept things as they are and never make any progress. Mounts will be progress, income would be too.
This game engine suffers already with the number of pets and skill effects. Mounts would just be one more thing to crowd heavily populated areas and ultimately drop the frame rate to slide show speeds.
Anet has been fighting the frame rate problem from day one and losing. Mounts will most likely not be embraced much more than the broom and magic carpet style that already exist.
In addition, I would prefer they focus their resources on fixing the bugs and balance issues over mounts. That is just my opinion of course.
What does that have to do with mounts supposedly saving this game?
Lets see…
Would i buy a Mount for 1700 Gems?
Not realy…
The question for me would be for what reason i would buy a mount.
“Oh it looks cool” = Who cares. People run around in Outfits and 6000g Legendary and nobody gives a kitten .
“It makes you travel faster” = Yeah… the few meters i have to walk between waypoints is way to much time waste.
“It saves Anet” = How about some Game balance or something idk….
“It gives Anet Money” = Mhhh the time it needs to programm mounts for 5 races , 2 genders, 9 classes and many skills, armor clipping and many more things…..
I dont think the Time investment would pay off here.
If they would ad Monuts to the Game (as long you dont 100% need them to be competitive) i would not buy one.
(edited by DanAlcedo.3281)
I would like mount collecting. That’s honestly the one thing that really grabbed my attention in WoW. I find mount collecting extremely fun and exciting!
Why wasn’t this merged a long time ago?
I suspect the moderators working over the holidays don’t have permission to move threads, only to delete them and issue infractions.
I know, it’s an absolute joke.
Not that I personally care if this thread is merged, or not.
But the rest of the “moderation” has been totally unacceptable.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
Why wasn’t this merged a long time ago?
I suspect the moderators working over the holidays don’t have permission to move threads, only to delete them and issue infractions.
I know, it’s an absolute joke.
Not that I personally care if this thread is merged, or not.
But the rest of the “moderation” has been totally unacceptable.
Yep they often ignore what they shouldn’t (like not merging this ) or over react to something and throw the infraction/ban hammer. I often jest that the same company that that calls you at dinner to get your ducts cleaned does the moderation (outsourced) and has difficulty understanding the nuances of the english language.
….. if the mounts aren’t any faster than running, aren’t they just useless clutter on the screen? they would be literally pointless.
Graduated top of class esports academy
#1 on fractal leaderboards
Everytime I go through one of these threads I’m even LESS convinced mounts are needed or will benefit the game in any way. This thread really takes the cake though; not only do we need mounts, they are going to SAVE the game too, nevermind I can’t get in a DS map that’s got a chance in hell of winning.
Mounts are completely useless from the perspective of GW2 game mechanics.
ANet will never introduce mounted combat and to move faster its easier for them to sell +66% speed boosts.
The only reason that can make ANet think twice is to make available mounts only through cash shop for vanity purposes.
First since a thread was referenced on the nature of content needs improvement. I would agree to an extent that some things could have been designed better. A raid that was more than just a straight to a boss fight would have been nice. Something more along the lines of dungeon design of story telling. Perhaps that story starts after the boss that guards the “actual” raid? I mean that is the impression I get with the vale guardian. I don’t want to go into details on this I’m sure I’m not the only one who doesn’t want spoilers for parts we haven’t gotten to yet. I do like the shift in story telling to the stronger styles they had in GW1 rather than the static backdrop conversations. This is one good thing. There are others too. But we are, as been pointed out many times in the thread here to discuss why mounts (over anything else) is the thing we should have.
I’m not convinced that mounts will be of any benefit financially or otherwise. The reason I play any kind of RPG is the story. And I’m sure is the primary reason anyone does. But it also has to be mixed well with good game mechanics and functionality. Which we have had to do. There have been bugs and such that initially had to be dealt with. But you can have the best mechanics, functionality and all sort of bling including mounts up the wahzoo and a huge world to explore but without a good story to drive you around that world and to experience the mechanics etc with the rest is just meaningless. The biggest complaint I see about heart of thorns is that they didn’t release enough story with the initial purchase. I would have liked to see as much as the original releases story length with it. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying it and knowing that we are getting more story content releases to me that is content we paid for in the purchase of heart of thorns. Refer to my other comment about that.
If they decide to add mounts to the game having them be exclusively in the gem store or only the best looking ones in there you are going to have a lot of angry players. I remember discussions when they asked their player base about stuff they should sell in a in game store for GW2 this was a big deal for what was seen to be a bad thing. Many players said they would not buy the game etc if they were to do something like that. In fact I remember at least one other game that made something exclusive to the in game store that was perceive to be a core game element that should be freely available and that game was closed due to a mass exodus because of that.
As far as lore goes there is no reason they couldn’t ride mounts if they wanted to. But for some reason they don’t. They never did. Officially I don’t think that is anything that was ever written specifically to confirm or deny. GW vision was to think outside the box to not be like every other game. To offer something new and exciting that demonstrated that you didn’t have to be like this or that and have a highly successful thing. In fact they broke the mold in many ways by unconventionally altering how certain things were done in every other game that players tolerated to have be the way they were when they could have been better. I seen other games change theirs to be more like GW because of that. I don’t know if not having mounts was part of this kind of thing. But I do know in other games I have played introducing mounts always came with a lot of problems and this may be the reason we don’t have them today.
Looking back at development of GW2 I remember beta being delayed for something like a year because they had to work out so many issues with under water combat. I mean one would think that it is no different that on the ground combat but a swimming animation instead of running right? Obviously a lot to it we don’t see. Adding mounts may be more complicated that we think. And mounted combat probably even more complicated on top of that. A problem I know another game I played had when introducing it into their game when they already had a mount system in place.
The change will be dramatic and could even be used as a welcome-back event of sorts.
It would be nice to have a game-changing update such as this, without having to pay an expansion price for it. Because a lot of the community feel that they paid a price for a new game, only to get a small update called HoT.
This is a valid point for anything significantly new to the game and not just mounts though. They could add anything spectacularly new to the game and achieve the same result. As far as what we have so far with the expansion, it’s value is more dependent on what we get for having bought it. People are assuming that future content releases won’t require the expansion to be able to get. This I believe is where the failure in seeing just exactly what we get for having bought it. We didn’t just buy what we have now we bought access to future content updates. It’s not like they are going to suddenly give everyone who didn’t buy heart of thorns free access to content updates that require heart of thorns.
Aside from that they do add stuff to the gem store that people like and buy. Mini pets is one of them. With the frequency of new ones they must be popular sellers. I know I have almost exclusively spent gems on mini pets. They have gotten more money from me than I typically spend on “buy the box” games. And I didn’t mind spending a little more knowing they are actively making and continually adding new story content for me to enjoy. I’m sure there is a number of other things that can be added there or more of a type of thing already there that will generate income that aren’t “mounts” and still succeed in generating income to pay for more content and improvements to existing content.
Stock prices are at 78 compared to June 2015 When it was at 86. So even after the release, they are not doing so hot.
What stock prices? Arenanet isn’t publicly traded. And as far as I’m aware Arenanet has severed ties with NCsoft which means it’s just Arenanet (if someone of official capacity can provide more detail here that would be great), no other junk titles destroying their bottom line to be potential cause of GW2 to be shutdown. But aside from that I previously posted the most recent financial info for the game which showed increase for the game not decrease. I don’t see any indications of a pending mass exodus.
Is there a reason this thread wasn’t merged with the main Mounts thread?
We can teleport, we don’t need mounts.
We don’t need mounts, not all of us even want mounts. Stop pushing this idea please. ArenaNet should focus on what the community really needs, mounts isn’t one of these things, we got teleports already like stated earlier.
This thread is, ultimately, pointless.
Most of the not-at-all representative of the playerbase people, on the WoW forum, said they didn’t want flying.
So, Blizz removed flying from WoD.
The forums then erupted, once the regular players (finally) found out and half the playerbase left…
Not just because of flying.
In fact, I suspect the negative changes to LFR and the attempt to force people into the ninja-ridden hellhole, that is WoW (non personal loot) PUG raids, had even more of an impact.
But, it was definitely a major reason.
If the removal of flying is a reason to leave a game; no mounts are definitely a reason to not join one.
Moral of the story?
Listening to the typical games forum poster gets you nowhere fast and employing them (if they then get to make decisions about the game) is, basically, like making a conscious choice to go slowly bankrupt.
Sad, but true.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
“Will save the game” read first line…. Moving on.
We don’t really need mounts to travel but would be really fun to have combat mounts. In fact, we alredy have some: the golems of pvp, an asura skill, could use golems in the marionette event, etc.
What would worry me about combat mounts is to see hundreds of people running to, for example, Tequatl, mounted and killing it too fast. Then they will balance those bosses to that new scenario and those mounts would become a must.
I think they could create a fun system to obtain this mounts and at the same time limit their use and also make some money.
1) Get the mount: as for this part i am only thinking in mechanic mounts like golems, char tanks, etc.
- Each piece could be created with a combination of quests/events, the use of the mystic forge and/or the use of a new crafting profession.
- The pieces could be arms, body and legs. And depending on the type the player makes it would have higher armor but less movement speed, more movement speed but less armor, more attack power but less range, or more range but less power. They could give more options ofc.
2) Build the mount: once the player has the mount it won’t be able to use it just like that. The mount would need to be build like we build a golem in WvW.
In PvE the player would need to complete events to build it and get ammo. Once the ammo runs out the player must do the event again, and if the mount is destroyed the player need to do the building event once again.
In WvW could be build like a regular golem, maybe more expensive, and would have unlimited ammo but each server would only be able to have a limited amount of this mounts on one map.
3) Black Lion: in the end, they could sell some skins, logos, etc in the black lion to decorate the mounts.
We have mounts already, riding broom, and carpet, in the Gem store, so no. Mounts wont save the game.
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so sick of seeing this so here we go again. This Game Has Mounts Already! in case you missed them they are in no particular order: the sonic tunneling tool/the witch’s broom/the flying carpet/The Glider. anet has said several times these are the only kind of mounts the game will ever see. They don’t want mounts that offer swiftness/speed boosts, for game balance. You may eventually see more of these kind of mounts in the gemstore as they come up with new ideas for them, but they are the only kind of mount you will ever see.
To paraphrase from a previous “we want mounts” thread:
Waypoints > Mounts!
So….no thank you. Don’t want them. Don’t need them.
Just another doom and gloom thread – “game is dying, give us ‘x’ to fix it” Bah
Mounts would be great. I’ve often wondered why they aren’t already in the game. As someone who has spent 100’s of dollars on the game I welcome mounts.
Even if they add no functionality I’d take them.
Sure, why not. Give us some of those dinosaur mounts or even some cool armored horses. Heck, give me one of those large plant based wolves. I’d ride that around.
I would LOVE to see functional mounts in the game. I honestly don’t want to have a speed buff on my bar or give up one of my traits to have a speed buff. I end up using a kite I found in Drytop to help me get around that problem. So if theres kite that does the function of mounts/speed buffs why can’t we have mounts as well? I mean it seems kind of stupid that you guys are all saying NO MOUNTS but I have a kite in my inventory that pretty much has the function of a mount. Not the one from the gemstore it’s a rare chest drop in drytop. It doesn’t give a big speed buff but when you combine it with a class speed buff, you really get going.
Personally, I’d like to see a year of fixing, tuning, and polishing. I certainly don’t think mounts are worth development time.
Personally, I’d like to see a year of fixing, tuning, and polishing. I certainly don’t think mounts are worth development time.
An entire world with no mounts for player NOR NPC’s is just too unrealistic. Every civilization has used them and yet Tyria can’t figure out how to tame a few? How dumb are these inhabitants? I’m sure humans will have a chance against the centaurs if they had mounts. The tactical advantage is obvious and yet the humans don’t have a cavalry?
Suggestion: Release a Black Lion mount in a similar timing as the Black Lion Weapon Skins. Each new release will have 1 new mount. Cost: 1700 gems or equivalent.
Mounts won’t save non-dying game. Also, you have a magic carpet. That’s a mount that you can buy from the gemstore.
To paraphrase from a previous “we want mounts” thread:
Waypoints > Mounts!
So….no thank you. Don’t want them. Don’t need them.
Just another doom and gloom thread – “game is dying, give us ‘x’ to fix it” Bah