The Cantha Thread [Merged]
I never made it to Cantha in GW’s as a great video on youtube lots of great lore there I would love to see this area.
Be pretty kitten disappointing to not have a Canthan Expansion when the game was designed for ‘Guild Wars Faithful’ to have ancestry. One would hope that my characters could visit their ancestors homelands….. All of my characters except for 2 were of Canthan origin in Guild Wars 1 and that remains true in Guild Wars 2 but through ancestry.
And if NCsoft is so stuck on a universal feel, remove the accents from the Sylvari. Your not fooling anyone there…. In my opinion, stick to the lore you’ve already built and kept strong for over 7 years. Don’t just drop it like it never happened.
Whats more universal then a game world/city that embraces all the different cultures? Instead they think it best to make them completely absent to make the game ‘universal’. Then their definition of universal must be ‘boring and plain’
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer
Anyone else wish this theme to return?
It was not on the official Factions OST, yet it was THE Most iconic Factions theme in all of GW! (Makes me wish someone could extend it on youtube..)
Man, Factions really did have great music…
I dont know why people think they honestly will include Cantha or Elona.
They have made it pretty clear that they have no interest in revisiting GW1 lore outside of what has already been given, so far as going to say that they are completely different games, and if you want GW1 content then play GW1 because it wont be included in GW2.
Hell, right now in the story, with the most pressing danger to the races… the dragons… still out there we are getting content about a vacation land and crabs. Seems like Anet is no good at closing any story lines.
I seriously want to see Cantha in GW2. We see Canthan refugees in Divinity’s Reach; Cantha was a vast and interesting campaign. I played through Factions with relish that was unmatched b y Nightfall. We see the Tengu in Lion’s Arch, yet we are unable to go into the Dominion of Winds. Cantha is full of rich lore; it’s too large a part of the Guild Wars universe to be swept under the rug.
Some people think GW2 should be full of new areas and new lore, and while I agree, I don’t think the old lore should be abandoned. GW1 has long since showed its age, and its audience has dwindled over the years. I know that I haven’t returned to the game in months. There’s also the weapon “Malefacterym” which has always reminded me of the Afflicted in Factions.
Guild Wars 2 is as much mine as it is a new player’s. There are many nods to the first game in its successor, but many people have never played that game. I can’t blame them for not wanting to or having done so, honestly. But to bring Cantha back would be a re-imagining of the original vision; it would be everything the original Cantha was and more.
Cantha has its own set of problems and it, too, is threatened by the dragons. Why should we not be able to make the trip to Cantha? Furthermore, why should we not be able to make the trip to Elona? I’m not asking for you guys to bring back Ritualists or Assassins. I, and many others, are asking you to bring back an engaging world full of rich lore. I am asking you to bring back a world that, for many, holds the best memories of playing Guild Wars 1 – a world with such beauty and such darkness.
Cantha yes : Being a lorehound the term Dragon Empire is enough for me, but then again i really want to see the Kurzicks and Luxens rise up , the tengu sail back. And the Pact sailing over on theire kill all dragons crusade :P,
So (and disclamer for above i’m realy tired so not all might make sense :P) in short Cantha YESS please go ahead for cantha in GW 2 . Maby not first expansion maby not the second , but eventualy.
it would be far beyond an epic fail to get rid of the cantha content maybe we should start up a petition and send it straight to ncsoft/anet to show the content is wanted
just an idea
Please don’t scrap Factions, it would be great to play this as a Guild Wars 2 expansion. I would buy this on my accounts for sure!
I love the music in Cantha. While Jeremy Soule won’t come back, I bet Anet can find a good enough replacement.
In general, the feeling of entering a new continent was SO cool to me when I first played GW: Factions. Having a similar feeling in GW2 would be amazing. I so wish they get us back there in the future.
why should we let this thread die? if there’s a way we can help mold a game a lot of ppl love then we should do that
It would sadden me greatly if Cantha (and Elona for that matter) were outright excluded from this new Tyria 250 years from the dates of the original game (and I can see from the number of postings here that I am not alone).
So very much richness in lore would be left to fall fruitless, were Arenanet and NCSoft to let such a dreadful withering occur.
I am sure all the folk making the game and improving upon it are crazy busy. I do not know that it is reasonable to ask for Cantha (and Elona) anytime soon. But to say, just flat out “No!” to a GW2 iteration of these places, their denizens, and history is a downright tragedy.
Hoping They See How Many Baby Quaggans are Made Sad if This Thread is Ignored,
P.S. Excelsior!
Factions was the first gw i tried. It instantly got me hooked and made me buy the rest of gw1. It was also my favourite landscape. I spent most of my time in gw1 playing in factions zones because i just loved it there. The jade sea was amazing and it would be a real shame if the jade sea and echovald forest dont make an appearance in gw2.
But cantha is so awesome! It was my first campaign of gw1 and I love it so much<3
The Echovald Forest and the Jade Sea were so awesome and to see them 250 years in the future, with gw2 graphics would be amazing.. And Kaineng! Argh my most hated area of gw1!
Bring it back so more people can be frustrated with Kaineng
PvP & WvW roaming
I personally really loved cantha (actually i only bought factions, nut i did have my friends account that had all the expansions too)
but what is for shure is that this expansion must! be released i dont care if its something you buy (and if it is id’like for it to have character slots with it)
but i seriously think it could just be like asuras that create a portal for an event (that they would release like on the chinese new year or something) and that would let you go in certain parts of cantha!
seriously i just really want to go back there and see how the dragons changed it and how epic the temples would be with new graphics
(also i rly want ritualists to come back. but thats an other story.
I want to go to cantha in GW2
SAVE CANTHA FOR GW2! Please anet make us happy and give us cantha!
I’ve never played the first Guild Wars game, but from reading posts on this thread and watching some videos I’m considering buying Factions just so I can experience Cantha! Bring it to GW2!!!
I’d love to see Cantha in GW2. Do love me some east Asian culture.
Can this become the official ’Bring Cantha Back ’ petition, although that is probably against the forum T&Cs. I know that the Devs probably have lots of places they plan on taking us in the story, but you know, maybe a few years down the line… fingers crossed!
Without the inclusion of Cantha, the asian culture is the only major culture not represented in the game. As scizwig posted, Kryta and (pre-searing) Ascalon have strong European parallels, in terms of the culture and landscape, Istan and Kourna are influenced by African culture (although I believe that Kourna has a strong Aboriginal influence as well), and Vabbi and Orr represent middle eastern culture. In addition, in Guild Wars 2, the Norn are heavily influenced by Scandinavian traditions and Native American beliefs, and the Heket and the Tengu mirror South and Central American cultures.
The only major culture not included is the asian culture (besides perhaps the Russians, but one could say that the Charr are a conglomerate of them and the Romans), which doesn’t seem to make much sense considering it takes up a gigantic section of the world, and a huge amount of fans are asian.
All of the cultures in the game are so polarized already that by not including an asian culture, you’ll just make fans feel left out. Besides, since all of the races of the world come together to fight an ancient evil, it shows unity that breaches the boundaries of nations and cultures. Except for asians, apparently.
I know that this was not your decision ArenaNet, and I still have as much respect for you as I always have. But please, tell NCSoft to get their heads out of their kitten
Bring Cantha back…
The bright green Jade Sea with its waves frozen in time, the endless grasslands with mystic architecture, the prettified forests and the delightful sounds that took our breathes away when we first explored Cantha. Not to mention a hero I actually wanted to follow! (Getting sidetracked)
Can hear the music already ahmmmmmmm….
One of the things I most looked forward to about Guild Wars 2 was being able to see Cantha 250 years later, and with this game’s refinement. I would love to see it again, and I absolutely support its future inclusion in the game. Hopefully with enough support the decision to pull it will be changed.
A Cantha expansion for GW2 – yes, please! Bring Cantha back, along with its amazing lore, locations and wardrobe!
Just wanted to add my voice to those that would love to see the return of both of the lost continents at some point – Cantha as well as Elona. Such and extraordinary amount of lore and culture there, it would be a terrible shame to never revisit those locales.
But furthermore, Cantha and Elona brought something to the original Guild Wars that you rarely find in MMO’s these days – diversity. So absolutely, please bring back these lands in expansions to come!
Dumbest thing NCSoft has done. My only reservation to Guild Wars 2 was that NCSoft was involved. I am glad my fears were unfounded /sarcasm.
I would be severally disappointed if A-net did not take us back to Cantha and Elona. Part of what I loved so much about those places was because of the similarities between cultures. I’d not like them as much if they seemed more ordinary, they would just seem bland. Plus it is only natural to let our world influence the ones we create. Cantha was far from a carbon copy of China or Korea, it was very unique. So Was Elona, I personally want to go back very badly, I was hoping we would see Elona first and then Cantha. But There is so much story and lore in those places and so much we can do there. It feels like leading us on if you don’t go back. I mean they are having problems with a dragon as well! WE NEED TO GO TO CANTHA PLEASE!
I remember when I first bought GW1. I started off in the factions campaign. I instantly fell in love with the game. Factions was definitely the best of the first 3 campaigns and it would truly be heartbreaking to not see it in GW2.
It is pretty obvious that it was a sales strategy to separate GW2 from WoW. GW2 sold itself as something completely different than other MMO’s. Luckily threads like this will allow them to bring back the Asian themes without looking like they went back on their word but rather that they are producing content that players ask for. I doubt this will happen while WoW is still focused on an Asian theme but eventually a new expansion will come out which will allow GW2 add content that isn’t conflicting with another MMO.
I’ll just leave this here. If this doesn’t make you want to go to Cantha I don’t know what will.
Factions was my first experience in the Guild Wars universe and I immediately fell in love with Cantha and its culture… the world was so beautifully crafted, the score was one of the best videogame scores i had heard up until that point and the story and the characters were perfectly written. I loved Kaineng City, I adored the Jade Sea, I wandered aimlessly through the Echovald Forest and was facinated by the afflicted and their connection to Shiro Tagachi. This part of Guild Wars and the memories that come with it, were some of the main reasons why I was looking forward to GW 2 so much.
Please bring it back.
cantha for gw2 !!
I liked Factions environment. Storyline was so-so, voice acting was laughable (for the most part), but had its charm. The asian-styled architecture was beautiful and I’d definitely want to see it return!
It would be a shame not to add Cantha. Please use this thread as the proof you need to bring it back.
Thank you for sharing this, it’s a true piece of art & greatly appreciated as such, and for it’s aid to our cause.
+1 For Cantha. I was started at Proph but really got into GW with the Factions exp. Factions too me was the best expansion out.
The feel, the art style and the music was just tip top.
I fully support and want a Cantha expansion. Why did Anet take this away after beta is beyond me. We want Cantha, it has beautiful areas. I am surprise how beautiful area representing Cantha was in Divinity’s Reach area from pics, surprise they take something out that awesome.
Community wants this expansion!
I’ll just leave this here. If this doesn’t make you want to go to Cantha I don’t know what will.
This brings back so many memories, from walking through Kaineng city for the first time, to running through the Jade sea with friends. I spent 75% of my GW1 life in Cantha and am dreaming of the day that I can return to that world I loved. Bring Cantha back… Please…
Huh. I’ve never played GW1 but the response to this thread makes me interested…
I would love to see how Cantha looks in gw2 and how the story progressed. It was an interesting place and a great story so why not add it…
I need to add my vote to this. Bring back Cantha!
The bottom line is, by removing cultural elements, the game becomes less universal, not more. As it is now, the human, charr and sylvari are all representative of European influences, and the norn are halfway representative of European cultures. How is that even remotely universal? Kryta is more than ever a European fantasy cultural, having essentially shed its islander look from GW1 and taken over the Euro look from Ascalon. The Charr are an industrial age Roman Empire. The sylvari are clearly influenced by Celtic cultures and language. And the norn are a meeting of Native American and Nordic cultures. Only the asura seem to be getting away from the European thing somewhat, and that only because they’ve got an ancient-aliens-in-Latin-America vibe going on.
It’s only the lesser or side races that seem to have singificant cultural deviation from the European standard. The hylek have retained the Aztec influence, the largos have an Arabic influence, and the kodan and tengu both have Asian influences. So it can’t be that Asia is completely off-limits. It needs more representation to make the game more universal, not less.
Is the more practical question really how can we do Cantha, which has always been overpopulated by humans, in a balanced way with the rest of the races? Because I think you are creative enough out there in ArenaNet land to figure that out, and if it doesn’t need to contain starter zones for the first five races, then it’s a piece of cake.
It’s a gorgeous aesthetic and we need to see (and hear) more of it! Find a way to make it work.
OoooOOOooooOoo! Quaggan likes Cantha…
…very much.
I want to visit Cantha again in GW2.
It was amazing entering Cantha after playing Tyria. The art, the style of the landscape an cities was stunning.
When Factions was released it was my personal favorite. I loved exploring the Echovalt Forest and the Jade Sea.
Addtional the diversity of the people living there was great.
The Imperial City of Kaineng evolved in another way than the capitals of the Luxons and Kurzicks. Although the complete story was fascinating, on the one hand you’ve got the culture of the ones living in Kaineng and on the other hand you’ve got the diverse cultures of the Luxons and Kuricks.
Experiencing this whole world was great and I just want to get back to the place I love.
Well a lot of text, short: +1 for returning Cantha!
I like to add to the chorus that Cantha was my favorite game from the GW1 series. I loved the setting of a hyper-metropolis (mostly these are in Sci-fi “megacities”). While GW2 feels like a classic man vs nature, tale. The stories told in Cantha seemed to have more of a man vs man/himself, (the evil that is brought about through vengance and division…or something like that).
Tyria is a land that largely belongs to the wild, Mountains, oceans, jungles, and swamps claim the landscape and humanity lives against that wild. This makes for beautiful scenery: forests, mountains, canyons and so on; but also familiar and, in ways, predictable scenery. Tyria is about external threats from without the walls and fortresses of man.
Cantha is the opposite, in Kaineng City was about the wild inside of the domain we claim as our own. This made for a tremendously amazing setting with complex buildings, bizarre architectures, glorious colours. This was a place where humanity is a permanent hum in the air, as if you’re immersed in it. This made for much more creative landscapes and city-scapes as these are reflections of what we have create for ourselves. Cantha was about the enemies that come from within our civilizations and the enemies that we make of ourselves (think of Kurzick vs. Luxon).
I think that Cantha would be a fantastic addition to the GW2 series somewhere down the road (GW2 will need and expansion eventually, hopefully soonish), and I would like to see it feature Cantha!
If there are reservations based of cultural appeal, I’d like to remind that WoW’s recent expansion heavily featured Asian themes, and they seem to be doing just fine so far!
Dumbest thing NCSoft has done. My only reservation to Guild Wars 2 was that NCSoft was involved. I am glad my fears were unfounded /sarcasm.
I fully agree, when i heard NCsoft was in on this game it mad me annoyed because i knew something like this would happen (not this exactly) as NCsoft aren’t a good company at all, the only good thing from them was the finances i wish arenanet would get 100% say on what they want to do with THEIR game, including getting Cantha back as it was one of the best expansions i have seen in any game.
bring back Cantha!
I’ll add my voice to those wanting Cantha to make an appearance – it was a magical place to go through in the original Guild Wars, especially the Kurzick and Luxon areas. From a lore perspective it’d be fascinating to see how things have changed with the Ministry of Purity / Kurzicks and Luxons being subdued / Echovald Forest and Jade Sea recovering from the Jade Wind.
From a game-player’s perspective too it’d be refreshing to see a whole new change of scenery. I’m all for opening up more of the existing in-game map, but for ANet to write off Cantha completely would be an absurd and damaging decision.
Indeed – bring back Cantha AND Elona – sorely missed in GW2!!!
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I personally loved the Canthan theme and enjoyed it’s unique style. If I wanted a break from the world of tyria I could easilly go and enjoy a different aspect of Guild Wars 1. Wish there was a way to change the course of games, movies, books, music, society etc., from becoming “Universal”. I watched Guild Wars 1 start out unique but slowly stride to be more generic for everyone to enjoy. Guild Wars 2 is now what the mass of the Anet team and community wanted; which is okay. Ultimately the pendulum swings back and people will want to strive to be different and stand out from the rest.
Bringing back Elona & Cantha would make this game complete for me.
Bring it back for Mr. Potatoes
We need Cantha! My favorite expansion from GW1, setting wise.
i would really love to see the Cantha region in the GW2 game, since i’ve been a big fan of the whole universe i was really looking forward to seeing both Cantha and Elona, so please ANet, hear my pleas! please include both Cantha and Elona! i will even pay as the original Factions and Nightfall! because i love ur universe as i said!