Sorrow’s Furnace
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
I’m throwing my hat in for the bring back Cantha movement! One of the great things with Guild Wars 1 was how creative it was with it’s settings and it would be an awful shame if there was nothing of Cantha in the game. The Jade Maw fractal is a great first step and probably one of my favorite areas in the game. If we could get a GW2 engine powered Echovald Forest, my brain might explode. :X
My thoughts on the matter…
Might as well post,
Go Cantha!
(But please don’t make so that you can’t move 5 feet without having to fight something)
Might as well post,
Go Cantha!
(But please don’t make so that you can’t move 5 feet without having to fight something)
You mean the players don’t want a forest of enemies with annoying CC?
Stop the press!
If what ive heard about the future of cantha is accurate then i feel i must weigh in. We need cantha. maybe not now but, we at least need it to be on the horizon along with elona.
If the the reasoning behind the possible exclusion of cantha is racial and cultural in nature then there is an incredible double standard taking place. Why, for instance, are Asian themes not okay but Scandinavian themes are fine?
In my opinion if one race or culture is not okay then none of them are. Likewise, if one race or culture is acceptable all of them are.
The act of all but ignoring cantha or elona would be a grievous amputation of rich and exciting branches of the living narrative of guildwars 2. I am sorry to say that if there is no future for cantha and elona in a playable sense then my desire to play will be greatly diminished.
I hope i speak for many of us.
Give us Cantha! Factions was the best expansion.
I want Cantha. The only expansion I played through in GW1 was the one that had Cantha.
So are we ever going to hear something official about this? Doubtful… my beloved community focused company has seemed to lost its way with GW2.
I want to see Cantha in Guild Wars 2!! NCSoft don’t limit the artists and players vision, imagination and joy!
I may not have liked the entire first half of factions, but I’ll be kitten if I’ll let that stop me from wanting to see how the continent has fared these past 250 years.
Before GW2 I tried to play GW1. I was confused for the most part, lost, didn’t manage to make any friends and solo’d up until I wasn’t able to anymore then wondered why the hell I was still playing this game. The plot didn’t grab me at the time either.
But I had bought the game and all the expansions together, so I thought to try out Factions. I was sold. The plot kept me going and trying as hard as I could. I wanted to know more. The city fascinated me and I began to take more and more of an interest in GW lore. I never managed to make it all the way through due to again, my confusion with the game and lack of friends in game, but I LOVE GW2 and if they brought in Cantha, I would gladly pay full price for a whole new expansion for that. It was fantastic.
To any developers/powers-that-be that might stop by this thread – this concern will not go away. It is your own fault really – you absolutely nailed it with Factions, some of the most beautiful vistas in any of the expansions, along with a story-line and character development that lived up to that beauty.
I am not one to whine, pout or stamp my foot at things in a whimsical fashion, but there are a myriad of those that will. On a more significant level – GW2 will be irrevocably lesser for the absence of Cantha. I suspect you love this world as least as much as we do – so would not want some awkward conversations with Management preventing the full realisation of your vision.
Wishing you all the best,
Ardie :o)
Personally I would love to see Cantha come back!
Arena net, I am here, to ask you to include Cantha as an expansion, why fix what isn’t broken, expand on the previous game and bring the world to life.
I really want to explore cantha in GW2 again, all the tall buildings, structures and the culture, perfect for jumping puzzles.
Bring back Cantha and Elona! I don’t care about the moltan alliance or karka both suck anyways, i want the old world back in all it’s glory.
Please make it happen Anet. As GW2 Fans we have to “spam” this thread, so that Anet knows, we want Cantha. Asians are human too.
Heeey ho. I just want to pitch in on this topic and say that Guild Wars would not be Guild Wars without Cantha. The players, and CUSTOMERS, want a Canthan themed expansion at some point in the future. The lore from that part of the world was amazing, the art style as well, and imagine the city-rooftops jumping puzzles we could get around Kaineng.. Still. Cantha NEEDS to happen in GW2, maybe not as the first expansion, nor the second, but you can’t leave out a part of the game with so much importance just because of political correctness and the risk of “offending” a certain part of your market; which probably does not even care, anyway.
we want Cantha, give it an upvote guys
NOOO! Give us cantha back! Who wouldn’t like to see the jade sea or the echovald forest in guild wars 2? who wouldn’t like to fight a major dragon in this old continent? Give us the Ritualist back too btw! :P
(edited by simt.6403)
Factions was my favorite part of GW1.
We need Cantha.
+1 for Cantha
I loved GW Factions.
However the issue was never that they had Asian themes, the problem was that they mixed a lot of Asian cultures together and presented them as one.
If that’s the case, then the best idea would be to ignore the complainers and just add Cantha. I mean, they should take it as a compliment that stuff is based on their culture.
The only good thing here is that if Cantha doesn’t get added, we still ‘win’ because then at least we don’t get to compliment those people either.
Glad I’m more openminded than all those ‘ooh I’m offended’ people out there…
PLEASE give us Cantha!
Cantha! Cantha! Cantha!
I agree Cantha is part of the guild wars universe you can’t ignore it. Please add it into GW2
I started GW1 with Factions. It has always been my favorite area in the game. I haven’t played GW2 since November because there is nothing like Cantha to hold my interest.
I’ll keep an eye out for when Cantha returns to come back and see if GW2 is really worth playing long term like GW1 was.
Cantha! All my friends and I loved Cantha and don’t understand the issues with melding aspects of Asian culture when Tyria is essentially doing the exact same thing with western cultures of not only different places but different eras. This has been seen as a positive for the game, as it gives it a certain timeless quality that allows for both immersion and customization of one’s characters.
Please bring Cantha back and expose a new generation of Guild Wars players to a beautiful land and a people who do not deserve to die without having their story told.
Cantha is part of Tyria. GW2 without Cantha would be a tremendous mistake. Cantha has so much to offer, especially if done as nicely as the original Cantha GW expansion. NCSOFT claims of not wanting to depict an Asian culture as one is plain ridiculous. For starters this is Tyria, not the World. The people from Cantha resemble what we know off as Asians, but they aren’t Asians, they are Canthan. Last time i checked this game is still fictional. If we are going to compare Tyria to the world as NCSOFT clearly does with Cantha=Asia then I, as an European, should be offended that I’m being portrayed as both a German, a Dutch, an Englishman, a Norwegian, a Polish…..etc. What about the Elonians? I’m pretty sure the African continent consists of not just one country with its own habits, language and culture but 54 of ’m.
The world of Guild Wars is just missing something without an explorable Cantha AND Elona.
They don’t need to be here tomorrow, but we do need to know they are coming.
They’re in the lore, they’re loved by fans, they make the game world more of a diverse world. Without them, its like the game world has two giant holes in it.
The world of Guild Wars is just missing something without an explorable Cantha AND Elona.
They don’t need to be here tomorrow, but we do need to know they are coming.
They’re in the lore, they’re loved by fans, they make the game world more of a diverse world. Without them, its like the game world has two giant holes in it.
Like the hole they dropped on Divinity’s Reach…
Which still makes me kinda sad to this day.
Cantha was a really nice addition to gw1. The whole theme of asian temples, emperors etc is not explored enough in the genre and I loved GW1 for taking us there. Please remake cantha for gw2!
Removing Cantha because it is allegedly not a “universal” depiction of humanity is Eurocentrism.
Just saying.
Besides, what is this “Asian” they speak of? Last I checked, the continent of Cantha had nationalities of Canthan, Kurzick, and Luxon. The continent of Cantha were actually a pretty diverse amount of peoples.
(edited by Kain Francois.4328)
I haven’t read through this entire thread, but I just wanted to voice my support for bringing Cantha into GW2. I had alot of fun playing Factions and exploring the Jade Sea, it would be a shame for them to not include Cantha in a future expansion, as for many of us here it was a major part of our GW gaming experience. I also enjoyed Nightfall and hope to see Elona in the future of GW2 also. Factions and Nightfall both gave us rich environments to play in and it would be a shame for them to throw all that away.
Since the more the merrier I might as well throw in my few words: Cantha was epic and would offer absolutely mind-blowing environments with the new game engine! Scizwig you’re absolutely right, the diversity of GW1 was what made it so great and GW2 would greatly benefit from it! Plz Anet, unchain you’re artists and breathe life into a new Cantha!
We still have faith in you!
Removing Cantha because it is allegedly not a “universal” depiction of humanity is Eurocentrism.
Just saying.
Besides, what is this “Asian” they speak of? Last I checked, the continent of Cantha had nationalities of Canthan, Kurzick, and Luxon. The continent of Cantha were actually a pretty diverse amount of peoples.
Spot on
I’ll just add my opinion here that adding Cantha would to so much for old fans of GW. I for one loved the region and if there is ever an option to revisit it, I’ll take it immediately. Keep up the good work.
oh cmon just stop.
They’ll probably change their mind about Cantha depending on the success of GW2 in China.
I actually would be less interested in GW2 if Cantha was added. It would be worse if living world content was focused there for an amount of time.
Now… What about Elona? They’re dumping it too? I didn’t pay much attention to the lore in GW2, did they mention anything about Elona, Sunspears and Palawa?
It makes no sense to add Crystal Desert and no Elona.
Go cantha go, wait…. is elona out of the table as well?
Because i have to go back and “greet” joko.
I would really love to go to Cantha in GW2!
I really want to explore cantha in GW2 again, all the tall buildings, structures and the culture, perfect for jumping puzzles.
Bring back Cantha and Elona! I don’t care about the moltan alliance or karka both suck anyways, i want the old world back in all it’s glory
Please make it happen Anet. As GW2 Fans we have to “spam” this thread, so that Anet knows, we want Cantha. Asians are human too.
This is so true. Why focus so much on things most players don’t care about, and not expanding the game into new areas? We already have 10 locked areas in Tyria alone…and whatever happened to Elona/Cantha?
Seriously, this may seem brutally honest but nobody cares too much about karka or molten alliance. It’s a cool idea, definetely, but it just seems like a filler content. You know, like you watch a really good anime, and you have to sit for several months or year of fillers just to get to the main story and goodies? We need bigger things that will expand and evolve Guild Wars 2, not just change bits and pieces. We need DE getting involved into new stuff, and our characters. (Trahearne can rot in in his keep)
There is so much lore leftover from GW1 that simply needs to be expanded and added to the game. Cantha is a huge part, so is Elona.
So stop wasting your resources and talents on mini living stories and work on something grand that will make players throw money at ya. I know it sounds harsh but that’s how I feel about it. It may keep players interested short-term but ultimately, it’s just filler content – at least so far.
Nothing would make me more happy if we could fight Krakaltorrik by the end of the year to unlock path to Elona, and cleanse it from Palawa Joko. Even tho a super-sized Orr does not intrigue me much. For those who don’t get it, in GW1 on the fault of our own main characters, we didn’t kill a lich called Joko, and now he turned beautiful Elona into wasteland of zombies. So yeah, doesn’t sound too attractive to me.
(edited by CharrGirl.7896)
I don’t know why they wont respond, or if they have and I missed it then “ kitten #8221;
However, if they have not responded and/or have no intention of having Cantha return I have this much to say.
What about my immersion? What about my character telling his grandchildren about his fight to restore Cantha and purge it of the affliction. As well as defeating Shiro? Such an amazing tale that my characters grandchildren would certainly explore.
The loss of Cantha would certainly kill Guild Wars 2 for me…
Yet again money ruins an amazing story worth being told.
I don’t think it makes any logical sense to just dismiss an entire continent from existence, we need Cantha! I liked the scenery, maps, buildings, classes, armors, weapons, monsters, etc. waaaaay more than Elona, but that’s not to say Elona should be dismissed for Cantha either.
Well, they haven’t said anything about Elona so i’m guessing their next expansion will be Elona or it will be the addition of those 10 locked zones in Tyria (sort of like EoTN from GW1). In a suprising case, we may see the place which Guild Wars Utopia was set to be, but was canceled. I heard that they were well on going with that expansion, but stopped it. Cantha at this point won’t be the first expansion, or even the second as long as we don’t hear anything else from the devs about it.
I’d be highly dissapointed if i didn’t see Cantha in the next three expansions though, as their reasoning for not adding Cantha seems so stupid.
After watching wooden potatoes lore video I must support the return of Cantha! The lore and descriptions of the landscape sound incredible. Please do this for us Arenanet.
I haven’t played GW1, part from a brief look around, but having watched Woodenpotatoe’s video, I would love to see this area in GW2.
After watching wooden potatoes lore video I must support the return of Cantha! The lore and descriptions of the landscape sound incredible. Please do this for us Arenanet.
I haven’t played GW1, part from a brief look around, but having watched Woodenpotatoe’s video, I would love to see this area in GW2.
Both of you, thanks. This makes one realize that bringing Cantha back would exactly not be “old stuff”, or that completely new areas have priority per se, because to a large part of the player base it is a completely new area, and to the GW1 returnees it in effect would be as well because of the story-related changes and graphics.
Not saying Cantha has to be the first of the big expansions, or even the second one, but, as a ramp-up for a revisitation down the line, please acknowledge the place it has both ingame (via some small new content, characters, items etc.) and as a company as soon as possible , if only so we can sleep at night without worrying.
imagine the city-rooftops jumping puzzles we could get around Kaineng..
Just thinking about having the city updated for GW2 makes me all swoony.
Problem is, and other people have said it, Cantha isn’t Asia … it isn’t China, isn’t Japan, isn’t Korea … it’s Cantha. All ya need to do is stamp your own very visible brand on the culture and market it as the pure fantasy that it is.
I’m sure GW2 will have many great things to add over the years, but no Cantha will break my heart.
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