The Cantha Thread [Merged]

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dharmz.8205


When I first heard about Guild Wars 2, I was worried I wouldn’t able to understand the lore of the game (because I never played Guild Wars 1). But there was some information saying that there will be an insight into it in the game (can’t remember where). So when I hear there won’t be expansions into Cantha, I feel disappointed after all when I hear players who have played Guild Wars 1 and talk about lore or certain mysteries I feel sad that I haven’t been able to be part of the experience but also fascinated and I want to know more.

So my question is why? Why won’t you, surely there is something that Cantha, Elona etc. can provide to the mystery that is the Elder Dragons?

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Get this on the planner Anet! I’ll give you cookies!

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

Maybe Cantha will be in a bad state, as in Sunjiang district area, there is a dragon head buried in 1000s of years of slums and debris and buildup of the city.

It was hinted the statue is related to the four celestial beasts in Canthan (and real Asian cultures) culture, but it seems more like an elder dragon smack dab in the middle of the city.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Since Tyria is steam punk styled, maybe they should make Kaineng and Cantha even more modern.
Skyscrapers, TVs, trains, etc.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elric.6971


Since Tyria is steam punk styled, maybe they should make Kaineng and Cantha even more modern.
Skyscrapers, TVs, trains, etc.

So in otherwords, you want Kaineng City to have become Republic City from Avatar: The Legend of Korra? Actually, that does sound kind of cool. Will we get unarmed “weapon” combat and elementalists will be able to become The Avatar?

Though it makes me wonder how angry the charr might to find out that an isolated human nation managed to develop more refined versions of their technology in a shorter period of time.

Also, if they do bring back Cantha, would anyone else want a Fractals rematch with Shiro? You know, just to see how the fight would go in GW2 mechanics. (also, to get his swords. Again.)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Even if Shiro returned for the third time as the villain, he’d still be better than Scarlet.
But yeah, why do people assume Cantha’s emperor is evil? So what if he banished all the other races? At least their don’t have rat midgets and cow cat humans.
Allso, wasn’t Cantha “The Land of the Dragon”?


Eh… one can only dream, at this pace we can expect expansion by the end of 2020…

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elric.6971


Because it would make for an epic campaign story in which we believe we’re simply liberating Cantha from a racist and insane Emperor whose ideals of purity have divided even the human populations of Cantha into half a dozen subgroups and helping the Tengu reclaim their ancestral homes. And then we learn the Emperor of Cantha has been possessed by the will of the Deep Sea Dragon and our best way to defeat him involves summoning Shiro Tagachi back from the dead in a semi-faustian bargain.

The final mission/story dungeon involves sieging the Imperial Palace in Kaineng backed by the soul of Shiro Tagachi himself who, with each Imperial Loyalist/Deep Sea Dragon corrupted we kill, they are turned into an afflicted or Shiro’ken, as we get closer to the Emperor himself. Any concerns we have about about the fact that we’re undoing everything done to stop the Affliction is, literally, blasted away when the Deep Sea Dragon tears open the roof of the Palace to support his avatar while our weapons become infused with Shiro’s spirit in an epic clash to free Cantha and slay the Deep Sea Dragon.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Because it would make for an epic campaign story in which we believe we’re simply liberating Cantha from a racist and insane Emperor whose ideals of purity have divided even the human populations of Cantha into half a dozen subgroups and helping the Tengu reclaim their ancestral homes. And then we learn the Emperor of Cantha has been possessed by the will of the Deep Sea Dragon and our best way to defeat him involves summoning Shiro Tagachi back from the dead in a semi-faustian bargain.

The final mission/story dungeon involves sieging the Imperial Palace in Kaineng backed by the soul of Shiro Tagachi himself who, with each Imperial Loyalist/Deep Sea Dragon corrupted we kill, they are turned into an afflicted or Shiro’ken, as we get closer to the Emperor himself. Any concerns we have about about the fact that we’re undoing everything done to stop the Affliction is, literally, blasted away when the Deep Sea Dragon tears open the roof of the Palace to support his avatar while our weapons become infused with Shiro’s spirit in an epic clash to free Cantha and slay the Deep Sea Dragon.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryan.9387


I refuse to let this thread die. Cantha gw2!!!

Ranger | Elementalist

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: O Mixanologos.6783

O Mixanologos.6783

we are here ,demanding the best off our favorite game

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


So I’d like to ask the devs to do this.
(I’m actually demanding this, but shh….)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Because it would make for an epic campaign story in which we believe we’re simply liberating Cantha from a racist and insane Emperor whose ideals of purity have divided even the human populations of Cantha into half a dozen subgroups and helping the Tengu reclaim their ancestral homes. And then we learn the Emperor of Cantha has been possessed by the will of the Deep Sea Dragon and our best way to defeat him involves summoning Shiro Tagachi back from the dead in a semi-faustian bargain.

The final mission/story dungeon involves sieging the Imperial Palace in Kaineng backed by the soul of Shiro Tagachi himself who, with each Imperial Loyalist/Deep Sea Dragon corrupted we kill, they are turned into an afflicted or Shiro’ken, as we get closer to the Emperor himself. Any concerns we have about about the fact that we’re undoing everything done to stop the Affliction is, literally, blasted away when the Deep Sea Dragon tears open the roof of the Palace to support his avatar while our weapons become infused with Shiro’s spirit in an epic clash to free Cantha and slay the Deep Sea Dragon.

Arena Net should hire you.
Anyway, still no reply from them, sad.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mantrata.4861


I would like to add my tuppence worth.

I bought Factions first, loved it completely and sooooo want my primeval assassin armour for my thief. Having enjoyed Factions so much I then bought Nightfall. Now you may be wondering why I did it all backwards, I don’t know, it just happened that way. I bought the original Guild Wars and then Eye Of The North (and stayed up till 2am so I could be there at the complete beginning of EoTN) to complete the set.

So, I’m one of the many many many people that would like especially Cantha back and Elona. Both these regions were beautiful, I mean REALLY beautiful, you (ANet) really out did yourselves over and above what you did in the first Guild Wars. The game art was sublime, the play style was sublime, the story lines were awesome. And the music, sooo good, I sometimes fire up Guild Wars just to have a listen to the Elonian ambience.

A year down the road and GW2 is getting a bit dull, the living stories are just not as engaging as a good, solid, storyline. Imagine what you could do to open either of these much loved regions up. Covert Order of Whispers infiltration stories to reclaim the original Chantry of Secrets and the old secrets held within lost or left behind during the Exodus, Durmond Priory artifact retrieval or Mouth of Torment exploration or as mentioned already, a Vigil ‘liberation’ story. Endless possibilities.

I have to be honest and say when I bought GW2 I hadn’t read anything about it because I was such a fan of the first. On first playing I went looking for the original areas to see how they had changed over the 200+ years between storylines. Imagine my utter dismay to discover they weren’t included….

That’s pretty much all I have to say. Bring back the most engaging regions ever!!

(edited by Mantrata.4861)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorelei.7809


I would love to see Cantha and Elona again! Pesky dragons….

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Reed.8105

Aidan Reed.8105

Guys, didn’t the Bazaar of the Four Winds introduce Cantha and Elona back in the game?

According to the wiki:
“The Zephyrites are a secluded, zen-like organization composed primarily of humans of Canthan or Elonian descent that live in the Zephyr Sanctum, a large flying ship roaming the skies of Tyria.”

Just like the Xunlai linked Tyria to Cantha?

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mouhappai.5406


If Shiro is to make an appearance I would love to see him become the good guy for once. Was there any reason for him to remain bad after being defeated in the Realm of Torment? Maybe it’s time to repent and atone for his crimes?

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Wolf.1340

Tom Wolf.1340

Ncsoft said no to canthan expansion afaik due to political reasons or somesuch garbage..
Unlikely we will see anything canthan anytime soon..
Ncsoft is the big boss of anet, “daddy says, kids do”..

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


Ncsoft said no to canthan expansion afaik due to political reasons or somesuch garbage..
Unlikely we will see anything canthan anytime soon..
Ncsoft is the big boss of anet, “daddy says, kids do”..

That’s really what it boils down to.

If your publisher says, “No” then crumples it up, throws it in the trashbin, and says, “Start over” we can cry we want it until we’re blue in the face, still has to start over, and that takes time.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kycoo Grim.9463

Kycoo Grim.9463

Time to hit up the Ncsoft forums or something than. We want Cantha! that continent was arguably the most amazing of all. It had potential to bring the best story’s and lore of all the continents.

Just a filthy Casual, move along.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


I am a 7 yr veteran of GW 1, and when GW 2 came out, I was so so so excited. Now after a year of GW 2, I am help but sit and wonder, with the profound sadness of knowing and.. well, NOT knowing what is in store for GW 2’s future… I see so many thing they are adding and though it is something to do and it is fun… I look at my wonderful map of Tyria.

We have all done the Temple of the Forgotten God, better than that, in the land of Tyria, the Goddess Komir is often mentioned, and in Divinity’s Reach:

“It is so hard to find good Canthan cuisine anymore. "

“Well, what do you expect? 100 years without trade? Hard to keep things authentic.”

“My Grandma use to make great Red Bean Cakes. I would KILL for one right now. I bet you think I’m joking…”

“Uhhh, I… hear the commons have some. I would show you, but… I have somewhere to be… now. Good day!”

These things mentioned makes it impossible for me to ignore and not yearn for the return of… Cantha and Elona. Sheesh, I go up to EotN just to look around and reminisce.

Anet people, why aren’t you bringing our entire world back to us? As much as I terminally miss my Rituatlist and Paragon, I would live without them find if I could just have more land to travel upon. I keep going to the same places over and over and over and… over again and… we all know for a fact the world is bigger than this.

Will we ever step foot on these lands again? I so miss looking at, running away from and/or killing the Djinn. (sniffs)

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Elona maybe if they ever remember the dragon’s exist and realize Scarlet is lame.
Cantha will probably never happen. Between the whole scrapping of the Canthan district in Divinity’s along with the xenophobic lock down of the country, they basically set up a perfect scenario to forget the place ever existed. I feel like the eventual opening of the Tengu area will be the most “Canthan/East Asian” area we will ever get in the game.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Za Playing Nurse.6329

Za Playing Nurse.6329

I’ll help you in ‘’not letting this post die’’ Plz Anet bring back Cantha.
ore at least give us something we can look at that remainds us of cantha (something like the distric you deleted in divinity) I miss Cantha soo badly, And its not the same to go back to gw1 and play faction, coz u cant dodge roll in it T_T
while at it. plz bring back the /shoo emotion + alot of the other emotion that we no longer can use in gw2.
Ore be nice to us, and gives us just a little news about how Cantha is doing. It will help alot towards the ’’homesick’’ feelings xD

Also one last thing. Thank you for making guild wars 2 soo great^-^

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nike.2631


Since Tyria is steam punk styled, maybe they should make Kaineng and Cantha even more modern.
Skyscrapers, TVs, trains, etc.

So in otherwords, you want Kaineng City to have become Republic City from Avatar: The Legend of Korra? Actually, that does sound kind of cool. Will we get unarmed “weapon” combat and elementalists will be able to become The Avatar?

Though it makes me wonder how angry the charr might to find out that an isolated human nation managed to develop more refined versions of their technology in a shorter period of time.

Also, if they do bring back Cantha, would anyone else want a Fractals rematch with Shiro? You know, just to see how the fight would go in GW2 mechanics. (also, to get his swords. Again.)

I would pay for this product .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I think they originally planned to release them but after looking at how empty the maps are already, they probably want some sort of a solution to that first.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leamas.5803


Less grind content, more global content that gets people traveling the map, that will get more people in to maps. You’ll never get rid of the farmer/grinders, but once past 80 it seems GW2 is all about carrots and inexplicable amounts of grind.

Grind content is easier to make and a quick bandage to temporally appease the masses. It really doesn’t solve the problem though. Like Fractals, like the seasonal releases, like the tower, the releases concentrate people in small areas.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


1700+ later still no reply from the developers about their plans returning/not returning Cantha. They could at least say something.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


If Shiro is to make an appearance I would love to see him become the good guy for once. Was there any reason for him to remain bad after being defeated in the Realm of Torment? Maybe it’s time to repent and atone for his crimes?

Considering the amount of time Shiro had been warped by Abaddon and the fact that after killing Togo he became one of Abaddon’s generals (and we then had to kill him again) there’s not really any way for him to be redeemed.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he is in some kind of purgatory for violating his status as an Envoy. He won’t be coming back xD.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Wasn’t Shiro actually a good guy? I thought he lost his mind or something.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Lorewise Zhaitan blocked the way to Cantha. After killing Zhaitan the way is open. I think the initial plan was to then introduce Cantha. But since NCSoft doesn’t allow it, they had to find other ways. That’s why we get now these shallow Living Stories.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samuli.7852


Wasn’t Shiro actually a good guy? I thought he lost his mind or something.


he was, until he met a fortune teller (who was actually a minion of Abaddon) who made him think that the emperor, Angsiyan at that time, was going to kill him. Shiro then lost his mind and killed the emperor.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Altie.4571


I’m just going to say what I think:
Cantha was the worst set of zones in GW. Some of the best story but I absolutely hated the maps. Elona was 10 times better in terms of maps.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


I’d rather fight him again than any dragon……

I am so late catching up on this thread but OMG nostalgia kitten for Kannaxi and his Axe/Maul/Sword(Crennelated Sword) or some junk close to that but Kannaxi was AWESOME could you imagine how much more of the deep that could be explored(I do not want this as a dungeon but more or less a raid room like the tower / mad king maze place but I would say bring back instancing so we can form our teams with guilds/friends and assault the deep for rare and unique rewards.

Honestly I would love to see shiro return and think he can he started at the bottom the first time and made it to envoy I doubt they will EVER let him into that status again but he can rise plus with abbadon taken care of and Kormir(as much as I hate her) as the god he may be able to redeem himself you never know.

(edited by TheJokester.4672)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

I love all of you Cantha lovers. <3

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KeybladeMaster.3148


if there is no cantha, how is my ranger going to have a phoenix pet that I can name kittenes? :’(

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

if there is no cantha, how is my ranger going to have a phoenix pet that I can name kittenes? :’(

More importantly, if we don’t get Cantha and Elona, how are we supposed to get all the titles and get a RAINBOW Phoenix?

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immensus.9732


Wow man, this thread is 1 year old and still we got no news for Cantha!?

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


Please bring back Cantha (and Elona). <3

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

This thread won’t die. This game NEEDS Cantha.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarlusDavius.1024


We’ll this game is coming out if beta weekend tests in china. So maybe that’s what they are waiting for before any kind of expansion comes out.

Cmdr. Kiro Heimdahl
Far Shiverpeaks

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Could you guys cool it on Cantha, please? I do believe the devs have gotten the message by now. No point in repeatedly asking for a statement by ArenaNet every 10 posts. They will put Cantha in the game if and when they so desire.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Could you guys cool it on Cantha, please? I do believe the devs have gotten the message by now. No point in repeatedly asking for a statement by ArenaNet every 10 posts. They will put Cantha in the game if and when they so desire.

Pretty sure it’s exactly the opposite. As I understand it, Anet wanted to add Cantha and NCSOFT said no because they thought the fans wouldn’t want it. So if you want Cantha, continue letting people know you do.

The way they’re progressing with the living story and trying to keep people concentrated, I don’t see them adding a new continent perhaps ever, though.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I’d rather the devs fix the current world before opening a whole new continent.

Half the maps are practically empty, no one cares about DEs, and there’s a whole bunch of existing mysteries like who or what is Isgarren and what’s he doing in his tower.

Always finish what you started, and Tyria is far from finished.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucian.8235


Ripping off reality in no way makes a game compelling. As far as I’m concerned, humans should never have been a part of Guild Wars or indeed any work of fiction set in another universe.

Every single non-Human race, from Charr, to Sylvari to Asura and onward – they’re just Humans with a visual skin. Everything that inspired them is from the actual Human world, our world. Things humans know about plants and animals in our world inspired them. Cultural and religious ideas from Human cultures, religions and civilizations in general, throughout history, inspired them. There’s not a single aspect of the non-Human races that isn’t somehow “Human”. If they were Human, and identified as a separate race of Human, nothing about them would change. The direct links to Human influences, in the real world, on each non-Human race is obvious.

The non-Human races aren’t interesting. Humans are. That’s what GW1 realized and got right. The Asura are a prime example of this, as their very make up is partially made from remnants of a fourth human culture that would have been in the Utopia expansion. The Charr as well, with their legion mentality. Even the Sylvari are, what they are, visually because of Human influence, not just from the real world, but from within the world of Tyria itself – as their form was dictated by the mass grave beneath the tree on some level.

Humans are interesting, and the non-Human races are just reskinned, interesting, Humans, that have been made to look non-Human.

In my mind exploring the variety and richness of Humanity would have been a far better thing than adding in non-Human playable races. Everything from human customization to human class selection to human story and more have all suffered because of the time and resources and effort that needs to be spent on the non-Human races. This was predicted before GW2 was released, and issues like this where people make arguments against going to Cantha because, “That’s Human stuff” are just another example of why non-Humans were a terrible idea.

Getting to see what’s become of Cantha, Elona, and more, as well as getting to finally see the Human, south-american inspired, culture that the Asura got in the way of are all far more interesting prospects than anything the non-Human races offer.

South-American inspired cultures in fantasy, especially well done ones, are too rare in the first place, but especially too rare to see them replaced by the Asura. That had to be one of the darkest moments in GW1’s development history. At least we got a proper African inspired people, which is also rare, but how well that was done only shows how terrible it was to never see Utopia realized, and wasted on the Asura instead.

Factions and Nightfall are RPG gems because of the chances they took by expanding upon Humans rather than piling on more races, and it’s one of the very few flaws I find in GW2 that the development team just didn’t realize that, nor did they do anything to grab that potential and turn it into something even greater. I like this game, but that will always be something that I view as a flaw, the playable non-Human races.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They took over Cantha. They closed the borders. They turned it into a freaking Tyrian North Korea.

My work there is not done. I must go back, and finish what I started 250 years ago, but there’s no boats that will travel there, no asura portals leading there, and for some reason I can’t find any paths leading to the depths of Tyria, and find the tunnel the dredge made all the way to Cantha. It’s as if all paths there had been erased out of existence.

Even if I have to swim there, I’ll go back, and finish my job. I’ll wipe out the Ministry of Purity, retire the imperial line, and turn Cantha into a free people’s republic.

No exceptions!

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Why is everyone under assumption that Canthan people are doing bad and their Emperor is “evil”? They could have advanced more than Tyria under the isolation, back in GW1 Kaineng architecture was already more advanced than the Tyrian one.

I’m all for wiping Char, Asura, Silvari and Norn. #fortheemperor

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Getefix.9150


what if the emperor isnt evil and has just lost all his power to the real evil ppl – the ministry of purity, just because usoku is evil doesnt mean the current emperor is

“Nothing is true, Everything is permitted”

Kiel Replacement Movement

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


what if the emperor isnt evil and has just lost all his power to the real evil ppl – the ministry of purity, just because usoku is evil doesnt mean the current emperor is

This is very true.
Zhaitan and the DSD have prevented more recent contact to Cantha, so it’s entirely possible that their attitudes have changed.
Then again the current emperor is a very recent descendant of Usoku and so it’s likely they would have been raised with the same ideals. It will be interesting to see where they decide to go with the storyline.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immensus.9732


Could you guys cool it on Cantha, please? I do believe the devs have gotten the message by now. No point in repeatedly asking for a statement by ArenaNet every 10 posts. They will put Cantha in the game if and when they so desire.

Pretty sure it’s exactly the opposite. As I understand it, Anet wanted to add Cantha and NCSOFT said no because they thought the fans wouldn’t want it. So if you want Cantha, continue letting people know you do.

The way they’re progressing with the living story and trying to keep people concentrated, I don’t see them adding a new continent perhaps ever, though.

You wanna hear the truth? most of the bad aspects of all this story is NSoft`s fault, the no expac LS/LW etc. and on top of that the money they making from Gw2 they dont even spend them on Gw2, they got other games that invest, especially their new “champion” WildStar which for gods sake i havent seen that much marketing job going on for a game since the WoW years!

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shanna.4762


what if the emperor isnt evil and has just lost all his power to the real evil ppl – the ministry of purity, just because usoku is evil doesnt mean the current emperor is

This is very true.
Zhaitan and the DSD have prevented more recent contact to Cantha, so it’s entirely possible that their attitudes have changed.
Then again the current emperor is a very recent descendant of Usoku and so it’s likely they would have been raised with the same ideals. It will be interesting to see where they decide to go with the storyline.

Often times a child does not agree with the methods of the parent, this is something that pretty much turns out to be the case every generation to some varying degree, who’s to say by now the descendant on the throne isn’t actively working to re-establish connection to the rest of the world? Maybe for the first time in known history Cantha has an Empress, and maybe she’s not straight out of her mind like her predecessors have been. Maybe she’s not even descended from Usoku at all and after the Dragon calamity, the line of Usoku was wiped out and replaced with the closest family to the throne all those years ago. I would find this to be a compelling situation in itself.

The possibility is also there that there is nobody on the throne, and that would be part of the 1st living story there, to find who is best fit to assume the throne. Or simply, the monarchy does not exist anymore due to all the crazy that has come from it in the last 200-300 years.

The possibilities are endless, and while I do hope Cantha reserves a lot of it’s structure and thus keeps a lot of it’s cultural & imperial feel, I’m excited to see what they come up with should they actually add it.

(edited by Shanna.4762)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


This thread won’t die. This game NEEDS Canthan expansion

Fixed that for you.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain