Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gingelyr.3648


And there has been no statement by Mike O’Brien, Arenanet’s President. He is the one for years plus before and after launch who stated that there would be no “gear stat progression” mechanic. No content gating.

Why has he not come out with a statement before or after this?

I’d love to hear from him. I really want someone from ANet to talk about this and address it more thoroughly, the same way they laid out their reasons for the original “exotics are max stats” plan very thoroughly.

Responses up till now (including, e.g., the Kotaku QA) really haven’t addressed why Ascended items need better stats than Exotics—they make a convincing case for having a new tier, I think, but not for why that tier needs higher stats and not just boosted prestige.

They also need to be more clear about their intentions for agony as a gear-gating factor. I’m glad to see agony is a fairly “soft” gate so far, but still, why gate with gear at all?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I didn’t check how much I clock on Guild Wars 2, but I spent a minimum of 5 hours every day since 3 days before the official launch. Spending any less than 5 hours would be a rare case for me. I could be considered a hard core guild wars 2 gamer. In this case, Ascension gear would be for me.

Wrong, I do not like Ascension gear. In fact, it is taking away my enjoyment. I enjoyed filling my bankspace with variety of gear to make more personal builds. I enjoy better looking skins. It makes the grind relaxing instead of urgent. Vertical progression makes the grind urgent but not relaxing and it has no place in Guild Wars 2.

Guild Wars 2 is going downhill for me and I am getting bored of it because of the gear threadmill. I probably will spend less time with Guild Wars 2.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phanmc.6759


Funcom made Age of Conan back in 2008, and I’m one of those that swore never to buy another of their games from that……..

Same here, I swore off Funcom’s games for pretty much the same reason. They made the first 20 levels in AoC beautiful with excellent voice-acting and relatively minimal bugs. The rest of the game was an ugly mess with a broken crafting system, broken group pvp system, lack of late game quests forcing you to grind, no more voice-acting, etc.

However, Funcom’s bait & switch is a more minor offense than ANet’s. Funcom simply needed (a ton of) more time to iron out the problems, they didn’t try to sell me a different product halfway in.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyFeathers.8175


Without reading the 10,000 posts that have already probably stated how I already feel about this I’ll only say the following.

" If it’s required to actually play game content and succeed, I doubt I’ll be playing much longer or at least in areas which require it "

Honor is limited only by the limitations that we place upon ourselves.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Up until this update I had no reason to even consider another game anytime in the foreseeable future. I still really enjoy the game and the actual FOTM content is pretty fun. The new gear tier though, sorry but it’s made this game no different than any others out there so I’ll be checking out the new MMO’s that come out over the next couple years. If they hadn’t done this, I could see myself playing GW2 for a long long time.

I have a feeling it’s a problem with the free to play structure. I prefer a sub at this point so they don’t have to cater to people who buy lots of stuff.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


Another one for our personal blacklist, EA, Funcom, NCsoft, Mythic/Bioware.

Lol, this looks exactly like my personal “never again” list. Except I also have anything in which The Perfect World is even remotely involved on that list too. And yes, ArenaNet is now the newest entry.

Sucks to be us, eh?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairyn.6913


I don’t envision dungeon grinders being huge patrons of the cash shop, shouldn’t they be able to get all the gems they want with gold?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urxx.6840


I made my first piece of ascended gear yesterday for my back slot. It was a a little more difficult than getting an exotic but definitely achievable and not gated behind some elitist barrier.

To give an idea on stats – my toughness from that slot jumped from 28 to 34.

All said, nothing to get upset over. I agree I dont want a “treadmill,” but the slight bump gives people something to strive for without breaking the game.

Also – brilliant of them to only intro backs and rings for now with the promise of more to come. That way the “progression” of getting ascended is extended over a really long time, our current gear isnt invalidated and people interested in those things have something to look forward to.

I think if most people stop, take a deep breath, and think about it logically, they will see this not some horrible game breaking event – and that it may actually be a good thing.

First off let me say I appreciate your attitude. You are one of the few people who don’t despise the changes that is not trying to throw gasoline on the fire, or to delegitimate the other part’s entitlement to being upset if they perceive they have been lied to.

I think for me, the worse thing is that I don’t have clear objectives anymore. Before this patch I had a game that gave me clear goals. I could decide by myself wether I wanted something or not, but once I got the max stat gear, everything else was optional.

Now I have a strong feeling that there’s no point in doing stuff, and even though right now the material differences with the previous situation are marginal, sooner or later my achievements will be made pointless.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anishor.6921


I made my first piece of ascended gear yesterday for my back slot. It was a a little more difficult than getting an exotic but definitely achievable and not gated behind some elitist barrier.

To give an idea on stats – my toughness from that slot jumped from 28 to 34.

All said, nothing to get upset over. I agree I dont want a “treadmill,” but the slight bump gives people something to strive for without breaking the game.

Also – brilliant of them to only intro backs and rings for now with the promise of more to come. That way the “progression” of getting ascended is extended over a really long time, our current gear isnt invalidated and people interested in those things have something to look forward to.

I think if most people stop, take a deep breath, and think about it logically, they will see this not some horrible game breaking event – and that it may actually be a good thing.

This is a game breaking event. The game that was suppose to be based on horizontal progression. Horizontal progression encourages experimentation and freedom to change when you want. What about those people who have 3 different exotic sets? See the affect that would have? Exotics are easy to obtain, which encourages people to try differnet things. Like trying to find ‘for X build as Y class, lets try stat set A, B, and C’.

As soon as you change Y, A, B, C can change in horizontal progression. With Vertical progression you are very less likely to do that because it takes exponentially more time.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASB.4295


Now I have a strong feeling that there’s no point in doing stuff, and even though right now the material differences with the previous situation are marginal, sooner or later my achievements will be made pointless.

You will regain this freedom once ascended infusions have been released, whether that’s in a year, or in 5 years. If they haven’t introduced another tier by then, chances are this is going to be the best in slot gear for good. Until then, your sense of permanence and freedom has to yield.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cheiron the Centaur.1829

Cheiron the Centaur.1829

You will regain this freedom once ascended infusions have been released, whether that’s in a year, or in 5 years. If they haven’t introduced another tier by then, chances are this is going to be the best in slot gear for good. Until then, your sense of permanence and freedom has to yield.

… well, “for good” only until the expansion in which they give you the announced raising of the level cap.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conner.4702


I know I avoided TSW because of Funcom’s “reputation” and I never even looked at Age of Conan.

What’s still confusing me is that GW2 reportedly exceeded all expectations. Where did this gear nonsense come from?

This update was obviously in the works before the game even launched. It didn’t matter how well launch went, or how much money the cash shop made. Unless you think a few weeks is enough time to create “The Lost Shores”? These things are planned and developed months in advance.

No one is saying the lost shores and the dungeon were made in just a few weeks. The gear though has been. That’s why it’s only a few pieces as they have no idea on what stats they should have. It’s also not the content that has people worried as much. Though gated content like the dungeon is just bad design. If Ascended gear had been in the works for months we would have known about it much sooner.

The dungeon is actually proof that it had been designed before they thought up ascended armor when you look at the contents of it.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wintyre Fraust.6534

Wintyre Fraust.6534

I made my first piece of ascended gear yesterday for my back slot. It was a a little more difficult than getting an exotic but definitely achievable and not gated behind some elitist barrier.

To give an idea on stats – my toughness from that slot (previous back was a rare) jumped from 28 to 34.

All said, nothing to get upset over. I agree I dont want a “treadmill,” but the slight bump gives people something to strive for without breaking the game.

Also – brilliant of them to only intro backs and rings for now with the promise of more to come. That way the “progression” of getting ascended is extended over a really long time, our current gear isnt invalidated and people interested in those things have something to look forward to.

I think if most people stop, take a deep breath, and think about it logically, they will see this not some horrible game breaking event – and that it may actually be a good thing.

Because a slow-cooked treadmill is better than a fast-cooking treadmill? It’s still a never-ending treadmill that will leave casual players farther and farther behind no matter how slow and gradual it is.

You either have to satisfy the content-locusts with progression that is significant over a period of time that will keep them interested the game, or they aren’t going to be a meaningful slice of your profitability. If that content provides significant-enough rewards for them, it necessarily means the casuals will be left farther and farther behind. If it is not significant enough for them to devour and stay in the game, then you’re not appealing to them AND you’ve alienated the casuals.

You cannot – repeat, cannot – serve the interests of both content-locust end game vertical progression grinders and casual players. It simply cannot be done. The two are mutually exclusive content and philosophy styles.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anishor.6921


WvW and RPers are not ‘casual’ players but also are the most loyal supporters of a horizontal progression like we had until ascended gear was introduced.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andy.3950


Its just a mess, a complete and utter mess.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urxx.6840


No one is saying the lost shores and the dungeon were made in just a few weeks. The gear though has been.

I agree on this.

They admitted that clearly in Lindsay’s post: they introduced ascended gear specifically because they had understimated the average gamer’s ability to get exotics, so players hit what they call the “legendary wall” sooner than expected.

That problem manifested itself after launch, so before launch they didn’t even know they would have needed ascended gear to address that.

The fact ascended gear doesn’t really address that problem but rather introduces a whole new problem which is way bigger, is another story.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


WvW and RPers are not ‘casual’ players but also are the most loyal supporters of a horizontal progression like we had until ascended gear was introduced.

I don’t rp, don’t have the imagination for it. I will say one thing about rp’ers though, they are gaming companies dream clients. If any game they play lacks a bunch of content, they just make up thier own. A bar with a couple stools and a griffin head mounted over the fireplace can keep them occupied for months.

Just remember gaming companies, if you don’t want to incite the ire of roleplayers in your game, make it so they can sit down on the stools

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


Add another casual player that is feeling it will be impossible to catch up. I have a lvl80 main and alts under lvl50. Mastered 2 crafts, have only made one exoctic piece of gear so far and one mystic weapon. Don’t do dungeons for lack of finding ppl that will enjoy it and not mind a noob figuring it out. Now the elitists can require more than exotics to group, the next litmus test will be ‘do you have ascended gear? sorry you can’t join’.
I completed all maps except WvW which I fear may be rendered difficult if ascended gear is needed.
Would have been nice to see more skins in gem shop and as rewards for dungeons. So far all I have spent for gems are bank slots and backpack slots…
I think I’m done buying gems. I’ll just run around res random ppl and have fun til I am officially underpowered and outdated.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyr.1965


I’m now looking into other games to get into or get back into. Hell, I might even go back to WoW. It’s kinda ironic seeing as how the deal breaker with GW2 is the gear treadmill, but at least Blizzard is honest about it. I was going to keep spending $30 a month on gems to support Arena Net just because their vision up until this point gave me hope for the MMO genre. But now they’ve pulled a Benedict Arnold and don’t deserve another dime. See what you’ve done ArenaNet? Youre making me consider playing WoW again! Thats how much you suck right now. UGH!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jelmew.2531


To be totally honest, before all this I was eager to jump around in the world, getting exotic armor and slowly getting exotic weapons. I was playing the dungeons purely for fun, because playing with people is always nice. But since the fractal dungeon, I have a feeling I can’t just freely jump around anymore. I’m always thinking, shouldn’t I go grind the Fractals dungeon, because I’m only level 3, lagging behind and getting a group is becoming more and more difficult.

I’ve played guild wars 1 since the very beginning and I never had any problems pouring money into the game, into the guild wars 1 online shop or guild wars 2. In both games, I was happily hopping around, helping people in both games, having a really fun time. I grinded a little bit for 15k armor in guild wars 1, but it was still funn.

It is no longer fun now. My freedom has been taken away and for the first time in all those years, I feel the need to post on a official forum. Not to rage, but to tell them this is not fun. I’m really hoping they adress this.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steely Phil.3952

Steely Phil.3952

It feels very punitive. Both the ascended gear and the recent one-time event both feed into this feeling for me.

The previous sense was that if I want to run this dungeon I can, but if I don’t want to it’s okay. If I want to attend this even great, if I’m too busy that’s okay.

Now it’s moving into a very unfun “do what ANet tells you or suffer” kind of mindset. Don’t want to do the dungeon? You will be punished by having sub-par gear. Didn’t show up for the karka event? No welfare precursor for you. Better do what we say next time.

“Yo dawg, we heard you liked grind.” -ANet

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Falkhausen.5419


I just want to add my voice to all those who think that powercreep is a bad design choice – regardless how slight it might seem. I play GW2 (as I played GW1 for years) because of one reason: Powercreep is…was…nonexistent. Skillbased gameplay + grind for skins it was, no “bigger numbers”…and good riddance, I thought.

Most people who play GW2 do so because they think it’s different, some of those don’t even like MMO’s yet made exceptions for GW1 and GW2. But now it’s the crowd of geargrinders who are the “most dedicated players”? You guys really want to appeal to the WoW-Crowd? In that WoW has you outclassed and outgunned. Don’t ruin your game because you want it to appeal to everyone . Your truly most dedicaded players – those who have carried you through the days of GW1 – deserve better than that.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkyrie.6920


In some ways, this new direction also leaves me disappointed.

1.) It does seem like Anet abandoned some of it’s original design goals. I feel these changes really contradict the GW2 “Manifesto” and Mike O’Brien’s own words.
2.) Gear progression is really a treadmill as the game just get balanced around the new numbers anyway. You end up running just to stay in place
3.) Power creep just ends up making a ton of game content effectively “obsolete”.
4.) When you offer one type of gameplay as the straightest path to the “best rewards” you end up inducing your player base to overly partake in that form of gameplay, which leaves the rest of the game empty.

Sadly, I worry that the “ascended gear” move is likely to end up siphoning off the player base into instances which will effectively hamper the rest of the game because the player base will no longer be in the “world” interacting with each other which is what makes and MMOG an MMOG.

I really wish Arenanet had stuck to their guns and focused on “open, real world pve” over the instanced experience. I know a lot of the events can seem zergy or barren at times (most of the time actually) but I think the game would be better off if they had fixed those issues rather than just give carrots and “stuff to do” in instances.

The world really didn’t need another WoW clone, even though I love WoW.

(edited by Valkyrie.6920)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


I disagree this has been in the works a while. You dont cook this up right away.
I dont think it was an outside influence. I think it was greed. They saw the #’s and saw over 2 mill box sold. They saw the # and looked at WOW and said it was doable. I dont blame but the decision not to fill out the cash shop and start the treadmill was done a while back. I think they lost sight of things. It is still very possible that it was an outside source.
But had they said they were not meeting revenue expectations I would have happily given $25/month to keep the game the way I liked it – Had I been asked.
But it is done and it is time to move on now.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cortechs.3265


I bought this with the understanding that it wouldn’t have gating or power creep. It was the main positive for the game. Now that they are introducing it, there is no point wasting my time here. I’ll simply uninstall and spend my time with other games. What a waste.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EkszynMen.4275


I bought the game on release day. I have only one character on 80 lvl. I tried to play every day, to do at least the daily achievements. And I gotta admit, I still liked the game. For me, it was just as fun today as it was on release day.

It was fun, because downscaling and lack of gear trademill at the “endgame” literally freed me to do whatever I wanted. Play with my lower lvl friends? Why not. Farm crafting materials? Sure! Dungeon run or two? Of course. Et cetera. If I got bored with one type of activity, I just switched to another. I did not need to do one repetitive task over and over again to stay competitive and to enjoy all of the game content.
That “raid dungeon X to get gear of Tier Y to be able to go to dungeon Y” style of gameplay killed my fun in many games (I’m looking at you, WoW!), so being free to do what I wanted and still be able not to be locked out of any activity I feel like doing right now, because I didn’t farm that one “endgame” instance over and over again for hours and hours every day till I puke, was a brilliant design masterpiece.

And dare I say (write?) I was not the only one that loved this about GW2.

But today I don’t even fell like logging in the game. This drastic change of gameplay introduced in last patch with new “slightly better (more to come!)” was… well, I felt like I was hit right between my eyes.

With a brick.

“Two handed, middle-ages hard as hell piece of rock, designed for castle walls” type of brick.

Two reasons:

First, now not only my old exotic gear is obsolete (and I had just one set of it, luckily as it turned out), it made all of the old game content obsolete, at least for the time being. I mean, what motivation will players have to run old dungeons, or do old dynamic events like battling dragons ‘n stuff, if the only place to get new “slightly better” gear is in that one new dungeon? I don’t even feel like exploring new map, and boy, do I like to explore (actually I find exploration in GW2 to be the best part of the game) – what’s the reason to do that? If I do not grind for new items, if I play as I did till last patch, I will eventually fall behind other players, and if what Anet stated is true, like, I quote:

“The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative”

I will be eventually locked out of parts of the game, because I did not partake in mandatory gear grind like in every other MMORPG game. Sure, I may be the most skilled player on the face of the planet, I may be able to dodge like there is no tomorrow, do combos on every move ‘n stuff like that, but, for example (I quote again):

“Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must. The only way to mitigate Agony damage is by building up resistance through Infusions, a new type of upgrade component that can be acquired in the Mystic Forge”.

Meaning: “u no grind gear, u no play the new content, homie!”. Oh, and for the record, I am NOT the most skilled player on the face of the planet. So don’t shoot.

And that is not what Anet said about the game before this path. They said that one will be able to enjoy all aspects of the game, all of the content, without farming new item sets every couple of months.

And that brings me to the second reason, and that one gets me the most:

It seems that we, the customers, were deceived from the very beginning. Why? Well, this patch is not something you can do overnight, or in a week or two. It was probably made (or at least in development) even before GW2 launch. Anet said that there will be none of that gear trademill crap that is so off-putting, that they will “leave the grind in other MMO’s” ‘n stuff like that, yet they planned on introducing vertical item progression from the start.

In other words, they betrayed my (and, judging by the posts in this thread not only mine) trust in a worst kind of way, by lying about their product content. Had they stated that they are planning on this before game launched, like they should, I would seriously consider investing my time and money in their game. They did just the opposite, they hid this “new exciting” feature, and that is a big no-no in my book. At least that is how I feel ‘bout this whole ascended mess, but Anet’s silence on the whole matter does nothing to ensure me that “boy, was I wrong on this one” or something.

I do not plan on getting a refund, because, for what is worth, I still had fun with the game, at least until now. But I was planning to play it for at least as long as I did GW1, support Anet by buying gems and expansions, and right now I don’t even feel like playing the game that kept me entertained for last two and a half months.

Seriously, I haven’t touched another title since GW2 launch. And boy, do I like video games.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nachyochez.9758


So I boycotted the event, and am glad to see this thread still going strong today! ANet kept saying ‘wait and see’… We waited, we saw, and we’re still angry!

Skif F Galco (War) | Bas Flaith (Thf) | Rawr Doomshot (Rng) | Cheshire Glamourclaw (Mes)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killua.8041


Will we be able to craft Ascended items as well in a later update? Because from what it appears now, we don’t have access to them as Rampagers.

O Killua O – Asura Mesmer | Killuas – Asura Engineer
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sky.9347


So I boycotted the event, and am glad to see this thread still going strong today! ANet kept saying ‘wait and see’… We waited, we saw, and we’re still angry!

And not only do they not care, they don’t care so hard they won’t even read our posts or acknowledge our anger.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wintyre Fraust.6534

Wintyre Fraust.6534

I don’t get the relative lack of stories about this on the main sites. After all, reviewers from a LOT of game sites gave GW2 glowing reviews and a lot of free publicity, and they reported the now-abandoned anet design philosophy as being one of the better aspects of the game.

Why aren’t those reporters/reviewers not at least asking why ANET is not addressing the community here about this? Is there no MMOG site reporter that thinks it would be a good story to try and contact ANET and find out what the heck is going on?

A 10,000+ post thread up over a few days over a change in game direction is huge in terms of MMOG forums, and big news. You would think there would be some articles with some quotes from ANET and some people representing the disgruntled customer base on the subject by today.

What gives?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PocketHero.1903


It gets better.
From the Wiki: Subdirector Blingg’s objective is to “intimidate Subdirector Noll.” Noll means head or top of head. I think we all know what Blingg means. The word intimidate is nowhere else in the wiki, except to describe the cripple ability of some ranger pets.

Googled 4373 and find that it is a reference to a MS security error relating to remote attacks, and also assigned to a software vulernability code that allowed attackers to execute arbitrary code.

Easter eggs are usually for fun! These…not so much.

Also, don’t forget the acronym for the new dungeon: “FotM”

My Google-Fu turned this possible interpretation for BUY-4373 up

It’d be funny if seeing this game going down the gears weren’t so sad.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wintyre Fraust.6534

Wintyre Fraust.6534

Elisabeth Cardy just put up a “Lost Shores” recap article at massively. She doesn’t even mention the Ascended armor debacle, or this thread.

I mean … really? It’s not even worth mentioning?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anishor.6921


This game will not be competitive without a horizontal progression.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killua.8041


Until they let us Rampagers have Ascended gear, the new system is useless.

O Killua O – Asura Mesmer | Killuas – Asura Engineer
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asia Skyly.7198

Asia Skyly.7198

So I boycotted the event, and am glad to see this thread still going strong today! ANet kept saying ‘wait and see’… We waited, we saw, and we’re still angry!

I took the approach of wait and see. I have now seen it, and I am so much more disappointed. These new items will become required gear. Obviously they already are. They are also incredibly expensive. “Casual gamers be kitten If you do not have time to grind in our game, then don’t play the content!” Such a complete turn around from the philosophy that made me fall in love with this game. I feel cheated, betrayed.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anishor.6921


It’s quite simple, we keep the pressure up here and start taking it to twitter and to facebook. We are their core and their dedicated gamers. We’re the ones buying gems not the content locusts. They’re just on the forms whining about how there’s not new gear to grind or content to go through.

Also please for those of you with people that don’t agree with the change, please POST here and voice your opinion. You cannot be counted if you don’t voice your opinion. Encourage your guildies and your friends to post here. Make our voices heard.

(edited by Anishor.6921)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shunsui Jiraiya.9103

Shunsui Jiraiya.9103

Checking thread for a sign of a transparent reasoning and/or apology from Arenanet.

I don’t care if it was a hostile takeover or not, customers deserve a genuine reply.

I will just catch up on some reading instead of playing and buying gem etc…. Falling numbers may at least get their attention.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


It’s quite simple, we keep the pressure up here and start taking it to twitter and to facebook. We are their core and their dedicated gamers. We’re the ones buying gems not the content locusts. They’re just on the forms whining about how there’s not new gear to grind or content to go through.

You can have new content, that’s fun for everyone, you just don’t have to have new and better items with stats. Just keep making new skins that are cool and different. I don’t see why you need new “stats” to get people to do new content, you’re going from playing for fun to playing to keep up.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


Checking thread for a sign of a transparent reasoning and/or apology from Arenanet.

I don’t care if it was a hostile takeover or not, customers deserve a genuine reply.

I will just catch up on some reading instead of playing and buying gem etc…. Falling numbers may at least get their attention.

They won’t have a kneejerk decision, I’m sure there’s going to be multiple meetings for this current situation before they address the customers.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: illgot.1056


over 10000 posts on gear progression.

Definitely something the majority (well the majority that counts) wanted…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: orresho.3197


So I boycotted the event, and am glad to see this thread still going strong today! ANet kept saying ‘wait and see’… We waited, we saw, and we’re still angry!

And not only do they not care, they don’t care so hard they won’t even read our posts or acknowledge our anger.

Take a chillpill. For real? You really don’t think they care nor read the posts? I’m 100% sure ANet will post a big blogpost or something about this very soon. This complaints are huge and they can’t make sudden changes. They really have to rethink everything now and the risk of giving a fast answer is that they will just make a bigger mess and have to re-do the whole thing many times = confusion in the community. There is a very big crowd who’s left the game because the lack of progression, let’s face it. And ANet has to balance it all out to bring back that crowd into the game. And that’s what I thing was ANets intention. I don’t think ANet was expecting this kind of rage.
Give them some time before complaining like 8yo kids.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“They won’t have a kneejerk decision, I’m sure there’s going to be multiple meetings for this current situation before they address the customers.”

Like the kneejerk reaction they didn’t have to adding an armor tier?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anishor.6921


It’s quite simple, we keep the pressure up here and start taking it to twitter and to facebook. We are their core and their dedicated gamers. We’re the ones buying gems not the content locusts. They’re just on the forms whining about how there’s not new gear to grind or content to go through.

You can have new content, that’s fun for everyone, you just don’t have to have new and better items with stats. Just keep making new skins that are cool and different. I don’t see why you need new “stats” to get people to do new content, you’re going from playing for fun to playing to keep up.

Agreed. You know even if the ascended gear was a trade off of slightly better stats like medallions, but no utility I would be down for it. But as it is now, there’s no trade off, it’s flat out better.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: illgot.1056


“They won’t have a kneejerk decision, I’m sure there’s going to be multiple meetings for this current situation before they address the customers.”

Like the kneejerk reaction they didn’t have to adding an armor tier?

Think about it logically. Do you think they created this last event and the FotM instance, along with all the gear in the last two months?

No, something like this was planned probably before any of the beta weekends started.

There was no knee jerk reaction to the people wanting gear progression post release, this event and everything from it was developed way before the game was released to the public.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shunsui Jiraiya.9103

Shunsui Jiraiya.9103

I don’t expect a solution post, I do expect a post of: “We are listening and hear your concerns. We offer our apologies for any potential distress this has caused. We want to review the situation and carefully conciser all options”

I did not expect the hunker down and ignore it approach from these guys and gals.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swoo.5079


Elisabeth Cardy just put up a “Lost Shores” recap article at massively. She doesn’t even mention the Ascended armor debacle, or this thread.

I mean … really? It’s not even worth mentioning?

Have you seen the last Guild’s Cast?
She thinks it is nothing and she actually was dissing the critics of this as “doom and gloom looneys”, “forums vocal minority”, etc, until the other dudes started talking and none of them were in favour of this, and then she always tried to say this is nothing but none of others actually followed her train of thought.

3-1 in the show that had mildly concerns or worse. The “vocal minority” is everywhere.

Ascended items are Anet biggest mistake and a kneejerk reaction.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anishor.6921


We should ask Taugrim to do a rebuttal. Since he’s one of the champions of horizontal progression that can speak quite eloquently about it.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“Think about it logically. Do you think they created this last event and the FotM instance, along with all the gear in the last two months?”

Of course not. FotM took a long time to make. The gear models probably took a while to make too.

However, the stats and new tier was obviously a last minute addition. It’s really really easy to add stuff like tiers and stats, considering it’s as simple as looking on your database and just modifying numbers.

Now, how about you try thinking logically and sanely.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urxx.6840


Take a chillpill. For real? You really don’t think they care nor read the posts? I’m 100% sure ANet will post a big blogpost or something about this very soon. This complaints are huge and they can’t make sudden changes. They really have to rethink everything now and the risk of giving a fast answer is that they will just make a bigger mess and have to re-do the whole thing many times = confusion in the community. There is a very big crowd who’s left the game because the lack of progression, let’s face it. And ANet has to balance it all out to bring back that crowd into the game. And that’s what I thing was ANets intention. I don’t think ANet was expecting this kind of rage.
Give them some time before complaining like 8yo kids.

You know, they could start by aknowledging the feedback.

“We are reading your feedback on the forums and are aware of the controversy that was caused by some of the changes that were introduced in the last patch. We are addressing things internally and will respond officially soon.”

Or something to that extent.

Silence on something that is clearly felt as important by the community is never a good idea. And no, I don’t count Chris Whiteside’s as a real asnwer.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swoo.5079


“They won’t have a kneejerk decision, I’m sure there’s going to be multiple meetings for this current situation before they address the customers.”

Like the kneejerk reaction they didn’t have to adding an armor tier?

Nexon is on board and so is an ex-veteran of Mapple Story cash shop.

Hardcore grinding or cash is the way Nexon does money with titles like Vindictus.

I’ve spent €0 in titles like that.
My signature says what I’m doing in GW2.

Ascended items are Anet biggest mistake and a kneejerk reaction.