Upcoming changes in Spring Quarterly Update
So, does this include class balancing?
I make PvP & WvW videos
Having Alpine back will be great!
…Then there will be no hiding how badly the WvW community has been devastated when those borders are empty too.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Make Thief Great Again Lord Mike.
So, does this include class balancing?
Class balancing is a PvP issue. I do not believe this idea deserves any dev time because most of us would like to see content instead.
- Balancing – not mentioned
- WvW updates – not mentioned
- LS3 – not mentioned
- legendary armor and backpiece – not mentioned
- dungeons – not mentioned
….So what do we get, wall of text, with nothing interesting or even needed. Typical.
So needed content has been suspended, figures.
This is a post about what’s in the April update and nothing more. Expecting more is silly.
Balancing will likely be pushed out once the current PvP tourney is over, this patch may come before then.
WvW – still being worked on, we have some changes in desert for players to try and alpine is returning.
LS3 – never was going to be part of the April update so why mention it?
Legendary Armor and Backpiece – tied to the completion of the 3rd raid wing and PvP already. Again not ever part of the April update.
Dungeons – again, never implied anything for April’s update. Just that they are reconsidering restoring some of the rewards removed according to the AMA.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
- Balancing – not mentioned
- WvW updates – not mentioned
- LS3 – not mentioned
- legendary armor and backpiece – not mentioned
- dungeons – not mentioned
….So what do we get, wall of text, with nothing interesting or even needed. Typical.
So needed content has been suspended, figures.
Yes. You will take that wall of text and you will like it.
Clearly this is not the whole of the news for the update, merely the need-to-know stuff.
Source is the quotes from MO’s post that I placed in my comment you excised and my knowledge of the English language. When MO says “here are SOME of the things coming,” I assume he does not mean ALL of them. “Here are a few things I want to give you heads up on … you know more of what is coming thanks to the AMA … etc.”
If he used that language when in fact he listed the entirety of the patch, he’ll have earned all the vitriol coming his way for being misleading. Meanwhile, he has said “here is some stuff, there is more I’m not saying yet.”
So, does this include class balancing?
Class balancing is a PvP issue. I do not believe this idea deserves any dev time because most of us would like to see content instead.
You’re only speaking for yourself, though. I want to see more content added too. Class balancing is a big issue in PvP, and it should be addressed soon.
I make PvP & WvW videos
All in one I can´t wait for the patch. Old Boarders…….
Which isn’t happening in this patch.
Hi all,
Two weeks ago we polled the WvW community about Desert versus Alpine borderlands. The majority of players asked us to bring Alpine back. We’ll do that. It actually takes quite a bit of time to dust off old content and bring it up to the current game state, so it won’t happen in time for the quarterly release. Instead we’ll launch the quarterly update with improvements to Desert, use that as an opportunity to get the community’s feedback on those changes, then we’ll swap to Alpine when it’s ready. Changing borderlands maps like this will disrupt matches in progress, but we think that making changes on live servers, where everyone can test, is worth the cost.
This is how the community sets itself up for disappointment, reading what’s said and then repeating something entirely different.
RIP City of Heroes
So, does this include class balancing?
Class balancing is a PvP issue. I do not believe this idea deserves any dev time because most of us would like to see content instead.
You’re only speaking for yourself, though. I want to see more content added too. Class balancing is a big issue in PvP, and it should be addressed soon.
A good portion of the player base felt wronged by the E-sports focus. Most players are casuals that don’t care about the elitists or try hards who want to fight other players. Most of us want to enjoy things as a community and work towards common goals. They tried to force this game into the E-sports arena and the community is widely rejecting it.
The bluntness and cut and dry of the post by MO is great to see in my eyes. There isn’t a wondering about what is going on. Even if it is unpopular I am glad that he is just being communicative and forthright with what is going on and the direction it is going.
Leader of ninja ops
So, does this include class balancing?
Class balancing is a PvP issue. I do not believe this idea deserves any dev time because most of us would like to see content instead.
You’re only speaking for yourself, though. I want to see more content added too. Class balancing is a big issue in PvP, and it should be addressed soon.
I am with this guy. Class balancing is top priority. First make a game that works like intended, then make content for it. It doesn’t matter much for PvE, but it matters a hell of a lot for WvW and SPvP.
Clearly this is not the whole of the news for the update, merely the need-to-know stuff.
Source is the quotes from MO’s post that I placed in my comment you excised and my knowledge of the English language. When MO says “here are SOME of the things coming,” I assume he does not mean ALL of them. “Here are a few things I want to give you heads up on … you know more of what is coming thanks to the AMA … etc.”
If he used that language when in fact he listed the entirety of the patch, he’ll have earned all the vitriol coming his way for being misleading. Meanwhile, he has said “here is some stuff, there is more I’m not saying yet.”
Oh, great. So you guesstimated more stuff.
And I thought you might have a clue.
This is the company that said we would get “an expansion worth of content” early in 2013.
We all know how that worked out. If we get anything more than some new icons for skills and new skins in the gem store, I would be positively surprised.
But I would not count on it…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
They tried to force this game into the E-sports arena and the community is widely rejecting it.
E-sports in GW2 does appear to be a complete failure. I wish they’d recognize this and put those resources to better use on something not specifically E-sports related.
So, does this include class balancing?
Class balancing is a PvP issue. I do not believe this idea deserves any dev time because most of us would like to see content instead.
You’re only speaking for yourself, though. I want to see more content added too. Class balancing is a big issue in PvP, and it should be addressed soon.
A good portion of the player base felt wronged by the E-sports focus. Most players are casuals that don’t care about the elitists or try hards who want to fight other players. Most of us want to enjoy things as a community and work towards common goals. They tried to force this game into the E-sports arena and the community is widely rejecting it.
But it may be good for the bottom line if it brings in new players who buy the game.
You may not like how college athletic divisions are organized around football if you are a basketball fan but the money college football generates but in the end it funds the rest of a college’s sport programs.
Translation, if it’s good for the bottom line, it’s good for the game.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
I’m not level 80 so I don’t know what half of this means. I’m sure there is something in this post worth grabbing a pitchfork and rioting over… :P
Rioting over? Not really.
Finding some other game to sink your time into until the July update? Oh yes.
So, does this include class balancing?
I’m sure we will see some thumb-twiddling micro-tweaks that do nothing to the meta while still managing to enrage PvE’ers. They have standards to uphold, after all.
This is how the community sets itself up for disappointment, reading what’s said and then saying something entirely different.
Because ANet obviously has no responsibility for confusion caused by releasing a post about “what’ gonna be in the April update” that’s filled with stuff that won’t be happening yet in April . It’s called ‘bringing it on yourself’.
The bluntness and cut and dry of the post by MO is great to see in my eyes. There isn’t a wondering about what is going on. Even if it is unpopular I am glad that he is just being communicative and forthright with what is going on and the direction it is going.
This I agree with 100%. If he can keep this up once-or-twice-a-week from now on, it will put GW2 back on the list of games to watch. For a lot more than just current players. Solid communication reaches out to lapsed players and help bring in new ones too.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Thanks half expansion mike!
So, does this include class balancing?
Class balancing is a PvP issue. I do not believe this idea deserves any dev time because most of us would like to see content instead.
You’re only speaking for yourself, though. I want to see more content added too. Class balancing is a big issue in PvP, and it should be addressed soon.
I am with this guy. Class balancing is top priority. First make a game that works like intended, then make content for it. It doesn’t matter much for PvE, but it matters a hell of a lot for WvW and SPvP.
So.. I start play scrapper. "
Instead we’ll launch the quarterly update with improvements to Desert, use that as an opportunity to get the community’s feedback on those changes, then we’ll swap to Alpine when it’s ready.
So the same exact plan as before. No perceptible change whatsoever.
I’m sure people will find reasons to complain, but this is fantastic news, not only for the content, but also for what it indicates (to me at least). 1) It indicates that changes that the player base has been asking for are being made, 2) It indicates a policy of disclosure and openness— which I like quite a bit.
At least in my eyes, this is a great second step in the right direction. (The first being the willingness to make a hard decision and be open and upfront about it)
Most players are casuals that don’t care about the elitists or try hards who want to fight other players. Most of us want to enjoy things as a community and work towards common goals.
Do you have any source for that?
Oh right, no. You don’t
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
Clearly this is not the whole of the news for the update, merely the need-to-know stuff.
Source is the quotes from MO’s post that I placed in my comment you excised and my knowledge of the English language. When MO says “here are SOME of the things coming,” I assume he does not mean ALL of them. “Here are a few things I want to give you heads up on … you know more of what is coming thanks to the AMA … etc.”
If he used that language when in fact he listed the entirety of the patch, he’ll have earned all the vitriol coming his way for being misleading. Meanwhile, he has said “here is some stuff, there is more I’m not saying yet.”
Oh, great. So you guesstimated more stuff.
And I thought you might have a clue.
This is the company that said we would get “an expansion worth of content” early in 2013.
We all know how that worked out. If we get anything more than some new icons for skills and new skins in the gem store, I would be positively surprised.
But I would not count on it…
Um, no, that’s literally what the words that Mike is saying mean.
I understand people being upset, but this is ridiculous.
The stupid thing was to spend so much money for that….
Really, I think that people who spend so much gold in that “thing” are crazy….
You can’t balance PvP/PvE. You fix one, break the other vice versa. Just need to separate the two. Less head ache for everyone.
This is how the community sets itself up for disappointment, reading what’s said and then saying something entirely different.
Because ANet obviously has no responsibility for confusion caused by releasing a post about “what’ gonna be in the April update” that’s filled with stuff that won’t be happening yet in April
. It’s called ‘bringing it on yourself’.
What is so confusing about saying we ask you two weeks ago, you told us bring back alpine and we will but not in this update cause it’s too late in the release cycle to do that cause we asked only two weeks ago. It answers a question WvW players have.
It’s not confusing unless you skim what’s being said.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Lul, well mike I’ll give ya points for not fluffing. But I don’t believe a word listed on this page. Like ya said, I’ll wait and see how things actually work out, not what you type up on a page to generate hype.
Most players are casuals that don’t care about the elitists or try hards who want to fight other players. Most of us want to enjoy things as a community and work towards common goals.
Do you have any source for that?
Oh right, no. You don’t
Of course he does, at least more than you do. Log in and go to any map. Players playing the game who just are there and enjoy their time.
So costs for scribe are going down because as Gaile said scribe was not how it was intended. What about the scribes that have large guilds and fully open halls that have spent 1000s and 1000s literally of gold already besides what little their guildies have donated to them? is that really fair since “scribe isn’t how it was intended” as stated by Gaile? and will anything be done about this?
No. Absolutely nothing will be done to reward/compensate early adopters. You paid a premium to have it early. Its a situation that happens all the time in the game and scribing will be treated no differently.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Lul, well mike I’ll give ya points for not fluffing. But I don’t believe a word listed on this page. Like ya said, I’ll wait and see how things actually work out, not what you type up on a page to generate hype.
I have a hard time to see how people can actually generate hype out of those lines.
Never underestimate creativity though!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
So costs for scribe are going down because as Gaile said scribe was not how it was intended. What about the scribes that have large guilds and fully open halls that have spent 1000s and 1000s literally of gold already besides what little their guildies have donated to them? is that really fair since “scribe isn’t how it was intended” as stated by Gaile? and will anything be done about this? i can provide 100s of screens of what our Hall now looks like along with all the banners and wvw upgrades i have built. Most guilds are only lucky enough to have 1 scribe that spent all that money to get to 400 to help their guild. so basically will there be any compensation for the scribes that have done this since “it was not how it was intended”?
It was acknowledged many times that scribing costs were too high. And even if it they weren’t, everyone who made a bunch of stuff at high prices (myself included btw), obviously thought it was worth it at the time. What changed? Are you someone who buys, for example, a new car, and then complains and attempts to get money from the dealership when they have some random sales event? To sit here now and ask for recompense is utter ridiculousness. Is this fair? YES. Furthermore, you’ve enjoyed those upgrades for all of this time. If you want to be fair, then have ANET reimburse you for all the upgrades and decorations, have them all taken away including all of your scribing levels, and then locked out for an amount of time equal to how long you’ve had em.
Whatever it is, I’m sure Anet realizes that this April update will decide the fate of this game. I’m not expecting a whole lot yet, but this update needs to set a road map on how things will be fixed/implemented. I’m just stating the obvious, but I get a little nervous with their track record recently…
So costs for scribe are going down because as Gaile said scribe was not how it was intended. What about the scribes that have large guilds and fully open halls that have spent 1000s and 1000s literally of gold already besides what little their guildies have donated to them? is that really fair since “scribe isn’t how it was intended” as stated by Gaile? and will anything be done about this? i can provide 100s of screens of what our Hall now looks like along with all the banners and wvw upgrades i have built. Most guilds are only lucky enough to have 1 scribe that spent all that money to get to 400 to help their guild. so basically will there be any compensation for the scribes that have done this since “it was not how it was intended”?
That’s the price you pay for being an early adopter.
It’s the same way in real life. You can be the first guy who buys a plasma TV for $40,000, or you can wait 2 years and buy a bigger plasma TV with everyone else for $400.
Is there any possibility at all that you will reverse your decision on legendary weapons? There is definitely plenty of evidence that the players care just a tad more than you anticipated they would.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
So just so we are clear…
We waited 6 months for a patch and the entirety of that patch is to remove things that were added with the expansion and return them to how they were before the expansion?
And we are still getting no more content?
Sounds about right I guess…
I wonder if this means big changes to fractals or only structural ones such as merging the lower tiers to one big ‘1-50’ tier. Fractals are my favorite content in GW2 and I think we can all agree it’s in dire need of new content, not just another ‘framework change’.
Worst thing about this is, as always, I expect nothing from ANET, yet probably will still be disappointed.
This is somewhat funny.
Legendaries were promised – but stopped.
New WvW was promised – released but now reverted (due to feed back).
This is somewhat funny.
Legendaries were promised – but stopped.
New WvW was promised – released but now reverted (due to feed back).
Not just funny, hilarious. I love it!
Whatever it is, I’m sure Anet realizes that this April update will decide the fate of this game. I’m not expecting a whole lot yet, but this update needs to set a road map on how things will be fixed/implemented. I’m just stating the obvious, but I get a little nervous with their track record recently…
The April update was already well in the release pipeline before this latest community outrage.
While the next update in July may start to show the change in direction, stating that the April update is the pivital moment is simply laying the foundation for their next round of attacks.
RIP City of Heroes
I will look forward to seeing the alpine borders again. Thank you for listening to the www community.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]
Two weeks ago we polled the WvW community about Desert versus Alpine borderlands. The majority of players asked us to bring Alpine back. We’ll do that. It actually takes quite a bit of time to dust off old content and bring it up to the current game state, so it won’t happen in time for the quarterly release. Instead we’ll launch the quarterly update with improvements to Desert, use that as an opportunity to get the community’s feedback on those changes, then we’ll swap to Alpine when it’s ready. Changing borderlands maps like this will disrupt matches in progress, but we think that making changes on live servers, where everyone can test, is worth the cost.
Ah but there is no cost as long as you freeze glicko. Testing on live is great. We need a little break every now and then from the “serious” WvW, just like sPvP. Hell even another Golem Week™ is acceptable if it doesnt impact the matchups.
This is somewhat funny.
Legendaries were promised – but stopped.
New WvW was promised – released but now reverted (due to feed back).
Borderland maps were always going to be rotated between the two. Now it’s going to be sooner than later.
RIP City of Heroes
Lul, well mike I’ll give ya points for not fluffing. But I don’t believe a word listed on this page. Like ya said, I’ll wait and see how things actually work out, not what you type up on a page to generate hype.
I have a hard time to see how people can actually generate hype out of those lines.
Never underestimate creativity though!
I have a hard time to see how some people can actually generate salt out of any and every announcement.
Hi all. I’m not kittenual writer here, but I want to express my opinion.
This all things are good, yes, and the game ‘need’ some of those, but PLEASE, PLEASE, GIVE US CONTENT.
I’m a Youtuber/Streamer dedicated to GW2 and I don’t have anything to do nowadays. The only thing that I have are the leagues and I’m not a PvP player. I’m taking a break playing other things, but I love GW2, and I want to play it, but I don’t have the enough reasons to do it.
So please, Anet, MO, and all the team, give us content((
Could you please just put the alpine back without kittening it up with the stupid HoT crap?
If you actually payed attention to what the wvw players were requesting you would realize we are tired of the broken kitten you introduced. No kittening banners, tactivators, or auto upgrades. Just give us our dammed map back.
This is somewhat funny.
Legendaries were promised – but stopped.
New WvW was promised – released but now reverted (due to feed back).
One of the problems with the WvW content they added was that they didn’t listen to their WvW community when we told them that whatt they’d come up with wasn’t suitable. If they’d taken their beta advice more to heart, they might have come up with something they wouldn’t have had to “revert.”
Two weeks ago we polled the WvW community about Desert versus Alpine borderlands. The majority of players asked us to bring Alpine back. We’ll do that. It actually takes quite a bit of time to dust off old content and bring it up to the current game state, so it won’t happen in time for the quarterly release. Instead we’ll launch the quarterly update with improvements to Desert, use that as an opportunity to get the community’s feedback on those changes, then we’ll swap to Alpine when it’s ready. Changing borderlands maps like this will disrupt matches in progress, but we think that making changes on live servers, where everyone can test, is worth the cost.
Ah but there is no cost as long as you freeze glicko. Testing on live is great. We need a little break every now and then from the “serious” WvW, just like sPvP. Hell even another Golem Week™ is acceptable if it doesnt impact the matchups.
Absolutely no more kittening golem weeks….
No new content, I guess…
Game over, man. Cheaper scribing, continued prohibitive cost to learn it. No scribe training outside of guild halls. They still don’t get it.
So, does this include class balancing?
Class balancing is a PvP issue. I do not believe this idea deserves any dev time because most of us would like to see content instead.
You’re only speaking for yourself, though. I want to see more content added too. Class balancing is a big issue in PvP, and it should be addressed soon.
I’ve yet to touch PvP in GW2 so I guess I disagree? Elite professions are still worthless outside of raids, still 1-2 hour metas in the only content released in HoT, etc.
Could you please just put the alpine back without kittening it up with the stupid HoT crap?
If you actually payed attention to what the wvw players were requesting you would realize we are tired of the broken kitten you introduced. No kittening banners, tactivators, or auto upgrades. Just give us our dammed map back.
exactly… +1