Upcoming changes in Spring Quarterly Update
-Fixing Desert BL
-Scribing Costs Lowered
-HoT Events more casual player friendly, focused on reward players better
-Fractal fixes, replacing achievements
-Legendary shortbow
-Ad Inifinium as a Glider
there! that’s better As for speculation……dont know, Anet confirmed there was not going to be new content with this patch (dont why people expect new content really) for that we have to wait until new raid and summer where LW kicks in
Read the patch notes on Tuesday. Mr. O’Brien sees no reason to talk and promise before something actually ships. Maybe if we’re lucky the patch notes will be up in time to read them before the patch finishes loading.
I don’t blame him. This community screams bloody murder no matter what he tries to do.
Someone will always scream bloody murder on a balance patch, there is no win there ever for the devs.
RIP City of Heroes
there! that’s better
As for speculation……dont know, Anet confirmed there was not going to be new content with this patch (dont why people expect new content really) for that we have to wait until new raid and summer where LW kicks in
Can’t wait for LWS3
I’m most interested in the changes to HoT right now. I do wish they’d add another Season for WvW, though.
I did not see any WvW in the trailer… does that mean WvW is getting nothing again with this patch, even after all the talk?
They already stated the new wvw rewards system will be in the patch and the population balance beta on the friday reset. What exactly did you all want them to show in the trailer?
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
This is probably the scariest thing to be in the dark about. Maybe they are making a bunch of garbage weapons good. Maybe they are nerfing something into oblivion again. Anybody else at least a little curious about what the balance aspect of this update will bring?
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959
Anybody else at least a little curious about what the balance aspect of this update will bring?
Not me. Que sera, sera.
I did not see any WvW in the trailer… does that mean WvW is getting nothing again with this patch, even after all the talk?
They already stated the new wvw rewards system will be in the patch and the population balance beta on the friday reset. What exactly did you all want them to show in the trailer?
maybe a quick screen of the new points/rank/reward tab? or a quick clip of the Alpine BL. After what Anet did with the legendry weapons (yes, still bitter), I don’t take anything they say as truth. I take a “I’ll believe it when I see it” approach. and in that trailer, I saw nothing to do with WvW.
or a quick clip of the Alpine BL.
They couldn’t do that, they’ve already said this patch won’t include the reversion to Alpine because they have more work to do to make that ready. So it would be highly misleading to include such a clip. They are supposedly tweaking the Desert in some way — dunno what they could show in a split second to reflect the tweak, and mostly they’d just get a lot of yelling from players about how much Desert sucks and how dare they include it in a trailer meant to excite?
Read the patch notes on Tuesday. Mr. O’Brien sees no reason to talk and promise before something actually ships. Maybe if we’re lucky the patch notes will be up in time to read them before the patch finishes loading.
I don’t blame him. This community screams bloody murder no matter what he tries to do.
Yeah, but now they know they should ignore the hardcore squeaky wheels, because they aren’t a big enough portion of the population to matter.
I take a “I’ll believe it when I see it” approach. and in that trailer, I saw nothing to do with WvW.
If that’s the approach you take then wait till tuesday, if you don’t see anything then feel free to borrow my pitchfork.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
Hopefully make it easier to solo..
How would you solo meta..
Can you please explain better, Meta?
Meta to me is the domain of min/maxers, PvP and lesser so wvw, why on gods green earth would we want meta content in the story and open world pve.
All meta does is empty maps because no one can do them solo or in small groups and leaves large content inaccessible to the majority, which in turn makes customers leave because they cannot complete the content..
Less customers mean less revenue and no future content, think hard on your so called meta for the future of the game..
maybe they are putting ele back like it was before the april 15th update
LOL Balance.
How do you balance pve, pvp and wvw evenly.. you don’t.
Why GW1 worked so well because the two styles of game play were segregated for good reason.
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?
The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
I see people doing the Hirathi Hinterlands meta every time I’m in the map. Same with other maps, say….Silverwastes.
I don’t think all meta content is ‘useless’. Probably just depends on the map, and who’s there.
Did anyone else follow the link he posted about “the community voting to bring alpine bl back”? It led to some obscure forum reply from a dev on what would otherwise be just another pointless wvsw thread. There was no ‘vote’. Bullkittens……
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
Did anyone else follow the link he posted about “the community voting to bring alpine bl back”? It led to some obscure forum reply from a dev on what would otherwise be just another pointless wvsw thread. There was no ‘vote’. Bullkittens……
Polling often means gathering opinions, which that thread did, rather than taking a formal vote.
You can use the arrows on that ‘obscure forum reply’ from Mike to read the other Dev posts in that thread, or read the whole thread for all the opinions/posts on the topic.
Good luck.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
I see people doing the Hirathi Hinterlands meta every time I’m in the map. Same with other maps, say….Silverwastes.
I don’t think all meta content is ‘useless’. Probably just depends on the map, and who’s there.
Which is all true but not Heart of Thorns… its all old content you listed, Hot is dead where i am.
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
I see people doing the Hirathi Hinterlands meta every time I’m in the map. Same with other maps, say….Silverwastes.
I don’t think all meta content is ‘useless’. Probably just depends on the map, and who’s there.
Which is all true but not Heart of Thorns… its all old content you listed, Hot is dead where i am.
Then you must have some kind of social awkwardness (too many fractals played? :P)
because it is not dead where i am. It is no problem to get into a map where the meta is being completed.
[Soul] – Ring of Fire
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
I see people doing the Hirathi Hinterlands meta every time I’m in the map. Same with other maps, say….Silverwastes.
I don’t think all meta content is ‘useless’. Probably just depends on the map, and who’s there.
Which is all true but not Heart of Thorns… its all old content you listed, Hot is dead where i am.
Then you must have some kind of social awkwardness (too many fractals played? :P)
because it is not dead where i am. It is no problem to get into a map where the meta is being completed.
I’m constantly having trouble finding a DS map to taxi to. I often see the other 3 maps advertised, but this last week, I’ve rarely found a DS map to taxi into. So, sometimes, it’s not easy to get what you want to play even if you’re obediently checking LFG regularly.
LOL Balance.
How do you balance pve, pvp and wvw evenly.. you don’t.
Why GW1 worked so well because the two styles of game play were segregated for good reason.
GW1 by the community and devs own words was hugely unabalanced. I can understand wanting to balance the 3 game modes independently, but GW1 is not a shining example to hold up
First off,
I’m pretty sure the question STILL stands. I did notice that, and thanks for stating the obvious, but again, the question STILL stands. If fractals are frgaments of space and time, and replay them as isolated fragments, why would the Archdiviner be given Revenant/Mist power. There must be some narrative explaining this.
He’s in the Mists… How is that so odd?
1) “Our promise to you in 2013 is to continue to build on the world we’ve built, to make it stronger, to refine and strengthen the game based on the core vision of Guild Wars 2, and to make GW2 an experience unlike any other online game.” <— From Colin in 2013, source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/2) Source? I’m pretty sure it was stated that THIS was the year where the introduction and refinement of systems would slow down, where ANet would focus on DEPTH rather than BREADTH.
“While we balance our development, 2016 will also be a turning point in the type of development we do for Guild Wars 2. Over the last three years, ArenaNet has focused on “breadth” of development: new content types, releasing in new territories, new game systems, different release cycles, system overhauls, and experiments into what is possible with an online world. One of our goals for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ was for it to be the last time we would focus on this type of broad development and experimentation and to reach a point where we could focus more on depth.
Over the years, Guild Wars 2 has built up a wide variety of content and feature types. 2016 is the year where we’ll be focusing on the parts of Guild Wars 2 that have been most successful and giving our full attention to those areas by adding depth to them. This means a focus on new content and polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” <— Colin 2016
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/state-of-the-game-update-q1-2016/We’re nearly half way through the year and we haven’t had one meaningful content addition.
I’m pretty sure everyone is very thankful of what ANet has done so far, especially those who are not happy with the sudden change in direction. We understand that things don’t go according to planned all the time, but a change in direction so drastic to the point that it creates GW2’s second biggest content draught since launch, is an issue.
In 2013, and since, their plan was to create foundations for better stuff. This has been what they were doing all of Season 1, all of Season 2, and even in HoT. They make foundations for stuff, then move on to make more foundations rather than building upon those foundations.
In 2016, as you quoted, we’ll be seeing the building up from those foundations. And we have been. For example, they made the foundation of overhauling world bosses with Tequatl, but never continued it… until 2016. We’ve been told that from the get go 2016 will be about fixing old stuff. Or as Colin put it: “polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” as opposed to making a brand new something then never touching it again – like they did with dungeon overhauls, world boss overhauls, fractals, certain pvp maps, and so forth.
And we’re not “nearly” halfway either. We’re a quarter of the way through. That’s half of halfway.
The fractals aren’t based in the Mists. We travel to them through the Mists, but they are fragments of time and space, which again, we travel to through the mists. EVEN then, if they were based in the Mists, it still wouldn’t properly explain how the Archdiviner got Revenant skills.
In fact, I find it rather confusing considering, if the fractals are fragments of time and space, and when we replay them we replay events that have already happened in the past, present or future, why have they been altered in this way? Also, since the Cliffside fractal is based on past events (way before GW1 Searing, with the Titans), and the Archdiviner now has Revenant skills, wouldn’t that have present-day implications?
If not, and fractals are isolated fragments of reality, it would still need some sort of narrative explanation to such an anomaly.
They ARE based in the Mists. That’s what the Mists contains – islands of fragmented time and space.
The entire foundation of the dungeon is that these are floating islands of existence within the Mists. This is also the foundation of the sPvP arenas – they are also fractals.
The Fractals are NOT perfect copies of a specific time and location. They are, in fact, unstable. This is the very core of the lore around Agony and the Instabilities.
So a fractal changing because of an instability is nothing new nor unique.
And yes, fractals are isolated fragments of reality. They reset periodically, going back to an original point and playing out to another point before, once more, resetting. During that playing out we come in and kill everything to give Dessa and her krewe a non-hostile environment to study the nature of the Mists which created these islands of existence.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
My last few DS runs I went in 10 minutes early, found a few folks standing around, and no listing on LFG. So I asked in Map if we should make ourselves the taxi, people agreed, I tagged up while asking others to make taxi listings, and by reset time I had the squad full or close to it. Then we all ended up in the same map on the flip side (so that part of megaserver assignment seems to be working, the whole squad does seem to arrive together). During the taxi formation there was chatter about who’d tag up for what lanes. On the flip side we had people list taxis until full, then split up to the lanes.
The only downside for me was that no one was ever willing to relieve me of my taxi tag so I had to lead a lane, and north is the only lane I’m comfy doing that for. So I worried about DR setting in if I hadn’t used that alt for non DS stuff (perhaps needlessly). Also it lessens variety for me if I always do North, and with the tag on I have to stay on the ball all the time and not run off to gather mats if I see them, plus spend typing time nagging for a group two for blighting boss — really would like to just be part of the crowd now and then! Otoh I got all my crystalline ore and was able to run the meta when desired. Plus as the taxi squad leader my lane never suffered for people since despite pleas in squad chat to go join squads in other less populated lanes most people seem to prefer to stick with the squad they’re in
Anyway, if you don’t see LFG listings in the 5-10 minutes before reset, start the ball rolling yourself. It usually only takes one or two comments in Map to get folks accreting into something organized.
All this may be moot as of Tuesday if we in fact get the HoT revamp then.
Anyway, if you don’t see LFG listings in the 5-10 minutes before reset, start the ball rolling yourself. It usually only takes one or two comments in Map to get folks accreting into something organized.
All this may be moot as of Tuesday if we in fact get the HoT revamp then.
Yeah, I’ve tried this a few times, but I didn’t get enough people to do the event chain. I’m not sure what sort of revamp would keep me from still being frustrated by all the waiting around, but I sure hope whatever it is, they’ve done it for the update.
This unusual silence about it is a bad sign. That they released an advertisement for it makes me more concerned.
LOL Balance.
How do you balance pve, pvp and wvw evenly.. you don’t.
Why GW1 worked so well because the two styles of game play were segregated for good reason.
GW1 by the community and devs own words was hugely unabalanced. I can understand wanting to balance the 3 game modes independently, but GW1 is not a shining example to hold up
Plus, they weren’t segregated. A fraction of skills were split and certain skills were only usable in PvE (where most of them were still overpowered).
LOL Balance.
How do you balance pve, pvp and wvw evenly.. you don’t.
Why GW1 worked so well because the two styles of game play were segregated for good reason.
GW1 by the community and devs own words was hugely unabalanced. I can understand wanting to balance the 3 game modes independently, but GW1 is not a shining example to hold up
Plus, they weren’t segregated. A fraction of skills were split and certain skills were only usable in PvE (where most of them were still overpowered).
Don’t know what you are talking about…Pain inverter was a perfectly balanced pve skill………………….
Don’t know what you are talking about…Pain inverter was a perfectly balanced pve skill………………….
Mursaat Elementalist: channels Spectral Agony
Me: giggles and casts Pain Inverter
Mursaat Elementalist: casts Spectral Agony and dies a terrible, painful death
Me: giggles more
I think that they said something about reducing thieves to level 3. Something about encouraging them to roll a real toon…
This unusual silence about it is a bad sign. That they released an advertisement for it makes me more concerned.
Can’t blame them for being silent as they are chastised for virtually every decision they make. Not to say some criticisms aren’t warranted. Just to say that people will complain regardless of what they do.
kitten ed if you do, kitten ed if you don’t.
Can’t blame them for being silent as they are chastised for virtually every decision they make. Not to say some criticisms aren’t warranted. Just to say that people will complain regardless of what they do.
kitten ed if you do, kitten ed if you don’t.
It’s not unusual, they mentioned that they are going the route of shipping content/updates and then dealing with the consequences afterwards rather than trying to appease everyone before the content release. Easier to say sorry and fix something rather than to ask permission…
Other then a short video is there any other info on this, please link.
So stands firm, the iron fortress of silence.
1) “Our promise to you in 2013 is to continue to build on the world we’ve built, to make it stronger, to refine and strengthen the game based on the core vision of Guild Wars 2, and to make GW2 an experience unlike any other online game.” <— From Colin in 2013, source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/2) Source? I’m pretty sure it was stated that THIS was the year where the introduction and refinement of systems would slow down, where ANet would focus on DEPTH rather than BREADTH.
“While we balance our development, 2016 will also be a turning point in the type of development we do for Guild Wars 2. Over the last three years, ArenaNet has focused on “breadth” of development: new content types, releasing in new territories, new game systems, different release cycles, system overhauls, and experiments into what is possible with an online world. One of our goals for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ was for it to be the last time we would focus on this type of broad development and experimentation and to reach a point where we could focus more on depth.
Over the years, Guild Wars 2 has built up a wide variety of content and feature types. 2016 is the year where we’ll be focusing on the parts of Guild Wars 2 that have been most successful and giving our full attention to those areas by adding depth to them. This means a focus on new content and polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” <— Colin 2016
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/state-of-the-game-update-q1-2016/We’re nearly half way through the year and we haven’t had one meaningful content addition.
I’m pretty sure everyone is very thankful of what ANet has done so far, especially those who are not happy with the sudden change in direction. We understand that things don’t go according to planned all the time, but a change in direction so drastic to the point that it creates GW2’s second biggest content draught since launch, is an issue.
In 2013, and since, their plan was to create foundations for better stuff. This has been what they were doing all of Season 1, all of Season 2, and even in HoT. They make foundations for stuff, then move on to make more foundations rather than building upon those foundations.
In 2016, as you quoted, we’ll be seeing the building up from those foundations. And we have been. For example, they made the foundation of overhauling world bosses with Tequatl, but never continued it… until 2016. We’ve been told that from the get go 2016 will be about fixing old stuff. Or as Colin put it: “polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” as opposed to making a brand new something then never touching it again – like they did with dungeon overhauls, world boss overhauls, fractals, certain pvp maps, and so forth.
And we’re not “nearly” halfway either. We’re a quarter of the way through. That’s half of halfway.
On a point of pedantry we’re a third of the way through as April is the fourth month of twelve. However, it has been six months since hot launched (half a year) and we’re getting the second of 4 quarterly patches on Tuesday without any meaningful new content outside of a raid wing. That is the content drought bring referred to: they did say they would focus on new content as well as polishing old content.
Six months after launch and we’ve seen very little. LS3 won’t come until after the 3rd quarterly patch, some 9-10 months after launch. It seems that ArenaNet cannot deliver. That is concerning, to me anyway.
I understand not hyping things a year in advance anymore, especially when you’ve proven you’re unable to deliver, but the decision to not mention something that’s a week or two out is really baffling. At that point, what you’re going to deliver should be finalized and you should just be polishing it up. I think your conclusion in this is flawed, Mr. O’Brien. You’ve decided not to make promises you can’t keep, which I approve of. But get us excited for things you know are going to come out. Unless you don’t think there’s anything to get excited about?
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
That’s funny its Autumn here in Australia
So much time passed since HoT release…………..just for this? This is the extent of content i expect from a “10 man” team considering the time between HoT release and this first so called “major” patch.
You never fail to impress me in a bad way
1) “Our promise to you in 2013 is to continue to build on the world we’ve built, to make it stronger, to refine and strengthen the game based on the core vision of Guild Wars 2, and to make GW2 an experience unlike any other online game.” <— From Colin in 2013, source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/2) Source? I’m pretty sure it was stated that THIS was the year where the introduction and refinement of systems would slow down, where ANet would focus on DEPTH rather than BREADTH.
“While we balance our development, 2016 will also be a turning point in the type of development we do for Guild Wars 2. Over the last three years, ArenaNet has focused on “breadth” of development: new content types, releasing in new territories, new game systems, different release cycles, system overhauls, and experiments into what is possible with an online world. One of our goals for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ was for it to be the last time we would focus on this type of broad development and experimentation and to reach a point where we could focus more on depth.
Over the years, Guild Wars 2 has built up a wide variety of content and feature types. 2016 is the year where we’ll be focusing on the parts of Guild Wars 2 that have been most successful and giving our full attention to those areas by adding depth to them. This means a focus on new content and polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” <— Colin 2016
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/state-of-the-game-update-q1-2016/We’re nearly half way through the year and we haven’t had one meaningful content addition.
I’m pretty sure everyone is very thankful of what ANet has done so far, especially those who are not happy with the sudden change in direction. We understand that things don’t go according to planned all the time, but a change in direction so drastic to the point that it creates GW2’s second biggest content draught since launch, is an issue.
In 2013, and since, their plan was to create foundations for better stuff. This has been what they were doing all of Season 1, all of Season 2, and even in HoT. They make foundations for stuff, then move on to make more foundations rather than building upon those foundations.
In 2016, as you quoted, we’ll be seeing the building up from those foundations. And we have been. For example, they made the foundation of overhauling world bosses with Tequatl, but never continued it… until 2016. We’ve been told that from the get go 2016 will be about fixing old stuff. Or as Colin put it: “polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” as opposed to making a brand new something then never touching it again – like they did with dungeon overhauls, world boss overhauls, fractals, certain pvp maps, and so forth.
And we’re not “nearly” halfway either. We’re a quarter of the way through. That’s half of halfway.
On a point of pedantry we’re a third of the way through as April is the fourth month of twelve. However, it has been six months since hot launched (half a year) and we’re getting the second of 4 quarterly patches on Tuesday without any meaningful new content outside of a raid wing. That is the content drought bring referred to: they did say they would focus on new content as well as polishing old content.
Six months after launch and we’ve seen very little. LS3 won’t come until after the 3rd quarterly patch, some 9-10 months after launch. It seems that ArenaNet cannot deliver. That is concerning, to me anyway.
^This is my point, I should’ve been clearer, apologies. Also, we’re at what is considered the second quarter already, this Tuesday’s being the Q2 update. April, just 2 months away from half a year. And 6 months since HoT launch, and we have yet to see something new. I agree that refinement and polish are important, but those alone, in a world billed as a “living breathing world”, won’t sustain most players(And no, that doesn’t mean Living Story. LW and LS and two different concepts even if they complement each other).
Will this patch include a move into full game launch away from this 3 year beta state we’ve been in with some of the same bugs that was going on back then and still happening today. It’s getting old being immobizied in place for no reason during a fight and having no conditions or crap on you.
Anet fix WvW please game mode dead and needs love not a bandaid fix
Ipea ftw)
Miss you on blackgate bro.
I could be searching for a move depending on the update
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
You’re incorrect, Celtic used the term meta correctly. It’s the original meaning from 2012, players have adjusted the meaning of meta events over time. But the original definition still holds true. Also, your statement about there is never enough to complete a meta event is also incorrect. They are completed daily, try using the LFG tool.
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
I see people doing the Hirathi Hinterlands meta every time I’m in the map. Same with other maps, say….Silverwastes.
I don’t think all meta content is ‘useless’. Probably just depends on the map, and who’s there.
Which is all true but not Heart of Thorns… its all old content you listed, Hot is dead where i am.
Then you must have some kind of social awkwardness (too many fractals played? :P)
because it is not dead where i am. It is no problem to get into a map where the meta is being completed.I’m constantly having trouble finding a DS map to taxi to. I often see the other 3 maps advertised, but this last week, I’ve rarely found a DS map to taxi into. So, sometimes, it’s not easy to get what you want to play even if you’re obediently checking LFG regularly.
Maybe do SAB content, which should expire in 2 days. A lot of people want to finish the achievements before it goes away. Right before the start of the map, you could advertise for DS or make your own taxi. Also, tag up with your mentor or commander tag so people don’t leave the map immediately.
Am I the only one hoping Fractal Changes either remove completely the Agony mechanic or make Ascended gear less of a grind?