Very Disappointed
I agree with 1 thing here, it is no fun with the vetrans and champs that don’t dropp loot, other than that I feel I get plenty of rewards for playing the game. And I play mostly in zones lvl 40 or below.
I’m just going to link to this post, and leave it there as to why I’m happy that the OP is disappointed.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
well let me place my opinion too
i love farming too, its like going for fishing the pleasure : )
(for me at least)
anyway i would agree with OP, but on the other hand i like the fact that developers, although they “nerf” some farming points they create others.
yes its sad to see nice places to farm to be empty and none going there, and i AGREE that this must stop ..! but i don’t want to see this direction of adding new places to farm being abandoned ..!
there was no sense to make these changes at Lyssa, it was not so easy ..! other bosses yes needed changes like these at the low level areas .
also i would like here to leave my idea about the chain events to offer something recommendation to exchange it with Tier6 materials or to get one precursor ?
also on other problem which makes the game feels less rewarding, is that there is no economy, or the economy is broken, there is no motivation for the economy except the Great Legendary Hunt, i believe its time to see armors for WvW with durability so there will be a need to craft armors & weapons, also the same for siege weapons, one change like this, will give a huge boost to the economy of the game ..
that’s my ideas . thanks for reading
I’m just going to link to this post, and leave it there as to why I’m happy that the OP is disappointed.
On what you linked:
As far as I’m concerned, they haven’t advanced anything. Personally, it feels like they tried to be innovative without any kind of plan. They removed many of the classic forumulas, yet still have dungeon gear require a currency only obtainable by running that dungeon over and over again. Is this not the same thing as Justice and Valor gear in WoW? The only difference is in GW2 it’s arguably worse because each currency is different so that you have to grind out a specific dungeon repeatedly instead of running various content. How is that innovative? If anything, it’s a step backwards.
I like how you imply P2P takes no skill at all, even tho it clearly does. Somehow, because they added an easy mode for casuals (LFR) everyone considers themselves a heroic raider, which they aren’t but for all purposes of saying the game requires no skill..they have no problem leaving that part out.
It’s whatever tho. I guess jumping puzzles are challenging. Nothing really challenging about following a zerg clockwise around WvW all day. Yea you can wonder off and get stormed by another zerg or maybe catch one person straggling..that’s real engaging. A lot more engaging then running rated battlegrounds where everyone has a role and strategy to engage their opponents.
To each their own I suppose…but I would hardly call this game innovative. I don’t see any company even attempting to emulate it.
Completely agree with Vol. Anet, if you don’t want to farmers block events (or are you fighting against bots? if yes, this is wrong way how to do it), just make ALL zones rewarding loot not only by level of the mobs but also by level of players. For example: Ridgeback scale lvl 20: 30% chance on drop T2 mat, 5% chance drop Tx mat, x=varies according to player level.
Even though it is not true, your game seems to be dead for all new players visiting midlevel zones.
If you don’t wanna players to farm easy low level mobs, well… make high level players weaker. Your current scaling down is not enough
1k in half a year? I’m sorry but no game is worth that much money. Let’s say I bought a game for 100 (deluxe edition) with a monthly sub of 15 per month. That 280 in a year. It’s no wonder that companies are switching to this horrid micro transaction game shop because people like you are shoveling the dough into them.
Your living a sheltered life if you think 1K US in 6 months is unusual.
I don’t think GW2 is really any different from most MMOs today. The real cash cow is the carney grade gambling on mystery boxes for chances to get tickets to collect until you have enough to buy whatever is this months fotm shiny. That is where the action is and where most of the developer time is spent.
Like it or not, MMOs in general are seeing player numbers trending down, and the bean counters in charge have done the math and given the orders to make as much cash as possible before the last gambling addicted customer goes broke or leaves.
Integrity and customer service went out the window a few years ago. What do you expect from a company run mostly by Generation X and Millennials?
Anet is reading this persons post and laughing all the way to the bank, what a sucker! He thinks we care about users! About the only thin Anet will do in response is to turn up the screws on dividing the player base, by letting a select few get really good drops just long enough so they will flood the forums with posts about how easy it is to make gold in this game.
Its not worth stressing about. Run your 5 or six world bosses each day, farm Southsun while it lasts, (Sharks next to crab toss is a really good bet, especially for strong underwater classes like Rangers and Engineers.)
The pattern is clear, they steer rewards to an an area that is either a starter area or is an up-leveling area, so new players get the benefit of seeing a false picture that the world is well populated, and they make gold, and levels for a month. so it is not until after they get hooked do they find out that most of the mid-game zones are empty.
Just go with the flow, Anet’s not going to change except for the worse, i.e. more egregious gambling and ways to minimize player income in order to encourage gem sales. You either put up with it, or you leave as apparently most of the potential market is doing.
Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.
Definition: “High Chance” – (org: Guild Wars 2.) Having a shot in the dark chance of getting something (you won’t.) while fighting a constant stream of nerfs to anything that could possibly be fun or worth your time.
- Where’s my kittening loot?
- This wasn’t worth the teleport.
- kittenty greens again?!
- Oh look, the same person who got a Precursor a week ago got another one.
- When the kitten is Wildstar coming out?
so guaranteed 20 silver and a chance on an exotic/ precursor just isn’t worth the teleport cost, just because? Having in mind that Wildstar is being published by the same company and we really don’t know their policies about farming I doubt that farmers are actually asking that.
Chance being a very loose term. Still since the November 15th patch I don’t feel that I have had any “chance” to receive nice things in this game. I play with friends, we do the same events, I get less. DR kicks me in the nuts every time I try to kill more than 20 mobs relatively close to each other. One day a month I get decent drops for an extremely short period, and then nothing until next month.
Not being able to actively work towards a goal due to RNG is the worst mechanic in existence. Wonderful, you get your box full of trash and go home disappointed yet again. People will only go home empty-handed so many times before they give up.
Wildstar has already shown video of their normal mobs dropping loot. That’s more than I can say some days with GW2.
Stop being such an obvious shill.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
Events are not meant to be stopped. If you want to farm the event itself and complete it be my guest.
Yep. Events were designed around a succeed/fail system, not suspend in perpetuity so people can farm. But, as I’ve said, the malcontents that infest this forum don’t want to hear reason or logic. They’re here to complain, and nothing is going to stop them from doing so.
Actually no, if they actually made it so that hearts and events gave proper rewards people wouldn’t rush a bug when it actually offers one, saying that it’s perfectly fine and people are just here to complain is like saying that poverty even virtual poverty doesn’t exist and everyone should just return to their slumber. Dismissal won’t solve the issues with loot in this game but improving loot for actually participating in events will. That way people will have to complete the events to get the loot to be able to afford the runes/sigils/materials they need to continue to play the game. The nerf everything rule isn’t working.
Completely agree with Vol. Anet, if you don’t want to farmers block events (or are you fighting against bots? if yes, this is wrong way how to do it), just make ALL zones rewarding loot not only by level of the mobs but also by level of players. For example: Ridgeback scale lvl 20: 30% chance on drop T2 mat, 5% chance drop Tx mat, x=varies according to player level.
Even though it is not true, your game seems to be dead for all new players visiting midlevel zones.
If you don’t wanna players to farm easy low level mobs, well… make high level players weaker. Your current scaling down is not enough
They need to just bite the bullet already and make completing events in zones 30+ offer end game rewards like rares and exotics especially with the problems of a nerfed glob system they have going, and then they won’t have problems like people bumrushing events that have a bug and actually offer rewards.
Offering rewards to the rest of the world thru events will also prevent people from all gathering in one zone which hasn’t stopped because of LS and how that works so the world is continuously empty in many places.
It would be a win alround. I’m not sure who thinks it’s a good idea to keep going the way it’s going but they’re going to continue to lose players as people get hit by DR one by one.
I’m pretty sure that Anet is attempting to discourage farming because they want us to buy our gold with gems. All these nerfs of farming areas has convinced me of that.
All that’s going to do is make players look elsewhere for another MMO that dos’nt force them to use real $$$$ to get what one can obtain by farming in any other MMO.
I do any event in the area that I feel like doing, regardless of the reward.
Oh good to know
yeah but just for your information, we do events because of the reward. just saying
If you total up the currency on all of my characters at this moment, I probably have less than 25 silver.
And I’m pretty sure I’m having a lot more fun doing what I’m doing, than you are doing what you’re doing.
Sounds like you’re spending more time on the forums than playing the game or maybe the rewards are just bad so you can’t make gold? Sad I probably haven’t logged in over a month and I bet I have more gold than you ;-)
oh, but wouldnt it be great if its like that? nowdays, you just gotta be active finding the best way to farm gold bro. why choose the hard way when you can do the easy way? you like being tortured?
because easy is boring. Why would I want to play the game if it would bore me? Also you do realize that the economy would adapt, prices would fall and you would get the same amount of money for doing less than you are doing right now if these kind of spots were never there? I remember T6 blood being 50 silver. Now it’s barely at 20 and was steadily falling. Which means that you need to get 2X the amount of T6 blood to make the same profit. That makes things with fixed prices seem expensive and really screws the economy around.
I thought you played this because you said you couldn’t afford a sub game?
I thought you played this because you said you couldn’t afford a sub game?
I can’t afford a sub game, but I’m also playing several MMOs at the same time. If I didn’t like GW2 I could just shift my focus to a different game, so I’m playing this because I like it. I also didn’t use to be that much of an MMO heavy person. I have several single player games and co-operative games that I didn’t try out lying in my steam without being touched because I feel like playing an MMO.
oh, but wouldnt it be great if its like that? nowdays, you just gotta be active finding the best way to farm gold bro. why choose the hard way when you can do the easy way? you like being tortured?
because easy is boring. Why would I want to play the game if it would bore me? Also you do realize that the economy would adapt, prices would fall and you would get the same amount of money for doing less than you are doing right now if these kind of spots were never there? I remember T6 blood being 50 silver. Now it’s barely at 20 and was steadily falling. Which means that you need to get 2X the amount of T6 blood to make the same profit. That makes things with fixed prices seem expensive and really screws the economy around.
I thought you played this because you said you couldn’t afford a sub game?
Can afford a sub game, don’t want to pay for a sub since it’s a waste of money considering that I could afford to buy vanity items to support a company.
Also, not being able to afford a sub is not the only reason a person would play a buy to play game like GW2…
oh, but wouldnt it be great if its like that? nowdays, you just gotta be active finding the best way to farm gold bro. why choose the hard way when you can do the easy way? you like being tortured?
because easy is boring. Why would I want to play the game if it would bore me? Also you do realize that the economy would adapt, prices would fall and you would get the same amount of money for doing less than you are doing right now if these kind of spots were never there? I remember T6 blood being 50 silver. Now it’s barely at 20 and was steadily falling. Which means that you need to get 2X the amount of T6 blood to make the same profit. That makes things with fixed prices seem expensive and really screws the economy around.
I thought you played this because you said you couldn’t afford a sub game?
Can afford a sub game, don’t want to pay for a sub since it’s a waste of money considering that I could afford to buy vanity items to support a company.
Also, not being able to afford a sub is not the only reason a person would play a buy to play game like GW2…
That’s true you can’t buy keys to open gambling RNG boxes in a sub game most of the time so I guess if you like to gamble then F2P and buy2play give you that extra “option”.
oh, but wouldnt it be great if its like that? nowdays, you just gotta be active finding the best way to farm gold bro. why choose the hard way when you can do the easy way? you like being tortured?
because easy is boring. Why would I want to play the game if it would bore me? Also you do realize that the economy would adapt, prices would fall and you would get the same amount of money for doing less than you are doing right now if these kind of spots were never there? I remember T6 blood being 50 silver. Now it’s barely at 20 and was steadily falling. Which means that you need to get 2X the amount of T6 blood to make the same profit. That makes things with fixed prices seem expensive and really screws the economy around.
I thought you played this because you said you couldn’t afford a sub game?
Can afford a sub game, don’t want to pay for a sub since it’s a waste of money considering that I could afford to buy vanity items to support a company.
Also, not being able to afford a sub is not the only reason a person would play a buy to play game like GW2…
That’s true you can’t buy keys to open gambling RNG boxes in a sub game most of the time so I guess if you like to gamble then F2P and buy2play give you that extra “option”.
Sub game (WoW as example) – Buy game, pay subscription, has mounts and pets on store.
Buy2Play game (GW2) – Buy game, pay no subscription, has pets and skins on store. Some gambling RNG in there (that I do not agree with).
On WoW I played for 5 years or so, bought 3 mounts on the store (which to be honest, each was 3 months of sub fee back then).
On GW2 I’ve bought an armour skin, a quaggan backpack, a baby hippo pet and some character slots. I have indeed spent quite an amount of money in the gem store but I don’t even understand what your rambling about gambling is supposed to achieve in this exchange, not at all.
Sounds like you’re spending more time on the forums than playing the game or maybe the rewards are just bad so you can’t make gold? Sad I probably haven’t logged in over a month and I bet I have more gold than you ;-)
I play as often as I feel like it and have no problems with the game. I got three exotic drops last week, two in one day, from doing “big chest” events when I want to make a few gold. The biggest find so far was Final Rest, I sold it for about 5.5 gold. I also get a lot of rares that way and use them to buy things I need in game. Occasionally a rare drops from a regular mob while running around the world doing stuff, but I don’t fly into a rage because I don’t make 10 gold an hour.
I don’t hoard gold, there’s no reason to because I don’t give a flying backwards kitten about getting a Legendary weapon, I just enjoy playing the game. I play multiple toons and I’ve been putting the money I get towards crafting and equipping some of them. My newest max-level toon got 30 levels from crafting three skills from 0-400. At one point I had 25 gold and spent most of it equipping her, the rest on crafting and gave a few gold to my wife.
I have no expectations of getting “good” loot and so I’m happy when I get something nice, and don’t worry about it if I don’t. I don’t stay in one place, don’t farm events endlessly, and I have to say that I’m having a lot more fun just playing the game than most of the people complaining here.
oh, but wouldnt it be great if its like that? nowdays, you just gotta be active finding the best way to farm gold bro. why choose the hard way when you can do the easy way? you like being tortured?
because easy is boring. Why would I want to play the game if it would bore me? Also you do realize that the economy would adapt, prices would fall and you would get the same amount of money for doing less than you are doing right now if these kind of spots were never there? I remember T6 blood being 50 silver. Now it’s barely at 20 and was steadily falling. Which means that you need to get 2X the amount of T6 blood to make the same profit. That makes things with fixed prices seem expensive and really screws the economy around.
I thought you played this because you said you couldn’t afford a sub game?
Can afford a sub game, don’t want to pay for a sub since it’s a waste of money considering that I could afford to buy vanity items to support a company.
Also, not being able to afford a sub is not the only reason a person would play a buy to play game like GW2…
That’s true you can’t buy keys to open gambling RNG boxes in a sub game most of the time so I guess if you like to gamble then F2P and buy2play give you that extra “option”.
If you grasp at those straws any more you’re going to crush them to point you can’t drink through them.
I’m pretty sure that Anet is attempting to discourage farming because they want us to buy our gold with gems. All these nerfs of farming areas has convinced me of that.
All that’s going to do is make players look elsewhere for another MMO that dos’nt force them to use real $$$$ to get what one can obtain by farming in any other MMO.
So why then did they discourage farming in Guild Wars 1, which also had DR? There were no gems to buy there.
Concerning AH inflation: I think that pertains to only specific items. Precursors, for example, are continuing to go up. I thought, as well as many, that with the addition of guild missions and the chance at precursors, the market would settle. Not the case, it went up.
I’ve been to malchor’s leap today to get the farmers away from there. What kind of impression do you think you give a new player when he goes to finish a temple event to buy his first ever pair of exotics and gets chased away by people swearing at him, because they want the event not completed and the temple not open so that they could continue getting sweet lootz?
I have yet to see people swearing at others trying to complete that event. Not saying it doesn’t or can’t happen but generalizing farmers as ravenous, rude and foaming at the mouth is just ridiculous and flat out false….few of us are actually like thakittens
happened to me. The first time I listened to them because I thought, “Oh, maybe they don’t want this completed because it will prevent the chain from triggering that we need to open this temple.”
Because it was my first time down there.
Now I just ignore them and keep on doing the event.
One doesn’t have to generalize farmers as raving lunatics. They prove that point often enough on these forums.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
This thread has been derailed, and it’s a shame because good discussions were taking place. Anyone who posts on the forums is posting ina public domain..if you don’t like people knowing what you post then don’t post. He could simply just remember you and your posts…you should take that as a good thing since your post was at least good enough to make people listen.
Moving on…OP made a very lengthy look into what he feels disappoints him. I agree with most of it. They nerf events hard..they nerf farming hard, yet most things in the game revolve around a grind. Culture gear? Grind gold. Karma gear? Grind karma. Dungeon gear? Grind specific dungeon. Grind fractals… It’s NOT rocket science, it’s how the game is…and grinds are prevalent in a lot of mmos…in different ways, but about the same. The thing here is AN seems to have these grinds yet punishes the grinders. I don’t know if it’s limited resources or what…but it makes them look bad in my eyes that they can offer no alternative and still continuously punish players through the guise of stopping bots.
As a reminder to everyone, please stay on topic and keep the discussion respectful and constructive. Thank you.
If playing one specific part of the game, say Lyssa farming, nets a player significantly more gold than anywhere else in the game that can have the effect of driving other players who aren’t interested in farming to it simply as a way to keep up.
They should make content rewarding, and fairly balanced with some randomness of course, in order to make all the areas and all the events viable long-term.
As the OP said, he would play in the early zones if they made them viable. In a way this is what ANet is doing by realigning areas that are being farmed. The only other option is to bring EVERYTHING else up, and either way you are balancing the equation. Or am I missing something?
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
I’ve been to malchor’s leap today to get the farmers away from there. What kind of impression do you think you give a new player when he goes to finish a temple event to buy his first ever pair of exotics and gets chased away by people swearing at him, because they want the event not completed and the temple not open so that they could continue getting sweet lootz?
If you want to farm go and do it in places where it doesn’t affect other players or ruin our world. Like the easy to run dungeon paths or go and kill mobs somewhere in the open world. Do not stop events from progressing and do not try to stop people completing them.Now there’s close to 20 events in the world that give you a guaranteed rare (see ecto and yellow prices – those are falling because of easy to get rares and rewarding world events) the same events have a high chance to drop a unique exotic or a precursor.
It’s not ectos people are after. have you seen the prices drop on ectos? They went from 30 silver to 19 silver over the course of 2 months. Again, ectos are not the problem.
The problem is tier 6 mats. Powerful bloods, crystalline dust, vicious claws, vicious fangs, elaborate totems, armored scales, powerful venom sacs, and ancient bones are what farmers are after.
if you don’t like people knowing what you post then don’t post. He could simply just remember you and your posts…you should take that as a good thing since your post was at least good enough to make people listen.
That person has been doing this for months, constantly targeting specific people and attacking them based on one thing or another that they had said months prior to whatever topic they were posting in, doesn’t matter how you look at it – it’s just harassment.
Grinding/ farming is not fun. I got a mf set after learning about malchor’s leap. I farmed there maybe six hours total, because it’s boring, but easy, and the loot was decent. Found out today it was nerfed into the ground.
Nobody is there anymore. That’s no way to do it. Just destroy it completely as a potential farm, because the wraith mob no longer drops loot. We were using guild MF, MF gear, MF banners, and MF boosters to help us. And because of people abusing it with bot programs they decide to ruin the game for those of us that can actually use the items, and tolerate low-maintenance farming.
Personally, I don’t sell mats until I already have 250 of them in my bank. I farm so that I can eventually make something decent. And hopefully get an exotic that’s worth something on the TP. I am horrible and making money in this game. I have no idea how to make money playing the market. I have zero interest in farming dungeons.
I’m a WvW player, but I play during the day, which means the other team has 60 players while the rest of NA is asleep on my team. So I’m trying to do some things solo to get some enjoyment out of the game, but it seems impossible with these kinds of nerfs out of the blue.
And Southsun is supposed to be fun? Going back and forth between 2 instigators? No thanks. I’ve gotten 2 boxes as drops that aren’t worth getting. I was getting oodles of rares the first few days, and then suddenly blues and greens with 400%+ MF. Awesome!
Is anyone else bored of the game? I am. There’s very little to do as a solo player after you’ve gotten world completion. Especially during the day on NA. The world dragon hitbox animations are horrendous.
(edited by katniss.6735)
If playing one specific part of the game, say Lyssa farming, nets a player significantly more gold than anywhere else in the game that can have the effect of driving other players who aren’t interested in farming to it simply as a way to keep up.
They should make content rewarding, and fairly balanced with some randomness of course, in order to make all the areas and all the events viable long-term.
As the OP said, he would play in the early zones if they made them viable. In a way this is what ANet is doing by realigning areas that are being farmed. The only other option is to bring EVERYTHING else up, and either way you are balancing the equation. Or am I missing something?
They could do whatever they want in terms of realigning, but that doesnt’ solve that low-level zones dont’ guarantee 100% level-equivalent drops, including crafting materials. So it’s not profitable to farm anything in low-level zones.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
BTW I never envisioned this would get this amount of responses from both sides of the coin. I hope we can stick on topic and hope the devs see this after memorial day.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Well looks like Arenanet has continued to nerf farming events.
Yesterday I formed a farming exploration party and found out that Colonnade waypoint was the best spot. After a few hours, we get a new patch only to find out that it’s nerfed. No worries, we also found another spot to farm in the meantime, though I wonder how long until that gets nerfed too (hint, it hasn’t been changed since November)
Not to mention that shelt/pen has been nerfed completely by increasing the respawn timers of events.
With these changes, the Orr maps are pretty much dead of players.
And when Southsun passes by, the only way to get rich is to farm Cof1, farm meta events all day, or end up having to convert gems to gold.
Real disappointed in you Arenanet, you really have turned a once great game 360 degrees.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I hate to be that guy, but I love seeing a player with ~4 legendaries and something like ~5000g in chump change who brags about making 100g a day cry about something like this. It’s very satisfying.
That said, honestly, I hope ANet keeps nerfing farming to force players like you to spread out and do assorted content rather than repeat the same content over and over. It would do wonders to motivate people to populate assorted locations.
Well looks like Arenanet has continued to nerf farming events.
Yesterday I formed a farming exploration party and found out that Colonnade waypoint was the best spot. After a few hours, we get a new patch only to find out that it’s nerfed. No worries, we also found another spot to farm in the meantime, though I wonder how long until that gets nerfed too (hint, it hasn’t been changed since November)
Not to mention that shelt/pen has been nerfed completely by increasing the respawn timers of events.
With these changes, the Orr maps are pretty much dead of players.
And when Southsun passes by, the only way to get rich is to farm Cof1, farm meta events all day, or end up having to convert gems to gold.Real disappointed in you Arenanet, you really have turned a once great game 360 degrees.
180 degrees bro ._.
The easier it is to farm something the less the items from that farm are worth. Look at ectos. I remember when people moaned about getting blues and greens from World Events, now they moan about getting yellows. Why? because there are more yellows in the game, so they are worth less, this means ectos are worth less. On top of that there is more gold in the game due to things like CoF farms which means that everything that is hard to get like T6 mats goes up in price.
This is the problem with rewards, balancing them is like trying to hit a moving target.
I do feel a lot of things are not quite rewarding enough for the time taken. Killing Champs/Vets, Some Dungeon Paths, FotM (higher levels) – But these are largely due to the time commitment to do these things.
I also feel that certain mats are getting to the point they are a tiny bit too expensive, so upping the drop rate on them or adding more farming zones for some of them might be really useful.
Hell what I would really love to see is a chance for mobs in all areas, no matter what level, to crit to a level appropriate Fine Mat. So I could go to any zone, play with the wildlife and have a small chance of getting a T6 for my legendary or a Charged Core. Rather than almost all farming/questing being tied to a few level 80 zones and Dragons/World Bosses.
(edited by Ratty.5176)
So I’m trying to do some things solo to get some enjoyment out of the game
At the same time…
Grinding/ farming is not fun
Ergo, you are lying. Either you are specifically trying to not have fun, or you are saying that grinding/farming is fun. Otherwise you would not be talking about how you keep farming again and again.
“But…But…I want to farm because I want to get gold to buy stuff, and farming is the only way to do that” – that’s an excuse. If that were really the issue, you wouldn’t be complaining about now ArenaNet nerfed farming, you would be asking ArenaNet to add fun ways to get gold.
I like this topic. It shows everything that is wrong with the GW2 community (and there is A LOT wrong with it, clearly).
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
I’m just going to link to this post, and leave it there as to why I’m happy that the OP is disappointed.
Wow that was a great post.
There really is a startling lack of players pveing these days. You used to go shelter’s/pent/Plinx and there would always be people, not anymore due to Champs and Respawn timers. Lyssa/Jormag/Grub farm were more or less staight loot nerfs but have a had similar effect unfortunately, this is more human nature time spent vs reward. Now I’m not saying that all nerfing is bad, in fact if events weren’t nerfed it would be worse, everyone would farm Lyssa and eventually that 7g an hour would go right back down to 1-2g an hour due to overstock and price drops, so unless you were farming Lyssa 24/7 to keep up you would just be left in the dust, literally. Not nerfing Lyssa loot would only further the barren waste-land of PVE as you would either be at Lyssa or in LA, lol. However the constant nerfing everywhere to people’s favorite events is just silly, and I’m not talking loot I’m talking respawn rates, timers, added Champs etc. It isn’t just about the drops for me tbh, having a couple random PUGS farming certain areas brought life to GW2’s some-what desolate PVE. You could actually meet people doing these events and have some fun as well. Now no one is around, no one helps, u see someone farming an area (Icebrood colossus for example) and join in to play with them, and 9/10 they stop and either WP or move on. Is it b/c previous games have trained them to do so, well yes, however IMO those actions would not happen at events such as Shelt/Pen/Plinx/Lyssa/Jormag b/c hey it’s a GROUP EVENT. Now most of the group events that had quick timers are gone, ANET could have just nerfed loot a bit not the actual event. These events were something to do without having to wait another 1-2 hours for something else to do after, hence IMO why a lot of people did them, and why no one does them now. It isn’t about loot, it’s about something to do.
Vol? No way!
I thought you were a die hard GW2 fanboy forum warrior.
Farming is unhealthy gaming.
Do you “Farm” when you play a beat ‘em up? A first-person-shooter? A platformer?
No; you’re playing for the challenge.
Farming is the player mistaking “play” and “profit”.
It’s not all the players’ fault though; too many companies, ArenaNet included and MMO companies in general, encourage farming. They’ve learned the psychological hooks that’ll encourage people to farm. It’s easier than developing real gameplay and keeps players playing for longer, meaning more profits.
If you find yourself obsessed with farming and getting upset, take a break from GW2. Maybe an hour, maybe a weekend, maybe a month.
In that time, play something from a completely different genre.
A puzzle game, an RTS, a shooter or a classic shmup maybe.
And realise gaming is about the games, not the farming.
I do this every once in a while to “cleanse the palate”.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Some people like farming because…they like farming. No, they haven’t been brainwashed to like it or anything, they just like doing it. Everyone is not the same, I’d appreciate it if people stopped making stuff up as to why I do, and enjoy certain things.
And before someone puts me in a box, no, I did not participate in the malchor’s leap farm, I disagreed with the nature of the farm, so I simply didn’t do it. I was in full agreement with the nerf.
DE’s, guild bounties, farming, gathering mats,and crafting, that’s pretty much all I do in game, and farming makes up a large percentage of that.
Why do I farm? I like hunting for my own items, and collecting materials, and since I don’t sell the ectos I get from rares, and don’t do dungeons, it’s my only source of income, I actually have much less gold than people who run dungeons. I rarely sell all my materials from a farm run, and I usually wait for prices on the TP to go up in price before I’ll sell anything from my collections tab.
I know some people were complaining about all the people at pent/shelt, but ironically, it was a video of seeing all those people gathered up together at pent/shelt participating in those events together that helped get me into this game, now that place is a ghost town, if there are people there, they are all spread out killing idle mobs.
Well looks like Arenanet has continued to nerf farming events.
Yesterday I formed a farming exploration party and found out that Colonnade waypoint was the best spot. After a few hours, we get a new patch only to find out that it’s nerfed. No worries, we also found another spot to farm in the meantime, though I wonder how long until that gets nerfed too (hint, it hasn’t been changed since November)
Not to mention that shelt/pen has been nerfed completely by increasing the respawn timers of events.
With these changes, the Orr maps are pretty much dead of players.
And when Southsun passes by, the only way to get rich is to farm Cof1, farm meta events all day, or end up having to convert gems to gold.Real disappointed in you Arenanet, you really have turned a once great game 360 degrees.
The eye is ever watchful. You musn’t wear the ring! They’ll find you!
Funny though, the events are nerfed after we figure out that they have a decent drop rate.
And Orr is only dead because of southsun this month. In a few days, that might change.
Concerning farming: If I realize that less people farm in Orr/southsun..and all people do is COF, yah Ill drastically slow my playing…maybe once or twice a week. Im not COF farming till I die.
Thats not fun.
…and I have to say that I’m having a lot more fun just playing the game than most of the people complaining here.
Well you are right…at least now you are….what you(and Anet apparently) don’t get is that us farmers actually LIKE farming, it’s fun for us. We are not just going to say “oh well, they took farming away from us I think I will just do some RP now” not going to happen…if they keep pushing farmers they will leave for a game that doesn’t punish players because of “bots”.
I hate to be that guy, but I love seeing a player with ~4 legendaries and something like ~5000g in chump change who brags about making 100g a day cry about something like this. It’s very satisfying.
That said, honestly, I hope ANet keeps nerfing farming to force players like you to spread out and do assorted content rather than repeat the same content over and over. It would do wonders to motivate people to populate assorted locations.
I know right, shame on me and thousands others who enjoyed playing this game because we like to farm.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Farming is unhealthy gaming.
Do you “Farm” when you play a beat ‘em up? A first-person-shooter? A platformer?
No; you’re playing for the challenge.
How in the world are you comparing FPS to MMO? What’s next, gonna compare table top games to facebook minigames?
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Farming is unhealthy gaming.
Do you “Farm” when you play a beat ‘em up? A first-person-shooter? A platformer?
No; you’re playing for the challenge.Farming is the player mistaking “play” and “profit”.
It’s not all the players’ fault though; too many companies, ArenaNet included and MMO companies in general, encourage farming. They’ve learned the psychological hooks that’ll encourage people to farm. It’s easier than developing real gameplay and keeps players playing for longer, meaning more profits.
If you find yourself obsessed with farming and getting upset, take a break from GW2. Maybe an hour, maybe a weekend, maybe a month.
In that time, play something from a completely different genre.
A puzzle game, an RTS, a shooter or a classic shmup maybe.
And realise gaming is about the games, not the farming.I do this every once in a while to “cleanse the palate”.
LMFAO! Some people…
…and I have to say that I’m having a lot more fun just playing the game than most of the people complaining here.
Well you are right…at least now you are….what you(and Anet apparently) don’t get is that us farmers actually LIKE farming, it’s fun for us. We are not just going to say “oh well, they took farming away from us I think I will just do some RP now” not going to happen…if they keep pushing farmers they will leave for a game that doesn’t punish players because of “bots”.
One of my in-game friends have already quit because of this, and she’s been with us since release. Another is on the edge, especially after we found that new Collonade farm spot only for it to get nerfed a few hours later. He was raging hard.
Arenanet seems to be catering to the casual player more than ever – the folks who log in for a few hours and does his daily, or random dungeon, or pop in WvW briefly.
Arenanet does not cater to those who invest time in the game, and we’ve known this ever since they implemented DR and refused to remove it after the successful bot ban back in November.
edit: and I’ll admit, it’s good business sense. The casual player does not have time to get any wealth and is more likely to convert gems to gold. The player who plays a lot in game has greater opportunity for wealth and is highly unlikely to convert gems to gold.
But I’m not sure if Arenanet has properly considered the balance of gameplay and business.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
(edited by Vol.5241)
I know right, shame on me and thousands others who enjoyed playing this game because we like to farm.
I think you misunderstand. The point isn’t that “farming is bad”, it’s that “farming the same content repeatedly because it’s a significantly better farming spot than X or Y or Z is bad”. It seems pretty clear to me that ANet is trying to get people to move around (or at the least move to their ‘flavor-of-the-month’ zone) and, if they want to, farm ‘everywhere’ (They just haven’t gotten to CoF yet because nerfing that requires work beyond “increase the event respawn timer” or “increase mob HP tenfold”). That’s just the way ANet wants GW2 to operate, and maybe that doesn’t jive with you and your friends, but maybe GW2 isn’t the game for you then.
Sure farming a Event by not completing it might be deemed ‘bad’, but it is in no way exploiting. the biggest problem is Anet is no where near transparent enough on game issues and mechanics.
not once have they explained DR and how it works and when it decides when your loot chances will drop, or what magic find does. they hide simple things like how agro works, things that end game users want to know, why you ask? because its a classic part of end game MMO’s.
you dont want to make a grindy game Anet? thats great, but stop punishing me because i have a few hours to burn and i just want to farm. you think cramming everyone in a single zone (southsun) is a way to satisfy farmers? are you kidding me?
DAOC from mythic understood how to incorporate farming into a game over 10 years ago, and yet you stuggle with it to the point of calling farming exploiting. Shame on you anet, learn how to code basic MMO stuff like separate loot tables. X mob has a chance to drop ABC so farm it if you need that, but DEFG only drops if you kill Y mob. TADA, instead you borked up this game so bad i dont know if it will event make it past a 1 year mark.
as for me and my fully geared 7 80’s and 2000 hours palyed time. my wallet is closed to this disaster. #cantwaitforWildStar and maybe a company that knows how to run a MMO and treat customers, just maybe.
I know right, shame on me and thousands others who enjoyed playing this game because we like to farm.
I think you misunderstand. The point isn’t that “farming is bad”, it’s that “farming the same content repeatedly because it’s a significantly better farming spot than X or Y or Z is bad”.
I don’t think you read my original post. Farming will always be in MMOs and no matter what you do, players will find the next best thing.
Here’s pretty much the whole chain of events that farmers have gone through (of course cof1 has been stable the whole day)
-southern grub farm (only a few weeks)
-west grub farm
-Malchor farm
-Colonnade farm (only a few days)
farmers always go to the next best thing. After Colonnade, I know the next best place to farm.
This is why I suggest Arenanet to make the whole map reward loot to your level 100% of the time. Because then players and their guilds can choose to spread out across the world to farm the events they want.
And if one event gets too saturated with players that make it difficult to tag mobs? Then I can take my party somewhere else and still be rewarded loot
Trying to get rid of farming in an MMO is just as useless as trying to get rid of zergs in WvW
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Sure farming a Event by not completing it might be deemed ‘bad’, but it is in no way exploiting. the biggest problem is Anet is no where near transparent enough on game issues and mechanics.
not once have they explained DR and how it works and when it decides when your loot chances will drop, or what magic find does. they hide simple things like how agro works, things that end game users want to know, why you ask? because its a classic part of end game MMO’s.
you dont want to make a grindy game Anet? thats great, but stop punishing me because i have a few hours to burn and i just want to farm. you think cramming everyone in a single zone (southsun) is a way to satisfy farmers? are you kidding me?
DAOC from mythic understood how to incorporate farming into a game over 10 years ago, and yet you stuggle with it to the point of calling farming exploiting. Shame on you anet, learn how to code basic MMO stuff like separate loot tables. X mob has a chance to drop ABC so farm it if you need that, but DEFG only drops if you kill Y mob. TADA, instead you borked up this game so bad i dont know if it will event make it past a 1 year mark.
as for me and my fully geared 7 80’s and 2000 hours palyed time. my wallet is closed to this disaster. #cantwaitforWildStar and maybe a company that knows how to run a MMO and treat customers, just maybe.
1. There have been topics asking how mf and how DR works and there have been answers.
2. Anet never called farming “exploiting”.
3. No farming keeps the TP prices high therefore making people that aren’t no lifers able to make money. To incorporate farming into this game without harming the economy you’ll need to make all the farmable mats account bound.