A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
It’s very hard to understand the side of the community that cries wolf at anything that seems like it may cause the slightest grind when nothing has been implemented yet. I too am disappointed. Not with the GW2 community, but with the MMO community in general.
Now I remember why I nearly quit MMOs altogether. You people get months of content to play without a subscription and now this.
you know there are tons of free to play mmorpg?
its like i paid a huge subscription if the game dies in 3months for what i have been promised….
Your last statement says it all: “The game is meant to be fun.”
But, sadly it is not. It is work. It is grinding, excruciating work. Crafting is a joke. It has no merit, nothing you craft is worth anything. “Farm Events”? Repetitive grinding is not “fun” in my book. Perhaps I am just not the right kind of gamer for Guild Wars.
Most of my friends who began the game with me in BWE1 have already left. Most “well brained” people do not enjoy tedium. I am only still around because my last spark of hope for Guild Wars has not yet been completely snuffed out by their idiotic decisions.
I have been a hardcore MMO gamer but I decided to slow down in gw2. I am doing events only once unless I like them, I craft a bit and sell on Trading Post for a little money. If I would be you I would either find something fun in this game, or look for other game instead of torturing yourself while playing it. Atm I am playing alone, and still I enjoy the game, and I am going to enjoy it even more after full map completion, getting max lvl in pvp, getting the gear I want (for looks obv), I wont make legendary cause shortbow looks crappy. BB and hf.
I don´t look on monthly achievements.
If a player doesn´t like for example wvsw, he´s not going to go to play every month for an achievement.
I play just for fun, achievements and dungeons are not fun for me. Probably are fun for a lot others that maybe don´t like wvsw or pvp as me. No prob.
But they are not forced to go to get the better gear, and now I will be forced to go to “their lands” if I want to be competitive in mine. :S
It’s an 8% increase. That’s significant..
Just wait for the berserker’s ascended pieces, that’ll show the increase in potential power even more. 30% increase in magic find instead being more crit damage.
1) I wonder about the situation of people who have spent substantial amounts of real money in in-game armour/weapons that are now devalued, because wrong “assuring” information was given to them by Arenanet in advance. Isn’t that actually something similar to fraud?
2) Another question I’ve been wondering about is, that article says that the devs found players “hitting a ‘legendary’ wall” so they added Ascension gear for inbetween progression. Does that mean Legendary items will have their stats increased to match or surpass Ascension gear? Otherwise it would rather be a regression from Ascension gear to still try and get Legendaries, no?
3) About some who said Arenanet is trying to get WoW-people over here. I don’t think that could work, because friends of mine are actually back to WoW, not for gear progression reason, but because they were missing the trinity tank-dd-heal!
4) Some people who keep posting something about “5 power” cannot really calculate, because obviously the posted example displays a 10% gain in overall stats when going from Exotic → Ascension. And attention needs to be paid to the MF stat, which is in fact the highest stat (all items have 1 primary and 2 secondary stats, if you remember), and therefore can cleverly mask the actual power difference here. If we had a ‘knights’ item for example, it might actually even be >10%, we don’t know yet.
That preview of the ‘new armor with better stats’ clearly contradicts both GW1 AND GW2 philosophy. So what we need to do BEFORE picking up pitchforks is to WAIT until official statement will be made.
The official statement has already been made:
That’s an 8% increase in combat stats (42% increase in Magic Find), not counting the infusion, after the game has been out for 3 months. And I have a feeling these “ascended” items will be getting a gem slot later, since jewelcrafters would complain otherwise (they wouldn’t be able to sell anything at all once the majority of players was wearing “ascended” armour).
And yes, you’re right, it contradicts GW philosophy. But so does the fact that we can’t trade gems directly with other players (Mike O’Brien said we would be able to), so does the fact that we are stuck in a single server for 7 days at a time, unable to join our friends on other servers to “play together at any moment”, as Arena Net promised during the pre-sales period, and so on.
I guess “GW philosophy” isn’t what it used to be.
And I guess I’ll be saving £20 a month from now on.
its just sad the crybabies see only +5 to power ring
and dont see anything else
Maybe is because this topic is only about ascended items. Maybe.
Sounds like, sometimes you get Ascended, sometimes you get one with a free Infusion in it. I could be wrong.
Hope you’re right and rare infusion-built-in Ascendeds have the same stats as normal infused Ascendeds. The blog article should have been more precise about this.
the thought of unable to costumize your set makes me worried,
Transmutation stones?
Unused Infusion slot which ONLY gives you a defensive stat which is ONLY useful against the fear condition which ONLY appears in the high-end levels of the enw dungeon
Quote from official page: “There are multiple types of Infusions and Infusion slots. In November, we’ll introduce Offensive, Defensive, and Omni Infusions of Fine rarity from new Mystic Forge recipes. Infusion upgrade types must be paired with their like slot, with the exception of the rare and versatile Omni Infusions which can be slotted into any type of Infusion slot.”
And no its not “fear” condition, its Agony. Quote from official page: “Ascended gear has Infusion slots, and rarer versions of the items also come with additional Agony Resistance built into them.”
Agony – “This extremely dangerous condition ticks percentages of player health away and can’t be cleansed by normal means. Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must. The only way to mitigate Agony damage is by building up resistance through Infusions”
Good luck playing the new contents with your current exotics.
The can all leave …. selfish players crying about nothing … they paid 60$ and most played over 300 hours… just leave if your not happy .. sure they will be back …
Of course we don’t know all the details yet.
Of course a lot of these posts are irrational.
But still it’s good that the uproar is as loud as it is.
Simply because that gives a very strong signal.The dev’s will filter what they can use, no need to do their job for them.
It definitely gives a strong signal that the game is very much alive, i’ll give you that
And it also gets across the point that we don’t want a forced gear treadmill for the most part.
But if people are screaming at the top of their lungs at a passing plane, when it turns out to be a seagull, then people start looking a bit cuckoo.
Not more than when it would turn out to be a plane after all…
People screaming at a plane are pretty cuckoo to meThe question would remain: what makes these people scream at a plane?
Telling them to stop shouting will not give you the answer.
Listening to what they shout might shed some light on their motivation.Heh yeah, or they could just turn to you and talk normally about what’s bothering them, without everyone nearby having to wear ear-mufflers ^^
the OP tells people to stop, it isn’t asking what is wrong.
For those plane shouting fruitcakes: that’s exactly what I would do yes. Just ask them, while they’re shouting probably.
It’s the devs that should come over and ask what’s wrong, and discuss things.
Let them handle the shouting, we want them to be disturbed by the noise. The fact that the OP or anyone else is disturbed by it, is rather irrelevant in the matter.
The devs should do some damage control I agree. But currently they’d simply get their heads bitten off anyway, so I can understand why they want things to settle down a bit.
The main problem though is that there are perfectly acceptable posts about negative feelinsg etc that are simply swamped by hysterical shouting about Anet lying, scamming, backstabbing, blowing up the moon… the usual. So it’s hard to really debate anything currently.
I think they can solve this problem really quickly: just low stats of Ascended items and let them equal to exotic gear.
Ascended items will have same stats as exotic gear now have + socket for Agony…
Gear grinding and dungeon grinding is not what Guild Wars 2 is about
Obviously from the most recent blog it is about gear and dungeon grinding like most of the other MMOs. Too bad their dungeons sucks compared to WoWs.
I concur.
Things have changed, and now GW2 is not special or unique.
It is simply WoW with dodging and a limited active skill selection.
I don’t kittening care if i have to farm all again with my main, i love farm. If GW2 didn’t had DE and just normal kittening grind(kill every mob on the map) i would love more this game.
Problem is, that was exactly what GW2 was NOT supposed to be. It was supposed to be grind-free, with only minimum farming.
Obviously that changed. Next up: Go kill ten rats…
I’m all for Arenanet doing things to make people happy, I like a populated game. But not when making some people happy messes with my style of game play, which is WvW. If they change WvW to the sPvP system of gear equalization I’ll shut up and go away happy.
would be soooo freaking simple:
WvW is pvp, so just apply the same rules as for spvp.
Equal gear, equal traits… and no pve gear progression could ever cause imbalance in this game’s pvp.
Not to mention this infusion mechanic has been done in other mmos before (radiance in lotro and resistance in vanilla wow being prime examples).
So radiance/resistance only worked in ONE Dungeon in Lotro or WoW?
Yeah, that would´ve been irrelevant, just like it is in GW2.
its just sad the crybabies see only +5 to power ring
and dont see anything else
new crafting recipes
new 80 lvl map
new resources
new dungeon
new sPvP map
and alot of fixes and proffesion balances
All that new content and changed content is useless if you are put off the game by any other update. For me, the power creep is enough to stop playing.
PvP I don’t care about, dungeons I don’t care about, new resource is nothing special. So, only 1 lvl80 map remains. Put that against the power creep and in my case, the power creep wins.
Very disappointed hearing about this. One of the reasons I’ve played GW1 and now GW2 is because I hate having to farm new gear every week before I can start ‘having fun’.
Running around in sub-par gear bothers me, and gear progression stinks. I’m all for OPTIONAL skins though.
With people already noticing a major shift in power with exotics in dungeons, I doubt this will make things better, and don’t get me started about WvW.
Obviously youre not a real fan if youre just going to leave based on rumor and speculation.
That’s correct. I’m not a fanboy at all. I’m here to enjoy what was promised to me. I won’t stick by a game out of loyalty if they turn it into something that I don’t like anymore. Why should I?
They’re turning GW2 into a generic gear-grind MMO. They’re doing it slowly, but I’m hoping it’s because they still have some folks in their offices that are thinking ‘oh no’ in the same way their players are. The only weapon we have against it is closed wallets – mine is now firmly shut – and our voices in the community, which I’m now exercising along with everybody else on the forums.
I’m all for it, been playing less and less. It seems when they release new dungeons they’ll just add a different defensive infusion which isn’t a treadmill since stats will be the same. If they release a new tier with every new dungeon then that would be a problem, which isn’t the case so far.
Only thing I’m a little concerned about is whether the skins will look decent. Not really feeling the look of many of the sets now.
That’s 5 for the minor stat (Magic Find is taking the larger “major” stat) on a piece of jewelry. If Power or Precision was the major stat, that would be a 10 point different They are going to end up with full gear of this tier. Parts like a weapon or a chest armor have -much- higher plus stats. It will be much more of an issue when an Ascended Greatsword is giving 30-50 power more than an Exotic.
No to stats, yes to skins.
They have higher stats because you can not add runes or gems to them , without this they would be worse than exotics.
The ring in the example screenshot has 5 Power and 5 Precision over the exotic ring+gem. Note that these are the minor stats, since they’re both Magic Find rings. (I’m assuming the significant increase in Magic Find might just be specific to Magic Find scaling.) That’s similar to the gulf between rare and exotic rings (6 points on minor stats), and nothing we’ve been told indicates that these bonuses don’t apply everywhere — just the infusions, which aren’t in that picture.
Tell me about it, just came from Planetside 2 forum and oh my what a whinefest.
Not as bad as here tho, but still…
Well, what did you expect? That players said ‘oh, well, you told us that this would not be a grind MMO, but now you changed, no problem, Anet, we will just be quiet and grind, grind grind’?
And, no, we do not whine often. I didn’t see anyone whine in the last 3 months, except over Legendary drop rates (which Anet is now changing) and botting (which Anet is doing something about it too).
This broken no-grind-MMO promise is a serious topic, something that people feel very, very strong about.
We do not whine about the small stuff.
But we do ’’whine’’ when you break one of your core promises.
It’s deceptive of them for using a MF item, if you calculate the MF increase for stats the ascended ring has +49.4 total item stats than the exotic, meaning non-MF rings would have about this much of an increase.
I am very excited for this. I think it is a step in the right direction. No matter how pretty the game is or how cool some of the armor looks, there will always be some form of progression in an mmo. It is the nature of the beast. I think they are taking great strides in trying to make this game appeal to a wide range of tastes as to make the game have a better player retention rate. More people playing is a good thing.
I look at it like this.
1. If you like open world pve…you’ve got it.
2. If you like regular dungeon running…you’ve got it.
3. If you like spvp… you’ve got it.
4. If you like wvw…you’ve got it.
5. And now, if your into getting new things for more power, you’ve got that too.
None of it is required, yet all paths are available for every play style.
In the end in almost every mmo, the acquisition of new stuff is the driving force behind it all. If some people need a carrot on a stick to keep them going, so be it. Eventually, (I’m crossing my fingers here) They may introduce raids!!! GASP!!! Oh the horror! People just need to relax and see where this new stuff takes us. I seriously doubt it’ll be as bad as people think. Besides, even if it did become a wow clone in the future, I’d rather play this than have to pay a monthly sub to do the same thing. People just need to chill out.
Thank you all for reading this. Does anybody know who I can e-mail it to directly to make sure it is seen? I don’t think it contains enough vitriol to remain on the front page for very long in the sea of hate threads.
I realize this topic will get buried, most won’t read it, most won’t care. That’s fine. I know the devs do read these, though, so I’d just like to get it out to whoever happens across this.
I’ve played Guild Wars since 2006 and I’ve been a big fan of ArenaNet and their philosophies for years. They’ve always seemed like they really believe that the developers know best, and usually don’t listen to suggestions for things that would go against their philosophy.
I’ve never been given reason to doubt their word, and I was (and still am) proud to be part of the fanbase.
But, after seeing a new tier of gear added a mere three months after release, I’m seeing the philosophy start to break. I love that in Guild Wars 1, I can go back to it right now and still be at max power. I could have left the game in 2007 and went back now, and my abilities wouldn’t be weak.
I don’t think Ascended gear will ruin Guild Wars 2, and I still trust ArenaNet to make it work and make the right decisions. But I’m worried about what the new tier of gear means for the future (three years down, will Exotics be the new Fine?).
And I’m so disappointed that I’ve been lied to. It’s going to be a while before I can trust the devs on their word again.
I want to wait and see.. but I’m also a little concerned… I have to farm the gear I like the looks of.. THEN farm a new set of ascended armor to transmute the two together… This would be cool if you could turn exotics into ascended via a quest.. but if not, and I have to grind both, I’m not really in favor of this change. I liked that the exotics I got from the dungeons were the best I could get so I could focus on looks and not the best stats…. I’m still not done getting all my exotic sets either.. I wanted a couple of different sets for different builds :-/
Please, just tell me one thing.
Why do you have to have this new set of armor?
To participate in the new content. The dungeon becomes increasingly difficult on repeated attempts. It is my understanding that at some point the armor will be required to progress.
I’m not against the armor, I don’t believe I’d quit over this like others have stated, I’m just concerned. I don’t particularly like the idea of needing to grind 2 sets of armor to equate to one set that I actually like and can use. In the end, it will all depend on how they implement it… Like I said, I’d like to wait and see but I can’t help but be a little nervous.
vysaek.8290 – you must have missed where i also said “from what I read on the blog post this is what it looks like”
There is information out there, and the information doesn’t look promising. Hey at the end of the day its a FTP game that I enjoy playing with the family. One of the reasons we decided to play it was no gear progression. if that changes and gear progression becomes the norm, we will just find another game, or something else to do.
No one is “raging” stating an opposing opinion is just that, stating an opposing opinion. Sitting back and not saying anything, considering we enjoy playing, would accomplish nothing.
There is information, ok. But the WHOLE information or only a tiny bit?
And what does acomplish stating an oposition in something you dont fully dont know? they only added a preview of what it is going to come and you are all jugding it event without knowing the whole thing! Even without testing it! Its like a baby cry for eating something you dont like, and you event had a taste yet.
But again your wrong, I have tried this system in LOTRO, its basically the EXACT SAME SYSTEM they tried with radiance gear. Furthermore, as you can see the links others have posted it is clearly stated that this is just the beginning.
Are we really arguing about facts now? Anet releases a blog that clearly states this is just the beginning of all of this, how much more information does one need to form an opinion? This was a game that was supposed to have no gear progression, that is what they said and part of why we bought the game. Now they are doing something different.
pretty sure I have all the information I need, but I’m willing to see what the Dev’s say. Maybe they change their mind (probably not), maybe they change how it’s implemented (probably not). That’s why I’m waiting to see what they say, maybe they have a change of heart (again probably not)…but I like the game enough to give them a chance.
“how much more information does one need to form an opinion?”
All of it.
The bottom line is you are going to like this system no matter what they say, while some of us have been playing these games (MMO’s) for years and know where this is headed based on their own blog post, and have played systems like this in the past.
if you really don’t see it, and really don’t see a philosophy switch (just based on their quotes about the game before release and what their blog post from yesterday says)…then how can we (you and I) have a real discussion about it when you refuse to acknowledge something that is plain to see for everyone else that is the basic starting point of the discussion?
Dont misunderstand me, please.
I know and i understand what you are saying, what you are trying to tell me.
I have my own opinion about the matter.
I do WvW, dungueons and PvE. I have nearly full exotics and they have the look i wanted to give them. New content? new equipement? Lets give it a try and then i will make up my mind about the thing, if i like or not. Until then i will stay neutral.
I didnt bought the game because of the gear, i bought it because of the PvE mechanic, WvW, Lore of the 5 main races, Dragons and such. Playing i have seen things, i know they are there but i dont know HOW to do them (Ej: Isgarren). I have had a taste of the lore of Kodan, i have travelled through the sky fighting dragons, i have helped my team going through traps in dungueons with the mesmer and so much more.
So, from my point of view Gw2 is a whole, not only the gear progression. I played FFXI back then when only had 3 years of live, i know the meaning of grinding, gear progresion and hardcore gaming.
This, so far has nothing to do with it.
But, that is my point of view, you have yours. Every single of you looks the game on a different way, and NONE of us has the right to say what is good, or what is bad. We can give our opinion, but we can demand nothing to Anet and get angry to a company because every single one of us finds something we dont like. It’s THEYR game, we are playing it.
That is what i am saying.
I understand you, i am not trying to convice you. I am just saying, we cant jugde a whole, by a tiny bit of it. That is all.
It is lazy design for sure. It’s a quick, artificial difficulty boost as it’s cheaper than spending development time designing a real challenge.
This way, they don’t have to come up with new ideas, new puzzles, more intelligent AI. Just slap an arbitrary condition in the game and you have masses of “new content”.Youre ridiculous. How is this lazy design when theyre trying something completely new?
Actually, the idea of gating by gear is not new… It has been introduced in other games and totally failed (e.g. LotRO). It’s not really inventive nor difficult to implement. Just put some items with rare drop rate and force people to farm them till they collect enough to enter next tier of end-game dungeon. Not a skill challenge, not a new idea, not a new gaming mechanic, just a dummy thing to slow your “end game” completion and to make you feel you do any progress by farming the items.
The problem isn’t the difference in stats (although that is kitten too), it’s the Agony mechanic as a gear check to progress through dungeons. That’s a slippery slope, and for ANet to start so soon after the game’s release is disturbing.
It’s slightly strange that the people who are vehemently against the geargrind are the ones who are so focussed on the stat differences between gear in the first place. Normally people who are all about spreadsheeting item stats are found in games that actively promote geargrind, as opposed to a game where a percentile difference won’t make or break the experience.
its not strange …..as i said my experience..
-GW2 is coming….oh well i don t have time for mmorpgs
-ANET “hey this is grind free, and all is endgame”
-“ok i’m in, i m dropping my old community and get friends here”3 months after
Anet “well that was a joke”
Me “kitten”I’m not sure I follow you. I don’t think i’ve had to go out and grind for anything at all. I just figure i’ll get what I want eventually, and in the meantime, i’ll go out and work and socialise when i’ve had enough GW2 for one day. I don’t feel like I need anything, I just have plenty of things that I want.
exotic: easy to obtain….
Legendary: almost impossible for 99% players due to heavy grind (fact)
Ascended is pictured as a way between…….so if you really ignore what it means well try to think at some named exotics…..or even worse…..HALLOWEEN CRAFTABLES!
then you have your idea…..
Also in the meantime you are less efficient in www and discriminated in PvE….
But cool you’ll work hard for that………yetyou know it will happen again and again because its already stated there…..its certain despite it need to be read carefully.
i’ll post it again:
“we’re only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves us a lot of room to build upon these levels of Item progression in future content”
Tell me about it, just came from Planetside 2 forum and oh my what a whinefest.
Not as bad as here tho, but still…Well, what did you expect? That players said ‘oh, well, you told us that this would not be a grind MMO, but now you changed, no problem, Anet, we will just be quiet and grind, grind grind’?
And, no, we do not whine often. I didn’t see anyone whine in the last 3 months, except over Legendary drop rates (which Anet is now changing) and botting (which Anet is doing something about it too).
This broken no-grind-MMO promise is a serious topic, something that people feel very, very strong about.
*We do not whine about the small stuff.
But we do whine when you break one of your core promises.*
Ok now i’m really confused – which part of the current angst is about grinding, and what is there that’s suddenly new that we need to grind for?
NO. There was a promise, and it’s been broken.
I agree with OP, A-net should at least try to implement this new gear in a way to still make core segments happy – maybe by giving us several options as how to get this gear (gems, real money shop, karma etc).
There’s an excellent thread here on the business consequences for A-net:
i’m dissapointed in teh side of the community that is pretending this outrage isn’t completely justified and well founded.
this is contrary to core selling points of the game. things that were advertised as being fundamental design elements to this game.
we can play any number of games with better dungeons that have what people are complaining about being added.
this is not a positive addition. and the whole thing has been handled poorly.
You’re never getting another cent of my money. I won’t be fooled again.
I hit 80 right away and play intermittently and managed to finish off my first exotic set on one character. Still working on world completion…
So I can understand one intermittent step in between exotics and legendaries for people that like to grind/grind a lot. Also nice that legendaries are getting a bit of a buff. Was sort of pointless other than shiny effects, and I’m OK with a minor stat increase as well, sorta makes it more worth it. I just wish the legendary dagger wasn’t a giant glorified lighter.
Actually, yeah. Reading other posts, I think that on some level I’m bothered by gear progression. I don’t like knowing that I’m going to have outdated gear slots all over the place because I can’t play constantly. It’s one thing to have legendaries increase in power because that takes heaps of gold/time/etc for an increase that’ll be on only one piece of gear per character (in all likelihood, anyway).
(edited by Eternis.1746)
If people like you were getting bored by what GW2 had to offer, maybe the game was not meant for you. There are plenty of games out there catering for a gridny playstyle, where you can improve your gear almost indefinietly. Actually, almost every other MMO out there does that.
GW2 was meant to be different, to offer a different approach towards end game.
This philosophy has luredthousands of people to the game, many whom decided never to pick up (other) MMOs exactly for that very reason: little grind and no gear treadmill.
Yes, I have full Exotic gear on my main, and I am nowhere to getting bored even though I am not planning to get anywhere near a Legendary item.
Just to be clear: Yes, I had issues with goals in GW2 that I voiced on these forums, but they were always about too many of the goals aviable in the game being too grindy and almost everything being a long-term gold sink goal, with a lack os smaller, mid-term goals.
I dislike it when people say this sort of crap. If you disagree with something, you state your disagreement. You complain your kitten off, and if enough people are shown to disagree then a company decides it’s time to wise up and they appease the fan-base.
If we were to sit and do nothing but twiddle our thumbs and wait docilely for ArenaNet to spoon feed us their crap then nothing would get done. Of course, they probably won’t listen regardless. Bioware didn’t either (and that worked out great), but at least by complaining it becomes obvious that people aren’t happy.
It’s slightly strange that the people who are vehemently against the geargrind are the ones who are so focussed on the stat differences between gear in the first place. Normally people who are all about spreadsheeting item stats are found in games that actively promote geargrind, as opposed to a game where a percentile difference won’t make or break the experience.
If it makes no difference why bother?
The people wanting more power won’t get them and still be bored, the people not wanting a gear grind for stats will be annoyed and disappointed.
Not to mention this infusion mechanic has been done in other mmos before (radiance in lotro and resistance in vanilla wow being prime examples).
So radiance/resistance only worked in ONE Dungeon in Lotro or WoW?
Yeah, that would´ve been irrelevant, just like it is in GW2.
Actually, Radiance gear worked off a doom/gloom mechanic that was found EVERWHERE in the game, not just one dungeon. It was also a “gear check” what is your radiance score was often asked before doing certain dungeons, and there were actual radiance “requirements” for even getting into certain content.
So to call in “irrelevant” would just be wrong.
I am very excited for this. I think it is a step in the right direction. No matter how pretty the game is or how cool some of the armor looks, there will always be some form of progression in an mmo. It is the nature of the beast. I think they are taking great strides in trying to make this game appeal to a wide range of tastes as to make the game have a better player retention rate. More people playing is a good thing.
I look at it like this.
1. If you like open world pve…you’ve got it.
2. If you like regular dungeon running…you’ve got it.
3. If you like spvp… you’ve got it.
4. If you like wvw…you’ve got it.
5. And now, if your into getting new things for more power, you’ve got that too.
None of it is required, yet all paths are available for every play style.
In the end in almost every mmo, the acquisition of new stuff is the driving force behind it all. If some people need a carrot on a stick to keep them going, so be it. Eventually, (I’m crossing my fingers here) They may introduce raids!!! GASP!!! Oh the horror! People just need to relax and see where this new stuff takes us. I seriously doubt it’ll be as bad as people think. Besides, even if it did become a wow clone in the future, I’d rather play this than have to pay a monthly sub to do the same thing. People just need to chill out.
Seriously why did you buy GW2 in the first place? Aren’t the millions of other MMOs enough for you? Why does GW2 have to be exactly the same?
Fantastic post. I share the concerns articulated, and echo the sentiment. I’m one of the gamers that has been playing the mmo genre since the late 90s. I no longer have the time to play a game with a constantly evolving gear progression, and have migrated to GW2 primarily for the wvw content.
I was on the verge of retiring from mmos completely, but held out for GW2’s release. I love the game as it currently stands, and don’t need artificial treadmill content to keep my interest.
PLEASE reconsider your position on this issue ANET.
I am very excited for this. I think it is a step in the right direction. No matter how pretty the game is or how cool some of the armor looks, there will always be some form of progression in an mmo. It is the nature of the beast. I think they are taking great strides in trying to make this game appeal to a wide range of tastes as to make the game have a better player retention rate. More people playing is a good thing.
I look at it like this.
1. If you like open world pve…you’ve got it.
2. If you like regular dungeon running…you’ve got it.
3. If you like spvp… you’ve got it.
4. If you like wvw…you’ve got it.
5. And now, if your into getting new things for more power, you’ve got that too.
None of it is required, yet all paths are available for every play style.
In the end in almost every mmo, the acquisition of new stuff is the driving force behind it all. If some people need a carrot on a stick to keep them going, so be it. Eventually, (I’m crossing my fingers here) They may introduce raids!!! GASP!!! Oh the horror! People just need to relax and see where this new stuff takes us. I seriously doubt it’ll be as bad as people think. Besides, even if it did become a wow clone in the future, I’d rather play this than have to pay a monthly sub to do the same thing. People just need to chill out.
Youd be okay if your “power” stayed out of absolutely everything though right? I think the ascended stuff should only work in the fractal dungeon period..should have no effect outside of it..pve or wvw content should be void of anything past exotic stats imo. One side of playerbase should not inherently have an advantage just because they play their way…thats an idiotic design.
Uh, the game already is a grinding farm game. What do you think “farming in Orr” is, other than repeating the same thing over and over again?
The difference Is that Orr Is one of the ways to adquire money In order to obtain exotic equip/gear. While Ascended can only be obtained via dungeons, letting dungeons as the only “viable” option to adquire such gear.
There’s nothing that proves the above statement as “true”, since It’s based on rumors that are being spreaded around the Internet and In most famous fansites about GW2. But still.
I feel like screaming at you people but instead im going to stick to my guns and just quote you the legal stuff.
The following is an agreement you sign and accept everytime you log on, please note the following paragraphs.
Section 3 paragraph (d): “Refund Request – If You do not accept the provisions of this agreement, You may request a refund for the Software, if you were required to pay for it and if it was purchased from NCsoft, within thirty (30) days of either the date on Your receipt or the date You created a Game Account, whichever is earlier…”
Section 6 paragraph (a): “You acknowledge, and further agree, that You have no IP right related to any Service, Content, Software, or any combination of the foregoing or parts thereof except the limited license provided in Section 2 above.”
Section 10 paragraph (a): “You acknowledge that NCsoft may in its sole and absolute discretion provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to any part of the Service.”
As a more specific answer, we already have fine master-work and exotic, would you be complaining if this had been in from the start? The point is its combined with new content, would you also be as content if they give you new dungeons to do with no new shiny gear rewards?
It’s slightly strange that the people who are vehemently against the geargrind are the ones who are so focussed on the stat differences between gear in the first place. Normally people who are all about spreadsheeting item stats are found in games that actively promote geargrind, as opposed to a game where a percentile difference won’t make or break the experience.
its not strange …..as i said my experience..
-GW2 is coming….oh well i don t have time for mmorpgs
-ANET “hey this is grind free, and all is endgame”
-“ok i’m in, i m dropping my old community and get friends here”3 months after
Anet “well that was a joke”
Me “kitten”I’m not sure I follow you. I don’t think i’ve had to go out and grind for anything at all. I just figure i’ll get what I want eventually, and in the meantime, i’ll go out and work and socialise when i’ve had enough GW2 for one day. I don’t feel like I need anything, I just have plenty of things that I want.
exotic: easy to obtain….
Legendary: almost impossible for 99% players due to heavy grind (fact)Ascended is pictured as a way between…….so if you really ignore what it means well try to think at some named exotics…..or even worse…..HALLOWEEN CRAFTABLES!
then you have your idea…..
Also in the meantime you are less efficient in www and discriminated in PvE….
But cool you’ll work hard for that………yetyou know it will happen again and again because its already stated there…..its certain despite it need to be read carefully.
i’ll post it again:
“we’re only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves us a lot of room to build upon these levels of Item progression in future content”
So if a majority of players (99%) don’t have a legendary anyway, then why is it a requirement for people to grind for it?
It’s not. That’s the thing. There is no requirement for the grind. It is the player who dictates how much time they want to spend on a given activity. The game certainly does not hold a gun to your head and says ‘grind grind grind’. There is no gated content and ergo no grind required for anything.
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