What GW1 feature would you bring to GW2
Since we call it Guild Wars i want Guild Wars GvG
Paragon , Dervish , Ritualist maybe a class that throw daggers
Here is the reason the game is called Guild Wars:
The Guild Wars are the three wars among different guilds in the three human kingdoms of Ascalon, Kryta, and Orr. The third war ended only because the charr invasion from the north meant an even bigger threat to the three kingdoms.
Little is known abut the First Guild War, except that it was a war between Kryta and Ascalon – Orr did not join either of the first two wars.
The Second Guild War was memorialized by the construction of Surmia in 1020 AE. Ascalon was the kingdom victorious of this war according to the Historical Monument of Surmia. When it actually began or ended is unknown.
The Third Guild War lasted for 57 years (from 1013 AE until 1070 AE). The war began between Kryta and Ascalon much like the first two wars. When the two nations brought the war to Orr’s borders and within Arah’s streets, the nation rose to defend itself, escalating the conflict and resulting in casualties that eclipsed those of the previous two Guild Wars combined.
The war caused much suffering and hatred between the people of the three kingdoms, and this shows itself in the form of mistrust between certain individuals, such as King Adelbern, in the present day. During this war, public opinions of their leaders fell, which was one of the factors for Adelbern, then a war hero, being crowned as king instead of Barradin.
The Charr took advantage of the humans’ infighting and launched their own invasion, bringing an end to the Third Guild War through the Searing and, indirectly, the Cataclysm. In present day, the Third Guild War is often referred to as the Guild War.
I would bring the Gods back. Guild Wars 1 was a very mysterious and mystical game with all kinds of otherworldly happenings that made it interesting. Guild Wars 2 just feels less mysterious. Bring the Gods back and create more areas in the mists.
- Mike Obrien
Since we call it Guild Wars i want Guild Wars GvG
Paragon , Dervish , Ritualist maybe a class that throw daggersHere is the reason the game is called Guild Wars:
The Guild Wars are the three wars among different guilds in the three human kingdoms of Ascalon, Kryta, and Orr. The third war ended only because the charr invasion from the north meant an even bigger threat to the three kingdoms.
Little is known abut the First Guild War, except that it was a war between Kryta and Ascalon – Orr did not join either of the first two wars.
The Second Guild War was memorialized by the construction of Surmia in 1020 AE. Ascalon was the kingdom victorious of this war according to the Historical Monument of Surmia. When it actually began or ended is unknown.
The Third Guild War lasted for 57 years (from 1013 AE until 1070 AE). The war began between Kryta and Ascalon much like the first two wars. When the two nations brought the war to Orr’s borders and within Arah’s streets, the nation rose to defend itself, escalating the conflict and resulting in casualties that eclipsed those of the previous two Guild Wars combined.
The war caused much suffering and hatred between the people of the three kingdoms, and this shows itself in the form of mistrust between certain individuals, such as King Adelbern, in the present day. During this war, public opinions of their leaders fell, which was one of the factors for Adelbern, then a war hero, being crowned as king instead of Barradin.
The Charr took advantage of the humans’ infighting and launched their own invasion, bringing an end to the Third Guild War through the Searing and, indirectly, the Cataclysm. In present day, the Third Guild War is often referred to as the Guild War.
With all due respect to the lore, GW was intended to be a PvP game. ANet envisioned players finishing the story then moving on to the PvP endgame, which included GvG. I think that there was a little double meaning by the devs going on there. After all, they do that sort of thing frequently.
Since we call it Guild Wars i want Guild Wars GvG
Paragon , Dervish , Ritualist maybe a class that throw daggersHere is the reason the game is called Guild Wars:
The Guild Wars are the three wars among different guilds in the three human kingdoms of Ascalon, Kryta, and Orr. The third war ended only because the charr invasion from the north meant an even bigger threat to the three kingdoms.
Little is known abut the First Guild War, except that it was a war between Kryta and Ascalon – Orr did not join either of the first two wars.
The Second Guild War was memorialized by the construction of Surmia in 1020 AE. Ascalon was the kingdom victorious of this war according to the Historical Monument of Surmia. When it actually began or ended is unknown.
The Third Guild War lasted for 57 years (from 1013 AE until 1070 AE). The war began between Kryta and Ascalon much like the first two wars. When the two nations brought the war to Orr’s borders and within Arah’s streets, the nation rose to defend itself, escalating the conflict and resulting in casualties that eclipsed those of the previous two Guild Wars combined.
The war caused much suffering and hatred between the people of the three kingdoms, and this shows itself in the form of mistrust between certain individuals, such as King Adelbern, in the present day. During this war, public opinions of their leaders fell, which was one of the factors for Adelbern, then a war hero, being crowned as king instead of Barradin.
The Charr took advantage of the humans’ infighting and launched their own invasion, bringing an end to the Third Guild War through the Searing and, indirectly, the Cataclysm. In present day, the Third Guild War is often referred to as the Guild War.
With all due respect to the lore, GW was intended to be a PvP game. ANet envisioned players finishing the story then moving on to the PvP endgame, which included GvG. I think that there was a little double meaning by the devs going on there. After all, they do that sort of thing frequently.
All intentions aside, it wasn’t that long before they realized on which side their bread was buttered. While PvP upgrades were quite heavy in earlier products, the last two upgrades of Guild Wars 1 did little to nothing for PvP at all.
All intentions aside, it wasn’t that long before they realized on which side their bread was buttered. While PvP upgrades were quite heavy in earlier products, the last two upgrades of Guild Wars 1 did little to nothing for PvP at all.
That was because the PvP they brought with launch was so strong, there was little complaining on the PvP side. The real pro’s did GvG, and the semi-pro’s enjoyed HoH’s more, which the real pro’s played in off days etc. The high-end PvP scene was really happy with the GW1 PvP. RA was okay-ish and fun from time to time. AB started off good, but once the rewards for FA and JQ got boosted, became obsolete. Especially also since faction SC’s became prominent.
The only thing they did wrong was remove TA and HB. Yes, both were heavily abused, but they should have tried to fix that instead of just completely remove them.
Codex was really fun after they updated it, and I enjoyed it quite a lot, but when Codex launched, it was trash, and because it was so trakitten launch, it never saw much life. If they had implemented it at launch as it was after the update, it would have seen a much better life.
There was very little complaints or demand for more PvP modes in GW1, because the arsenal of PvP in GW1 was just so good in general. Not just because there were so many different modes, but because the skill/build system in GW1 brought so much variation and tactics to the table. GW1 PvP was called ‘build wars’ for a reason, but it’s those build wars that kept the scene so alive. “Holy kitten, those guys developed a new insanely strong team build. Time to counter it/come with something better”.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
capping elites, playing with builds, second proffessions, different shaped maps ( not just squares and rectangles), guild halls, capes, decent story and fun campaigns.
theres probably more lol
oh and a challenge, not just easy please everyone content.
different shaped maps ( not just squares and rectangles),
Fun fact: all the maps in GW1 were square/rectangle shaped as well. It’s because that’s a lot easier to design and implement than some funky map shapes. It’s just a lot more clear in GW2 than it was in GW1.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
the old dev team…. is that a feature… well thats my 2 cents
Absolutely nothing, this game is crap compared to GW1.
Heads must be rolling so hard at ANET.
They never learned in GW1 and they decided to still not learn for GW2.
The way they interacted with the community in GW1 and GW2 and how they refused to listen to everyone, how they lied so much about GW2 only shows to me that GW1 was more of a shot of luck than anything else.
They hit success without even knowing why, then came the downfall, for the new ones here, GW1 reached it’s peak in 2 years, then they took some amazing decisions that killed the game faster than light.
This game is on it’s downfall, the game didn’t last 6 months and it’s population is already declining, they will never reveal the numbers but they don’t need to, we can tell.
They tried to suck as much money as possible from the GW1 and GW2 was born, but I can assure you there will not be a GW3.
I can also assure you there will be no EXPANSIONS for GW2, this game will die without even fulfilling the lore.
The numbers are what matters, and GW2 does not have the numbers to have an expansion.
Commander of Blacktide
(edited by HERO.2057)
I’m sure people have said this before, but I really miss Build Wars 1. You know, the game where the skills you had in the latter half of your skill bar actually MATTERED and could be used more than once a fight? The game where your Elite skill really WAS Elite? The game where you could make your character do anything, literally, ANYTHING (admittedly, my Necromancer Flesh-Golemancer build was pretty useless, but it was fun! Same with my dual-wielding Ranger/Assassin. Actually, that wasn’t a bad build in NM)
Yeah. GW1 had a great model for skills. I think the lack of skills and synergy in GW2 is mostly due to the fact that the dev team from GW2 left ANet. Ah well, they’ve done a good job so far, there’re jsut a few areas they could improve on.
I don’t think its cause they left, I think its cause they wanted to try something different and didn’t have to deal with the constant balancing all the time, it probably felt exhausting for them maybe and wanted to break away, I would have liked a little of that to remain though.
What I miss the most from GW1 and ever since they removed it was the Hall of Heroes, it was an awesome pvp experience!
Oh and an “international district” I want to play with my US buddies
A lot of people are asking for GvG, but do you really think it will benefit Guild Wars 2?
<made a new thread on it>(edited by maddoctor.2738)
If there is one thing I miss the most (apart from many many others, which are all reasons for me to still play way more gw1 than gw2) then it is the deep, deverse skill system (including 2 class-system for inter class synergy’s; group synergy’s being up to a point where not everyone builds his own build and the group is just heal/dps/cc but where the single builds are actually linked together and the skills synergy over the bounds of each player; encounters like bosses, mobs and groups with certain set ups that force you to adapt; far more skills and different mechanics).
On the same stage is my need of a well written story that drives you through the game.
Top level gear that stays top level for the remainder of the game’s life. I dread the day ascended armor and weapons are thrown at us.
More skills. In GW1, each profession had like, 200+ skills or so. Some were better than others, obviously, but you still had an incredible amount of customization. I wish there were more skills and more diversity in GW2.
Some would argue that it’s not needed, because you have weapons with their own set skills, but in that case, it would be nice to see more weapon types. For example, different kinds of sword (both 1H and 2H) with different skills, or different types of staves with each having different skills/spells.
But that’s just my opinion.
The costume system. The system in GW2 is so convoluted and overdone that it’s just a mess instead of a great feature.
More skills. In GW1, each profession had like, 200+ skills or so. Some were better than others, obviously, but you still had an incredible amount of customization.
GW1 had too many skills. ArenaNet couldn’t come even close to balancing them all, which is why they just kept most skills underpowered, with a few being the really useful ones.
Worst, ArenaNet was adding too many skills. Each chapter had two new professions and a lot of skills for each old profession; making new chapters with less than that would allow players to complain that they would be paying the same for less content than previous chapters. But the true result was that ArenaNet had to kept adding more and more skills with each chapter, and we had already reached a point in which they didn’t know what to do.
This had less impact in most of PvE since it was so easy that almost any build worked. In PvP or in group PvE, though, it was clear that only a few builds were desirable. We even had some professions so broken that they needed major overhauls; some got it (dervish and elementalist, for example), some got part of it (ritualist), and some never got the overhaul they need and never will (paragon).
The idea in GW2 was that we would have less skills, but more balanced and thus more viable skills. Instead of GW1’s 1000 skills with 200 being really viable, in GW2 we would have 500 skill with all 500 of them being viable.
The real reason why adding more skills is a bad idea, though, is that the above has not worked. ArenaNet cannot properly balance even the skills currently available in the game. I’m really amazed that some people don’t see how adding even more skills would be utterly bad – it would be a sign that ArenaNet has given up on even trying to keep the game balanced.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
Bump! Let’s comment more guys!
Features from GW1…..
Guild Halls
FA/JQ style pvp (something more than just basic shrine capping)
Hot join elimination style pvp (RA)
GvG (odd, I’m not a pvper, and yet here I am suggesting pvp stuff, smack me!)
Urgoz, The Deep, FoW, UW, DoA – aka large group ‘elite’ content
Hard Mode (for dungeons and other instanced content)
Last logged on status
Just my thoughts
guild halls
“follow” option, disabled in PvP or WvW (enemies only)
capes (although, the back banners are pretty b.a.)
musical instrument emotes
“last online” for guild roster
and an Urgoz flavored fractal level. we got the jade sea… where’s the kurz love?
Fast build swapping (and gear swapping in pvp).
Guild halls
Dying weapons
Fun, challenge, and depth.
Only being in one guild
Guild Alliances
and most importantly…
Test Krewe!
Fun, challenge, and depth.
Pretty sure this guy wins. Could make a thread almost identical, but being “What would you bring from gw2 to gw1” and i guarantee the answers would be:
jumping puzzles
and that’d be about it.
Fun, challenge, and depth.
Pretty sure this guy wins. Could make a thread almost identical, but being “What would you bring from gw2 to gw1” and i guarantee the answers would be:
jumping puzzlesand that’d be about it.
You forgot swimming
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
More skills. In GW1, each profession had like, 200+ skills or so. Some were better than others, obviously, but you still had an incredible amount of customization.
GW1 had too many skills. ArenaNet couldn’t come even close to balancing them all, which is why they just kept most skills underpowered, with a few being the really useful ones.
Worst, ArenaNet was adding too many skills. Each chapter had two new professions and a lot of skills for each old profession; making new chapters with less than that would allow players to complain that they would be paying the same for less content than previous chapters. But the true result was that ArenaNet had to kept adding more and more skills with each chapter, and we had already reached a point in which they didn’t know what to do.
This had less impact in most of PvE since it was so easy that almost any build worked. In PvP or in group PvE, though, it was clear that only a few builds were desirable. We even had some professions so broken that they needed major overhauls; some got it (dervish and elementalist, for example), some got part of it (ritualist), and some never got the overhaul they need and never will (paragon).
The idea in GW2 was that we would have less skills, but more balanced and thus more viable skills. Instead of GW1’s 1000 skills with 200 being really viable, in GW2 we would have 500 skill with all 500 of them being viable.
The real reason why adding more skills is a bad idea, though, is that the above has not worked. ArenaNet cannot properly balance even the skills currently available in the game. I’m really amazed that some people don’t see how adding even more skills would be utterly bad – it would be a sign that ArenaNet has given up on even trying to keep the game balanced.
I hate that argument. Every game gets dumbed down because of this. It’s insanely uninspiring. And the outcome is? The game is still not better balanced or only by a nuance. This dumb down of skill systems because of balancing is total bull kitten because it doesn’t get better balancing wise but worse depth wise.
More skills. In GW1, each profession had like, 200+ skills or so. Some were better than others, obviously, but you still had an incredible amount of customization.
GW1 had too many skills. ArenaNet couldn’t come even close to balancing them all, which is why they just kept most skills underpowered, with a few being the really useful ones.
Worst, ArenaNet was adding too many skills. Each chapter had two new professions and a lot of skills for each old profession; making new chapters with less than that would allow players to complain that they would be paying the same for less content than previous chapters. But the true result was that ArenaNet had to kept adding more and more skills with each chapter, and we had already reached a point in which they didn’t know what to do.
This had less impact in most of PvE since it was so easy that almost any build worked. In PvP or in group PvE, though, it was clear that only a few builds were desirable. We even had some professions so broken that they needed major overhauls; some got it (dervish and elementalist, for example), some got part of it (ritualist), and some never got the overhaul they need and never will (paragon).
The idea in GW2 was that we would have less skills, but more balanced and thus more viable skills. Instead of GW1’s 1000 skills with 200 being really viable, in GW2 we would have 500 skill with all 500 of them being viable.
The real reason why adding more skills is a bad idea, though, is that the above has not worked. ArenaNet cannot properly balance even the skills currently available in the game. I’m really amazed that some people don’t see how adding even more skills would be utterly bad – it would be a sign that ArenaNet has given up on even trying to keep the game balanced.
There’s a lot of room between the skill bloat of GW and the skill drought of GW2. Adding more skills to GW2 might make balance between professions harder, or it might make parity between professions easier to attain.
For example, Necromancers lack direct damage skills beyond a range of 600. Imagine having power moves that could be tied to scepter or staff instead of the current use-condition-damage-only skills. Also, dagger main has five moves. The auto-attack gets used better than 80% of the time. Why? The other moves are all situational. Adding an AoE move that could be substituted in, or a heavy hitting ST skill would provide more options for both fun and balance.
Heroes, Henchmen and Mercenaries…
But only in instances and not in the game world. Would be great to level your own chars and fight with them in instances as heroes etc.
(edited by Raylion.4362)
It’s not just about balance: the current GW2’s character building scene is also crippled by waaay too many systems and variables (compare GW1’s simple skill system + equipment bonuses, with GW2’s weapon skills + utility skills + equipment bonuses + equipment stats + traits + traits stats), which make it clunky and busy; and the fact that GW2’s system is behind several money sinks (trait change, equipments with correct stats) and is very inconvenient to swap builds (must talk to specific NPCs).
Changing a build in GW2 is an annoying, unfun process, because GW2 punishes players for experimentation, punishes players for build diversity, and because too many things are required to change a build and get the proper equipment stats.
The GW community almost universally agrees that GW2’s new systems fix way too few things and bring way too many new problems to the table, and that GW1’s was vastly superior and much, much funnier.
- Skills. Probably not as many as GW1 had, but certainly more than we have now. Several more options for each weapon, so every (random example) shortbow ranger doesn’t have the identical set in their bar.
- Capturing skills. Getting those titles were some of the most fun I had in GW1.
- Build templates that can be swapped when out of combat or when in a city zone. I don’t care if there is still a fee attached.
- Secondary professions
- Treasure hunting. I loved finding chests around the world. Others may differ, but I don’t find anything fun about the Black Lion chest system and nothing compelling about the items they contain.
There’s probably more, but I’d be getting into pretty picky things.
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
Basically GW1 endgame
Oh and of course, Cantha.
Borlis Pass
[ZoA] Zombies of the Abyss (Officer)
nearly everything
GW1 Trinity, cus that made to whole game so perfect
-Ability To Dye Weapons
-Ability To Dye All armour
-Ability to abandon my pet as a Ranger
-Looking For Group Tool
-Open Player Trading (if anet wasn’t lazy on the icons, scamming wouldn’t be an issue)
-Dhuum Ban Hammer
Fort Aspenwood
the LFG tool.
dual clkitten
kittenty events.
The fact that you could buy almost everything with just straight up money.
Stupid Laurel timegate for ascended gear… At least back in GW1 I could have been able to buy it from other players…
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Replacing your 1 handed items …. with a 2 handed weapon….
…WOULD NOT PLACE THE DARN O.H. BACK IN THE TOP OF YOUR INVENTORY ..where you have to hunt for it later & worry about accidentally selling it
It would just stay there in the offhand, but crossed out like in GW1.
*Best one posted to this thread IMO: *
(or just most needed right now?)
Districts. All open world PvE zones are no longer on servers but instead are all on one server that can create districts as needed.
(edited by ilr.9675)
Replacing your 1 handed items …. with a 2 handed weapon….
…WOULD NOT PLACE THE DARN O.H. BACK IN THE TOP OF YOUR INVENTORY..where you have to hunt for it later & worry about accidentally selling it
It would just stay there in the offhand, but crossed out like in GW1.
That was also a great way to save inventory space.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Signet of capture
Many more skills
2H axes (im sure they will come)
Land spears
Petless ranger
Dyeable weapons
Build templates
Gw1 farming
Im sure there are other things, just like there are things I would take from gw2.
HEROS!!!!!!! HEROS!!! HEROS!!!!! Oh yeah and HEROS!!! OR the ability to party with my other toons.
Tekkit’s Workshop
Amazed no one has said this yet: spectator mode when you’re dead.
That feature saw so many good uses… Teaching people how to do certain things, skill rotations, etc. Not being bored to death when you get defeated and your party is stuck in combat for a couple of minutes etc…
I loved this.
1) The ability for a Ranger to not have a pet (without being penalized) if so desired.
2) The ability to arrange my skill bar as I saw fit (not talking about choosing skills here, just the ability to move the skills I do have)
3) The ability to create my own skill build from the ground up.
4) The dual class system.
5) The ability to dye weapons.
I would like to see the enemies casting their spells/attacks in the interface. That bar under the enemy’s name showing the process. Would be easier to interrupt. And why do bosses in gw2 have unshakable/defiant? You could pretty much interrupt anyone in gw1 if you wanted to.
And why do bosses in gw2 have unshakable/defiant? You could pretty much interrupt anyone in gw1 if you wanted to.
It would reduce the need to use the dodge/evade mechanic pretty drastically really.
I would like to see the enemies casting their spells/attacks in the interface. That bar under the enemy’s name showing the process. Would be easier to interrupt. And why do bosses in gw2 have unshakable/defiant? You could pretty much interrupt anyone in gw1 if you wanted to.
GW2 has way more stuns/knockdowns that GW1.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
Weapon swap system (4 weapons saved for quick switch to), this can be done for all professions in GW2, engineers and elementalists too. Seriously, if its out of combat…..
Saved trait lines!!!!!! No more, which trait was it again…? So I can swap to my hammer guard quickly and easily without having to fiddle around for 10 minutes.
sPvP sure have restrictions but PvE? WvW? Please.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Fun, challenge, and depth.
Pretty sure this guy wins. Could make a thread almost identical, but being “What would you bring from gw2 to gw1” and i guarantee the answers would be:
jumping puzzlesand that’d be about it.
You forgot swimming
kitten , these posts are full of win. GW2, the game of cosmetics?
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I would like to see the enemies casting their spells/attacks in the interface. That bar under the enemy’s name showing the process. Would be easier to interrupt. And why do bosses in gw2 have unshakable/defiant? You could pretty much interrupt anyone in gw1 if you wanted to.
The reason they removed the skill bars underneath the damage bars was to give players the incentive to look out for animations more. Have their eyes on the target, and not on their health bar..
I kind of like it, it’s a good way to distinguish between good players and bad players. Although, what they should really do to make this system work is fix their freaking particle effects.. There is almost always a Guardian in my teams and they run a DPS blind spam build that involves spamming Virtue of Justice… But the downside of that is that your target is engulfed in blue flames almost 24/7 making spotting the animations kind of tough…
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu