(edited by tigirius.9014)
My thoughts about GW2
Every update has had a significant amount of new PvE content. As a PvP player primarily I feel a little ripped off (No duels, arenas, or different types of SPvP). As a PvE player you guys really have nothing to complain about though, everything is great besides the lack of raids.
New content is great, but where is the challenging content? We need some sort of raid options for guilds, guild challenges are not the same. Sure fractals can get tough but that is a 5 man instance. Where is the 20/40/100 man instanced raids? Suprised guild vs guild isn’t available either since the game is called “guild wars”. And we still need a way to duel/fight with regular gear instead of having to change builds in SPVP and “guess” what will work in WvW. Maybe the private arenas can have an option for regular gear or not.
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
(edited by CrazyDuck.4610)
There isn’t much to see. Yesterday there was a livestream. About a new jumping puzzle. Nobody gave a kitty. 90% of the questions in the chat were about game features like GvG and Guild Halls. Thats what people care about. And the questions were deleted with draconic dictatorship.
I don’t care one iota about GvG features. Many players don’t like guilds so you saying that is, “waste all your time on exclusive content and ignore other players”. If they improved or added core WvW or PvE content then all players can use it.
PvE problem from the outset (not sure why it has never been mentioned or not obvious) is killing mobs is a chore. every single mob acts like it’s in full plate and needs 20+ hits. that is aggravating when there are hundreds of similar mobs to wade through. it makes you feel like your character is using tin weapons or the mobs are made of stone. core, basic design decision that was bad.
-instancing is extremly intrusive. constant loading screens for minor content made me want to quit the whole story line. really, no sane developer should think that’s acceptable. I haven’t finished that main story because of this.
-groan at much of the story line and dialogs…without instancing may be bearable.
- nerfing drops is nasty to casual players, or making drops bad and unexciting. Anet devs really expect them to put up with getting nothing in the game and fighting mobs that are a chore to kill?
- crafting never worked bc you outleveled every item. the TP with it’s automated underselling just destroyed any other means of acquiring items. ironically the raw materials were still too expensive to make the TP benefit crafting however. it was easy to see this happening as you leveled. Idk why it was designed like that.
- karma items ….ok, but the TP make them almost obsolete.
- no item preview in TP, so you can’t easily see how a whole set will look.
WvW problem from the outset: No competitive reward for the time spent in it to PvE. for the OP to say that he feels left out by GW2 annoys me because WvW isn’t anywhere at PvE in terms of rewards.
Class balancing is a joke. “it’s not balanced 1v1” while they nerf some classes based on 1v1 performance, but not others. “it’s balanced group v group” while some classes have much higher risks in group, without any balancing benefit, whereas other classes have low risk and achieve more rewards say, for WvW players.
-absolutely terrible boon and condition visibility. being as they are so important and central to combat, it is inexcusable imo.
Cut off here. There is more but it’s not worth it (like Sylvari females making a sound when hit…my favorite part and incredibly unique quality made dull at a whim).
(edited by wolfie.7296)
You also cannot see the forest from the trees. It is not about wether the game pleases everyone or not. From your post, I guess I can gather that you did not like Guild Wars 1.
Then I can reverse the question back to you. Who the kitten baked potato do you think you are, that you have a higher right to be pleased by this franchise that us? Go and play with some other franchise that you liked, and let us have the continuation of the only kitten baked potato game in existence of its own kind.
You hijacked this franchishe, and now you claim it?
Guild Wars 1 is dead. It was killed by Guild Wars 2. You left us with nothing, for the sake of a slighly upgraded WoW, with some aftertaste of GW here and there.
1.GW1 is not dead. City of Heroes is dead. GW1 is still playable.
2. I see a lot of people claiming that GW2 is like WoW. Could you point out which features are like WoW?
Are you seriously arguing here, while all people were asking for GvG and Guild Houses. Do you hate GvG and Guild Houses? Did you hate them? If not, then repeat to me your problem. I do not think that you have any idea what you are even talking about. I do in fact believe that you have no ability to separate people who are GW1 players and WoW kiddies squeeling for mounts on sight. In fact, I’m beginning to doubt that you did not just pull it out of your kitten that you have ever played Guild Wars 1. This is the internet after all, you only had so say, right? And suddenly aaaal arguments are justifiiiiied.
Please, humour me, what are the aspects of Guild Wars 1 that you HATED so much, and which we are requesting right now.
Please, list all the things that we want back, and which you HATED.
Let us, and let the devs see all those 3 things that you hated, from our list of 2516.
And then let me show you how the addition of 90% of these things will absolutely not change your gameplay experience at all. It will just improve ours.
if to sum up everything that was ever asked for on the forums you would run into such things that would change the gameplay and enjoynment for others, such as trinity and raids.
However I do agree that if most requests were put into the game it wouldn’t break anyone’s gameplay (GvG, guild halls, etc)
I knew the pets would be permanent long before I bought the game. It’s the ranger’s profession mechanic. Without it, you’re kitten. There were many people who asked for a non pet option for ranger. It would be like asking for an elementalist option that doesn’t swap attunments. It can only kitten you.
And yes, I know how traits were originally. Do you know why they were changed, because Anet was very clear about the reasons for the change, and they were kitten good reasons. The way it used to be, everyone would always put 10 points in every trait line to get the most powerful trait they could in each trait line, meaning 80-90% of the playerbase has the exact same builds, with no variety. They changed it for two reasons. One to make people have to choose between one thing and another, and two, to give a sense of progression, which is quite missing from the game after level 30. Before, you could get any major trait as soon as you could get them. Now you have to wait till level 60. That sort of progression is important in an MMO and I think the choice to go this direction is better (particularly in the light of so many people putting 10 in each attribute to get the best major trait in each line).
And the story…well, the story in Guild Wars 1 wasn’t all that. I don’t know why people think the story was so great. Take Prophecies. People complained about Rurik. They hated him. A lot of people were happy he died. Anyone with half a brain new the white mantle was evil…why didn’t we? Are our characters that stupid? I knew Vizier Khilbron was a mistake too, why didn’t my character.
Do you think people didn’t complain as much about Komir as they did about Trahearne? Another NPC stealing our thunder. I can go through each story for each game and show you how bad those stories really were. It wasn’t exactly high literature.
And then, a good portion of the missions in Prophecies and Nightfall were strictly filler and were very bad, particularly in the design of some of the bonuses. I can give you examples if you really want.
But even with that, the story probably WAS better in Guild Wars 1. Why? Because the entire game was instanced, and it’s easy to tell a story in instances than the open world.
However, the world in Guild Wars 2 is far more alive than the world in Guild Wars 1. The conversations in places are much better than anything in Prophecies. A living world, to me, is far more important than a stagnant story I’m only really going to experience once.
Well…you act like the pet is the only thing a ranger could possibly have for a class mechanic. Just find something better. The volume of pages from players on this very thing attest to it. There’s nothing that says the pet has to be the ranger class mechanic aside from stubborn devs at this point.
And I was talking about attributes, not traits. Like power, precision, vitality, etc. Those used to be manually adjustable pre-beta.
As for the story, if you think GW1 was just marginally better than GW2 that’s certainly you’re right to think so. I’d bet you’d be in the minority on that one though. :/
I troll because I care
I still can’t quite put my finger on what’s “Fun” about other games (what most people typically call their compulsive reasons for playing them) … versus how Unfun GW2 generally is when played in longer time “spats” than a couple weeks.
I was playing Planetside2 for months at a time for example even through it’s a Horrible, Horrible game in every way. The only thing that got me off playing it, was when my Doctor told me I was getting signs of an ULCER. GW2 does a nice job relaxing us for a week or two when it comes to leveling up an Alt but the continued entertainment value just goes into a ditch fast. GW1 was a lot more sustainable without ever giving me an Ulcer once Nightfall and all the other things got added to it that got us out of the whole “LF MONK” meta.
“LF MONK” was GW1 biggest un-fun problem. And it was obvious from the Start.
GW2 biggest un-fun problems are a lot more … tricky. I see so many people whining about the whole Legendary & Ascended gear and farming and stuff. But I don’t think that’s why it’s just “not fun”. If it was really fun on a total Aesthetic-level of Mechanics:
,,,,people wouldn’t even notice all the farming required…
I was playing Planetside2 for months at a time for example even through it’s a Horrible, Horrible game in every way. .
how is it horrible exactly? Planetside2 is good at what it is – a shooter MMO. Presenting battles larger than CoD or Battlefield ever did (those are multiplayer, but not massively multiplayer) it brings something new to the genre.
It does not in any way relate to an MMO RPG though. And then GW1 close to in no way relates to an MMO, due to zones being instanced.
Dailies were too boring before as everyone complained and now that they’re different each day(allowing you to CHOOSE your daily), you complain about it OP?
I don’t like everything Anet does but you’re complaining about stupid stuff. Why should you have a legendary from just PvE? If anything it could be more PvP oriented to reflect greater prestige and skill on behalf of the player.
You also cannot see the forest from the trees. It is not about wether the game pleases everyone or not. From your post, I guess I can gather that you did not like Guild Wars 1.
Then I can reverse the question back to you. Who the kitten baked potato do you think you are, that you have a higher right to be pleased by this franchise that us? Go and play with some other franchise that you liked, and let us have the continuation of the only kitten baked potato game in existence of its own kind.
You hijacked this franchishe, and now you claim it?
Guild Wars 1 is dead. It was killed by Guild Wars 2. You left us with nothing, for the sake of a slighly upgraded WoW, with some aftertaste of GW here and there.
1.GW1 is not dead. City of Heroes is dead. GW1 is still playable.
2. I see a lot of people claiming that GW2 is like WoW. Could you point out which features are like WoW?
Treadmill game play
Ascended items so you can survive WvW..
Farming for for better gear and items 24/7
Repetitive Dungeons are the main end game
Useless Open world used for leveling only
Broken Economy
Treadmill game play
Ascended items so you can survive WvW..
Farming for for better gear and items 24/7
Repetitive Dungeons are the main end game
Useless Open world used for leveling only
Broken Economy
1. Where is the requirement to get the previous tier to get the next one again? As far as I remember you can jump straight to pinks if you do dailies while leveling.
2. Not needed. People bellow level 80 enter WvW and still do fine. Even if you will manage to get a 1v1 fight there (which is unlikely), you’ll still have so much dodges, evades, immobilizes and blocks that the increased damage from an ascended wearer will not do a difference if he couldn’t hit you.
3. 20 runs of any dungeon to get full exotics, 20 runs of fotm to get 2 rings, 30 dailies and logging in once in a while to do a bounty with your guild to get earrings. How can you grind 24/7 here exactly?
4. That would be PvP and WvW, but yes, dungeons are a part of an end game, however point me to a single game whose dungeons are not repetitive and always changing. The last time I checked no MMO had randomly generated dungeons.
5. A) Vanilla WoW used its open world for large scale battles between horde and alliance (guilds organized full group attacks on the opposing force cities) as far as I remember meta events are still a viable source of income and they’re in the open world C) what do you want to use the open world for?
6. Well done, both games (like any other MMO) have a community. However the communities are indeed different from each other. To say that two communities are the same is the same thing as to say that every human being is the same.
7. Not seeing that one.
The common sense in these people are just completely missing.
You mean the common sense of people who were asking irrelevant questions on a livestream about a new guild puzzle? Yes it is missing, I logged for a little while during the livestream and I was annoyed by all those questions, they were deleted for a reason, you want to ask for other features, do it through proper means, the livestream was about the new guild puzzle and the guild puzzle alone, it just takes a little bit of common sense to understand what kind of question you should be making.
Draconic dictatorship? They were doing their job keeping the chat clean of irrelevant questions.
That argument may hold up in court where the judges are the representatives of law, but not here in Babylon where the judges are the people whose comments were deleted.
Values only exist where people acknowledge them. That stream was interesting, but it had no acknowleged value next to the questions that people wanted to ask.
People wanted answers, they did not get them on the forums, they did not get them from mails. They used the closest medium in proximity where direct contact with the devs was avalable. Because they did not get their anaswers again, this further adds fuel to dissatisfaction.
And the story…well, the story in Guild Wars 1 wasn’t all that. I don’t know why people think the story was so great. Take Prophecies. People complained about Rurik. They hated him. A lot of people were happy he died. Anyone with half a brain new the white mantle was evil…why didn’t we? Are our characters that stupid? I knew Vizier Khilbron was a mistake too, why didn’t my character.
Who the hell cares about Rurik? Rukik was like 10% of the story. He dies at the end of the very first Arc. The story had the main villain (Vizier) trick you into allying with him so you can kill the good guys (the Mursaat) who are protecting the doomsday door so the villain can get his hands on the Titans. You worked on the bad side since you left Kryta. It was an awesome story.
It wasn’t an awesome story. It was a pedestrian story. I feel this way because I read books and books have awesome stories. Video games have sub par stories. There was too much filler. Too much stuff that didn’t need to happen. Too many things put in there just to make the game longer. All the talk of ascension in the Crystal desert and when you finally ascend, which is supposed to make you more powerful so you can face the White Mantle….nothing from ascension had anything at all to do with facing the white mantle. It allowed you to enter the Underworld and Fissure of Woe, it allowed you to change your secondary profession. Neither of which were required to defeat the white mantle.
It was a better story than most MMOs, I’ll give you that. But it was also, in many ways, a flawed story.
If you find this game a chore or a bore, you really don’t have to force yourself to play it.
GW1 and GW2 is similar only because they share the same lore and setting but GW2 itself is a different game in terms of game play, mechanics, art style and graphics. Stop demanding GW2 to be GW1.
“ANET needs to make defending in WVW more rewarding!”
I still can’t quite put my finger on what’s “Fun” about other games (what most people typically call their compulsive reasons for playing them) … versus how Unfun GW2 generally is when played in longer time “spats” than a couple weeks.
I was playing Planetside2 for months at a time for example even through it’s a Horrible, Horrible game in every way. The only thing that got me off playing it, was when my Doctor told me I was getting signs of an ULCER. GW2 does a nice job relaxing us for a week or two when it comes to leveling up an Alt but the continued entertainment value just goes into a ditch fast. GW1 was a lot more sustainable without ever giving me an Ulcer once Nightfall and all the other things got added to it that got us out of the whole “LF MONK” meta.
“LF MONK” was GW1 biggest un-fun problem. And it was obvious from the Start.
GW2 biggest un-fun problems are a lot more … tricky. I see so many people whining about the whole Legendary & Ascended gear and farming and stuff. But I don’t think that’s why it’s just “not fun”. If it was really fun on a total Aesthetic-level of Mechanics:
,,,,people wouldn’t even notice all the farming required…
I suspect it has something to do with a lack of depth. The mechanics aren’t really up to par. This affects the longevity of both PvE and PvP. Here’s a video aimed at improving the current system.
Related, the games in which I’ve found the most lasting enjoyment have had roles of some sort or another. In GW2, I never feel as if I’m more than just a completely replaceable cog in the dungeon DPS machine or a pawn in the WvW zerg.
Because of these failings, and I can’t believe I was ever going to say this: WoW kept me interested longer than GW2 has, and that’s just sad.
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
WvW is part of the game, you’re griping that it is a part of the game because you are one of the few that don’t enjoy WvW even though its one of the most fun aspects of the game. But you are entitled to your own opinion. Just kinda sounds like you wanna play a shooter game without guns…
About the balance issue, the same person that balanced Guild Wars 1 is in charge of the balance of Guild Wars 2. I kept asking for him to be fired or promoted (which ever got him away from balance) when he was working on Guild Wars 1. I asked that he not be put in charge of balance in Guild Wars 2 because the balance of Guild Wars 1 didn’t get corrected until he moved onto another project (bad news that project was Guild Wars 2). So it is not going to change until he moves onto the next project. You might as well get used to over powerful professions and worthless professions.
My wife and I both enjoyed Guild Wars 1 (bought two copies of everything they sold). We preordered our Guild Wars 2 and now my wife refuses to play Guild Wars 2, no hero / henchmen, gear grind, event and spawn rates seem to be affected by another player that is just in the area but not taking part, and feels like another wow clone (after Star Wars wow clone you would think no one would do it again but at last). What really killed it for her was waiting for a group event for 25 minutes – for 25 minutes we she was the only players in the area.
1. Where is the requirement to get the previous tier to get the next one again? As far as I remember you can jump straight to pinks if you do dailies while leveling.
Encoded into your inability to strive towards anything but that. Your “end game” is literally just that. And hear me out, before you jump into the apologist defense again.
Guild Wars’ gameplay was mostly about lvl 20. At lvl 20, your character’s developement did not stop.
- You didn’t have all the skills yet = you didn’t have the full potential of your character at your disposal, you saw an endless ammount of new build combinations to try out when you get your hands on skills, and the double-profession system multiplied that with 8 other over-100 skills sets. After 7 years, people still surprised me with completely new build combinations that did completely different things, and which I could never think of coming up with. And all that was far, far after you reached lvl 20. In a way, we can say that lvl 20 was the only level in that game. Everything before lvl 20 was just tutorial. After Factions, you could reach 20 in a day. About 70% of Guild Wars’ gameplay and content came after lvl 20. The Elite Armor sets that were hard to get, and so on. Your character was still progressing at that point, your quest log was filled with quests. You could go back to starting areas and help out people, and it felt awesome to stroll through Ruins of Surmia, because you felt your aquired power and achivements as you mashed in everything with one hit. That is an “achivement”, not a title under your name that nobody cares about. The people who hate that feeeling are insecure people who were bullied in WoW. I never bullied anyone. I helped people. I gave them platinums, I gave them greens. With a Warrior, I ran them to Lion’s Arc. That, my friend, was a helpful community, and helping others had a feeling of being awesome.
In comparison:
- About 70% of Guild Wars 2’s game content stops at lvl 40. At lvl 40, you will have all your skills unlocked if you complete areas and gather skill points too. No profession specific armors, and 90% of the medium armor looks pirate themed. They are all easy to get, and the only thing you have to do is farm dungeons endlessly. There are 3 routes per dungeon, meaning that you will have to gather a total of 1211 tokens for a full set, which is about 20 runs. At the end of it, you will be sure that you will never want to touch that dungeon ever again, especially if it’s mother-kittening Ascalon Catacombs, Crucible of Eternity, or Arah. The reason why half the population is running around in Flame Citadel armor is not because it looks the coolest (no pun intended) of all. It’s because Dungeons feel tedious, not “fun”. Because the “difficulty” is that the enemies have 9734234134134234 health. That’s it. Then make it easy, I don’t care, even that is better than hitting the same thing for half an hour. And you are scaled to level, “so you could replay old content”. That’s actually even a subtle way of saying that there is no new content after 80. “Go back to that area that you ave already 100% completed. Maybe there’s a tree that you haven’t peed on yet.”
If you enjoy farming Dungeons, you might aswell stop reading here and reiterate that claim that this game has no Raids. Uuuh, helloo? The dungeons are Raids. That’s what hey are. There is no difference. Guild Wars did not have that. And even if at some parts it did, like people speed clearing Fissure of Woe, it was for money and loot for Armor that was almost impossible for anyone to get unless you didn’t see it as farming, in which case in the eyes of the community you were seen as a WoW kid. But that was separated from the rest of the community’s gameplay. Yes, there were people running around with spears that cost 3 million and 3 Obsidian Armor Sets and maxed out Zaishen Title. There was free will. You could do that. But also could could never touch it ever, and still have years of content to occupy yourself with.
Guild Wars 2 does not have that option. The only thing you have is Dungeons. Personally, I hate the Dungeons. I hated them in Guild Wars too. And guess what, I still had fun because I was maxing out may skill hunter title, and coming up with new combinations. Guild Wars pleased a plethora of different people without forcing a gameplay on anyone that he did not like. You could buy all the little skills in a PvP pack for yourself if you hated gathering. Granted you could only use them in PvP but hey, if you hated gathering them, you were most likely more into PvP anyway. It was good design choice.
Guild Wars Content:
Guild Wars 2 Content:
(edited by chronus.1326)
[[[ continuation of the previous post because of length limit ]]]
I have played many MMOs throughout my life. I have played Everquest, Everquest 2, Lineage II, D&D Online, Anarchy Online, DC Universe, City of Heroes, EVE Online, Guild Wars, and back then (even though it’s not an MMO per se, but very similar in a way), Diablo II. If you believe any of that, and assume that I have seen countless different systems emerge and fall, then hear me out and listen.
I know when I see resemblances, and I know how all the resembling things usually have the same goal and therefore the same fate too.
Fact is: You may refuse to accept that, but game was not build to last. It was built to bomb the market, steal as much money as humanly possible through the gem shop, and then disappear into the abyss if it cannot farm the market any longer. That is the “new marketing model”.
2. Not needed. People bellow level 80 enter WvW and still do fine. Even if you will manage to get a 1v1 fight there (which is unlikely), you’ll still have so much dodges, evades, immobilizes and blocks that the increased damage from an ascended wearer will not do a difference if he couldn’t hit you.
None of those really matter. WvW is a zergfest. Statistically speaking, every zerg has the same mobilizers and damage and healing. In the end it all comes down to numbers. A sad truth that everone knows.
3. 20 runs of any dungeon to get full exotics, 20 runs of fotm to get 2 rings, 30 dailies and logging in once in a while to do a bounty with your guild to get earrings. How can you grind 24/7 here exactly?
By leveling up a character, or die-of-boredom trying.
4. That would be PvP and WvW, but yes, dungeons are a part of an end game, however point me to a single game whose dungeons are not repetitive and always changing. The last time I checked no MMO had randomly generated dungeons.
All of them are. But Guild Wars offerend many other things after 20, not just Dungeons. Dungeons were a small portion of the game, and other than FoW and UW the traditional dungeons came in with Eye of the North. Before that, there wasn’t even anything like the sort. Guild Wars 2 is a downgrade compared to that.
[[[ continuation of the previous post because of length limit ]]]
5. A) Vanilla WoW used its open world for large scale battles between horde and alliance (guilds organized full group attacks on the opposing force cities)
as far as I remember meta events are still a viable source of income and they’re in the open world C) what do you want to use the open world for?
Nothing. The Open World is a terrible concept that is only good because it is said to be good. It is advertized to be good. Nobody actually cares about meeting other people out there on an emotional level. I never gone “Oh, a player! So interesting!”, you never gone “Oh, a player! So interesting!”, nobody in the history of fmmorpgs ever gone “Oh, a player! So interesting!”, except maybe in the very first mmo, when the entire concept was new. There awas absolutely nothing wrong with the instance system of Guild Wars, and nobody can come up with anything that the Open World offers which is greater than what it takes away from. It killed the purpose of cities. In Guild Wars the cities were always full of people and they felt like actual cities, because that’s where the players met. The outposts felt like outposts, with a few people, and they also acted like waypoints.
At the very best, here’s how it should’ve been done:
- Cities and Outposts as separate instances and free waypoints.
- Also open world area out there.
But ArenaNet wated to Outposts to be part of the event system so they became just spots on the open world, which in the end didn’t make them anything but good farming events in Orr. The end. People are awfully pragmatic. After the novelity dies down what they like is convenience.
Guild Wars was convenient.
- Outsposts/Cities = good way to find people. Free travel. There in a sec. Bunch of people to talk to, socialize, ect, dance, play instruments, have fun.
Guild Wars 2: - Money grabbing WP cost. Cities are empty, save for a few people banking or crafting or exploring the cities. Everyone is running somewhere, everoyne is in movement. The open world is a bunch of people running around too, barely communicating, and not really caring about each other in general.
It’s like a bunch of one-nighters compared to a long term relationship.
Sure, got laid, but something is just missing.
6. Well done, both games (like any other MMO) have a community. However the communities are indeed different from each other. To say that two communities are the same is the same thing as to say that every human being is the same.
There are similarities which bother people because they hint at the game no longer being made for them. It’s like Channel suddenly stops making female stuff and starts making soccer balls and baseball bats. Imagine the outrage.
I’ll try to respond to your points. It’s not that I didn’t listen to you, it’s that you used the term “gear threadmil”. Which is untrue unless the game actually does force you to aquire one gear tier to get the other one. Your further post had nothing to do with my point 1. Just pointing that out.
- About 70% of Guild Wars 2’s game content stops at lvl 40. At lvl 40, you will have all your skills unlocked if you complete areas and gather skill points too.
I have 6 alts and I would barely have enough for one elite at level 40. It would take me over a week of being a level 80 to buy all my skills. And this comes from a person that mostly only uses PVE to level and rarely crafts before hitting level 80. Other than that I will say that I miss the Elite skill hunting mechanics from GW1
No profession specific armors, and 90% of the medium armor looks pirate themed.
Armor skins are lacking I do agree. Though every race has its own sets of armor and most of them don’t look pirate themed. My human ranger is in Tier 3 and my thief norn is mostly in Tier 2, because these two tiers looks unique for medium armor. There are options. Though I agree that there isn’t enough options and we should get more. Yet there is still more options than there was in GW1.
They are all easy to get, and the only thing you have to do is farm dungeons endlessly. There are 3 routes per dungeon, meaning that you will have to gather a total of 1211 tokens for a full set, which is about 20 runs.
I wouldn’t consider 20 runs an endless farm. Especially not compared to not getting an armor for years because of RNG in old MMOs.
That’s actually even a subtle way of saying that there is no new content after 80. “Go back to that area that you ave already 100% completed. Maybe there’s a tree that you haven’t peed on yet.”
End game in other MMOs normally turns out to be one zone. Would you feel happier if we all ran the same raid over and over again, or all sat in the cursed shore? Does that sound like a better end game?
The dungeons are Raids. That’s what hey are.
When we talk about raids we mean more than 5 person instances. So essentially dungeons created for 10, 20, 50 people. So no, dungeons are not raids.
Guild Wars did not have that.
It had bigger party dungeons that GW 2 -_-
like people speed clearing Fissure of Woe, it was for money and loot for Armor that was almost impossible for anyone to get
So then having easy to get gear GW2 is full of “gear threadmill” and is “very grindy”, yet you don’t seem to complain that the previous game had armor that was almost impossible to get? You’re actually contradicting yourself in your own post.
There was free will. You could do that. But also could could never touch it ever, and still have years of content to occupy yourself with.
1. Dungeons are not the only way to get gear, nobody forces you to enter them
2 What was this magical content? Replaying missions? Isn’t that the same as revisiting zones that you finished? PvP? Well we have that too. GvG? Well we have WvW.
And guess what, I still had fun because I was maxing out may skill hunter title, and coming up with new combinations.
Like I said I agree that Elite skill hunting was fun and I think that it should make a return.
You could buy all the little skills in a PvP pack for yourself if you hated gathering.
Now that just sounds like a cheating way out. I wouldn’t approve of this personally.
(continued so I wouldn’t hit the length limit)
Fact is: You may refuse to accept that, but game was not build to last. It was built to bomb the market, steal as much money as humanly possible through the gem shop, and then disappear into the abyss if it cannot farm the market any longer. That is the “new marketing model”.
I see that as very much a personal opinion. The same way that at the release of GW1 it was said that it will die soon. The same as WoW that was as good as dead 1 year after release. I played a lot of MMOs too. Dead ones and the ones that are still living. Heck I have 200 single player games on top of that, learned programing and have a real passion in video games. I’m planning to develop them later. So no, your list does not impress me, because both me and you have the same amount of background and yet have an opposite opinion to each other.
None of those really matter. WvW is a zergfest.
Then why the “you have to get ascendeds for WvW” argument before? Please at least be consistent.
By leveling up a character, or die-of-boredom trying.
Having in mind that a great part of any MMO is the leveling experience and you now claiming that leveling up is “grinding 24/7” I’m going to assume that MMOs are not for you and that you should leave this market this instant.
But Guild Wars offerend many other things after 20, not just Dungeons. Dungeons were a small portion of the game, and other than FoW and UW the traditional dungeons came in with Eye of the North.
Okay, what did it offer? I’m really curious. Because so far I can see GW2 having more zones and a longer personal story. Now the argument is between doing all that content as you level up or hitting your full level quickly and then continuing to do content. What’s the difference?
Nothing. The Open World is a terrible concept that is only good because it is said to be good. It is advertized to be good. Nobody actually cares about meeting other people out there on an emotional level.
Aaand I like PVE. I like seeing players. I like feeling like a part of the community. If you want instances then you shouldn’t play an MMO – you should play a co-op game. Because GW1 was not a true MMO in any shape way or form. It’s even in the name – “massively multi-player online”.
In Guild Wars the cities were always full of people and they felt like actual cities, because that’s where the players met.
And I still see people in Rata Sum, Queensdale, Black Citadel, Hoelbrack and Lion’s Arch. Cities do seem to be cities.
There are similarities which bother people because they hint at the game no longer being made for them.
Games change. If sequels were exactly the same as prequels there would be no need for sequels in the first place. Take any two multiplayer or single player games from the same company. Unless the company is only releasing a new product to grab money from their customers (see Cod yearly releases and soon to be Battlefield yearly releases with almost no improvement as an example) two products will be wastly different. That’s why we have people saying “I remember when..”, “I prefer the old..”, “I prefer the new”. Look how different the new Lara Croft is from the old, compare Resident Evil 3 to Resident Evil 4, try to compare The Sims 1 to 2 to 3. All the games become different. From one’s perspective they can be better, they can be worse, but either way stagnation is not good. Stagnation does not sell.
(edited by Mirta.5029)
(continue so I wouldn’t hit the length limit)
Nothing. The Open World is a terrible concept that is only good because it is said to be good. It is advertized to be good. Nobody actually cares about meeting other people out there on an emotional level.
Aaand I like PVE. I like seeing players. I like feeling like a part of the community. If you want instances then you shouldn’t play an MMO – you should play a co-op game. Because GW1 was not a true MMO in any shape way or form. It’s even in the name – “massively multi-player online”.
In Guild Wars the cities were always full of people and they felt like actual cities, because that’s where the players met.
And I still see people in Rata Sum, Queensdale, Black Citadel, Hoelbrack and Lion’s Arch. Cities do seem to be cities.
There are similarities which bother people because they hint at the game no longer being made for them.
Games change. If sequels were exactly the same as prequels there would be no need for sequels in the first place. Take any two multiplayer or single player games from the same company. Unless the company is only releasing a new product to grab money from their customers (see Cod yearly releases and soon to be Battlefield yearly releases with almost no improvement as an example) two products will be wastly different. That’s why we have people saying “I remember when..”, “I prefer the old..”, “I prefer the new”. Look how different the new Lara Croft is from the old, compare Resident Evil 3 to Resident Evil 4, try to compare The Sims 1 to 2 to 3. All the games become different. From one’s perspective they can be better, they can be worse, but either way stagnation is not good. Stagnation does not sell.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, first one was great and then they made even better one. GTA, every new one is better then previous. The Witcher
Ah, I love these “If you liked GW1 you can’t like GW2!” arguments. I played Guild Wars 1 for years, bought every expansion, loved it. But there were a few things I thought could have been better … and GW2 fixed those. Did we lose a couple things I liked in the process? Yeah, sure. I miss hunting down my Elite skills and the huge variety offered in builds – but it isn’t game breaking by any means and the good they’ve brought to the table outweighs the bad by tons.
So, people who think they’re speaking for the whole community when they claim the long time GW fans are upset are simply wrong – they don’t speak for me at all. And seeing as I hated WoW and its copy cats, any suggestion that I’m a WoW-baby is ludicrous.
You wanna be upset? Be upset, but don’t claim you’re my duly appointed representative while you’re at it.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
(edited by Jack of Tears.9458)
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, first one was great and then they made even better one. GTA, every new one is better then previous. The Witcher
Did I say that the sequel is necessarily better or worse from the prequel? All I’m saying is that it’s normally different. Different story, different characters, different ways of interacting, new features, new graphics and all the other fancy stuff.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, first one was great and then they made even better one. GTA, every new one is better then previous. The Witcher
Did I say that the sequel is necessarily better or worse from the prequel? All I’m saying is that it’s normally different. Different story, different characters, different ways of interacting, new features, new graphics and all the other fancy stuff.
Weren’t there topic about you getting banned from forums or something? Or i’m still supposed to ignore you like everyone else, if second it’s my bad.
GW has always been more focused on PvP than on PvE in the past. The fact they have opted to give PvE focused players more content than ever should make you pleased, not start off complaints.
At the end of the day it seems no matter what they do some folks will never be please or it will never be enough. news-flash – this game isn’t specifically designed around your special needs….there is more than enough content and no they won’t ever get everything right, but i’m willing to make a bet that most people who complain about lack of content or development issues are likely the ones who refuse to pay for anything in game with real world money to keep the game rolling, expecting like always these days it would seem, something for nothing!
The biggest problem that tells the most about this game’s future is not the actual content, but the lag at which ArenaNet realizes and deals with missing basic components, and inherently wrong systems.
They have completely screwed up priorities.
It takes them months to implement almost mindbogglingly basic things like the titles displaying under the names. Things that should have been there since conception. Mistakes that only amateurs make.
These are ameteurish mistakes.
It’s like as if the team’s collective creativity and intelligence suffered some kind of a stroke and was reduced to the thinking capacity of a banana. Who knows why? Maybe some people who were crucial in the creaion of the original game already left? I do no know, I do not follow dev drama.
But very fact that a lot of basic things are still missing from the game and we, again, have to resort to 3rd party sites like gwlfg.com instead of having such things incorporated into the game… the very fact that for the developers it was not trivial that these things should be implemented is what speaks volumes of the game’s future.
It’s like only the creative department is still intact, because seemingly everyone else is doing a helluva poor job.
But popping out world events is not gonna save the game. You have to make big changes, or you can kiss the game goodbye. And you have to tell people about the upcoming changes, because with saying that you do not plan to make expansions, you just destroyed a humongous ammount of enthusiasm.
In case you did not know, that was what was keeping people here.
That maybe you will fix all this **** in a huge update in the form of an expansion.And you killed that hope.
Nobody is buying the “this game will become GW2.5 and GW3”.
People are thinking that you were deprived of fiancial support and you simply have no money to make an expansion.People know exactly how this industry works.
This is a diamond in the rough of a post.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
GW has always been more focused on PvP than on PvE in the past. The fact they have opted to give PvE focused players more content than ever should make you pleased, not start off complaints.
At the end of the day it seems no matter what they do some folks will never be please or it will never be enough. news-flash – this game isn’t specifically designed around your special needs….there is more than enough content and no they won’t ever get everything right, but i’m willing to make a bet that most people who complain about lack of content or development issues are likely the ones who refuse to pay for anything in game with real world money to keep the game rolling, expecting like always these days it would seem, something for nothing!
Well when wildstar goes up it will be something for pve something for pvp and i’m waiting to see what kind of support/investments will NCSoft give to gw2 then.
Weren’t there topic about you getting banned from forums or something? Or i’m still supposed to ignore you like everyone else, if second it’s my bad.
Wait, what? There was a topic that directly targeted me. A person pointed out that he is directly excluding me from the topic. I believe that he got at least a temporary ban from it. Though if you want to ignore me, what’s the point of making a direct response to me that is semi insulting, as in “you should be banned!”.
I don’t think there is any thing “wrong” with the game. People just expect to much.
People that come from other Mmo’s like WoW, Rift, etc complain that there is no “end game”.
People that loved & played GW1 complain that it’s not like GW1. Etc…
Yes there are things wrong with the game. But every mmo has his faults. I don’t think there was one mmo that was perfect even after a year of patching . To many people that have different needs are complaining about things. True we can complain about the “lack of end game”. But when I think back to GW1. What did I do? I farmed(x1000) (H)FFF, JQ, Zaishen daily’s, dungeons, new character, farmed, grinded.
Yea i love Guild Wars 1. But it is a farm fest, maybe the bigest i’ve ever played. We should complain that there is not enough farm & grind.
People should stop comparing GW2 with other game. Its an other game in the end. Begin complaining about the things that need to be complaining about! In game buggs, unbalanced things, etc. (the talk about the gemshop is bs too, yea some skins, but really? who cares? if you want them, farm the gold for it)
I don’t think there is any thing “wrong” with the game. People just expect to much.
GW1 had an amazing depth to skills, skill interactions, and consequently, to build depth and player choices. To me this was the game’s #1 appeal.
This game has very little depth by comparison, and very few real choices — all GW2 skills basically differ only by dmg coefficient, cooldown, and animation – conditional effects are rare and traits across the board are really underwhelming on most classes.
It’s reasonable to expect a sequel to have similar mechanics to the original game, but this is not the case here. At all.
You only need to look at the spectacular failure of sPVP and the ultra slow place of improvement in this game to realise there is something very wrong with this game.
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
I don’t think there is any thing “wrong” with the game. People just expect to much.
GW1 had an amazing depth to skills, skill interactions, and consequently, to build depth and player choices. To me this was the game’s #1 appeal.
This game has very little depth by comparison, and very few real choices — all GW2 skills basically differ only by dmg coefficient, cooldown, and animation – conditional effects are rare and traits across the board are really underwhelming on most classes.
It’s reasonable to expect a sequel to have similar mechanics to the original game, but this is not the case here. At all.
Unless a company learns from it’s mistakes. Guild Wars 1 lost tons of people to the impossibility of balancing a game with that many skills and cross profession mechanics. They did annouce, well prior to launch, exactly how skills would be handled. It’s different because they found they’d lost control of the skills in the old game. Imbagon paragons, spirit spammers, perman-sins, 600 monks, sabway and team discord builds proved that.
There are plenty of things from this game that came from Guild Wars 1. The mesmer still has the same obnoxious feel. The play style, to me, feels very similar. The fact that in Guild Wars 1 protection was stronger than healing and neither game requires a tank. The fact that in both Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2, you have equally obnoxious NPCs who let you do the work and then end up the main heroes of the story (bet you didn’t miss that).
The whole feel of the game, and the way I play the game is actually the same. Even the loot tables are similar to the way they were set up in Guild Wars 1, though people don’t want to believe it. DR existed in both games.
What’s missing first and foremost is the skill system including dual professions, all of which we knew wouldn’t be in the game at launch long before the game started selling.
Edit: Even story mode and explorable mode dungeons were in Guild Wars 1, if you look at Oola’s Lab and the Bloodstone Caves.
We must be playing different games. DR was not even noticeable in GW1, so much so that most the player base had no idea it was in there. GW2 is nothing like GW1… nothing at all. You say mesmer feels the same? They play 100% COMPLETELY different in both games…. no clue how you can say that. They even removed hexes.
There are plenty of things from this game that came from Guild Wars 1. The mesmer still has the same obnoxious feel. The play style, to me, feels very similar. The fact that in Guild Wars 1 protection was stronger than healing and neither game requires a tank. The fact that in both Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2, you have equally obnoxious NPCs who let you do the work and then end up the main heroes of the story (bet you didn’t miss that).
The whole feel of the game, and the way I play the game is actually the same. Even the loot tables are similar to the way they were set up in Guild Wars 1, though people don’t want to believe it. DR existed in both games.
What’s missing first and foremost is the skill system including dual professions, all of which we knew wouldn’t be in the game at launch long before the game started selling.
Edit: Even story mode and explorable mode dungeons were in Guild Wars 1, if you look at Oola’s Lab and the Bloodstone Caves.
We must be playing different games. DR was not even noticeable in GW1, so much so that most the player base had no idea it was in there. GW2 is nothing like GW1… nothing at all. You say mesmer feels the same? They play 100% COMPLETELY different in both games…. no clue how you can say that. They even removed hexes.
They gave hexes a body. They said so and that’s how I see it too. So instead of an amorphous condition anyone could see and remove, you now place conditions on a foe by creating a clone. But you’re looking too closely at the picture of what makes a mesmer.
Hexes didn’t make a mesmer in Guild Wars 1. The feeling of screwing someone over by trickery is what made a mesmer in Guild Wars 1. I get the exact same feeling using confusion in Guild Wars 2, for example, as I did using some of the skills on the mesmer in Guild Wars 1 and watching players kill themselves.
Mesmers in Guild Wars 1 existed to baffle and bewilder players. The mechanics have changed, but the feeling of playing one hasn’t at all.
Maybe you’re looking at the details and not the big picture.
No, mesmers didn’t user trickery in GW1 they took skill with interrupts and hexes, anyone worth their salt wouldn’t get tricked by diversion for example. Nowadays they just spam clones and fill your screen with particle affects letting their NPCs do the work for them – boring imo.
Instead of skillful combat they went with the chaotic throw a bunch of stuff on your screen route where you are playing a guessing game on which mesmer is the right one. Absolutely terrible… and they spouted e-sports with things like this, RNG combat…
(edited by Mathias.9657)
No, mesmers didn’t user trickery in GW1 they took skill with interrupts and hexes, anyone worth their salt wouldn’t get tricked by diversion for example. Nowadays they just spam clones and fill your screen with particle affects letting their NPCs do the work for them – boring imo.
Interupt builds were one form of build. Unfortunately, playing from Australia, meant interupt builds due to latency were all but useless. You’d easily cast an interupt in time to interupt a spell but it would go off anyway, because on the server it had already been cast, even if you didn’t see it cast. So yeah, interupts not so good if you have any latency at all. It’s probably one of the reasons they took direct interupts out.
No, mesmers didn’t user trickery in GW1 they took skill with interrupts and hexes, anyone worth their salt wouldn’t get tricked by diversion for example. Nowadays they just spam clones and fill your screen with particle affects letting their NPCs do the work for them – boring imo.
Interupt builds were one form of build. Unfortunately, playing from Australia, meant interupt builds due to latency were all but useless. You’d easily cast an interupt in time to interupt a spell but it would go off anyway, because on the server it had already been cast, even if you didn’t see it cast. So yeah, interupts not so good if you have any latency at all. It’s probably one of the reasons they took direct interupts out.
You probably just had bad internet – I played often with aus friends in GvG, never had this problems.
No, mesmers didn’t user trickery in GW1 they took skill with interrupts and hexes, anyone worth their salt wouldn’t get tricked by diversion for example. Nowadays they just spam clones and fill your screen with particle affects letting their NPCs do the work for them – boring imo.
Interupt builds were one form of build. Unfortunately, playing from Australia, meant interupt builds due to latency were all but useless. You’d easily cast an interupt in time to interupt a spell but it would go off anyway, because on the server it had already been cast, even if you didn’t see it cast. So yeah, interupts not so good if you have any latency at all. It’s probably one of the reasons they took direct interupts out.
You probably just had bad internet – I played often with aus friends in GvG, never had this problems.
I’m in Tasmania. It’s not quite like living on the mainland.
Edit: I should add much of Australia is in the country not the cities, and as such the internet is pretty bad even today.
(edited by Vayne.8563)
I don’t think there is any thing “wrong” with the game. People just expect to much.
GW1 had an amazing depth to skills, skill interactions, and consequently, to build depth and player choices. To me this was the game’s #1 appeal.
This game has very little depth by comparison, and very few real choices — all GW2 skills basically differ only by dmg coefficient, cooldown, and animation – conditional effects are rare and traits across the board are really underwhelming on most classes.
It’s reasonable to expect a sequel to have similar mechanics to the original game, but this is not the case here. At all.Unless a company learns from it’s mistakes. Guild Wars 1 lost tons of people to the impossibility of balancing a game with that many skills and cross profession mechanics. They did annouce, well prior to launch, exactly how skills would be handled. It’s different because they found they’d lost control of the skills in the old game. Imbagon paragons, spirit spammers, perman-sins, 600 monks, sabway and team discord builds proved that.
And this game is better how? At least in GW1, the breadth and depth of the skill system allowed people to come up with counters over time, and at the end of the day, balanced builds/comps always prevailed over gimmick builds. In any case, dumbing down core game mechanics to the point that GW2 has because balancing is hard is a terrible idea, as witnessed by abyssmal sPVP participation numbers, and it sure hasn’t expedited the balancing process either.
As the saying goes: if you design a game that any idiot can play, only idiots will play it.
I don’t think there is any thing “wrong” with the game. People just expect to much.
GW1 had an amazing depth to skills, skill interactions, and consequently, to build depth and player choices. To me this was the game’s #1 appeal.
This game has very little depth by comparison, and very few real choices — all GW2 skills basically differ only by dmg coefficient, cooldown, and animation – conditional effects are rare and traits across the board are really underwhelming on most classes.
It’s reasonable to expect a sequel to have similar mechanics to the original game, but this is not the case here. At all.Unless a company learns from it’s mistakes. Guild Wars 1 lost tons of people to the impossibility of balancing a game with that many skills and cross profession mechanics. They did annouce, well prior to launch, exactly how skills would be handled. It’s different because they found they’d lost control of the skills in the old game. Imbagon paragons, spirit spammers, perman-sins, 600 monks, sabway and team discord builds proved that.
And this game is better how? At least in GW1, the breadth and depth of the skill system allowed people to come up with counters over time, and at the end of the day, balanced builds/comps always prevailed over gimmick builds. In any case, dumbing down core game mechanics to the point that GW2 has because balancing is hard is a terrible idea, as witnessed by abyssmal sPVP participation numbers, and it sure hasn’t expedited the balancing process either.
As the saying goes: if you design a game that any idiot can play, only idiots will play it.
Better how?
It has a marketplace, so I don’t have to stand around in Spamadan all day to sell some stuff.
You can jump and swim. It might not mean anything to you, but some of us like that.
It has more dynamic combat. In Guild Wars 1, half the time you succeeded or failed before you ever left the outpost.
Actually Guild Wars 2 is superior to Guild Wars 1 in a number of ways. And some of the ways Guild Wars 1 was superior led to longer term problems.
As far as making something so simple only an idiot would like it, I guess tetris wasn’t that popular. /stupid sayings
I see angry people who want more pve content.
I see angry people who want more pvp content.
I see angry people asking for guild halls and more content.
I see angry people asking for balancing-bug fixing before the addition of new content.
I see people whining about this game being too much like wow.
Then I see people whining about this game not doing things wow does.
I saw people saying GW2 would be the end to all mmorpgs before GW2 launched.
I see people saying Wildstar will be the end to GW2 when it launches.
I bet I’ll see people saying Whateveritsnamewillbe is gonna be the end of Wildstar, too.
By all means, continue?
I do feel bad for the developers, since no matter what they do, they are going to be blamed and criticized. ^^;
(edited by Kiayin.3427)
I do feel bad for the developers, since no matter what they do, they are going to be blamed and criticized. ^^;
They already knew this would happen before the game was even in development. The devs don’t take the forum arguments anywhere near as seriously as the people involved with them (except the trolls, who just have fun laughing at the people who actually do take these things seriously). And since I already know this, I don’t take any of these arguments seriously, either.
In six months most of these things will be forgotten, fixed, or irrelevant and a whole new set of issues will be the source of endless arguments.
I do feel bad for the developers, since no matter what they do, they are going to be blamed and criticized. ^^;
They already knew this would happen before the game was even in development. The devs don’t take the forum arguments anywhere near as seriously as the people involved with them (except the trolls, who just have fun laughing at the people who actually do take these things seriously). And since I already know this, I don’t take any of these arguments seriously, either.
In six months most of these things will be forgotten, fixed, or irrelevant and a whole new set of issues will be the source of endless arguments.
Yeah I know. I just wish more people realized that. ^^;
Yeah I know. I just wish more people realized that. ^^;
Think of the millions of players who don’t post here.
people are impatient. Can’t blame them really, the developer’s are moving at a slow pace.
Yeah I know. I just wish more people realized that. ^^;
Think of the millions of players who don’t post here.
I do, I do. I’m usually one of those :P. I’m sending them all a hug actually.
Gaming forums aren’t exactly fun places to be.
Well, I’m done.
Try enjoying yourself from time to time, people. :]
They already knew this would happen before the game was even in development. The devs don’t take the forum arguments anywhere near as seriously as the people involved with them
In six months most of these things will be forgotten, fixed, or irrelevant and a whole new set of issues will be the source of endless arguments.
Yeah, still in any game or profession it sucks ta see people screaming about how horrible X or Y is, while wanting to know why the hell ya didn’t do Z. I avoided these forums for months because of how toxic they are and my only stake in the game is as a fan/player.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
I see people saying Wildstar will be the end to GW2 when it launches.
For me, the sun will never rise on Wildstar.
PvE problem is that loot is kitten and bosses are too easy. You go auto attack some dragon down, get rare, use salvage kit and get ecto. Then you go and do it again, again, again and again. After while this could get boring.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Every update has had a significant amount of new PvE content. As a PvP player primarily I feel a little ripped off (No duels, arenas, or different types of SPvP). As a PvE player you guys really have nothing to complain about though, everything is great besides the lack of raids.
Yeah, cause the PvE players want little micro-story content with a jumping puzzle. I actually laughed at this irl. I’m sorry, but none of my past guildies wanted any of this little micro-content. It’s incredibly lacking to say the least.
PvE problem is that loot is kitten and bosses are too easy. You go auto attack some dragon down, get rare, use salvage kit and get ecto. Then you go and do it again, again, again and again. After while this could get boring.
If you insist on doing nothing but meta events, I’d agree. But there are more events in this game than the 20 or so meta events. Some of those events are really tough, particularly without a crowd.
Try soloing the Krait Witch if you’re bored. Let me know how that goes for you.