Why do people fear 'power creep'?
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
“I think I have heard 3 people talking about how bad gear progression is, but before I could point out that there isn’t going to be a treadmill at all, just a new tier of gear which is more or less the same with exotic, the map chat started laughing at their ignorance.”
So you all called them idiots since fairly clearly posted this is the first of many tiers to be added for fearing more tiers being added?
I. . . ? What? Are we both speaking english.
Brother’s banned. Posting for him atm.
I don’t know if this actually happened ( I’m not my brother, though I tend to believe him ) but I’m pretty sure Anet never said Ascended gear is the first of many tier. What they have said is that the newly released Ascended gear will be the first of its kind, and they’re planning to add more Ascended gear in the future, which will “likely” to have similar stat, just like all exotic have similar stats, but on a different tier.I also fairly certain that Anet has stated they are not going to roll out better gear every 3 month. If you want to doubt their words, that’s your cupcake. I for one, don’t.
Exactly, Kana.
Most people actually are excited – if not, indifferent – to Ascended gears.
These people are the reason why Anet went ahead with the changes.
Because Forum is actually not the majority.
It reflects only endless repost-ing of a faction of Gw1 purist that wants Gw2 to be exactly like 1, which isn’t actually the opinion of the real “majority”.
facts suggest most people do not agree.
Do you have any fact to support yur theory?
And no Anet saying it is not a proof consider they also told we wouldn t get any gear trendmill.On the contrary you can log and hear a general unhappiness….of people discussing the issue….even those who doesn t post on forums
EDIT: A Gear Treadmill means that new and better gear will be continuously created with every single expansion. Since this is only the first time it happened, I feel that it is still too early to call it a treadmill. You may call it a start of a treadmill, but until the treadmill actually moves, it is not going to be one.
In this regard, Anet actually kept their words. They haven’t created a treadmill yet. And if they haven’t done it just yet, I would believe their word when they say they aren’t going to do it every 3 month. (hence, creating a treadmill. What they have done is added one ‘final tier’ in between Exotic and Legendary, and it is going to be the final tier. Now if they actually go and add another tier in 3 month called the “Superior Ascended Gear”, then I would be getting my pitchfork out. Somehow I dont think they are. )
But maybe that’s just me. Like I said, if you want to doubt their words, that’s your cupcake. Unlike my brother, I really don’t care what the average forum goer thinks. At the end of the day it is all just whine anyway.
I only do this because my brother wants me to clear up some thing in this post for him so he can sleep better.
actually read the 2 blogposts
They will release new infusions at least and they have planned other “rewards” (in their dictionary rewards = grinding gear).
They stated exactly they are basing the game on a trendmill exactly…
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
“The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative. We’re going to add tons of new high-level content to Guild Wars 2 in the future. As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”
“The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative. We’re going to add tons of new high-level content to Guild Wars 2 in the future. As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”
Mostp people are taking this and “nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content” as saying “More tiers”. Either that or other stupid stuff that adds tier equivilancy. Also, actually, this is ANet killing their “the whole game is end game” philosophy too.
On a side note, I also like how this update was supposed to fix crafting. For some reason, I think it’ll make it a lot worst or not touch it at all. . .
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We do know because they already showed an example on THIS website, which shows a comparison. Take a look, the link to the article is on the front page
More and more powerful items are always welcome. Item and character progression is part of any good MMORPG.
actually read the 2 blogposts
They will release new infusions at least and they have planned other “rewards” (in their dictionary rewards = grinding gear).
They stated exactly they are basing the game on a trendmill exactly…
Are you one of the devs? Because unless you are one, then everything you have stated are pure speculation. You don’t actually know what this ‘other reward’ is. Nor do you know if they are actually basing the reward on replicating a treadmill (which would be stupid, as they have already stated in the same post that they aren’t going to roll out a better set of gear every 3 month in their post)
Everything you see wrong, everything you are scared that might happen, are merely produced by a lack of faith on your part. You panicked – like I did – when you saw a new tier coming out. You immediately assumed Anet has abandoned its core philosophy, which might not be the case.
This is exactly why I hate coming to this forum particularly as of now.
Everything everyone says are all speculation. They are twisting the developers word into something far more sinister, in hopes to induce mayhem so they could find belongings within a larger crowd. Everything feels like the mob effect to me.
Nothing the dev said ever indicated a gear treadmill. In fact, they have continuously assure you that it is not their intention to created a treadmill, but you refuse to believe because you think you have been lied to.
Once again, I’m just going to say this.
You need to wake up.
Nothing is concrete yet. Think about what you actually know.
Do you actually know the ascended gears are better than Exotic? Do you actually know how the agony buff is going to work? Do you actually know anything about the new gating mechanic, about the new dungeon, about infusion and how it is going to work?
You only have 3 screenshots, which actually tells very little about what is coming and can be misinterpreted and misleading depends on how you view these screenshot. You don’t even know what infusion look like. Whining about a mechanic is one thing, whining about something that you know nothing about, and isn’t even out yet, is downright ridiculous.
And when there are so many people crying on forum about something they don’t even know about, something they only speculate what its going to be without knowing what they’re actually getting, The community seems disgusting, and ridiculous, and childish, and whiny.
And pathetic.
I hope you read everything, don’ t get offended, and hopefully take it as something of a critical criticism of the way forum has been the past few days- though you probably won’t. I have very little faith in forum goers these-adays.
(edited by Kript.3291)
The reason I don’t want power creep is because I like that the game is based on player skill, not stats. Grinding for max gear is the one thing I truly dislike in MMO’s and one I was happy to be done with…until the announcement came I just have to start all over again.
I like my looks…will I be getting free transmutation stones?
First of all, anyone who is saying “a majority of people feel X, not Y” is basing this on highly anecdotal evidence of the maybe 20 people they’ve talked to about this in game or in person. Stop. We don’t need your false facts flying freely.
Anyone claiming to know the thought process behind ANet’s decision besides what they posted in the blog post stop. You don’t know. You can’t seriously pretend to know what ANet was thinking outside of what they said.
All we can look at is what has been stated by ANet, and that is this: some people rushed through the content they provided quicker than anticipated, and in order to compensate, they are releasing a new dungeon that requires a new higher tier of gear to progress in beyond a certain point.
There are a few problems (in my opinion) with this philosophy. First of all, the people who rushed through this content are akin to the higher level guilds in that other game who complete the content, and then have the content on “farm” to acquire their best gear, due to the gear treadmill. The difference is because there is no treadmill in GW2, they acquire the best and stop. ANet doesn’t want them to stop. So, to appease these people, they added a new tier so that they will keep playing. The problem with this is those people are just going to rush through the content again to get that gear, and then stop again. This is a bit of a slippery slope of an argument, but so is the situation. If ANet consistently tries to appease what they call the “hardcore players” (which, let’s face it, hardcore doesn’t do them justice. I play this game a bit more casually than I did other MMOs, but even if I played it as gung-ho as I did others, I would still have a long way to go. These people are fanatics who have decided to dedicate their free time to this game almost exclusively), then they will have to consistently update the game with new content, with, as people fear, new gear tiers. That’s how the other game does it. That’s how almost all other MMOs do it. This isn’t inherently a bad thing if that is what the players want and enjoy (although they’ve been trained to like and enjoy it; conceptually this is boring as hell, but somehow addictive in reality).
The problem people have with ANet (myself included) is that they promised us there was no gear treadmill. They told us that there would be a max tier of gear, and there would be no more tiers released after that. Guild Wars 1 (Oh god! Not that game again!) had the same max gear from release until present times. They released new aesthetics with new expansions, but never increased the strength of the gear. The made more challenging content, but gave us new tools in the form of new skills, including PvE exclusive skills, that would help us best this content. They never had to release stronger gear.
Now, ArenaNet is telling us that in order to keep their game challenging, they have to release this new tier of gear that utilizes something called “infusions.” While this is a cool idea conceptually, the fact of the matter is three months after their game’s release, they are going back on what they promised their potential player base for years, because they feel that they cannot create more challenging and engaging content for their players without breaking their promise. People have every right to be upset about this. If ArenaNet breaks this promise once, they can recover from it. If ascended is truly the last tier before Legendary, then there will not be a problem in the long run. However, in the short term, ArenaNet has rightfully lost the trust of their player base; they have become liars. That seems harsh, but it is the truth of the matter. They can try to justify it via blog posts all they want, but the bottom line is they have advertised the game as and prided themselves on being a unique MMO without the need to release new tiers of gear, and all that has become a big, elaborate lie.
I think the developers aren’t going to change their plans, NOT because there is a strong majority of players that actually want the ascended gear, but likely because all of the work is already done and they honestly feel that once we try it we will like it.
Whether or not that pans out for them remains to be seen. For all we know 3 weeks in Exotics will get a stat boost to match Ascended because of the uproar.
I honestly think in the end this will blow over. As long as Ascended is the only additional “tier” of gear they add then whatever.
Let’s all just pretend that Ascended gear existed from the beginning. I mean, it’s only 3 months in. Two years from now we will barely remember that Ascended gear came in 3 months after release, it will just be a part of the game.
Exotics are ridiculously easy to get. The second I hit 80 I had full exotics. No joke. I hit up TB and spend 14g or so for full armor and weapons. Now I’m just mixing and matching from different dungeon/karma sets to get the look I want. Both of my level 80 chars were full geared in exotics (looked kinda silly but the stats were there) from the get-go. In light of this I certainly understand their concern that it is too easy to obtain lol.
Before I hit 80 I was ready for the slight grind to get my exotics with a long term goal of my legendary GS. Once I realized that exotics were as easy to get as Rare/Masterwork I felt very underwhelmed.
Still on the fence about this Ascended gear, though. I was pretty happy that once my chars were in their Exotics that I was max stat’d forever while I work on replacing key pieces with different looks.
At the VERY least, this expansion is only adding accessories/back, so no one will really be THAT far behind. In two weeks everyone will have ascended accessories and we will all wonder what this hullabaloo was all about.
So because people could actually get gear they could actually play the game in at 80, it was too easy?
Where we suppose to do the WoW grind and spend the next 6 months to a year getting a gear score of 3 trillion and be happy that it took so long? And praise everyone at Anet they gave us a year long grind,
If you think the game is too easy go play something else. I find the game fun, WvW fun, and am greatly disappointed in the addition of Gear Creep.
I will spell it out for you too:
Arena Net will lose more costumers if the implement a Gear Treadmill like they are about to do. All those who bought GW2 cause they were told that their won’t be any Gear Treadmill probably won’t spend money on expansion packs or the gem store.Just cause you think Arena Net is doing the right thing doesn’t mean that they do what the community wants. What the community wants and what earns Arena Net the most money is not neccessarily the same thing. Pissing off costumers to a certian degree nets you more money than making everybody happy.
So…I am not a part of this community. And no, gaining players for the population of the world can amount to billions of players as opposed to the 6000 complainers (give or take 1000 positive posters in that thread). kthxbye
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
First of all, anyone who is saying “a majority of people feel X, not Y” is basing this on highly anecdotal evidence of the maybe 20 people they’ve talked to about this in game or in person. Stop. We don’t need your false facts flying freely.
Anyone claiming to know the thought process behind ANet’s decision besides what they posted in the blog post stop. You don’t know. You can’t seriously pretend to know what ANet was thinking outside of what they said.
All we can look at is what has been stated by ANet, and that is this: some people rushed through the content they provided quicker than anticipated, and in order to compensate, they are releasing a new dungeon that requires a new higher tier of gear to progress in beyond a certain point.
Now that is well-said!
if we didn’t have a power creep when new content was released people would fly through it in a day or two and complain when there is nothing to do again, a power creep gives the dev atleast a few weeks even months before the excessive whining starts on the forums.
…ah, yes – and what exactly makes you think those same people will NOT get bored within a short time frame (we’re talking roughly 2 months for an entirely new game here) WITH power creep? There’s just nothing to seriously keep people from getting bored who find nothing to do with themselves in a new game world after only 2 months.
And maybe you should allow for the possibility that the people complaining about the power kreep might just not be same ones who kept complaining about not having vertical progression after lvl 80/exotics and therefore nothing to to.
Lots of text
For one who is saying everyone is taking things out of context, you are making some pretty outlandish assumptions based on very little yourself.
You keep claiming the new gear will not have rune slots, which means the gear will be inherently inferior. Last I checked, you can’t put runes in rings or back pieces. You can only put gems. The only thing ArenaNet has announced at this point is rings or back pieces. Can you put gems in them? No. BUT, what did ArenaNet do to compensate? They gave the rings and back pieces stats equivalent to an exotic with a gem inside of it, plus some, making it statistically SUPERIOR to exotic gear. We can assume that if and when exotic armor pieces do come out, and not just accessories, they will do the exact same thing. Imagine sets like in other MMOs or dungeon crawlers: The runes will be built into the gear as set bonuses, rather than as a slot you fill yourself, and then it will have the infusion slot on top of that. Of course, that is speculation, but evidence that is apparent in the blog post that you seem to have not read suggests this is more accurate than your speculation.
Additionally, that blog post you seem to have not read pretty explicitly states that ascended is a tier between exotic and legendary. It IS better. They even said that since Legendary is statistically on par with exotic at this point, they will retroactively buff legendaries to be statistically on par with ascended when ascended weapons come out, because they need to maintain being “the best.” I’m not sure why you keep saying everyone else’s speculation is unfounded, when yours is more delusional than the rest.
1. I don’t ‘Fear’ mechanics.
2. Power creep is the only solution for you. It is not the only solution for me.
As it stands now, I can craft myself Exotics, we’ll call that 9. A Legendary is 10. Now it seems what they want to do is make Legendary 15 (as an example), and put some things at 10-14 in between 9 and the Legendary. The only way to get those things (as far as we know now) is Super Cool Awesome Dungeon (flex; tweet pictures of rug burns).
Now, I have a question for you.
Would you care if after they shuffled all that around, I could craft myself a 14? Or should the only way to get 10-14 be through Super Cool Fun New Dungeon Gated Raid 6000 (now with Retsin!)?
And to me, that is where this whole thing goes. It goes to this place where really what we’re talking about is this little play ’Mer’ca, were we measure ourselves against others because I have a Ferrari, and you are poor, so I win, no new taxes, Romney ’12!
And yes…I like to play games like this to get away from that. To think we’re maybe better than that, or could be better than that.
This stuff just reminds me that we’re really not better than that.
So how about we just give in and let the bees have a shot at it?
Lots of text
For one who is saying everyone is taking things out of context, you are making some pretty outlandish assumptions based on very little yourself.
You keep claiming the new gear will not have rune slots, which means the gear will be inherently inferior. Last I checked, you can’t put runes in rings or back pieces. You can only put gems. The only thing ArenaNet has announced at this point is rings or back pieces. Can you put gems in them? No. BUT, what did ArenaNet do to compensate? They gave the rings and back pieces stats equivalent to an exotic with a gem inside of it, plus some, making it statistically SUPERIOR to exotic gear. We can assume that if and when exotic armor pieces do come out, and not just accessories, they will do the exact same thing. Imagine sets like in other MMOs or dungeon crawlers: The runes will be built into the gear as set bonuses, rather than as a slot you fill yourself, and then it will have the infusion slot on top of that. Of course, that is speculation, but evidence that is apparent in the blog post that you seem to have not read suggests this is more accurate than your speculation.
Additionally, that blog post you seem to have not read pretty explicitly states that ascended is a tier between exotic and legendary. It IS better. They even said that since Legendary is statistically on par with exotic at this point, they will retroactively buff legendaries to be statistically on par with ascended when ascended weapons come out, because they need to maintain being “the best.” I’m not sure why you keep saying everyone else’s speculation is unfounded, when yours is more delusional than the rest.
Shrug *
Shoot me for trying to reduce the panic.
Continue Hating and crying and whining and thinking everything is gonna be gear grind and posting a bunch of thing that has been said over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
Nothing you ever said has been relatively original.
This is like WoW. This is like Swtor. This is like some every MMO I have ever played. Everyone of your little niche repeat this over and over and over and over and over and over and over again like some drone, because for some reason you actually thing having played many MMO is a good thing and you want to list them all.
Not one of you stopped to give Anet a little benefit of the doubt. Not one of you is willing to consider the possibility that things will not be as bad as you presume, and in reality, what are you basing everything on? 3 Screenshots. About some gear you have never seen before, with slots that you don’t even know what goes in there.
If those ring are indeed overpowering, there are plenty of time to reduce the stats later. Same with the gears. Future is never in concrete, but the fact that you are complaining so much before the thing come out just make you seem that much more irrational.
How about lets both of us stop speculating, shut up, and wait for the content to come out, and then we can decide to get our pitchforks out or not? If those gear indeed break the game and induces a megaton of gear grind, and Anet keep rolling these out every month like you presume, I’ll be standing by your side screaming for changes. If not, then you owe me a beer.
Seriously people, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and see how this new “tier” of gear actually impacts the game.
I mean seriously, when this patch first comes the only difference is now there are slightly more powerful accessories. Full exotic players don’t need to throw away their exotics because these accessories exist.
All of the content in the game (with the exception of some areas of this new dungeon it seems) can still be completed with full exotic. The Agony resist will mean nothing in PvP, so really we’re talking about slightly better stats.
I DO realize that if you look at it in terms of percentages, some could argue that going from +10 to +13 is a 30% increase, and then it makes it seem WAY more powerful. But honestly, what is +3 power/precision going to give you over someone else? Is that boss going to require that extra power increase in order to down them?
Has anyone even considered the fact that exotic armor/rune sets give bonuses that can sometimes exceed or match the bonuses given by the ascended gear?
I think everyone should do their threaten to quit thing over this, that’s all well and good, heck keep that quit button holstered for quick deployment, but at least let the patch go through and play around with the new stuff before pulling the trigger. Pretty happy with this gun analogy, let me tell you.
It might not be as big a deal as everyone is thinking it will be.
Now, if down the line they start talking about bridging the gap between ascended and legendary with another tier, THEN we have a problem.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The way I see Guild Wars 2 as it was sold to people is as something equal to communism. People were tired of the competition and the hawkishness and the race of living in a capitalist society, where the wealthy exploited the poor. Most people feel like in MMO’s they are the poor because they don’t have the capital (time) to invest in getting somewhere with their lives (characters).
Then Guild Wars 2 comes along and promises a poor (undergeared) man’s utopia where everything’s equal and a certain quality of life is assured and people can live in a levelled playing field where life is fair. Then when it’s made people discover that the lack of progress is grounding society to a halt and that a brain drain is commencing that’s taking people back into the capitalist world of competition and opportunity. I’m sure that in 1989 the Soviet Union still had a few ardent communists running around insisting that their system was perfect, but the country collapsed two years later for a reason.
So how did GW1 outlast the soviet union then? seems it followed the same set of principles.
and before you say “this is GW2 not GW1” i want to point out that all I am trying to say is that it is possible to have a successful MMO with out gear progression, and that it was even this company ANET that did it. which is contradicting your logic that an MMO needs gear progression to survive. That was a formula made for sub based MMO’s.
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We don’t know?
They show an Ascendant ring and its current exotic counter part, that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.
They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.
They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.
What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?
There is benefit of doubt and there is refusal of reality.
(edited by Swoo.5079)
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We don’t know?
They show a Ascendant counter part to exotics that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.
They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.
They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.
What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?
Not even going to bother with this weak post.
The fact that you missed the crucial part of the screenshot – which is lack of rune set bonus on those ascended gears – makes you unworthy of response. No one knows whats gonna go in those infusion slot yet. We only know Ascended gears have better base stats. Does that make them better? who knows? Are you a dev?
And you dare to call it ‘a reality’ when nothing is set and nothing has actually come out? You call it a reality when you don’t know what sort of change this mechanic – which you know nothing about besides the fact it has higher stat – going to bring to GW 2 ? Are you a prophet?
I’m done. I’m not gonna sit here and reply to everyone who couldn’t be bothered to double check the screenshot and shot down every whine-bot I ever come across. The forum is filled to the brim with the likes of you.
Go on, spend your day saying the same thing over and over again. Huddle around each other like the worlds ending and your the last of the mankind that’s carrying a dying fire. To an outsider, you are all just whiners anyway.
You just want mayhem. You want to be a part of something big so you use this as an excuse to make yourself feel like a part of something. For the past 3 days nearly EVERY single post is made to protest against the new change, with the same set of excuse repeating over and over again. Then there’s people who makes post like "I don’t feel motivated anymore’ in order to receive some free hug. How is that any different than those 18 century people who calls for witch-hunt as soon as they see some bush rustle? I pray to whatever that’s divine that none of you are actually as primitive as that.
Have a nice think about it. And good night.
(edited by Kript.3291)
Sales aren’t meeting their expectation.
I don’t know where people are getting this idea that the game isn’t selling, when every measure out there says it is still doing great. The game is consistently in the top 10 pc games sold on Amazon, often top 5 and the UK PC sales charts it is #4 this week and top 5 on Greenmangaming.com. And that is with a ‘tun’ of new games out and coming out in the next week+, from Football Manager to Hitman, AC3, N4S Most Wanted, Halo 4, Darksiders II and Black Ops 2, not to mention XCOM: EU, Borderlands 2, Dishonored and Torchlight 2 all still selling very well. It is a crowded field, and GW2 is doing great, it’s outselling the new WoW expansion on every list above as well and if it was on Steam it’d have been top 10 every week for the last 2.5 months.
Bro, you want an evidence why this game ISN"T doing great?
I happen to have a ton.
But here, I’ll just give you one, because I have said this times and times again but people dont seem to listen.
If the game is doing FINE, everything is all well and good, Anet isn’t losing players rapidly, why are they going back on their words and introduce a new tier of armor with better stats?
Because they want to pizz off the majority to cater the minority?
Because they’re not doing fine. Because the actual majority is getting bored.
Other wise, they would not have made this change, would they?PS. If they’re selling so well, it’s probably because people heard about the new expansion.
Cool story bro. Can I have facts with that? New content is new content, and new stuff comes with new content. This new gear isn’t going to be impossible to get.
It’s not legendary tier, which is entirely cosmetic.
It’s really not a departure from their design philosophy at all. It’s a new set of armor. This new gear isn’t a carrot you can’t reach.
It’ll be relatively sane to get. If it isn’t, you may have a point then. I however trust Anet’s unblemished track record in that regard.
Many folks are already level 80, something Anet didn’t expect much of it’s community to get around to so fast. Ergo, new content for you. You should be happy!
Instead, you and other folks like you, are always ever wary of Anet as though they’ve already done some barely forgivable thing.
And so you’re cautiously watching and carefully scrutinizing every little thing they do.
How about we wait for the content to actually come out before we get the pitchforks and torches? Maybe?
The rest of the folks I know are pretty pumped for this new release so soon after launch. I’m sure we’ll see you in game.
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We don’t know?
They show an Ascendant ring and its current exotic counter part, that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.
They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.
They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.
What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?There is benefit of doubt and there is refusal of reality.
Hm, what I think Kript was saying is that…look at it this way.
Exotic Rings/Back Pieces can have upgrade components.
From what I understand, Ascended cannot. Ascended has infusion slots.
Given that information, Exotics can be more powerful than Ascended still. Again, just a scenario and some people hope for this as well.
The base stats of Ascended > Exotic.
But if the infusion slot used for Ascended is geared for specific dungeons only then it has no effect on anything we do right now and in fact, it would be better to use Exotics than Ascended and like some people would like, it would be gated for only that specific dungeon content (which is okay, because I hope you gear grind for a dungeon only if you want to do the dungeon).
Best example of this would be if an infusion upgrade gave you 20% more damage on enemies only existent in the dungeon. Well, that’s nice right?
Edit: Doing 20% more damage to an enemy would make the gear stronger but not necessarily useful as exotics.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We don’t know?
They show a Ascendant counter part to exotics that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.
They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.
They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.
What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?Not even going to bother with this weak post.
The fact that you missed the crucial part of the screenshot – which is lack of rune set bonus on those ascended gears – makes you unworthy of response. No one knows whats gonna go in those infusion slot yet. We only know Ascended gears have better base stats. Does that make them better? who knows? Are you a dev?
I’m done. I’m not gonna sit here and reply to everyone who couldn’t be bothered to double check the screenshot and shot down every whine-bot I ever come across. The forum is filled to the brim with the likes of you.
Go on, spend your day saying the same thing over and over again. Huddle around each other like the worlds ending and your the last of the mankind that’s carrying a dying fire. To an outsider, you are all just whiners anyway.
Rings have no rune slots.
Fact: the ascendant ring in the picture is better than the exotic ring in the picture.
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We don’t know?
They show a Ascendant counter part to exotics that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.
They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.
They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.
What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?Not even going to bother with this weak post.
The fact that you missed the crucial part of the screenshot – which is lack of rune set bonus on those ascended gears – makes you unworthy of response. No one knows whats gonna go in those infusion slot yet. We only know Ascended gears have better base stats. Does that make them better? who knows? Are you a dev?
I’m done. I’m not gonna sit here and reply to everyone who couldn’t be bothered to double check the screenshot and shot down every whine-bot I ever come across. The forum is filled to the brim with the likes of you.
Go on, spend your day saying the same thing over and over again. Huddle around each other like the worlds ending and your the last of the mankind that’s carrying a dying fire. To an outsider, you are all just whiners anyway.
Rings have no rune slots.
Runes/upgrade components/sigils haha you know what it means
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
More unfounded text.
This is my last response to you, and I have to admit it will be hardly productive or constructive, apologies.
You really need to learn to read. You are now accusing ME of doing all these things I have not done. There is no list of MMOs that I have played in these forums. I actively try to avoid that very thing. Additionally, the only speculation I have made is on the rest of the ascended gear to come out. The rings and back pieces are PRETTY EXPLICITLY DESCRIBED IN THE BLOG POST YOU HAVE NOT READ. Linsey Murdock EXPLICITLY SAYS the following:
“In November we’ll unveil the first Ascended items. This new rarity type falls between Exotic and Legendary on the spectrum of rarity and has slightly higher stats than Exotics.”
“Ascended gear works a little bit differently than other gear types. The stats and functionality normally added to gear through upgrade components are actually built into Ascended items. "
Now, go actually READ that blog post, and look at the two pictures. Just because I know you won’t, I’ll describe what is in the two images for you. There are pictures of two rings: one exotic and one ascended. The exotic ring has a gem in it, while the ascended one has an empty defensive infusion slot. Here are the stats on the rings (I added them up for you so you would’t have to do the math. I imagine it would be a bit difficult for you to understand).
+63 Power
+63 Precision
+7% Magic Find
The upgrade slot is filled
+68 Power
+68 Precision
+10% Magic Find
Unused Defensive Infusion Slot
That is A DIRECT UPGRADE, with an empty slot to provide more defensive stats.
The post also goes on to say:
“Ascended gear has Infusion slots, and rarer versions of the items also come with additional Agony Resistance built into them. "
That means there is a new stat that can only be found on Ascended gear that Exotics cannot have. Please describe how the evidence provided in this article is merely speculation that Ascended gear is better than exotic?
I never claimed that ANet WILL release gear after Ascended. ANet has made no such claim. They did say that they planned on releasing more Ascended so that you can have a full set of Ascended gear, which WILL be a tier above exotic (that is a fact; not speculation). I DID say that it is a possibility, given this turn of events. I never said it was a done deal, though.
Please, stop pretending that everyone is going crazy with absolutely no knowledge of what is going on. ArenaNet employees told us to wait for the blog post. We waited for the blog post, and it is more or less exactly what we feared it was going to be. I did not contribute to this discussion until Linsey kindly confirmed my suspicions.
I have been a champion for ArenaNet since the game was announced. I tried to get my friends psyched for the game before the sneak peeks and BWE started speaking for themselves. A lot of my friends enjoyed the game. I enjoyed the game. I still enjoy the game. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. But I don’t like that I might be barred from new content because I don’t have the next new tier of gear.
I’m still playing the game. I plan on playing the new content. But I can still be disgruntled about being lied to. That is perfectly acceptable. What isn’t acceptable is people coming to defend ArenaNet after they have blatantly lied to us by belittling and insulting those of us who might be annoyed or upset or angry. We have every right to be, and you have no right to call us names because you want to be the “Good Guy.”
There’s a reason your whiny thread about all the whiners was closed in less than 10 minutes. Pot calling kettle.
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We don’t know?
They show a Ascendant counter part to exotics that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.
They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.
They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.
What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?Not even going to bother with this weak post.
The fact that you missed the crucial part of the screenshot – which is lack of rune set bonus on those ascended gears – makes you unworthy of response. No one knows whats gonna go in those infusion slot yet. We only know Ascended gears have better base stats. Does that make them better? who knows? Are you a dev?
I’m done. I’m not gonna sit here and reply to everyone who couldn’t be bothered to double check the screenshot and shot down every whine-bot I ever come across. The forum is filled to the brim with the likes of you.
Go on, spend your day saying the same thing over and over again. Huddle around each other like the worlds ending and your the last of the mankind that’s carrying a dying fire. To an outsider, you are all just whiners anyway.
Rings have no rune slots.
Fact: the ascendant ring in the picture is better than the exotic ring in the picture.
Fact: upgrade components could outweight infusion slot components. It’s a mix between power and usability. I can use sigils to attack flame legion specifically and it’s more powerful for me in CoF. But it would be useless in a place like Queensdale. Just saying there’s ambiguity.
Edit: Did not actually check the screenshot so I could be wrong. But this could be a food for thought if the stats were lower than the current exotic sets with upgrades.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
(edited by ArcTheFallen.7682)
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We don’t know?
They show a Ascendant counter part to exotics that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.
They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.
They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.
What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?Not even going to bother with this weak post.
The fact that you missed the crucial part of the screenshot – which is lack of rune set bonus on those ascended gears – makes you unworthy of response. No one knows whats gonna go in those infusion slot yet. We only know Ascended gears have better base stats. Does that make them better? who knows? Are you a dev?
I’m done. I’m not gonna sit here and reply to everyone who couldn’t be bothered to double check the screenshot and shot down every whine-bot I ever come across. The forum is filled to the brim with the likes of you.
Go on, spend your day saying the same thing over and over again. Huddle around each other like the worlds ending and your the last of the mankind that’s carrying a dying fire. To an outsider, you are all just whiners anyway.
Rings have no rune slots.
Fact: the ascendant ring in the picture is better than the exotic ring in the picture.
Fact: upgrade components could outweight infusion slot components. It’s a mix between power and usability. I can use sigils to attack flame legion specifically and it’s more powerful for me in CoF. But it would be useless in a place like Queensdale. Just saying there’s ambiguity.
Edit: Did not actually check the screenshot so I could be wrong. But this could be a food for thought if the stats were lower than the current exotic sets with upgrades.
The base stats on the ascended gear is better than an exotic with an upgrade component in it. Try actually checking the screenshot. If they follow this trend, ascended armor pieces will have runes built in, plus an additional upgrade slot. You’re completely wrong.
My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.
People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.
Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.
They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.
They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?
That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.
We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.
Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.
We don’t know?
They show a Ascendant counter part to exotics that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.
They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.
They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.
What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?Not even going to bother with this weak post.
The fact that you missed the crucial part of the screenshot – which is lack of rune set bonus on those ascended gears – makes you unworthy of response. No one knows whats gonna go in those infusion slot yet. We only know Ascended gears have better base stats. Does that make them better? who knows? Are you a dev?
I’m done. I’m not gonna sit here and reply to everyone who couldn’t be bothered to double check the screenshot and shot down every whine-bot I ever come across. The forum is filled to the brim with the likes of you.
Go on, spend your day saying the same thing over and over again. Huddle around each other like the worlds ending and your the last of the mankind that’s carrying a dying fire. To an outsider, you are all just whiners anyway.
Rings have no rune slots.
Fact: the ascendant ring in the picture is better than the exotic ring in the picture.
Fact: upgrade components could outweight infusion slot components. It’s a mix between power and usability. I can use sigils to attack flame legion specifically and it’s more powerful for me in CoF. But it would be useless in a place like Queensdale. Just saying there’s ambiguity.
Fact: there is no existing upgrade slot applied to the exotic ring able to out stat the ascendant ring.
Fact: Anet said ascendant items are stronger than exotic counterparts.
Fact: You can’t apply sigils to rings.
Fact: Legendary items are bis and will be updated to match ascendant items. if your case is true then the legendary weapon would be weaker than exotics weapns. that directly contradicts what was said.
In gw1 you actually did go obsolete when not playing for some months, not because of armor maybe, but because of the addition of new skills and the way the meta shiftet. You couldn’t just jump into any part of gw1 after being away for 6 months. That’s an after construction
This is not BS. This is beyond BS.
I still blame people for making weed legal in the West Coast. I mean without some serious weed, no one can come up with something as absurd as this.
I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. But I don’t like that I might be barred from new content because I don’t have the next new tier of gear.
Annnd… where has that ever happened in game now?
Beyond maybe a few elitist puggles that generally hate each other and ragequit if someone didn’t get the trap switch before they all wiped?
We’re all obviously starting this content without the ascended gear. I’m sure you have guildies to play with who aren’t going to hold your shortcomings against you.
Even if not people in this game are, generally, very forgiving and willing to have you.
At least so far and in my experiences. Organized PVP might have an axe to grind with you if you aren’t wearing perfect stats and gear for your role and that’s understandable.
But PVE wise, no, only the most asinine of folks will do that and they generally stink themselves.
The problem I’m starting to see is that every complainer here seems to be measuring this new content according to WoW. GW2 isn’t WoW.
They’re similar in that they’re both MMOs and have dungeon raiding elements, but that’s about where the comparison stops.
Developers aren’t stupid. They’re not gonna re design the game just because a few people whine.
They do it because the record in their hands indicate that – not just a few people like you have presumed – a lot of players are getting bored of grinding for skin. People aren’t as interested in skins as the GW1 purists, and the player population must have declined to a point where they had to do something.
I’m sorry, but if your so called “player base” is enough to keep the game afloat, and if grinding for skins is actually keeping the player interested as much as you claimed it should, then there’s no reason why they would change it.
Sounds like EAs “MoHWF isnt bad, internal testing said its a fine game so y u no liek teh vidya?” and guess what? They fail every single time.
But hey, if ANet wants to lose players, go ahead. Geargrind babbies don’t stay long.
The fact there is nothing you have to do is what made GW1 so great, you could just log in, do what ever you wanted and then maybe played something else for the next two, three or even six month without losing power. This is what most of the old community expected GW2 to be like too.
The worst thing about the power creep or gear treadmill is that it is absolutely unnecessary. You don’t need increasing stats to do new or harder content cause mechanics don’t care about numbers, they work no matter if you have 20k or 50k HP.
this post is bs.
you could get level 20 gear in gw1 that was weak as piss and you would be slaughtered everywhere you went. you had to work extremely hard to be on a competing level. gw2 makes it so easy that those exotics people are complaining about being useless probably took no more than a week to get a full set.
I would love to see someone get max gear at max level in gw1 in a week or two.
Didn’t play much Guild Wars 1 did you?
In Nightfall you could get max gear in about an hour if you had the money to pay for it already stashed, or you could spend a couple of days to a week and get it if you had to build the money and materials. IF that were your goal. You could also play the game casually, level up naturally, hit 20th level in a couple of weeks and then grab your max armor. Then the whole world is yours to do with as you please… You can go anywhere, play anywhere, and just enjoy the game as you see fit.
That’s what I want GW2 to be.
I’d have loved it if there had been no “levels” at all.
Sorrows Furnace
Sales aren’t meeting their expectation.
I don’t know where people are getting this idea that the game isn’t selling, when every measure out there says it is still doing great. The game is consistently in the top 10 pc games sold on Amazon, often top 5 and the UK PC sales charts it is #4 this week and top 5 on Greenmangaming.com. And that is with a ‘tun’ of new games out and coming out in the next week+, from Football Manager to Hitman, AC3, N4S Most Wanted, Halo 4, Darksiders II and Black Ops 2, not to mention XCOM: EU, Borderlands 2, Dishonored and Torchlight 2 all still selling very well. It is a crowded field, and GW2 is doing great, it’s outselling the new WoW expansion on every list above as well and if it was on Steam it’d have been top 10 every week for the last 2.5 months.
Bro, you want an evidence why this game ISN"T doing great?
I happen to have a ton.
But here, I’ll just give you one, because I have said this times and times again but people dont seem to listen.
If the game is doing FINE, everything is all well and good, Anet isn’t losing players rapidly, why are they going back on their words and introduce a new tier of armor with better stats?
Because they want to pizz off the majority to cater the minority?
Because they’re not doing fine. Because the actual majority is getting bored.
Other wise, they would not have made this change, would they?PS. If they’re selling so well, it’s probably because people heard about the new expansion.
Cool story bro. Can I have facts with that? New content is new content, and new stuff comes with new content. This new gear isn’t going to be impossible to get.
It’s not legendary tier, which is entirely cosmetic.
It’s really not a departure from their design philosophy at all. It’s a new set of armor. This new gear isn’t a carrot you can’t reach.
It’ll be relatively sane to get. If it isn’t, you may have a point then. I however trust Anet’s unblemished track record in that regard.
Many folks are already level 80, something Anet didn’t expect much of it’s community to get around to so fast. Ergo, new content for you. You should be happy!
Instead, you and other folks like you, are always ever wary of Anet as though they’ve already done some barely forgivable thing.
And so you’re cautiously watching and carefully scrutinizing every little thing they do.
How about we wait for the content to actually come out before we get the pitchforks and torches? Maybe?
The rest of the folks I know are pretty pumped for this new release so soon after launch. I’m sure we’ll see you in game.
You know whats funny? The person you are replying to is actually saying the same thing as you. He is supporting the change becaue he thinks ppl have ran out of things to do so anet added a new tier, which is not their fault and theyre merely doin what they think is best.
Maybe you should read b4 you repl, yes?
I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. But I don’t like that I might be barred from new content because I don’t have the next new tier of gear.
Annnd… where has that ever happened in game now?
Beyond maybe a few elitist puggles that generally hate each other and ragequit if someone didn’t get the trap switch before they all wiped?
We’re all obviously starting this content without the ascended gear. I’m sure you have guildies to play with who aren’t going to hold your shortcomings against you.
Even if not people in this game are, generally, very forgiving and willing to have you.
At least so far and in my experiences. Organized PVP might have an axe to grind with you if you aren’t wearing perfect stats and gear for your role and that’s understandable.
But PVE wise, no, only the most asinine of folks will do that and they generally stink themselves.
The problem I’m starting to see is that every complainer here seems to be measuring this new content according to WoW. GW2 isn’t WoW.
They’re similar in that they’re both MMOs and have dungeon raiding elements, but that’s about where the comparison stops.
It hasn’t. But it will.
They are specifically introducing a new condition that can only be dealt with via a new defensive stat that can only be acquired via ascended gear. As far as progression goes, you will only be able to progress in a dungeon of increasing difficulty so far before ascended gear is a requirement.
Sure, I can see the beginning of the new dungeon in the gear I am in now. But I can’t see the later parts of the dungeon successfully without new gear. They are implementing the gear progression into one self-contained dungeon, but it is still there. As they release new content, they will release more ascended gear, to require more stats in order to be successful in harder content.
I know you are saying it hasn’t been like that so far, but it WILL be like that. That is the very reason why they are adding ascended gear.
You know whats funny? The person you are replying to is actually saying the same thing as you. He is supporting the change becaue he thinks ppl have ran out of things to do so anet added a new tier, which is not their fault and theyre merely doin what they think is best.
What makes you think I agree with them? Context is key my friend.
Maybe you should read b4 you repl, yes?
Right back at you mate.
The fact there is nothing you have to do is what made GW1 so great, you could just log in, do what ever you wanted and then maybe played something else for the next two, three or even six month without losing power. This is what most of the old community expected GW2 to be like too.
The worst thing about the power creep or gear treadmill is that it is absolutely unnecessary. You don’t need increasing stats to do new or harder content cause mechanics don’t care about numbers, they work no matter if you have 20k or 50k HP.
this post is bs.
you could get level 20 gear in gw1 that was weak as piss and you would be slaughtered everywhere you went. you had to work extremely hard to be on a competing level. gw2 makes it so easy that those exotics people are complaining about being useless probably took no more than a week to get a full set.
I would love to see someone get max gear at max level in gw1 in a week or two.
What are you smoking? Level 20 gear was level 20. Sure there were a few items that had a difference but it was never needed. Heck i just upgraded from a +30 hp rune to a +50 shortly before GW2 launch. The difference in GW1 was the fact that if you sucked you sucked. Most who saw a difference when gearing out normally did so because they found something that worked for them. It wasent because the gear made them better. Heck i mained an assassin and i had people that had all the perfect gear while i dident. Want to know what they were asking me to show them how to play because they couldent do half of what i could. It had nothing to do with gear.
Ah. GW1. I remember Ascending at level 4. I remember getting kicked out of parties of level 20s who ran to Droks to get max armour since “IT WAS HARD” to do the crystal desert then going back to them and laughing after I did it with the level 15 kitten henchies. I remember running THK for people for 10 platinum a piece (about 10 gold in game) since they couldn’t do it.
These same people who are now telling me to kitten L2P and GET WIF DA PROGRAM since I’m stupid that I don’t want “the hardcore awesome leet good players” tier based armour systems >.>
You know whats funny? The person you are replying to is actually saying the same thing as you. He is supporting the change becaue he thinks ppl have ran out of things to do so anet added a new tier, which is not their fault and theyre merely doin what they think is best.
What makes you think I agree with them? Context is key my friend.
Maybe you should read b4 you repl, yes?
Right back at you mate.
Not your friend, but ok.
I see the fact that they are introducing a new tier of gear so ppl will have more things to do isnt a fact that indicate they are having problem keeping players, i might have to point out that nearly all lower lvl zone except queensdale have very few players doning event which means theyre hardly getting new players, at least not enough so hey can stick to the agenda and leave the gear tier as it is.
Power creep is the only solution. There always has to be something to chase. There have to be better items, better upgrades, more things to do. As it stands Guild Wars 2 is a game where I could within 3 to 4 months have 5 exoticed 80’s, all of different classes. If I achieve that I’m done. I literally have nothing more to do.
It’s the only solution because it’s the only solution you know. There doesn’t always have to be something to CHASE, simply something to DO.
I liked playing this game, I liked it a hell of a lot more after I hit 80 and had all the gear I wanted. I had nothing to chase, and so the world was wide open for just goofing off and doing whatever was fun.
Now, sure, I can still do that — but it’s the nagging knowledge that I’m in kitten gear, that if I don’t go and run that dungeon I’ll not only miss THIS content but the NEXT content — that ruins everything.
Now I have no motivation to level up any alts — I typically don’t in MMOs because it’s a chore, I was here though. Why not, I could easily gear them in max strength gear and shelf them until I felt like playing them. Not no more!
Go play Progress Quest if what you are after is bigger numbers. Go play with Pandas. Just.. just go away, and stop crapping on the one MMO on the market that wasn’t catering to mudflation.
I kinda hope they do away with the idea of eliminating the trilogy and bring it into the game even if in a different form and make dungeon running a legit form of progression.
If not I will probably have to go get Storm Legion…
The fact there is nothing you have to do is what made GW1 so great, you could just log in, do what ever you wanted and then maybe played something else for the next two, three or even six month without losing power. This is what most of the old community expected GW2 to be like too.
The worst thing about the power creep or gear treadmill is that it is absolutely unnecessary. You don’t need increasing stats to do new or harder content cause mechanics don’t care about numbers, they work no matter if you have 20k or 50k HP.
this post is bs.
you could get level 20 gear in gw1 that was weak as piss and you would be slaughtered everywhere you went. you had to work extremely hard to be on a competing level. gw2 makes it so easy that those exotics people are complaining about being useless probably took no more than a week to get a full set.
I would love to see someone get max gear at max level in gw1 in a week or two.
What on earth are you talking about? Max damage weapons rain from the sky so if you go to a city and say you will buy one you can get it for practically free. Or join a guild and someone will give you one. Maxed armor is purchasable from a vendor for a low price. Max stat mods are mostly equivalent to one valuable mat drop…
Not to mention PVP characters start at level 20, can make max items out of thin air, and can compete in all PVP content (not just one arena).
I kinda hope they do away with the idea of eliminating the trilogy and bring it into the game even if in a different form and make dungeon running a legit form of progression.
If not I will probably have to go get Storm Legion…
seriously, you come across one single game that is unlike the one/s you’re used to and you want to hammer it down to fall into line with the others?
that’s simply demented.
what would YOU do to this game? ‘cause I get the feeling that what you want already exists in the MMO market. why aren’t you there instead of here trying to ruin the kitten i was enjoying.
If the majority of people like yourself aren’t pissed, and if the game is doing fine, and if truly the majority dislike this new idea, Why has Anet decided to create a mechanic that only caters the minority and serve nothing but to piss the majority players off?
There are multiple possible and entirely feasible answers to this:
1. The game could be performing quite well, but not well enough to meet the (unreasonable?) expectations that have been placed upon it. NCSoft could be applying pressure to bring the game in line with the model it’s most familiar with: a gear grind. A parent company mandating changes that a studio isn’t happy about is not an uncommon occurrence these days. And, naturally, the studio can’t openly and publicly express its disagreement.
2. Same as above, but the studio has more leverage in the matter, and so manages a compromise. A mechanic or system is introduced that’s familiar enough to certain executive interests to appease them, while still flexible enough that the studio hopes to keep the addition mostly in line with its design priorities. I’m hoping that’s the case here.
3. The studio has misread the player base. Yes, it happens. More than it should, really. Developers across the industry have frequently claimed to be “surprised” by negative community reaction to a change that they thought was just fine and dandy. Even after extremely negative reaction in beta testing.
4. “It looked good on paper”. Something may seem sound and in line during the development process, but once you start rolling it out, a sinking feeling of dread settles in. You realize you may have created a monster… but the wheels have already begun to turn; it’s in the pipe; there’s no stopping it now. Only thing left to do is to put your head between your knees and brace for impact, after which you’ll “polish that kitten” as best you can… or roll it back. It shouldn’t need to be said to anyone familiar with the industry that this has happened before and will no doubt happen again.
5. The system is not really what people are perceiving it to be, and most or all of the assumptions (including the ones implicit in the above question) are wrong. Sometimes the developers are right, but not in the way anyone expects. Sometimes it’s the community that ends up being surprised. The developers have a “bird’s eye” perspective that, from the ground, can make their decisions seem odd or out of place… until they’re implemented. Then there’s this mass “oh, I get it now” phenomenon.
6. Some other scenario I haven’t accounted for, representing the “known unknowns”. There are always factors involved in every situation to which players are oblivious.
Whatever the case may be, here are “known knowns”:
- If a product is pitched as X for a long period of time, it’s going to garner an audience that is largely, if not predominantly, composed of people who want X. Any claim to the contrary is… unrealistic, to put it politely.
- “Hardcore” is relative. People on the “hardcore” end of any given scale are by definition a minority. The larger the scale, the more of a minority they become. Obviously, an MMO represents a sizable scale.
Things I have observed:
- Forums cannot typically be used as a reliable gauge for community reception. Exception to the general rule: if a forum reaction is immediate, strong, and near unanimous, that does tend to reflect the eventual tone of the reaction of the general population. Same goes with beta feedback. In my own experience, I can’t think of a single instance where this hasn’t been true. Which, of course, doesn’t mean it’s never happened, or can’t happen here… but I find the chances of that to be slim at best.
- It is possible to accommodate multiple play styles and preferences. Even those that are at odds with one another. It could be argued that a certain degree of compartmentalization is necessary for an MMO, so it can accommodate as broad a range of interests as possible. GW2 is already doing this, so it follows that its developers may try to continue down this road. If this is so, it’d negate the premise of your question.
(edited by Hydrophidian.4319)
Not your friend, but ok.
Okay sweet honey biscuit, I understand. I’m sorry I called you a friend.
I see the fact that they are introducing a new tier of gear so ppl will have more things to do isnt a fact that indicate they are having problem keeping players, i might have to point out that nearly all lower lvl zone except queensdale have very few players doning event which means theyre hardly getting new players, at least not enough so hey can stick to the agenda and leave the gear tier as it is.
Cool story bro. So, can I get some facts with that? You getting this from your in game experiences? Got some hard numbers for me? Got a dev in the know about these things?
Updated hourly, November 2012, Amazon.com, Number 16 and 17 (sans game controllers and hardware), 271 days in the top 100 most sold PC games: Guild Wars 2.
But please, continue spouting nonsense and preaching doom for this game. Keep jumping to inane conclusions based on content that isn’t even out yet.
Keep comparing this game to WoW. Don’t let the facts or Anet’s sterling history thus far get in the way of your diatribes.
This deserves it’s own friggin’ thread. LOL
Good job. Great insights in that video.
Cause it is a waste of my time.
This deserves it’s own friggin’ thread. LOL
Good job. Great insights in that video.
Agreed. That was very well done!
. . .
Kript : People start at low levels. People level. People move on to higher leveled maps. Time has past, so most people are in high level maps. Low level maps are emptyish. Mid level maps are empty. Ergo, the game is dead.
And you say WE need to use logic? O.o
. . .
Kript : People start at low levels. People level. People move on to higher leveled maps. Time has past, so most people are in high level maps. Low level maps are emptyish. Mid level maps are empty. Ergo, the game is dead.
And you say WE need to use logic? O.o
There must be a black hole, or a secret map somewhere on my server that I don’t know about then. Sure, Orr is busier than other areas, but the population there is not even close to accounting for all the other areas.
The point is, ArenaNet has all the numbers, not us. Something that happened in those numbers must have been so great that it made ArenaNet forget about one of their core pillars of GW2’s design. The guess that is so obvious it just begs to be made: a huge population drop.
(edited by lacrimstein.5603)
It has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with personal choice.
If I wanted to play a power creep game then I wouldn’t have bought a game specifically designed to not have it.
This whole “we aren’t adding a treadmill, honestly!” thing is the biggest joke of them all.
IF they are only doing very slow & occasional power creep instead of constant waves then not only will they still piss off the people who don;t like it but they won;t provide enough of an advantage for the people who do like it to stay ingame.
They will just log on each time a new item is added, grind for a few hours to get it, then log off and keep an eye on the news sites to see when the next item is added.
You cannot please anyone by trying to please everyone.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!