HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kythan Myr.4719
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kythan Myr.4719
My point is, and I made it another post, is that for me the price is not the issue that I’m struggling with. What I am struggling with is what I am getting. It’s not very clear. I’ve always been under the impression that this will be a “small” expansion. Not so many hours of additional gameplay and a lot of the “new” content will already be included “free” of charge for people with current gw2 accounts. Not to mention the quesion regarding the base game part being included, but what if you already have that?
Is there something more being included that we are not aware of explaining the reason of the unusual $50 price tag of a X-pac? I would not go a sequel of a movie if it was $30 unless there was a reason. On the same note, I would not pay the same price for a movie sequel as the original unless it contained the same amount of content. Using your analogy, I think most people would see the original game like an Avenger’s movie and a X-pac like an episode of Agents of Shield. Would you pay $10 to $20 for a single episode. Not a rock solid analogy I know, but the point is the core game offers so much more content than an X-pac, but cost the same as when it launched. If it truly has substantially less content, like a traditional X-pac, then why the non-traditional price? Are we truly getting more bang for our buck? I’d like to be an informed buyer, and right now I don’t have much information.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shifu.4321
they only care about money… no matter new player or existing player need to spend $50. that will increase their income. no matter what.
Well,yeah that’s how paid expansions work I guess?
is forcing your loyal players to delete a chr for a new class OR be forced to buy a 10.00 chr slot on top of the 100.00 they have now paid for the game, how paid expansions work?
Sometimes yes.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965
To be fair, I don’t think the trip to the movie theaters is worth it either.
At home I can eat what I want while I watch and I don’t even have to wear pants.
How much do u spend on the movies? Because unless you paying something low the value is much lower compared toGW2.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jahroots.6791
Considering that most of us have been fine with $10 skins for the past couple years, we really can’t compare the base game’s initial cost with that of the expansion. Using the current gem store content as a frame of reference, $50 is quite reasonable.
I think people are upset about the lack of value in the standard packages for existing players. Personally, at this price point, I would have expected the perks of the deluxe to be included in standard pre-orders. At very least an additional character slot, for kitten’s sake.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vanive.3804
The ppl who complain on the forums are 1% of the playerbase, so who cares
. I won’t miss them.
If they stop playing it will be healthier for the community and maybe new, fresh blood will complain less with this expansion.
I remember a similar argument on the City of Heroes and Warhammer Online boards. I hope I don’t have to point out the irony in their past and your current opinion. Sincerely.
Not to mention SWG. SOE said complainers were the vocal minority, we all know how that ended.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jinroh.4251
You know Arenanet seems to do a good job at kittening off their player base more and more. You have to wonder if they are really so out of touch?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sadrien.3470
OK. But a new player is getting 5 characters slots and the expansion at $50 while existing players get the expansion only. In other words, if I and my new player friend buy the game on the same day, he gets more than I do for the same price.
Exactly, which is why we shall write 1000 forum posts for every character slot new players get we don’t
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TokyoGhost.6492
I will not be buying the same game twice. For what they give us 45euro is too much.
I would go with 25 euro top and no, I do not need core game. I already own it and i wont have second thought about this either.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Maugetarr.6823
It’s not the $50 that bothers me, it’s having to forfeit the included copy of the core game (which I could use for character slots and storage) to attach it to my main account.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shifu.4321
To be fair, watching movies in the theater is quite an experience, especially for good and enjoyable movies, which you can’t replicate unless you have a literal 1000-inch screen and popcorn.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jordo.5913
they only care about money… no matter new player or existing player need to spend $50. that will increase their income. no matter what.
Well,yeah that’s how paid expansions work I guess?
is forcing your loyal players to delete a chr for a new class OR be forced to buy a 10.00 chr slot on top of the 100.00 they have now paid for the game, how paid expansions work?
Sometimes yes.
i guess that’s why somtimes, games flop
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ashen.2907
To be fair, I don’t think the trip to the movie theaters is worth it either.
At home I can eat what I want while I watch and I don’t even have to wear pants.
How much do u spend on the movies? Because unless you paying something low the value is much lower compared toGW2.
Value is completely subjective.
How many minutes of screen time will Robert Downey Junior have in HoT, or any other MMO? Much less than in any of the Ironman movies. I guess that means that even a single Avengers/Ironman movie has infinitely greater value than all MMOs combined right?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965
On the same note, I would not pay the same price for a movie sequel as the original unless it contained the same amount of content.
This proves my point though. If you pay for the movies you are paying too much and have no right to be talking about the price for GW2.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: manticorevault.5431
Try Brazil where we get around $275 as minimum monthly wage and then spend $50 on it (+Credit card taxes). I would buy it gladly if they delivered the same content they delivered in the freaking core game, but at the same time, they are just giving it FREE to new players. I don’t think it is respectful to the veteran players, and I also don’t believe they will deliver the same amount of content, so…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zeus.9840
Want some clarification on this, but I’m assuming that adding the core game for free to the expansion is something ANet is doing for the pre-orders only, and will be removed once HoT is released.
If there aren’t any specifics regarding this, then perhaps some thoughts on this idea?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: synfullydevine.3642
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
Door to door salepersons use words like bonus, in addition to. But for me it’s buying the gamectwice with no free character slot . Sum it up I have to pay BONUS charges or delete a character I invested time in to play your so called free content(reverent)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596
A loyal gw2 player would already have bought several character slots to make one of each profession. I’m sure a loyal gw2 player can spare another 100g to play another new profession if he wants too.
But a loyal gw2 player who felt that they have been betrayed and push around won’t stay loyal right? They’ll end up spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars on other games they feel treats their loyal players better.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965
To be fair, I don’t think the trip to the movie theaters is worth it either.
At home I can eat what I want while I watch and I don’t even have to wear pants.
How much do u spend on the movies? Because unless you paying something low the value is much lower compared toGW2.
Value is completely subjective.
If value is subjective why do people feel they’re entitled to a price drop?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Well I won’t be “quitting the game,” but I won’t be spending any money either. I’ll just login for dailies and events until Anet decides to lower the price. Who knows, maybe i’ll lose patience eventually and just stop playing entirely. I don’t see that happening too soon.
With the trait changes come next week it really is going to change the way this game is played. Really this is a pre-order which gives you access to every open beta until release. Some players like to do things like this and well others would rather wait and see the final product.
If you think price is too much maybe just wait till it is released. I just watched the Guild Halls video and well that looks awesome and that is only part of the expansion. I’m sure after it is released they will have a sale but who knows. If they have a sale after release I’m sure some would ask for a refund seeing as they were forced to pay more for a pre-order.
Basically it is your choice if you pre-order or not just like it is your choice to keep playing this game or not. The game will continue for others no matter what choice you make.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: warbignime.4610
Can I have your staff?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Arrow.4619
I paid the $100 twice for two accounts. Yes I have money, but I am not by any means rich. I look at it this way – if the expansion comes out at the three year anniversary then I will have paid $150 over three years for my account. I have not bought gems with my own money in a loooong time. But lets assume before I stopped using cash and starting using gold I spent another $150. So, $300 over three years for thousands of hours of game play. Still not a bad deal. I am sympathetic to those on tight budgets and I generally in agreement with the idea that the new class warrants the inclusion of a character slot in the base version. But otherwise, I would say pony up the $50 or don’t get the expansion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jinroh.4251
And once again ArenaNet kittenes off the player base. The only thing they seem to do right.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Conncept.7638
People on these forums are complaining about the value of the GW2 expansion. I believe that everyone is titled to there opinion, fair enough. BUT if you have ever went to go see a movie when it first came out YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!! You say GW2 expansion cost too much but you will spend $10-$20 to see a 2 hour movie.
At least we don’t make asinine assumptions, because no, in fact, I wouldn’t ever pay 20 dollars for a movie. Firstly because a new movie is only $9-$12 where I live, and second because I always wait for them to go to Redbox or the dollar theatre.
To be fair, I don’t think the trip to the movie theaters is worth it either.
At home I can eat what I want while I watch and I don’t even have to wear pants.
How much do u spend on the movies? Because unless you paying something low the value is much lower compared toGW2.
Value is completely subjective.
If value is subjective why do people feel they’re entitled to a price drop?
Because value is not entirely subjective, but based on experience, circumstance, and environment. I look at the last few times I’ve purchased an expansion, and comparing what this expansion offers, with what those offered, and then 10-20 dollar price hike between them, this expansion is clearly not worth it. Unless of course, it comes out with way more features than they have previewed so far and far more content than its development time would suggest it could have.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pandaman.4758
On a more serious note, $10~$20 for a movie is what we’ve accepted as “fair” price for a 1.5~2 hour movie, much like how it’s generally considered fair to pay less for an expansion than the full game on the understanding that said expansion will provide less than said game (paying less for less = fair).
It would only be hypocritical if we were okay with paying $30 for a thirty minute movie with 1~1.5 hours of a movie we had already paid for and seen tacked on as filler, much like how we have to pay more for an expansion than the base game, but still offers far less than said game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Evans.6347
First of all, this is not about whether or not the price for an expansion is too much. I’m also not going to focus on conversion rates, because that’s probably not how this all works.
However, I would like to know why we Europeans have to pay you extra for the same fluff you add in the Deluxe and Ultimate editions.
In dollar the pricing is 49,99$ – 74,99$ and 99,99$. In euro you correctly price the base expansion at 44,99€, but then price both the Deluxe and Ultimate editions at 74,99€ and 99,99€ euro.
Please tell my why we have to pay an additional 5 euro for this content?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shifu.4321
To put it into perspective, the cost of HoT is equivalent to 3 unlimited harvesting tools, 1 outfit, and 1 hairstyle kit.
Think about that.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dervix.9126
It’s not the $50 that bothers me, it’s having to forfeit the included copy of the core game (which I could use for character slots and storage) to attach it to my main account.
Agreed. I could use that extra copy as a gift for a friend or something. Why punish us for being established players?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nunna.6413
If there’s nothing absolutely wrong with the FAQ they wont change it in first place. but look, they did change it, and then there is that reddit post about refund. this whole thing reeks shady business got caught in the act for me. and they just try to avoid getting sued because some people actually notice they did this kind of terribad behavior. If they are planning to do an honest business from the start they should just put an extra * explanation about the HoT expansion pack with free core game coming soon from the beginning and avoid all this stupid drama. I am sure new players will still buy it. Just use some common sense, will you buy something from a shady person? i know i wouldn’t. i will avoid them like the plague. will you trust someone who is screwing with your money? and laugh in your face about it just like what john did? yeah .. very classy move.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Firebaall.5127
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
Give the existing (as in already supporting) customers a key for the base core game when they purchase the expansion for their preexisting GW2 account.
….then it might not feel like you’re bending us over so much.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Crise.9401
Gaile Gray on reddit:
Take that as you will, but I see it as this being a permanent change.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965
People on these forums are complaining about the value of the GW2 expansion. I believe that everyone is titled to there opinion, fair enough. BUT if you have ever went to go see a movie when it first came out YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!! You say GW2 expansion cost too much but you will spend $10-$20 to see a 2 hour movie.
At least we don’t make asinine assumptions, because no, in fact, I wouldn’t ever pay 20 dollars for a movie. Firstly because a new movie is only $9-$12 where I live, and second because I always wait for them to go to Redbox or the dollar theatre.
If that is in fact true, rejoice, you might not be a hypocrite.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shifu.4321
they only care about money… no matter new player or existing player need to spend $50. that will increase their income. no matter what.
Well,yeah that’s how paid expansions work I guess?
is forcing your loyal players to delete a chr for a new class OR be forced to buy a 10.00 chr slot on top of the 100.00 they have now paid for the game, how paid expansions work?
Sometimes yes.
i guess that’s why somtimes, games flop
Maybe, maybe not.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cbomb.4310
My friend was saying ‘I wonder if they’ll announce dungeons’ and all the people watching their stream that dont play GW2 would just be like ‘wait.. an MMO expansion that has to announce this?’ lol. Seriously.. 50$-100$ for an MMO expansion with no dungeons. We’ll need to spend another 10$ if we want to roll the new Rev on base purchase too.
Im obviously angsty over lots of the HoT content but I was willing to pay 20-30$ normal prices, even 40$ if some of their unannounced stuff turned out to be awesome. But 50(+10) for base? All my friends are basically torn up between laughing and anger. The advertisement in game for it are funny too; feels so trolly.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ralmorian.2748
For the individuals who suggest that 50$ is fine because of the content I would like to propose like many others checking on the content provided in the expansions to Guild Wars. Then consider that Guild Wars 2 is not free to play it is buy to play for free. Guild Wars still costs money. Buying the base game of Guild Wars 2 costs a certain amount of money. If you try to buy it today you’ll find it costs money. So when the expansion comes out at 50$ WITH the expansion, what exactly are you paying for? What is the current cost of Guild Wars 2 right now at this moment? What is the over all trend of expansions with limited to superfluous amounts of content? By comparison it seems that 35 dollars might be fair for Guild Wars 2 given the age, but hell I’d even pay 40 fair and square. Wouldn’t that mean that the expansion is ten dollars? A single map, overhauls, which means FIXES that were necessary if not mandatory anyway to support the changes in the game. New implements, one new character one new map. Additions like Guild Halls (instances of course). Ten dollars seems a bit slim for that admittedly, so maybe 25? 30$?
This is what the veterans are considering I think. Now if ANET clarifies and says “There is an entire expansion of Maguuma that expands all the way toward the Fire Isles and beyond!” We’ll eat our words and many might just gladly pay the 50$, even sans the extra slot. However when the expansions were cheaper and offered much much more. This seems unusually cruel to the old players. It is not 1% of the player base actually. I’ve been an easy going player since the start, never rustled feathers, never got into online fights, or bothered people. I enjoyed my time and my fellow GW2 chums. We’re voicing a legitimate concern. If you do not feel that it’s an issue, then why jump onto a forum to defend what you feel is an honest and just deal? Do you and your ilk really enjoy the idea of handing of 50$ of your hard earned money? Wouldn’t you benefit from the choice of buying simply the expansion?
For the newer players to the family of GW2 I feel the worst. Imagine paying the current cost only to have to pay an additional cost of 50$ for HoT which includes the game you spent money on before. Nothing is free, the costs are taken into consideration in other areas. What troubles me the most is the trend that this could create if it’s not stomped out now. The next expansion will offer X and people who agree to the price will gladly play not realizing that the over all content distributed does not match the price. There is such a thing as fair and just pricing, even in the digital age. I and others do not need another digital copy. We went through the task of making sure all of our friends and family that gamed had a copy of GW2. I bought a copy for my brother, and my other brother has it, my cousin has it by what I told them of the game. Others in my friends list play because I suggested it and we’ve all had a blast. None too many of them are going to be pleased to dish out another 50$ so soon.
If the cost is fair to you then so be it. If it was 100% fair and just there wouldn’t be this kind of discussion. Telling the player base they’re wrong, complaining, whining or entitled does not diminish the issue, it’s attempting to shut others up because you don’t agree with them. I was in Guild Wars for years until Guild Wars 2, every Guild Wars expansion I purchased was on the very first day of release. Guild Wars 2 I was in the beta, slugging through terrible lag and all kinds of bugs, reporting and having a blast to be part of the game. We have a right to have our concerns taken into consideration so that individuals who have no problem paying x, y and z can have a good gaming experience. The community isn’t a hive mind, sometimes there is a division.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Hammersmash Ureface.2650
I put about 15000 hours into GW1. I have 2 accounts and my wife has one.
I’ve out about 2.8-3k into GW2 so far, and I can honestly say that I really don’t know anymore why I log in to do the dailies, I just do. Nostalgia-driven perhaps, perhaps one of those poor buggers who hangs on to the last out of hope that they might start doing the right thing by us again.
Unfortunately, I just don’t feel like there’s much hope left. More and more microtransactions, more and more bugs, less and less real content. Now this. Freebies for newbies and a good jolly rogering for people like me who’ve paid and paid and paid and paid….
3xProphecies 100aud/ea
3xFactions 100aud/ea
3xNightfall 100aud/ea
3x EotN 50aud/ea
3x GW2 pre-order (Whatever that cost)
3×..........Not happening. Not any more.
*Obvious ignoring of day 1 bugs while anything that affects gem sales gets priority “NUMERO UNO MATE BLOODY OATH DON’T YOU WORRY!” etc. etc. etc. etc.
Anet hasn’t dropped the ball.
There is no ball.
Oh.. Wait. There is a ball, but you only get it if you don’t have it. If you have the ball, they’ll sell you a new addition for it, as well as a new ball which they’ll take off you for having the temerity to link the new balls flashy bit to the old ball, and they’ll also take 5 pieces of the new ball off you too. Won’t be needing THOSE.
Or something.
I don’t think they even know what they’re doing anymore.
Cube: aNet
(edited by Hammersmash Ureface.2650)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nyx.7342
Just because you spend x amount of dollars on something regularly does not mean you should buy something overpriced. Yeah sure I buy a cup of coffee everyday that costs about 2$. I could buy this chair i want for 600$ and just say, oh that’s only 300 days worth of coffee, but wouldn’t that be stupid especially if the cost of the chair was overpriced?
If you don’t agree with the price of something, you shouldn’t buy it and you have a right to complain about it especially since this isn’t a full expansion and it’s something that for many of us is unavoidable. It’s not like we are new customers who are purchasing a product for the first time. If that were the case then yeah dont buy it. But since we already are part of gw2 this expansion at this price is basically screwing us over….
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shifu.4321
On a more serious note, $10~$20 for a movie is what we’ve accepted as “fair” price for a 1.5~2 hour movie, much like how it’s generally considered fair to pay less for an expansion than the full game on the understanding that said expansion will provide less than said game (paying less for less = fair).
It would only be hypocritical if we were okay with paying $30 for a thirty minute movie with 1~1.5 hours of a movie we had already paid for and seen tacked on as filler, much like how we have to pay more for an expansion than the base game, but still offers far less than said game.
Well, if you look at recent MMO expansion standard prices, $50 is roughly in the middle. Heavensward is $40, while WoD cost $60 – neither of which has as much content as the base games.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Valmir.4590
So… were is the version for veterans players where I only pay for the expac content and a character slot ? Because so far, 50€ (because it will be the price it will cost) is twenty bucks above the maximum price I’m willing to pay. Or do I get a special second account with a possibility to transfer what I have on my main to it ?
Otherwise, I do hope that the expac will have quick discount prices. I wouldn’t like to have to wait for months on end before paying a reasonable price for HoT basic box.
(edited by Valmir.4590)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jordo.5913
To put it into perspective, the cost of HoT is equivalent to 3 unlimited harvesting tools, 1 outfit, and 1 hairstyle kit.
Think about that.
HoT is going to have less story, less maps, no dungeons, and about 1/3 of the original games total content.
Yet, costs the same amount of money as the original game at launch.
Think about that.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076
Shouldn’t the prepurchase be cheaper then the retail version? I mean you discard the safety of knowing the game’s quality via reviews, and take a leap of faith with it…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GscGunner.2419
Let’s play a game, Spot the GW2 addict!
Serious note: That was just jokes, but man you seem fired up because people don’t like it… like kitten.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Daxxter.8920
The problem is not the cost of the expansion , it’s s the fact that they are charging you 50$ and a single character slot is a luxury that you have to pay more for. It’s like buying a car and the weels would be an extra if you want to drive it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pepsi.8907
On the same note, I would not pay the same price for a movie sequel as the original unless it contained the same amount of content.
This proves my point though. If you pay for the movies you are paying too much and have no right to be talking about the price for GW2.
This proves nothing, you just slammed your deck on the table claiming it’s a win and make no argument to actually proof your decision.
Value is highly personnal and subjective…
Yes I’ll Q.Q about that Xpac because IN MY OPINION, from what I HAVE SEEN, the content of the Xpac is not worth 50$
Just the same IN MY OPINION, from what I HAVE SEEN, that movie in the theater is well worth my money, does that makes me a hypocrite?
No, it makes me a person capable of judging what is worth or not in her eyes
If YOU think that the content provided by HoT is WORTH that 50$, then, by no means, BUY IT!
If YOU think that paying for a movie at the theater is too much then DON’T GO AT THE THEATER
but it’s personal, you can’t call people hypocrites on two different aspects of life where they might have different view of what they find worthy or not…
it makes you… self conceited and arrogant because YOU claim that others have the same base value as you do, which is not the case.
Hypocrite would be to whine and whine about the game while having bought it.
Criticizing the game on the chat game is hypocrite, you have it, you paid for it, and then you whine about it.
THAT is hypocrite
Not wanting to pay for a movie because you find it worthwhile, WHILE refusing to pay for an xpac you find lacking for the price… That’s OPINION…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: darkdomino.9578
The level of arrogance coming from Anet right now has reminded me why I don’t play GW2 anymore. You guys have been milking the gem store for 2 years now with no meaningful updates and now you want to gouge people with this ridiculous pricing format? Making people rebuy the core game?
It takes serious balls to come out here and pull this stuff, Anet. It’s almost like you don’t realize you’re game community has been in a dire state for a long time now and this was your chance to win people over. What a joke.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mot Bone.4632
:( I will buy it, but it doesnt feel well.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Crise.9401
Try europe where it costs the same but in euros – 1/3 more expensive…
Because in EU digital goods have VAT. US prices don’t show taxes and their taxing of digital sales is different from ours. Sure it sucks but 1/3 more expensive is not entirely accurate either.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Garambola.2461
Theh are actually very close in price at the current exchange rate. A € is worth a litrle more than a $, true. But our euro prices have the sales tax included. The U.S. people get the tax added to the price shown. This morning I saw people saying they paid $109 for the Ultimate.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BongoFury.4102
50 dollars/euro is a bit of a stretch and a wee bit more than I had expected, but that was about my stretch limit of what I was prepared to pay for it. But… that doesn’t even give me a character slot to play one of the bigger parts of the expansion. Clearly I’m supposed to get the deluxe version for that kind of luxury. So instead, it’s effectively 75 bucks for an expansion… Sorry, I don’t mind supporting future development of the game and all that, but this is waaaaaaay over the top.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: xXMapcoXx.9614
Now I don’t really care that you’re charging 50 for HoT, but have you see your forums? You might wanna come up with some response rather than smart kitten response from mods who are purposely trying to kitten people off.
(edited by xXMapcoXx.9614)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965
Just because you spend x amount of dollars on something regularly does not mean you should buy something overpriced. Yeah sure I buy a cup of coffee everyday that costs about 2$. I could buy this chair i want for 600$ and just say, oh that’s only 300 days worth of coffee, but wouldn’t that be stupid especially if the cost of the chair was overpriced?
If you don’t agree with the price of something, you shouldn’t buy it and you have a right to complain about it especially since this isn’t a full expansion and it’s something that for many of us is unavoidable. It’s not like we are new customers who are purchasing a product for the first time. If that were the case then yeah dont buy it. But since we already are part of gw2 this expansion at this price is basically screwing us over….
There is some merit to what you are saying, but a whole bunch of you are being DRAMA QUEENS. You all want a price drop that is like a 20-30 dollar difference. MOST of you PROBABLY spend hundreds, some of you thousands on video games every year. What’s $30 compared to that?!
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