HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ashen.2907
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ashen.2907
To be fair, I don’t think the trip to the movie theaters is worth it either.
At home I can eat what I want while I watch and I don’t even have to wear pants.
How much do u spend on the movies? Because unless you paying something low the value is much lower compared toGW2.
Value is completely subjective.
If value is subjective why do people feel they’re entitled to a price drop?
Some People feeling that proves that value is subjective. Some people think that HoT is worth $50. Others dont. That is what subjective means.
I for example place more value on the various Avenger related movies than on GW2. I am not currently intending to buy HoT. This has nothing to do with the $50 price. I would not buy at $5 either.
All subjective.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Crise.9401
To put it into perspective, the cost of HoT is equivalent to 3 unlimited harvesting tools, 1 outfit, and 1 hairstyle kit.
Think about that.
HoT is going to have less story, less maps, no dungeons, and about 1/3 of the original games total content.
Yet, costs the same amount of money as the original game at launch.
Think about that.
Original game was 59,99 at launch as far as I recall… and where is your source on that estimation of content in HoT we know next to nothing about the extent of PvE content at this point.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: smitske.4912
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
You know as well as me that is marketing BS, you are already ripping off many people, dont treat them like fools too. Have a bit of respect for your players before you say things like that.
Behaviour like this is wy nobody likes marketeers, you not even made yourself look like a condescending prick but many people in your company too.
(edited by smitske.4912)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jordo.5913
15 kitten chrs
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sold Out.7625
Core game is a free bonus to a set Heart of Thorns price to incentivize new players to get the game and not have them pay double.
Your post is pointless.
Nobody misses you. Go away.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: flatline.3716
have to assume this expansion is going to have a lot of content. If not I would think the press aren’t going to look on it positively and give it bad press and bad reviews. Hopefully there is much more content than has been revealed. If not I will be dumbfounded at the price.
Now the John Smith response seemed like trolling. Kind of reminded me of something you would of seen from Dina Abou Karam from Mighty No 9. Though I think she got fired , but they let her call it a resignation.
Hopefully we don’t get a generic response from Anet but get some details and hopefully a release window for the game. All with respect to the community, which so far hasn’t been shown. Who puts up a pre-order for a game without a release date? What if it is in 2016?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mooncaller.9634
I played GW1 since 2003-2004 and played through until GW2 came out. I loved it and I loved how the game evolved. I had two complete accounts (GW, GW:F, GW:N, and GW:EotN). I bought some character expansion slots and bank expansions as the game went on, it was fantastic, but it eventually got really long in the tooth and graphically irrelevant / painful. (I think I have two fully upgraded, and one less upgraded account.)
A precedent was set in that each expansion added a new class (GW:F and GW:N) and could be played standalone (new account + 4 or 6 character slots) or as an upgrade to your account and an expansion (+2 character slots). This was great because you were guaranteed slots to make a new character of the new classes.
I started GW2 with many on the pre-release weekend event. I’ve since bought expansion slots for character bags, banks, and new character slots. Some gem store items as well, so it is not like A.Net hasn’t been making money off me. I got my wife to play, similar purchases have been made.
Now we have a new expansion.
If I use the key to make a new account I’m at square one with none of my prior accomplishments, unlocks, or account bound items. But I get 4 character slots and 2 bank slots. The core game is included for free.
If I use the key to upgrade my current account I get expanded content (the quality, value, and enjoyability of which is up in the air). But, I get no character slots (even though there is a new class), I get no bank slots, I get nothing but the expansion.
I do have the ability to choose and fork over more cash in order to buy an expansion slot and other fancy items in addition to the base cost of $50.
Here’s the problem to me, and probably to a lot of the veteran players who have put in time and extra money in the form of gem purchases over the past two years.
$50 for core for expansion + 5 character slots + 2 bank slots =/= $50 for expansion and nothing else.
GW1 did a great job of smoothing this over by 1) not including the original with each expansion (but, those were standalone and this is not), and 2) giving everyone who was upgrading their account 2 character slots so that could make the new character class.
As a player with an existing account I am being asked to forego an included 5 character slots and 2 bank slots (roughly a $65 value based on the gem store, I think, in terms of character slots and bank expansions) because I already own the game with zero compensation or perk even though A.Net has made $$$ off of me over the past three years in GW2 alone, not to mention GW1. So, I’m feeling rather underwhelmed (possibly strongly discouraged) by what my $50 buys me.
Not to mention the minimal cost here is really $60 because I’ll need a character slot. Then, assuming my wife would be playing as well, we’d be looking at a minimal $120 commitment to a game that we’ve both had an up-down relationship with content wise. And it’s a $60 gamble on how good / enjoyable that added content really is.
I’m going to have to think about this a lot.
At $25-$30 I probably wouldn’t be thinking about it at all.
At $60 while leaving character slots and bank slots that I am essentially leaving on the table because I already play… I don’t know, this really sours the deal.
Yesterday I was chomping at the bit to buy the expansion.
Today I’m tired and wondering if I should just pack it up and abandon ship. I just imagine having in game friends in expansion vs. others not in expansion is going to strain those relationships or put pressure on me to buy in, and I’m just wondering how much other gaming fun I can find for my wife and I at the $120-$200 mark.
(edited by Mooncaller.9634)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: xXMapcoXx.9614
No Dude you have torrents now it is free!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596
If you google “gw2 buy” and cache the page. You’ll see the “DIGITAL HERO EDITION” was $40 two hours ago. Now the expansion includes that core game for $50
What? You’re telling me that the new players gets HoT for $10 since $40 was for GW2? Guess Anet’s going to spin this and said, no. Everyone gets HoT for $50 and GW2 was a freebie. This kind of lies won’t win over all the existing players. Those who have principles will not fall for such marketing ploy.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295
The price isn’t really the problem IMHO. After all, the length of the game is worth it. But it’s jsut a personal point of view.
What bothers me is that, as a veteran, have to buy the base game again. Really, I don’t care about having a new account for free. I’d prefer nothing over that.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Beldin.5498
GW2 Doesnt have the Avengers in it.
Its not hypocrisy to think one thing is worth $15, and that a completely different thing is not worth $50.
And the Avengers have not Hank Pym in it .. so the last movie especially wasn’t
even worth $1 for what they did to the whole story about wher Ultron was
coming from.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: azizul.8469
Core game is a free bonus to a set Heart of Thorns price to incentivize new players to get the game and not have them pay double.
Your post is pointless.
Nobody misses you. Go away.
…while ignoring existing players…..
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dervix.9126
I put about 15000 hours into GW1. I have 2 accounts and my wife has one.
I’ve out about 2.8-3k into GW2 so far, and I can honestly say that I really don’t know anymore why I log in to do the dailies, I just do. Nostalgia-driven perhaps, perhaps one of those poor buggers who hangs on to the last out of hope that they might start doing the right thing by us again.
Unfortunately, I just don’t feel like there’s much hope left. More and more microtransactions, more and more bugs, less and less real content. Now this. Freebies for newbies and a good jolly rogering for people like me who’ve paid and paid and paid and paid….
3xProphecies 100aud/ea
3xFactions 100aud/ea
3xNightfall 100aud/ea
3x EotN 50aud/ea
3x GW2 pre-order (Whatever that cost)
3×..........Not happening. Not any more.~because~
*Obvious ignoring of day 1 bugs while anything that affects gem sales gets priority “NUMERO UNO MATE BLOODY OATH DON’T YOU WORRY!” etc. etc. etc. etc.
Anet hasn’t dropped the ball.
There is no ball.
I’d like to know what bugs it is you’re complaining about, exactly. GW2 is relatively one of the most bug free MMOs out there. It’s easy to just shout “BUGS, BUGS, DEVS IGNORE BUGS, I SWEARS IT, THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT GEMS” but.. can you actually give an example you know about where fixing a day-one bug was eschewed in favor of fixing a gem store problem?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: gavyne.6847
Stop pretending you won’t buy it. We see this all the time with MMO’s when launching expansions. People stomp their feet on the forums, complain about the prices, but they still end up buying it.
You can threaten to quit, you can threaten to move to another game. But really, think about what waste of money it would be to drop $50 on a new game and $15 on monthly subscriptions, then quit shortly after because you realized grass isn’t greener? Or go out and drop $50-$60 on a console game and finish it within a week. All of a sudden, that $50 for GW2 expansion never sounded better.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Distaste.4801
The price really isn’t fine at all. $50 for what is an anemic expansion? Take a quick gander at what FFXIV Heavensward is adding for $30 on sale, but $40 on the high side. HoT is an absolute joke in comparison and they want to charge $10-$20 more? Even comparing it to past expansions of WoW this thing looks weak. The land mass it’s adding isn’t that big. The features they are adding aren’t that game changing, some of which should have been fixed long ago for the base game. The last straw for me is the main game was $60 and had a lot more landmass, 8 classes instead of 1, dungeons, 3 wvw maps, and 80 levels. I just don’t see how anyone in their right mind can find this price acceptable.
Before someone mentions that FFXIV is subscription based, yes and they also provide far more content in patches than GW2 players could dream about, not to mention the quality of things are far above that of GW2. I was absolutely amazed at how tightly tuned the extremes and endgame raid were, I don’t think ArenaNet could ever even hope to achieve anything even close. ArenaNet simply doesn’t care about polish, they haven’t since the game launched. They are all about slapping on bandaids, throwing good after bad, and ignoring things.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: hibari.9836
The HoT expansion costs $50, available only bundled with a “free” copy of the core game.
When the core game goes on sale, it costs $10. We can thus pretty fairly feel that the “freebie” in the bundle is a $10 bonus value.
But the practical upshot for those of us who own the game already is this: by including the core game for “free” ANet has tipped their hand that they’ve effectively padded out the price of the expansion by 10$ (the cost of the core game at its lowest price) over what it might otherwise need to be.
You know what else costs $10? Extra character slots. Which is exactly what current players of the game do want and need with the expansion.
If ANet can afford to “give away” one “free” $10 value item with the $50 purchase of HoT, why can’t they do it with another? The value, monetarily, is the same.
This, I think, is why so many of us feel so slighted. Getting the $10 value of the core game is nice for new players, but it’s a thumbing of the nose at existing players who ANet must know would not want to spend $10 in that way. It leaves current (and often very loyal and long-term) players feeling like they pretty much have to subsidize the bonus value being offered to new players, while they themselves are left out in the cold, not given the one thing they really want which, mathematically, is a simple even swap out: an additional character slot.
The idea, certainly, is to generate more income by getting players to spend out on character slots separately. However from the consumer side of things, we can all see that if ANet can afford to give one $10 value freebie that they could just as well give another. It doesn’t make us feel like we are getting a fair value for our money. It makes us feel snubbed, taken advantage of, and resistant to buying anything.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: hapvis.7059
In this pre-purchase event, new players get FREE GW2 core but old players get nothing.
Is it some kind of punishment for the players have GW2 core no matter how long they have this game?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965
On the same note, I would not pay the same price for a movie sequel as the original unless it contained the same amount of content.
This proves my point though. If you pay for the movies you are paying too much and have no right to be talking about the price for GW2.
This proves nothing, you just slammed your deck on the table claiming it’s a win and make no argument to actually proof your decision.
Value is highly personnal and subjective…
Yes I’ll Q.Q about that Xpac because IN MY OPINION, from what I HAVE SEEN, the content of the Xpac is not worth 50$
Just the same IN MY OPINION, from what I HAVE SEEN, that movie in the theater is well worth my money, does that makes me a hypocrite?
No, it makes me a person capable of judging what is worth or not in her eyes
If YOU think that the content provided by HoT is WORTH that 50$, then, by no means, BUY IT!
If YOU think that paying for a movie at the theater is too much then DON’T GO AT THE THEATER
but it’s personal, you can’t call people hypocrites on two different aspects of life where they might have different view of what they find worthy or not…
it makes you… self conceited and arrogant because YOU claim that others have the same base value as you do, which is not the case.
Hypocrite would be to whine and whine about the game while having bought it.
Criticizing the game on the chat game is hypocrite, you have it, you paid for it, and then you whine about it.
THAT is hypocrite
Not wanting to pay for a movie because you find it worthwhile, WHILE refusing to pay for an xpac you find lacking for the price… That’s OPINION…
Well Arrogant is in my name
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AquaRegia.8374
OK i now, 50$ is for the espansion and you won’t give us just the expansion. But i’ve played GW2 for almost two year, i wonder with the free core game inside the packet, i’d get a secondo account? And if the answer is yes, i’d be able to upgrade my main account (the one i’m playing with now)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vayne.8563
Obviously a lot of people feel Anet made a mistake with the pricing. For me, it’s about ten bucks more than I thought it would be, but I still prepurchased the Ultimate Edition. I buy gems anyway, so 100 – means I got $50 worth of gems half price. It essentially means, since I’d have bought gems anyway, that I’m getting the $75 version with the character slot for $50.
If you’re a supporter of the game and buy gems regularly, you can prebuy the gems and you get your character slot for $50, since you’re getting $50 worth of gems.
Those who don’t support the game, and will get hundreds of hours out of it, for $50…shrugs. It’s up to them to decide whether to buy it or not.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nyx.7342
Just because you spend x amount of dollars on something regularly does not mean you should buy something overpriced. Yeah sure I buy a cup of coffee everyday that costs about 2$. I could buy this chair i want for 600$ and just say, oh that’s only 300 days worth of coffee, but wouldn’t that be stupid especially if the cost of the chair was overpriced?
If you don’t agree with the price of something, you shouldn’t buy it and you have a right to complain about it especially since this isn’t a full expansion and it’s something that for many of us is unavoidable. It’s not like we are new customers who are purchasing a product for the first time. If that were the case then yeah dont buy it. But since we already are part of gw2 this expansion at this price is basically screwing us over….
There is some merit to what you are saying, but a whole bunch of you are being DRAMA QUEENS. You all want a price drop that is like a 20-30 dollar difference. MOST of you PROBABLY spend hundreds, some of you thousands on video games every year. What’s $30 compared to that?!
I spend like 30$ in the gem store this year, that’s it. The only other game i play is cs go which was 5$ when i bought it. So for me paying 50$ isn’t that much in terms of money, but in terms of games it is. I mean who am i kidding, i will probably buy the expac if it stays at 50$ but i won’t do it quietly. The price is just…wrong.
Also a lot of people forget that these 10$ weekend sales have led many people to buy alt accounts since you cant play on both na and eu and you cant wvw on different servers. So for those people paying 50$ for each account is a lot.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shifu.4321
To put it into perspective, the cost of HoT is equivalent to 3 unlimited harvesting tools, 1 outfit, and 1 hairstyle kit.
Think about that.
HoT is going to have less story, less maps, no dungeons, and about 1/3 of the original games total content.
Yet, costs the same amount of money as the original game at launch.
Think about that.
Which means you can’t place things in vacuum and compare them on a 1:1 ratio.
Standard pricing for expansions TODAY is around $40-60 (See Heavensward and WoD), both of which have less content than the base game. I mean, kitten , Diablo 3 expac was $40 for what was basically 1/4 of the original game. Don’t forget SC2 expansions that go FULL price as well for what’s basically new missions and few new units.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Khristophoros.7194
The price isn’t really the problem IMHO. After all, the length of the game is worth it. But it’s jsut a personal point of view.
What bothers me is that, as a veteran, have to buy the base game again. Really, I don’t care about having a new account for free. I’d prefer nothing over that.
Uh you actually don’t get a second account. The free core game only applies if you didn’t already have the game.
They said that the intended price point of the expansion is 50 bucks and the bonus core game is to make it more appealing for new players.
So in other words, they want to sell the expansion for 50 bucks.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ashen.2907
GW2 Doesnt have the Avengers in it.
Its not hypocrisy to think one thing is worth $15, and that a completely different thing is not worth $50.
And the Avengers have not Hank Pym in it .. so the last movie especially wasn’t
even worth $1 for what they did to the whole story about wher Ultron was
coming from.
You have made an excellent point.
I am very much looking forward to Antman. I think I will buy extra tickets with the money I dont spend on HoT.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729
MOST of you PROBABLY spend hundreds, some of you thousands on video games every year.
I definitely wouldn’t make that assumption.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sold Out.7625
Core game is a free bonus to a set Heart of Thorns price to incentivize new players to get the game and not have them pay double.
Your post is pointless.
Nobody misses you. Go away.
…while ignoring existing players…..
Ain’t you an Entitled Ethan?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BadMed.3846
Pretty much a slap on the face of existing loyal players. You have the game? Pay for it again it you want expansion. Absolute Rip-Off.
It would make sense even if it was like $49 for new accounts and $29 for existing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Conncept.7638
I’d be okay with 40 honestly, at least if the expansion is big enough.
Fifty bucks on the other hand is the price of a full game, and if they want to charge that, it should be because HoT adds as much content to the game as it launched with, something we all know isn’t going to happen.
This is incorrect. New copies of games are currently priced at $60.00. If you’re getting them for $50 then you must know someone in the black market or have a coupon.
Witcher on PC, $49.00. Two of the others preorders, one is a PS4 console exclusive.
There is always going to be some variance in price as well as pre-release and release price gouging, there are still plenty of $50.00 games out there.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jordo.5913
To put it into perspective, the cost of HoT is equivalent to 3 unlimited harvesting tools, 1 outfit, and 1 hairstyle kit.
Think about that.
HoT is going to have less story, less maps, no dungeons, and about 1/3 of the original games total content.
Yet, costs the same amount of money as the original game at launch.
Think about that.
Original game was 59,99 at launch as far as I recall… and where is your source on that estimation of content in HoT we know next to nothing about the extent of PvE content at this point.
“When pre-purchasing the game through the official website or through select retailers, there are four available tiers.
Heroic Edition ($49.99 USD)
Digital Edition ($59.99 USD)
Digital Deluxe ($79.99 USD)
Collector’s Edition ($149.99 USD)"
Also, the reason half of this kitten storm is happening is because they haven’t shown they have 50 dollars worth of content, the other half is about a chr slot/new players.
They haven’t shown how many maps they’ll have. I can guarantee you one new region isn’t going to be enough maps to cover the 7-8 the core game had.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Hammersmash Ureface.2650
I put about 15000 hours into GW1. I have 2 accounts and my wife has one.
I’ve out about 2.8-3k into GW2 so far, and I can honestly say that I really don’t know anymore why I log in to do the dailies, I just do. Nostalgia-driven perhaps, perhaps one of those poor buggers who hangs on to the last out of hope that they might start doing the right thing by us again.
Unfortunately, I just don’t feel like there’s much hope left. More and more microtransactions, more and more bugs, less and less real content. Now this. Freebies for newbies and a good jolly rogering for people like me who’ve paid and paid and paid and paid….
3xProphecies 100aud/ea
3xFactions 100aud/ea
3xNightfall 100aud/ea
3x EotN 50aud/ea
3x GW2 pre-order (Whatever that cost)
3×..........Not happening. Not any more.~because~
*Obvious ignoring of day 1 bugs while anything that affects gem sales gets priority “NUMERO UNO MATE BLOODY OATH DON’T YOU WORRY!” etc. etc. etc. etc.
Anet hasn’t dropped the ball.
There is no ball.
I’d like to know what bugs it is you’re complaining about, exactly. GW2 is relatively one of the most bug free MMOs out there. It’s easy to just shout “BUGS, BUGS, DEVS IGNORE BUGS, I SWEARS IT, THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT GEMS” but.. can you actually give an example you know about where fixing a day-one bug was eschewed in favor of fixing a gem store problem?
Do you use an Ele or any other character class whose blast skills end up on the enemy targeted and not where you put them? Didn’t ever get sick of dying just for running down a hill? You’re right. They’ve never ignored a single zero day bug nigh on forever whilst fixing the gem store issues with utmost speed. Never.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
You have to buy more character slots to play every profession as is. If you haven’t bought more character slots well then you have deleted one to try another one. Just because they make a new profession doesn’t mean they have to give you a new character slot for it. If you had a character slot for every profession then yes it should be included but you get five character slots when you buy this game yet have eight professions to choose from. So now its nine profession to choose from. You’ll still need character slots if you plan to play every profession.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MashMash.1645
nods pretty much this.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Trouble.3859
You won’t get a second account, just an upgrade to your existing one.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Crise.9401
In this pre-purchase event, new players get FREE GW2 core but old players get nothing.
Is it some kind of punishment for the players have GW2 core no matter how long they have this game?
It is not punishment for existing players but incentive for new players. The way people should look at this is that MSRP for HoT would be 50$ regardless whether they included the base game for new players or not.
You are being asked to buy HoT for 50$ not the base game + HoT for 50$, so if you think HoT is worth 50$ buy it, if not don’t.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Counter Terrorist.7421
Okey,let’s see. How many ppl is gonna add gw 2 hot expansion to there old accounts?
After all we get base game for free and gw 2 hot for same price as Gw 2 hot alone. Whitout the +5 character slots that you grants us for creating a new account.
I am wondering in theory if this is intended, i mean as a old Diablo player since the old school days, this makes me worried, Alot of people might start making a free extra account then hack cheat exploit and bot whit the old account since they alredy got a extra life ( the new account wish has the gw 2 hot expansion on it).
Getting the gold to the account? no issues send mails like crazy betwen people, money laundry in game? End results; maybe alot of ppl is gonna do this but i see this as very likely. In theory im just wondering if you guys gave this any seriouse concideration….
Im not at all aginst the price tag, but give the old gw 2 players 5 char slots to compensate for the loss by not making a whole new account or anything like lowering the price just slightly??
I dunno… In diablo 2 this would of just ben a clearly 100% easy chose basicly every one would make a new account.
I dont suggest this as some sort of action and i will be mad if people start doing this as this will clearly ruin the community and the game,but it feels pretty likely to get a bit more common if you dont do something about this…
Thank you for a great game and a wonderful experiance whit guild wars 2, this is just questions that pops to my head,why have hot on ur old account if you can get 1 extra account for same price whit gw 2 hot while you still have your old account, for scammers and exploiters + boters + cheaters this is just a wet dream.
Have a gr8 day and keep up the good work.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Naeleen.7601
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
$50 for four new maps and class/trait changes all players will enjoy regardless of whether they purchase the expansion or not? Or do you plan to lock them out of the core game until they pay for the expansion?
Are YOU one of the IRresponsible ones we no longer get sales on gemstore items every weekend, instead we’re flooded with new additions every Tuesday and Friday?
There hasn’t been any new content or at least a recycle of a last year’s event since January except the event with the dragon ball, all we’ve been getting thus far was new outfits, mini pets, a couple of finishers and weapon skins.
And now you’re struggling to justify a price on an expansion which should be worth half of its stated price… Give us a break, really. Do not ever post again if you can’t properly admit you’ve all become greedy kittens.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MarkBecks.6453
I remember reading a post which relating to Revenant Beta and expansion and cannot remember the exact info, but I upgraded to the deluxe version in order to play the Beta. This was trading for gems on BL TP, which I purchased. Please could you explain the breakdown of further purchases regarding HoT, and give some clear directions and reasoning behind the different packages apart from some marketing headers, it would really help us all to understand.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArrogantHero.4965
MOST of you PROBABLY spend hundreds, some of you thousands on video games every year.
I definitely wouldn’t make that assumption.
I say its fair. I didn’t say everyone just most and if you buy 2 brand new 60 dollar games you just spent over $100, so that is fair.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pepsi.8907
Just because you spend x amount of dollars on something regularly does not mean you should buy something overpriced. Yeah sure I buy a cup of coffee everyday that costs about 2$. I could buy this chair i want for 600$ and just say, oh that’s only 300 days worth of coffee, but wouldn’t that be stupid especially if the cost of the chair was overpriced?
If you don’t agree with the price of something, you shouldn’t buy it and you have a right to complain about it especially since this isn’t a full expansion and it’s something that for many of us is unavoidable. It’s not like we are new customers who are purchasing a product for the first time. If that were the case then yeah dont buy it. But since we already are part of gw2 this expansion at this price is basically screwing us over….
There is some merit to what you are saying, but a whole bunch of you are being DRAMA QUEENS. You all want a price drop that is like a 20-30 dollar difference. MOST of you PROBABLY spend hundreds, some of you thousands on video games every year. What’s $30 compared to that?!
I don’t necessarily want a price drop, I want a well worth Price/value
Meaning content justifying paying 50$, which is not what I have witnessed so far
I don’t want this combo gw2+xpac thing, I want the xpac and a character slot, even if they keep it at the same price, I don’t want a second account I won’t ever use… I want my xpac and a slot to have my revenant slammed on
I don’t want this kind of relationship Anet is giving us, by changing their FAQ suddenly, a 180 turn around making people feel scam by having bought a useless gw2 account because, in the end, the xpac contained a core game, and promoting two different things through the mods on the forums and the FAQ, it feels scammy, shabby and makes me want to just quit it. This is not the company I paid for my gw2 game, this is not the company I traded with for the past few years.
50$ is a fine price for an expansion… when the content delivered is worth it
A combo core game + expac is TOTALLY fine, if we, as vets, can get something without feeling like being robbed of a core game…
Being told that there won’t be a box edition or that we won’t have to buy gw2 is TOTALLY fine, when Anet can actually keep its word and not change it at the last minute, attracting a very serious threat of lawsuit on their kitten…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aenaos.8160
The ppl who complain on the forums are 1% of the playerbase, so who cares
. I won’t miss them.
If they stop playing it will be healthier for the community and maybe new, fresh blood will complain less with this expansion.
I remember a similar argument on the City of Heroes and Warhammer Online boards. I hope I don’t have to point out the irony in their past and your current opinion. Sincerely.
Oh my.This is so W* indeed.
And we all know how well such attitude ends up for MMOs…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shakunaw.9854
I really think and advice everyone whining to stop, because they’re just overloading the servers and it doesn’t help anyone with it.
Complaining about the price won’t make it go lower, eventhough I have to admit I’m part of European countries where the average monthly salary doesn’t fit in the common rank of the European salaries, it is -quarter- of it, therefore the game would be rather overly expensive, however, stop crying and if you aren’t entirely dedicated to the game, don’t -pay- for the expansion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Behellagh.1468
Cause we aren’t buying the core game again. The core game is just free for those who don’t already have it. The $50 is 100% the price of the expansion.
To anyone who already paid $10-60 for the base game, it feels like you are getting screwed (aka paying more for less than a new person or paying for something twice.)
But we’ve played months to years already on that $10-60. Those getting the game for free when they buy the expansion will only have, hopefully, a few months of core game play for free.
Now I would be POed if I bought the game since HoT was announced only to get it for free but again, depending on how much you paid, you got what, 5 months of game play for $10? For those of use who bought the game back in 2012 and paid close to it’s original price, I think we got our money’s worth.
The problem I have with the price is more to do with the amount of content I think this expansion has. And if it’s not much more than 3xLS2 plus one profession and specialization, $50 seems a tad steep.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dennie.9237
50 $ is far too high price for expansion. I can pay 20-30 $, but not 50. Even core game price was 40$.. Its definitely need to be some discount for those of us, who already own game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jordo.5913
To put it into perspective, the cost of HoT is equivalent to 3 unlimited harvesting tools, 1 outfit, and 1 hairstyle kit.
Think about that.
HoT is going to have less story, less maps, no dungeons, and about 1/3 of the original games total content.
Yet, costs the same amount of money as the original game at launch.
Think about that.
Which means you can’t place things in vacuum and compare them on a 1:1 ratio.
Standard pricing for expansions TODAY is around $40-60 (See Heavensward and WoD), both of which have less content than the base game. I mean, kitten , Diablo 3 expac was $40 for what was basically 1/4 of the original game. Don’t forget SC2 expansions that go FULL price as well for what’s basically new missions and few new units.
Heavensward is 40 bucks.
WoD was 50 bucks, that came with a free 60 dollar cash shop item upon purchase. You know, an item that helped out both new and loyal players.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Khristophoros.7194
Stop pretending you won’t buy it. We see this all the time with MMO’s when launching expansions. People stomp their feet on the forums, complain about the prices, but they still end up buying it.
You can threaten to quit, you can threaten to move to another game. But really, think about what waste of money it would be to drop $50 on a new game and $15 on monthly subscriptions, then quit shortly after because you realized grass isn’t greener? Or go out and drop $50-$60 on a console game and finish it within a week. All of a sudden, that $50 for GW2 expansion never sounded better.
Normally game devs add a lot more content in an expansion. ANet hasn’t mentioned any new towns or dungeons and they’ve only mentioned new open world areas in Maguuma Jungle. I’m not paying 50 bucks for a small content patch. I’m not quitting GW2 either.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Photonman.6241
I for one have no issue paying $50 for the xpac. What i have issue with is the fact that if I choose to upgrade the account I already have versus just creating a new one, I stand to lose out on 4 character slots and a bank’s worth of storage. I’ve invested a lot of time and effort into my characters and that choice puts me in a bad situation. Honestly they would only have to add some value to make it worth it for me. 1500 gems for a character slot and some goodies for returning players would do it for me but it really does seem like a bit of a rip off at the moment.
(edited by Photonman.6241)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dookleeto.3647
Amazed at how many people are outraged they ‘have to buy the base game again’. You are not. It is being bundled in for free for the new players. (unless you want some free gems maybe, then you actually do have to buy the base game again as I understand it)
Yes its a pricey expansion.
Yes the wiki telling players they would need to buy the base game to play HOT is a pretty bad blunder.
Yes, offering the ultimate edition only to new accounts is a bit weird, and bound to annoy a few people I’m sure.
However do you not feel you got your money’s worth with the original purchase? I dont even play that much and its been amazing value from where I am standing.
HOT may not have the kind of content on release that the base game did, but you will also get 2+ years of living story updates, and all the other work that goes into the game. Do you expect so much for 20-30 bucks?
A little comparison to the industry leader World of Warcraft.
Players of Mists of Pandaria played one raid, Siege of Orgrimmar for a total of 429 days according to this chart: . In the entire expansion there was only 2 content patches. Cataclysm was similar. 429 days of sub to WoW costs about $215, and they bought the boxed expansion too.
Many other comparisons could be made to games that cost the same at launch and have only 4-8 hours of gameplay and you are done.
However Anet have made mistakes with this announcement in my opinion, especially stating on the wiki that it would not be a standalone. I can truly imagine some new players feeling extremely cheated on that count.
(edited by dookleeto.3647)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Arioso.8519
Stop pretending you won’t buy it.
I don’t need to pretend. I won’t.
I’m not quitting either.
Ya’ll have fun in the jungle, I’ll be running around the rest of Tyria wreaking havoc with my engie’s shiny new orbital laser. Why pay $50 for a hammer when I already have a ORBITAL LASER. … I’m good.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sold Out.7625
Pretty much a slap on the face of existing loyal players. You have the game? Pay for it again it you want expansion. Absolute Rip-Off.
It would make sense even if it was like $49 for new accounts and $29 for existing.
You don’t do that reading thing, do you? There’s already been multiple posts stating that the expansion would have cost that much -anyway-. The core game being free for new people is -just- a freebie. Get over it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jitsuryoku.9038
so core game included? Does that mean we get a separate code for core game?
So…. 45 Euros for guild halls, 1 map, 1 class and 8 specializations and masteries (that evidently only work on the 1 map)?
If i remember correctly core game was cheaper without discounts.
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