HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
At first I was agains that I though it was really a slap in the face, but after a little while, I think it is acceptable. After all they are not the only one to give the game with an expensions or new games depending on how you look at it. For example, Rainbow six siege come with a copy of vegas and vegas 2 on xbox one (announced at E3 2015), would you say it is not right for everyone who already have rainbow six vegas and vegas 2? I don’t think so.
It’s not really the same thing with Rainbow Six. Siege is replacing Vegas 2 as the current/flagship Rainbow Six game, while GW2 is still the current flagship of the Guild Wars series with HoT only expanding it. There is a big difference between sequel and expansion. Vegas 2 is also over twice as old as GW2. I don’t think we’d be making this big a deal if it was GW3 coming out, with GW2 as the bonus.
Maybe your right, we would not be make a big fuss about it but that is just an example, many other game include the core game with their expansion too, that doesn’t depreciate the value of the expansion. Of course it doesn’t benefit that much to the gamer currently playing the game, all everyone is asking is the same thing as if you buy something new and decide to not buy it after all because they don’t give you a pen as gift because you already have a pen… Really, you don’t give a kitten about the core game you already have it, it you want to benefit from their offer simply start a new account, of course you will loose all your legendaries and account bond stuff but you will get 5 char slot + hot, twice the daily, simply convert your benefit to your old account or something like that and boom you get yourself the same thing as the new player!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958
You did NOT pay Arenanet in advance so they owe you a personal butler that brings you three years worth of updates on a silver platter. You paid for Guild Wars 2 in it’s vanilla state. Nothing more, nothing less.
Have you lost touch with reality?
I did pay ANet in advance on the clearly stated promise that the game would be continually updated. And I did get three years of promised updates on a silver platter, like they promised, all because I made that initial purchase that carried with it the explicit promise of updates. It’s not something I made up, it’s how ANet marketed the game. And they kept their promise, good on them!
What kind of person are you, besmirching ANet’s good name by implying differently?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: papry.8096
Have you lost touch with reality?
I don’t think he has ever been when I see all his answers.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Changeling Dash.4782
Please stop saying like if all the stuff we already got on our accounts have fallen on us from sky. It is earned through time, game and gem purchases.
New players can have all this stuff too, by spending their time and money. We are equal here.
So the argument “You already have much on your account they don’t” fails. It wasn’t actually free, it was available through game experience. Jast as it is for new players.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: synfullydevine.3642
You did NOT pay Arenanet in advance so they owe you a personal butler that brings you three years worth of updates on a silver platter. You paid for Guild Wars 2 in it’s vanilla state. Nothing more, nothing less.
Have you lost touch with reality?
I did pay ANet in advance on the clearly stated promise that the game would be continually updated. And I did get three years of promised updates on a silver platter, like they promised, all because I made that initial purchase that carried with it the explicit promise of updates. It’s not something I made up, it’s how ANet marketed the game. And they kept their promise, good on them!
What kind of person are you, besmirching ANet’s good name by implying differently?
aside from the last 2 content(ls) ever other was a hack job and to anet and the way they made it feel was an experiment that failed. The marionette was good too. Guild halls should have been in game from the beginning. so to me this expansion is 2 years to late considering they should have been working more steadily on it
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JoelTang.3680
Lets not forget the network effect of having new players. There is value in a large player base that benefits players.
Like more overflow servers and lag?
Whatever floats your boat.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Menadena.7482
They could have done a MUCH better job with their PR. There are plenty of ways they could cook the numbers (especially since the HOT price was not released yet) to get the same results but not upset their current base.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ReiCH.6273
But when you got something you got it for free. Stop complaining about free stuff.
No i didn’t get it for free. What ever gave you that idea? It’s bought and payed for by the cost of gem purchases me and others have done over the course of our play through of the game. They’re not a charity. They never give out stuff for free. Their business model is one where they need to keep me and others interested so we stay in the game, populate the world and eventually buy gems for stuff. Even the people who are not like me and don’t buy gems directly but with gold only, they too pay for the game because they make the gem to gold market happen so others buy the gems for them and they exchange it for gold.
In other words, we’ve all payed for everything that was given, and that includes the players who bought everything with gold. They just exchanged their time and effort in grinding with someone else’s money. But! money was still spent to make said transaction happen.
So, to recap, it wasn’t for free at all, money were spent and I just like how you moved the argument from “oh they give us content every 2 weeks” -a lie btw- into something else entirely. Intellectual honesty at an all time low.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: mtpelion.4562
I wish ArenaNet would have listened to players like me instead of listening to those demanding an unnecessary expansion. Free Living Story updates were a vastly superior content model than the antiquated “expansion” idea.
Now we’ve got a situation where the Living Story fans are mad that they are being coerced to pay for something that should be free, the expansion fans are mad because it is too expensive, rewards new players/insults older players, and/or used deceptive marketing to get people to buy the core game early, ArenaNet is behind the 8-ball and likely to lose a substantial amount of revenue no matter what happens, and everyone is likely to end up madder when the next announcement is made.
Long story short: Don’t do expansions. They stopped being a good idea when the internet was invented (for those of you who are post-internet gamers, expansions were invented as a way to expand your game by letting you go to the store and buy a disc that had more stuff on it. Discs are those round silvery things your parents have on shelves around their computers. The concept of needing a large dump of data at one time and for a large price is now obsolete since we now have alternate pricing and data delivery models).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ordeal.9145
Dam 99 pages, well i’ll give my 2 cent.
This was handled very badly on how they introduced the pre-purchase and the usual dead silent afterwards. For the price of the base game (which of now is gw: HoT) i am not bothered much i expected it to cost about this much, but the no release date and giving preview on whats to come seem realy shody business to me.
Bottom line for me is if i preorder i don’t know what i am gettingand It is always a bad idea to give any company/store/business money before you have a final product. If you want to show support or get extra from deluxe/ultimate thats fine, however giving away money without knowing what you get is a risky deal for you the consumer so just a take a deep breath and wait for the relase (whenever that is). I have a problem with this company history on releasing very little information on what is released and usualy it turned out on the small scale.
Why isn’t there any answer after 99 pages? the best way to overcome a downfall is competence. Showing us what is on the release of HoT even just headline would have reduced much of negetive feedback on the forums and reddit that was building up against Anet over the last few years , why are class specz is devided so much apart i keep thinking to mylsef that maybe its not ready or somthing is wrong or they just don’t have much to it so the Strech everything.
In the end do i want character slot? would have been nice but its not major , wow never gave any when new classes were released. do i want another game copy? no and i doubt we will get anything in return for changing what is the game core. What i want is INFORMATION and a good reason to stop doubting this company and buying HoT on release.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GeekDavid.2786
The people complaining on forum, I can guarantee you most of them will but HoT they second they hear people talking about it after release. This is what happens every times.
They wont buy HOT because they dont have money. If you cant afford something you wont buy it. Its simple. People who have money dont give a kitten about the price.
I am probably earning more money than your whole family kiddo. But it doesn’t make me kim kardashian that throws money every single, overpriced, idiotic stuff unlike you.
If true, you’re extremely wealthy and complaining about 10 bucks. From a company that has given you a mmo for 3 years with no monthly payments or pay 2 win features. You’re that wealthy and you fail to see the value in HoT?
A wealthy person typically gets wealthy by not wasting money.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Conski Deshan.2057
I wish ArenaNet would have listened to players like me instead of listening to those demanding an unnecessary expansion. Free Living Story updates were a vastly superior content model than the antiquated “expansion” idea.
Now we’ve got a situation where the Living Story fans are mad that they are being coerced to pay for something that should be free, the expansion fans are mad because it is too expensive, rewards new players/insults older players, and/or used deceptive marketing to get people to buy the core game early, ArenaNet is behind the 8-ball and likely to lose a substantial amount of revenue no matter what happens, and everyone is likely to end up madder when the next announcement is made.
Long story short: Don’t do expansions. They stopped being a good idea when the internet was invented (for those of you who are post-internet gamers, expansions were invented as a way to expand your game by letting you go to the store and buy a disc that had more stuff on it. Discs are those round silvery things your parents have on shelves around their computers. The concept of needing a large dump of data at one time and for a large price is now obsolete since we now have alternate pricing and data delivery models).
I know my thinking on wanting them to do an expansion , was that since it would give them extra money they could expand their team and pump out a greater volume of content overall. I also thought the living world content would continue during the expansion lead up due to this.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Valky.2574
50$ for what we seen is just not worth it that’s the price of a new game not a expansion
so i will wait for a huge price drop or by then forget the game even exists
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Strach.1572
That has nothing to do with what I said. Buying gems is completely optional. You get all the Living Story updates and patches without buying gems.
Hmm strange when I bought game 147 days ago i had to buy missing stories for gems witch wasnt for free.
On a side note if i will buy the core game again(with “expansion”) will it open me the mising LS1? doubt that
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Strach.1572
The people complaining on forum, I can guarantee you most of them will but HoT they second they hear people talking about it after release. This is what happens every times.
They wont buy HOT because they dont have money. If you cant afford something you wont buy it. Its simple. People who have money dont give a kitten about the price.
I am probably earning more money than your whole family kiddo. But it doesn’t make me kim kardashian that throws money every single, overpriced, idiotic stuff unlike you.
If true, you’re extremely wealthy and complaining about 10 bucks. From a company that has given you a mmo for 3 years with no monthly payments or pay 2 win features. You’re that wealthy and you fail to see the value in HoT?
A wealthy person typically gets wealthy by not wasting money.
A foolish person !s ‘quick’ to condemn what they do not understand. A wise person is ‘slow’ to condemn what they do understand
Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: blavkcat.8374
I realize anything I could say right now is pretty redundant, but I have been lurking this issue for several days now and I am sure there are a lot like me. I’ve been playing since beta and have been buying gems almost monthly to support what I’ve thought is a great game. I’ve been taking a break for the last month and frankly I don’t know if I should bother returning. The lack of a response is what really kills it for me right now. What a shame. I’ve had great times with this game and met new real life friends across oceans. I just don’t think I can support this kind of behavior.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: synfullydevine.3642
I wish ArenaNet would have listened to players like me instead of listening to those demanding an unnecessary expansion. Free Living Story updates were a vastly superior content model than the antiquated “expansion” idea.
Now we’ve got a situation where the Living Story fans are mad that they are being coerced to pay for something that should be free, the expansion fans are mad because it is too expensive, rewards new players/insults older players, and/or used deceptive marketing to get people to buy the core game early, ArenaNet is behind the 8-ball and likely to lose a substantial amount of revenue no matter what happens, and everyone is likely to end up madder when the next announcement is made.
Long story short: Don’t do expansions. They stopped being a good idea when the internet was invented (for those of you who are post-internet gamers, expansions were invented as a way to expand your game by letting you go to the store and buy a disc that had more stuff on it. Discs are those round silvery things your parents have on shelves around their computers. The concept of needing a large dump of data at one time and for a large price is now obsolete since we now have alternate pricing and data delivery models).
Anet made some poor development choices early on and as time went on tried to resolve them without admitting they messed up. Which any company would do considering it would be bad pr. If they stuck with the traditional expac and did balancing etc for free they wouldn’t have a 2 year overdue expansion. Working on this in the background and saying nothing is off the table put there resources in too many directions. I’m with you in a sense they need focus but like the expac route just because I believe bug fixes and balancing should be free and treated as any normal patch update
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Broom.2561
As every GW2 players BFF Treahearne likes to day: “This won’t end well.”
Trahearned was nerfed… nowadays he says ‘well done’ all the time. I still want to burn him and salt the ashes…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yorick.1305
Should it not have been,
‘….We included the core game as a free bonus for new players, to make it easier for them to get into’.
The official line seems the wrong way round to me. A juxtaposition error. Also the ‘it’ at the end isn’t necessary, ‘into’ more than suffices.
(edited by yorick.1305)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ShelBlackblood.7826
Let’ review.
When Arena Net announced the pre-purchase of HoT the community was divided. Those who accepted and those who didn’t. Here are the problems:
1. The price – The expansion costs 45 euro. If you don’t have the core game you get it for free (or so they say). When the game came out it also cost about the same. So why does the expansion cost so much if it is only an expansion?
2. The amount of content – HoT < GW2. There is simply no way that an expansion has the same amount of content as the core game (without updates). We know of a few new features and nothing else. That brings us to…
3. Lack of information – Most of us can’t just buy the expansion for such a high price without any information on what we are buying. At least this can be solved by simply waiting.
4. False advertising – Before announcing HoT Arena Net told new players that they have to have the core game in order to play the expansion. The made people buy the game in order to get into the world of GW2 so they can be prepared when the expansion comes out. They put the game on sales throughout the past year to make the game more appealing. Now people who bought the game more than 30 days ago (or didn’t use the site) can’t get their money back in order to buy the expansion and get the game for free.
5. What current players get – We don’t know exactly what the expansion will include. All we get are sneak previews. But we do know that there will be a new profession. But we don’t get an extra character slot with the standard pack. We have to either: already have a free slot; buy and additional slot; delete a character; in order to play the new profession. That is a slap in the face for people who spent time developing all their characters and can’t afford to spend even more money for a new slot.
6. Poor communication – This has been going on for days (almost a week) and there has been no response what so ever on the issues that people have.
(feel free to add if I’ve missed something)
So what do we want? Well I can’t speak for everyone on this but what I want for my 45 euro of unknown content is: a character slot, some gems. That’s it.
Almost a week later and there’s still no official response. Or should we consider this one as legit?
I usually don’t spam, but here’s my suggestion, again: The price/content ratio is still bothering me, but speaking for myself, I would buy the expansion without the main game for 10 Euros less + 800gems (equals one char slot) without any second thought. 35€ doesn’t sound that bad for an expansion, doesnt it?
Edit: Ladies and Gentlemen, we just entered page 100 ~cheers
(edited by ShelBlackblood.7826)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GeekDavid.2786
Almost a week later and there’s still no official response. Or should we consider this one as legit?
A week and 100 forum pages later…
ANet, you’re not doing yourself any favors stretching this out. Quite the opposite, in fact.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: abc.5790
Rebates. Discounts. Sales. Bundles… Unless you spent most of your life in a cave, these happen all the time. It’s not going to change because you feel it’s unfair.
Expect paying a higher price if you want to be amongst the first to own a product. Other option is for you to wait for the product to go on sale.
Im not sympathizing with Anet either because how they packaged, promoted and priced the expansion was terribly amateurish. It’s like something a start-up with inexperienced founders would do. Not a 10+ year old company backed by a larger company.
On the other hand, the comments some of you posted were ridiculous. I know a lot of people have quit playing the game out of boredom or other reasons. Fair enough.
Yet a bunch have admitted to enjoying the game, have spent thousands of hours on it so far but will deny/reject themselves from enjoying it further because it costs $20 more than they’re willing to pay for…even if they were really looking forward to it.
$50 expansion may seem expensive to some but it’s still very reasonable.
Why does it bother “veterans” that new customers get the base for free? If you’re a so called veteran, you had a 3 year head start. You experienced content that’s now retired, content that will never be enjoyed by the new buyer.
Reading the comments on here, I won’t be surprised if you fail to see it from that perspective.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ronpierce.2760
This just in, more people have opinions!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GeekDavid.2786
Rebates. Discounts. Sales. Bundles… Unless you spent most of your life in a cave, these happen all the time. It’s not going to change because you feel it’s unfair.
Expect paying a higher price if you want to be amongst the first to own a product. Other option is for you to wait for the product to go on sale.
Im not sympathizing with Anet either because how they packaged, promoted and priced the expansion was terribly amateurish. It’s like something a start-up with inexperienced founders would do. Not a 10+ year old company backed by a larger company.
On the other hand, the comments some of you posted were ridiculous. I know a lot of people have quit playing the game out of boredom or other reasons. Fair enough.
Yet a bunch have admitted to enjoying the game, have spent thousands of hours on it so far but will deny/reject themselves from enjoying it further because it costs $20 more than they’re willing to pay for…even if they were really looking forward to it.
$50 expansion may seem expensive to some but it’s still very reasonable.
Why does it bother “veterans” that new customers get the base for free? If you’re a so called veteran, you had a 3 year head start. You experienced content that’s now retired, content that will never be enjoyed by the new buyer.
Reading the comments on here, I won’t be surprised if you fail to see it from that perspective.
Yeah, if you feel you’re getting a raw deal, don’t exercise your right to speak about it, just stay quiet and take it or leave it. But by all means don’t disturb the fanbois.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Daddar.5971
Unwillingness to pay $60 to roll a Revenant without deleting a current character is neither whining nor raging. It’s normal intelligence. That said, I am just stupid enough to pay $50 for the privilege.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EvilToaster.7406
You are like the 20th person to post this EXACT thing. Take it to one of the already existing threads
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: gryph.8734
I can only speak for myself, but it’s not really the price itself that bothers me. It’s the feeling that I’ve dedicated a lot of time and a significant amount of money to this game only to be made to feel like I’m not as important as the new players are. Apparently there are veterans who are okay with that. Certainly plenty of veterans are around to tell me how unfair I’m being to Anet. What it boils down to is that unless and until something changes, I’m not purchasing HoT. Now or in the future.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dinks.2478
You are like the 20th person to post this EXACT thing. Take it to one of the already existing threads
No, this guy is special. He needs to show off to the rest of his friends how cool he is with his edgy pro anet statement about how we’re all being whiney babies. We should just bend over and take it because Anet is our lord and savior.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eurhetemec.9052
$50 expansion may seem expensive to some but it’s still very reasonable.
Very reasonable by what standard? It’s expensive for an expansion, period. It’s very expensive for an expansion that does not let you play all the content without deleting a character or buying a new slot for another $10.
I think it’s just your opinion that it’s “very reasonable”, not a fact so you may want to chew on that.
Why does it bother “veterans” that new customers get the base for free? If you’re a so called veteran, you had a 3 year head start. You experienced content that’s now retired, content that will never be enjoyed by the new buyer.
Simple fairness when we’re paying money for something. It’s not complicated.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MiniEquine.6014
Yeah, if you feel you’re getting a raw deal, don’t exercise your right to speak about it, just stay quiet and take it or leave it. But by all means don’t disturb the fanbois.
At no point did they say not to complain about it, just that, in their opinion, the complaints are somewhat out of hand. Speak out if you feel like it, but it really has gotten to some ridiculous levels (like trying to file a class-action lawsuit? really?). Anet owes us more communication, clarification, and possibly apologies too, but this forum has been almost literally nothing but repeat threads about the expansion price.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Yasi.9065
Almost a week later and there’s still no official response. Or should we consider this one as legit?
A week and 100 forum pages later…
ANet, you’re not doing yourself any favors stretching this out. Quite the opposite, in fact.
We’ve got bugged events that have to be forcibly reset for over 2 years without any kind of response to bug reports.
And you expect Anet to answer as fast as 7 days after they kittened up? Good luck.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: RubberDougie.2750
I think it is only expensive because they charge $$$ for item space in the game as-is. “The Secret World” only charges for content and extras, not “necessities.”
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: abc.5790
This just in, more people have opinions!
Unlike you, I don’t have 81 PAGES worth.
Teach me how to impose my opinions on such a grand scale like you have.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Conski Deshan.2057
Welcome to page 100 ladies and gentlemen, a quick reminder of the points being brought up so far:
1. It is felt by some that a character slot should have been included in all versions
2. The vanilla game bonus for new players, is lost to people who already own the game this is thought to be unfair. Either a separate key or a “gift” in kind (800gems/second char slot etc) is felt to be an acceptable compromise.
3. The price point on one or more versions is felt to be out of line with expectations/industry average. An increase in the value or decrease in the price is desired.
4. A change was made to the FAQ recently where it prior stated that GW2 was required to play HOT without any mention of the game being included in the bundle. This is felt to be a shady change, admission and/or discussion of this change by the devs is desired.
5. Key information relating to content/release dates etc is still unknown and some feel that this information is needed before they can commit to a purchase.
6. Again on communication, clear and open discussion of the above points with the Dev team is desired.
Some common counter points:
C1: “Just don’t buy it.”
A: Firstly there is a pre-order bonus which means waiting may not be an option. Secondly players WANT to give A-net their money but some would like a better deal/more information first, it is in their interest to discuss this.
C2: “Free”,
A: The game was buy to play with the advertisement of continued living story updates, it was not free it was paid for with the expectation of content updates.
C3: “look at x,y,z game”
A While comparison is useful, it is a discussion of the direction players want this game to go/operate not what other games have done in the past.
C4: “You guys are just being selfish/entitled/mean/greedy/stupid/etc/etc.”
A: This is not a discussion point it is just a statement of opinion backed up with nothing, if you cannot contribute meaningfully please do not.
C5: “You can just convert gold to gems/buy gems for x.”
A: It takes time or money to carry out these actions, this leads to an opportunity cost which is what the players want to avoid through this discussion.
You may now continue discussing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GeekDavid.2786
Almost a week later and there’s still no official response. Or should we consider this one as legit?
A week and 100 forum pages later…
ANet, you’re not doing yourself any favors stretching this out. Quite the opposite, in fact.
We’ve got bugged events that have to be forcibly reset for over 2 years without any kind of response to bug reports.
And you expect Anet to answer as fast as 7 days after they kittened up?
Good luck.
More reason not to continue to support them, IMHO.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dinks.2478
This just in, more people have opinions!
Unlike you, I don’t have 81 PAGES worth.
Teach me how to impose my opinions on such a grand scale like you have.
Have others agree with you. Pretty simple right?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eurhetemec.9052
Yeah, if you feel you’re getting a raw deal, don’t exercise your right to speak about it, just stay quiet and take it or leave it. But by all means don’t disturb the fanbois.
At no point did they say not to complain about it, just that, in their opinion, the complaints are somewhat out of hand. Speak out if you feel like it, but it really has gotten to some ridiculous levels (like trying to file a class-action lawsuit? really?). Anet owes us more communication, clarification, and possibly apologies too, but this forum has been almost literally nothing but repeat threads about the expansion price.
Someone always files a class-action lawsuit or threatens to, it’s just the USA for you!
This forum isn’t just about that, but you’ll notice the majority of smaller threads are actually people like this guy, complaining about the complaining – you don’t get to whine about forum littering whilst doing that.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GeekDavid.2786
Yeah, if you feel you’re getting a raw deal, don’t exercise your right to speak about it, just stay quiet and take it or leave it. But by all means don’t disturb the fanbois.
At no point did they say not to complain about it, just that, in their opinion, the complaints are somewhat out of hand. Speak out if you feel like it, but it really has gotten to some ridiculous levels (like trying to file a class-action lawsuit? really?). Anet owes us more communication, clarification, and possibly apologies too, but this forum has been almost literally nothing but repeat threads about the expansion price.
Someone always files a class-action lawsuit or threatens to, it’s just the USA for you!
This forum isn’t just about that, but you’ll notice the majority of smaller threads are actually people like this guy, complaining about the complaining – you don’t get to whine about forum littering whilst doing that.
But their kind of forum litter is acceptable, whereas anyone else’s isn’t!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: abc.5790
$50 expansion may seem expensive to some but it’s still very reasonable.
Very reasonable by what standard? It’s expensive for an expansion, period. It’s very expensive for an expansion that does not let you play all the content without deleting a character or buying a new slot for another $10.
I think it’s just your opinion that it’s “very reasonable”, not a fact so you may want to chew on that.
Why does it bother “veterans” that new customers get the base for free? If you’re a so called veteran, you had a 3 year head start. You experienced content that’s now retired, content that will never be enjoyed by the new buyer.
Simple fairness when we’re paying money for something. It’s not complicated.
My bad, I didn’t know people on here were ignorant on the price ranges of gaming expansions. Is this your first game?
$50 is reasonable because it is within the range of a typical expansion.
$5000000000000000 is unreasonable though.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ShelBlackblood.7826
We’ve got bugged events that have to be forcibly reset for over 2 years without any kind of response to bug reports.
And you expect Anet to answer as fast as 7 days after they kittened up?
Good luck.
Don’t destroy our hopes just yet One can dream, right?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GeekDavid.2786
We’ve got bugged events that have to be forcibly reset for over 2 years without any kind of response to bug reports.
And you expect Anet to answer as fast as 7 days after they kittened up?
Good luck.
Don’t destroy our hopes just yet
One can dream, right?
(hums) “Dream a little dream with me…”
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360
Its upsetting to see that all of the negative feedback is getting corralled into this one thread….. but what is even more disappointing is that…
There are so many topics that aren’t even being merged with this thread…. and instead are getting outright deleted… topics where players are committing negatively to the HoT expansion, but are remaining completely civil and logical and making valid points and arguments. Usually when a thread is deleted we get a message notification in our inbox, but these threads are simply being erased.
We are being censored.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: mrstealth.6701
It’s not really the same thing with Rainbow Six. Siege is replacing Vegas 2 as the current/flagship Rainbow Six game, while GW2 is still the current flagship of the Guild Wars series with HoT only expanding it. There is a big difference between sequel and expansion. Vegas 2 is also over twice as old as GW2. I don’t think we’d be making this big a deal if it was GW3 coming out, with GW2 as the bonus.
Maybe your right, we would not be make a big fuss about it but that is just an example, many other game include the core game with their expansion too, that doesn’t depreciate the value of the expansion.
Timing is a big part of it, too. You more commonly see other games offering game+expansion/DLC deals some time after the initial release of those additions. Having this offer 4-6 months after HoT’s release would have not caused this much anger, if it even caused any at all. It would also have not brought the allegations of lying and false advertisement.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eurhetemec.9052
$50 expansion may seem expensive to some but it’s still very reasonable.
Very reasonable by what standard? It’s expensive for an expansion, period. It’s very expensive for an expansion that does not let you play all the content without deleting a character or buying a new slot for another $10.
I think it’s just your opinion that it’s “very reasonable”, not a fact so you may want to chew on that.
Why does it bother “veterans” that new customers get the base for free? If you’re a so called veteran, you had a 3 year head start. You experienced content that’s now retired, content that will never be enjoyed by the new buyer.
Simple fairness when we’re paying money for something. It’s not complicated.
My bad, I didn’t know people on here were ignorant on the price ranges of gaming expansions. Is this your first game?
$50 is reasonable because it is within the range of a typical expansion.
$5000000000000000 is unreasonable though.
Oh dear lol.
So you’re the arbiter on this, with all your what, 14 years of wisdom?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GeekDavid.2786
Its upsetting to see that all of the negative feedbacks is getting corralled into this one thread….. but what is even more disappointing is that…
There are so many topics that aren’t even being merged with this thread…. and instead are getting outright deleted. Topics where players are committing negatively to the HoT expansion, but are remaining completely civil and logical and making valid points and arguments. Usually when a thread is deleted we get a message notification in our inbox, but these threads are simply being erased.We are being censored.
Given ANet’s past actions, this is hardly surprising.
Ladies and gentlemen, these are the signs of a company on the defensive, and about to go under if enough of their existing customer base say “bye-bye.”
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: abc.5790
$50 expansion may seem expensive to some but it’s still very reasonable.
Very reasonable by what standard? It’s expensive for an expansion, period. It’s very expensive for an expansion that does not let you play all the content without deleting a character or buying a new slot for another $10.
I think it’s just your opinion that it’s “very reasonable”, not a fact so you may want to chew on that.
Why does it bother “veterans” that new customers get the base for free? If you’re a so called veteran, you had a 3 year head start. You experienced content that’s now retired, content that will never be enjoyed by the new buyer.
Simple fairness when we’re paying money for something. It’s not complicated.
My bad, I didn’t know people on here were ignorant on the price ranges of gaming expansions. Is this your first game?
$50 is reasonable because it is within the range of a typical expansion.
$5000000000000000 is unreasonable though.Oh dear lol.
So you’re the arbiter on this, with all your what, 14 years of wisdom?
14 years more than yours
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: deathfragger.6791
Arenanet’s PR team needs to respond quickly on the matter.
They’re past the sensible time space for that, sadly.
or its a small DLC under 1/4 the size of the core game and they are trying to bulk up fast
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: abc.5790
This just in, more people have opinions!
Unlike you, I don’t have 81 PAGES worth.
Teach me how to impose my opinions on such a grand scale like you have.
Have others agree with you. Pretty simple right?
Logic. Flawed. Is. That. Your. Alt. Account.
81 pages worth of comments has more to do with someone being opinionated (in a creepy way)
Achieving peer acceptance is a not a prerequisite to posting your opinions. A good example is how worthless and shallow his comment was.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: matrix seishin.5312
My bad, I didn’t know people on here were ignorant on the price ranges of gaming expansions. Is this your first game?
$50 is reasonable because it is within the range of a typical expansion.
$5000000000000000 is unreasonable though.
Which other game costs 50$ and then has an expansion or dlc that also costs 50$? Even if there is 1, why should GW2 be the same? GW2 is vast and HoT will be a small part of that. So no… 50$ for an expansion is not reasonable.
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