HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


Yeah I did indeed buy it off some 3rd party selling the game.

HoT pre-purchase went live in June.

You did waste what you spent, especially if you actually purchased it a month after pre-purchasing went live. One reason why you should always buy directly through ArenaNet is because they offer refunds.

Support can’t help you since there’s nothing they can really do about it. They can’t confirm anything about how you purchased your account.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


So, what the hell do people expect, a solar system to explore?

For an ‘expansion’ that costs almost as much as the game cost at launch, I expect almost as much content as the game had at launch.

The table is a fable.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


The refund was for people who bought the core game within the few months prior to HoT’s announcement. Everyone that wants HoT will have to pay $50 regardless of if they’re a F2P or veteran core account.

If you have the game now, at the very least you might as well login every day to collect your login rewards for free gold. Why wait for HoT? HoT is all level 80 content. You might as well spend the next 2 months to become familiar with the game and play through the current story.

Yeah I guess you’re right. Its time to wreak havoc in the lands of tyria.

call customer support, they may have a plan useful to you. Tell them it seems odd they were still allowing the base game to be sold in stores when they were officially only selling hot as a package at that time.

There is nothing Anet can do about places like Amazon selling existing copies of the core game.

Nor are the obligated to do anything when someone buys one of those $20 copies from someone else. There’s no real rush to get HoT anyway unless you want the stuff that comes with it, like the one extra slot. If he doesn’t feel the need for that he can always wait and see if HoT goes on sale (probably won’t for quite a while but its an option)

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

(edited by ScribeTheMad.7614)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Reviera.5183


O , O holy kitten, all that data….that would cost the company……wow thousands just to make the expansions…….thousands as in the format data, format and memory cards for the server hub, then you gatta pay the dev team(for the hrs they’ve worked on it) to even get that kitten done, and you’de need to pay for the equipment to even put the data together. that’s a lot of money they used to give us all that. they bled themselves dry to make all this happen. now they ask for us to pay for it in return.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirta.5029


O , O holy kitten, all that data….that would cost the company……wow thousands just to make the expansions…….thousands as in the format data, format and memory cards for the server hub, then you gatta pay the dev team(for the hrs they’ve worked on it) to even get that kitten done, and you’de need to pay for the equipment to even put the data together. that’s a lot of money they used to give us all that. they bled themselves dry to make all this happen. now they ask for us to pay for it in return.

yet other MMOs did it better and asked for less. The only one to price their expansions this high is WoW and in those you get more content too.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Reviera.5183


WoW you pay what 15 a month for? and you gatta pay for expansions? don’t know, Ide say GW2 is being nice about it. sure they could drop the price for the core gamers but still, Gw2 isn’t a sub game, its a buy to play game, XD they don’t ask you for 15 a month + the content price.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: phys.7689


The refund was for people who bought the core game within the few months prior to HoT’s announcement. Everyone that wants HoT will have to pay $50 regardless of if they’re a F2P or veteran core account.

If you have the game now, at the very least you might as well login every day to collect your login rewards for free gold. Why wait for HoT? HoT is all level 80 content. You might as well spend the next 2 months to become familiar with the game and play through the current story.

Yeah I guess you’re right. Its time to wreak havoc in the lands of tyria.

call customer support, they may have a plan useful to you. Tell them it seems odd they were still allowing the base game to be sold in stores when they were officially only selling hot as a package at that time.

There is nothing Anet can do about places like Amazon selling existing copies of the core game.

Nor are the obligated to do anything when someone buys one of those $20 copies from someone else. There’s no real rush to get HoT anyway unless you want the stuff that comes with it, like the one extra slot. If he doesn’t feel the need for that he can always wait and see if HoT goes on sale (probably won’t for quite a while but its an option)

they could let people upgrade the game at discount. They recieved however much they would have gotten for a 40 dollar game from amazon anyway, it wouldnt be crazy to let people upgrade for the difference in price.

Of course that would have implied the expansion was only an upgrade and shoud be cheaper, but essentialy they created these type of problems with thier business plan, and lack of preparation.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirta.5029


WoW you pay what 15 a month for? and you gatta pay for expansions? don’t know, Ide say GW2 is being nice about it. sure they could drop the price for the core gamers but still, Gw2 isn’t a sub game, its a buy to play game, XD they don’t ask you for 15 a month + the content price.

I picked WoW as the overpriced example (the price point that GW2 is copying), Tera, Rift and other free to play games that you would think we are copying (especially keeping in mind stores with gamble boxes in them) do their expansions much cheaper. For example current Rift’s expansion base is 18£ versus 35£ of Guild Wars 2.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Reviera.5183


I tried playing rift. didn’t like it, was to chunky and it was like Runescape with better graphics, still swining a sword like I was in RS.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I tried playing rift. didn’t like it, was to chunky and it was like Runescape with better graphics, still swining a sword like I was in RS.

if you need action combat then there’s always Tera and soon to come Blade and Soul. Those guys didn’t do too bad, over 5 years in different regions they’ve added over 10 extra levels, new regions, new dungeons, new classes, all for free. In EU/NA they will release the game the same way it was at the base and add the content over time, so that players don’t feel overwhelmed.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Reviera.5183


blade and soul isn’t even out yet in the US, its ganna be nearly naked in the US version, and not everyone is expecting perfect results. as far as what ive seen in BnS its ganna be a lot of mooks much like in tera punking the lower lvls, sure that’s pvp, story line goes 2 ways, combat is more high paced then tera but generally the same style of combat.

Tera online, they’re good at what they do however they changed a bit of what used to be, they turned what was good into what made a lot of players angered.
as for maps, not so much, they havnt added much in tera accept a few PvP options and a select few new classes. the races and classes in tera are however numerous, but to be honest that’s where the game really is to them, the graphics and scenery. story is the same shazz all over the place.

so really the only thing Gw2 has not done so far that’s great is lock tab targeting and unlocking aim targeting, and expansions in other games are often free to use. that’s all.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dane.4638


Some of the arguments are not even related to the topic. HoT for someone who hasnt already bought the Core game is priced well in my opinion. Having to pay the same as those who have not already bought the core game for people who did is a bad deal all day long.

Some of you are comparing it to entitlement and to time enjoyed etc. I bought many games many years ago that I still get to enjoy when I feel like it. I still have PS1 games that I go back to from time to time. I still play GW1 from time to time. I bought this game so that I COULD enjoy it as much as I wanted.

Some are arguing that games like WoW would charge us monthly but I didnt buy WoW for that reason! I bought GW2 because I want to have permanent access to the games I spend my hard earned money on. If I am not mistaken (which is possible as noone is always right) the reason that most people who gave Guild Wars a chance is because they advertised that there was no monthly fee! Thats why I bought GW1 and thats also why I bought GW2.

I want to hear Anet say that my purchase is invalid and Ive used up my time with the game now that Ive had 3 years to enjoy it. It doesnt matter if you feel Ive had my moneys worth. If you feel like you have then you go ahead and pay again to renew your purchase and Im sure noone will try and stop you. We did not buy a time gated game and we did not buy a subscription based game and at least in my case this was done on purpose so the amount of time I got to enjoy it is irrelevant.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


pvp and wvw are not part of Hot.
fractal system is also not hot.
3 new legendary weapons, not a new set of weapons
map bonus, i dont think is hot only change

The full set can be included. It’s something that will be released over time with HoT as a requirement in order to acquire them.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Reviera.5183


I assume you’de also need to craft this legendary armor as well just like the weaponry. XD I should get to work on crafting.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eisberg.2379


WoW you pay what 15 a month for? and you gatta pay for expansions? don’t know, Ide say GW2 is being nice about it. sure they could drop the price for the core gamers but still, Gw2 isn’t a sub game, its a buy to play game, XD they don’t ask you for 15 a month + the content price.

I picked WoW as the overpriced example (the price point that GW2 is copying), Tera, Rift and other free to play games that you would think we are copying (especially keeping in mind stores with gamble boxes in them) do their expansions much cheaper. For example current Rift’s expansion base is 18£ versus 35£ of Guild Wars 2.

Actually the current expansion for Rift is free, but they put some stuff into a bundle related to the expansion that really is pay to win. If you do not get the lowest bundle, you cannot wear some gear, there is a group you can join that can give you extra rewards that you buy membership to through those bundles, the rest of the bundle is a title and inventory bag slots.

Prior to going Free To Play, their first expansion was sold for $39.99, and included the base game, and the game had a required subscription fee. So yeah, their one paid expansion was $10 cheaper than GW2s, but you also had to pay $15.00 a month to play it.

Tera Online expansions are also free. Tera Online store is also pay to win since you can buy items that give gives more Health/Power when wearing the item.

So you used two very bad examples that didn’t prove your point at all.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Some of the arguments are not even related to the topic. HoT for someone who hasnt already bought the Core game is priced well in my opinion. Having to pay the same as those who have not already bought the core game for people who did is a bad deal all day long.

Some of you are comparing it to entitlement and to time enjoyed etc. I bought many games many years ago that I still get to enjoy when I feel like it. I still have PS1 games that I go back to from time to time. I still play GW1 from time to time. I bought this game so that I COULD enjoy it as much as I wanted.

Some are arguing that games like WoW would charge us monthly but I didnt buy WoW for that reason! I bought GW2 because I want to have permanent access to the games I spend my hard earned money on. If I am not mistaken (which is possible as noone is always right) the reason that most people who gave Guild Wars a chance is because they advertised that there was no monthly fee! Thats why I bought GW1 and thats also why I bought GW2.

I want to hear Anet say that my purchase is invalid and Ive used up my time with the game now that Ive had 3 years to enjoy it. It doesnt matter if you feel Ive had my moneys worth. If you feel like you have then you go ahead and pay again to renew your purchase and Im sure noone will try and stop you. We did not buy a time gated game and we did not buy a subscription based game and at least in my case this was done on purpose so the amount of time I got to enjoy it is irrelevant.

Renew your purchase? You will still have access to everything that is in the core game when the expansion releases. Your purchase is not invalid at all because you still have access to everything you purchased, there is no time gate on it at all, other than the servers being shut down sometime in the future.

You are not losing anything at all. You are given an opportunity to buy an expansion for the game, and if you do not, you have not lost anything you have already purchased.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Actually the current expansion for Rift is free, but they put some stuff into a bundle related to the expansion that really is pay to win. If you do not get the lowest bundle, you cannot wear some gear, there is a group you can join that can give you extra rewards that you buy membership to through those bundles, the rest of the bundle is a title and inventory bag slots.

Prior to going Free To Play, their first expansion was sold for $39.99, and included the base game, and the game had a required subscription fee. So yeah, their one paid expansion was $10 cheaper than GW2s, but you also had to pay $15.00 a month to play it.

Tera Online expansions are also free. Tera Online store is also pay to win since you can buy items that give gives more Health/Power when wearing the item.

So you used two very bad examples that didn’t prove your point at all.

wait, how is the rift part any different from GW2 trial to GW2 real account? You just consider the purchase of expansion as necessary, because otherwise you’re playing the “trial” version, however unlike GW2 HoT you still have access to the new content. Here you just have access to the base content, but then you can’t access guild bank, you only have half the bag space of a real player, what you can buy off TP is limited, you get no laurels, meaning no ascended accessories for you, meaning you ARE getting screwed out of gear. So if Rift is P2W then GW2 is too.

Now for the Tera store:
NO ITEMS HAVE STATS. It’s the exact same store as the GW2 store, except that gamble boxes are guaranteed to have at least some costume pieces, versus GW2s “you may just get a booster”.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: gooeykat.1875


So someone mentioned this the other day about content updates and support and hoping someone can clarify. So basically all the free content updates that GW2 has been receiving for the past three years is going away and shifting to HoT.

Is this accurate? Will base GW2 players still get free content updates? Or do we know this yet?

(edited by gooeykat.1875)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


Actually the current expansion for Rift is free, but they put some stuff into a bundle related to the expansion that really is pay to win. If you do not get the lowest bundle, you cannot wear some gear, there is a group you can join that can give you extra rewards that you buy membership to through those bundles, the rest of the bundle is a title and inventory bag slots.

Prior to going Free To Play, their first expansion was sold for $39.99, and included the base game, and the game had a required subscription fee. So yeah, their one paid expansion was $10 cheaper than GW2s, but you also had to pay $15.00 a month to play it.

Tera Online expansions are also free. Tera Online store is also pay to win since you can buy items that give gives more Health/Power when wearing the item.

So you used two very bad examples that didn’t prove your point at all.

wait, how is the rift part any different from GW2 trial to GW2 real account? You just consider the purchase of expansion as necessary, because otherwise you’re playing the “trial” version, however unlike GW2 HoT you still have access to the new content. Here you just have access to the base content, but then you can’t access guild bank, you only have half the bag space of a real player, what you can buy off TP is limited, you get no laurels, meaning no ascended accessories for you, meaning you ARE getting screwed out of gear. So if Rift is P2W then GW2 is too.

Now for the Tera store:
NO ITEMS HAVE STATS. It’s the exact same store as the GW2 store, except that gamble boxes are guaranteed to have at least some costume pieces, versus GW2s “you may just get a booster”.

GW2 is in no means Pay2Win. There is nothing you can do with real money that would give you an edge over players that in-game money cannot do in the same levels. If you have a free account, you are locked out of certain things, yes. This, however, does not affect the core game. Less bag space does not affect combat, nor does the number of character slots you have.

Also, I’ve read through all your posts here and continually fail to remember that GW2 has no subscription fee. 100 hours in this game alone results in a total cost of 50 cents/hour for playing the game at the new price point. After 1000 hours you are only paying 5 cents/hour. GW2 pricing structure should only be directly compared to other Buy2Play games. I don’t know any of these off the top of my head aside from GW1, but that also had really high RoI for the cost.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nemesis.6938


The lvl cap is nonsense…why would u otherwise need to be lvl 60 for wvw…look i like giving anet money – I just think they shozld be fair annd transparent about such things especially to loyal customers who support the otherwise

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The lvl cap is nonsense…why would u otherwise need to be lvl 60 for wvw…look i like giving anet money – I just think they shozld be fair annd transparent about such things especially to loyal customers who support the otherwise

…you might want to read the announcement again. The cap is only for f2p players. Those are very unlikely to be loyal customers supporting the game (especially since the oldest f2p accounts are 2 days old).

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Looks like it is about 90% F2P. You can do most things on a free account.

I was taken back by it at first, but then read all of the restrictions. I’m actually OK with it. They basically set it up so that if you like the game you will definitely want to spend the money to unlock the full version, but if you are on the fence you can play enough of the main game to decide for yourself.

Only being able to whisper people that have you on their Friends list and not being able to use /map is a huge obstacle for gold sellers/spammers.

What we may end up seeing is a bunch of bots/spammers simply using /say for spam now. Setting up shop somewhere and spamming it. It would almost definitely be limited to starter zones (which isn’t too great for new player impression sadly), since you can’t leave starter zones until you hit 15.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Actually the current expansion for Rift is free, but they put some stuff into a bundle related to the expansion that really is pay to win. If you do not get the lowest bundle, you cannot wear some gear, there is a group you can join that can give you extra rewards that you buy membership to through those bundles, the rest of the bundle is a title and inventory bag slots.

Prior to going Free To Play, their first expansion was sold for $39.99, and included the base game, and the game had a required subscription fee. So yeah, their one paid expansion was $10 cheaper than GW2s, but you also had to pay $15.00 a month to play it.

Tera Online expansions are also free. Tera Online store is also pay to win since you can buy items that give gives more Health/Power when wearing the item.

So you used two very bad examples that didn’t prove your point at all.

wait, how is the rift part any different from GW2 trial to GW2 real account? You just consider the purchase of expansion as necessary, because otherwise you’re playing the “trial” version, however unlike GW2 HoT you still have access to the new content. Here you just have access to the base content, but then you can’t access guild bank, you only have half the bag space of a real player, what you can buy off TP is limited, you get no laurels, meaning no ascended accessories for you, meaning you ARE getting screwed out of gear. So if Rift is P2W then GW2 is too.

Now for the Tera store:
NO ITEMS HAVE STATS. It’s the exact same store as the GW2 store, except that gamble boxes are guaranteed to have at least some costume pieces, versus GW2s “you may just get a booster”.

Because GW2 is still a buy to play game, them giving people a restricted game for free is basically a demo version of the game. Not the same thing as what Rift is doing.

Also with Tera, they have gear with very much stat increases on it:

Empowered Dragon Silk Shorts
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Power! Increases HP by 3436 and Power by 8.

Fortified Dragon Silk Shorts
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Crit Factor! Increases HP by 3436 and crit rate by 16.

Performance Dragon Silk Shorts
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also replenishes your MP! Increases HP by 3436 and MP by 144 every 5 seconds.

Fitness Dragon Silk Shorts
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your max HP! Increases HP by 3436 and overall HP by 7.2%.

Insulated Dragon Silk Shorts
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Endurance! Increases HP by 3436 and endurance by 6.

Empowering Dragon Silk Smallclothes
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Power! Increases HP by 3436 and Power by 6.

Fortified Dragon Silk Smallclothes
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Crit Factor! Increases HP by 3436 and crit rate by 12.

Performance Dragon Silk Smallclothes
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also replenishes your MP! Increases HP by 3436 and MP by 108 every 5 seconds.

Fitness Dragon Silk Smallclothes
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your max HP! Increases HP by 3436 and overall HP by 5.4%.

Insulated Dragon Silk Smallclothes
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Endurance! Increases HP by 3436 and endurance by 3.

Empowering Dragon Silk Boxers
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Power! Increases HP by 3001 and Power by 2.

Fortified Dragon Silk Boxers
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Crit Factor! Increases HP by 3001 and crit rate by 4.

Performance Dragon Silk Boxers
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also replenishes your MP! Increases HP by 3001 and MP by 36 every 5 seconds.

Fitness Dragon Silk Boxers
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your max HP! Increases HP by 3001 and overall HP by 1.8%.

Insulated Dragon Silk Boxers
This comfortable black undergarment not only ups your game, but also increases your Endurance! Increases HP by 3001 and endurance by 1.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirta.5029


GW2 is in no means Pay2Win. There is nothing you can do with real money that would give you an edge over players that in-game money cannot do in the same levels. If you have a free account, you are locked out of certain things, yes. This, however, does not affect the core game. Less bag space does not affect combat, nor does the number of character slots you have.

Also, I’ve read through all your posts here and continually fail to remember that GW2 has no subscription fee. 100 hours in this game alone results in a total cost of 50 cents/hour for playing the game at the new price point. After 1000 hours you are only paying 5 cents/hour. GW2 pricing structure should only be directly compared to other Buy2Play games. I don’t know any of these off the top of my head aside from GW1, but that also had really high RoI for the cost.

that’s exactly my point. Neither Rift nor Tera is pay to win either, as exclusion from rift without purchasing an expansion pack is even lesser than exclusion in GW2 that completely free accounts will suffer. Neither of these games have a forced sub fee either. They are, just like GW2 now is F2P.
And no, you can no longer compare GW2 to other B2P titles (such as Elder Scrolls Online or The Secret World) as for the most part it’s now F2P. Except it has a harsher model than Rift, forcing you to buy the expansion if you want the expansions content.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Because GW2 is still a buy to play game, them giving people a restricted game for free is basically a demo version of the game. Not the same thing as what Rift is doing.

Also with Tera, they have gear with very much stat increases on it:

The restricted game’s restrictions are not better nor worse than your regular F2P titles. You can still enjoy personal story, PvP, PVE and WvW to its fullest. All you’re locked out is laurel gear, TP restrictions (rift has this too), guild bank restrictions and chat restrictions. Meaning you might as well call the game F2P with payed expansion and a chance to upgrade your account. That’s all it is now.

And about Tera:

“These great new equipment pieces have the same abilities as ones currently in-game, but offer new looks and a chance to fine-tune your play style. And if you’re curious about how they’ll look on you, remember that you can preview all costumes and accessories in the new in-game Dressing Room.”

it’s in no way stronger than equipment in game. Indeed it’s weaker than anything you would get from raiding at end game. GW2 is far less straight forward, but you could gems → gold and get a legendary, which stat wise is BEST IN SLOT in the whole game.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eisberg.2379


GW2 is in no means Pay2Win. There is nothing you can do with real money that would give you an edge over players that in-game money cannot do in the same levels. If you have a free account, you are locked out of certain things, yes. This, however, does not affect the core game. Less bag space does not affect combat, nor does the number of character slots you have.

Also, I’ve read through all your posts here and continually fail to remember that GW2 has no subscription fee. 100 hours in this game alone results in a total cost of 50 cents/hour for playing the game at the new price point. After 1000 hours you are only paying 5 cents/hour. GW2 pricing structure should only be directly compared to other Buy2Play games. I don’t know any of these off the top of my head aside from GW1, but that also had really high RoI for the cost.

that’s exactly my point. Neither Rift nor Tera is pay to win either, as exclusion from rift without purchasing an expansion pack is even lesser than exclusion in GW2 that completely free accounts will suffer. Neither of these games have a forced sub fee either. They are, just like GW2 now is F2P.
And no, you can no longer compare GW2 to other B2P titles (such as Elder Scrolls Online or The Secret World) as for the most part it’s now F2P. Except it has a harsher model than Rift, forcing you to buy the expansion if you want the expansions content.

Those other games also give huge benefits for subscribing, so they are still basically a subscription game with subscription money coming in, with an addition to their in game store income. So yes, they can give the expansions for free since they have multiple ways for income. Guild Wars 2 has zero options for a subscription, and must rely on store and the sales of the game only.

Guild Wars 2 has always been an MMO in a category all by itself. I cannot think of any other Buy to Play MMO that doesn’t have a subscription option as well with an in game cash store.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Because GW2 is still a buy to play game, them giving people a restricted game for free is basically a demo version of the game. Not the same thing as what Rift is doing.

Also with Tera, they have gear with very much stat increases on it:

The restricted game’s restrictions are not better nor worse than your regular F2P titles. You can still enjoy personal story, PvP, PVE and WvW to its fullest. All you’re locked out is laurel gear, TP restrictions (rift has this too), guild bank restrictions and chat restrictions. Meaning you might as well call the game F2P with payed expansion and a chance to upgrade your account. That’s all it is now.

And about Tera:

“These great new equipment pieces have the same abilities as ones currently in-game, but offer new looks and a chance to fine-tune your play style. And if you’re curious about how they’ll look on you, remember that you can preview all costumes and accessories in the new in-game Dressing Room.”

it’s in no way stronger than equipment in game. Indeed it’s weaker than anything you would get from raiding at end game. GW2 is far less straight forward, but you could gems -> gold and get a legendary, which stat wise is BEST IN SLOT in the whole game.

Legendary gear that someone can buy from the TP is still gear that someone else earned, being transferred to someone else has a net effect of zero. Buying gear that has stat increases on it that wasn’t earned in the game but bought from a store is completely different story.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Guild Wars 2 has always been an MMO in a category all by itself. I cannot think of any other Buy to Play MMO that doesn’t have a subscription option as well with an in game cash store.

yet it doesn’t matter as in majority of MMOs all you get is currency if you subscribe. And stop saying B2P. You can be on an even field as a free account, meaning we’re F2P now. It’s not a trial, you’re not excluded from any content. It’s as F2P as F2P gets.

Legendary gear that someone can buy from the TP is still gear that someone else earned, being transferred to someone else has a net effect of zero. Buying gear that has stat increases on it that wasn’t earned in the game but bought from a store is completely different story.

still doesn’t detract from the fact that you can be the worst player ever and earn your gear simply trough your wallet. Actually levels too as you could have just gems → gold → crafting materials and craft your way to 80.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


I understand trying to keep everyone on an even ground, but I don’t think that rewarding trust and money spent would insult anyone. As it stands a veteran player that made multiple gem purchases is only worth as much as a new player that just decided to buy HoTs. That’s not really encouraging people to spend money in my opinion.

Actually the veteran player is worth less.

For many the veteran player is saturated in terms of expense. For every new thing in the gem store a veteran can buy a new player can buy it and the entire back catalog a veteran player has already bought.

Not to mention you can also buy missed story elements you weren’t actively in game to receive, which again the veteran will most likely have been there to receive free.

In terms of value, a new player is potentially worth a lot more to them than a veteran, yes you have whales who will buy everything and anything, a new player isn’t guaranteed to spend, but the potential for more money is ever present.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Guild Wars 2 has always been an MMO in a category all by itself. I cannot think of any other Buy to Play MMO that doesn’t have a subscription option as well with an in game cash store.

yet it doesn’t matter as in majority of MMOs all you get is currency if you subscribe. And stop saying B2P. You can be on an even field as a free account, meaning we’re F2P now. It’s not a trial, you’re not excluded from any content. It’s as F2P as F2P gets.

Legendary gear that someone can buy from the TP is still gear that someone else earned, being transferred to someone else has a net effect of zero. Buying gear that has stat increases on it that wasn’t earned in the game but bought from a store is completely different story.

still doesn’t detract from the fact that you can be the worst player ever and earn your gear simply trough your wallet. Actually levels too as you could have just gems -> gold -> crafting materials and craft your way to 80.

Free players won’t be excluded from expansion content? If yes, therefore the game is still buy to play, and they have only given a highly restricted access to the game that really amounts to it being a demo/never ending trial. If no, then why is there a price for it?

As to your second paragraph. Doesn’t matter, the fact is everything is still earned in some way in the game, it is only being transferred from one player to the next, the net effect is still zero. Actually in the case of gem/gold conversions, gold is being taken out of the economy which is good for everyone.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Test.8734


pvp and wvw are not part of Hot.
fractal system is also not hot.
3 new legendary weapons, not a new set of weapons
map bonus, i dont think is hot only change

The full set can be included. It’s something that will be released over time with HoT as a requirement in order to acquire them.

Amazing how people have selective memory when they want to.

Q: In 2013, ArenaNet said that, during that year, we would see the release of new legendary weapons and new kinds of legendary items. Has ArenaNet broken their promises?

A: OMG of course no! That was not a promise, just something ArenaNet said they were going to do! You cannot expect ArenaNet to do what they said they’re going to do!

Q: HoT has very little content. Isn’t just 3 new legendary weapons too little?

A: OMG of course no! ArenaNet promised they will add more legendary weapons soon! They didn’t say when but we know ArenaNet will add those, so you can consider them part of the expansion when you buy HoT!


Free players won’t be excluded from expansion content? If yes, therefore the game is still buy to play, and they have only given a highly restricted access to the game that really amounts to it being a demo/never ending trial. If no, then why is there a price for it?

Ah, so you are saying that The Old Republic is buy to play? Because, exactly like GW2, it demands people to buy an expansion in order to play through its content, despite how the core game is available for free.

If you really think that, you should share your wisdom with the company that makes The Old Republic, because they – for some completely unknown reason – claim their game is free to play. What do they know, right?

(edited by Test.8734)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Glovebox.5724


Okay, it seems like people are incredibly misinformed. THE BASE GAME IS FREE other than some restrictions, THERE IS NO LEVEL RESTRICTIONS. I swear can’t people read these days?!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Redshirted Ensign.3418

Redshirted Ensign.3418

I don’t know if this has been said yet because I’m not reading through 124 pages, but look at the difference between the content in HoT vs. GW1 factions and nightfall. In GW1 we got a new continent, full story line, two new classes, and two character slots with each one. In HoT I expected at least one new race with its city and low level starter area. I expected the character slot to be standard, not pre-purchase only for those who already have the core game.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


pvp and wvw are not part of Hot.
fractal system is also not hot.
3 new legendary weapons, not a new set of weapons
map bonus, i dont think is hot only change

The full set can be included. It’s something that will be released over time with HoT as a requirement in order to acquire them.

Amazing how people have selective memory when they want to.

Q: In 2013, ArenaNet said that, during that year, we would see the release of new legendary weapons and new kinds of legendary items. Has ArenaNet broken their promises?

A: OMG of course no! That was not a promise, just something ArenaNet said they were going to do! You cannot expect ArenaNet to do what they said they’re going to do!

Q: HoT has very little content. Isn’t just 3 new legendary weapons too little?

A: OMG of course no! ArenaNet promised they will add more legendary weapons soon! They didn’t say when but we know ArenaNet will add those, so you can consider them part of the expansion when you buy HoT!


This again? You do realize that plans change over time within companies, right. I also suppose that if you don’t keep a promise then I can say that from here on out that whatever you say can’t be relied upon?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Okay, it seems like people are incredibly misinformed. THE BASE GAME IS FREE other than some restrictions, THERE IS NO LEVEL RESTRICTIONS. I swear can’t people read these days?!

That’s not it, they still insist they’ve been cheated between this and that HoT comes with the base game.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

pvp and wvw are not part of Hot.
fractal system is also not hot.
3 new legendary weapons, not a new set of weapons
map bonus, i dont think is hot only change

The full set can be included. It’s something that will be released over time with HoT as a requirement in order to acquire them.

Amazing how people have selective memory when they want to.

Q: In 2013, ArenaNet said that, during that year, we would see the release of new legendary weapons and new kinds of legendary items. Has ArenaNet broken their promises?

A: OMG of course no! That was not a promise, just something ArenaNet said they were going to do! You cannot expect ArenaNet to do what they said they’re going to do!

Q: HoT has very little content. Isn’t just 3 new legendary weapons too little?

A: OMG of course no! ArenaNet promised they will add more legendary weapons soon! They didn’t say when but we know ArenaNet will add those, so you can consider them part of the expansion when you buy HoT!


Free players won’t be excluded from expansion content? If yes, therefore the game is still buy to play, and they have only given a highly restricted access to the game that really amounts to it being a demo/never ending trial. If no, then why is there a price for it?

Ah, so you are saying that The Old Republic is buy to play? Because, exactly like GW2, it demands people to buy an expansion in order to play through its content, despite how the core game is available for free.

If you really think that, you should share your wisdom with the company that makes The Old Republic, because they – for some completely unknown reason – claim their game is free to play. What do they know, right?

Don’t forget the “Fractured” update that happened a few years back for Fractals that was supposed to introduce leaderboards and Fractal weapon boxes that never happened and are now behind a paywall.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zok.4956


i feel a bit like an idiot

I feel sorry for you.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Okay, it seems like people are incredibly misinformed. THE BASE GAME IS FREE other than some restrictions, THERE IS NO LEVEL RESTRICTIONS. I swear can’t people read these days?!

Ikr. You get people who paid for a game up to 3 years ago and they are up in arms about people getting free accounts that are so heavily restricted, they can’t chat in /map, enter Lions Arch till level 35, WvW until level 60, buy or sell without restrictions, buy gems with gold, etc etc and they somehow think their account is the same as the f2p accounts and want some sort of discount.

The guy on another thread comparing it to other people getting free theater seats after he paid, it’s closer to the paid accounts have a seat on the 50 yard line at a football field from the beginning of the game with free snacks from the concession stand, and the f2p people have a seat on the end zone, they came in mid game and have to pay for each snack they buy.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elitejelly.7462


I payed full priced for the game… 3 years ago. I have put 3,500 hours into the game, I think i got my moneys worth. Which a lot of people are not considering the amount of entertainment they get out of the game. You pay $30 for a 2 hour dvd movie, I think a $60 game with thousands of hours of content is one kitten of a deal. And I know there are more players with WAY more hours of game time then me. Been seeing a lot of these types of posts ever since they announced the pre-purchase.

As far as my thoughts on f2p, with the restrictions on those free accounts, i think its a good thing for gw2. The player base will grow because people can try before they buy. With the restrictions, it will limit botters.

Edit: corrections

(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.

(edited by Elitejelly.7462)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Heylel.2109


So wait…

…TERA has boosting panties, but you can fanservice other players just for a day?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Looks like you can add future Living Story seasons to things you get only with HoT.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

O , O holy kitten, all that data….that would cost the company……wow thousands just to make the expansions…….thousands as in the format data, format and memory cards for the server hub, then you gatta pay the dev team(for the hrs they’ve worked on it) to even get that kitten done, and you’de need to pay for the equipment to even put the data together. that’s a lot of money they used to give us all that. they bled themselves dry to make all this happen. now they ask for us to pay for it in return.

yet other MMOs did it better and asked for less. The only one to price their expansions this high is WoW and in those you get more content too.

Like Warlords of Draenor is a lot of exciting content? Or is it Snorelords of Dreanor, as it gets called on their forum.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kittiko.2318


So basically, since I bought the game when it first came out and paid $50, what this all comes down to is they want me to pay a total of $100 (base and expansion) while new players only have to pay $50 for the same thing? Seems a bit unfair to me.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


So basically, since I bought the game when it first came out and paid $50, what this all comes down to is they want me to pay a total of $100 (base and expansion) while new players only have to pay $50 for the same thing? Seems a bit unfair to me.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eisberg.2379


So basically, since I bought the game when it first came out and paid $50, what this all comes down to is they want me to pay a total of $100 (base and expansion) while new players only have to pay $50 for the same thing? Seems a bit unfair to me.

So you want new players to have to pay $100 right now in order to play the game and expansion? All that does it create a big boundary for new players when they see then need to pay $100 to get the same content that everybody else has.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


So basically, since I bought the game when it first came out and paid $50, what this all comes down to is they want me to pay a total of $100 (base and expansion) while new players only have to pay $50 for the same thing? Seems a bit unfair to me.

Basically not at all like that. Every other day somebody will post saying almost the exact same thing as you and they, like you, are incorrect.

If you value any time you spend playing the game at $0 (read: don’t value playing the game at all), then yes. However, you apparently don’t value the game at $0 as you do play the game in lieu of other things. You value your time playing the game more than not playing it.

You bought the game when it first came out for $50. You have almost assuredly spent enough time in game to far surpass what people generally consider $50-worth of entertainment. Now the core game is old and devalued. People get it for free now. I got mine for $10 back in January. This is how the real world works.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Test.8734


This again? You do realize that plans change over time within companies, right.


The full set can be included. It’s something that will be released over time with HoT as a requirement in order to acquire them.

You do realize that plans change over time within companies, right. I also suppose that plans can change again and the full set won’t be released ever, so you saying that people should buy HoT because it will include a full legendary set is at best a mistake, at worst a sign of desperation.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: phys.7689


pvp and wvw are not part of Hot.
fractal system is also not hot.
3 new legendary weapons, not a new set of weapons
map bonus, i dont think is hot only change

The full set can be included. It’s something that will be released over time with HoT as a requirement in order to acquire them.

you are reading way too far into what they said, especially since you believe in giving anet as much leeway as possible with what they say.

They said they would release more after hot, they didnt say when they would release it.
they also never said there would be a full set before the next expansion.

likewise more guild halls and specializations might end up being in the next expansion. Don’t assume you will get content that anet never said you will get.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


This again? You do realize that plans change over time within companies, right.


The full set can be included. It’s something that will be released over time with HoT as a requirement in order to acquire them.

You do realize that plans change over time within companies, right. I also suppose that plans can change again and the full set won’t be released ever, so you saying that people should buy HoT because it will include a full legendary set is at best a mistake, at worst a sign of desperation.

Just because something has a potential to change, regardless of its likelihood, doesn’t mean that you can disregard it. The current plan is to release a few legendary weapons upon release and then the rest through the regular updates. There’s no indication for them to change from this.

I’m also not saying people should buy HoT because it will include the full set. Please read the posts again and not make up what I was saying.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: phys.7689


This again? You do realize that plans change over time within companies, right.


The full set can be included. It’s something that will be released over time with HoT as a requirement in order to acquire them.

You do realize that plans change over time within companies, right. I also suppose that plans can change again and the full set won’t be released ever, so you saying that people should buy HoT because it will include a full legendary set is at best a mistake, at worst a sign of desperation.

Just because something has a potential to change, regardless of its likelihood, doesn’t mean that you can disregard it. The current plan is to release a few legendary weapons upon release and then the rest through the regular updates. There’s no indication for them to change from this.

I’m also not saying people should buy HoT because it will include the full set. Please read the posts again and not make up what I was saying.

they never said they would release a full set in HOTS lifespan. They only went ahead as far as 3 more, and did they even say when that would happen? Its possible the next 3 could be in another expansion.