Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


All you guys are claiming the sky is falling already. The game is still in beta. The revenant is NOT finalized. We don’t even know what the rest of the legends do, and not all of the revenant’s utility skills are in the game. We don’t even know what the elite specialization is or how it changes the class!

How can you claim this class sucks when you don’t even know everything about it yet????

Do you know that we know almost the whole base class already? Revenant has 4 base legends, all we miss are sword/sword and Shiro skills and one traitline. Nothing of that going to magically fix the class either way. And while we dont know what elite spec got in the store we know it utilize signets …

Just bc you dont see core desing issues with rev doesnt mean someone else dont see them either. Stunbreaks, swapable utility skills and mobility skills on weps are a must. And it would be great if legends could modify weapon skills as well to fit them.

obey me

(edited by skowcia.8257)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

(edited by NapTooN.6283)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Genesis.8572


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

Even if the Necro does not trait for DS stunbreak, they have access to stunbreaks through a fair number of their utilities: Spectral Armor, Spectral Walk, Plague Signet, Well of Power, and the Flesh Wurm’s Necrotic Traversal.

What stunbreak options does a Revenant who does not trait for it have?

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


Since you can’t swap them I think rev should have a stunbreak on each off hand and two hand weapon. Empty vessel seems like a bandaid solution and makes invo the most mandatory trait line ever.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Crise.9401


Since you can’t swap them I think rev should have a stunbreak on each off hand and two hand weapon. Empty vessel seems like a bandaid solution and makes invo the most mandatory trait line ever.

Well, while I haven’t spent a whole lot of time looking at the other trait lines, basically why would you ever run anything but the trait line and weapon that best synergizes with your main legend.

Trait lines have synergy with a legend and a weapon type, so basically say you are running supportive revenant, this will always be Staff or Hammer, Ventari (primary, if using Staff), Jalis (likely primary, if using Hammer) and for traits invocation and the trait lines matching Jalis and Ventari.

Edit: so in a nutshell Revenant builds will boil down to a choice of weapon between the weapons your legends happen to pair with and gear. The only room for variation is when it comes this is with legends that pair with one-handed weapons.

(edited by Crise.9401)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Kitsune.1902


I wouldn’t say it’s aimed at new players. Resource management is pretty big barrier of entry.

And I simply don’t believd that Revenant won’t get some choice in utilities for each legend. There will be, I tell you.

Big barrier? Like mana, stamina, endurance, combo points, energy, and whatever else practically every other MMO game would call the resource that pretty much every single class there uses? GW2 is a huge exception in that only thief – and now revenant – has that kind of class mechanic.

If anything, if you’ve played any other MMO in the past, it might be a ‘barrier’ to get into thinking that there is no generic expendable resource, but rather it’s all based on cooldowns.

As for utility skills.. here’s link to interview I mentioned earlier:
It’s dated at “Mar 3rd, 2015 at 8:00 AM by MattstaNinja”
and titled as “Guild Wars 2: Pre-PAX Interview”
A quote from the page:

Our final question for Peters involved the Revenant’s heal, utility and elite skills. Channeling legends will change these skills, but each legend in the demo only had the specific five skills with no additional skill options. Peters said that for now this is how it works, but that he can’t rule anything out. He explained that it depends on playing it more and getting a feel for the class now that they have a couple of legends in a really good place. When you start to play more, you can get a sense of whether it needs more customization there or not. Peters said that it is their responsibility now to really dive in and play it to see if enough customization is there or not, and to address it either way.

Peters commented that there is a lot of merit to both; having no customization has allowed them to create a lot of synergy between the skills, something that they wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise. So if they do go in and change it, they need to be careful as Peters said that the synergy currently feels really good. On the other hand, having options helps make you feel more in control of your character and its customization. This is another area where they will be looking at player feedback to help determine which course of action they take.

So yes, plans can change, but so far they haven’t. I don’t think it’ll happen easily, because they’d have to more or less redesign the whole class.

  • Obviously skills would have to be redesigned and new ones added, also whether all skills are unique to legends, or whether some can be used in multiple/all legends (e.g. how skills now work depending on if you are on land or in water)
  • Weapon skills might have to be touched too to work with new, more generic skills
  • Specializations would need a pass to work together with new skill sets
  • Class mechanic would need to be reevaluated to decide if legend swapping needs to be adjusted somehow

Some things might not need to be changed much, others might have to be redone from scratch.. but the whole thing would have to get another pass either way, and it would need rebalancing.

Granted, anet hasn’t been afraid in the past to scrap a design and start over, but usually that’s prior to announcing details – let only putting something into playtest.

Sometimes it’s change for good, sometimes for worse. I would have liked the original sylvari better for example, but in case of revenant I’d like more freedom with skills.

(edited by Kitsune.1902)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

Even if the Necro does not trait for DS stunbreak, they have access to stunbreaks through a fair number of their utilities: Spectral Armor, Spectral Walk, Plague Signet, Well of Power, and the Flesh Wurm’s Necrotic Traversal.

What stunbreak options does a Revenant who does not trait for it have?

Only 1 right now and that might be a bit clunky and costly to use BUT still a Stunbreak on ZERO cooldown. Rite of the Great Dwarf is a Stunbreaker. “All” you have to do is spend 40 Energy and cancel the Animation so you are not rooted for ~3 seconds. The good Thing is that it has no CD, the downside is that it costs 40 Energy.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Kitsune.1902


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

Even if the Necro does not trait for DS stunbreak, they have access to stunbreaks through a fair number of their utilities: Spectral Armor, Spectral Walk, Plague Signet, Well of Power, and the Flesh Wurm’s Necrotic Traversal.

What stunbreak options does a Revenant who does not trait for it have?

Only 1 right now and that might be a bit clunky and costly to use BUT still a Stunbreak on ZERO cooldown. Rite of the Great Dwarf is a Stunbreaker. “All” you have to do is spend 40 Energy and cancel the Animation so you are not rooted for ~3 seconds. The good Thing is that it has no CD, the downside is that it costs 40 Energy.

So in PvP sense this would mean it’s a fact that revenant will run with invocation spec, and jalis plus one other legend (most likely shiro). And essentially the combat will always happen using Jalis – the first time you need stunbreak, if you are not in jalis, you’ll be forced to swap to jalis.. and if you are, you’ll cludge it with starting a skill and then canceling it. How exactly you cancel it, and how much time/resources that will cost you, I don’t know.

40 energy? I see, you dindt played in last beta. Cost is 50 energy now and you cant cancel it by weapon stow or interrupting it with another key. You have to dodge to break the animation.

I guess that answered it. I didn’t think they’d leave a skill that you could easily abuse against it’s intended use (e.g. 3 second self-stun).

(edited by Kitsune.1902)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

Even if the Necro does not trait for DS stunbreak, they have access to stunbreaks through a fair number of their utilities: Spectral Armor, Spectral Walk, Plague Signet, Well of Power, and the Flesh Wurm’s Necrotic Traversal.

What stunbreak options does a Revenant who does not trait for it have?

Only 1 right now and that might be a bit clunky and costly to use BUT still a Stunbreak on ZERO cooldown. Rite of the Great Dwarf is a Stunbreaker. “All” you have to do is spend 40 Energy and cancel the Animation so you are not rooted for ~3 seconds. The good Thing is that it has no CD, the downside is that it costs 40 Energy.

40 energy? I see, you dindt played in last beta. Cost is 50 energy now and you cant cancel it by weapon stow or interrupting it with another key. You have to dodge to break the animation. 3sec is an awful time in pvp where youre a sitting duck and that skill will be completely useless in pvp. Not even as a stunbreak, ppl simply wont use it at all. Too high risk, too high energy cost for too little reward. It used to reduce damage by 100% – basically endure pain but they nerfed it to 50% reduction instead and icnreased it cost. Legit

obey me

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

And obviously you dont even understand what im talking about. Doesnt matter in what pespective we put it in, DS act as a second hp bar for necro where they can tank damage. In case of revenant you dont have that luxury, you dont have access to protection, access to invuls, access to invis, access to blinds, acess to blocks, access to evades, you cant even disengage and to have any sort of mobility you have to camp Shiro.. In short youre pretty much a subpar warrior that has to take everything on chest. Revenant in team fights will be the first target to drop as he doesnt have any tools to defend himself at all. Necro with life force looks superior to him.

In case of necro its totally different to breakstun by entering ds as well. Not olny it provides also 1 stack of stability but it doesnt reset your energy. If it happen that your revenant will get stunned at 90% energy which you been saving up for a combo..tough luck, you have to swap and start over at 50%. Not olny you lose energy but you also lose the skills you was preparing to combo with. No class is punished that hard in this game yet. None.

You also can use utility skills to stunbreak, as a revenant again you dont have that luxury, all you really you can do is a punishing legend swap mentioned above. Not to mention that reaper spec comes off with 70% uptime stability in sk and you dont even have to stay in sk to keep stability pulsing. How revenant looks in comprasion? If anyone thought necro was a pingpong class then wait for revenant. You see a real pingpong soon.

obey me

(edited by skowcia.8257)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Menadena.7482


We will have a lot more information this weekend because of the beta. While obviously it will not be the final form we will get a chance to see how the mechanics of the class ‘feel’.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


If we can see this glaring omission of no stun breaks then they can too.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Who knows..maybe they considering to get rid of stunbreaks completely (Jalis) and slap it on f2 key. After all why not? I could see it working, a stunbreak on f2 with 50 energy cost. Mes has insta invul on f4 after all.

obey me

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Lite Ning Strike.5203

Lite Ning Strike.5203

Personally I was hoping for more of Ritualist bend. But since information on the class is so disjointed about how they actually look and operate in group play, and I’m going blank slate for this class. I take the trouble of pinning its mechanics down as a sign that they are rather unique within the game, and they don’t readily overlap other classes. Kind of the way the engineer did for the longest time, until they improved the trait synergy for it.

Exactly I was hoping for a Ritualist when they announced the new character. Rit was my main in GW1, you could solo the Underworld with it. Played the Rev in the first beta and wasn’t very impressed ( I realize that was early version).

I will make one because I have at least 1 level 80 in all classes (5 mesmers but lets bypass my obsession with Mesmers 20 total characters with 2 more available slots to create more lol). If it doesn’t have any more than the beta I will take it to 80 and park it (like my Engineer)..

The First and Only Blaq Sheep

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Menadena.7482


I am going into the beta weekend doing what I would normally be doing but playing it on a revenant. That way I will have a few days to compare playstyles to other classes I am more used to.

Not that I am under the illusion that this will be the final version. Hopefully they will incorporate some of the feedback they get.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Dibaryon.7469


Heavy armoured Necromancer? I have a necromancer and I have to say that I can’t agree with this statement. The only thing I can see in common is the stance that has utilities self inflicting conditions, and because it’s a slow skill cast type of profession.

I did play it on the last beta, and playing it felt like playing a mixture of guardian with conditions (with mace+axe).

Hammer seemed similar to guardian/warrior (in cast time/damage), but it’s different because it’s ranged(and focuses on building roads instead lol)

Instead of focusing on condition removal you have resistance which is a completely new way to play things. Instead of weapon swapping you swap utilities, heal skill and elite skill. The necromancer’s mechanics revolve around using the death shroud as opposed to these things.

It’s really different of any profession we’ve seen so far in many aspects.

EDIT: I didn’t even mention the new unique way to play Staff, that comes with the Ventari legend.

Flipping your camps since 2014 :3

(edited by Dibaryon.7469)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


cant w8


Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


finaly something worth combining


Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Testudo.4620


i’m lame and i’m bringing back my gw1 assassin as a revenant because 3 of my characters descended from her sister. i was p excited about the revenant’s backstory of coming from the mists because my headcannon for my assassin was that she disappeared into the mists and nobody knew where she went.


Graduated top of class esports academy
#1 on fractal leaderboards

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Donari.5237


I can’t post pics because the screens are on my computer at home. /weeps

My design has been of faces, though, not of armor and weapons (I have collected a number of neat hammer skins in anticipation, just watch me prefer other weapons once we know them all).

I have a chiseled dark blond human male that I’ve used for the first beta (would have for the second if my portal wasn’t bugged) and have actually made in game as a name place holder. If we still can only do humans this weekend I’ll likely make him again in my beta slot with some random but appropriate name … oy vey, I can’t, my screenshot of his sliders is at home ><

I also fiddled with a red headed human female, an icy blue stern looking sylvari female, and a super pale bald norn female.

I’m waiting for inspiration to strike as to personality; so far the sylvari has the most starter-RP ideas swirling around for me. Though I might use one of my existing sylvaris to explore the salad story that comes with HoT.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Preview images don’t really let me use the kind of color customization I would want, but it’s close enough.


Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


We will all know more tomorrow.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: DocZed.6973


My Revenant from the Beta.
Transmute Charges didn’t subtract any from my account, so I thought, meh, why the hell not.


All 9 classes leveled and geared to 80!
Remnants of Hope [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Gav.1425


Reading through the rev traits leads me to believe this class isn’t going to be my cup of tea.

I feel like the only archetype the game didn’t have was a “true” tank ie. taunt. I’m concerned that they’re pushing the “holy trinity” a bit with the into of taunts and the recent buffs to healing we’ve seen to give this new class a place.

It’s still missing trait lines and far from done so I will hold my judgement, but from what I’ve seen…


Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I still stand by the idea of giving Revenants a weaker race themed legend with 1 weak unique heal, 3 unique utilities, and a elite skill for each of the five races as a Racial Legend.

Hey this is an Expansion class after all. So i am sure Anet has enough resources and developers for the Revenant to make such a thing for them without taking much awat from the rest of the Expansion.

this would simply add some uniqueness and immersion to the class for those of us that like playing around with Racial Skills.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

Even if the Necro does not trait for DS stunbreak, they have access to stunbreaks through a fair number of their utilities: Spectral Armor, Spectral Walk, Plague Signet, Well of Power, and the Flesh Wurm’s Necrotic Traversal.

What stunbreak options does a Revenant who does not trait for it have?

Only 1 right now and that might be a bit clunky and costly to use BUT still a Stunbreak on ZERO cooldown. Rite of the Great Dwarf is a Stunbreaker. “All” you have to do is spend 40 Energy and cancel the Animation so you are not rooted for ~3 seconds. The good Thing is that it has no CD, the downside is that it costs 40 Energy.

40 energy? I see, you dindt played in last beta. Cost is 50 energy now and you cant cancel it by weapon stow or interrupting it with another key. You have to dodge to break the animation. 3sec is an awful time in pvp where youre a sitting duck and that skill will be completely useless in pvp. Not even as a stunbreak, ppl simply wont use it at all. Too high risk, too high energy cost for too little reward. It used to reduce damage by 100% – basically endure pain but they nerfed it to 50% reduction instead and icnreased it cost. Legit

Nope, i checked the Wiki and it has still the old 40 Energy Cost, that is why i assumed it was still the same. I know that you can only cancel animations with Dodge, but that is no Problem in that regard because when you are stunned as any Profession, your first reaction after the stunbreak would be a dodge to not get hit by whatever the Enemy chained to his Stun (at least for me it is).

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

And obviously you dont even understand what im talking about. Doesnt matter in what pespective we put it in, DS act as a second hp bar for necro where they can tank damage. In case of revenant you dont have that luxury, you dont have access to protection, access to invuls, access to invis, access to blinds, acess to blocks, access to evades, you cant even disengage and to have any sort of mobility you have to camp Shiro.. In short youre pretty much a subpar warrior that has to take everything on chest. Revenant in team fights will be the first target to drop as he doesnt have any tools to defend himself at all. Necro with life force looks superior to him.

  • Jalis has the Road for Stability and Protection on Disable if you trait for it, sure it is not the same as DS but it is still not nothing like you suggest.
  • From your list of protection, access to invuls, access to invis, access to blinds, acess to blocks, access to evades, Necro only has Protection and Blinds himself, just like the Revenant at the Moment.

In case of necro its totally different to breakstun by entering ds as well. Not olny it provides also 1 stack of stability but it doesnt reset your energy. If it happen that your revenant will get stunned at 90% energy which you been saving up for a combo..tough luck, you have to swap and start over at 50%. Not olny you lose energy but you also lose the skills you was preparing to combo with. No class is punished that hard in this game yet. None.

  • You can reach the same with Jalis. Go into his Traitline (which you would certainly do if you take him as your legend) and you get Stability on Dodge. Break the Stun with your Elite and cancel the Animation with a Dodge which gives you in return Stability. And doing a dodge after a stunbreak is a normal reaction and way more likely than sticking to the spot you were stunned at. The downside of 50 Energy Cost stays of course.

You also can use utility skills to stunbreak, as a revenant again you dont have that luxury, all you really you can do is a punishing legend swap mentioned above. Not to mention that reaper spec comes off with 70% uptime stability in sk and you dont even have to stay in sk to keep stability pulsing. How revenant looks in comprasion? If anyone thought necro was a pingpong class then wait for revenant. You see a real pingpong soon.

  • Necro has more Stunbreaks, Revenant has better Access to Stability with Dodge and Jalis’ Road.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Well, since the profession is still not finished and the dps legends are still not out, I think it’s way too soon to say if it’s going to be good or bad, but I would guess that ANet might make it a tad too strong in the beginning to sell the xpack.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Ario.8964


I second the need for wep swap on revenant. Without it the playstyles will be too limited in what they can do and will be easily overcome by more versatile classes. Either that or give revenant’s utils some better functionality and flexibility because a 3s cast stun break is absolutely useless in a pvp setting and weapons that are tied that closely with an individual legend is theoretically cutting revenant potential effectiveness in half.

I’m tired so I hope this makes sense.

[Teef] Dragonbrand Thief and Engi main and Ario Does Gaming on Youtube!

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Lilies Painted.4179

Lilies Painted.4179

I might go with a different color scheme, but for now I actually really like it. Does anyone know if you use t. charges on you rev if they are gone forever?


Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

Saying that Rev won’t have any stun breaks without really knowing if Rev will have stun breaks is foolish. Most of the classes I play have only a single stun break, on a short (~16s) to long (~30s) cooldown. The rest is supported by stability, which we know Rev will have in abundance. I do just fine.

Wait it out. For every chicken little thread about how much this class will suck, there will be 10 more saying how overpowered it is.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Wait it out. For every chicken little thread about how much this class will suck, there will be 10 more saying how overpowered it is.

Ikr. When first stress test was done some been saying that revenant is op, his 2x heal is op, 10k hp/30sec was op as well to them. But those players are below average skill level and you shouldnt take them too serious.

obey me

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

And obviously you dont even understand what im talking about. Doesnt matter in what pespective we put it in, DS act as a second hp bar for necro where they can tank damage. In case of revenant you dont have that luxury, you dont have access to protection, access to invuls, access to invis, access to blinds, acess to blocks, access to evades, you cant even disengage and to have any sort of mobility you have to camp Shiro.. In short youre pretty much a subpar warrior that has to take everything on chest. Revenant in team fights will be the first target to drop as he doesnt have any tools to defend himself at all. Necro with life force looks superior to him.

  • Jalis has the Road for Stability and Protection on Disable if you trait for it, sure it is not the same as DS but it is still not nothing like you suggest.
  • From your list of protection, access to invuls, access to invis, access to blinds, acess to blocks, access to evades, Necro only has Protection and Blinds himself, just like the Revenant at the Moment.

In case of necro its totally different to breakstun by entering ds as well. Not olny it provides also 1 stack of stability but it doesnt reset your energy. If it happen that your revenant will get stunned at 90% energy which you been saving up for a combo..tough luck, you have to swap and start over at 50%. Not olny you lose energy but you also lose the skills you was preparing to combo with. No class is punished that hard in this game yet. None.

  • You can reach the same with Jalis. Go into his Traitline (which you would certainly do if you take him as your legend) and you get Stability on Dodge. Break the Stun with your Elite and cancel the Animation with a Dodge which gives you in return Stability. And doing a dodge after a stunbreak is a normal reaction and way more likely than sticking to the spot you were stunned at. The downside of 50 Energy Cost stays of course.

You also can use utility skills to stunbreak, as a revenant again you dont have that luxury, all you really you can do is a punishing legend swap mentioned above. Not to mention that reaper spec comes off with 70% uptime stability in sk and you dont even have to stay in sk to keep stability pulsing. How revenant looks in comprasion? If anyone thought necro was a pingpong class then wait for revenant. You see a real pingpong soon.

  • Necro has more Stunbreaks, Revenant has better Access to Stability with Dodge and Jalis’ Road.

Better stability when you spam jalis road off cd and camping it that one legend.. What if i want to use ventari? Stab on dodge last 2,5sec olny, no big deal there to wait it out.

obey me

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


They won’t let it suck.

They just did. A class without stunbreaks wont survive in pvp long. Even necromancers are in better state when it comes to stunbreaks+damage mitigation via shroud, rev doesnt have even that.

So you are fine with the Necro using his Class Mechanic to break a Stun but if the Rev is the exact same, it is a “NoNo”? Wow, just Wow.

And obviously you dont even understand what im talking about. Doesnt matter in what pespective we put it in, DS act as a second hp bar for necro where they can tank damage. In case of revenant you dont have that luxury, you dont have access to protection, access to invuls, access to invis, access to blinds, acess to blocks, access to evades, you cant even disengage and to have any sort of mobility you have to camp Shiro.. In short youre pretty much a subpar warrior that has to take everything on chest. Revenant in team fights will be the first target to drop as he doesnt have any tools to defend himself at all. Necro with life force looks superior to him.

  • Jalis has the Road for Stability and Protection on Disable if you trait for it, sure it is not the same as DS but it is still not nothing like you suggest.
  • From your list of protection, access to invuls, access to invis, access to blinds, acess to blocks, access to evades, Necro only has Protection and Blinds himself, just like the Revenant at the Moment.

In case of necro its totally different to breakstun by entering ds as well. Not olny it provides also 1 stack of stability but it doesnt reset your energy. If it happen that your revenant will get stunned at 90% energy which you been saving up for a combo..tough luck, you have to swap and start over at 50%. Not olny you lose energy but you also lose the skills you was preparing to combo with. No class is punished that hard in this game yet. None.

  • You can reach the same with Jalis. Go into his Traitline (which you would certainly do if you take him as your legend) and you get Stability on Dodge. Break the Stun with your Elite and cancel the Animation with a Dodge which gives you in return Stability. And doing a dodge after a stunbreak is a normal reaction and way more likely than sticking to the spot you were stunned at. The downside of 50 Energy Cost stays of course.

You also can use utility skills to stunbreak, as a revenant again you dont have that luxury, all you really you can do is a punishing legend swap mentioned above. Not to mention that reaper spec comes off with 70% uptime stability in sk and you dont even have to stay in sk to keep stability pulsing. How revenant looks in comprasion? If anyone thought necro was a pingpong class then wait for revenant. You see a real pingpong soon.

  • Necro has more Stunbreaks, Revenant has better Access to Stability with Dodge and Jalis’ Road.

Better stability when you spam jalis road off cd and camping it that one legend.. What if i want to use ventari? Stab on dodge last 2,5sec olny, no big deal there to wait it out.

if you talk about that Stab on dodge is only 2,5sec don’t praise Stab on Shroud into the high heavens because it is only 0,5secs longer…

If you want to use Ventari you miss out on the Stab Road and still keep the Stab on Dodge if you want it. Simple as that.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Diovid.9506


Better stability when you spam jalis road off cd and camping it that one legend.. What if i want to use ventari? Stab on dodge last 2,5sec olny, no big deal there to wait it out.

If you want to use Ventari you miss out on the Stab Road and still keep the Stab on Dodge if you want it. Simple as that.

Or better yet, L2P and switch legends when needed (i.e. use both Jalis and Ventari).

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


I greatly dislike the idea that revenant needs a weapon swap. It already has its own version of “weapon swap” (legend swap), and adding another in, linked to a different button, would be terrible to play with. For example, if the profession was balanced around two sources of skill swapping, chances are, players would have to press 2 buttons every time they would want to swap their weapon or their legend, so that by switching to one, they could complement it with the other. Having to press buttons 2 times to switch their entire playstyle while other professions do it with 1 would make the revenant incredibly annoying, clumsy and unfun to play with. I’m already annoyed by that with ventari’s tablet.

The profession has its own share of problems, but most – if not all of them – can be fixed by giving it a customisable set of utility skills. Lack of ranged synergy to go with the hammer? Lack of synergy between some legends? Lack of some important tools for different situations? All anet has to do is to design a few extra utility skills that fill the gap holes, and those issues will be fixed.

But I’ll only write a more in-depth post after I have the chance to try it out.

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


How many Kittens have you count in the OP post?!

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


Wait it out. For every chicken little thread about how much this class will suck, there will be 10 more saying how overpowered it is.

Ikr. When first stress test was done some been saying that revenant is op, his 2x heal is op, 10k hp/30sec was op as well to them. But those players are below average skill level and you shouldnt take them too serious.

Haha, I still read people saying Rev has TWO HEALS, YES FOLKS YOU READ THAT RIGHT, TWO, HEALS. OP!

And you are entirely right, most of these players are dwelling in the lower end of the skill spectrum that they can’t even see how the 2 heals are equal or less than other classes hps.

Except for the fact it requires legend swapping to use both which has the huge potential to completely screw you over depending on the situation, say in PvP, 2 heals that you can interrupt or the fact you could shoot yourself in the foot by swapping legends in different scenarios but you need to do it to heal to survive.

I’m also so suprised how people are argueing so valiantly against you Scowcia, even though the points you are making is 100% valid, and should be of concern for the development team.

In the end it might turn out just fine and dandy, but at the moment it’s look rather bleak for the Rev.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: PlatinumMember.5274


OK they revenant sucks, life goes on.

I don’t know why people think the revenant any different from the other 8 classes except that it is the newest.

OP do you like the playstyle of all the previous 8 classes? If your answer is NO, that’s why. Revenant is just the newest class.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


running across a couple of Revenant players in eternal battlegrounds. Is this intentional? I understand that WvW is anything but balanced but, come on.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


I just saw a lvl 80 one in Divinity’s Reach chilling and showing the skills… did I miss something?

Stella Truth Seeker

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


Beta weekend event is live is why you are seeing them

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


nah, is beta time, if you pre-ordered the game you can beta test the rev the whole weekend everywhere

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


nah, is beta time, if you pre-ordered the game you can beta test the rev the whole weekend everywhere

beta used to mean separate from live game. that’s really not good news, especially considering it’s -reset day-.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Shiro Tegachii.5619

Shiro Tegachii.5619

in combat swapping to ventari and channeling the tablet, is a huge time los in heat of the battle, big difrance if i swap between mallyx to ventari then malyx to jalis, jalis is insta action unlike the ventari,
aslo the healing skill with the table is too low and to move the table there is a half a sec casting, i think the Tablet should swap as i channel ventari and to move it there shouldntbe a casting time

(edited by Shiro Tegachii.5619)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Lagg.3960


Wait, am I missing something here?

It seems like you can stun break every 10 seconds by switching stances. That’s actually an insane amount of stun break.

Hey, I just bash you, and this is frenzy,
But here’s my Wammo, so heal me maybe?

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Emtiarbi.3281


As we are going to start using Revenant for this weekend, i think we should have a Revenant sub-forum similar to the Borderland Stress Test sub-forum.

Anredhal Amethyst – Lain Amethyst – Orss Jerre

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Kitsune.1902


I greatly dislike the idea that revenant needs a weapon swap. It already has its own version of “weapon swap” (legend swap), and adding another in, linked to a different button, would be terrible to play with. For example, if the profession was balanced around two sources of skill swapping, chances are, players would have to press 2 buttons every time they would want to swap their weapon or their legend, so that by switching to one, they could complement it with the other. Having to press buttons 2 times to switch their entire playstyle while other professions do it with 1 would make the revenant incredibly annoying, clumsy and unfun to play with. I’m already annoyed by that with ventari’s tablet.

The profession has its own share of problems, but most – if not all of them – can be fixed by giving it a customisable set of utility skills. Lack of ranged synergy to go with the hammer? Lack of synergy between some legends? Lack of some important tools for different situations? All anet has to do is to design a few extra utility skills that fill the gap holes, and those issues will be fixed.

But I’ll only write a more in-depth post after I have the chance to try it out.

When weapon skills are closely synergized with legend skills, there’s only two reasonable ways I can see to fixing it.

  • Change the weapon skills so they will not closely synergize with any particular legend or
  • Swap weapon skills when you swap legends

The first option is not going to happen. The second would be possible in at least two ways:

  • Let (at least some) weapon skills actually change based on currently active legend (similar to how some elementalist skills change when you swap attunement)
  • Give revenant second weapon set, and possibly make the weapon set tied to legend slot, so each legend has a dedicated weapon set.

The second option would also help with the issue that elite spec and (we assume) the accompanying legend will also have a weapon designed to work in synergy with them – and with single weapon set if you plan to use the weapon designed to work with the elite spec, you have extremely limited options for weapons. Either exactly one if the weapon is 2h, or option to swap between available single hand weapons if elite is 1h – for example a shield.

Engineer and elementalist can somewhat mitigate the problem – elementalist with elemental attunements, and engineer with kits. For revenant it’s the opposite – they are already crippled by having one weapon set for two legends, and the elite will only make that limitation worse.

For elementalist and engineer the design choice to go with single weapon set was likely because they have other viable ways to alter their weapon skill set. For revenant the choice was probably made by them having the ability to swap their utility skills on the fly instead, but that just doesn’t work the same way. Weapon skills are the main combat mechanic, utility skills support them.

(edited by Kitsune.1902)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Nadala.3521


I’ve found that sometimes when my Tablet is out that I can’t move it, as the Summon Tablet spell has reactivated (even though I haven’t left the area). I then have two Tablets, one that can move and one that is static, and both trigger animations (though I’m not sure if the spells are actually triggering at both).

The Tablet movement is much more fluid than I thought it would be, and I’m really enjoying sending it to groups and spamming them with flowers

Using the staff, I’m finding that my mobility is entirely compromised by lack of movement abilities. If an enemy moves it feels really sluggish chasing them and I feel that I have no real way of catching up (the charge ability doesn’t actually travel that far and has quite a high cooldown).

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Shiro Tegachii.5619

Shiro Tegachii.5619

while running, if i use healing skill with ventari my legs dont move (IN GAME)