NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Why doesn't Sky Pirates have RNG boxes?
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
As a kid I learned that stupid questions don’t exist.
As an adult I learned they were wrong.
This would be a stupid question which is why no one asked.
Sarcasm thread ftw
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Sadly the likely answer is because the rich dragon coffers will still be available for at least 2 weeks after this update goes live. Why add another RNG box to compete with one you’re already selling?
It didn’t explicitly say that there weren’t going to be RNG boxes – and it is my assumption that the Aetherblade weapons will be based on weapon tickets again.
I guess they will add “Aetherblade Airdrop Boxes” after the Rich Dragon Coffers go out of sale.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Assuming that there will be RNG boxes crew checking in! Once it’s live and running I’ll believe otherwise.
Asked no one ever
Thank you for making me smile so early in the morning!
80 Engineer / 80 Guardian
80 Necro / 80 Thief
The impression I’m getting is that the aetherblade weapons will be the rares that they’ve talked about being able to get from the dungeon. Which means they’ll need a transmutation crystal to move the skin onto your exotic weapon that is actually useful…
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Asked no one ever
Thank you for making me smile so early in the morning!
My work here is done
flies away with jetpack
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
flies away with jetpack
I see what you did thar!
It didn’t explicitly say that there weren’t going to be RNG boxes – and it is my assumption that the Aetherblade weapons will be based on weapon tickets again.
I guess they will add “Aetherblade Airdrop Boxes” after the Rich Dragon Coffers go out of sale.
If you look at the page announcing the features, you will see that they do explicitly mention RNG boxes in the form of rich dragon coffers. Remember the dragon bash festival runs for a month, so the sky pirates content would have been out for at least 2 weeks before the rich dragon coffers are removed from the gem store.
Asked no-one ever.
Thank you for at least not putting them in the gem store. I get so tired of people complaining how they wasted their money.
You’re kidding, right? Wait to be disappointed on the 25th.
I really don’t want another chest-buy-carrot-moneytheft. Just let us earn these weapons and armour sets through completing dungeons. And also, please don’t make the new dungeon temporary.
im assuming that they will be but im hoping im wrong
“New Story Dungeon: Aetherblade Retreat – June 25-July 9”
It’s temporary, sorry.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
That blows. 15 chars
You’re clearly not cynical enough, OP. RNG will come in the form of those sweet new Aetherblade skins only available from a chest at the end of the story dungeon. We shall have people who run the dungeon hundreds of times and never get a skin, and that annoying player who dies constantly, cusses out everybody on the team, gets carried all the way through, and gets a skin on his very first trip.
You’re clearly not cynical enough, OP.
RNG will come in the form of those sweet new Aetherblade skins only available from a chest at the end of the story dungeon. We shall have people who run the dungeon hundreds of times and never get a skin, and that annoying player who dies constantly, cusses out everybody on the team, gets carried all the way through, and gets a skin on his very first trip.
LOL and double lol
Oh just as long as it doesn’t have a single player mode, It’s bad enough i have to get cussed by a team, single player mode i have to cuss on myself, and really does your self esteem in
But people, there are RNG boxes for Sky Pirates.
They’re called Dragon Coffers.
Sky Pirates is simply Dragon Bash p2, just like Last Stand at Southsun was part 2 of Secret of Southsun. Just as those two steps shared RNGs, so too, will the Dragon Bash and Sky Pirates.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
But people, there are RNG boxes for Sky Pirates.
They’re called Dragon Coffers.
Sky Pirates is simply Dragon Bash p2, just like Last Stand at Southsun was part 2 of Secret of Southsun. Just as those two steps shared RNGs, so too, will the Dragon Bash and Sky Pirates.
Well, except that Dragon Bash part 2 was Dragon Bash part 2. If you want to stubbornly argue this, at least call Sky Pirates Dragon Bash part 3 (except beware that the Dragon Bash festivities, decorations and Dragon Ball are all going to have disappeared, together with the hologram projectors and other Dragon Bash-related content, less the gem store item overlap).
But people, there are RNG boxes for Sky Pirates.
They’re called Dragon Coffers.
Sky Pirates is simply Dragon Bash p2, just like Last Stand at Southsun was part 2 of Secret of Southsun. Just as those two steps shared RNGs, so too, will the Dragon Bash and Sky Pirates.
With all due respect, while I agree that the RNG boxes will be present in the form of dragon coffers, I disagree with the premise that Sky Pirates is part two of Dragon Bash.
While it falls under the auspices of Living Story, Dragon Bash is planned to be a recurring festival event. Yes, there were story elements present that served as an introduction to the upcoming Sky Pirates arc, but the main focus has been the festival activities. Despite the similarity with how the two Southsun episodes were structured, the crucial diference is that Dragon Bash will return next year, while Secret of Southsun won’t.
Well, except that Dragon Bash part 2 was Dragon Bash part 2. If you want to stubbornly argue this, at least call Sky Pirates Dragon Bash part 3 (except beware that the Dragon Bash festivities, decorations and Dragon Ball are all going to have disappeared, together with the hologram projectors and other Dragon Bash-related content, less the gem store item overlap).
Dragon Bash will continue till early July (ends on the 9th IIRC), so none of the event content will be disappearing when Sky Pirates is released.