Administrator Note: In the giving spirit of this thread, we are limiting requests to one request per player. This will allow more players to benefit from the generosity inspired by this initiative. Please do not make more than one post over the lifetime of the thread. In addition, please do not edit or delete your post to submit an additional request. Thank you for your cooperation.
Many people enjoy the act of giving. Many people enjoy the act of giving to a complete stranger. However, in Guild Wars 2 it is difficult to gift items due to many of the items on the gem store being one-time account unlocks (armor skins/outfits, etc), so the gifter must be aware of the person’s lack of having the item already, as well as even having a desire for the item.
The above problem seems that it would help to limit gifting to only happening between friends/guildmates or relatives that play together. I see this as also taking away from the impact of the gift as the giver would likely have to ask ahead of time if the person would like and use the item and does not already have the item unlocked.
Now, this situation is doubly hard for players who enjoy giving gifts to strangers as they would need to gift an item while being uncertain if it is already unlocked on the stranger’s account or if the item would be desired and even used by the stranger.
I see this as possibly leading to much less giving/gifted than there could be.
I would like this thread to serve as a place for kind-hearted individuals who enjoy giving gifts to strangers to be able to find such players who not only desire an item, but do not already have it and who will definitely use it!
- Share Your Desire
If you desire an item from within the game or from the gem store or trading post (unable to afford it/unable to log in while it is temporarily on sale), please do not hesitate to make mention of your desire here. Perhaps there is a generous and kind-hearted player keeping an eye on this thread for another player such as you to make their desire known! - EDIT Your Post If Your Desire Is Fulfilled (in part or in full)
I only ask that, if you receive your desired gift, please immediately EDIT and mark your desire as fulfilled! Please, DO NOT make another post stating that your desire was partially or fully fulfilled as your initial post will still be there saying you desire the item(s). You can edit your desire post by clicking the little pencil icon in the bottom right of your post, making your changes and stating you received it, and then saving the changes. (I would also kindly ask that you consider including a thank you to your gifter in your edit) - Respect Gifter Anonymity
On that note, I also request that you not name your gifter in your thank you unless the gifter mentions that it is alright with them to mention their name. Naming may lead to undesired attention, as well as potentially leading to private messages to the gifter from people asking for a gift. Some may welcome such messages. However, I’m sure some givers may enjoy the anonymity behind their giving. This aspect of their enjoyment in giving may be ruined if everyone becomes aware that they are a frequent giver. - Remove Self-fulfilled Desires
I also request that if you acquire your desired item on your own that you remove your request here by deleting your post or editing it to state that you acquired it on your own. - Patience
With all that said, please do not feel sad or hurt if your desire goes unfulfilled by a gifter. I’m sure many will go unfulfilled. These are acts of generosity and kindness and one cannot force or expect someone else to perform either. - Do Not Make Duplicate Requests
I would also appreciate it if you would please refrain from making multiple posts for the same item(s) or ‘bumping’ your desired item(s). Gifters will browse the thread and choose whose request for a desired item they may fulfill. I imagine duplicates or ‘bumps’ would only serve to make your desire less likely to be fulfilled.
I know that many may feel that the simple act of asking for a gift is against the purpose of what a gift is ‘supposed’ to be, that it should be unexpected and a surprise. However, with the way gifting is set up on the gem store, and with the one-time unlock nature of many of the items that are available on there, I feel that there kind of needs to be such a source of desires as I hope this thread will provide.
I know there are likely to be a lot of players who have an excess of coin (real and in-game), and perhaps some of these players may feel that there isn’t much for them spend it on right now. With there being a source of people making their desires for items known, perhaps it may lead to these players as seeing gifting and making a stranger’s day as a desirable way to spend it.
This may lead to nobody posting their desires at all and the thread fading away into the cold abyss of long forgotten threads
Or it may lead to many desires being fulfilled. It may even lead to a person’s desire for an item being fulfilled several times before they can edit their post to mark it as being fulfilled.
Yes, there may be some who prey on the kindness of others who post desires for items that they can easily afford, but want someone else to pay for.
I leave this up to the gifter’s judgement.
Fear of being tricked or ‘had’ should not stop one from being kind and generous to another person.
You may be taken, true. It has happened to me many times in-game and in ‘real’ life. You could also rekindle a person’s hope in humanity, or at least in their fellow gamers by showing them there are still kind-hearted individuals out there who give and gift despite the possibility of being taken advantage of.
That’s my hope for this thread, anyway.
Happy adventuring.
Additional Notes To Assist Those Sharing Their Desires
I recommend that posters desiring items of a non-single quantity please follow the example set by others making similar desire posts.
Specifically, if you are requesting an item that you desire more than one of (like Jute Scraps or something), please keep specific track in your post of how many you have and how many more you need instead of a persistent desire post with a general request for items of a type that cannot ever be marked as fulfilled.
- Jute Scraps – 70/250 (received 70 of the 250 needed so far)
Not - Some Jute Scraps
A desire asking for “Some Jute Scraps” may lead to fewer being gifted to you as some gifters may be dissuaded from sending them due to their having no clue how many you still need or if you even still need more. Being able to quickly see how many are still desired of an item may allow for some gifters to be more likely to send some or all of the amount desired your way.
This specific and constantly updated request could also be expanded to desires shared for armor/weapons skins. If gifters are unsure of what you already have or are in need of, they may be less likely to send items your way.
Do not feel the need to add a reason for why you cannot afford or otherwise acquire the item, you can simply state the item you desire and nothing else if you want to.
- I would really like to get the wedding attire outfit. However, I cannot afford the 1,000 gems right now as I am actually getting married for real very soon and it is taking up all of my funds and the planning is leaving me with little game time to earn in-game gold.
- Desire: Wedding Attire Outfit
- Server: NA
EDIT: Fulfilled!
Thank you very much, “Anonymous”, for gifting the Wedding Attire outfit to me! Every time I wear it I will think of my actual wedding gown and wedding and of how happy I am to know that there are kind-hearted and generous people out there still!
This was just an example. Please do not gift me the wedding attire outfit as I am not getting married. Again, this was just an example of what someone may say and of a way in which they could edit their post to mark their desire as being fulfilled with a thank you.
If you are desiring an account upgrade from the gem store (bag/bank expansions, home instance nodes, mail carriers, etc.) be aware that these are not giftable items.
As they are not able to be gifted, a gifter would have to mail you gold that you would then exchange for gems that will allow you to purchase these upgrades. So you may instead want to word your desire as a request for gold so you can buy gems to get the desired upgrade. If you do this, please update your post if you begin receiving gifts of gold toward your purchase.
- Desire: Bank Tab Expansion (600 gems)
- Currently At: 50/105 gold needed to purchase
(This was an example amount based on the exchange rate at the time of this edit.)
Administrator Note: In the giving spirit of this thread, we are limiting requests to one request per player. This will allow more players to benefit from the generosity inspired by this initiative. Please do not make more than one post over the lifetime of the thread. In addition, please do not edit or delete your post to submit an additional request. Thank you for your cooperation.
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(edited by Moderator)