Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together
@ all the new recruits, welcome! Happy to see new faces every time i visit this thread
Hope you all find what you are looking for in our group off crazy people.
@pptkrreg, more then willing to help out, not sure what to expect but i find it a interesting angle you took there. Also on a side note, i’m not a native english speaking guy and so are other people in the guild, so if you do interview us, be prepared to have some languages problems here and there
To everybody else here, happy to see we keep this thread still alive and kicking! And now off to Tyria you all, start earning us some rep
For some reason the PM system here is telling me I can’t send PMs. It’s kind of ridiculous, so I wanted to respond to some questions here from PMs, which may additionally clarify my project for some people!
@ Noppy – I am happy to hear that not everyone is native English speaker! I see that as a great opportunity for a multicultural experience!
@ DEKeyzToChaos and nottsgman
It’s great to talk to another doing graduate work!
The curriculum I want to teach focuses on the etiquette and roles and responsibilities people take online, and I’m hoping to use Guild Wars 2 as an avenue through which students can experience real conversations online and discuss responsibilities they have to take, along with what they think is and is not appropriate for online interaction. Being an English classroom, I want to connect this to a sense of identity and personal character that can be linked to novels and compared (GW2 has such a great sense of individual story line).
What I’m considering with the ethnography and interviews is to pose some research questions that ask about whether this is a good environment to do this in and what are the benefits and detriments. Since I’m still forming the lit review, I haven’t solidified any research questions, but I may be pulling from Henry Jenkins’ idea of participatory culture and linking my research questions to show how GW2 is or is not that sort of environment and how that applies to digital citizenship.
It’s a relatively untouched area, the idea of digital citizenship. Everyone has a different idea of it and it’s so ambiguous that often school districts say as long as a kid can do an online research project, somehow he or she knows how to react online. I look at digital citizenship as a form of character education. Not telling a student who he or she should be, but asking a student to think critically of his or her surroundings and from that create their own moral code.
I hope that makes more sense!
Name: Optimus Prime
Main Character: Wrevenge
Current Server: Whiteside Ridge (EU)
Interested Activities: I’m up for anything.
Active: Whenever I have free time.
Additional Comments: I got GW2 as a Valentine’s Day gift from some family. Loved the first one and I’ve been wanting to play the second for quite some time. Now that I’m able to, I’ve no clue what to do. I’m always lost, wandering around by myself and unsure what to do; which is to say, I haven’t played much. I’m an extremely low level at the moment, but I hope to change this soon. I love having a good time and can do more than keep up a conversation in-game. So if anyone would like to party it up with the leader of the Autobots, go for it!
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Maybe. I’m a bit skeptical when it comes to guilds, but I’ve seen all the positive feedback from this forum about it, so I’ll definitely consider it.
PS, please excuse me for being such a n00b. Thank you.
Hi Optimus!
Well, you should find a good group here who get involved with all aspects of the game. As well, there is usually someone levelling an alt or thier first character who I’m sure could group up with you.
Myself, I’m on Tarnished Coast (NA), so I can’t group up with you. But we do have a bunch of players on EU servers, so look for them! Or feel free to PM me here or in game if you have questions.
I understand being patient about joining in. Take a quick look at our website if you want (in my sig) and that may give you a better idea of what we all get up to. Otherwise, the guild is mainly an easy way for us to keep in touch and form parties through the guild-wide chat.
If you do want to join in, even just to see what we’re about for a week and then decide if you want to stay, just say the word and another officer or I will send you an invite.
And don’t even mention it. We all started new to the game at some point. I still don’t have a level 80 character, and the only reason I can provide intelligent advice on builds and such is knowing the math behind it all.
Name: Mannix
Main Character: Temparia Anjlus (Guardian)
Current Server: Ferguson’s Crossing
Interested Activities: PVE, Dungeons, Map Completion, WvWvW (maybe), lvl alts
Active: I am on after 8pm (UTC-6:00) on most weekdays and weekends
Additional Comments: I have a lvl 80 engineer but swicthed to the guardian and have really enjoyed it. After reading the psots in this forum, I can’t help come to similar conclusions about this group being a right fit. I am also very interested in the upcoming guild missions and looking for a good guild to try them out.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?:
Yes I am willing. I currently have a guild with my brother but I am definitely playing more often than he does and am getting tired/bored of playing solo.
(edited by mannix.3158)
Name: Sineater
Main Characters: Cyn Seifer Sineater (Guardian) Mika Sineater (Elementalist) and Mei Mei Sineater (Theif)
Current Server: Kaineng
Interested Activities: PVE, Dungeons, Map Completion, WvWvW, lvl alts
Active: At the moment 1100-0000 GMT. Only for a few more weeks though
Additional Comments: I am currently a leader of a small guild which are always happy to help. Love doing dungeons and would like to do some new ones as I have been staying too much in a comfort zone of AC, CM, TA and CoF. Though I am really good at those ones. I know A LOT about classes and builds so feel free to ask me questions So I can help with the lower ones and I am willing to accept help for the other ones. Currently working on legendary
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?:
Yes, as I said I am a leader of a guild, but with my current active time there are times I am the only one on even though it is active so will be more than willing Just don’t expect 100% rep but even if I am not representing I am always happy to be whispered
Hey everybody! Glad to see this is still going. Been on vacation from gaming during the heavy work season. Getting from now until the end of March to relax before the spring season hits and I go back to a 16/6 schedule. I might even pop back in to the game and see what’s going on for a few weeks.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
@pptkrreg. It sounds very interesting. I’d be happy to help.
Welcome to all the newcomers!! Hope to see you in-game soon!
@OptimusPrime…you don’t have to apologize for being a newbie! As Hele said, we were all there at one time!
Legion of Honour [XIII]
Welcome mannix and Sineater! We have no required amount of repping, so don’t worry about that. I would however, definitely encourage you to rep when you can since a lot usually goes on in our guild chat and you don’t want to miss out! It will give you an idea of what we get up to, and there are often people looking for guild groups to do different content with. Of course, whispering to any of use will usually work too.
(Invites up to date afaik)
pptkreg – we’ve had a bit of a discussion and all responses were absolutely positive! I’ve sent you and invite. Welcome to the Legion! Hopefully we can help with your thesis, but also find the time to have some fun here!
Is there any room for me to get help, too? T3T
Name: Antarian
Main Character: Antarian Kogeno (Just made Human Engineer)
Current Server: Stormbluff Isle
Interested Activities: Chatting, Exploring entirety of Maps, Storyline but not really Dungeoning unless part of Storyline.
Active: Want me on…I’m on.
(edited by Antarian.5082)
@ Antarian | You underestimate our power… Of course there’s room for you! :] We’re usually chatting away in guild chat about some silly thing or another, but don’t get intimidated. When you log on, just say hello and jump right in! We might talk a lot, but we won’t talk over you… You can always join in.
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
Yay! Got the invite ^3^ Tysm tho for seeing my post and responding, as well as the invite. If you didn’t invite, ty to whoever did
Just thought I’d pop in here and say thank you to everyone for everything. Playing GW2 and chatting with all of you is always one of the best parts of my day. :]
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
So, been liking the sound of you guys, assume youre pretty much active 24/7, was wandering if could get an invite sent my way, main is guardian. On maguuma, will mostly rep my main guild but ill probably pop on at night(late) since thats when im usually on. Usually do anything PvE, and wouldnt mind guesting to more active late night servers/early early morning servers. Always up for big guild events too
Hi Azylir! I’ll send you an invitation. We don’t have any repping requirements, so that’s perfectly fine. I don’t think I’ve ever been online where there hasn’t been someone else to chat with… It’s nice, because we have folks from both NA and EU, so the time difference makes it so there’s usually someone. Of course, you can’t guest across the NA/EU line, but at least they’re in guild chat.
Tarnished Coast is by far the most represented NA server, but guesting has made get-togethers quite easy. Welcome to the group!
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
Hey Everyone!!! I have been a member of Operation: Union for a while and I have met a lot of really cool people. I know a lot of people are now apart of Operation: Union and not everyone can fit in the same guild. I don’t know if Glitch is ok with it or not, but I just created a guild yesterday to start playing around with guild events. I would like to invite anyone and everyone that wants to start off with a fresh guild to join us at “The Riot Method” [RIOT] As of right now it’s just me, my wife, and a few RL friends. If Glitch is ok with it, I would love for anyone and everyone to join us. We are stationed on Crystal Desert, and we have more of a NA prime time presence. I love WvW, sPvP and PvE. Just send me a msg or mail me if I’m offline. (Military so I work a lot…)
Secondly, if there is already a Operation:Union guild on Crystal Desert, please let me know. I would stand down and join and rep that guild asap.
Crystal Desert
Labryinth, I will let Glitch answer most of your question, because that is his territory. As you know, though, Operation: Union and the Legion of Honor is a cross-server guild, a bit unlike the traditional GW2 guild. So we do not have a guild on Crystal Desert or any other server, but a worldwide guild. It is working out fine for us, especially now that guesting is available. I’m not sure I understand why there wouldn’t be room for everyone in one guild, based on the type of guild we are.
Of course, we have no repping requirement, so folks are welcome to seek out another guild that has what they are looking for… However, I’m not sure that I see a need for a splinter guild.
If I have overstepped my boundaries with this reply, I dearly apologize!
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
Oh, no need to apologize. The only reason I was asking is because I know some people would like to put Operation: Union in WvW. I’m still not 100% on how guesting and repping the guild across server works. I do know that the guild is based on one server, and if you guest, you can’t participate in WvW. How can we get Operation: Union into WvW if you are on a diff server?
Crystal Desert
I’m not sure if I understand your question, but I’ll do my best to respond!
So the way I think about the organization of this social group is that Operation: Union is the set of people (who are not necessarily members of the guild The Legion of Honour [XIII]) that believe in what Glitch initially put forth: being part of a welcoming community. The Legion of Honour [XIII] is the guild that has grown out of this group. [XIII] is a multi-server guild, which means that each server has separate Influence earned, separate banks, and separated guild upgrades. For Tarnished Coast (my server), that means we have a large guild bank and other guild buffs up pretty often and are working towards those Guild Missions, but on Ferguson’s Crossing (another active server), they are working on their own projects. We do, however, all share the same guild chat channel, same in-game guild roster, same guild website, and same ideals on how to treat other players.
Yes, we know this is not the most efficient way to leverage the IP earning potential of a bunch of people, but we are happy with this and do not want to all move to one server. We enjoy the ability to explore PvE content with members from other servers in the same region and love the community that has grown out of Glitch’s ideas and his and others’ leadership.
Since we are separated by different servers, those of us on TC won’t ever be able to WvW on the same team as those on FC. That creates an interesting scenario that if two servers with enough [XIII] presence were to claim, say, supply camps, you could have a red [XIII] supply camp and green [XIII] supply camp. So really, all you need to do to get CD’s [XIII] members into WvW is to drag them in there, represent [XIII] and start playing. Then you can work on the Art of War improvements for the CD chapter of the Legion of Honor.
So, if you would like to head up leadership of the CD chapter of [XIII] and focus on building that to be a WvW force for CD, that would be great! I don’t have the ability to appoint you “keeper of the CD Influence” or “leader of the CD chapter” – but others can, and we always welcome more interested more folks!
I know I’m likely speaking out of turn here, but as a separate idea, if you wanted to keep your CD-based guild [RIOT] and just join in on our discussions here and possibly on the [XIII] website, the leadership may be happy to consider a sort of alliance.
I don’t think I can summarize all that in a tldr sentence, but I hope I helped answer your question! PM me here or whisper me in game and I can tell you more about the structure of [XIII].
(edited by DEKeyzToChaos.7381)
Pretty much what I was looking for. I’ll talk to you off forum to settle the details. Thanks for the post though!
Crystal Desert
Name: Fyre
Main Character: Kaela Khaine (Elementalist)
Current Server: Sea of Sorrow
Interested Activities: PVE, Socializing, and occasionally WvW
Active: evenings to night, most days of the week
Additional Comments: Just got laid off, so I have lots of time, at least right now. Never ran any dungeons, after 1 horrible experience with a PUG for CoE
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?:
Of course, I don’t see why not
@DEK | Thank you for jumping in there!
@Labyrinth | I didn’t catch that you were most interested in WvW and other server-specific stuff. If I had, my response would have been much different. Sorry to come across as unwelcoming and/or unwilling to work with you! It would be great to have a WvW hub (or several hubs) for folks that believe in the ideals of O:U to be able to coordinate WvW efforts! I think that a partnership could work well. RIOT members could rep the Legion if they want to participate in our chat and other nonWvW stuff, and CD Legion members could rep RIOT when WvWing. That way, all of our crazy guild chat won’t be in the way during WvW efforts, and RIOT guild chat would be available for that.
@Fyre | Welcome! I will invite you when I get home, if someone hasn’t already by that time. :] PUGs can be tough, but our dungeon runs are fun and relaxed, so I encourage you to try them out again!
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
(edited by Aeleniel.4973)
Name: m0iK
Main Character: Big Benjamin (Guardian)
Current Server: Far Shiverpeaks
Interested Activities: PvP, WvW, social
Active: Most of the time. I’m a student so can pretty much do what I want.
Additional Comments: Semi-hardcore dude with loads of experience in MMORPGs. Still – new(b) in GW2.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?:
I would consider it.
Invites are up to date – enjoy the guild everybody!
Ranks have changed, and I’m not able to invite folks to the guild anymore. Someone else will have to invite you. It shouldn’t be long, though!
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
(edited by Aeleniel.4973)
Name: Guanato
Main Character: Gumbachef (Asura Warrior)
Current Server": Isle of Janthir
Interested Activities: PVE, exploring, dungeons
Active: When I’m off work I’m either on Gw2 or WoW.
Additional Comments: I’m always hungry
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: I am more than willing to, there will be times when I’m not online due to being at work whenever there’s an event going on. But other than that I can be a part of anything anytime.
invites up to date – welcome to all newcomers, and thanks for keeping up with it Aeleniel (oh and check your pm’s
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
@Aeleniel | Again, no need to apologize. I didn’t quite say I wanted to WvW in the op anyway. I’ll be repping [XIII] most of the time anyway, I just wanted to get CD on the map and get more members involved on the server. WvW or PvE, doesn’t matter.
Crystal Desert
Name: SargentTaquito
Main Character: Pure Metaphor
Current Server: Anvil Rock
Interested Activities: Socializing, Dungeons, PvE, Occasional PvP ( I’m just looking for some chill guys to play the game with )
Active: Afternoons , weekends
Additional Comments: I really just want people to play with since u sometimes need people for events.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes i am it sound pretty good.
Hey Sargent!
I’m glad you decided to follow my link and join up with O:U. I’m not 100% sure on the presence of [XIII] on anvil rock, but with the guesting abilities now, finding people to play with won’t be hard at all. You can always guest to CD and play with me and my wife. We are always goofing off while leveling our mains/alts.
Crystal Desert
Thanks Labyrinth!
Welcome aboard Sargent! I’ve sent you and invite. Now thanks to you I am craving Mexican food…..:P
Welcome aboard to everyone else!
Labyrinth, DEK covered most of it but I am also definitely willing to work with RIOT or encourage you to give the Legion a healthy WvW presence on your server. If you ever meet TC, might be some fun internal competition! (Assuming I ever get to level 80 that is).
@Sargent | Have you posted here before? I remember your username very clearly from something, but I don’t know what, hehe. In any case, welcome to the gang!
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
Welcome to everyone who’s joined since I last posted here, which was probably my own request for admission. This is a good group of people, and I’ve seen that at just about every moment I’ve been with them. We have some rather interesting conversations in guild chat too sometimes.
Also, Ferguson’s Crossing as an active server!? I’m a little surprised and impressed to see that opinion, as we’ve got 4 people, I think, who have been on in the last few days, with hopefully another joining shortly.
If anyone on FC wants to check out WvW, feel free to get with either me or Ghost for help you may need, as you can’t exactly work with the other members there.
@ Soda | I’ve noticed that lots of guildies have been guesting over to Ferguson’s, so it must be a great server! I haven’t been over there yet, but I’ll have to come see what all the fun’s about.
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
I’m not sure if I understand your question, but I’ll do my best to respond!
So the way I think about the organization of this social group is that Operation: Union is the set of people (who are not necessarily members of the guild The Legion of Honour [XIII]) that believe in what Glitch initially put forth: being part of a welcoming community. The Legion of Honour [XIII] is the guild that has grown out of this group. [XIII] is a multi-server guild, which means that each server has separate Influence earned, separate banks, and separated guild upgrades. For Tarnished Coast (my server), that means we have a large guild bank and other guild buffs up pretty often and are working towards those Guild Missions, but on Ferguson’s Crossing (another active server), they are working on their own projects. We do, however, all share the same guild chat channel, same in-game guild roster, same guild website, and same ideals on how to treat other players.
Yes, we know this is not the most efficient way to leverage the IP earning potential of a bunch of people, but we are happy with this and do not want to all move to one server. We enjoy the ability to explore PvE content with members from other servers in the same region and love the community that has grown out of Glitch’s ideas and his and others’ leadership.
Since we are separated by different servers, those of us on TC won’t ever be able to WvW on the same team as those on FC. That creates an interesting scenario that if two servers with enough [XIII] presence were to claim, say, supply camps, you could have a red [XIII] supply camp and green [XIII] supply camp. So really, all you need to do to get CD’s [XIII] members into WvW is to drag them in there, represent [XIII] and start playing. Then you can work on the Art of War improvements for the CD chapter of the Legion of Honor.
So, if you would like to head up leadership of the CD chapter of [XIII] and focus on building that to be a WvW force for CD, that would be great! I don’t have the ability to appoint you “keeper of the CD Influence” or “leader of the CD chapter” – but others can, and we always welcome more interested more folks!
I know I’m likely speaking out of turn here, but as a separate idea, if you wanted to keep your CD-based guild [RIOT] and just join in on our discussions here and possibly on the [XIII] website, the leadership may be happy to consider a sort of alliance.
I don’t think I can summarize all that in a tldr sentence, but I hope I helped answer your question! PM me here or whisper me in game and I can tell you more about the structure of [XIII].
Sounds like a Biker Gang
Excellent synopsis.
Thanks everyone.
Name: StarryHeart
Main Character: Starlenthal (Norn Guardian)
Current Server": Borliss Pass
Interested Activities: PVE, exploring, dungeons, leveling, maybe WvW
Active: mostly fridays and weekends, though I am free for the next two weeks so I will be able to play almost any time.
Additional Comments: I’m still really low level. I just purchased the game a few days ago and am still getting my feet wet. Would love to find some people on Borliss Pass.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: I would be really happy to participate. I think that all mmo’s need something like this to make it easier to meet people and actually have a cooperative experience. Too many mmo’s feel completely singleplayer these days.
Uinvite sent, starry!
Welcome, Starry! GW2 is a bit different than other MMOs, so it’s fun (and sometimes frustrating) to get used to it. We’re a very friendly bunch, so if you have questions or need help, please ask!
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
Name: Loco
Main Character: Mal Radec
Current Server: Tarnished Coast
Interested Activities: Raiding, loot, whatever a guild may need me to be.
Active: Usually available upon request.
Additional Comments: Brand new to the game and wicked confused with everything. Looking for a guild to accept me. I may be new but I learn fast.
(edited by LocoCrazyy.8943)
@Loco | I’ll hop on and send an invite to you! Don’t worry about being new – we were all there once! Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or ask for help whenever needed. :]
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
Tonight’s gonna be fun….the great plunge into the depths of rata sum. Fall to the depths, die, and be reborn
Wow, 22000 + views and lots of posts!
Keep up the good work everyone and welcome to the new folks!
Please let me know how the Great Plunge goes, I’m unfortunately not near my GW2 computer tonight. Best of luck to everyone!
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
We ended up under rata sum, kind of. We landed in rocks by a lake, and found a building with a portal in it. We got into the building, and there was no gravity! We floated around and took some screen shots.
We ended up under rata sum, kind of. We landed in rocks by a lake, and found a building with a portal in it. We got into the building, and there was no gravity! We floated around and took some screen shots.
That sounds awesome! Sorry I missed it, we may have to organise a second trip.
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
That sounds very neat indeed! Unfortunatley, I also couldn’t be on at the time. Lexy, if you do organize a second trip I’ll come if able.
I’ll make sure I save my next revive orb for a trip down there maybe next time we can do it at a time when more people can come (a weekend maybe?)
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Are there any other places like Rata Sum where we could explore, as well? It would be fun to eventually do a grand tour of all of the places we’re not supposed to be! xD
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS