Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Loswaith.3829


Hello to all the new recruits there be alot of you so apoligies for not listing you by name.

Also Isle of Janthir (IoJ) is a secondary Australian/New Zealand congreation, and I see a fair few guild members on that also. The downsides are Sea of Sorrows (SoS or Sea) and IoJ are often both full and you cant get on them.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


^ Sanctum of Rall also has players with an Ocean time zone. You can also check that too.

Congratulations BongiB, you are our 1000th poster!
Pretty cool ain’t it.

Alright troops I’ll probably be on this evening barring I get all my work down.
Started some revision atm scoring some nice A grades. Hope it all goes like that in the real thing and I don’t peak too early.

3 A’s for Med. How hard can it be? I’m sure I’ll do it.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: BongiB.2317


lol yeah I was thinking about posting about being the 1K poster but forgot ha ha ha

yeahhhhhh so I still have not selected a server, I think I should pick an American one over the EU.

I’m on atm and just looking at where I should start and the 3 we’ve mentioned are full… any advice on where I should start? My friend who jumped in is on Ehmry Bay… so I figure I should just jump in, get to a point where we can play together and go from there… thoughts?

How is it that we can play together if we are on different servers?

BTW good luck Glitch or Dr. Glitch should we say?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hahah oh it will be Dr. Just depends how long it’ll take me.

If you’re more likely to game with your friend go to Ehmry. If I recall correctly we have a small company over there. I’d say go with your friend as you’ll have more consistent company.

We’re making do with running dungeons together so we can see each other cross server.

C’mon guesting!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted by: BongiB.2317


Sounds good pal, I just don’t understand how you can play cross server here I go then, come ooonnn shaped internet…. plllllzzz let me play for a little bit LOL

The next thing would be working out how to communicate with you guys.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Cuteholic.8534


just dropping by quick : ))) good to see this running crazy and all over the place.

@Cuteholic – ho, traveler! and welcome to the Union. you’re spot on about playing with others! ; )) and you’ve found a good group of people here, mark my words. also, how do you have time to play other games? lol i haven’t touched my PS3 in so long. other games i’ve been meaning to play too bu ti keep finding myself logging back onto gw2. heh. ps, if you ever wanna talk Guardian talk, i’m here!! lol in terms of dedicating time and effort to the “Union”, to be honest, you really don’t have to. we don’t have a schedule nor require you to clock in. all we ask if you have an open mind and an open heart and enjoy the company of one another. and do stop by in-game and say hello if you see any of us on!

Thanks for the welcome I tend to sacrifice my sleep (and the little social life that I have :X) and play games that I am not exactly even good at wheeee But I can understand what you mean by not wanting to play anything besides GW2 xD. Hehe guardian talk…I am still getting used to the class and hopefully when I can get a party I can put some healing/ally skills to good use And the Union project part seems fair enough I can certainly use more contacts on my GW2 screen!

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Posted by: Hexxim.8943


We need a website/forum :/

I like being helpful, and i always come across good knowledge.

For example, i have guides for:

0-400 artificing. Takes 30-45mins 3 gold.
0-400 cooking. Takes 30mins 2 gold.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


^ Sorry Hex. My bro’s in charge of website development. He’s currently experiencing some problems with his fluid dynamics project. He does the website in his spare time when not playing GW.

Do please keep those guides stored for the future!
Remind me to to him to add a crafting section.

Chaos takes time to organise.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


Wow, what a disappointing night. Kept getting swarmed in Frostgorge (Mr. Grawl, how did you see me taking down your buddy from across the river and well out of your normal aggro range!?), then the servers decided they didn’t like me any more.

@Helequin: I owe you a dungeon run. I won’t be on until late tonight (if at all), but I should be on quite a bit over the weekend

@jjc: I usually run Staff or D/D, and I’ll probably keep a Scepter in my inventory as soon as I make one, but I can try to whip up a PvE S/F build. Do you prefer to stack precision or condition damage? Any particular strategies you like to use in combat?

@Elowin: I know other people covered that there are different modes to the dungeon, but there are also different ways to run the dungeon. I prefer to mostly clear out a dungeon so that when I die it’s not hard to get back to the group. Other groups do speed runs where they skip pretty much anything that’s hard or doesn’t drop a chest. Then there are also fun groups and business groups. Most PUGs are more businessy, but so far the runs I’ve done with other LoH peeps are a lot more fun – I think you’ll get that with most guilds. So don’t totally write-off dungeons because of one bad group – plus, you can get good rewards.

@Hexxim – Oooo! Cooking guide! Please share! When I’m left to myself, I just experiment and fill up all my open space with food. There’s gotta be a more efficient way to get to Omnomberry time.

(edited by DEKeyzToChaos.7381)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


^ Hahah We were going for fun.

In my experience with the more serious guilds it can swing to far outfield where it is very much serious.

It is all about the mindset of the player as well that mainly defines the dungeon experience though.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Helequin.2608


@DEKeys: haha sure thing. I wouldn’t say you owe me anything, but I’m defintiely still up for the next time we’re both online. And I have no idea what I’m doing this weekend yet…

@Glitch: If your brother ever gets completely stuck, feel free to shoot me a PM. I graduated from mechanical engineering last year. So unless he’s doing grad or doctorate level fluid dynamics, I might be able to help out. I’m better with thermo and solid mechanics, but I did take some optional CFD courses as well.

@Hexxim, those guides sound great. Do you have similar guides for other crafts?

(edited by Helequin.2608)

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Posted by: Spidergirl.9486


I wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome

Cuteaholic, welcome, I’m new too I got your mail and have responded. I was hoping someone else would be on the Ruins of Surnia server

I see there is some Asura loving in this thread I may have to get playing my Asuran

Newbie question how do you take pics? I couldn’t see it in the keybinding so wasn’t sure if I missed it by being blind or if it was something obvious like printscreen

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: nottsgman.8206


it is just printscreen, or shift+ctrl+h to toggle the UI, then printscreen as normal. don’t forget to shift+ctrl+h again after though to bring the UI back

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Vlawde.1895


I was wondering myself how to get rid of the interface for screen shots!

And yeah, we really need a website

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Spidergirl.9486


Thanks Nottsgman, I figured it had to be something really simple, I know with WoW I had to enable it and wasn’t sure if that was the case this time, again I couldn’t see the option in the interface.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


@Hele thanks I’ll tell him and he can decide. He’s doing a Masters Degree course in Mech Eng.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Hexxim.8943


@Glitch, its not a problem, real life comes first. Just whenever he can

@Chaos, http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/13o1xj/creepysloths_cooking_guide/ Thats the guide, took me 2g 12 silver, and 30 mins.
Buy all mats that the guide says you need, then 30 mins to craft and you now have 400 cooking! Grats!!

@Helequin, i have (Cooking) and (Artificing) so far that takes 2-3gold and 30 mins to do. At any level. Working on tracking down and doing the research for the others. Let me know if you need them.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Helequin.2608


@Glitch: right. I should theoretically be able to do anything up to 4th year fluids or equivalent. My CFD course was jointly offered to undergrads and grads. I swear eveyone but me continued with school. I should go back.

@Hexxim: I would love a leatherworking or huntsman/weaponsmithing guide. But there’s no hurry at all for this. I’m level 31 and have about 3 gold, so power-levelling a trade isn’t much of a priority. I was just curious more than anything to see how much each craft would cost.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


@Glitch – While I don’t work specifically in fluid dynamics, I work with differential equations all day long. If your brother needs any help on the mathy front, I would be happy to try to help!

@Hexxim – Yay! A guide that doesn’t require oodles of rare spices. A warning to anyone who’s going to use the guide this month: chocolate and eggs are being speculated on by the power traders, so be wary about buying those. Farm raptors for eggs, and chocolate…. I don’t know where I get it (probably bags), but watch the price before you buy.

@Helequin – Save leveling your crafting for when you hit 70 and all you want to do is get to 80. Plus by level 70 you should have a little more gold, or at least be in a better position to farm gold to recoup what you lose from leveling crafting and making yourself level 80 gear.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


Thanks everyone. I think it’s just a small hitch. He’s really good at maths, don’t he having trouble with that. He pwns me at maths, and I like to think I’m pretty good!

Thanks for the offer as well DEK. Currently doing differentials and integral myself. If I have any trouble on the harder stuff I’ll shout.

I’ll talk to him on how the website front is going. He asked me about a website a while back but to be honest with you all I really didn’t think I’d get such a response from all you beautiful people, and such a dedicated lot to boot!

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Posted by: Vlawde.1895


I did some googling for free guild websites, came up with quite a few. Here is one: http://www.enjin.com/features/plans

Just an idea, if building a site they way you want is going to take some time, something like this may be good temporarily until that happens

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


Thanks so much for posting a link to your cooking guide. I’d bookmarked a couple of others, but compared to yours they were pretty convoluted.

Seeing everyone’s screenshots is much fun. Please do keep them coming. Isn’t it nice that you can upload images without having to use an intermediary host? And wouldn’t it be fun if they’d incorporate a fraps function like they have in Rift? Anything’s possible, right?

DEKeyz: Sending better luck for your future Frostgorge adventures. I was there a couple of weeks ago and had some lucky timing re: that skill challenge in the upper corner of the map. A necro arrived at the same time and we managed to whittle that champion down, but it took a bit to do. I was a little concerned at the start that we were going to struggle, but it went pretty well with only a few hold-your-breath moments.

I’m at 91% and I think I have Malchor’s and the pvp zones yet to do. I wish we could see our status on the map for every zone without having to physically go there. Is there a way to do that that I’ve missed?

Break’s over so it’s back to the salt mines for me. Happy Friday, one and all!


P.S. Glitch — many thanks to your brother for tackling the website construction. It’s a job to set these things up, I know.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: azureai.9764


Hey, folks. Always happy to make new friends.

Name: azureai
Main Character: Tsumedenko Rawr (Lv 80 Guardian surfer cat)
Current Server: Crystal Desert
Interested Activities: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE (Dying to do the Citadel of Flame; Haven’t even gotten to do the story yet).
Active: A couple of nights a week after 7EST; sporadically on weekends

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


@azureai – Welcome! There’s many of us who enjoy low-key dungeon runs, and I haven’t done CoF yet either. Maybe we can get a run together this weekend?

@Deb – My main mistake was taking my undergeared level 70 thief (that I haven’t played in about a month) in Frostgorge and expecting the same results that my somewhat-exotic’d level 80 ele (who was the reason why my thief hasn’t been touched) achieves. I think I’ll stick to Bloodtide Coast or Sparkfly Fen for a few levels, then finish up Leatherworking to get to 80. And happy Friday to you, too!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Hexxim.8943


Heya Azureai!!!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


Warm welcome to you Azureai!!!!

As for a temporary site I would be happy to promote it if someone has the time and initiative to begin it. We bought the domain so it allows us to run it without any restrictions, just so we can do it our own way.

At the moment I’m directing what to include in the site whilst listening to all your inputs and from what you lot seem to be hinting at.

I let you know of the situation as it goes. A the moment he’s laying down the foundations making sure we have a good base to work with.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Hexxim.8943


Thank you Glitch)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: puggernaut.5348


Hi everyone, I’m only week old in the game and am looking for a friendly, social guild to join. To be honest, it feels lonely sometimes playing as the lowbie areas are kind of empty. I share this account with my bf, he’s made a lot of different classes but still hasn’t stuck with a main one yet.

Name: puggernaut
Main Character: Edelynne (lv 20 ranger)
Current Server: Sanctum of Rall
Interested Activities: Everything!
Active: US Pacific time zone – random times throughout the day
Additional Comments: We just moved back to the US after living 3 years in China, so happy to have unrestricted internet access again (re: great firewall).
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: crowgrrrl.9672


Oh my goodness! There is another page already lol. Man, I love it!

Welcome SpiderGirl, Cuteholic, Vlawde, Azureai, and puggernaut!

@DEKeyzToChaos, akamon, nottsgman for your thoughts and taking the time to answer, definitely helps!
@Helequin, thanks for laying out your builds and the time it took you to do so! Another big help. My Necro is only level 3 and my Ranger almost 20. I need to play around with builds that is for sure lol. It is such fun and a little intimidating lol.

Now that the AA has been mentioned again I am going to have to create an Asura Engi, I think.

nottsgman, thanks for telling us about the pics, I was also wondering the exact same thing lol.

Glitch, thank you for getting this whole splendid thing started! Umm I mean Dr. Glitch!

Hope to see some of you in game over the weekend! Enjoy!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: crowgrrrl.9672


@puggernaut – I am still running around in the low level areas, I do not have even 1 level 80 lol and I cannot decide exactly which profession to main either. There are so many fun and interesting choices!

I really, really wish they would implement guesting since, for now, you can only PvE with people on your server. I would love to run around with you and your bf (I am on Tarnished Coast).There are some great Sanctum of Rall folks here and I bet they would have no problem helping out AND you both can always talk to us on guild chat, doesn’t matter what server you are on, so please hop on in and join in the MADNESS! Heehee.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: jjc.4863


@DEKeyz – I prefer to stack precision as I don’t really like running condition builds – they all seem a bit too slow to me :/ . Burst was more what I go for as i didn’t specify earlier and like the concept of S/F but don’t know if it works well together? Only asking this as I am AWFUL at trying to create my own builds as they usually end in a vaguely human shaped bloody mess

Proud member of Potentially Offensive [POOF]
I’ll try to keep it civil. ;)

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Posted by: Helequin.2608


Couple questions:

Are the mists cross-server?
Do we have a mumble, skype anything like that? (I can always create a Skype group if there is interest for general ramblings if there is interest, works well for text in a large group at least).

@crowgrrl: no worries. If the mists are cross-server and you ever see me online and want to try some cooperative build tinkering, let me know. I have so far refrained from mathematical models, but might get there soon too.

@puggernaut: Welcome! One of the guild officers should be able to get you an invite to the Legion of Honour when they are online.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


^ Haha Helequin, I guess you should look at your new deserved rank.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Kaii.5149


Thief update! I reached level 46 (49 now) and I got this pirate armor set….and boy did it look terrible! I mean just plain awful on the thief. I couldn’t stand it. So I got this!


The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Helequin.2608


@puggernaut (cc Glitch): and apparently if I log before any others I will fiddle with the guild screen until I figure out how to invite you

Edit – Kaii, you must teach me the ways of medium armor that looks like actual armor….

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: FGreenOak.2314


Hi everybody, kept better track of the thread today, slow day at work.

Welcome and hi to the new faces that have joined the madness since last night.

Vlawde’s suggestion for a temp site on enjin isn’t a bad one. Decent free site, many of the guilds here use it. Maybe one of the high ranked officers here could look into it, since there is a lot of administration for a guild this size.

Or of course; just for the meantime, we could just start a Facebook group as well. (hmmm would have to delete those pics of me in a kilt ) Just food for thought.

Thanx to those with all the necro & engineer tips. I’ll be looking into those myself as well.

Be well all

Nym Zhou Feng: Guild Leader of EBIL
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: crowgrrrl.9672


@Kaii – Very cool! I am with Helequin lol, please teach me too, the ways of medium armor that looks like armor…

@Helequin – that would be cool, I like the sound of that, cooperative build tinkering, if the Mists are cross-server, and I do not know if they are either lol

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Kaii.5149


THAT is actually the tier 2 human cultural armor…but…as fate would have it I did figure out a couple of amazing blends, one of which I will create when I reach 80. Not sure how will look on female characters though. Later on I’ll go into pvp and post a screenshot of the setup.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: crowgrrrl.9672


Thanks, Kaii! The Falconer’s Set, I think, isn’t it?

Quick newbie question, you can actually try on most all the armor, or at least some of the armor available in game in PvP without having to PvP? Is that right? I think I read somewhere that some of the PvP armor has no PvE equivalents? Is that also the case?

I hope I can eventually save up enough gold to grab some of the cultural armors. It is gonna take me forever lol, but hey, at least I have something to work towards, right?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Kaii.5149


Yes, you can try it all on for the most part in the pvp locker, you don’t have to enter an actual pvp match.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: crowgrrrl.9672


Thank you again, Kaii! I just did not wanna stumble somewhere I did not want to lol. I do not have the skills down well enough for PvP yet and it isn’t my cup of tea really lol.

I can only wish for MAD SKILLZ lol lol lol!!!

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Posted by: Aeleniel.4973


Welcome to Azureai and Puggernaut! Come on in and make yourselves at home. :]

Glitch, can you post an announcement ingame with a short description of the new guild ranks? I can’t find the page that Helequin posted them on. I haven’t checked as I write this, so if you’ve already done so, then please ignore me!

Tarnished Coast | Ranger | Mesmer | Guardian
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Helequin.2608


^Page 16. There were a few follow up comments afterwards as well. Mostly about the Aedile (spelling? don’t have a reference handy) rank for organizers.

I’ll try to google doc the post and throw a link somewhere for easier access tomorrow.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Aeleniel.4973


Wonderful, Helequin! I can’t believe it was that far back – it seems like it was just a little while ago.

Is anyone else getting super excited for Wintersday? :]

Tarnished Coast | Ranger | Mesmer | Guardian
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS

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Posted by: Kaii.5149


Tonight a bunch of us ran Honor of the Waves for the first time. It was lots of fun, gotta love those Kodan, the mighty polar bear warriors. I’ll be adding various screenshots to my album, but I wanted to post a screenshot showing guardian ‘heal on crit’ build in a full party.

It’s probably tough to even see all the different numbers in that spasm of heals, but add them all together and they become quite the heal.


The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

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Posted by: nottsgman.8206


Kaii you’re going to need to put that album in every post, or at least every-so-often, because I can’t find it anymore I want to see new pictures when you put them there!

nice armor on your thief by the way

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Aeleniel.4973


That screenie almost makes me wish I hadn’t killed off my guardian… Almost.

I think you can still consider yourself accomplished for today. :] I think you can bring others in your party to your personal story instances… But I’m not sure.

EDIT: This wiki says that multiple people can participate in your personal storyline, but that the instance scales in difficulty to the number of people participating. Despite the increase in mob difficulty, it still probably is easier with another intelligent person helping you (since NPCs are pretty useless for the most part). I would party up just to make sure they get brought into the instance with you.

Tarnished Coast | Ranger | Mesmer | Guardian
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS

(edited by Aeleniel.4973)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


Ahhh. It’s great seeing the chaos I created grow even more!
But such a lovely chaos it is.

Thanks for the 12k views and over 1k posts.

I will probably be running a CM explore later this evening on the EU flipside.
Yea that day of exploring yesterday nearly burnt this troll and I put on factor a billion sunscreen !!!

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Posted by: jjc.4863


Thanks to Midania (sorry could’t remember your account name :S) Kaii, Kit and G!!! So much fun running around HotW trying not to die as everything was purple xD! Still proved to be a good team and i definitely enjoyed it, so thanks for bringing me along!

Sorry Kit I couldn’t help it… but are you wearing pink?


Proud member of Potentially Offensive [POOF]
I’ll try to keep it civil. ;)

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


^ Busted!

Good that you enjoyed another dungeon jj! Keep practicing and you’ll never go down again! Once that happens it’s less frustrating but looks like you enjoyed the time with the team!