I’m writing a “short” tier list and impression of the elite specs. I won’t go into different builds/gear setups that are possible with each spec because it’s only been THREE days. So I’m sure there has yet to be a meta to be established, these are all just my opinion from playing conquest and stronghold.
My background: While I don’t have an extensive knowledge of GW2 PvP I do have a high competitive background from other games.
WoW: Multi-time gladiator. 2800+ in 3v3. 2600+ in 5v5. 2500+ 2v2
2900+ RBG leader.
League of legends: Gold. (I guess it’s not too impressive. I like to watch the game more than I play. I’m terrible at MoBAs)
Diablo 3: Top 100 in season 1 for monk. (If this even counts as being competitive)
Solo queue
God Tier: Can play almost any position of the game. Low cooldowns, durable, and can almost single handedly win the game.
I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this and believe that chronomancer is by far the strongest class. I’m going to have to disagree with the majority here. I’ll go into the discussion about them next, but what makes dragonhunter stronger than all the other classes is the consistency they can bring to the team. Their traps bring a large amount of cc, damage, and they are extremely durable. Being the god of solo queue means what you can do to carry the team, and being able to defend, be on offense, and steal points on relatively short cooldowns
SS tier:
The burst class. A lot of people are calling nerfs on chronomancer mostly on the one aspect that they can almost 100-0 someone within seconds due to continuum shift. Well I’m going to reference another game here, and hopefully I’ll get my point across why I don’t think this needs to be nerfed. Anyone who played vanilla WoW, might remember the classic AP PoM Pyro mage, or a seccubus soulfire destroy warlock. To those of you who didn’t play WoW in the early stages of PvP, these two specs relied on heavy cooldowns and a “I win” combo. For people who are familiar with League of Legends, I think Le Blanc is the epitamy of what Mesmer/chronomancer is. Go in and out and get kills. But this doesn’t make her the best team fight champion In the right hands this assassin playstyle seems impossible to beat.
Through time these assassin builds slowly died out as people started to figure out how to counter these specs just through playing more defensively or changing their gear setup. I think this will become very true as the game continues on, I personally see a lot of people just getting 1-2 shotted by things, and I’ll ask what amulet they are running. They will be most likely be running full glass cannon. So does this one mechanic of chronomancers automatically justify their SS tier rank? No absolutely not. The reason I put them so high on the list is because of their group utility through alacrity. Alacrity is in my opinion one of the craziest things to be introduced to this game. This is an AoE team buff that recharges skills 66% faster Think 1/3 of you cooldown is shaved off, 60 second cooldown will be up in 40 seconds. Assuming you can sustain it 100%. I don’t necessarily think you need to have 100% uptime on alacrity, the usefulness comes through the clutch saves of your teammates when you are using Well utility spells. As solo queue player chronomancer can either be the super burst assassin or they can be a team fighter and support allowing more total damage and heal output by your team which can drastically shift team fights and the game itself.
S Tier:
The second assassin I consider in this game. These little buggers can go in and out of fights very fluid and seems impossible to catch them unless you catch them on the run from a previous fight. Their strength relies on the fact they can output very high damage in a short amount of time, and avoiding almost all damage. I would argue that they have the highest mobility in the game than any other combination of spec and spells. Their weaknesses are conditions and wasting a dodge. Having a class relying on dodge to be successful makes people perceive that this specialization is weak.
I mentioned La Blanc for chronomancers, I’d like to think Rengar is what a daredevil is. He has really annoying stealth mechanics, goes in and out, and seems impossible to catch. I’m not saying they have the durability of the old AP Rengar, but with divine fortitude healing as they dodge/evade does give them quite a great sustain.
The one and only true healer of gw2. They heal and win teamfights. Aside from their Avatar form taking forever to build up, they will always win the fights of the battle of attrition as long as their team isn’t full of Berserker glass canons. They can’t completely solo and win the game, but they can make a devastating impact. Also PSA they can heal NPCs just by standing next to them hitting their 1 attack. I’ve seen my champion on stronghold from 15% healed to 100% in a minute or so, as long as we kept them enemies from entering the stronghold.
I don’t know much about this class yet. I’ve screwed around on it a little bit and I think people are still figuring it out. But I think they are just a better warrior, they deal more damage, have an attack that grants them evasion and continuously strikes opponents. (Imagine Cloud from FFVII doing omnislash. Or juggernaut from DoTA, Fiora’s old ultimate from league of legends) Offering high sustained damage and being able to stay in the fight and tank damage, with some CC utilities, earns the Hearld a S tier spot.
I have played a few tempests, and I think they are great supports, they are awesome! They can do a little bit of everything, some healing, buffs, and damage. Maybe I need to play tempest more for myself to get a better feel of the class. I just don’t think going tempest hybrid or even full support, is what will carry you a game in solo queue. If you want to full support I think druid offers you a better chance as you have a higher healing output allowing your teammates to tunnel vision more and make big mistakes that would have otherwise gotten them killed.
This elite spec was the plague of the first day. EVERYONE was playing the reaper class. Who wouldn’t? The name of the elite spec just sounds the best. Sadly they fall short of their name and don’t deliver death to anyone quickly nor swiftly. The most successful reapers are the ones who are just the old tanky necro builds, they go in, become a huge annoyance for the enemy team. If you go glass canon, you just can’t compete the amount of burst that the other assassin classes offer. Although you do give consistent damage, and chilling effect which is nice. This could be potentially utilized in more coordinated and group play. Solo queue though, I think running a tank chronomancer will offer more due to alacrity helping your team as a whole, instead of being a really beefy target dummy.
This is the least played elite specialization that I’ve seen. I think it’s fun they offer some cool utilities, and are more inline of a true hybrid than leaning towards more support which I felt tempest did. Since they don’t excel at anything, I believe that they are outclassed by every other elite spec. They do have a reveal stealth ability which can be one of the most devastating things to the classes who require stealth to be useful. For a person who wants to be a jack of all the trades who leans towards more damage, I think this might be the class for you. But don’t expect to see amazing healing or burst someone down from 100-0. You’re just kind of in the middle. And I think being just sort of being in the middle doesn’t win you games, it just gives you an option to deal with everyone.
I said the scrapper is the least played elite specialization. Warrior is the least played class ever in pvp. But hey let’s talk about berserker. Why are berserkers in the lowest and in a tier by itself? Well because they are the worst for solo play. I’ve seen some berserkers do well, but not solo. They usually have in my opinion stronger players/classes that support them. I have NEVER been afraid to fight a berserker 1v1 on other classes. They take a longtime to get into berserker form, their damage is intended to be hybrid (power/condition) which doesn’t seem reasonable because then they give up survivability. Okay you want survivability deal less damage then everyone else. You don’t get both or they are overpowered. So what the hell do we buff berserkers? Well my question to you is that, is Guild Wars 2 PvP revolved around 1v1s? You know when I saw berserker shine? When they had support. Jesus was I scared of a berserker when they had a druid running behind them. To the people who will warriors with pocket healers in WoW, this is what you SHOULD be afraid of. My prediction is that berserker + druid will be THE two guys who 2v5 your team. The berserker does have some natural beefiness due to being heavy armor, they have a trait where their movement abilities break immobilizations. They can consistently get stability through berserker mode, and can have a large amount of interrupts counting on what utility spells you’re running. Remember the plague for Druid Warrior 2v2 arena in WoW? It’s coming in Guild Wars in some fashion. But this is my solo queue tier list. Without a friend who will run around with you coordinating who you need to interrupt and focus down, you’re just going to have to run around with your team and hope they aren’t running around like headless chickens asking “How do I unlock my elite spec?”
It’s still REALLY EARLY what needs to be adjusted in the game in terms of balance, so keep trying out things and have fun. Figured I’d give my first impressions of the elite specs, maybe a slightly different point of view of certain things.
If you guys liked this I can talk about builds, a team queue tier list, and strategies for the maps/modes. Although I have limited experience in coordinated groups for GW2 since I have no friends ;_;
(edited by Zanyu.2017)