Generic Class Comments on Forums
Elementalist: “Nerf stealth”
Engineer: “Nerf stealth”
Guardian: “Nerf stealth”
Necromancer: “Nerf stealth”
Ranger: “Nerf stealth”
Warrior: “Nerf stealth”
Mesmer: “Nerf Thief”
Thief: “Roll a thief and see how difficult it is… oh, and nerf Shoutbow/Medi-guard” ;-P
(edited by Kageseigi.2150)
Elementalist: “Please let us a play a build without water and arcane that doesn’t suck eggs”.
Engineer: “How DARE you touch my easy access perma-swiftness”
Guardian: “Playing super glass cannons is so much more fun than being a tank”
Necromancer: “Death Shroud is the most flawed concept to ever grace an MMO”
Also~ “Sadness now that we won’t have a decent heal skill anymore”
Ranger: “Playing glass Pew-Pew builds, even in melee range is WAY more fun than playing a conquest useful condition-evasion-regen tank”
Warrior: “Its so much fun never having to press 6. Oh and we want cleansing ire baseline”
Mesmer: “Just you wait till tuesday thieves, lets see how you deal with blind spam and stunlock. And NEEEEEERF consume plasma please”.
Thief: “If I make one mistake I die, its not like I have shadow refuge, shadow step, sword 2, shortbow 5, various backwards evades, or on demand stealth to make up for any of those mistakes”.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Engineer: “Thanks, Grouch.”
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Necro: “WTB effective means to avoid stunlocks, plus some mobility pls.”
Mesmer: “Nerf thief pls, ty”
Ele: “Anet has no idea what they are doing with ele: either make us OP or useless.”
Thief: “QQ, thief is the most nerfed class. Top teams have had ONLY ONE thief on them at all times…”
Ranger: “Yea, our build is super-simple, but not yolo-ing into melee, and surviving against thieves is where SKILL comes in.”
Engineer: …too busy partying in the street over being insanely OP in a billion ways…
Warrior: “We have no build variety, only 5 different things work reasonably well”
Guardian: “Can we get some real love, and not just be told we are ‘fine.’ Also, pls nerf prot on eles…not fair that they have more”
Necro: WTF were you thinking nerfing our only freakin useful heal, and there goes our elites. THANKS ANET! you’re the best. Not sure why we are the only class that has to kitten ourselves to get lackluster skills, that the devs think are powerful (LOL)
Elementalist: “Nerf stealth”
Engineer: “Nerf stealth”
Guardian: “Nerf stealth”
Necromancer: “Nerf stealth”
Ranger: “Nerf stealth”
Warrior: “Nerf stealth”Mesmer: “Nerf Thief”
Thief: “Roll a thief and see how difficult it is… oh, and nerf Shoutbow/Medi-guard” ;-P
Thief who actually played other classes :" Nerf stealth"
Elementalist: My piano always sounds wrong without elemental attunement
Guardian: Its tough work being meta at everything…
Engineer: Whenever I make a wish, it always seems to come true
Warrior: A dummies guide to success at 1v1s
Mesmer: The dictionary definition of baseline
Thief: How to be best and worst at absolutely everything
Ranger: 1 button miraculously expanded into a whole class
Necromancer: Please…kill. me.
All classes: “I’m underpowered, please buff me and nerf everyone else.”
Hello, my name is Scissors.
Please nerf Rock, they are super overpowered.
Please leave Paper as they are, they don’t need to get buffed.
Hello necro mancers blow massive chunks. Only class whose heal weakens themselves, and whose elites do damage to themselves for lackluster dmg output. Lich now is so limited that casting anything but #1 is useless as the cast times are so long you would see a dmg decrease. Wag anet anyone taking lich now is guaranteed to be only pressing one. Useless anyways because your two favorite classes can destroy our elites with Moa. Thanks anet.
Elementalist: “Wait, you mean we have utilities BESIDES Cantrips? Good one, pull the other leg now.”
Engineer: “It pays to have a dev main you~”
Guardian: “Others come and ago…we will always be meta. Oh, but we need buffs..for…reasons…”
Mesmer: “Make ALL the traits baseline! #balance”
Necromancer: (Looks at Consume Conditions.) (Sobs quietly.)
Ranger: “Entangle? OP? Nah bro.”
Thief: “Single-handedly keeping other [non-medi-guard] zerkers out of the meta since 2012.”
Warrior: “Hurr!” (pounds face on keyboard; wins)
Don’t take this too seriously, guys
(edited by Glenstorm.4059)
At least Moa doesn’t directly kill us…
I think I should remove this quote given the recent developement.
Almost forgot
Engineer: “Josh, can I spit it out this time?”
Almost forgot
Engineer: “Josh, can I spit it out this time?”
Almost forgot
Engineer: “Josh, can I spit it out this time?”Whoa………
The Dhuumfire thread
Almost forgot
Engineer: “Josh, can I spit it out this time?”Bruh…
I wish I had this guy’s guts. :P
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Was not me…. I just replied to it to say whoa…
Drennon, you are my hero~
[Teef] guild :>
The favoritism is so blatantly obvious.
The favoritism is so blatantly obvious.
This is indisputable. Ele, mesmer, engie, and thief
The favoritism is so blatantly obvious.
This is indisputable. Ele, mesmer, engie, and thief
Due to the most recent sources and a certain experience with all classes I would only put on engi on the favored list. The turret burial was a deception.
The Dhuumfire thread
The favoritism is so blatantly obvious.
This is indisputable. Ele, mesmer, engie, and thief
Due to the most recent sources and a certain experience with all classes I would only put on engi on the favored list. The turret burial was a deception.
It didn’t fit in their Grenade meta ideals.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Excuse me while I sterotype generic class comments :p
Necromancer – “You think thats bad? What about necro!”
Guardian – “In a good place? Throw us a bone or something!”
Warrior – “We are not that strong, buffs pls!”
Mesmer – (silently stands in shadows to avoid nerfs)
Thief – “we are forced to disengage a lot, l2p we need buffs”
Elementalist – “we can do everything, but we have to push so many buttons #skillcap”
Ranger – “Yeah we can do damage, but really we still suck and die easy..more mobility pls”
Engineer – “l2p, it’s not that hard to beat us really”
(didn’t really have anything for ele or mesmer, make up your own!)
No, you are 100% completely accurate in these generalizations
I had a good lol out of it actually
So much for silently standing in a corner… The nerf hammer has autotargeting when it comes to mesmer…
The favoritism is so blatantly obvious.
This is indisputable. Ele, mesmer, engie, and thief
Due to the most recent sources and a certain experience with all classes I would only put on engi on the favored list. The turret burial was a deception.
It didn’t fit in their Grenade meta ideals.
They needed some reasons for engis to use Mortar Kit and the mini skyhammer.
The Dhuumfire thread
Willing to provide funding for anet to allocate more time spent on the Necro by someone who actually knows what the kitten they are doing… Hell we need a little favoritism. I would take a third of what Engies got this go around. Just 33 kittening percent of what Engies and mesmers got
“Mesmer – (silently stands in shadows to avoid nerfs)” – we’ve already been nerfed!!!! Apparently due to the streams earlier, ANET have already nerfed MtD by 50%.
SO everyone getting excited about mesmer build diversity in pvp, especially with condition shatter, have already been kicked in the teeth.
Yes, they nerfed a core trait, based on someone streaming Golem damage BEFORE ITS EVEN BEEN RELEASED!
Got to love Anet sometimes <3
– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever
kitten , y’all are hurtful, almost as hurtful as Plague will be to Necromancers post patch.
Ya’ll should have seen the gerdian change man. Ripperoni in Pepperoni gerd.
LOL OMG look at that engie build, and then compare it to the necrto build that they talked about beforfe hahahahahah…. SUCH A JOKE!
1-2k bleeds 500 poison Scary necro..
… 7.5k burns Engi. No problem.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
“Mesmer – (silently stands in shadows to avoid nerfs)” – we’ve already been nerfed!!!! Apparently due to the streams earlier, ANET have already nerfed MtD by 50%.
SO everyone getting excited about mesmer build diversity in pvp, especially with condition shatter, have already been kicked in the teeth.
Yes, they nerfed a core trait, based on someone streaming Golem damage BEFORE ITS EVEN BEEN RELEASED!
Got to love Anet sometimes <3
We got nerfed because our torment shatter did 8 stacks of torment to an immobile target golem (and apparently did some obscene damage.) The golem was so overwhelmed it didn’t have time to pop its condi cleanse and was so flummoxed that it managed to show moving damage while stationary.
So no.. Let’s not nerf torment, let’s nerf Mesmer! Nerf them based on target-golem tests rather than actual in-game application tests!
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
M esmer " "
E lementalist " "
W arrior " "
G uardian " "
R anger " "
N ecromancer" "
E ngineer " "
T hief " "
Almost forgot
Engineer: “Josh, can I spit it out this time?”
Absolute win.
All the credits to skowcia.
This is genious.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
“Mesmer – (silently stands in shadows to avoid nerfs)” – we’ve already been nerfed!!!! Apparently due to the streams earlier, ANET have already nerfed MtD by 50%.
SO everyone getting excited about mesmer build diversity in pvp, especially with condition shatter, have already been kicked in the teeth.
Yes, they nerfed a core trait, based on someone streaming Golem damage BEFORE ITS EVEN BEEN RELEASED!
Got to love Anet sometimes <3
We got nerfed because our torment shatter did 8 stacks of torment to an immobile target golem (and apparently did some obscene damage.) The golem was so overwhelmed it didn’t have time to pop its condi cleanse and was so flummoxed that it managed to show moving damage while stationary.
So no.. Let’s not nerf torment, let’s nerf Mesmer! Nerf them based on target-golem tests rather than actual in-game application tests!
Haha i know right! It’s like they forgot the whole concept of condition shatter (to do spike condi dmg, big stacks before they get removed from the millions of condi cleanses out there). Condi shatter is all about getting those big spikign stacks up, rather than spamming sustain condi pressure like rangers/engis.
To make MtD worth while the condi effects from shatters have to out-weigh the condi dmg/powr damage from if you had the clone up doing its thing. Thats the only reason you would go shatter over phantasm. So wtf were they thinking!?
– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever
you complain about mortar buffs but at least you didn’t have one of your three elites as a 100% useless joke for three years, and the other be a 50/50 tornado rampage chance. old mortar is a pointless skill, worse than any racial ability. less useful than when rush used to never land.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
People should be happy about Mortar buff, because more Mortars = less Crates…
you complain about mortar buffs but at least you didn’t have one of your three elites as a 100% useless joke for three years, and the other be a 50/50 tornado rampage chance. old mortar is a pointless skill, worse than any racial ability. less useful than when rush used to never land.
Imagine if one of your elites was a 100% chance to turn you into a tornado and the other two also sucked. :P
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
you complain about mortar buffs but at least you didn’t have one of your three elites as a 100% useless joke for three years, and the other be a 50/50 tornado rampage chance. old mortar is a pointless skill, worse than any racial ability. less useful than when rush used to never land.
Imagine if one of your elites was a 100% chance to turn you into a tornado and the other two also sucked. :P
im all for ele having there elites buffed but dont pretend those elites are as bad as current mortar.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
you complain about mortar buffs but at least you didn’t have one of your three elites as a 100% useless joke for three years, and the other be a 50/50 tornado rampage chance. old mortar is a pointless skill, worse than any racial ability. less useful than when rush used to never land.
Imagine if one of your elites was a 100% chance to turn you into a tornado and the other two also sucked. :P
im all for ele having there elites buffed but dont pretend those elites are as bad as current mortar.
At least Mortar is currently fun to mess around with even if it doesn’t do anything. Ele’s don’t even have a “fun” elite. I can’t remember the last time I even USED my elite.
you complain about mortar buffs but at least you didn’t have one of your three elites as a 100% useless joke for three years, and the other be a 50/50 tornado rampage chance. old mortar is a pointless skill, worse than any racial ability. less useful than when rush used to never land.
Imagine if one of your elites was a 100% chance to turn you into a tornado and the other two also sucked. :P
im all for ele having there elites buffed but dont pretend those elites are as bad as current mortar.
At least Mortar is currently fun to mess around with even if it doesn’t do anything. Ele’s don’t even have a “fun” elite. I can’t remember the last time I even USED my elite.
mortar skill 5 has comedy value ill give you that, but part of the comedy value come from the fact that mortar is so bad that using it becomes comical. however, you needn’t worry as nefed necro plague will provide the ultimate comedy skill when you pop it in a condi build and kill yourself.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
you complain about mortar buffs but at least you didn’t have one of your three elites as a 100% useless joke for three years, and the other be a 50/50 tornado rampage chance. old mortar is a pointless skill, worse than any racial ability. less useful than when rush used to never land.
Imagine if one of your elites was a 100% chance to turn you into a tornado and the other two also sucked. :P
im all for ele having there elites buffed but dont pretend those elites are as bad as current mortar.
At least Mortar is currently fun to mess around with even if it doesn’t do anything. Ele’s don’t even have a “fun” elite. I can’t remember the last time I even USED my elite.
mortar skill 5 has comedy value ill give you that, but part of the comedy value come from the fact that mortar is so bad that using it becomes comical. however, you needn’t worry as nefed necro plague will provide the ultimate comedy skill when you pop it in a condi build and kill yourself.
I heard they were already nerfing our suicide a single 10 second bleed at the start of plague instead of a pulse. So much for at least being fun while bad. :P
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)