How to thief better?

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Here is a game where my team overcame overwhelming odds as the other side had two tempests and two scrappers, and one of those scrappers was an illustrious legend, meaning he’s very skilled on top of using a class with lots of passives, gyros, and active abilities via kits and his hammer so more cooldowns than my initiative can cope with. If I have to ask how to beat a scrapper with a thief then I’m nowhere near ready to hold a point against that guy so I bailed back to home.

I’m also still burning poison too much on shortbow against downed and hoping people will proc the weakness combo fields and the poison helping to reduce healing output in a meaningful way and poking into teamfights where I (somehow) think they’re just getting started but actually ending unfavorably.

I really didn’t want to leave the guardian hanging at start but if I stayed it’d be two deaths for the enemy team instead of 1 so I think he understands why I had to leave him hanging and flip a “kitten” (actually typed the child cat word lol!) towards far which I think was a decent play.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Ario.8964


I’m pretty busy today but hopefully in the next few days I can take some specific notes and make a response video with all my comments and feedback. I’ll post it to youtube and then to here so you’ll be able to review what I have to say as many times as you need or would like to.

[Teef] Dragonbrand Thief and Engi main and Ario Does Gaming on Youtube!

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


  1. your reactions seem a bit slow and your gameplay feels slow overall. you need to improve that a lot for thief play. Feels like you play with a controller or something
  2. if you decide to decap use resources to reach the node faster. Like at ~2:15 you had withdraw, shadowstep, signet, bunch of init. getting there faster means you can gank sooner.
  3. dont guard points. There are really limited situations where you want to 1v1 for a short duration. example: after you decided to fullcap home at ~2:50 you should leave and help somewhere else.
  4. better to put the enemy behind than teamfight! Example: after the cap i mentioned above you should have immidiately gone far couse gua loses to engi on paper and it’s a nice opportunity to cause 4v5 and start the snowball.
  5. You stand around doing nothing too much. Dont be afraied to folow and autohit your target nor be afraied to use your cooldowns. You used every utility only 2 times in the whole match.

PS i wish i had a monitor the size of yours

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I’m afraid of using the wrong cooldown at the wrong time and thief tends to be squishy enough where smart use of disengages is just about all we have. Sometimes I use shadowstep to set up ganks. People tend to wait for the big bursts before blowing an invulnerability cooldown and I don’t want to unload initiative into a Signet of Stone or Obsidian Flesh. I used the Agility Signet at a seemingly odd time but I thought the guardian was low on endurance and wanted to wash some of the burning.

I had some input lag in that game (in the fight with the ele the 2 skill kept flashing) but if you have a target you’re kinda committed to it so tabbing to a better target then headshotting can seem slow. Still I have to get that perfectly tight timing down since if I’m too fast I’ll burn everything leaving myself vulnerable but if I’m not fast enough I won’t burn. Sometimes when I’m on revenant (the slowness is built into the class unfortunately since everything has lots of windup) I wish I was on thief since the disengage is so much better while withdraw on average is better than Facet of Light. Then there are times I wished I were on revenant or ele as a thief since I think, “this would be such a perfect time to use Surge of the Mist, Grasping Shadows, or use wash the pain away but I don’t have those tools with me” so sometimes I’m mentally in a different role when I see healthbars go down or downed players being rezzed.

I’m pretty busy today but hopefully in the next few days I can take some specific notes and make a response video with all my comments and feedback. I’ll post it to youtube and then to here so you’ll be able to review what I have to say as many times as you need or would like to.

Thanks man.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Hanza.6872


Just had a quick look at the video. Overall reactions seem a bit slow, you need to decide what to do quicker and do it. Now this might have been the lag, but I get the feeling you are too afraid that you might insta gib. It happens, but not all that often.

One example is where you move away from mid running. If you decide you need to leave there, switch to bow and get out quick. Walking away as a thief just means you will most likely die. Moving away you need stealth or ports or just commit to the fight instead.

Another point is engaging. If you set up a steal, add a heart seeker into the attack at the very least. So you do more up front damage. If you don’t, you are better off using shadow shot for similar dmg and a blind.

If you want more comments just send me a pm.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Topher.5631


Kudos for trying to learn the class.

Things I saw in the video:

1) You put WAY too much emphasis on stealthing. Like at start, you tried to blast stealth for the team. That isn’t really useful at all (since spawncamping at the start of the game isn’t possible) and it can really mess up another combo field, one that could blast swiftness for example. If you absolutely have to stealth up, use pistol 5 near a wall, then use heartseeker on the wall, so you don’t have to do a 180 and waste time getting back into position (this equals more stealth and less time wasted)

2) When you were heading back to cap your home node, you stealthed up right before you went around the corner. Instead, use the whole map, not just the obvious parts (You should have gone around the back way to scout things out instead of going through the front)

3) Do not team fight, unless you can quickly pick someone off with impact strike. You will die WAY too easily from the residual AoE.

4) If someone is about to take your point and you don’t want to fight, exit their line of sight, stealth up, and when they leave stroll back on to point. On temple for example, I love hiding beneath the bridges right before you get to the side points and instantly backcapping

5) Don’t waste a large amount of time trying to land a backstab. Unfortunately, the setup isn’t worth it unless you get a crit.

Some general things that may / may not have been in the video, just a few pointers

-Don’t use Roll for Init. Sure its a stun break that gives you initiative, but it is on a 60s cd (not worth it). Bandit’s defense is a 15 (or 12 if traited) stun break and a block for a second and a half, which is a whole lot better. Since you really over-emphasize stealth, you could use blinding powder as an alternative. That way you can pistol 5 then blast that for a few extra seconds of stealth, and also blast stealth on downed allies so you can res.

-Don’t steal at the beginning of the fight, it has way too much utility. It restores endurance, heals, interrupts, and poisons your enemy (to reduce the heal if they try to use it).

-When they get low on hp, watch their animations. They will eventually try to heal, and that needs to be interrupted.

-Do not use shortbow for damage. It should be only used for mobility, AoE poison, and (in the event you own the two other points) ledging on a team fight. Note that you can blast weakness from that, using shortbow 4 then 2 (don’t activate the chain ability for 2, otherwise the blast finish goes away)

-If they have a cap and they leave it unguarded, decapping / capping it should be your top focus.

Have fun with the class

If you can’t beat it, it is, needless to say, OP
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How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


First things first, your UI is too small, so it’s almost impossible to keep your eyes on the field, your own skill bar and your targets bar without straining your eyes. This is really important on thief especially. It can find great success or failure in an instant, so keeping your eyes in the right spots to be able to react to what your opponent does is what thief is about.

You were decapping a lot and creating a lot of optimal situations where you can go +1 a fight, and that’s what thief really excels at. A lot of what these fights came down to was simple knowledge of the game, especially with regards to combat. A lot of thief combat is about planning and knowing when to “go in” on someone.

Also, as noted before, your combat was too slow! Thief is about doing a lot of damage in a short period of time, and shortbow isn’t good at that. You should be dagger autoattacking most of the time while dodging, using shadowshot and headshot to keep pressure up while minimizing your damage! In other words, thief requires a LOT of knowledge about other classes.

Aside from the basic strategy on thief, you need a better spec!

Good luck! MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


About the too slow: I’m used to playing games where I’d do stuff really fast, blow people away, then encounter staunch defense that leaves me awkwardly vulnerable so here I’m trying to fine tune my timing so I can be confident I can pressure enough to bring home the advantage. I’m also going through a flowchart in my head that says stuff like, “Target started to flash blue? headshot. Revenant pop Facet of Light? Stop attacking (but usually waste a dodge instead for whatever reason), did he pop a block earlier? Go all out and burst, is it a scrapper? Just bail if by yourself, etc.” Then you have to act according to advantage or not. I know teamfights should generally be avoided but sometimes you get hate for decapping instead or you could change an equal teamfight into an advantageous one. If you’re in a 2v2 or 1v1 then you need to play according to how you’re doing. In chess someone said you attack when you have the advantage while those with a disadvantage should minimize the incoming weaknesses and exercise economical thinking. For example not dodging and blocking or dodging twice when just one would do, as one’s lower endurance is an advantage in the opponent’s favor.

I don’t care much for using shortbow as a weapon but if I’m on cooldown I have to make use with what I have and the shortbow 3 is good for kiting and cripple while 4 reduces healing so 4 is more for utility than damage.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Vicky.4563


So did you actually want advice or are you just going to counter what everyone else has told you with your reasoning and excuses?

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


So did you actually want advice or are you just going to counter what everyone else has told you with your reasoning and excuses?

I do I’m saying where I’m coming from for context. I have to practice tightening my timing and accuracy so I can afford to play faster and find a way of making my interface bigger without it obstructing too much of the action.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Vicky.4563


So did you actually want advice or are you just going to counter what everyone else has told you with your reasoning and excuses?

I do I’m saying where I’m coming from for context. I have to practice tightening my timing and accuracy so I can afford to play faster and find a way of making my interface bigger without it obstructing too much of the action.

Ok, because nothing what’s been said here is anything new. You’ve asked for advice in the past. They’ve all fallen along the lines of, react faster, make decisions faster, run a meta build, increase your UI/mini map.

The only thing different thing here is thief specific advice, but all the general advice from before remains the same.

Try focus on improving on what people have already told you. When you look back at your own videos and can no longer see any mistakes you make, then ask for advice. Otherwise you’re just going to overwhelm yourself with trying to fix too many things at once.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Ramoth.9064


I’d say try and improve on one thing at a time. My biggest problem starting thief was how different the engagements were compared to other classes, so every group fight I had, I focused on finding that singled out enemy to burst them down, entering the fight a bit later. I think that improved my thief game.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Chapell.1346


and one of those scrappers was an illustrious legend, meaning he’s very skilled

Quite alarming, it seems the current title needs to be look at.

Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Vicky.4563


Quite alarming, it seems the current title needs to be look at.

Now now, lets be generous here. Perhaps he was playing on an alt?

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Otherwise you’re just going to overwhelm yourself with trying to fix too many things at once.

I think I know a roadblock now. Bruce Lee said he fears the man who practices one kick 10,000 times more than the man who practiced 10,000 kicks once. I don’t know how to get my map bigger without making it too big though.

I made faster decisions in my last match (it was very close though I should have avoided some of the team fights but really wanted to stomp) but still got in trouble at times. The midfight at start was too ambiguous and I seriously considered hitting far, but our downed got finished first so I probably should have left then, but I downed another player but the team ignored the rezzers.

On a positive I headshotted an engineer right when they came out of their invulnerable proc and I’m used to that with point blank on druid (the ramp up is slower and there’s a subtle tell it’s coming with the light whirls around the arrow tip) and I’m timing my steals better, but still do the occasional gap closer use. I’m noticing improvement but still need to refine more and iron more out.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Chapell.1346



I’ve done my part.

Perhaps he was playing on an alt?

Can’t blame them they need more talents, talented and skilled player to be precise.

Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Eval.2371


I watched half the video, mostly on x2 speed.

  • I noticed a of what looked to be second guessing. You need to become more decisive in your choices. Going half in is often what gets you killed, vs going all out.
  • Lots of walking around. Use that shortbow.
  • To much emphasis on entering stealth and making nothing of it. If your going stealth you’d better be 1) disengaging or 2)engaging with backstab.
  • Didn’t spot a single steal combo.
  • Black powder is decent damage mitigation when people get in your grill.
  • You basically never use your elite because your always saving it… Its an interrupt and a knock up in a fight which is often more than enough to get a down on a focused target. Another option is bassi venom.
[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


First of all, welcome to the merry band of misfits and miscreants! :-D

Let me preface this by saying that I do not claim to be a great Thief, I’ve never played as a Daredevil, nor do I know what build or settings you have. So here are some suggestions I have to offer…

1. Settings
Very important! Do the following…

A. Make sure you do NOT use “Action Camera.” It will make the Hearsteeker tip I give you later impossible to do.

B. Disable “Autotargeting”

C. Disable “Snap Ground Target to Current Target”

D. Enable “Lock Ground Target at Maximum Skill Range”

E. Make sure “Auto-Attack” is off of repeat

F. After you play around a while, enable/disable any other settings that set/change your target to your own liking.

2. Efficient movement
Between matches, practice moving around the Heart of the Mists (or anywhere in PvW/WvW). Try to get places the quickest that you can. Learn what skills to use to do so. And most of this stuff, you can learn on your own with no outside interference. Here are some specifics…

A. Never walk unless you have no initiative, have no movement enhancement, or you deliberately wish to take your time (or save just a few initiative before battle). I used to HATE taking the Shortbow, so I would always have either the Signet of Shadows or Traveler’s Runes.

B. Use shadowstepping (mechanic, not utility) to its full advantage. Shortbow is king if this. Learn the locations and shortcuts where you can shadowstep to. For example, when you opened at Home on Temple, you can shadowstep to the top of the wood platform, completely bypassing the stairs. In fact, you can do that on the other side of the map also, right by Far. If you ever get caught at Mid, you can use shadowstep to the top of the bridge to the left on the map… even if you are downed underneath it. Make them chase you all the way up the stairs just to stomp you. You will also find MANY annoying uses of shadowstepping on Khylo… like up to the roof of the clock tower from the Mid point.

C. Learn to time your Infiltrator’s Arrow. You should get to the point where you can release a second one as soon as you teleport from the first. Just make sure to not do a second BEFORE you teleport. Not only will it help you get to places faster, but it will help you survive fights when you must escape.

D. If you don’t or can’t switch away from your main-hand Dagger, use Heartseeker to get places faster. It may not have the ability to shadowstep up cliffs or across gaps, but its straight-line moving speed is nearly equal to Infiltrator’s Arrow based on initiative. Just make sure to deselect any targets you may have, and point the camera where you’re going, not at any downward angle.

3. Stealth
Don’t do it in combat unless you NEED to, and there are very few reasons you need to…

A. Make the opponent lose targeting. It can be very effective and very annoying. But make sure it’s worth it.

B. To cleanse conditions with Shadow’s Embrace.

C. To finish off a target who is VERY low on health. This will combine a Heartseeker and the Backstab. If a Heartseeker alone will do it, don’t burn your initiative on Black Powder.

D. To stomp a downed enemy. Stealthing can save you against Necromancers and others with foul downed-skills. It can also help hide you safe from surrounding enemies while you stomp.

E. To set up an escape. If the enemy can’t see you, it’s much easier for you to get away.

4. Stealthing efficiently
The basic of the basics of being a Dagger/Pistol Thief. If you are going to use the Black Powder + Heartseeker combo, the vast majority of times, you will want to stack Stealth. It is a much more efficient use of your initiative. It also makes Stealth worth having, because it lasts for much longer, and also allows you to refill more initiative while invisible. Again, you NEED to learn this… the sooner, the better…

A. Again, make sure you have “Action Camera” and “Autotargeting” disabled

B. Deselect any target you may have (probably best to bind a key to this). You must have NO target whatsoever for this to work.

C. Point your camera looking straight down on your Thief. This causes your Heartseekers to be cut very short.

D. Hold a strafe button down (“a” or “d” key)

E. Activate Black Powder

F. While strafing, immediately use a Heartseeker

G. Give a very slight pause (it takes practice to get the timing right), then rotate your character/camera about 100 degees or so, so you will be aimed at the side of your smoke field

H. Heartseeker again. If done properly, you will leap through the smoke field again. If your leap went in the same direction as the first, then your pause was not long enough.

I. Repeat the pause, rotation, and leap again. With a full 15 initiative, you can leap through Black Powder up to 4 times. That gives you 12 seconds of Stealth (starting from the first leap). That means if you let Stealth run out on its own, or if you wait until the very last moment to attack, you’ll have about 9 initiative refilled, and you will be able to cover a much larger distance while invisible.

J. When first learning the above combo, practice getting 2 leaps in. Then add a 3rd. Then add a 4th. The 4th leap can be quite tricky… especially in combat.

5. Combat skills
Shadow Shot and Auto-attacks are your best friends. Shadow Shot blinds your target as well as keeps you on top of them. It has good damage as well. The auto-attack chain will poison your target, and if you have Deadly Arts, it will also weaken them. Heartseekers are for finishing low-health targets and tracking pesky enemies that are difficult to follow or catch… especially when you lose them in the middle of a team fight. Headshots and Steal (when traited) are vital for saving a downed ally from a stomp… or for interrupting a revive attempt against an enemy.

6. Smart Death
If you believe you are going to be downed, try to get in the most advantageous position you can…

A. If you are near allies, run toward them. If you are by a neutral point or an enemy point (with no allies around), run to it. If you see a place you can shadowstep to while downed, try to get into range of it.

B. When you are downed, you need to know what will be the best thing to do for your team. If you are near a point (with no allies around), teleport onto it. This forces your opponent to stay on point and kill you quickly. If not, they can let you bleed. If you’re already on a point that is neutral or you control, then teleport to the other side of the point when they try to stomp you.

C. If you are near a point when you are downed, but you can’t reach it, or you’re in the middle of no where without much chance of rescue/recovery, don’t just sit there and do nothing. Don’t even try to heal. Instead, attack enemies… or even attack the air if there’s nobody in range. Your goal is to die as quickly as possible so you can get back into the action.

D. There are situations when you can help your team by simply delaying death, forcing an enemy to deal with you in the middle of nowhere instead of fighting somewhere else. Likewise, sometimes, you can actually teleport further away from a point in an attempt to draw the enemy off… giving an opening to your teammates to decap the point.

7. Commit to your actions, and build reflexes based upon them…

A. You don’t always make the best decision. Making the best decision is not the ultimate goal. Turning whatever decision you make into a better one is what you want to strive for. As a Thief, time is of the essence. Don’t second guess yourself. If you make a mistake, take a mental note for the next time the same choice comes up. Don’t go back and try to correct it. If you start moving one direction, commit to it.

B. Reflexes, reflexes, reflexes. Everything must go faster as a Thief. You aren’t built for a war of attrition. Get in, do what you can do, get out. What’s the best way to learn this? To die… a lot. Basically, to push yourself beyond your limits as a Thief, then learn where those limits actually exist. How? Well, it may not be the wisest way to do it, but you could run a full glass build. Berserker with Deadly Arts/Critical Strikes/Trickery. You will die quickly, and you will die a lot. But you will also learn what fights you can enter and how long you can stay before you need to get out. After you do, you can go back to Marauder and Dardevil, and you will be a MUCH better Thief. And the only reason I suggest that is because I’ve learned that by being glass, I was personally forced to learn how to survive better.

Check out this thread if you haven’t already. Many more tips are in there…

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Yannir.4132


Never run with D/P out of combat when you have weapon-swap available. Don’t be afraid to die or make a mistake as a thief but try to learn from your mistakes. Never go teamfight if there’s anything else you could be doing. Games can be easily won with sidenodes alone. I remember dozens of games where I never even saw the midnode and won. On Temple and Kyhlo especially.

You also need to learn where you can shadowstep with IA/downed #2(this can save your kitten when downed). You can shadowstep to almost any bridge by targeting its bottom. Learn stomping with shadowstep/stealth and you will never need Impact Strike. Basi Venom is superior.

Yannir for males. (guard,thief,war,ele)
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Dave.6819


1 – Stealth abit less. do not depend on stealth that much and dont waste so much ini. better try to depend on interrupt if u fancy using #4 with that trait. even if u want to stealth much aim ur camera down. so u wont need to run back to ur field. u can do like 4-5 combos like that if u rly into stealthing.

2 – React quicker. try to make up a counter and do it. watch ur opponent carefully wut he’s doing and counter that. its not about spamming buttons quicker tho. just about making a quick plan how to counter their most painful moves and also to still have escape capability (enuff of initiative if things go south)

3 – This is very important i think. umm. make ur UI alot bigger. watch those boons. watch that weakness. watch those condis etcetc. this rly helps alot. i always used to play with a huge UI just cuz i can see every boon on my opponent and when to steal it and such.

PS. idk but i always used basilisk venom. that weird stomp elite is just meh for me. other then that… realise that u r a class that Anet doesn’t like. if u get instagibed.. then oh well.. it doesnt mean u r bad.. it means Anet isn’t rly into loving skilled and fun classes. cheers. on that note im back to Wildstar ^^ gl.

Thief prof. really needs your attention

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Ario.8964


Ok, it took me forever to get settings and such figured out but I got it.
I butchered your name so much Agemnon so for that I’m sorry but here’s the video, I hope it’s at least somewhat helpful. (also sorry for the quality not being amazing, still trying to figure out settings.)


[Teef] Dragonbrand Thief and Engi main and Ario Does Gaming on Youtube!

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Celine.6857


So did you actually want advice or are you just going to counter what everyone else has told you with your reasoning and excuses?

Personally think that’s a little harsh. Just because he’s giving reasons to his movements doesn’t mean he’s not taking on board what people are saying.

As has been said above, thief requires a lot of knowledge about other classes and I think its fair enough he may seem a little slow at first because he’s trying to learn. Sometimes going in all guns blazing doesn’t help that much because you become uncertain as to why or how something may have worked or didn’t work. I was the same when learning thief and I tried a butt ton of different builds.

I think you’re brave for posting footage and people should listen to reasons why you did certain things not only for making sense of it, but also to offer additional advice from what you’ve given in your reasoning.

It’s probably all been said now, but from me: setting ground target at max range (in options) helped me immensely with quick SB 5s to get around, not sure if you have that on or not, I couldn’t tell. Also, try and learn the quicker ways around the map (but I am more than sure you a) know that already and b) that’s been mentioned LOL.

Best of luck mate, it’s a breath of fresh air seeing this section of the forum being used in a positive way.

Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Ok, it took me forever to get settings and such figured out but I got it.
I butchered your name so much Agemnon so for that I’m sorry but here’s the video, I hope it’s at least somewhat helpful. (also sorry for the quality not being amazing, still trying to figure out settings.)


Meh, just shorten it to Age, it’s already a shortening of a mythical name lol!

I’m still trying to get good settings too, the right video editor and settings should help and I’m currently looking into Power Director after I order a GTX 1070. I would have paid for Bandicam but a 1070 version of Shadowplay should be better (despite being free) as it’s integrated into the Nvidia driver itself and tends to be seamless.

Thanks man much appreciated. No matter how much better I get though it always seems like I can’t close the gap between my and the other teams so decapping and spreading out somewhat helps. Some times we stomp and other times we get stomped (ranked). I usually see lots of engis so I typically switch to revenant (Mallyx rev doesn’t work as well vs. engis as it used to but I typically run Shiro/Glint anyway) so it’s hard getting thief practice in ranked play but I’ve seen decent results.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Taobella.6597


biggest thing i saw in that video is you would rotate to mid then start in short bow it better to max your utility just stack 4 stealth with heart seeker try to set up back stab instant stomp combo if it fail just go back to short bowing or w/e but you where really hurting your team just chilling back there.

there a lot of things you can improve on but i say biggest thing in your style is you need to not be scared to fight.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I’ve cut back on the poisoning but still do so for tactically reducing heals.

Here’s a Forest where I decap far at important moments and switched to Bandit’s Defense, which really helped during a Gravity Well in the opening. The opening went poorly but we eventually recovered (we had an Exalted Legend warrior).

Using that stolen warrior skill near the end when they were clustered was cool, downed the druid but had to disengage since it’s way too easy for a thief to get low health. I’m still not sure if stealth rezzing the teammate was the right call (yes it worked out, but maybe only due to suboptimal play from the opponent?) since both of us may have gone down but I had to make a fast decision. I didn’t even want to fight there I just wanted to decap then head mid. Near the end we were 2v3, a ranger and I vs. a warrior and ranger and eventually a second ranger. At best me decapping drew the majority of their team’s attention to home so the team was able to handle the 3v2 elsewhere.

I’ve had some rough periods in the fight though. Normally I’d steal beast but I just didn’t see my opening, probably should have helped the druid with the thief at the start.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Ario.8964


Ep. 2 of my reviews hope I can still be helpful.

[Teef] Dragonbrand Thief and Engi main and Ario Does Gaming on Youtube!

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


video is really laggy but i forced myself to watch it. I still can see very little thinking behind your moves.
You need to improve in map presence. I mean you apply really low pressure to the enemy and you make no surprise bursts at engageing. Also try to use your stealth offensively overall.
Second thing is a bit harder. You need to keep in mind what’s the enemy’s position on the map. Howmany/what classes are on what nodes and where they rotate. This makes your rotations and decaps much cleaner. There should be no “changed my mind” situations if you are half way to an objective.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Reikou.7068


Watched a bit of this.

just in general, I get the feeling you’re not looking at your minimap, and making rotational decisions based off that.

You also spend a lot of time doing absolutely nothing in fights. Not sure why.

There are lots of issues regarding mechanical play that others will probably iterate on in further detail, but the rotations and minimap were the things that immediately stood out to me.


(edited by Reikou.7068)

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Thanks again all. I am looking at the minimap much more but still not enough. I noticed the downed and had to put decapping far off hold to get at him keeping him in the game and avoiding giving the team 5 points.

You also spend a lot of time doing absolutely nothing in fights. Not sure why.

Thief is a very squishy class and headshot neutralizes some nasty skills and heals if the proper invulnerabilities aren’t up. Sometimes I get low myself and have to play around that. Then sometimes latency keeps me from using a skill.

Ep. 2 of my reviews hope I can still be helpful.*

You were. For the sound I like going into Audacity and highlight louder portions, go to amplify, then reduce louder parts to ensure an even sound throughout a video especially with clips from different videos. First I’d convert from a video to an audio file to ensure Audacity recognizes it.

How to thief better?

in PvP

Posted by: Reikou.7068


Thanks again all. I am looking at the minimap much more but still not enough. I noticed the downed and had to put decapping far off hold to get at him keeping him in the game and avoiding giving the team 5 points.

You also spend a lot of time doing absolutely nothing in fights. Not sure why.

Thief is a very squishy class and headshot neutralizes some nasty skills and heals if the proper invulnerabilities aren’t up. Sometimes I get low myself and have to play around that. Then sometimes latency keeps me from using a skill.

If you are looking at the minimap, you aren’t making very smart decisions with that information.

Even if thief is a squishy class that doesn’t mean you should be doing nothing in fights. Play defensively maybe, but not do nothing. If you need to leave a point because you’re low, leave and reset or decap or something, but don’t just sit there doing nothing.

Not sure what sort of ping you’re playing at as well, but even 300 ping can perform faster than that, so TBQH, ping is probably not the issue. Not to mention, if ping IS the issue, trying to headshot on reaction is not going to get you anywhere, so you can probably drop that idea right now.


(edited by Reikou.7068)