GOT 4 skyhammer map in a row for solo que..I seriously feel like killing myself…please remove this map from rank match
GOT 4 skyhammer map in a row for solo que..I seriously feel like killing myself…please remove this map from rank match
Its just a game, and its not worth doing that! I hope that is hyperbole, but please don’t get too down about a game! If its not fun or infuriating, find something more rewarding to do with your time!
Skyahmmer is terrible, yes. Your best bet is to just not care and find a way to make it fun. Personally, I usually swap to a down-state ele build b/c I can’t take this map seriously. Others play “skyhammer golf” where your sole goal is to maximized knock-offs. You can also just scum it up and play skyhammer engie.
I do think some of these changes will help a lot. Maybe it will be enough, maybe it won’t quite get there, but positive changes are good and should be lauded.
I will give another try to see if it’s at least bearable now.
(edited by sendmark.4731)
Problem: still has fall-to-death, still has very powerful hammer on a tiny platform that certain classes/builds dominate on, still full of bugs.
so what "fixes’
have they made?
turret engis dominate this map so hard
i just want it out of rank ques…
so what "fixes’
have they made?
turret engis dominate this map so hardi just want it out of rank ques…
In the November patch:
- hammer will be dodgeable. Will still be incredibly easy to fire-and-forget, and will still be on the tiny platform which is so open to abuse.
- glass panels will take longer to break, and stealthed players won’t cause them to break. Stealth-pulls should be less common in 1v1 fights… but oh no of course they couldn’t just remove the holes altogether, that would be uninteresting. And might make the map fun.
As the saying goes, “you can’t polish a kitten ”. In this case the kitten is definitely falling to death.
Making it slightly less harder to gank someone while using a bunker build is not good enough; the entire idea of map-with-falling has to go.
I love how they improvise skyham rather than delete this map, with this upcoming changes they shud feature skyham in tpvp map rotation.
i mean, finally i can play skyham competitively!.
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
I love how they improvise skyham rather than delete this map, with this upcoming changes they shud feature skyham in tpvp map rotation.
i mean, finally i can play skyham competitively!.
We still don’t want it in teamQ. TeamQ is the place that is skyhammer/spirit watch free. Please keep it that way.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
I love how they improvise skyham rather than delete this map, with this upcoming changes they shud feature skyham in tpvp map rotation.
i mean, finally i can play skyham competitively!.We still don’t want it in teamQ. TeamQ is the place that is skyhammer/spirit watch free. Please keep it that way.
It’s really not a serious request. The ridiculous idea that it’s okay to have in ranked soloq, but is unfit for ranked teamq, is what Chapell is getting at.
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
It doesn’t change a thing for me. It makse the mesmer even better.
but the canon is not the most important thing now.
(edited by Seyiwaji.4082)
there was the usual reterded engi sitting at hammer last night, he made his team loose cause they had to play 4v5 the whole game while everyone on our team could easily dodge cannon….still it should be totally removed from soloq but at least it’s a bit less braindead then before…maybe…
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
Very positive changes
I would even go one step further and put up some guards by the side-points that prevent a player from being obliterated by one instant point-blank shot, Fear Me, or Ngihtmare Rune proc. On the narrow path areas only.
Nothing like hitting a necro, proccing Nightmare Runes and just committing suicide. The glass panel dunk combo is definitely harder now, but still totally possible without too much effort.
My feedback on the changes were that they were all steps in the right direction, but for Skyhammer to become a competitive map from being, well, Skyhammer, there is a bigger gap than anticipated, I feel.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
Very positive changes
I would even go one step further and put up some guards by the side-points that prevent a player from being obliterated by one instant point-blank shot, Fear Me, or Ngihtmare Rune proc. On the narrow path areas only.
Nothing like hitting a necro, proccing Nightmare Runes and just committing suicide. The glass panel dunk combo is definitely harder now, but still totally possible without too much effort.
My feedback on the changes were that they were all steps in the right direction, but for Skyhammer to become a competitive map from being, well, Skyhammer, there is a bigger gap than anticipated, I feel.
A player should use their camera and positioning to see if the point is occupied, if so.. pop stability, block, interrupt etc and engage.
If you fight on point the one thing to do is to get your opponent between you and the drop. It’s kinda the whole point of the map.
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
Very positive changes
I would even go one step further and put up some guards by the side-points that prevent a player from being obliterated by one instant point-blank shot, Fear Me, or Ngihtmare Rune proc. On the narrow path areas only.
Nothing like hitting a necro, proccing Nightmare Runes and just committing suicide. The glass panel dunk combo is definitely harder now, but still totally possible without too much effort.
My feedback on the changes were that they were all steps in the right direction, but for Skyhammer to become a competitive map from being, well, Skyhammer, there is a bigger gap than anticipated, I feel.
A player should use their camera and positioning to see if the point is occupied, if so.. pop stability, block, interrupt etc and engage.
If you fight on point the one thing to do is to get your opponent between you and the drop. It’s kinda the whole point of the map.
I respect your feedback, but my feedback is very firm in that the less instant death ambush potential in a competitive map, the better.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
Change are for sure really good, my opinion is positive, but:
Before Change the hammer was obviously to OP, after Change it is just a useless relict. You should reduce the shot’s cooldown and change the loading time. I don’t mind something extreme but since it is now dodgable.
For novice, it is easier to deal with the hammer’s shot. But people would still not want it in Tpvp. even if i like this map.
The change on glass are great
but you know a Mesmer will still successfully pull and push
I know how you (dev) love this map, it has a great design and a deep idea to be able to interact with the landscape. I wish we could have more map with dynamic landscape.
(edited by Seyiwaji.4082)
I do not like changes. Point of the map to me was about having to play different than other maps, i.e not sitting on each point. It was also helping poor setups to deal with meta team compositions. I could argue about those fights on legacy of foefire where you get rolled 500-50 due to bad team setup..
In a solo queue point of view, the map was very good in its previous state.
The changes were everything I suggested. Well done. Now my teammates won’t be obliviously pulled to their deaths and the hammer has counterplay like the trebs in khylo.
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
I like the changes.
The flavor of the map remains there, but now there’s less focus on the hammer, which is good in my opinion.
The map has something that other maps lack: a lot of verticality. Which I find fun to play around with.
I do have one suggestion, but might conflict with the gameplay dynamic and the aesthetic of the map…
If the map is going to be out of the arena, then maybe we could add even more flavor to it? Maybe a sandstorm? Or maybe not, maybe you could use that concept for a new map. I just find it interesting and fun, and would like to see it on a pvp environment.
Good Job with the changes, well done.
The changes are very positive. Now skyhammer is like a treb, with faster rotate speed. It allows counters. For those people who say skyham is useless, I respectfully disagree with you. Do you think the trebs are useless too? Yes, people can dodge skyham, but it takes away their freedom. They have to save the dodge for skyham, and may not be able to dodge your core hits anymore. Even then, just one mistake, and skyham hits for a lot of damage.
The glass panel solved the stealth pull, but Mesmer pull is still too much. I suggest that instead of making falling from the glass a death, make it so that you take falling damage of around 70% of your HP, and there is a vertical path to climb back up again. If you fall from skyham, you die. Now it force people to take 30% of your HP before pulling you to death. Or they can choose to just drop you down with full HP pull, and earn 10 seconds to decap
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
(edited by Sunshine.5014)
Positive changes for sure, but nowhere near enough to make Skyhammer anything other than a casual hotjoin map. I still wouldn’t play a real build on Skyhammer, since it’s far too advantageous to simply bring a heavy CC Engi build and ping-pong people off the side points, or troll the cannon room with Mesmer. The fundamentals of the map haven’t changed, nor will they unless the possibility for Y-axis instakill is removed.
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
Sad to break this news to you.
but “7 months ago”
Most of them aren’t coming back to give you feedback.
i do have 1 thing to add
when u portal up to the cannon
sometimes if u hold down f key, it portals you right back
so instead of going through the portal, u start at where u were before but now with a
5 second cool down
very annoying
Just delete skyhammer and spirit watch is the only change i want to see.
jsut got back from 5 games from hammer (not consecutively)
someone please tell me how to beat tanky turret engi who’s in control of hammer
any class, please
except another turret engi
jsut got back from 5 games from hammer (not consecutively)someone please tell me how to beat tanky turret engi who’s in control of hammer
any class, please
except another turret engi
I usually run extra stability on my guardian for skyhammer. I just rush in there and banish them.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Good changes. Now I believe you should only remove glass panels from A and C and put them beneath them, just like B.
Skyhammer is still overall the worst map…I rather you remove it from solo qeue and just put in hot join
Good changes. Now I believe you should only remove glass panels from A and C and put them beneath them, just like B.
well in that case just remove the glass panels all together because the panels under B are just relevant on those funny servers where you suicide together and dont play the map at all otherwise anyway
that skyhammer can be dodged now is a welcome change
so we can stay in fight on point much longer
(edited by Maja.6372)
The changes are all great.
Yes, it is still the terrible Trollhammer, where a casual vs pro matchup is 50/50 due to it being a total random ping pong fest.
But im seeing all fights lasting longer.
You can now maybe dodge canon twice – untill respawn comes back to canon room , no more 1s fights with stealth pulls , also you often need 2x CC skill to keep him in place in longer breaking pannels.
Also thank you for giving us the change now so we dont wait 2 weeks.
This map is still not at all enjoyable. Why can’t you just try to make more new maps like temple or foefire? Why so many gimmicks?
Edit why those maps are better:
Foefire: Lordrush. We all know how good this can feel, even watching is fun. Go all in or try to sneakly get it by a portion of the team.
Temple: The map with the best coming back potential. Get all the buffs and turn the match or take too long an watch how all points are recapped just afterwards because you focused too much on the buffs.
Compare this to skyhammer where you can see a direction right at the beginning and watch it end exactly this way in 99%. No comeback potential and all those unneccessary gimmicks..
(edited by LunarNacht.8913)
I hate Foefire.
The points are too far away from spawn. Some noob will rush far and die and then u lose with no chance to come back. What a boring map.
Foefire has a Lord, but the lord is kind of a troll, not worth the effort for the points he rewards. So the map is a boring capture fest with the tweak that since the map is so big you can’t make a comeback from an early deficit.
Skyhammer is at least interesting. I’ll miss focus pulling people from stealth.
Skyhammer once again is the most kitten level ever designed. Seriously, the hammer is OP. So ridiculous, I refuse to play Skyhammer anymore. Take down the stupid level.
idk what people still complain about. Hammer is useless and stealth pulls without counterplay are not possible anymore. It feels like every other map now tbh.
Engi still dominates for having too much pull knock back uptime, on top of having on demand immobilize to prevent dodges.
it feels like either they just failed to balance yet again, or their engi “grouch” can not properly do his job.
THANK YOU for replying on this thread. As for the changes, this map is less annoying but would still like it to be removed from Solo Q. I know for some reason you don’t want to hear this but its just not a competitive map even in its improved state.
still laggy (always)
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players - changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
Okay so the changes? All positive changes. Stealth spam has been relegated back to WvW, since it can’t secure quick kills any more, and the hammer is marginally less stupid.
The map is still atrocious.
I *love* the varied elevations, and the multiple paths, and the jump pads. They’re great - and they’re all the individuality it really needs.
Falling to death? Never going to be a fun or interesting mechanic. As long as it’s possible to kill people while running a high-sustain bunker build - as long as CC is disproportionately powerful in combat that’s meant to be balanced around damange, support *and* control - it will be a terrible map.
The panels take slightly longer to break... it’s still plenty possible to immobilise someone for the entire duration, chucking a stun in for good measure.
And then there’s the hammer. Not only is it a secondary objective shared by both teams, that is powerful enough to require constant attention... it’s also on one of the worst parts of the map for abuse of the falling-to-death mechanic.
You’re not ever going to make this map popular as long as it’s possible to CC someone to death while dealing 0 damage. The hit from the hammer I guess is bearable now, but as it’s on that ridiculous tiny platform it continues to be affected by the first, more serious problem.
Either remove all ways to fall to death, or remove it from ranked PvP, if you want to stop folks from complaining about it.
Or, of course, add it to teamq - if it’s fit for ranked soloq, it must belong in there too! I’d really like to see both the reactions it gets, and the super-broken team builds that people come up with for it will be fun to watch! ^____^
EDIT: overkitten kittenfilter strikes akitten!
(edited by cheese.4739)
I like the changes, few people know how to cheese the map currently ^.^, it’s fun being one of the few that still can.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
yeah, can still pull and kb to death but it’s overall way better than before…cannon changes were definately needed..working like treb is fine now. In a game built around dodge mechanic having something undodgeable was simply nonsense
I love the varied elevations, and the multiple paths, and the jump pads. They’re great – and they’re all the individuality it really needs.
Falling to death? Never going to be a fun or interesting mechanic. As long as it’s possible to kill people while running a high-sustain bunker build – as long as CC is disproportionately powerful in combat that’s meant to be balanced around damange, support and control – it will be a terrible map.
Cheese brings the sanity – agreed a 100%. The only other map where verticality plays a significant role is Khylo, which allows for some cool Clock Tower jukes. A heavy Z-axis map can be a welcome addition to the map pool, but the way verticality is implemented in the current Skyhammer iteration is still a far cry from anything approching competitive viability. And as I have said before, the question ultimately isn’t whether Skyhammer feels subjectively fun or not, but rather whether the map is suited for competitive play. And as much as I’m a fanboy of rampant masochism, the verdict is an unequivocal “no”.
Just take it off the soloQ rotation and be done with it.
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games
map is still unplayable, remove it from solo que please…. please….. please
please i pray you. let me have fun with this game
please remove it from solo que
Can we remove this map already? Nothing can fix it. It’s just plain awful.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Every time I start playing again this map kittenes me off.
Why did you drop Capricorn, which was kind of fun, for this? In solo queue a skyhammer pop is the end of fun for the day, in hotjoin I keep having to swap servers whenever it comes up. So annoying.
kitten . After playing the now broken hotjoin I gave in and queued for solo queue. What popped skykitteninghammer. kitten it.
I think one of the biggest problems with the map is the confined space around the side nodes. It is way too easy to jump someone through teleports on that map – there is very little you can do to position yourself so that you don’t get jumped easily. Every other map there are ways to position yourself around the point so that you can prevent, as much as possible, easy +1’s. Skyhammer is the only map where this really isn’t the case. Unfortunately, I don’t think this will ever change as it would require a serious change.
Agreed, those side nodes are so tiny, and the surrounding walls mean that, alone of all the points in all the maps, you can’t see incoming enemies until they’re right on top of you. In fact, if they climb on the ledges above the points, you can’t see them at all due to the camera issues with this game! Not only that, but the exits to the node area are extremely narrow, so if you need to back off the point to avoid aoe it’s the ideal place to get hit by a knockback and get knocked off the map. It’s where knockback engis are at their most powerful.
I refuse to play on this map when i do solo q. I’ll rather be afk than playing on some broken map. It has nothing with pvp to do at all. Please don’t force this map on ppl who actually want real pvp. And remove the treb from the watch tower map to. Thx