Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Just thorwing together some minor stuff i wanna see at least after season end. The majority of changes are number modifications or using already existing mechanics -> easy coding.


  1. Impacting disruption: gives 5 stack of might for 10 seconds on interrupt (1sec icd) [atm the bare damage this trait offers carrys less skilled players -> bad design]
  2. Tactical Strike: 20% dmg increase. Steals a boon. [hidden buff to c&d too. at this state this skill isnt even worth to use in a high number of situations]
  3. Assassin’s Reward: steal 600 life each time you steal a boon. [synergy with s/d. mby allows more build diversity]
  4. Thorw Gunk(stolen skill): unblockable. Ground targeted from now on[too many reflects, blocks, mitigations to use this skill effectively. especially vs engi… ground target helps it’s positioning considering it’s slow projectile speed. atm ppl just outrun it if used]
  5. Mace Head Crack(stolen skill): unblockable. [this allows some moves vs gua. our biggest hardcounter]


  1. Eye for an Eye: taunt replaced with 1 sec dase. CD decrased to 40sec [i hate the fact that it’s still an autoproc, but easy change]
  2. Enduring Recovery: gives 5sec of vigor insted of static amount of endurance. [remember nerfing feline grace?.. still a skilless autoproc…]
  3. Phase Travel: removed unblockable effect.
  4. Precision Strike: CD increased to at least 6 sec. projectilesdo not travel further than 600 range. Damage decreased by 10%[less overtuned]
  5. Surge of the Mists: add casting animation ~1/2 sec [this skill being instacast is bad design. you can use something like thief staff2 animation.]
  6. Renewing Wave: decrease cast time to 1/2 sec
  7. Punishing Sweep: decrease cast time to 1/2 sec
  8. Unrelenting Assault: no longer follows teleleported units.
  9. Drop the Hammer: Cast time decreased to 1 seconds.
  10. Hammer Bolt: 3/4 cast time. nerf damage accordingly.
  11. Shiro Heal: the damage part is broken… this skill needs some major change imo.


  1. Self-Regulating Defenses: replace Elixir_X with Elixir_H [works as an out of jail instaproc if you are focused but works against you if loaded with condis. this change handles this]
  2. Sneak Gyro: add 1/4 sec cast time [can’t be used while stunned]
  3. Shock Shield: damage decreased by 40%
  4. Gyro mechanics: Gyros no longer explode to deal damage and daze if killed. only if manually doing so.


  1. corruption mechanics: the duration of the conditions from corrupting a stackable boon should depend on the size of the stack. [10sec weakness from 1might. WUT???]
  2. Shroud: no longer counts as a weapon swap [double weapon swap is just sick on condi reaper]
  3. Deadly Chill: gains invers torment mechanics. meaning that you get full damage if you are standing and half of it if you move. [lowers overall pressure from this trait]
  4. Putrid Curse: removed boon corrupt [autohit spam too rewarding]


  1. Search and Rescue!: now requires target. [removes faceroll factor]
  2. Ancient Seeds: 20sec icd. [less cc-seption]
  3. Takedown(smokescale): no longer unblockable. Knockdown replaced with 4sec chill. [this pet is still overtuned. i’d rather nerf the cc than smoke assuailt damage.]


  1. Invigorating Torrents: regen duration reduced to 3sec.
  2. Water: increase healing effects on water attument skills [moved some healing to water from point 1). this leads to more controlled healing and less random spam.]
  3. Phoenix: cooldown reduced to 12 sec. should deal more damage too.
  4. Arcane Shield: cooldown decreased to 40seconds. [mitigates minor damage compared to it’s cd]
  5. more Scepter: improve autohit pressure.
  6. Elemental Shielding: ony grant protection to yourself.


  1. Quick Breathing: 2condis removed.
  2. Cleansing Ire: now convers condis to boons
  3. Eviscerate: removes blind.
  4. Last Stand: reduces recharge by 20% instead of increasing duration.
  5. Battle Standard: 180 sec cooldown.
  6. add MINOR protection somewhere

Gua?, Mes??

  1. Gua feels ok overall. Considering the list got numerous nerf to other classes, this makes gua actually comparatively better if untouched.
  2. Can’t really think of mes change(positive) w/o nerfing continum split, portal or moa. I’d like to see a return of power shatter. Can’t imagine atm how it supposed to compete with reve though.
  3. posible portal tonedown: either redice range in pvp a bit or make it disappear after 2 or 3 uses instaed of 20.
  4. continum split could be changed so it no longer refreshes elites. in exchange it couls have a shorter cd 40s mby? this opens a lot of opportunitys to use it for mitigating damage, bursting, etc.. would promote some skillful play insted just being a 70s moa-bot.
  5. mby test how reverting alacrity nerf turns out??
  6. condi mes got too many good matchups, with having this much utility. i’d change something about it….


  1. Nightmare Runes: removed from pvp or replaced fear with something else (IMPORTANT).


(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


I just realized… I thought SnR needed a target and I was always targetting ^^

Id like to see continuum split changed for mesmer. Not nerfed, just changed… instead of only amount of clones increasing duration… it should affect skills used during that continuum split also.
For example… 1 clone up -> moa is 3 seconds, 2 clones up -> moa 6 seconds, 3 clones up -> 10 seconds. Etc.
Of course this will mean a lot of re-work of all utility and elite skills and will never happen <sigh>

Or maybe split elite skills in with and without continuum split up casted. Something like a negative side effect for it. Half duration of elite skills used with continuum split up. This would make for more situational gameplay. Moa twice, but only for 5 seconds each… or risk it and moa once… shorter duration on gravity well, but getting to use it twice…

Alacrity nerf was necessary, and I wouldnt change that back…. but rather, if you change the other professions, mesmer can probably stay as it is atm. Except for continuum split, I think mesmer is in a very good place atm.

About runes.. Im not using nightmare runes… not even as necro (I know, so not meta <gasp>). I think the proc is just too cheesy against bad players… and good players just know to expect it and counter it immediately.
I dont need it against bad players… and against good players Id rather take something else.

(edited by Yasi.9065)

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


added minor changes

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Hansen.3264


The mesmer condi bomb confusion torment stacking one need shaved

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I won’t touch on all the specific changes, but I do like the overall direction of most. However, I will say that this (as a thief) is my favorite:

Thorw Gunk(stolen skill): unblockable. [too many reflects, blocks, mitigations to use this skill effectively. especially vs engi…]

I think that this would be a minor, fair change for a skill that’s otherwise pretty lackluster.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: AegisFLCL.7623


Rework Torment and Confusion. Both of these conditions actually require that the player sit there and do nothing if they lack a cleanse when bombed; you then eat more damage and if your cleanse happens to remove condis outside of confusion, you end up taking 6k damage by trying to remove the 8-14 stacks of confusion.

If certain cleanses prioritized removing Confusion I guess this would be an easier fix, but overall they’re still very very poorly designed for a PvP enviorment.

As for the rest of the OP’s ideas, I agree with most. However, ancient seeds is fine in it’s current state; there are too many soft CC removal skills in HoT along with obvious tells for LB4 and SS swap knockdown.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I’m really surprised that the big reve fans got noothing to say about my suggestions :O
~a week earlyer they wanted to cut my throat

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


..Was just talking about nerf developer specialists coming out every day on the forum..the day any “dev” from the community will come on the forum with a list of changes that increased professions efficiency while increasing the difficulty…will be the day the sun will stand still and the messiah will descend once again

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: vaxjani.9073


I’m just gonna add and edit some things. Let’s see:

1. Auto attack damage should be reduced by 10-20% on dagger and staff (PvP only if we would have separate balance) but maybe some other skills with initiative could do some more (like 5% increases on some skills)
2. Throw Gunk should be ground targetable too
3. Flanking Strike needs bigger range and/or Larcenous Strike steals 2 boons or hits max. 3 targets stealing 1 boon from every enemy hit
4. Dancing Dagger higher projectile velocity and cripple duration (or maybe unblockable but it would be too good probably)
5. CnD AoE blinds (240 or 300 range) on hit
6. Shadow Shot: put the blind on the actual dagger hit instead of the unblockable projectile (so you cannot blind blocking people)

Rev (i know these are nerfs, other legends should be buffed accordingly):
1. Riposting Shadows gives 5s vigor instead of 50 endurance but costs 25 energy
2. Phase Traversal teleport range should be max. 900 or stay with 1200 range but becomes an unblockable projectile and if the enemy dodges it, it won’t teleport (but remove CD then)
3. Eye for an Eye: same as MadVisions but 60s icd and reduce protection to 3s
4. Staff weapon should be an utility/support weapon in my opinion (like guardian/ranger) so its support should be buffed (with boons or heal) but its damage should be nerfed
5. Unwavering Avoidance: stability duration should be 2s
6. Enhanced Bulwark: stability duration should be 2s with 5s icd
7. Gaze of Darkness: reduce revealed to 3s and could only put reveal on already stealthed targets (or just remove reveal and maybe add something else)
8. Equilibrium: the heal should be higher (1k base with a bit better scaling) and damage part cannot critically hit

1. Reduce the hammer utility: Thunderclap not ground targetable anymore but its around you – its a melee weapon afterall and Rocket Charge’s only leap finisher would be the 3rd hit (you should finish the skill to get a finisher – like other leap finishers)
2. Rapid Regeneration: change the base healing of this skill with better scaling (50 for swiftness with 0.13 healing power scaling and 300 for super speed with 0.45 scaling)
3. Adaptive Armor: reduce duration to 8s and make the condition damage reduction stackable too (4% reduction per stack)

- Lunar Impact: either remove the heal or daze from it

1. Chaos Storm: remove poison from its random conditions (already 3 boons and 2 conditions and daze on it – it will also increase the chance on daze)
2. Winds of Chaos: only applies bleeding (reduce duration to 3-4s because of bounce and clones) – this means no random burning and vulnerability – easier to focus cleanse on confusion and torment
3. Would love to see power shatter again (so buffs for it but i dont know what atm)

Buff core traitlines (the ones that aren’t used – to not buff meta and strong specs even more)

Normalize reveal for PvE/WvW and SPvP to 3s.

Not complete, just some changes out of my head.

Lagspike – Never Gonna Find Me – Happy Burstday
War/Ranger/Thief Roaming Vids

(edited by vaxjani.9073)

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


added Mace Head Crack change to thief.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Mem no Fushia.7604

Mem no Fushia.7604

There should be option to color all skills to bright red visible, so I will see some abilities especialy those of revenants. AA from hammer fly too fast, but I don’t wish anybody to have clunky aa’s like ele, so dmg nerf a little that hammer aa, you can decrease that cast time. Coalescence of Ruin – that cascade carpet should develop slower with distance. Unrelenting Assault maybe decrease cast time to 1/2 or even 1/4, but make those kittens hit in 3/4s so people will be able to evade that skill in one evade. It can be a little dangerous if all hits will be dealt in such short time, but at least it would be case of dodge not double dodge. Cast time decrease for it is maybe.

I though about way to encourage thiefs to not stealth/backstab, so increase dmg for Heart Seeker and Pistol Whip by 20% when used while not being stealthed, but 20% when used while being stealthed. Infilator’s Strike double dmg if used not in stealth and cast time of it is halved. Somehow decrease importance of Shadow Shot (even if its hits invisible obstacles often).

Ele: glyph of elemental power should allow us to channel two weapon skill simtouesly. Arcane power instead giving crit for next 5s attacks, should make next weapon skill unblockable and instant. Remove arance blast and add new skill: Arcane Dash: you dash forward 300 range, its break stun and instant and ignore immoblize (not remove) cd 10s. So if traited it will be 8s. And the most important part: it turn your character while dashing that at end you’re turned by 180, so you face enemy that meele trained you, and you can counter. Meele training ele makes my often waste my strong defensive skills and often I’m not in position to land hits. Mabe that Arcane Dash should be f5, becouse arance could get at least that love.

Rearview mirror in mid of right side of ui.

These are my thoughts that I decided to share.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Ele: glyph of elemental power should allow us to channel two weapon skill simtouesly.

guess you played Cabal tooD

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Mem no Fushia.7604

Mem no Fushia.7604

Ele: glyph of elemental power should allow us to channel two weapon skill simtouesly.

guess you played Cabal tooD

Just though that caster could have preparation to instant spell or double spell.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Not bad, more threads like this with actual constructive criticism are always welcomed.

Stella Truth Seeker

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Not bad, more threads like this with actual constructive criticism are always welcomed.

thx mate!

+ added ground targeted fact to thorw gunk.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


Eviscerate: removes blind

Why Axe only? is it because you play axe?
Why not lets say on mace also?..
Sorry but giving something like this on only 1 weapon will never be accepted in a good way, maby make something like this on a trait like burst mastery or something.

add minor protection somewhere

Maby add protection to Thick skin trait? this trait is pretty useless, its a defense trait so protection should be in this traitline, maby something like this:

120 toughness above 75% health, gain 5 sec toughness below 75%
with a ICD ofc… something like this could be very usefull against bursting down.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: vaxjani.9073


Added some more engineer and a thief change.

Lagspike – Never Gonna Find Me – Happy Burstday
War/Ranger/Thief Roaming Vids

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


6. Shadow Shot: put the blind on the actual dagger hit instead of the unblockable projectile (so you cannot blind blocking people)

brilliant idea

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Miles Smiles.8951

Miles Smiles.8951

  1. Gua feels ok overall. Considering the list got numerous nerf to other classes, this makes gua actually comparatively better if untouched.

I think that the problem of the Guardian/DH viability partly lies in the excessive amounts of the projectile hate. Mb some nerfs to those would be fair?

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


  1. Gua feels ok overall. Considering the list got numerous nerf to other classes, this makes gua actually comparatively better if untouched.

I think that the problem of the Guardian/DH viability partly lies in the excessive amounts of the projectile hate. Mb some nerfs to those would be fair?

The problem with DH’s is that they are freekill to scrapper and reve (1v1) and are bullyed by Tempests in teamfights.
I would not touch things like swirling wind or magnetic aura. Maybe replacing reflect to block on Defense Field(bulwark gyro toolbelt)? I too think that they can be annoying, but they are necessary till there are ranged powerhouse skills with this short cooldown(rewarding mindless spamming cough, cough) like precision stile, Gunflame, True Shot, Spike Barrage(BalancedBackF2)…
Guas are more about control with Hunter’s Ward and all the trap dases&&dmg in a disgusting way.
I’d add some supporting factor rather more damage or cc or whatever.

mby try buffing other weaponsets and even move LB to a more support-ish state.
just LOL… try to compare these skills to eachother.. laughable design.
same cast time, lower cooldown, 128.6% dmg coef, 1200 range, pierces…

this applyes to most of the HoT-introduced stuff. Laughable…

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


added more ele stuff

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


  1. Gua feels ok overall. Considering the list got numerous nerf to other classes, this makes gua actually comparatively better if untouched.

I think that the problem of the Guardian/DH viability partly lies in the excessive amounts of the projectile hate. Mb some nerfs to those would be fair?

a nerf to precision strike would result in the same thing. its freaking broken and THATS the reason everyone runs projectilehate.


Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


condi Mesmer needs a huge nerf. Can’t believe the OP forgot that.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


we are so close to the quaterly patch so i wanna blow the dust off this thread.
added some intresting thoughts on OP post. discuss

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Kicker.8203


All of them are good suggestions, except “Shock Shield: damage decreased by 40%” is a bit too much imo, and maybe other skills should be nerfed instead.
Search and rescue requiring a target would be a better change than most ppl think because currently u can use it up to ~10s before anyone even goes down and the pet resses instantly if they do.

I added some to my thief balance thread down below.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I’m really surprised that the big reve fans got noothing to say about my suggestions :O
~a week earlyer they wanted to cut my throat

It’s because like XxsdgxX said your suggestions are in the reasonable side.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


@vaxjani.9073: shadowshot doesn’t blind blocking target, fyi

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


@vaxjani.9073: shadowshot doesn’t blind blocking target, fyi

it blinds blocking targets fyi

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


@vaxjani.9073: shadowshot doesn’t blind blocking target, fyi

it blinds blocking targets fyi

it ports you to blocking targets, it doesn’t blind them unless anet ninja patched it

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


@vaxjani.9073: shadowshot doesn’t blind blocking target, fyi

it blinds blocking targets fyi

it ports you to blocking targets, it doesn’t blind them unless anet ninja patched it

shadowshot was patched to unblockable to avoid making people teleport to the thief who actually reflect it. unblockable makes a projectile unreflectable too so this was the solution. the blind effect is applyed by the shot and it is behaving like this since the unblockable effect patch.
made video proof couse you seem unconvincable.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Anari.2137


Snr should have the pet teleport to the target, as opposed to the target to the pet.
It would remove the escape mechanic, the heal is fine, its the teleport that breaks it.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Snr should have the pet teleport to the target, as opposed to the target to the pet.
It would remove the escape mechanic, the heal is fine, its the teleport that breaks it.

Not really, without the teleport it was used just as much as any other ress skill. And by that I mean never.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Condis to boons on Cleansing ire, yes please.

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Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
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