Downed skill 5... "End it."

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I hate being downed. It doesn’t matter where I get downed… I hate it. I understand it gives that “fighting chance” but like everything else it gets abused if it can’t help it. Most of all its freaking annoying especially when you downrallydownrallydownrallydead.

So instead of going through this really unpolished process of getting killed, how about we have the option to just kill ourselves? It would be a great addition to downing because you can stop the annoyance of a slow death while denying your assailant the satisfaction of benefiting off of your defeat! No rallies. Just sweet peace and the joy of knowing that your enemy didn’t get a kitten thing for their effort.

But for the sake of realism, lets give it a 1-2 second charge so your enemy at least has some time before they are robbed of their loot/kill.

EDIT: I understand where you all are coming from but the one thing you guys don’t understand is Downed =/= Defeated. The fact that they are still breathing and performing actions doesn’t mean you’ve earned anything. If for any reason this goes into effect and you don’t like the “No reward for suicide” part, then kill faster. :I

EDIT2: After reading some of the newer posts, I think completely preventing lootbags and xp is a little too much. However, suicide can put an added challenge in killing downed players so I’ll propose a penalty of 50% xp for suicides instead.

(edited by Zacchary.6183)

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


+1 I like it but it should be placed as skill 0 so you can’t hit it by mistake.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


I agree with this. In PvE, if you’re up against four or more mobs and there’s nobody else around, then the downed state is a waste of time anyway, especially with the broken tab-targeting system that will usually target something out of range or a yellow mob.

Just give me an instadeath option.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


The main issue with this idea is the fact that it can quite easily be abused in sPvP and WvW, by getting downed and then insta-dead as a way to rally the enemy group.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


The main issue with this idea is the fact that it can quite easily be abused in sPvP and WvW, by getting downed and then insta-dead as a way to rally the enemy group.

If you read, I said no rallies. Upon killing yourself any credit that would have been gained by your enemies on death would be lost and your suicide would not rally anyone.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Which would create the same issue as the “log-out just before you die” issue we had at release.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llyren.3904


I would have no objection to having a skill which ends your downstate and puts you in dead state. Whichever way you get there though the opponents should still get full benefits from your death.

Heck, I’m in the camp which thinks the opponents should get full benefit for defeating you if they run you off

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


I used to down ppl outside capture points in tournaments and just watch them and let their own dignity demand them to heal themselves and take vengeance, just so I could hit them right before they rally and watch them lying there helpless and out of the game for minutes while I was guarding the capture point.

I was abusing the enemies downed states, if a system can be abused the system is incomplete and what’s incomplete needs to be completed.

“End it” sounds a bit brutal, I’d rather prefer “Give in”, like when someone lies on the deathbed giving up and letting the life sip away without fighting against it.
And it should of course reward the downtaker as well and rally etc. if someone wants to die and respawn with downed enemies nearby it could be seen as a skill issue.
Also I think the skill should be available after 6+ seconds allowing the enemy to perform a successful stomp. Also rally needs an internal cooldown.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: LameFox.6349


The main issue with this idea is the fact that it can quite easily be abused in sPvP and WvW, by getting downed and then insta-dead as a way to rally the enemy group.

I’m fairly sure if you desperately wanted to do that for some reason, it would be enough to simply run naked into the enemies and stand there. Even if by some miracle someone brought you back you’d be easily taken out again. Perhaps even to more use for the enemy in PvP, considering they could leave you alone until they needed a rally, sort of like adds in WvW or PvE.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


I absolutely LOVE the downed mechanic. I’m pretty good at rallying on most Professions. But I speak of PvE. Please do NOT change a thing for PvE! The last thing I want to do while fighting to survive is accidentally hit some “suicide key” that replaced one of my valuable recovery skills.

PvE and PvP and WvW are different. If so many people in PvP and WvW dislike the downed state, I have no problems with ANet changing it for PvP and WvW. But many of my most memorable game times come from rallying to come back and win a fight. So leave it alone in PvE!

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I absolutely LOVE the downed mechanic. I’m pretty good at rallying on most Professions. But I speak of PvE. Please do NOT change a thing for PvE! The last thing I want to do while fighting to survive is accidentally hit some “suicide key” that replaced one of my valuable recovery skills.

PvE and PvP and WvW are different. If so many people in PvP and WvW dislike the downed state, I have no problems with ANet changing it for PvP and WvW. But many of my most memorable game times come from rallying to come back and win a fight. So leave it alone in PvE!

Who said anything about replacing your current ones?

And TBH if you’ve got 5 whole skills (usual 4 plus suicide) and are managing to hit the wrong ones, I begin to see why you’re on the floor to start with…

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Updated for clarification. Successfully killing yourself in the downed state will remove all credit from everyone before Defeat. Nobody will rally off of you, nobody will get loot, nobody will get xp. MAYBE get half points in PvP but otherwise nothing happens except for your repair bill.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


I’m all in favor of an ‘I surrender’ option where you die, the enemy gets their reward, and you can return to a WP and get on with the game.

Updated for clarification. Successfully killing yourself in the downed state will remove all credit from everyone before Defeat. Nobody will rally off of you, nobody will get loot, nobody will get xp. MAYBE get half points in PvP but otherwise nothing happens except for your repair bill.

That would be prone to abuse by spiteful losers. If you’re beaten, then whoever beat you deserves their reward, regardless of whatever personal feelings you might have about that.

If someone already has you targeted, then they deserve to rally off you when you die/surrender. If they don’t have you targeted, then using the ‘I surrender’ option means you’re completely out of the combat before they get the chance to rally off you. Both of these sound like good solutions.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I’m all in favor of an ‘I surrender’ option where you die, the enemy gets their reward, and you can return to a WP and get on with the game.

Updated for clarification. Successfully killing yourself in the downed state will remove all credit from everyone before Defeat. Nobody will rally off of you, nobody will get loot, nobody will get xp. MAYBE get half points in PvP but otherwise nothing happens except for your repair bill.

That would be prone to abuse by spiteful losers. If you’re beaten, then whoever beat you deserves their reward, regardless of whatever personal feelings you might have about that.

If someone already has you targeted, then they deserve to rally off you when you die/surrender. If they don’t have you targeted, then using the ‘I surrender’ option means you’re completely out of the combat before they get the chance to rally off you. Both of these sound like good solutions.

You aren’t beaten until defeated. The whole point of downed/rally is to give the player the opportunity to go down fighting or a second chance if circumstances permit. Its severely unpolished and alot of people complain about the downed state because of how horrible its designed. The reasons why I am suggesting it this way is because:

1.) Regardless of skill level/profession, if you get downed in the wrong spot you are dead anyways.
2.) DownrallyX3dead is annoying, pointless and somewhat punishing.
3.) Killing yourself will keep you from becoming a benefit to your enemy, thus helping your team. Again, you are going to die anyways. Might as well do your team a few favor.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


I love the idea of a cyanide pill for skill 5. I hate sitting there in pve watching some stupid centaur hit me with a wet noodle taking 2 hp at a time. Killllll meeeee.

However in wvw it must still give credit to your enemy and rally others if relevant. There should be no way to get around this, and there’s no reason to.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


So if this idea was be implemented, no one would ever again gain loot in WvW because everyone would always suicide right before death?

It would have to give a rally to enemies plus all the xp etc.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: stale.9785


I would have no objection to having a skill which ends your downstate and puts you in dead state. Whichever way you get there though the opponents should still get full benefits from your death.

Heck, I’m in the camp which thinks the opponents should get full benefit for defeating you if they run you off

That just shows you play against thieves – the only profession where making them disengage is a “win”. (This shows a truly glaring balance issue, for all that thieves deny it.)

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: LHound.8964


I hate being downed. It doesn’t matter where I get downed… I hate it. I understand it gives that “fighting chance” but like everything else it gets abused if it can’t help it. Most of all its freaking annoying especially when you downrallydownrallydownrallydead.

So instead of going through this really unpolished process of getting killed, how about we have the option to just kill ourselves? It would be a great addition to downing because you can stop the annoyance of a slow death while denying your assailant the satisfaction of benefiting off of your defeat! No zerg rallies, no lootbags, no xp. Just sweet peace and the joy of knowing that your enemy didn’t get a kitten thing for their effort.

But for the sake of realism, lets give it a 1-2 second charge so your enemy at least has some time before they are robbed of their loot/kill.

I can agree with a “Suicide Pill” move if:

- It stops opponents rally upon suicide or chance 20-40% to rally;
- It gives opponents the loot bags. It’s their prize for defeating you, and should never be stripped of that;
- Reduces by 1 or 2 secs the respawn time (sPvP);

This might cut that lost time while not being defeated not being up. Time loss is bad specially in pvp (spvp and wvw).

Just sweet peace and the joy of knowing that your enemy didn’t get a kitten thing for their effort.

^This reason is NOT a good reason for suicide!

—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-
Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


I disagree with this.

First, we had the ridiculous “logout to rob enemy of kill” attitude.
This suggestion just brings it back with a different flavor. No.

Second, the real problems with the Downed state, are:
- You some skills that are more powerful than the normal ones. How stupid is that?
- It feels like Downed Health is bigger than your Normal Health.
- Rally system is annoying and unfair.

- Give downed proper defensive skills, but none stronger than your normal skills.
- Make downed health about 50% of normal health
- Make rally only heal 50% of downed health (25% of normal health)

Essentially, make downed state less cheesy.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: LHound.8964


I disagree with this.

First, we had the ridiculous “logout to rob enemy of kill” attitude.
This suggestion just brings it back with a different flavor. No.

Suicide do not deprives no1 of the kill, nor of the loot. It just ends it faster… It’s a fine addition for those who simply don’t want to waste 5-10 seconds in downed state if they are alone…

It has nothing similar to that “logout to rob enemy of kill” pathetic move.

—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-
Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
—————— ~~ ~~ —-————-

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


This is potentially bad. think of all the trolling, i can see it now, nobody wants to rez anyone anymore.

A: please rez me.
B: no!
A: why?
B: your going to kill yourself when i am half done rezzing.
A: no I won’t.
A: thank you
B starts to rez. A killed themselfs.

after 3 months
A: rez me
B: #$@$%^ yourself.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


This is potentially bad. think of all the trolling, i can see it now, nobody wants to rez anyone anymore.

A: please rez me.
B: no!
A: why?
B: your going to kill yourself when i am half done rezzing.
A: no I won’t.
A: thank you
B starts to rez. A killed themselfs.

after 3 months
A: rez me
B: #$@$%^ yourself.

People do it with WPs anyway.
I wont count hundreds of situations when Im resing someone and he WPs and I don’t even get xp not to mention thanks.

Basically its the same.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


I absolutely LOVE the downed mechanic. I’m pretty good at rallying on most Professions. But I speak of PvE. Please do NOT change a thing for PvE! The last thing I want to do while fighting to survive is accidentally hit some “suicide key” that replaced one of my valuable recovery skills.

PvE and PvP and WvW are different. If so many people in PvP and WvW dislike the downed state, I have no problems with ANet changing it for PvP and WvW. But many of my most memorable game times come from rallying to come back and win a fight. So leave it alone in PvE!

Who said anything about replacing your current ones?

And TBH if you’ve got 5 whole skills (usual 4 plus suicide) and are managing to hit the wrong ones, I begin to see why you’re on the floor to start with…

Sorry… it was pretty late when I posted. Brain not fully engaged. Downed skill 5 would be extra, not a replacement. Got it. Awake now.

The rest of your comment is just trolling, though. Who doesn’t hit the wrong key occasionally? I certainly don’t want a suicide key right next to the other keys I am using in a desperate attempt to save myself. I can see almost recovering and then accidentally suiciding because my finger slipped a quarter inch to the right. Change it from “5” to some other key further away and I won’t have a problem. Suicide all you want, but I don’t want to do it by accident.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


I hate being downed. It doesn’t matter where I get downed… I hate it. I understand it gives that “fighting chance” but like everything else it gets abused if it can’t help it. Most of all its freaking annoying especially when you downrallydownrallydownrallydead.

So instead of going through this really unpolished process of getting killed, how about we have the option to just kill ourselves? It would be a great addition to downing because you can stop the annoyance of a slow death while denying your assailant the satisfaction of benefiting off of your defeat! No zerg rallies, no lootbags, no xp. Just sweet peace and the joy of knowing that your enemy didn’t get a kitten thing for their effort.

But for the sake of realism, lets give it a 1-2 second charge so your enemy at least has some time before they are robbed of their loot/kill.

lol made my day

Are you Shpongled?

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jomo.3914


I agree with some of the other posters here. This would be a very nice option in both PVE and PVP as long as the death still holds the same weight as before:

Killer earns kill credit; including loot, XP, and Rally for allies.
The downed player earns broken armor and still has to wait on a re-spawn at checkpoint.

This is nice because it gives people a bit more control of how they handle being downed. And it makes it interesting because in some PVP situations the tactic of keeping someone downed so they aren’t in the fight as much can be countered.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

would +1 except for

no lootbags, no xp.

this essentially turns it into a kitten move, ‘oh you downed me, but screw you’
… i like the idea of offing yourself to prevent rallies in wvw though

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Let’s not encourage spite.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teletric.1980


I personally like downed, but hate it when I get downed RIGHT AFTER I rally. I think this benefits both people who like downed and people who hate it. Nice idea!

This is a signature. You have read this because
you thought there would be something “clever”
or “funny” in this signature. You thought wrong.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Assassin X.8573

Assassin X.8573

I would have no objection to having a skill which ends your downstate and puts you in dead state. Whichever way you get there though the opponents should still get full benefits from your death.

Heck, I’m in the camp which thinks the opponents should get full benefit for defeating you if they run you off

agreed, yes kill yourself, yes enemies get credit for killing you ie. rally

Darkhaven Gold Tiger Assassin X [JPGN][Sold][VII]
Videos on Youtube

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


Can I have a little more health and perhaps some toughness so that when my health reaches zero I can die on my feet like in ordinary games? I believe dying while laying on your back is dishonourable and downright insulting.

Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llyren.3904


I would have no objection to having a skill which ends your downstate and puts you in dead state. Whichever way you get there though the opponents should still get full benefits from your death.

Heck, I’m in the camp which thinks the opponents should get full benefit for defeating you if they run you off

That just shows you play against thieves – the only profession where making them disengage is a “win”. (This shows a truly glaring balance issue, for all that thieves deny it.)

I do play against Thieves, and I play a Thief, and sometimes a Guardian. My running out of a combat I had engaged in should count as a victory for them, even if I don’t lay there dying.

Getting anyone to disengage and run away to fight another day can be a victory. Running away still happens in a zerg vs zerg environment, and while I would prefer to crush them under my heels, sometimes even zergs turn tail and flee.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


I agree except your enemy gets his loot and experience, it’d be too unfair and nobody would ever get any experience or loot if anet did this

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Getting anyone to disengage and run away to fight another day can be a victory. Running away still happens in a zerg vs zerg environment, and while I would prefer to crush them under my heels, sometimes even zergs turn tail and flee.

If we all gave loot for running away, WvW would just turn into a hilarious case of chase-the-zerg. A zerg becomes a cloud of skritt burglars. Funny to watch, but I don’t think it would be very effective in practice.

I like the seppuku idea for the downed state, but I don’t think it should deny loot. Denying the enemy the chance to rally would be enough, IMO.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: zengara.8301


The kill yourself is a great idea…….But a penalty for killing yourself should be made, its somehow kittened that you can troll people by doing so.
The benifit should be 100% for your opponent, mainly because your taking that stomp in da face satesfaction from them.

so…..suicide yourself=you get a penalty for each time you do it, that can be a decrease of health or just being slow etc. + the enemy gets 100%
This is a great balance, unless if you actually want to troll people.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I would like to see this option as well. It’s far too often that enemy players will refuse to finish you off, knowing that you having to wait for your ticker to go down is a drawback more than just the respawn timer itself. It’s even worse when enemy players will leave, you try to bring yourself back up, and they just wait til you’ve wasted 15+ seconds trying to heal and they come and knock you back down again without finishing. It’s as if you’re only option is either to give up and stop doing anything, or be bullied by an enemy player that just wants to kitten you off.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: SlaYer.2138


Or make it unique for each profession.

-Engineer: Suicidal Bomb
Skill 5. Explode and damage nearby foes at the cost of putting yourself in defeat state.

-Warrior: Last Shout
Skill 5. Shout “Freedom!” and die while stunning nearby foes.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Or make it unique for each profession.

-Engineer: Suicidal Bomb
Skill 5. Explode and damage nearby foes at the cost of putting yourself in defeat state.

-Warrior: Last Shout
Skill 5. Shout “Freedom!” and die while stunning nearby foes.

Depends if the original idea gets okayed. Regardless, I like special suicide abilities for each profession.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dante.1508


Agreed just end it, end the whole downed experience..

Just a little example, yesterday fighting a Risen krait i go downed, as i go downed i spin my camera and nothing is behind me, i’m down fighting a Risen krait i kill it and Rally as i do i see a Risen Thrall kicking me in my back FROM NO WHERE :O and here is the kicker as i rallied the Risen Thrall just vanished, faded away to nothing..

So where did the second mob come from and why did it just vanish when i got back up, was it just there to help kill me for metrics or something?

(edited by Dante.1508)

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

Agreed just end it, end the whole downed experience..

Just a little example, yesterday fighting a Risen krait i go downed, as i go downed i spin my camera and nothing is behind me, i’m down fighting a Risen krait i kill it and Rally as i do i see a Risen Thrall kicking me in my back FROM NO WHERE :O and here is the kicker as i rallied the Risen Thrall just vanished, faded away to nothing..

So where did the second mob come from and why did it just vanish when i got back up, was it just there to help kill me for metrics or something?

some risen krait summon minions (other risen)… they poof into nothingness as the summoner dies (… again)

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

if you kill yourself, your enemies get to rally. this is core game play mechanics and must not change.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


if you kill yourself, your enemies get to rally. this is core game play mechanics and must not change.

I would rather leave it alone then, if thats the case.

Then they might as well just get rid of downed in WvW.

The point of this is to make the downed state less of a pain to deal with. Aside from the slow death and rapid rallies, being a total benefit to the enemy while in that state is what makes people hate it so much. Again if you are just going to die anyway, then what is the point of having a downed state?

And why would anyone want to help the enemy faster by killing themselves? Nobody would use it in WvW because almost nobody would let themselves get killed without taking others down with them. Turning suicide into an expedient boon for your enemy goes beyond common sense.

TL;DR: Then why have suicide or downed state in WvW in the first place?

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

“Again if you are just going to die anyway, then what is the point of having a downed state?”
because there are situations where you could be revived or rallied before you actually become defeated.

“Then why have suicide or downed state in WvW in the first place?”
to promote the concept of “strength” in numbers.

with more players in your zerg, you can
- burst down downed opponents faster, to rally your own downed allies
- revive downed allies faster
- revive defeated allies faster
- etc

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Still think the entire downed system is one of the biggest jokes ive ever seen in an MMO,its the most annoying ,unsatisfying and usually frustrating mechanism especially when you are facing yourself outmanned, 1 vs 3 fights become unnecessarily difficult trying to finish someone off, Stealth stealth..teleport..Mistform etc etc while your still being bashed by 2 other guys.Its the dumbest system ive ever come across in an MMO,and ill never like it.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Still think the entire downed system is one of the biggest jokes ive ever seen in an MMO,its the most annoying ,unsatisfying and usually frustrating mechanism especially when you are facing yourself outmanned, 1 vs 3 fights become unnecessarily difficult trying to finish someone off, Stealth stealth..teleport..Mistform etc etc while your still being bashed by 2 other guys.Its the dumbest system ive ever come across in an MMO,and ill never like it.

if you are one and they are three, then you are supposed to run away, not stay and fight.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Still think the entire downed system is one of the biggest jokes ive ever seen in an MMO,its the most annoying ,unsatisfying and usually frustrating mechanism especially when you are facing yourself outmanned, 1 vs 3 fights become unnecessarily difficult trying to finish someone off, Stealth stealth..teleport..Mistform etc etc while your still being bashed by 2 other guys.Its the dumbest system ive ever come across in an MMO,and ill never like it.

if you are one and they are three, then you are supposed to run away, not stay and fight.

Ive won 1vs3 multiple times,like many other people are able too…The downed system is what is getting in my way.Why should i not engage a 1vs2 or 1vs3 if i think i can win ? Because of the downed system ? If just proof my point.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

you won 1 v 3 multiple times?
obviously, you got lucky as you faced players
- less skilled than you
- not level 80
- not properly geared
- etc

same goes for everyone else.

“Why should i not engage a 1vs2 or 1vs3 if i think i can win ? "
if you think you can win, then, sure, engage, but blame it on the downed system because you lost? that is just pathetic.

again, downed is not defeated.
finish what you started.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


you won 1 v 3 multiple times?
obviously, you got lucky as you faced players
- less skilled than you
- not level 80
- not properly geared
- etc

same goes for everyone else.

“Why should i not engage a 1vs2 or 1vs3 if i think i can win ? "
if you think you can win, then, sure, engage, but blame it on the downed system because you lost? that is just pathetic.

again, downed is not defeated.
finish what you started.

Obviously i got lucky ? And the only reason able for me to kill them are the reasons you mentioned ? I hope youre joking…No Obviously i only do pvp and wvw and know my class.And it’s happend more then once.
Also learn to read please,not here to repeat myself.

Again,The downed system is what making fights like these Harder then it should be Since finishing people off during a fight with others still alive can be a pain if you have no more stabili,your life is almost drained and youre still being hit while the downed player goes in stealth,mistform etc.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

it is a 1 (you) versus 3 (them) and you expect to come out alive every time?

do you think so mighty of yourself all the time?

try blaming your team mates for not coming to back you up in time instead of blaming the down system, which is working as intended.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


it is a 1 (you) versus 3 (them) and you expect to come out alive every time?

do you think so mighty of yourself all the time?

Allright..end of discussion,thanks for turning it into something useless now and not being able to accept someone having the skill that you lack.

Downed skill 5... "End it."

in Suggestions

Posted by: TamarinNOR.3251


Agree with Zacchary on a “end it”-skill, it can be very annoying sometimes to not having this option. As far as it goes for WvW, I don’t mind giving full XP and lootbags with the use of such a skill, you do get defeated either way. If a mechanic that would lower lootbags and XP would be implemented, it would result in a longer less responsive “skill” with a few second (and at least longer that the finishers) to take affect.