11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock
So, MEOW left NSP, but Os is staying, yes? Anyone know status on the ROFL and LOOT crews? I saw a lot of them late at night before the recent stomping; but I haven’t seen either tag in the last week or so. I’m wondering if they moved too. (I hope not, I loved the ROFL guys, they were always good for a zerg.)
Torwynd Trueheart: Here I come to save the day!
NSP – Quak Resident Duchess L’Orange
I will bring a golem to the fightclub please don’t keeeeel it, and someone bring golem too to duel.
Bye [Meow] (: we’re not gonna miss ya traitors (: see u under my stomp (:
We want to move up in the higher tiers, where we used to be. We were carrying Northern Shiverpeaks I never post on the forums because I am a kitteny kitten. Feel free to quote that. Another point that Bird Song already made was the pugs/other guilds on Northern Shiverpeaks are just full of abuse. As for Kaineng, we will have a challenge in higher tiers we didnt have a challenge in Oceanic time on Northern Shiverpeaks.
We will miss you NSP,
We’ll miss you too baby.
Come back to us when you guys want to PvD in tier 7!
Be like a holiday.
Where am I supposed to find Australians now?
You took them all
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
(edited by Rob.7624)
Wait…Meow didn’t leave NSP did it?! O.o
Yup. Feels good to kill traitors. All they had are numbers, nothing really impressive about them as a whole. Too bad one thing we’re desperately in need of is numbers haha.
Wow, just wow, look at that. No ‘thanks guys for all the hard work you did defending points for NSP?’. Imagine that.
Anyways, for what its worth we enjoyed our stay in NSP, facing challenges from other servers and as well as with players within NSP itself, lol. To be frank, we were quite impressed when we met Kain’s zergs on the field, and I’m not talking about numbers. So for the time being, we’d like to see where this takes us, as is our right. So good luck to you guys, Os, LooT, ROFL, King, and other green tags too numerous to mention. Oh and not forgetting, PAXA, don’t remember you guys too much, but I’m sure you must have done something. Stay strong.
Wait…Meow didn’t leave NSP did it?! O.o
Yup. Feels good to kill traitors. All they had are numbers, nothing really impressive about them as a whole. Too bad one thing we’re desperately in need of is numbers haha.
Wow, just wow, look at that. No ‘thanks guys for all the hard work you did defending points for NSP?’. Imagine that.
Anyways, for what its worth we enjoyed our stay in NSP, facing challenges from other servers and as well as with players within NSP itself, lol. To be frank, we were quite impressed when we met Kain’s zergs on the field, and I’m not talking about numbers. So for the time being, we’d like to see where this takes us, as is our right. So good luck to you guys, Os, LooT, ROFL, King, and other green tags too numerous to mention. Oh and not forgetting, PAXA, don’t remember you guys too much, but I’m sure you must have done something. Stay strong.
Story of people jumpin on the bandwagon. Laters!
Story of people jumpin on the bandwagon. Laters! [/quote]
Yeah, I guess it is when you think about it.
Reminder Fight Club at 4 server time behind Champions supply camp in Kaineng borderland! Remember no spiking and trolls! Please hop in our vent as well so we can better coordinate.
NEO.maxfrag.net Port: 44155
WM want to go to high tier with low tier player.
I thought [MEOW] is good talent guild that not skilled, not specially, but they seem to have good mental because we saw they come and fight us and dead and dead and dead again again. I like this play for fighting hardly that high tier.
So i send massage to [MEOW] that "Let’s go with us and break high tier and work hard and finally go to T1. and told them our journey identity(?).
After break T5, ago go to T4, I will send message other talent guild in T5.
WM didn’t send message to high tier guild. will just low tier.
This is a “do jang ke ki” in Korean.
I’m sorry, i can’t speak English very well.
(edited by General.7803)
WM want to go to high tier with low tier player.
I thought [MEOW] is good talent guild that not skilled, not specially, but they seem to have good mental because we saw they come and fight us and dead and dead and dead again again. I like this play for fighting hardly that high tier.
So i send massage to [MEOW] that "Let’s go with us and break high tier and work hard and finally go to T1. and told them our journey identity(?).
After break T5, ago go to T4, I will send massage other talent guild in T5.
WM didn’t send massage to high tier guild. will just low tier.
Dude I love you for just trying to speak English.
And even though others might not, I understand what you’re saying.
But poaching entire guilds from their servers is seriously uncool and upsets the balance of WvW thus ruining thousands of peoples fun over the months that you do it.
You may be winning yes, but at really what cost?
Enjoy Meow. Because running the nightshift on low tier servers is hard and it produces hard players.
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
(edited by Rob.7624)
WM want to go to high tier with low tier player.
I thought [MEOW] is good talent guild that not skilled, not specially, but they seem to have good mental because we saw they come and fight us and dead and dead and dead again again. I like this play for fighting hardly that high tier.
So i send massage to [MEOW] that "Let’s go with us and break high tier and work hard and finally go to T1. and told them our journey identity(?).
After break T5, ago go to T4, I will send massage other talent guild in T5.
WM didn’t send massage to high tier guild. will just low tier.Dude I love you for just trying to speak English.
And even though others might not, I understand what you’re saying.
But poaching entire guilds from their servers is seriously uncool and upsets the balance of WvW thus ruining thousands of peoples fun over the months that you do it.
You may be winning yes, but at really what cost?
I agree with you. Lets not influence other server guilds. If they want to come to Kaineng it should be of their own volition. And frankly we need more NA guilds so if you’re gonna poach anyway, poach some NA guilds. :P
[Meow] were effectively free kills for us. /shrug
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Just fyi, playing Kain sucks Oozo…70 man freight train zergs are a joke. PURELY numbers game. PAXA misses the 5 -10 man action. Could go for more AD fights
Kaineng belongs to the xfers as it is, but that’s fine. A couple kaineng natives are leaving the server, which saddens me. Regardless, they came here to do things their way, and the sooner this is over with, the sooner it will be KAIN and SoS again. Oh, and the bots.
Regardless, they have done nothing to purposefully irritate the server. I just think they didn’t see that Kaineng seems to have the Xenophobia of its namesake
Lvl. 80 Abrasive
GM of [KAIN]
1 day away, thank god. And we have more than just zergs. We have camp squads as well as defenders, and scouts.
Because you run into a zerg, or sometimes mutliple ‘zergs’ which are just parties combining at location, is not our issue.
Yeah, was reading through the thread.
We’ve picked up some activity, so have been fielding 10-15 quite often which helped against the larger T5 zergs. Might be overkill if we drop back down. Not sure what we’ll do to fix that.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
[Meow] were effectively free kills for us. /shrug
Needed to follow the NSP/AR/Kaineng forum cause you were lonely? Why don’t you go make more videos of beating random pug zergs.
Hey PAXA was that you that just ran into the duel event and got trounced? I think you killed one guy that was afk. Are you hoping for afk kills?
3 posts in a row…get back in the game dude.
He’s right though, you guys could only kill 1 afk in your portal bomb
None of our mesmers use portal elite. Plus how many of you left “fight club” to come fight us? lol only 3 right? thanks for the laughs.
None of our mesmers use portal elite. Plus how many of you left “fight club” to come fight us? lol only 3 right? thanks for the laughs.
Might wanna talk to your mesmers before you look silly posting. Portal isn’t an elite.
Tarnished Coast
More like you’re interrupting our fun, and we came over and trounced you till you retreated back to NSP borderlands you delusional space case.
Whats your guild tag dagne?
Why does PAX think so highly of themselves? I’ve seen them fight and it’s no where near pro status and i believe they are barely above average.
What does it really matter what my guild tag is? Are you judging me by what guild I’m in now? I’m pretty sure that if you put a PAXA tag on a newb he would still be a newb. So your point?
The fact that 7 of us PAXA guys take 15+ to fight makes us laugh.
the fact that 7 paxa and 6 other randoms couldn’t portal bomb afk people makes me laugh
Good fight with about 4 ( I think) AR and me north of Bay about a half hr ago. Should have kept moving, I think, but still… good work. I nearly managed to worm my way out of a dogpile that time. Poor dolyak….
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Why wont you give it?
dagne…get ur best 5, (please make them all perma theives) and meet us somewhere.
Hey PAXA was that you that just ran into the duel event and got trounced? I think you killed one guy that was afk. Are you hoping for afk kills?
The amount of loot bags that I have beg to differ.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
Wait, what? Wasn’t Fight Club just going on? Isn’t the WHOLE POINT of Fight Club to get your duel on?
Tarnished Coast
You gotta be kidding. What’s with the manic behavior? One moment they roam and trounce solo’s or couple, no biggie, every server does. (For the record though, every upscaled player I see who is just running to the JP, I let go when I roam). Next I find a roaming PAXA with a DVI, both skilled and equally battle it out, good players, then this?
‘haha i get kicks out of crashing a party, yay us?’ … I’ve been trying to understand you guys for a bit now, and I just don’t understand how its at all any fun to play in that manner?
You don’t spawn camp, great … that doesn’t define a loser in this game. Sure it’s a loser trait, but so is exactly what you’re doing. Do you server a favor and stay classy. Go to FC, info is written up, and go get those guys you called out, and called you out.
I know I don’t have the entire story here jscull, but I’ve been trying to understand all this instances that are building up in all perspectives and it just doesn’t make your guild look in anyway respectable. I know it’s not the case, but really tough to see it any other way.
You understand right, the same way Kaineng as a whole has been getting trolled?
Forget TGIF, Thank god it’s Thursday.
Wait, what? Wasn’t Fight Club just going on? Isn’t the WHOLE POINT of Fight Club to get your duel on?
They are so bad that they can’t duel, they have to try and portal bomb afk people to get loot bags, and they still only managed to kill one person. Took 10+ NSP to kill 1 afk guy.
More like you’re interrupting our fun, and we came over and trounced you till you retreated back to NSP borderlands you delusional space case.
6 (including one non PAXA who was in vent with us) vs 14+.
I believe most people would call that having “stones”
Founder of PAXA
What a shame for NSP having [PAXA] in your server. Tried to crash the event (failed ofcourse) now they claim to be “great on being outnumber.” Well you guys outnumered us by your spawn, yet you can’t even push us back.
But yeah thank you [PAXA] for being so generous.
I had the most badges in the last hour woo.
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro
Failed huh? Lol look at that screen shot. They weren’t “partying” building siege in our spawn.
The problem with that picture you posted npac is that that was after we chased you from the middle of the bottom of the map back to your borderlands cause you ran and/or were dead and respawned to come back out and fight more.
It’s not really a problem for us to turn and wipe you. Half the people that initially wiped you turned around and went back to dueling cause you ran. If you’re going to complain about numbers being too high maybe you shouldn’t jump into 30 people and complain about it.
Popcorn, i need more.
As i have said I am on kaineng for a week doing literally nothing useful.
but seriously guys?
Saying that someone is bad only makes yourself look worse.
Instead of actually trollling each other on the forums, head just below Victors Lodge or somewhere and vent out your frustration at each other in a duel.
no need to bring stupid drama into the forum post, already enough of that as there is…..
(Odd moment when your smartphone only posts 1/2 of what you said)
(Also, I know i am on ET and im not “Privileged” to reply in this post….but i am on kaineng for a week taking advantage of free transfers to 100% my wvw EB map completion)
The problem with that picture you posted npac is that that was after we chased you from the middle of the bottom of the map back to your borderlands cause you ran and/or were dead and respawned to come back out and fight more.
It’s not really a problem for us to turn and wipe you. Half the people that initially wiped you turned around and went back to dueling cause you ran. If you’re going to complain about numbers being too high maybe you shouldn’t jump into 30 people and complain about it.
He’s simply speaking the truth and debunking your false theory that we had numbers on you guys. I don’t see any complaints. We knew what we were getting into and got what we wanted.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
Wait, what? Wasn’t Fight Club just going on? Isn’t the WHOLE POINT of Fight Club to get your duel on?
They are so bad that they can’t duel, they have to try and portal bomb afk people to get loot bags, and they still only managed to kill one person. Took 10+ NSP to kill 1 afk guy.
Yeah… all I have to say to you as well is LAWLZ.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
Popcorn, i need more.
As i have said I am on kaineng for a week doing literally nothing useful.
but seriously guys?
Saying that someone is bad only makes yourself look worse.
Instead of actually trollling each other on the forums, head just below Victors Lodge or somewhere and vent out your frustration at each other in a duel.
no need to bring stupid drama into the forum post, already enough of that as there is…..(Odd moment when your smartphone only posts 1/2 of what you said)
(Also, I know i am on ET and im not “Privileged” to reply in this post….but i am on kaineng for a week taking advantage of free transfers to 100% my wvw EB map completion)
That was our event, but PAXA isn’t good enough to fight a head on 1v1 2v2 so they have to try and portal bomb afk people at the servers “fight club” It’s even funnier because they could have participated, but instead decided to try and “troll” everyone including AR. They got farmed for badges, turned to the forums for keyboard warrior duty and now are trying to troll here.
Not much else happened.
Instead of actually trollling each other on the forums, head just below Victors Lodge or somewhere and vent out your frustration at each other in a duel.
no need to bring stupid drama into the forum post, already enough of that as there is…..
Oh, you should get a refill of popcorn and read further back in this thread. I have offered up plenty of duels! I’m glad you’re entertained though, so am I!
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
Popcorn, i need more.
As i have said I am on kaineng for a week doing literally nothing useful.
but seriously guys?
Saying that someone is bad only makes yourself look worse.
Instead of actually trollling each other on the forums, head just below Victors Lodge or somewhere and vent out your frustration at each other in a duel.
no need to bring stupid drama into the forum post, already enough of that as there is…..(Odd moment when your smartphone only posts 1/2 of what you said)
(Also, I know i am on ET and im not “Privileged” to reply in this post….but i am on kaineng for a week taking advantage of free transfers to 100% my wvw EB map completion)That was our event, but PAXA isn’t good enough to fight a head on 1v1 2v2 so they have to try and portal bomb afk people at the servers “fight club” It’s even funnier because they could have participated, but instead decided to try and “troll” everyone including AR. They got farmed for badges, turned to the forums for keyboard warrior duty and now are trying to troll here.
Not much else happened.
Someone’s a wee bit angry. And stop saying portal bomb, you’re hurting my feelings saying that our mesmers run with portals! I doubt you’re trying to make me sad, I know deep down you just want me to be happy.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
The FC thing is a nice touch, not my thing but its nice to see Kain try and bring some morale of the destroyed servers back up. In a way, Paxa doing this is good, not because of the act itself, but as you guys move up I can definately see some of the more hardcore servers ignoring FC all together and viewing it as free badges.
Have to agree, comparing them to mass murder over a video game is in my mind very poor taste. It was poor taste to attack FC, but just as poor taste to compare them to such events as theatre shootings.
Nutz, FC and duels occur in tiers above this and have for a long time. That is all, my facts are straight, I saw PAXA went earlier, and came back later … as I said. The tiers above don’t give a kitten about score, they do… but in the end, they care about who they play with and against … it’s competitive, and very much … not this. You fit here I guess, I do not, that much is apparent. I miss servers like Mag’s who may flame, but come armed with purpose. As everything is not black and white. In the end it gets discussed and can be great for all to learn from. I guess in a small way this can be too. We play games the way we like, and yes … trolling, and baiting and trolling, I guess is some form of fun? I don’t know, and not accustomed to it, maybe I’m too old to follow that but to each is his own.
You get a level of respect with each other which I fully thought you guys were going to get today. Every week it happens when you meet and compete in this manner, air is cleared, and it’s very much enjoyable. Hell I miss SoR, and that’s a ways back. They were great too. And of all the guilds today …. why did it have to be PAXA who comes a trumping for laughs? I mean, anyone but PAXA given the past few days.
Enjoy your future guys, I know we were not a popular group and apologies to Rob on not keeping my cool
Best of luck to you guys (NSP and AR), in the coming weeks match ups.
You know that one class I can’t beat? Mesmers. Know what I fought 80% of tonight? Mesmers. I AM A DISGRACE sobsob
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
Ty all who showed up to the fight club event was really fun winning or losing, was a shame that a few groups had to ruin some of it for us. Here is the way I see it, rules were laid out in black and white, if your group comes in and starts wiping anyone for no apparent reason you deserve to be spiked while the others watch and continue with the match. If you want us to forgive and forget after doing such an act how bout party or message the ones hosting the event before thinking everything is ok and you can participate peacefully again after breaking the rules. When you go to an adult party you honor thy host, when you go to a kids party you do what the rule breakers did.
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC
I am sorry If my post offended any one, but all the trash those guys put here on the forums dont make yall sick? The one day, the one freakin day they could back up what they say, and they are a no show, that only means one thing in m book.
TY though to every one who did show, next time dont talk so much junk without backing it up in a fair fight.
Nooooooooooo Meow!!!!! Nooooooo so sad to see you guys leave you were all great players and class A acts! Good luck with kain but don’t be hesitant on the 28th to come back home
and to WM guild leader as Rob and some
Others said, you trying to poach guilds from servers your anhilating is awful and shameful and you just lost any respect! Hope you guys get slaughtered in upper tiers for what your obviously now doing to many servers…NSP looks like well get used to tier 7/8 for a while boys!
Asuran Engineer (Lost)