Haiku FTW
(edited by Absinth.6917)
Had much fun in Ebay’s BL this evening.
We had so few CD but with proper intel we were able to keep the Bay much longer than we ever should have. Once we found the golem encampment within the walls on the plateau we decided it would be best to let ya have the map for the time being.
Was a true rush hearing over TS “outer wall at 20%” and then immediately after “inner wall at 50%”. Luckily we were able to get to our lord within seconds of it being attacked…..twice.
To the Ebay thief Commander – kudos to you and yours. That golem push effectively put things into perspective (I died right at your siege encampment to assess the coming assault). I did not have the forces to rout you and I knew the map was by and large lost. At that time we had a rag-tag group and our force, meager as it was, was needed elsewhere.
We decided to hit Ebay’s map, this evening, because it appeared to be locked down ( by you). Fortunately for us you apparently felt the same way. Thus we were able to take real estate that normally should not have been captured. I suppose the tortoise shell had been broken internally and your masses were scattered.
Once you guys got the ball rolling and committed to your map we left and pressed elsewhere. Great fights and much respect to you Ebay’ers.
(edited by Absinth.6917)
This hasn’t changed at all since opening night where they intentionally handicapped all of our openers. Yet we still managed to do things like take Crystal Desert Garrison, we just can’t keep it with Maguuma dedicated to ninjaing our camps with 20 people instead of trying to actually fight.
But this is what I expect of Mag. Just more gimmicks and crutches aimed at Ehmry. A striaght battle, clever or otherwise, simply isn’t their style.
Err, since when was supply starvation a gimmick and not a valid tactic? Furthermore, CD does that to us regularly. But I guess when they do it, it’s coordinated, right? Lastly, last time we played you guys, it was you that had the gimmick of tons of thieves round robining all of our supply camps.
Hey, Maguuma just wiped us off of their borderlands using superior numbers, they must be a ZERG SERVER!
But seriously good job to Maguuma keeping the wall at EH alive at 0% for the clutch save, it really made a lot of us rage. And don’t ask why half of our server was still trying to sneak the Garrison even after we had your walls almost down, we don’t know why either.
Haha, the numbers more were equal for awhile, but I think a lot of CD elsewhere. Heck, you guys had 20+ people raiding our north supply camp that we wiped and at some point assaulted east keep and built catapult after catapult that we kept killing.
The numbers were even until you completely stomped everything we tried to do and everybody gave up and left Was a good job on your part.
Haha, thanks. If you guys had actually waited a little awhile you probably could have made more progress. We took forever to repair those walls at east keep :\
So about the Grub who got inside EB keep LOL.
We must have pictures
Yes, please do show for those of us that weren’t around to see it. This sounds far too hilarious to not see.
brain bug >_>
Thoroughly enjoying the battles with the members of the Illusion guild running around EB BL. Especially the thief vs thief fights.
I’m the thief you guys keep destroying. Making me question my current build and even showing me how devastating that +50% damage while downed is.
To the Maguumas defending the bay keep just now especially HKHS guild, well defended from out all the way inside in the lord’s room. Hope you enjoyed the portal bomb.
But this is what I expect of Mag. Just more gimmicks and crutches aimed at Ehmry
This might be a shock to you, but Mag really doesn’t care about Ebay at all. How often have we even been in your BL this match up? Pretty much never. Supply flippers sure, but that’s as minimal a force gets in WvW. Now the opposite. Well Ebay is in Mag’s BL, in force, every single day.
Ya’ll Ebayers need to get over it.
(edited by Rhyis.7058)
Only took a small force to retake the Maguuma BL, when the Maguuma zerg disappeared immediately after capping.
Don’t think we hate you, it’s just more efficient and easy. Why would we go after well-defended positions of Ehmry, while you guys leave your towers and keeps undefended with no siege?
Exactly, everytime we went Mag BL, nobody was around to defend your keep. We could even take it with just 6 people. Is that what we should expect for “very organized” world as you claimed? And it felt very differently when we went to EBay. Oh..and cry more.
We are not very organized. Not compared to the T1 and T2 servers. But i can see that we are at least 3x more organized than you guys, the only thing you guys know is to create a single huge zerg and hop from BL to BL with that single zerg while we take everything else from you. Your players lack individual skill as well. Took like 10 people to wipe 30 maguuma guys on EB this morning.
Maguuma doesn’t even deserve to be in tier 4
We managed to group up and take out a fully defended, fully upgraded and fully sieged out Maguuma Garrison using cross-guild coordination. You can cry all you want, but when my guild rolls into your BL or any where else we destroy you even with lesser numbers. You can sit here and say that we are bad, but we destroy you even without a zerg. Your organizational skills are not amazing, or even competent – you cannot even defend your own borderland even when you do have the numbers.
I do not know why you guys think you are so good while you continually sit so low in the tier rankings. If people thought you were good they would have transfered to your server after you “stomp them” with your superior organizational skills.
There is a reason why your borderland has been the place to go for free points. We rolled in there with a group of 10 and rolled out with an easy keep cap.
Keep up the charade, we will keep farming those easy points.
Oh man. Oh man. My sides! You need to put something that funny in a spoiler block my boss almost saw me laughing!
That aside, great work by Maguuma tonight in the CD borderland. Went from no presence and smallest cut of the pie to largest and having a keep there plus two on our own BL in just two hours. And know what? I don’t even have a commander icon, so we did all of that based purely on Mumble comms (though Exits and Mel did bring their icons along for the ride). Managed to get CD to commit everything to a feint at east keep before we all rushed through the downed wall at west and rushed down the door with 4 rams before they could recommit.
A constant through this entire match is that Crystal Desert plays smart and oragnized, and Maguuma just does everything it can to handicap Ehmry Bay. I watch these things very carefully and they wait for Crystal to make a move every time to hit Ehmry, because they do not win on their own without a large number advantage.
This hasn’t changed at all since opening night where they intentionally handicapped all of our openers. Yet we still managed to do things like take Crystal Desert Garrison, we just can’t keep it with Maguuma dedicated to ninjaing our camps with 20 people instead of trying to actually fight.
But this is what I expect of Mag. Just more gimmicks and crutches aimed at Ehmry. A striaght battle, clever or otherwise, simply isn’t their style.
Horsekitten. I led most of the maguuma population into CD’s borderland myself tonight and we took most of it, as well as pushed ourselves to highest potential points. Towards when I got off we even fought with inferior numbers. There’s no anti-EB conspiracy.
funny how CD are on the defensive on this thread.
anyway, don’t worry, no matter what happen this week, next week we’ll be matched up again : http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/#NA
But this is what I expect of Mag. Just more gimmicks and crutches aimed at Ehmry
This might be a shock to you, but Mag really doesn’t care about Ebay at all. How often have we even been in your BL this match up? Pretty much never. Supply flippers sure, but that’s as minimal a force gets in WvW. Now the opposite. Well Ebay is in Mag’s BL, in force, every single day.
Ya’ll Ebayers need to get over it.
Everytime I see mag take a foothold in EB you guys get destroyed within minutes. Do not act like you are not fighting EB out of choice – you tried and failed, and now because you are an easy target everyone is picking on you, and rightfully so.
I am so darned inferior. I think Maguuma needs more skill so I stop feeling so inferior to Ehmry Bay.
I knew I should of taken a screenshot of it but I figured someone else was doing it.
Basically, we knocked down the wall near the grub with about 4 catapults. While we were doing that some people attacked the grub. We didn’t think anything of those few that attacked it until after we poured through the breach…
We realized that as we pounded on the EB inner wall, the grub had followed us inside because some people were too dang stupid to leave it alone. So naturally the grub proceeds to saunter up to the wall where we were trying to build rams and totally ruins that plan lol.
So now we’re losing more and more people and decide to back off onto the op of the outer wall and perhaps build siege to attack from afar. EB now starts to wipe against the grub who’s knocking on their door. I didn’t get to see if the grub dug underground through the inner wall but I have a feeling it did since it’s body got obscured. Needless to say we weren’t taking the keep and our commander were really pissed lmao.
All in all.
EB 0
Maguuma 0
Grub 2
Some definite fun was had at Dawn’s Eyrie in EB Borderland tonight.
Indeed^ poor EB night crew…..in their own borderland. such a shame.
Had much fun in Ebay’s BL this evening.
We had so few CD but with proper intel we were able to keep the Bay much longer than we ever should have. Once we found the golem encampment within the walls on the plateau we decided it would be best to let ya have the map for the time being.
Was a true rush hearing over TS “outer wall at 20%” and then immediately after “inner wall at 50%”. Luckily we were able to get to our lord within seconds of it being attacked…..twice.
To the Ebay thief Commander – kudos to you and yours. That golem push effectively put things into perspective (I died right at your siege encampment to assess the coming assault). I did not have the forces to rout you and I knew the map was by and large lost. At that time we had a rag-tag group and our force, meager as it was, was needed elsewhere.
We decided to hit Ebay’s map, this evening, because it appeared to be locked down ( by you). Fortunately for us you apparently felt the same way. Thus we were able to take real estate that normally should not have been captured. I suppose the tortoise shell had been broken internally and your masses were scattered.
Once you guys got the ball rolling and committed to your map we left and pressed elsewhere. Great fights and much respect to you Ebay’ers.
It’s been fun, a real pleasure to fight yall. Yall don’t seem quite as plentiful tonight but there were still some really good moves. Being stopped cold at Bay keep at the last possible moment hitting the lord room HURT haha. As did being overrun in our Valley keep. We killed 20 on the initial charge but you still had more than us.
Scariest thing I saw tonight by far though was the guild group at Dawns in Ebay borderland. I saw that group in action once and wrote it off as us taking it. 20-30 people acting in complete coordination with each other just farming Ehrmy for badges. Scary amount of organization on the gathering, the rushes, and the simultaneous AOE’s.
But this is what I expect of Mag. Just more gimmicks and crutches aimed at Ehmry
This might be a shock to you, but Mag really doesn’t care about Ebay at all. How often have we even been in your BL this match up? Pretty much never. Supply flippers sure, but that’s as minimal a force gets in WvW. Now the opposite. Well Ebay is in Mag’s BL, in force, every single day.
Ya’ll Ebayers need to get over it.
No pride needed when I say we defend our BL better than you do. We generally keep it locked down and if we notice it isn’t, we move and lock it down. Most of the time you fight us is when we are fighting a tough battle against Crystal Desert, and then we are forced to fight you even when we don’t want to.
Again, opening night was a prime example. Our focus was on Crystal Desert but Maguuma wouldn’t stop sabotaging us so that became an impossible assault. Ironically when we then fall back and defend successfully Crystal then goes and hits you.
Indeed^ poor EB night crew…..in their own borderland. such a shame.
In fairness keeping such a well orgaanized group of 30 in Dawns was a waste of potential and we were all too glad for yall to stay there. Instead of causing havoc across the BL we were down 1 tower for 4 point ticks.
You guys might not have to worry about it because of your lead, but Ehmry is still fighting for points, even if it costs us our lives. At least after the 1st few wipes when everyone else realized it wasn’t just a fluke. (I literally had some of the people griping stand back and watch the next charge out from the cliff to make them stop. They were impressed and it was easy to make them stop then haha.)
lawl….if only we had 30…. our group was 3 parties and 2 outs strong. That was 17 guys your whole border could not kill. nice try though. I am loving the loot, and so are my guildies. xD We might just come back again tomorrow.
lawl….if only we had 30…. our group was 3 parties and 2 outs strong. That was 17 guys your whole border could not kill. nice try though. I am loving the loot, and so are my guildies. xD We might just come back again tomorrow.
Yall must have had some pugs in there as well. It’s well possible I could have overestimated with pets and clones and such. But I know there was more than just 17. I’m not even counting the roaming group and solo’s just outside the tower.
I actually stealthed through there a few times with my thief to scout yall out. (Thief stealth is totally OP lol). Made multiple runs to be sure since the first time I started too far away and had to bail halfway through. Though yall likely thought it was funny to have a single charr thief suddenly appear in the middle of you. and then jump off the cliff to the ledge while firing poison behind him.
I tried to scout from a few vantage points around the tower, but I couldn’t get an accurate estimate with not everyone displaying.
(edited by Ralathar.7236)
Mkay. you are right. I had no idea how many of us organized, went into your borderlands, and stomped your comrades over and over without wiping…not like we planned that or anything.
lawl….if only we had 30…. our group was 3 parties and 2 outs strong. That was 17 guys your whole border could not kill. nice try though. I am loving the loot, and so are my guildies. xD We might just come back again tomorrow.
Thats funny, I recall downing and finishing more than half of you everytime I went in. Feel free to come back, i could always use more badges.
Mkay. you are right. I had no idea how many of us organized, went into your borderlands, and stomped your comrades over and over without wiping…not like we planned that or anything.
Hence why I said pugs. You can account for your own forces, but only your own. I did a thorough job of scouting as said. I believe what I saw over any claims that no pugs helped you at all. I’ve given you all due credit for your coordination and skill. Yet you still have pride issues with there being any tag alongs.
Can’t you just leave it at “we’re good and we had a little help that we didn’t need”? Arrogance does not suit you and it would be a shame to see such a performance tarnished by that kind of attitude :/.
(edited by Ralathar.7236)
It’s raining badges, hallelujah.
Every time I see mag take a foothold in EB you guys get destroyed within minutes. Do not act like you are not fighting EB out of choice – you tried and failed, and now because you are an easy target everyone is picking on you, and rightfully so.
Are you still trolling? I can’t tell. What do you call a foothold? A few Maguuma players heading into EBay usually are not looking to take the entire BL, or even our side. Once we get pushed out, it’s not a big deal because the goal wasn’t to do anything on a large scale. You’re taking opportunities and smashing into one server, no one said you were wrong for doing this. But the fact still stands that many EBay players think we’re targeting them maliciously, when that’s not the case at all. A few goons flipped a supply camp in EBay a few moments ago, not because it was EBay (we had already done it in CD), but because we were just idiots having fun.
Despite the reasons we do things, people somehow think they know our intentions and reasons better than we do. They interpret things differently and rather than just consider lighthearted fun in a video game, think we’re some big bad meanies out to take their candy. Not saying you’re one of them. But you really can’t say what Mag is doing just because we flipped a few camps, a tower, or a even a keep.
Speaking of Goons, I’ve seen Goons on both sides since this match started. Whats the deal with that? I’ve even heard rumors they were planning on transferring to Ehmry Bay. No offense to Maguuma but I really don’t want a guild that has their kind of reputation.
Ahaha, don’t flatter yourself. Also, check your itel. Goon Squad of Maguuma is not the only guild with the tag ‘Goon,’ fyi.
Ahaha, don’t flatter yourself. Also, check your itel. Goon Squad of Maguuma is not the only guild with the tag ‘Goon,’ fyi.
I assumed I didn’t know. This is why I asked lol. It’s a weird concept but a valid one.
Losers always talk louder than winner. Keep boasting your ego on this forum, while i’m enjoying the badges pouring from you, mags.
You got me, I sure am boasting my ego. Man I’m so proud to be a part of a cult in a video game. Continue boasting your ego about farming Maguuma players then? I dunno, whatever makes you happy.
Since I’m on Mag, I’m always a loser. So, good for you?
Oh look, EBay has cleaned their BL and is attacking CD. Kudos! Now come to Mag BL, we’ve taken it back and it makes for a great karma train. Toot toot!
(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)
Losers always talk louder than winner. Keep boasting your ego on this forum, while i’m enjoying the badges pouring from you, mags.
lol, CD is not that good brah. last week CD thought it was mighty and got facerolled with siege at Langor. this week I saw the same thing at ogrewatch happen. meaning that you guys do not know what the kitten to do sometimes… and are losers on the microlevel of wvw enough that bragging rights really haven’t been earned for skill.
you may beat us. but it isn’t because it is skill or cleverness. which is fine. it’s funny how ebay and you guys try and pretend you are something you are not. which is evident as you are in the same bracket as us.
if our server acquired oceanic players… lol… you wouldn’t being posting that.
(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)
if we take a step back and look at the conversation from a 3rd person perspective, we are all losers in 1 way…
Hey dudes, here’s a tip for when you’re trying to ninja something: Don’t take out the sentry or yaks coming from a camp, it tells us where you are. If you’re zerging around, sure, it’s a free point, otherwise, leave them alone.
you may beat us. but it isn’t because it is skill or cleverness.
We’ve said this to how many servers that beat us then come back? If anything it’ll be like DH again, we tell them the things they did wrong, they move up, get stomped, come back to us, we reiterate the things they did wrong, then they just say we’re tooting our own horns. No matter what, even when we’re helping them, we’re always losers to them.
if we take a step back and look at the conversation from a 3rd person perspective, we are all losers in 1 way…
Because we’re playing a video game rather than spending a night out on the town? But it’s too cold to go outside. Speaking of going outside, looks like EBay got kicked off of CD and are coming back to Mag. Yay!
(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)
Again, opening night was a prime example. Our focus was on Crystal Desert but Maguuma wouldn’t stop sabotaging us so that became an impossible assault. Ironically when we then fall back and defend successfully Crystal then goes and hits you.
Yesterday morning we were annoyed because you helped CD wipe us off of our own borderlands so we went to yours and did the exact same to you. I don’t know what you consider to be effective defense of a borderlands, but I personally don’t think it’s storming southwest tower constantly while CD wipes you off of the map. We seriously just sat in the tower for a long time and just watched as the east side of the map turned green and then left so they could finish the job. Is that really sabotage? I don’t think so. We hardly even touched anything but the tower. I think whoever was commanding us just hated us so much they’d rather us lose the tower than keep the map.
And like I said before, you practically taught us yourselves how good one could be at “sabotage” by sending gank squads of thieves to all of them. It may not have been everywhere on all maps, but it was definitely enough to be noticed.
It’s raining badges, hallelujah.
Every time I roll into these two maps EBAY and CoolDown It is like I’m doing a badge dance and they begin falling from the sky… thank the gods.
I do enjoy the forums with these two servers as well though, if I could kill people as easily here as I do them in game I would probably stay here more.
But this is what I expect of Mag. Just more gimmicks and crutches aimed at Ehmry
This might be a shock to you, but Mag really doesn’t care about Ebay at all. How often have we even been in your BL this match up? Pretty much never. Supply flippers sure, but that’s as minimal a force gets in WvW. Now the opposite. Well Ebay is in Mag’s BL, in force, every single day.
Ya’ll Ebayers need to get over it.
Everytime I see mag take a foothold in EB you guys get destroyed within minutes. Do not act like you are not fighting EB out of choice – you tried and failed, and now because you are an easy target everyone is picking on you, and rightfully so.
So… What I said was correct. No significant attacks in your borderlands from Mag.
It’s not like we haven’t shown we can come into your BL and take your stuff out before. Mag and EBay have fought each other 3 other times, and Mag beat EBay all 3 times. We won the match 2 times.
Again, opening night was a prime example. Our focus was on Crystal Desert but Maguuma wouldn’t stop sabotaging us so that became an impossible assault. Ironically when we then fall back and defend successfully Crystal then goes and hits you.
Yesterday morning we were annoyed because you helped CD wipe us off of our own borderlands so we went to yours and did the exact same to you. I don’t know what you consider to be effective defense of a borderlands, but I personally don’t think it’s storming southwest tower constantly while CD wipes you off of the map. We seriously just sat in the tower for a long time and just watched as the east side of the map turned green and then left so they could finish the job. Is that really sabotage? I don’t think so. We hardly even touched anything but the tower. I think whoever was commanding us just hated us so much they’d rather us lose the tower than keep the map.
Ehmry Bay has a terrible morning crew, have you not paid attention at all? We generally have very few people and no commanders. Any time past 2AM and before Noon CST is when we are at our absolute weakest.
Any defense we have at all is usually leaderless zerg. This has held true even throughout the holidays. I’ve been up at those hours and was hoping the holidays would help, and they did somewhat, but no commanders still.
(edited by Ralathar.7236)
So… What I said was correct. No significant attacks in your borderlands from Mag.
It’s not like we haven’t shown we can come into your BL and take your stuff out before. Mag and EBay have fought each other 3 other times, and Mag beat EBay all 3 times. We won the match 2 times.
Again, most of the time Maguuma attacks is when we are fighting Crystal Desert. There have been very very very few times this match where Maguuma has initiated any attack without us already being heavily committed to a defense vs Crystal Desert. Of course we hit Crystal Desert fairly often, but we are forced to go and hit Maguuma repeatedly because your server is playing for second instead of first.
I keep track of the map pretty well. You do not push Crystal Desert near as much.
(edited by Ralathar.7236)
So… What I said was correct. No significant attacks in your borderlands from Mag.
It’s not like we haven’t shown we can come into your BL and take your stuff out before. Mag and EBay have fought each other 3 other times, and Mag beat EBay all 3 times. We won the match 2 times.
Again, most of the time Maguuma attacks is when we are fighting Crystal Desert. There have been very very very few times this match where Maguuma has initiated any attack without us already being heavily committed to a defense vs Crystal Desert. Of course we hit Crystal Desert fairly often, but we are forced to go and hit Maguuma repeatedly because your server is playing for second instead of first.
I keep track of the map pretty well. You do not push Crystal Desert near as much.
Uh, the only maps Mag go into are EB/Mag BL/CD BL. So what you say might be true in EB, as I never go there in the first place. But in the other 3 maps, this simply isn’t the case at all… Because it’s impossible. CD BL is almost always green, Mag BL is our own BL and we’re going to push everybody off, and no major force has walked into EBay BL since friday night.
For example, at this exact moment both EBay and Mag are in CD BL with a single tower and are both simultaneously attacking E and W keep. ETL BL EBay has been reduced to a single tower so no matter where Mag goes we’re fighting CD. And EBay BL is completely blue. So I gotta ask, where are you seeing this stuff.
You’re spinning yarns my friend to perpetuate this little hate club you seem to have for the Goons, and it’s quite obvious to anybody who has a clue. Or at best you’re seeing 5-10 people mucking around, ninjaing whatever they can, and calling that a sizable force.
(edited by Rhyis.7058)
Again, opening night was a prime example. Our focus was on Crystal Desert but Maguuma wouldn’t stop sabotaging us so that became an impossible assault. Ironically when we then fall back and defend successfully Crystal then goes and hits you.
Yesterday morning we were annoyed because you helped CD wipe us off of our own borderlands so we went to yours and did the exact same to you. I don’t know what you consider to be effective defense of a borderlands, but I personally don’t think it’s storming southwest tower constantly while CD wipes you off of the map. We seriously just sat in the tower for a long time and just watched as the east side of the map turned green and then left so they could finish the job. Is that really sabotage? I don’t think so. We hardly even touched anything but the tower. I think whoever was commanding us just hated us so much they’d rather us lose the tower than keep the map.
Ehmry Bay has a terrible morning crew, have you not paid attention at all? We generally have very few people and no commanders. Any time past 2AM and before Noon CST is when we are at our absolute weakest.
Any defense we have at all is usually leaderless zerg. This has held true even throughout the holidays. I’ve been up at those hours and was hoping the holidays would help, and they did somewhat, but no commanders still.
I liked it better when you were able to be less condescending. It was late morning Pacific, so afternoon Central time. Hope that helps.
Here’s another example: We saw you guys take Jerrifer’s so we headed down to take the other side of their towers to see if we could help reset their keeps, but your response was to take Ogrewatch instead. This was during the Pacific afternoon.
So… What I said was correct. No significant attacks in your borderlands from Mag.
It’s not like we haven’t shown we can come into your BL and take your stuff out before. Mag and EBay have fought each other 3 other times, and Mag beat EBay all 3 times. We won the match 2 times.
Again, most of the time Maguuma attacks is when we are fighting Crystal Desert. There have been very very very few times this match where Maguuma has initiated any attack without us already being heavily committed to a defense vs Crystal Desert.
I keep track of the map pretty well. You do not push Crystal Desert near as much.
Maybe for the same reason that we get focused all of the time: you’re the easiest target to attack for us. WvW is often driven by greed, hence the “playing for second”. I don’t really consider it a bad tactic, though some people do. But to pretend that any server is exempt from that is silly. I also think you may be suffering from some confirmation bias, because it’s not like you’re the only one that watches the map a lot.
(edited by saiyr.3071)
By far this has been the most enjoyable battle against Maguuma. Hat’s off towards ALL of the defenders in the borderland especially the battle in Etheron Hills. I had to destroy every single siege or blueprints on the wall just to be safe, making a counter-trebuchet for the lord’s room, keep recapturing supplies and fend off every single portal bomb on our sieges.
Excellent defending as usual and thank you for the fun. Respect.
By far this has been the most enjoyable battle against Maguuma. Hat’s off towards ALL of the defenders in the borderland especially the battle in Etheron Hills. I had to destroy every single siege or blueprints on the wall just to be safe, making a counter-trebuchet for the lord’s room, keep recapturing supplies and fend off every single portal bomb on our sieges.
Excellent defending as usual and thank you for the fun. Respect.
If there is one thing I can compliment Maguuma for it is their defenses when they all gather up and siege the heck out of a place. It’s almost always at hills, but they have learned to defend hills well and I respect that.
East keep is called the Alamo over here. It’s the only thing we kept on the map in the FA/SoS match up and we held it for 52 hours of non-stop attacks. 12 hours from FA and 12 hours of SoS. They literally took shifts at it.
E keep is by far the easiest keep to defend. 2 outer doors, 1 direction to cata any wall, and 2 directions to treb a wall. And nothing can be trebbed from inside another keep or tower like west or garrison. If you lose east keep, you got caught with your pants down.
[quote=860661;saiyr.3071:super snip[/quote]
I had to watch the map for several days before I made the judgement. I’m a committed WvW player and have spent way too much time in the battle this set of holidays :P.
Your commitment to not just being second but sabotaging is part of the reason we are ahead on points atm. Maguuma honestly has the ability to beat us. Just as both sides had the ability to make this a much closer match vs Crystal Desert. But your focus of us despite the lack of tactical viability has left you open far too often against both us and Crystal Desert.
Tis a shame I don’t have a commander tag yet or I’d do more to help that. Not out of dislike of you guys, but for Ehrmy Bay. Which is why I was ninjaing CD camps and towers last night in Maguuma while they were hitting your keeps. They were the smart option for points and long range competition with what we had.
As it was I had some committed guildies following me. If I had commander the rag tag group of pugs wouldn’t have committed to a pointless defense vs the Crsytal Desert zerg and we would have ninjad more Crystal Desert stuff. But all good things in time.
Shout out to the CD zerg in EmessaryBay BL for not attacking me as I went to puzzle alone and let me even tag along side of them(saved me from EB attackers). Another CD group of 15~ however decided to chase me for 1/3 the map in CD BL, hope you enjoyed that logout at the end, with love from Magummya.
I knew I should of taken a screenshot of it but I figured someone else was doing it.
Basically, we knocked down the wall near the grub with about 4 catapults. While we were doing that some people attacked the grub. We didn’t think anything of those few that attacked it until after we poured through the breach…
We realized that as we pounded on the EB inner wall, the grub had followed us inside because some people were too dang stupid to leave it alone. So naturally the grub proceeds to saunter up to the wall where we were trying to build rams and totally ruins that plan lol.
So now we’re losing more and more people and decide to back off onto the op of the outer wall and perhaps build siege to attack from afar. EB now starts to wipe against the grub who’s knocking on their door. I didn’t get to see if the grub dug underground through the inner wall but I have a feeling it did since it’s body got obscured. Needless to say we weren’t taking the keep and our commander were really pissed lmao.
All in all.
EB 0
Maguuma 0
Grub 2
You can thank <LOS BANDITOS ROJO> for that lil number. We really did not expect the Grub to come out on top, but it was a lot of fun to watch him tear through the zerg!
Your commitment to not just being second but sabotaging is part of the reason we are ahead on points atm.
How are there still people that believe this? The level of paranoia you guys seem to have is just precious.
Tis a shame I don’t have a commander tag yet or I’d do more to help that.
Why do you need an icon? Is it really that hard to lead the server without a shiny? If you have some sort of voice comm there shouldn’t be any need for an icon.
I had to watch the map for several days before I made the judgement. I’m a committed WvW player and have spent way too much time in the battle this set of holidays :P.
I’m pretty committed too, I played most of the weekend except for Friday when I was still recovering from illness. I am sure we both suffer from confirmation bias to some degree. I am just trying to point out that your server does some of the same things as mine, and that they aren’t even that bad to begin with.
Your commitment to not just being second but sabotaging is part of the reason we are ahead on points atm. Maguuma honestly has the ability to beat us. Just as both sides had the ability to make this a much closer match vs Crystal Desert. But your focus of us despite the lack of tactical viability has left you open far too often against both us and Crystal Desert.
I guess we will just agree to disagree on this “sabotage” thing because I just don’t see it. Yeah, we do things to intentionally piss people off sometimes, and yeah, it often comes back to bite us, especially since we’re last, but no, I don’t believe you are being unfairly targeted anymore than we are.
Anyway, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of a case where the bottom two servers have successfully double teamed the top server and actually made a difference. Morale plays a pretty big role in numbers and it just gets harder and harder throughout the week. People like you and me aren’t affected (much?) by morale, but it would be ludicrous to suggest that either of our servers are exempt from that. And if you don’t have numbers, then you end up with Crystal Desert attacking water gate and east keep with a bajillion people at the same time while you poop your pants.
The drama in this thread is great.
Can I get a score update on the forum fights?
Seems Mag and Ebay are crushing CD atm as it is. ;p
Indeed^ poor EB night crew…..in their own borderland. such a shame.
In fairness keeping such a well orgaanized group of 30 in Dawns was a waste of potential and we were all too glad for yall to stay there. Instead of causing havoc across the BL we were down 1 tower for 4 point ticks.
You guys might not have to worry about it because of your lead, but Ehmry is still fighting for points, even if it costs us our lives. At least after the 1st few wipes when everyone else realized it wasn’t just a fluke. (I literally had some of the people griping stand back and watch the next charge out from the cliff to make them stop. They were impressed and it was easy to make them stop then haha.)
We only had 14 of us and 2 puggers for the majority of the night. We only hit about 20 after you guys had already wised up to what we were doing. We mostly just wanted to take our new guildmates out for a bit of fun and to practice our man on man combat – which is why we did not build any superior siege and did not build anymore after it went down. We wanted you to succeed You guys came real close on one charge, but we barely inched it out and were able to push back out and destroy that catapult.
We didn’t want to group up and roll your BL because PVDoor gets boring.. Also with all of the trash talk from Maguuma, honestly a lot of us want to see them lose. They are even more disrespectful to you guys than we are, and we are straight up trolls! That says a lot.
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